备战2021 中考英语 导练案 考点40 短文填空之选词填空 (教师版)

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备战2021 中考英语 导练案 考点40 短文填空之选词填空 (教师版)

考点 40 短文填空之选词填空 选词填空是指把一篇文章的关键词语挖空,词序打乱,让学生根据短文内容选择正确的词语填空。此 类题型主要是要求学生在正确理解和把握文章的基础上,通过分析行文线索来填写空缺单词,补全短文。 二、满分技巧 短文填词答题技巧口诀 空前空后要注意, 名词单复要牢记。要有’s 不能弃。 动词注意要变形, "皇帝"、"大臣"要分清。 形、副注意要用三级, 副词用法要谨记。 要用数词请留意, 千万别忘"基"和"序"。 填入代词需慎重, 五格变化记心中。 A 阅读短文 (A,用方框中所给词或短语的正确形式填空,使文章通顺、连贯、合理。 (每空只能填一个单词或一 个短语,每个单词或短语限用一次) pride, succeed, high, much, set up, science, two, announcement China started to measure (测量) the ___61___ of Mount Qomolangma on April 30, but bad weather delayed (推迟) the plan for the ___62___ time. But on May 27th,eight members of a Chinese team ___63___ reached it at 11 am. The support of the modern technical means (技术手段)makes this much ___64___ convenient. Since China was ___65___ in 1949, Chinese have had six ___66___ measurements researches on Mount Qomolangma. 8,848. 13 meters and 8,844. 43 meters were ever ___67___ in 1975 and 2005. This not only offers valuable data (数据), but also makes us feel ___68___ of our country. 【答案】61. height 62. second 63. successfully 64. more 65. set up 66. scientific 67. announced 68. proud 【解析】这篇短文给我们介绍的是我们国家对珠穆朗玛峰的几次测量。今年 5 月 27 日,中国队八名队员登 上了顶峰,这是我国的第七次对珠峰的测量。这不仅提供了有价值的数据,还增强了我们的民族自豪感。 【61 题详解】 句意:4 月 30 日,中国开始测量珠穆朗玛峰的高度,但恶劣的天气第二次推迟了这项计划。 根据下文“8,848. 13 meters and 8,844. 43 meters were ever ___7___ in 1975 and 2005.”可知,文章讲述的 是我国对珠穆朗玛峰高度的测量,因此应选择 high,这是一个形容词,意为“高的”,这个空应填名词, 故答案为 height。 【62 题详解】 句意:4 月 30 日,中国开始测量珠穆朗玛峰的高度,但恶劣的天气第二次推迟了这项计划。 空后time意为“次数”,结合句意可知,这里表示“第二次”。two“二”,是基数词,这里应填序数词second, 表示“第二”。故答案为 second。 【63 题详解】 句意:但在 5 月 27 日上午 11 时,中国登山队的 8 名成员成功到达了那里。 根据句意可知,这里表示“中国登山队的队员成功登顶”,应选择 succeed,这是动词形式。根据句子结构 可知,该空修饰后面的动词 reached,应用副词形式。故答案为 successfully。 【64 题详解】 句意:现代技术手段的支持使这变得更加方便。 根据句意可知,有了现代技术手段的支持,使测量更加方便,这里应用比较级形式,应该是 more convenient, more 是 much 的比较级形式,故答案为 more。 【65 题详解】 句意:自 1949 年新中国成立以来,中国已经对珠穆朗玛峰进行了六次科学测量研究。 根据句意和空后的 in 1949 可知,这里表示“新中国成立”,应选择短语 set up,这句话使用了被动语态, 应填过去分词形式。set 的过去分词还是 set,故答案为 set up。 【66 题详解】 句意:自 1949 年新中国成立以来,中国已经对珠穆朗玛峰进行了六次科学测量研究。 根据句意可知,这里表示“科学测量”,science 是名词,意为“科,这里应填形容词形式,修饰后面的 measurements,故答案为 scientific。 【67 题详解】 句意:8848.13 米以及 8844.43 米在 1975 年和 2005 年被宣布。 根据句子结构可知,该空应选择动词,结合句意,这里表示“两个测量结果被宣布”,announcement 是名 词,这里变为 announce,是一个动词,且该句使用了被动语态,应填过去分词形式。故答案为 announced。 【68 题详解】 句意:这不仅提供了有价值的数据,也让我们为祖国感到自豪。 根据句意可知,这里考查短语 feel proud of…“为……感到自豪”。pride 是名词,空前的 feel 是系动词,后 面跟形容词形式。故答案为 proud。 B card;when; happy; away;green Helen is a seven—year—old schoolgirl. Yesterday afternoon, she was walking on the street___61___she saw a woman drop something on the ground. It was a ___62___ handbag. Helen wanted to stop the woman, but it was too late. The woman went___63___quickly. Helen picked up the handbag and opened it. There was some money and an ID ___64___in it. Helen went to the police station nearby, and gave the handbag to the policeman. At last the policeman found the worried woman. She was so___65___ to get her handbag back. 【答案】61. when 62. green 63. away 64. card 65. happy 【解析】这篇短文主要讲述了 Helen 在街上捡到了一位女士的手提包,她把手提包交到警察局。最后警察找 到了那位女士,那位女士很高兴找到自己的手提包。 【61 题详解】 句意:昨天下午,当她看到一个女人把东西掉在地上,她正在街上散步。 根据上文“she was walking on the street”及下文“she saw a woman drop something on the ground.”可知,这 里是 when 引导的时间状语从句,当她看到一个女人把东西掉在地上。when 连词,当……的时候。故答案 为 when。 【62 题详解】 句意:那是一个绿色的手提包。海伦想阻止那位女士,太晚了。 这里是形容词修饰名词,这里是说什么颜色的手提包。green 形容词,绿色的。故答案为 green。 【63 题详解】 句意:那女人很快就走了。 根据上文“Helen wanted to stop the woman, but it was too late.”可知,下文是说那位女士走了。短语 go away 离开,消失。故答案为 away。 【64 题详解】 句意:海伦拿起手提包打开了。里面有一些钱和身份证。 根据“There was some money and an ID”可知,在钱包里一般是放钱和身份证。ID card 身份证。故答案为 card。 【65 题详解】 句意:她很高兴能拿回她的手提包。 根据文中“to get her handbag back.”可知,这里是很高兴能拿回她的手提包。所给单词 happy 形容词,高兴 的。故答案为 happy。 C keep; support; choose; realize;write Michael Leung is a famous TV host in Hong Kong. He once ___66___ a letter to his son. It is not only helpful to children, but also good for all ages. The following ideas ___67___from his letter. Life is short. While you are wasting it today, you ___68___you are at the end of it tomorrow. So the earlier you start to value your life, the earlier you can enjoy it. You might not be successful if you don't study hard, although a lot of successful people didn't receive higher education. I don't expect you ___69___ me for the rest of my life, so I'm not going to do the same for you. You will be living on your own when you grow up. You can require yourself to be nice to others, but you shouldn't expect the same from others. I___70___buying the lottery (彩票) for almost twenty years, but I'm still poor, I have never got the third place even once. So you have to work hard to be successful. There is no free lunch in the world. 【答案】66. wrote 67. are chosen 68. will realize 69. to support 70. have kept 【解析】本文主要描述了香港的一位著名节目主持人--Michael Leung。他曾经给他儿子写了一封信,这封信 不仅对孩子们很有帮助,而且对所有年龄段的人都有好处。作者从这封信里给读者挑选了 5 个建议。 【66 题详解】 句意:他曾给儿子写过一封信。 根据下文“The following ideas ______ from his letter.”及结合所给词,可知 Michael Leung 曾经给他儿子写了 一封信,write“写”符合句意。由“once”一词可知是“曾经”,此处应用 write 的过去式 wrote,故答案 是 wrote。 【67 题详解】 句意:以下观点选自他的信。 根据上文“The following ideas”及下文“from his letter”,再结合所给词可知 5 条建议都是从信里挑选出来 的,choose“挑选”符合句意。由于 The following ideas 是动作的承受者,因此此句应用被动语态;ideas 是 复数。故答案是 are chosen。 【68 题详解】 句意:当你今天浪费时间的时候,你会意识到你明天就要结束了。 根据上文“Life is short. While you are wasting it today”及下文“you are at the end of it tomorrow”再结合所 给词可知今天当你浪费生命的时候,你会意识到明天就是生命的尽头;realize“意识到”符合句意。由 tomorrow 可知此句应用一般将来时,故答案是 will realize。 【69 题详解】 句意:我不指望你在我的余生帮助我,所以我不会为你做同样的事。 根据上文“I don't expect you”及下文“me for the rest of my life, so I'm not going to do the same for you.”再 结合所给词可知我不期望你能支持我的余生,所以我也不会支持你的余生。support“支持”符合句意。短 语 expect sb. to do sth.,表示期望某人做某事,故答案是 to support。 【70 题详解】 句意:我买彩票已经快二十年了,但我还是很穷,我从来没有得到过第三名。 根据下文“buying the lottery(彩票)for almost twenty years, but I'm still poor, I have never got the third place even once.”及结合所给的词,可知我一直坚持买彩票,keep 符合句意。由 for almost twenty years 可知此句 用现在完成时,其结构是:have/has+动词的过去分词。故答案是 have kept。 D A. hurt B. kind C. finally D. whether E. stay F. back G. what H. food I. better J. eyes A few years ago, a little boy, not more than eight years old, went to the store himself. While he was going ____56____ home, a dirty dog followed him. The dog was weak because it had a sore leg. After he found the dog was badly ____57____, he let it follow him home. The little boy’s mother taught him to be ____58____ and friendly. However, when the little boy asked his mother ____59____ he would let the dog come into the house or not, she hesitated(犹豫). “We have no room for it,” said she. The poor dog seemed to understand ____60____ she said. It looked so sad! The little boy almost cried when he saw the dog’s big ____61____ looking up to him sadly. His mother was actually kind, too. She did not drive the poor hungry dog away, but let it ____62____ in the yard. The little boy gave the dog some ____63____, water and clean dry grass to lie on. They also made it clean. After a few days the dog was ____64____ with the help of the boy and his mother. It began to show how happy and thankful it was. Because of their kindness, the dog _____65_____ found a home. It did what a dog could do to be a helpful family member. 【答案】56. F 57. A 58. B 59. D 60. G 61. J 62. E 63. H 64. I 65. C 【解析】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一只流浪狗在一家人的帮助下最终被收养的故事。 【56 题详解】 句意:当他回家时,一只脏兮兮的狗跟着他。根据下文 he let it follow him home 可知,男孩正走在回家的路 上。go back home 意为“回家”,符合句意,故选 F。 【57 题详解】 句意:他发现狗受了重伤后,就让它跟着他回家了。根据上文 The dog was weak because it had a sore leg 可 知,狗的腿受伤严重,所以很虚弱。be badly hurt 意为“伤得很重”,符合句意,故选 A。 【58 题详解】 句意:小男孩的母亲教他要善良和友好。根据下文 His mother was actually kind, too 可知,此处说的是“小 男孩的母亲教他要善良和友好”。kind 意为“善良”,符合句意,故选 B。 【59 题详解】 句意:当小男孩问他妈妈是否能让狗进屋时,她犹豫了。whether … or not 为固定搭配,意为“是否”,符 合句意,故选 D。 【60 题详解】 句意:那只可怜的狗似乎能明白她说的话。根据下文 It looked so sad 可知,狗似乎听懂了她说的话,所以看 起来很悲伤。根据句子结构,空格处应填入宾语从句引导词,此处指的是母亲说话的内容,故应用 what“什 么”引导,故选 G。 【61 题详解】 句意:当小男孩看到狗的大眼睛悲伤地看着他时,他几乎哭了。根据下文 looking up to him sadly 可知,此 处说的是“小男孩看到狗的大眼睛悲伤地看着他”。eyes 意为“眼睛”,符合句意,故选 J。 【62 题详解】 句意:她没有把那只可怜的饿狗赶走,而是让它留在院子里。根据上文 She did not drive the poor hungry dog away 可知,母亲还是没有赶走这只狗,而是让它留了下来。stay 意为“停留、逗留”,符合句意,故选 E。 【63 题详解】 句意:小男孩给了狗一些食物。根据下文 water and clean dry grass to lie on 可知,男孩给狗准备了一些生存 必备的物品,可推断食物和水是最必要的。food 意为“食物”,符合句意,故选 H。 【64 题详解】 句意:在男孩和他妈妈的帮助下,这条狗好多了。结合上下文 The dog was weak because it had a sore leg … It began to show how happy and thankful it was 可知,此处说的是“这条狗好多了”。better 意为“更好的”, 符合句意,故选 I。 【65 题详解】 句意:因为他们的好心,狗终于找到了家。根据上文 We have no room for it 可知,男孩家里没法养狗, 所以此处说的是他们最终为狗找了一个家。finally 意为“最终”,符合句意,故选 C。 E develop; courage; require; help; attention Everyone wants to be successful, whether you are good at studies or not. But it is difficult to learn all the lessons well because it ___56___ good ways and habits. If you take right ways of studying, you can make great progress. Here I will offer you some advice. Firstly, it is necessary for you to have a good study habit. While studying, make sure of paying ___57___ to it. After you finish, don't forget to find some time for fun in order to help you relax as well. Secondly, be sure to make up your mind to work hard and do well in everything you learn. If you are weak in a subject, you need to ___58___ yourself to do well in it. You should often remind yourself that you do your best in your studies. Finally, you'd better take notes in class because you will probably forget something you've learned. These notes will be ___59___ to you if you want to review or remember what you have learnt. If you take all the advice you will certainly ___60___ into a better student in studies. 【答案】56. requires 57. attention 58. encourage 59. helpful 60. develop 【解析】 本文讲了好的学习方式和学习习惯。 【56 题详解】 句意:但学好所有的课程是很难的,因为它需要良好的方法和习惯。 考查动词。 根据句意可知,此句缺谓语动词,所以空处应该用动词形式;根据空前的“it is difficult to learn all the lessons well”及空后的“good ways and habits.”可知,此处是表达“需要好的习惯和方法”,需要 require;根据主语 it 是三单,结合前面句子“it is difficult”用了一般现在时可知,谓语动词要用三单形式 requires。故填 requires。 【57 题详解】 句意:学习时,确保要专注学习。 考查名词。根据空前的 paying 及空后的 to it 可知,可知此处是考查词组 pay attention to 专注/注意,结合所 提供单词可知,空处应该用名词 attention。故填 attention。 【58 题详解】 句意:如果你在某一门功课上很薄弱,你需要鼓励自己在这门功课上做好 考查动词。根据句意可知,空处句子缺谓语动词,所以空处应该用动词形式;结合选项可知,此处是表达 你需要“鼓励”自己在这门功课上做好;根据空前的 to 可知,空处应该用动词原形 encourage。故填 encourage。 【59 题详解】 句意:如果你想复习或记住你学过的东西,这些笔记对你是有帮助的。 考查形容词。根据空前的 will be 及空后的 to you 可知,此处是 be + 形容词 + to sb 对某人来说……,所以 空处应该填形容词;结合句意及所提供单词可知,此处是表达这些笔记对你是“有帮助的”helpful。故填 helpful。 【60 题详解】 句意:如果你采纳所有的建议,你一定会在学习上发展成为一个更好的学生。 考查动词。根据句意可知,此句缺谓语动词,所以空处应该用动词形式;根据空后的“into a better student in studies”结合所提供单词可知,空处应该是表达“发展成为一个更好的学生”;根据空前的 will 可知,空 处应该用动词原形 develop。故填 develop。 F Careful hurry passenger break later sleep follow then stop what One night Mr Lee was driving his wife home from work. She was a nurse in a hospital. It was almost midnight and she was quite tired. She soon fell ___41___, Mr. Lee looked at her and smiled. Mr Lee was a ___42___ and experienced driver. He knew it was safer to drive slowly on a dark night. Just then he noticed a car ___43___ him. It was traveling very fast. Suddenly it overtook his car. The driver of the car was in such a ___44___ that he did not see the approaching truck. To avoid hitting it, he suddenly turned his car. The car skidded off the road and hit a big tree. The driver and the two ___45___ were injured. They were badly hurt by the ___46___ glass of the car. Mr. Lee quickly ___47___ his car and called the police. His wife got out of the car to help them. About twenty-five minutes ___48___, a police car and an ambulance came. The injured were taken to hospital. The policemen wrote down details of the accident. Mr. Lee and the truck driver told them ___49___ they could remember. The policemen thanked them for their help. ____50____ Mr Lee and Mrs Lee got into their car and continued their journey . 【答案】41. asleep 42. careful 43. following 44. hurry 45. passengers 46. broken 47. stopped 48. later 49. what 50. Then 【解析】文章讲述了李先生在深夜接妻子下班回家的路上遇到了车祸,李先生后面的车突然加速超过他, 然而他没看见前面的大货车,为了躲避货车,这个司机撞到了旁边的树,李先生和妻子下车帮助受伤的人, 看着他们被送往医院后开车回家了。 【41 题详解】 句意:她很快就入睡了。 根据 she was quite tired 她非常的累,结合选词,可知 fall asleep 入睡;故填 asleep。 【42 题详解】 句意:李先生是一个细心的和有经验的司机。 根据 He knew it was safer to drive slowly on a dark night.他知道在黑夜开慢点更安全,结合选词,可知是 “careful 细心的”;故填 careful。 【43 题详解】 句意:他注意到有一辆小汽车正在跟随他后面。 根据 Suddenly it overtook his car.突然它超过他的车,结合选词,可知是“follow 跟随”,notice sb. doing sth. 注意到某人在做某事;故填 following。 【44 题详解】 句意:小汽车司机开得如此匆忙以至于没有看到临近的卡车。 根据 he did not see the approaching truck 没有看到临近的卡车,结合选词,可知是“in a hurry 匆忙”;故填 hurry。 【45 题详解】 句意:司机和两个乘客受伤了。 根据 They were badly hurt 他们伤得厉害,结合选词,可知是 passenger 乘客,根据 two 可知用复数;故填 passengers。 【46 题详解】 句意:他们被车子破碎的玻璃弄伤。 根据 hit a big tree 撞到一棵大树上,结合选词,可知是 broken 破碎的玻璃;故填 broken。 【47 题详解】 句意:李先生快速的停下车并且打电话给警察。 根据上面李先生开车接妻子回家,看到小车出事故,可知是停下车;根据 One night,可知用过去时态;故 填 stopped。 【48 题详解】 句意:大约 25 分钟后,警察车和救护车到来了。 根据上句 called the police 给警察打电话,结合选词,可知是“25 分钟后”故填 later。 【49 题详解】 句意:李先生和卡车司机告诉他们能想起来的事。 根据句子结构和选词,可知是 what 引导的宾语从句“他们能想起来的什么”;故填 what。 【50 题详解】 句意:然后李先生和李太太上了他们的车继续他们的行程。 根据 The policemen thanked them for their help.警察谢谢他们的帮忙,和 Mr Lee and Mrs Lee got into their car 李先生和李太太上了他们的车,结合选词,可知是 then 然后;故填 Then。 A(2020 •甘肃武威市) 用方框中所给单词或短语的适当形式填空,使短文通顺、正确、连贯,每个单词或短语限用一次。 or, about, me, hear from, win, interesting, usually, be, create , reason Dear Sally, Thanks for your letter. It was great to___41___you. You asked me to tell you___42___my favorite day of the week. Well, it's definitely Friday. One___43___I like Fridays is because I have my favorite subjects at school: PE and chemistry. Chemistry's great because we do experiments in the science lab and our teacher, Mr. King, is so funny. In PE we___44___play basketball, which is my favorite sport. I'm good at it because I'm quite tall. Our team always___45___. We also have French on Fridays, which is actually my least favorite subject, but after that we have ICT which is much___46___. At the moment I'm___47___a webpage for our basketball team. After school I hang out with my friends, then in the evening I play football at the sports center. On Friday nights we sometimes go to someone's house for a party___48___to watch a film. We can relax a bit on Friday evenings because there___49___ no school on Saturday. Tell____50____about your favorite day in your next letter. Write soon. Love, Danny 这是一封信,丹尼写信告诉萨利一周他最喜欢的是周五,并讲述喜欢的原因。 41. hear from【解析】句意:收到你的来信很棒。it 是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式,表示“收到消息 很棒”用动词短语 to hear from。故答案为 hear from。 42. about 【解析】句意:你让我告诉你有关我一周最喜欢的一天。此处用动词短语 tell sb. about sth.表示“告 诉某人关于……的情况”,此处用介词 about。故答案为 about。 43. reason【解析】句意:我喜欢周五的一个原因是因为有我喜爱的科目:体育和化根据“I like Fridays is because”可知此处表示“原因”,用单数名词 reason。故答案为 reason。 44. usually 【解析】句意:体育课上,我们通常打篮球,这是我最喜爱的运动。动词 play 用副词修饰,此 处用频度副词 usually 表示“通常”。故答案为 usually。 45. wins 【解析】句意:我们的队总是赢。主语 Our team 是单数名词,根据 always 判断句子是一般现在时, 动词用第三人称单数 wins 表示“赢得比赛”。故答案为 wins。 46. more interesting 【解析】句意:但是那之后我们有信息技术课,那更有趣。根据 but 可知此处表示转折; 根据“least favorite” 及“much”可知此处用比较级 more interesting 表示“更有趣”。故答案为 more interesting。 47. creating 【解析】句意:目前我在为我们篮球队做一个网页。根据“At the moment”可知句子是现在进行 时;根据“a webpage”可知此处用 am creating 表示“正在创作”。故答案为 creating。 48. or 【解析】句意:周五晚上,我们有时候去某个人的家里聚会或者看电影。根据“go to someone's house for a party”及“to watch a film”此处用 or 表示“或者”。故答案为 or。 49. is【解析】句意:周五晚上我们可以放松一点,因为周六没有课。“there be+名词”的结构中 be 的单复数 与最近的单词的单复数一致;根据 no school 可知此处用单数 is。故答案为 is。 50. me【解析】句意:在你的信里告诉我你最喜欢的一天。此处表示“告诉我”,用人称代词的宾格 me。故 答案为 me。 B(2020 •广西北部湾经济区) 根据短文内容, 从方框中选择恰当的单词填空, 并将单词填写在答题卡对应的横线上。每个单词只能用一次, 每空一词。 excited less either returns history its will because waited gave For the first time in history, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has decided two host cities at the same time. Paris ____56____ host(举办)the Olympic Games in 2024 and Los Angeles in 2028. "This is a win-win-win situation for Paris, Los Angeles and the IOC," said IOC President Thomas Bach. "These are two great cities from two great countries with a great Olympic ____57____. " Both cities are ____58____ in bringing home the Games. It ____59____ to the US for the first time since the 1996 Atlanta Olympics. But Paris has ____60____ for it too long. As the city that has hosted two Olympics before, it will host the event 100 years after ____61____ last Games. The reason for the decision is that there were no other competitors(竞争者)for ____62____ the 2024 or 2028 Games. Before the last decision, three of the five cities ____63____ up bidding(竞标)for the 2024 Olympics ____64____ of worries over(对……的担忧)cost. They were Hamburg, Rome and Budapest. But it seems Paris and Los Angeles have _____65_____ trouble with that. 这是一篇记叙文,文章讲述奥委会宣布巴黎举办 2024 年奥运会,洛杉矶举办 2028 年奥运会,这两个城市 为此感到兴奋;讲述了这两个城市赢得奥运会的竞标的原因。 56. will【解析】句意:巴黎将在 2024 年举办奥运会,2028 年在洛杉矶。根据 2024 可知是将来发生的动作, 此处用一般将来时 will host。故答案为 will。 57. history 【解析】句意:这是有着伟大奥运历史的两个伟大的国家里的两个伟大的城市。“a great Olympic” 后面用单数名词,此处用 history 表示“历史”。故答案为 history。 58. excited【解析】句意:两个城市对于带给国家这场盛会而感到兴奋。主语是 both cities 此处用形容词 excited 作表语,指的是两个城市的人感到兴奋的。故答案为 excited。 59. returns 【解析】句意:自从 1996 年亚特兰大奥运会,这是第一次奥运会回到美国。主语是 it,句子是一 般现在时,谓语动词用第三人称单数,根据“the 1996 Atlanta Olympics”可知此处指的是“回归”,用动词returns。 故答案为 returns。 60. waited【解析】句意:但是巴黎等待它等了很久了。此处缺动词,根据 has 判断是现在完成时,根据“for it too long”判断用 has waited,表达“等了很久了”。故答案为 waited。 61. its 【解析】句意:因为这个城市以前举办了两次奥运会,在最后一次举办 100 年之后它将再一次举办这 个盛会。last Games 前用形容词,此处根据 the city 判断用形容词性物主代词 its 表示“它的”。故答案为 its。 62. either 【解析】句意:这个决定的原因是不管是 2024 还是 2028 年奥运会都没有其他的竞争者。此处用 either…or…表示“……或……”。故答案为 either。 63. gave【解析】句意:在最后的决定之前,五个城市中的三个城市由于对花费的担忧而放弃了 2024 年奥运 会的竞标。此处缺谓语动词,句子是一般过去时态,根据前文“there were no other competitors”可知此处表示 放弃了竞标,用动词短语的过去式 gave up。故答案为 gave。 64. because 【解析】句意: 在最后的决定之前,五个城市中的三个城市由于对花费的担忧而放弃了 2024 年 奥运会的竞标。此处表示放弃的原因,用短语 because of 表示“因为”。故答案为 because。 65. less【解析】句意:似乎巴黎和洛杉矶对此有更少的困难。此处指的是巴黎和洛杉矶和前文的三个城市对 于花费的担忧的比较,用比较级 less 修饰名词 trouble 表示“更少的”。故答案为 less。 C(2020 •海南省) B)选用方框内所给词的适当形式,完成短文。(每词限用一次) sing film wonderful I one Do you like music? I like music very much, especially music in English____61____. I think Do Re Mi. is the____62____song I have ever heard. It is the theme song of the film The Sound of music. I____63____heard it when I was five years old. It was such a beautiful and fun song that I couldn’t help____64____along. Now, I still often listen to it. Whenever I am under stress, I'll listen to it because it can make____65____happy and relaxed. 本文介绍了我非常喜欢英文歌 Do Re Mi。因为当我有压力的时候,我听到它,会感到放松和快乐。 61. films 【解析】句意:我非常喜欢音乐,尤其是英文电影中的音乐。形容词 English 修饰名词,表示英 文电影,用复数形式,故填 films。 62. most wonderful 【解析】句意:我认为《哆啦咪》是我听过的最美妙的歌。根据 I have ever heard.可知, 此处用最高级,修饰名词 song 用形容词,故填 most wonderful。 63. first 【解析】句意:我第一次听到它是在我五岁的时候。根据“ when I was five years old.”可知,五岁的 时候,因此是我第一次听见它的时候,故填 first。 64. singing【解析】句意:这是一首如此美丽和有趣的歌,我忍不住跟着唱。sing along 跟着唱,couldn't help doing sth“忍不住做某事”,故填 singing。 65. me【解析】句意:每当我有压力的时候,我会听它,因为它可以让我快乐和放松。make sb+形容词,让 某人感到..,作为动词 make 的宾语,用宾格形式,故填 me。 D(2020 •吉林省) IX. 短文填空从方框中选择正确选项,完成短文,其中有两个选项是多余的。 Last week, Green School had a clean-up day. Everyone tried their best to make the school more beautiful. They did different jobs. Students ___26___ Mr. Smith's class planted some ___27___ trees. There used to be two big trees in the school. Students liked to play under them. The big trees were the symbol of the school. But they were cut down. Why? Because they were ___28___ . There was some kind of virus (病毒). The virus was spreading to other trees. The schoolyard looked empty without them, so they decided to plant young trees. ___29___, they dug some small holes. Next, they put the trees in the holes. Then, they ___30___ the holes with the good soil (土壤). Finally, they tied the trees to small sticks to stop them from falling over. Kids in Ms. Miller's class picked ___31___ the rubbish. But plastic, glass and ___32___ can be recycled. So it's important to put them in the right recycling bins. Of course, there are other bins for wet, dry and harmful things. Ms. Black's class cleaned the meeting ___33___. Mr. Brown's students ___34___ weeds (杂草) out of the garden beds. Miss White's class swept all the sidewalks. It is hard work, ___35___ everyone has such a strong feeling of satisfaction. They have made a cleaner and more beautiful school all together. For all students, school is their home. Everyone should play a part in keeping it clean and tidy. A. because B. First C. but D. from E. filled F. paper G. ill H. room I. young J. Second K. up L. pulled 【答案】26. D 27. I 28. G 29. B 30. E 31. K 32. F 33. H 34. L 35. C 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述格林学校的清洁日里,每个班级的学生都在尽自己力量让学校变得更好, 虽然辛苦,但是有一种强烈的满足感。 26.D【解析】句意:史密斯老师班上的学生种了许多小树苗。本句 planted 是谓语动词,Mr. Smith's class 做 后置定语修饰 Students,根据所给单词可知用 from:来自,该短语意为“来自史密斯老师班级的学生”。故选 D。 27.I【解析】句意:史密斯老师班上的学生种了许多小树苗。根据后文“they decided to plant young trees”可知, 他们决定种的是小树苗,young trees 小树。故选 I。 28.G【解析】句意:因为它们生病了。根据后文“There was some kind of virus (病毒)”可知,那些树中了某种 病毒,所以用 ill:生病的。故选 G。 29.B【解析】句意:首先,他们挖出一下小坑。根据后文“Next”、“Then”、以及“Finally”,此处说明种树的 步骤,所以选择 first 第一,首先。故选 B。 30.E【解析】句意:他们用好的土壤把坑填上。根据前文“they put the trees in the holes”可知,已经把树放在 坑里了,根据常识,接下来应把土填满坑,fill with 填满,充满。故选 E。 31.K【解析】句意:米勒班上的孩子捡垃圾。根据后文 rubbish 可知,这个班上的孩子捡垃圾,pick up 捡起。 故选 K。 32.F【解析】句意:但是塑料,玻璃以及纸张都是可回收的。根据前文“塑料,玻璃”以及后文“可回收”,可 知此处需要选择可回收的物品,根据所给单词可知是 paper 纸张。故选 F。 33.H【解析】句意:布莱克的班级打扫会议室。根据前文谓语动词 cleaned 打扫,以及 meeting 现在分词作 为定语,可知此处填名词,结合所给单词可知用 room;meeting room 会议室。故选 H。 34.L【解析】句意:布朗老师的学生给花坛除草。根据“杂草”和“花坛”,可知是需要从花坛里把草从中拔出, pull…out of 把某物从……中拉出来。故选 L。 35.C【解析】句意:工作很辛苦,但是每个人都有强烈的满足感。“工作辛苦”和“强烈的满足感”之间存在转 折关系,所以用 but 但是。故选 C。 E(2020 •江西省) B)请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写到答题卡的相 应位置。一空一词,每个词限用一次。 because bring city easy even goal important make repeat they Chile (智利) is a long and beautiful country with ocean to the west and mountains to the east. Some of the villages are a very long way from ____24____ and some of the schools are very small. It is difficult for small schools to teach science ____25____ they don’t have enough teachers or equipment (设 备). This is where the Science Bus Project can help. The bus ____26____ special science teachers, new ideas and equipment to schools in different parts of the country. Sometimes the children go inside the bus for ____27____ science lessons or clubs. Sometimes the teachers ____28____ bring the equipment inside the classroom. The children do experiments (实验). The materials used in the experiments are ____29____ to find, for example recycled plastic bottles, so that the class teacher can ____30____ the experiments with the class when the bus has gone. The ____31____ of the Science Bus Project is to bring science to children all over Chile. Since 2012, the bus has visited lots of schools in Chile, and hundreds of teachers have learned how ____32____ their science classes fun and exciting. Science is _____33_____ for all of us, as it helps us understand our world and we can learn about it inside or outside of the classroom. 这篇短文讲述的是智利这个国家里有很多学校距离城市较远,因为没有足够的教师或设备,它们很难上 科学课。幸好现在有一个科学巴士项目,它给这个国家的很多学校带来了科学教师、新的理念以及设备。 24. cities【解析】句意:有些村庄离城市很远,有些学校很小。 根据句意可知,这里表示“距离……很远”,因此 city 的意思符合语境。而且智利有很多城市,这里应用名词 复数形式。故答案为 cities。 25. because【解析】句意:小学校很难教授科因为它们没有足够的教师或设备。根据句意可知,空后“…they don’t have enough teachers or equipment”解释了这些小学校很难上科学课的原因,因此这里应选择 because, 意为“因为”,引导原因状语从句。故答案为 because。 26. brings 【解析】句意:这辆巴士为这个国家各地的学校带来了特殊的科学教师、新理念和设备。根据句 子结构可知,这个空是句子的谓语动词;结合句意,这里表示“把……带到……来”,因此选 bring。短文使 用了一般现在时,主语 The bus 是单数,因此动词变为三单形式。故答案为 brings。 27. their【解析】句意:有时,孩子们会到公共汽车里去上科学课或参加俱乐部。 根据句意可知,这里指代孩子们的科学课,空后 science lessons or clubs 是名词,这里应用形容词性物主代 词,作定语。they 是人称代词主格形式,它的形容词性物主代词是 their。故答案为 their。 28. even【解析】句意:有时老师甚至把设备带进教室。根据句意可知,这里应选择 even,意为“甚至”,是 一个副词,修饰动词 bring,表示程度加深。故答案为 even。 29. easy【解析】句意:实验中使用的材料很容易找到,比如回收的塑料瓶,这样班主任可以在校车走后和 全班同学一起汇报实验情况。根据句子结构可知,这里应选择一个形容词。根据空后“for example recycled plastic bottles”可知,像回收的塑料瓶这样的实验材料是很容易找到的,故选择 easy,意为“容易的”。故答案 为 easy。 30. repeat 【解析】句意:实验中使用的材料很容易找到,比如回收的塑料瓶,这样班主任可以在校车走后 和全班同学一起汇报实验情况。空前 can 是情态动词,这里应选择一个动词。结合句中“…when the bus has gone”可知,巴士走了之后,老师可以和同学们重复实验的情况,repeat 符合语境,意为“重复”。情态动词 后跟动词原形,故答案为 repeat。 31. goal【解析】句意:科学巴士项目的目标是把科学带给智利各地的孩子们。根据句意“…is to bring science to children all over Chile.”可知,这句话介绍的是科学巴士项目的目标是什么,因此应选择 goal,意为“目标”。 故答案为 goal。 32. to make【解析】句意:自 2012 年以来,巴士已经访问了智利的许多学校,数百名教师已经学会了如何 使他们的科学课变得有趣和刺激。根据句意可知,这里表示“使……怎么样”,应选择 make,用于句型 make+ 宾语+形容词作宾补。空前 how 是疑问词,这里应用疑问词+动词不定式形式作宾语。故答案为 to make。 33. important【解析】句意:科学对我们所有人都很重要,因为它帮助我们了解我们的世界,我们可以在课 堂内外了解它。根据句中“as it helps us understand our world and we can learn about it inside or outside of the classroom.”可知,科学可以帮助我们了解世界,所以科学是非常重要的。important,形容词,“重要的”,符 合语境,在句中作表语。故答案为 important。 F(2020 •丹东市) (根据短文内容,从方框中选择适当的单词并用其正确形式填空,使短文内容完整。并将答案写在答题卡的 相应位置上。每个词只能用一次,有两个多余词。) another drop then up everything why son careful much see rise what It was one of the hottest days of the dry season. If we didn't see any rain soon, we would lose ___61___ One day when I was in the kitchen, I___62___ my six-year-old son, Billy, walking towards the forest. He was clearly trying to be as still (平静的) as possible. Several minutes later, he disappeared into the forest, and ___63___ he ran out again, towards the house. This activity went on for an hour, walking ___64___ to the forest and running back to the house. I really wanted to know ___65___ Billy was doing. Finally I followed him into the forest. I found that he was holding a cup of water. He walked very carefully not to ___66___ the water. I saw a baby deer (鹿) lying on the ground. It lifted its head to drink the water in my ___67___ cup. After the deer drank up, Billy jumped up and ran back to the house to get ___68___ water. When he saw me, he said, “I'm not wasting, mother." I found that his eyes were filled with tears. “I know.” I watched the most beautiful heart working so hard to save ___69___ life. Tears ran down my face. As my tear drops began to hit the ground, more drops suddenly joined them. I looked ____70____ at the sky. It was raining. The actions of one little boy saved a life, and the rain saved our farm. 本文讲述了作者的儿子用自己善良的举动救一只小鹿性命的故事。 61. everything【解析】句意:如果我们看不到雨,我们就会失去一切。if 引导条件状语从句,根据 the dry season 及 If we didn't see any rain soon, 可知,在干燥的季节,如果不下雨一切事物都会干枯,所以空格处填 everything。故答案为 everything。 62. saw【解析】句意:一天当我在厨房时,我看到我六岁的儿子,比利,走向森林。when 引导时间状语从 句,从句 was 是一般过去时,主句也用一般过去时。根据 walking towards the forest,可知,作者看到儿子 走向森林,所以空格处填 saw。故答案为 saw。 63. then【解析】句意:几分钟后,他消失在森林里,然后他又出来,跑向房子。 根据 he disappeared into the forest 及 he ran out again, towards the house,可知,他先是消失在森林里,然后再 跑向房子,所以空格处填 then。故答案为 then。 64. carefully【解析】句意:这个活动持续了一个小时,小心地走进森林里,再跑回房子。空格处修饰动词, 所以用副词。根据 He walked very carefully not to drop the water,可知,儿子为了不让水洒出来,所以小心 地走进森林里,然后跑回房子,所以空格处填 carefully。故答案为 carefully。 65. what【解析】句意:我真地想知道比利正在做什么。根据句子结构,此句是一个宾语从句,空格处作动 词 do 的宾语,所以空格处填 what。故答案为 what。 66. drop【解析】句意:他小心翼翼地走着,以免把水落下来。根据句意,He walked very carefully 及所给选 词,可知,他小心翼翼地走着,是为了不让水落下来,动词不定式作目的,所以空格处填 drop。故答案为 drop。 67. son’s【解析】句意:它抬起头喝我儿子杯里的水。根据 I found that he was holding a cup of water,可知, 小鹿喝的就是儿子拿的这杯水,空格处修饰名词 cup,用名词所有格形式作定语,所以空格处填 son’s。故 答案为 son’s。 68. more【解析】句意:小鹿喝完后,比利跳起来跑回屋里去拿更多的水。根据 Billy jumped up and ran back to the house,可知,比利跑回屋里是为了拿更多的水,water 是不可数名词,所以用 much 对应的比较级 more 表示“更多的”,所以空格处填 more。故答案为 more。 69. another【解析】句意:我看到最美的心灵如此努力地拯救另一个生命。根据 I saw a baby deer lying on the ground. It lifted its head to drink the water in my son’s cup,可知,儿子拿着一杯水去森林里是为了拯救小鹿的 生命,结合所给选项,此空表示“另一个生命”,所以空格处填 another。故答案为 another。 70. up【解析】句意:我抬头看了看天空。它正在下雨。根据 look…at the sky. It was raining,可知,作者抬 头看了看填空,发现原来是下雨了,固定搭配:look up at“抬头看”,所以空格处填 up。故答案为 up。 G(2020 •锦州市) 根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置(每 个词只能用一次)。 from, music, hundred, alone, control, especially, close, other, and, out The novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒) began to spread in Wuhan in the last month of 2019. ___41___ it has continued to spread. The Chinese government ___42___ off fifty million people in Wuhan and cities near it. As the virus (病毒) spread to other areas of China, the government took action ___43___ the spread of the disease (疾病). When people go ___44___, they wear masks (口罩). ___45___ of companies have closed their factories until the disease is more under control. Since China makes so many parts for products used by companies around the world, the influences of the factories shutting down are felt in ___46___ countries, too. However, many countries worldwide offer support to China’s fight against the disease. “Don’t be afraid. The light ___47___ all over the world is on you. Don’t be afraid. You’re never ___48___ in the night. Don’t cry. It’s not just me; everyone is together to give you power.” These are the lyrics of a song created by a group of ___49___ in Malaysia to support China in its battle (战役) against the novel coronavirus. “We’ve got to do something, ___50___ people outside of China. We want people in China to be free from fear or worry,” said the song’s producer (制作人). It is just one of many goodwill gestures (表示) and offers of support from countries across the world to help China. 文章大意:本文主要讲了新型冠状病毒在武汉甚至全国传播开,中国政府采取措施与之抗战,世界上许多 国家也在此时伸出援手支持中国抗击疫情。 41. And【解析】句意:且它还在继续蔓延。根据空后“it has continued to spread”可知此处是说事情进行一步 发展,结合备选词可知要用 and 表递进。故答案为 And。 42. closed【解析】句意:中国政府封锁了武汉及其附近城市的 5000 万人。分析句子结构可知句中缺少谓语 动词,结合时政热点及备选词可知此处是说封锁武汉及附近城市里的人,用 close off 表示“封锁”,讲述过去 发生的事情,用一般过去时,close 的过去式是 closed。故答案为 closed。 43. to control【解析】句意:随着病毒蔓延到中国其他地区,政府采取行动控制疾病的蔓延。根据句意“政府 采取行动___疾病的蔓延”,结合常识可知要控制,再由备选词可知要用 control 表示“控制”,take action to do sth.采取行动做某事,是固定搭配。故答案为 to control。 44. out【解析】句意:当人们出去的时候,他们戴着口罩。根据空后“they wear masks”讲人们戴着口罩,结 合常识可知外出要戴口罩,再由备选词可知要用 out 表示“在室外”,go out 出去。故答案为 out。 45. Hundreds【解析】句意:数百家公司关闭了工厂,直到疾病得到更大程度的控制。题干中讲“公司关闭工 厂,直到疾病得到最大程度上的控制”,此处应是表示公司的数量,结合备选词和空后“of”,可知此处用 hundreds of 表示“数以百计的”。故答案为 Hundreds。 46. other【解析】句意:由于中国为世界各地的公司生产大量的零部件,工厂关闭的影响也波及到了其他国 家。根据题干中“Since China makes so many parts for products used by companies around the world”讲到中国制 作的零部件被世界各地使用,可推出会波及其他国家,结合备选词可知要用 other 表示“其他的”。故答案为 other。 47. from 【解析】句意:来自世界各地的光就在你身上。根据上文中“However, many countries worldwide offer support to China’s fight against the disease.”讲到世界上许多国家支持中国,可推出此处是说来自世界各地的 光,用 from 表示“来自”。故答案为 from。 48. alone 【解析】句意:在夜晚你永远不会孤单。根据下文中“ everyone is together to give you power.”讲每 个人都一起给你力量,可推出是说不是单独的,用 alone 符合题意。故答案为 alone。 49. musicians 【解析】句意:这是一群马来西亚音乐家为支持中国抗击新型冠状病毒而创作的歌曲的歌词。 根据题干中“a song created by a group of”结合备选词可知此处是说一群音乐家创作的歌,用 music 的变形 musician 表示“音乐家”,其复数形式“musicians”。故答案为 musicians。 50. especially【解析】我们必须做点什么,尤其是在中国以外的人们。分析句子结构可知句中却少副词,根 据空后“people outside of China”可知此处是对“We”的进一步补充说明,讲尤其是在中国以外的人们,结合备 选词可知要用 especially 表示“尤其”。故答案为 especially。 H(2020 •沈阳市) A) 阅读短文,然后根据其内容从方框中选出可以填入空白处的短语。 an important skill, more often, with my homework, last year, studying hard It is a good idea to learn to swim. Swimming is ___60___. I joined my school's Swimming Club ___61___, Our coach is friendly and helpful. He tells us to practise ___62___. I feel comfortable in the water. I like to go to a swimming pool in the late afternoon after ___63___ at school all day. Swimming is a good way to relax for me. Perhaps this sounds strange, but it helps me ___64___ in the evening because I feel fresh after swimming. 文章大意:学游泳是个好主意。游泳是一项重要的技能。作者讲述了去年加入学校游泳俱乐部的亲身经历 和体会。 60. an important skill【解析】句意:游泳是一项重要的技能。根据上文 It is a good idea to learn to swim.结合 Swimming is __1__.及备选词汇,可知此处是说游泳是一项重要的技能,an important skill“一项重要的技能” 符合句意,故答案选 an important skill。 61. last year 【解析】句意:我去年加入了学校的游泳俱乐部。根据 I joined my school's Swimming Club __2__, 结合备选词汇,可知此处是说去年加入了学校游泳俱乐部,last year“去年”符合句意,故答案选 last year。 62. more often【解析】句意:他告诉我们要经常练习。根据 He tells us to practise __3__.结合备选词汇,可知 此处是说教练告诉我们要经常练习,more often“经常”符合句意,故答案选 more often。 63. studying hard 【解析】句意:我喜欢在学校努力学习一整天后,在下午晚些时候去游泳池。根据 I like to go to a swimming pool in the late afternoon after __4__ at school all day. 结合备选词汇,可知此处是说在学校努 力学习一整天后,喜欢下午晚些时候去游泳池,studying hard“努力学习”符合句意,故答案选 studying hard。 64. with my homework【解析】句意:也许这听起来很奇怪,但它帮助我在晚上做作业,因为游泳后我感觉 很清爽。根据 because I feel fresh after swimming.结合 but it helps me __5__ in the evening,及备选词汇,可知 此处是说游泳后感觉很清爽,这有助于自己晚上做作业,help sb with sth.帮助某人做某事,所以 with my homework 符合句意,故答案选 with my homework。 I(2020 •铁岭葫芦岛) 根据短文内容,用方框中所给词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、正确。(每个词只能用一次、有两个多余词) easily stop like part punish our right danger find before they kill This year a disease(疾病)broke out. It was caused by a new coronavirus(新冠疾病). We have never seen it____66____. Scientists have____67____that the virus probably came from bats(蝙蝠). They can carry more than 60 viruses, including the world's deadliest(最致命的)viruses, such as Ebola and SARS. Other wild animals____68____snakes and hedgehogs are also hosts of many viruses. According to Live Science, bats can fly and spread viruses farther and more____69____than other animals. There have been rules for people to____70____eating wild animals. However, the____71____is not just in eating them, but also in touching them. People who hunt(猎取),____72____, sell or eat these animals have the risk of becoming infected(感染). Keeping wild animals as pets or selling____73____of their bodies also creates risks for humans. It is not____74____to do it. Protecting wild animals is protecting_____75_____. Trading wild animals should be banned. Let's start from now on! 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了新冠肺炎的病毒来源,同时呼吁我们保护野生动物,拒绝猎杀、贩卖、食 用野生动物。 66. before【解析】句意:我们之前从来没见过它。根据上文“This year a disease(疾病)broke out. It was caused by a new coronavirus”可知,今年爆发的新冠肺炎,我们之前从没见过,故此处应为副词 before 从前,在句中作 状语。故答案为 before。 67. found【解析】句意:科学家们已经发现这种病毒可能来自蝙蝠。根据语境可知,科学家们发现这种病毒 可能来自蝙蝠。find 发现,动词,本句为现在完成时,故此处应用其过去分词形式。故答案为 found。 68. like【解析】句意:其他野生动物如蛇和刺猬也是许多病毒的宿主。根据语境可知,其它野生动物比如 蛇和刺猬也是许多病毒的宿主,故此处应为介词 like“比如”表示列举。故答案为 like。 69. easily【解析】句意:根据《美国生命科学网》,蝙蝠比其他动物飞得更远,传播病毒更容易。根据语境 可知,蝙蝠比其他动物传播病毒更容易,故此处应为副词 easily“容易地”,修饰动词 spread。故答案为 easily。 70. stop【解析】句意:已经有规定禁止人们吃野生动物。根据语境可知,已经有规定禁止人们吃野生动物。 stop 阻止,停止,动词,与空前的 to 构成动词不定式,此处应用其原形。故答案为 stop。 71. danger【解析】句意:然而,危险不仅仅是吃它们,还有触摸它们。根据语境可知,不仅是吃它们有危 险,触摸它们也有危险。本句缺少主语,结合语境可知空格处应为名词 danger 危险,不可数名词。故答案 为 danger。 72. kill【解析】句意:猎杀、贩卖或食用这些动物的人有被感染的危险。根据句中“hunt(猎取). ____ , sell or eat”及语境可知,猎杀、贩卖或食用这些动物的人有被感染的风险。kill 杀害,动词,句中 or 连接并列成分, 故此处与 hunt、sell、eat 等都为动词原形。故答案为 kill。 73. parts【解析】句意:把野生动物当作宠物或出售它们的身体部位也会给人类带来危险。根据句中“____ of their bodies”可知,此处为 of 所有格,故空格处应为名词。结合语境可知,出售它们的身体部位也会给人类 带来危险。part 部分,可数名词,根据空格后 bodies 可知,此处应用其复数形式。故答案为 parts。 74. right【解析】句意:这样做是不对的。根据语境可知,猎杀、贩卖、食用野生动物以及将野生动物当做 宠物的这些做法都是不正确的。right 对的,形容词,在句中作表语。故答案为 right。 75. ourselves【解析】句意:保护野生动物就是保护我们自己。根据语境可知,保护野生动物就是保护我们 自己。our 我们的,形容词性物主代词,此处应用其反身代词 ourselves 我们自己。故答案为 ourselves。 A(2020 •内蒙古鄂尔多斯市东胜区中考一模) work begin since usually post fan thousand need start across While most people are staying at home in Wuhan, Wu Hui drives a new electric motorcycle ___51___ the city, delivering( 送递 ) daily necessities and hope. Wu, 39, returned to Wuhan to work as a food delivery driver for Meituan-Dianping, an online delivery service.___52___ Jan. 23, he has delivered over 300 takeout orders around the city. “In the ___53___, I felt that being a driver was a low-level job. But this situation gives it new meaning, because if drivers can keep___54___, it means that many people are working as ___55___and that the city is operating normally,” he said. Wu___56___photos of streets he rides along every day on his micro-blog, which has attracted more than 60,000___57___. He’s even become famous among the tens of___58___of Wuhan locals who have to stay in. Many people check his micro-blog every day and look for comfort. Wu admitted he was scared of being infected. But he said that since so many people___59___him, the sense of being needed gives him the power to behave like a hero. Wu said he planed___60___ a small business after the epidemic( 疫情) ends. “ I want to go home to see my mom”, he said. 【答案】51. across 52. Since 53. beginning 54. working 55. usual 56. posts 57. fans 58. thousands 59. needed 60. to start 【解析】这是一篇记叙文。本文主要讲述了外卖骑手吴辉的故事。在武汉,因为新冠病毒肺炎爆发,大多 数人都待在家里,而吴辉却骑着一辆崭新的电动摩托车,穿梭于城市之间,运送生活必需品和传递希望。 他沿途拍下很多照片并上传到他的微博上,很多人每天都浏览他的微博,寻求安慰。 【51 题详解】 句意:在武汉,当大多数人呆在家里时,吴辉骑着着一辆新的电动摩托车穿梭于城市之间,运送生活日用 品和传递希望。根据“drives a new electric motorcycle”结合句意和备选词汇可知,“across 穿过”符合语境, 此处表示穿梭于城市间,故填 across。 【52 题详解】 句意:自 1 月 23 日以来,他已经在全市送了 300 多份外卖。根据“Jan. 23”可知,此处应是一个时间介词, 该句子是现在完成时,结合备选词汇可知,“since 自……以来”符合语境,句首首字母大写。故填 Since。 【53 题详解】 句意:起初,我觉得骑手是一个低级的工作。根据句意结合备选词汇可知,“begin 开始”符合语境,in the beginning 开始;起初,固定短语,故填 beginning。 【54 题详解】 句意:但这种情况赋予了它新的含义,因为如果司机能继续工作,就意味着很多人都在像往常一样工作, 城市也在正常运转。根据句意结合备选词汇可知,“work 工作”符合语境,keep doing sth.继续做某事,固 定用法,故填 working。 【55 题详解】 句意:但这种情况赋予了它新的含义,因为如果司机能继续工作,就意味着很多人都在像往常一样工作, 城市也在正常运转。结合句意和备选词汇可知,此处表示像往常一样,“usually 通常”符合语境;as usual 像往常一样,固定短语,故填 usual。 【56 题详解】 句意:吴在他的微博上发布了他每天骑过的街道的照片,该微博已经吸引了 6 万多名粉丝。根据“on his micro-blog”结合备选词汇可知,此处指的是在微博上发布照片,“post 发布”符合语境,由 rides 可知,时 态是一般现在时,主语是 Wu,故用动词的单三形式,故填 posts。 【57 题详解】 句意:吴在他的微博上发布了他每天骑过的街道的照片,该微博已经吸引了 6 万多名粉丝。根据“attracted” 结合句意和备选词汇可知,“fan 粉丝”符合语境,由“60,000”可知,用可数名词复数,故填 fans。 【58 题详解】 句意:他甚至成了待家里的数万个武汉当地人中的名人。根据“tens of”和空后的“of”,此处应该是表示 数字的词,结合备选词汇,“thousand 千”符合语境,由 of 可知,此处表示概数,与 of 连用,应用复数形 式,故填 thousands。 【59 题详解】 句意:但他说,因为有那么多人需要他,被需要的感觉赋予他英雄般的行动的力量。。根据“the sense of being needed”可知,此处指的是需要,“need”符合语境,由 said 可知,时态是一般过去时,故用动词的过去式。 故填 needed。 【60 题详解】 句意:吴说,他计划在疫情结束后开始做一个小生意。根据句意结合备选词汇可知,“start 开始”符合语 境;plan to do sth.计划做某事,所以用动词的不定式,故填 to start。 B(2020 •山东省泰安市泰山区中考一模) by, as, he, hurt, wide, cool, society, common, million, develop Chinese cartoon film Ne Zha has become a big winner since it came out on July 26th. Within five days of hitting the screens, the film had made 145 ________36________ dollars. It has won high popularity from the market and professionals, which is not ________37________. Ne Zha is a mythical Ggure(神话人物)in ancient China an ________38________known as the incarnation(化 身)of a lotus(莲花). In Chinese legends and literature such ________39________ Journey to the West, he is often described as a young hero standing on two magical “wind-and-fire” wheels to fight________40________enemies . But in the film which follows the birth and growing up of Ne Zha, he is born with only three years' life and unfairly treated ________41________ local villagers. They believe that the naughty(淘气的),yet good-hearted child will ________42________ them. In fact, Ne Zha is just like a kid in modern _______43_______. He has troubles with other children in the neighborhood and always tries to be ________44________ in his way. Also, the film makers have _________45_________ a clever and strong storyline to show the family values of love, understanding and protection and so on. 【答案】36. million 37. common 38. widely 39. as 40. his 41. by 42. hurt 43. society 44. cool 45. developed 【解析】文章大意:本文讲述了哪吒这部电影在中国电影中获得的票房成功。描述了哪吒在《西游记》中 所被塑造的形象以及他在影片中所呈现的不同的性格特征和周围的人对他的不同的态度。 【36 题详解】 句意:这部电影上映五天之内就赚了 1.45 亿美元。 根据空前阿拉伯数字 145 和空后 dollars.可知,此空应填表示数量单位的名词,结合句意和所给英语单词提 示可知,故答案为 million。 【37 题详解】 句意:它赢得了市场和专业人士的高度欢迎,这并不常见。 根据空前 is not 可知,此空应填形容词,结合句意和所给英语单词提示可知,故答案为 common。 【38 题详解】 句意:哪吒是中国古代神话中的一种,被广泛称为莲花的化身。 根据空前 is 和空后 known 可知,这里的 is 和 known 之间填写副词,用来修饰 known,结合句意和所给英 语单词提示可知,故答案为 widely。 【39 题详解】 句意:例如,在《西游记》等中国传说和文学作品中,他经常被描述为一个年轻的英雄,站在两个神奇的 “风火”轮上与敌人搏斗。 根据短语 such as 例如,像,象…这样。结合句意和所给英语单词提示可知,故答案为as。 【40 题详解】 句意:例如,在《西游记》等中国传说和文学作品中,他经常被描述为一个年轻的英雄,站在两个神奇的 “风火”轮上与敌人搏斗。 根据空后名词 enemies ,此空应填修饰词,结合句意和所给英语单词提示可知,故答案为 his。 【41 题详解】 句意:但在这部讲述哪吒出生和成长的影片中,他出生时只有三年的生命,却受到当地村民的不公平对待。 根据“he is born with only three years' life and unfairly treated”可知,此句是一般现在时态的被动语态,此空是 “被,由”的意思,结合句意和所给英语单词提示可知,故答案为 by。 【42 题详解】 句意:他们相信那个淘气又善良的孩子会伤害他们。 will 是情态动词,后面加动词原形,村民之所以对哪吒不好就是因为担心他会伤害他们,结合句意和所给英 语单词提示可知,故答案为 hurt。 【43 题详解】 句意:其实,哪吒就像现代社会的孩子。 根据空前形容词 modern 可知,此空应填名词,结合句意和所给英语单词提示可知,故答案为 society。 【44 题详解】 句意:他和邻居家的其他孩子有矛盾,总是设法保持冷静。 根据空前 to be 可知,这里符合主系表结构,be 后加形容词,结合句意和所给英语单词提示可知,故答案为 cool 。 【45 题详解】 句意:此外,电影制作人还开发了一个巧妙而有力的故事情节,以表达家庭对爱、理解和保护等的价值观。 根据空前助动词 have 可知,此句是现在完成时态,此空应填过去分词,结合句意和所给英语单词提示可知, 故答案为 developed。 C(2020 •四川省成都市青羊区中考二模) belief rest encourage expect goal gradually one side congratulate explain strong whether Several years ago, I watched the film Everest, in which adventurers(探险家) get stuck on the mountain during a snowstorm. I knew I had to start climbing. Six months later, I climbed my ____88____ mountain, Mount Whitney-North America’s highest peak(顶峰). In the summer of 2017, I decided to climb the highest peak in every European country. Growing up in Sweden, I ____89____ by my father to be outdoors all the time, but I wasn’t a serious adventurer. I wanted to see____90____ someone common like me could climb mountains. So I didn’t do any preparation for climbing the mountain--Mpunt Elbrus in Russia. It was tiring, but I thought I would get healthy by climbing the ____91____, and I did. Climbing mountains is an experience that is hard to put into words. You are in a beautiful environment and, when you reach the top, you feel ____92____. I wanted to end the project in my own country, on Sweden’s highest peak (2,097 m). It has two peaks: the north is rocky, and the south is icy, I climbed both while wearing a superhero suit. It didn’t feel as special as I ___93___ when I reached the top. However, when my photo appeared Instagram, people started ____94____ me, so I felt proud. I finally climbed 6l mountains in Europe. You have to work on your weak ____95____ while climbing. You cannot control anything on a mountain.It’s made me a better person. When you’re on a mountain for hours alone with your thoughts, it’s like meditation(冥想). It makes you a lot ____96____, both physically and mentally. My _____97_____ now is always to have a mountain in my calendar. One day I will climb Mount Qomolangma when I’m ready. 【答案】88. first 89. was encouraged 90. whether 91. side 92. restful 93. had expected 94. congratulating 95. belief 96. stronger 97. goal 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文,文章讲述作者不是一个探险家,只是作为一个普通人喜欢爬山,讲述他爬过的几座山及 他的感受,以及他未来爬山的目标。 【88 题详解】 句意:六个月之后,我爬了第一座山,北美最高峰,惠特尼峰。 根据前文“I knew I had to start climbing”我知道我不得不开始爬山,可知此处表达的是爬的第一座山,单数名 词 mountain 前用序数词表示顺序,此处用 one 的序数词 first。故答案为 first。 【89 题详解】 句意:在瑞典长大,我一直被我父亲鼓励着去户外,但是我不是一个严肃的探险家。 此处缺谓语动词,根据 wasn’t 可知句子讲述的是过去的动作,用一般过去时态,根据“by my father”可知此 处用动词短语encourage sb. to do的被动形式表示“我被父亲鼓励去户外”,主语是I,动词变成was encouraged。 故答案为 was encouraged。 【90 题详解】 句意:我想知道像我这样普通的人是否能爬山。 “wanted to see”后面是宾语从句,此处缺从句的引导词,此处表达的是想知道是否像我这样普通的人能爬 山,用 whether 表示不确定“是否”。故答案为 whether。 【91 题详解】 句意:很累人,但是我认为我能通过爬引道来得到健康,而且我做到了。 根据前文“the mountain--Mpunt Elbrus in Russia”俄罗斯的厄尔布鲁斯山有南侧和北侧的引道,定冠词 the 后 面用名词 side 表示引道。故答案为 side。 【92 题详解】 句意:你在美丽的环境中,而且当你到达顶峰,你感到悠闲的。 feel 后面接形容词,根据“Climbing mountains is an experience that is hard to put into words. You are in a beautiful environment”爬山是一种难以用言语表达的经历,你在美丽的环境中,可知此处表达到达顶峰是一 种悠闲舒适的感觉,用 rest 的形容词形式 restful 做表语。故答案为 restful。 【93 题详解】 句意:当我到达顶峰感觉不像我期望的那样特别。 根据 reached 可知到达顶峰是一般过去时态,根据“It didn’t feel as special as”可知此处表示的是“不像我期望 的那样特别”,期望这个动作发生在到达之前,用过去的过去,过去完成时的结构 had expected。故答案 had expected。 【94 题详解】 句意:然而,当我的照片出现在照片墙上,人们开始祝贺我,因此我感到很自豪。 根据“when my photo appeared Instagram”及““I felt proud””我爬上顶峰的照片出现在社交媒体,此处表达人 们祝贺我让我感到自豪,此处用 start doing 表示“开始做某事”,表达“祝贺”用动名词 congratulating。故答案 为 congratulating。 【95 题详解】 句意:当你爬山的时候,你不得不努力克服你软弱的信念。 根据“You cannot control anything on a mountain, It’s made me a better person”在山上你不能控制任何事情,它 让你成为更好的人,可知爬山需要依靠人自己的信念感。动词短语 work on 后面缺宾语,形容词 weak 修饰 名词 belief 表示软弱的信念。故答案为 belief。 【96 题详解】 句意:它让你更加强壮,身体上和心理上。 根据“It’s made me a better person”爬山让你成为更好的人,及“both physically and mentally”可知此处进一步 表达爬山让人身体上和心理上都更强,此处用 strong 的比较级 stronger。故答案为 stronger。 【97 题详解】 句意:我现在的目标总是在我的日历上有一座山要爬。 句子缺主语,my 后面缺名词。根据后文“One day I will climb Mount Qomolangma when I’m ready”当我准备好 某一天我要去爬珠穆朗玛峰,可知此处讲述的是作者的目标,根据 is 可知此处是单数名词 goal。故答案为 goal。 D(2020 •河南省实验中学 2017 届九年级中考第二次模拟) beat what regard courage two choice since tradition easy we though Just as the famous US boxer Gene Tunney said, "Exercise should be ____46____ as a gift to the heart." It is important to exercise. Sports month is a ____47____ activity in our school. But students in my class are not very good at sports. So in the basketball game, we lost 32 — 0. The defeat shocked us like lightning. Our opponents(对手) ___48___ us easily, and we seemed like some weak and tiny ants in front of a lion. But we ___49___ each other up and were excited that we still had the volleyball game ahead of us. ___50___ we lost the basketball game, our volleyball competitors thought they would win ___51___. But we beat them! A1l of us were confident again. Then, we won the game in the ___52___ round, too. It was amazing! We proved that even a class of non-athletes could keep fighting. I thought that sportsmanship was the key to ___53___ success. I truly believe that sportsmanship comes first and the result of the game comes next. Although we lost the game in the third round, we still had a chance to win third place. Just like ___54___ the US Congressman John Bingham said, "The miracle(奇迹) isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the ___55___to start." I want to thank all the people who cheered for us. And I believe that my class will get what we want at the end of this competition. 【答案】46. regarded 47. traditional 48. beat 49. cheered 50. Since 51. easily 52. second 53. our 54. what 55. courage 【解析】短文以美国著名拳击手吉内·滕尼的话“运动应被视为一种心灵的礼物”开篇,介绍了作者所在 的学校举办体育运动活动月的情况。作者的班级虽然经历了第一场篮球比赛的失利,但并不气馁,勇敢地 去面对下面的比赛,并获取了接下来排球比赛的胜利,也提高了自信心。 【46 题详解】 句意:运动应被视为心灵的礼物。be regarded as“被视作,被看作”的意思。结合句意可知,答案为 regarded。 【47 题详解】 句意:在我们学校运动活动月是一个传统的体育活动。形容词修饰名词,结合句意可知,答案为 traditional 。 【48 题详解】 句意:我们的对手轻而易举地击败了我们。此句缺少谓语动词,结合上下句可知,时态为一般过去时态, 根据前面的句子“So in the basketball game, we lost 32 – 0”可知,答案为 beat。 【49 题详解】 句意:但是我们彼此欢呼加油,因为我们还在进行排球比赛。cheer up (使)振作起来,结合上下语境可知, 虽然经历了第一场篮球比赛的失利,但是我们在接下来其它项目的比赛中并不灰心,故答案为 cheered。 【50 题详解】 句意:自从我们输掉篮球比赛后,我们的排球选手们原认为他们会很容易取胜。此句缺少连词,故答案为 Since。 【51 题详解】 句意:我们的排球选手们原认为他们会很容易取胜,但是我们打败了他们。副词修饰动词,结合句意,答 案为 easily。 【52 题详解】 句意:我们在第二轮比赛中也赢了。round 为名词单数形式,且前面有定冠词 the,故答案填序数词 second。 【53 题详解】 句意:我认为体育精神是我们成功的关键。形容词性物主代词后跟名词,结合句意可知,答案为 our。 【54 题详解】 句意:就像美国国会议员 John Bingham 所说的。此句中 said 缺少宾语,疑问代词 what 可以充当 said 的宾 语,表示某人所说的话,故答案为 what。 【55 题详解】 句意:奇迹是我有勇气开始。此句缺少名词。上文中曾提到作者的班级虽然经历了第一场篮球比赛的失利, 但并不气馁,勇敢地去面对下面的比赛,故答案为 courage。 E(2020 •黑龙江省哈尔滨市松北区初中毕业学年调研测试英语试题(一) 阅读短文,用方框中所给词或短语的正确形式填空,使文章通顺、连贯、合理。(每空只能填一个单词或一个 短语,每个单词或短语限用一次) teacher find careful discuss nine luck creativity get into I did lots of experiments (实验) and exercises, but I still ___61___the trouble of my exam. My grades disappointed me. I must do something to improve . First of all, I took out my previous(之前的)chemistry homework and analyzed (分析) all of my wrong answers carefully. I realized that some of them were caused by being ___62___, some were from knowledge , and some correct answers could even be___63___in my book. These are important, because they remind me to listen to my teacher more carefully and always have a ___64___about problems with my teacher. ___65___, my chemistry teacher not only introduced a new learning way to me, but also ___66___a QQ group. He always sends pages of exercises to us and gives us feedback (反馈) soon. If we don't understand them, he will explain them to us patiently. With my chemistry___67___help and my own hard work, I improved my exam scores by two points in the___68___exam this term. There are always ways to solve problems. I believe I can learn chemistry well. 【答案】61. got into 62. careless 63. found 64. discussion 65. Luckily 66. created 67. teacher's 68. ninth 【解析】 文章主要讲述了作者的成绩不理想,作者想要提高成绩,于是将之前的作业拿出来分析错误的情况,并且 还得到了老师的帮助,最终成绩有所提高。 【61 题详解】 句意:但我还是陷入了考试的困境。 根据句意理解以及后句 My grades disappointed me.可知,这里表达的是“陷入困境”,英语是 get into the trouble,而前句时态是过去时,所以这里也用过去时,故答案为 got into。 【62 题详解】 句意:我意识到其中有些是粗心造成的。 根据句意理解及后句 because they remind me to listen to my teacher more carefully 可知,这里表达的是“粗心 的”,英语是 careless,放在 be 动词后面作表语,故答案为 careless。 【63 题详解】 句意:有些甚至可以在我的书中找到正确的答案。 根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“找到答案”,英语中“找到”是 find,而空格前主语与动词之间是被动 关系,且空格前是 could be,所以这里直接用过去分词,故答案为 found。 【64 题详解】 句意:并且总是和老师讨论问题。 根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“讨论”,英语是 discuss,是一个动词,而空格前有不定冠词 a 修饰, 所以这里应该用名词形式,故答案为 discussion。 【65 题详解】 句意:幸运的是,我的化学老师不仅给我介绍了一种新的学习方式。 根据句意理解及后句 my chemistry teacher not only introduced a new learning way to me 可知,这里表达的是 “幸运的”,空格与句子隔开,所以应该用副词修饰整个句子,故答案为 Luckily。 【66 题详解】 句意:而且还创建了一个 QQ 群。 根据句意理解及空格后的 a QQ group 可知,这里说的是“创建”,而所给的词 creativity 是一个名词,而这 里需要用动词形式,前句用的是过去时,所以后句也用过去时,故答案为 created。 【67 题详解】 句意:在化学老师的帮助下。 根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“在老师的帮助下”,所以这里指的“老师的”应该用所有格形式,文 中说的是化学老师,是单数名词,所以这里直接加’s 即可,故答案为 teacher’s。 【68 题详解】 句意:我在这学期的第九次考试中把考试成绩提高了 2 分。 根据句意理解可知,这里表达的是“第九次”,英语中表达“第多少次”要用序数词表示,nine 的序数词 是 ninth,故答案为 ninth。

