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1 中考语法专项训练三 Long long ago, there was a crowd of antelopes (羚羊)in the forest. In this crowd there was a wise teacher. He was admired by everyone because he taught the young the tricks and strategies of survival. One day, his younger sister brought her son 1 him and asked him to teach 2 was important to antelopes. She said, “Dear brother, this is my son, Dick. Please teach him the tricks and strategies of survival. The teacher said to Dick, ”You 3 come at this time tomorrow for your first lesson.” At first, Dick came to have lessons on time every day. But soon, Dick became 4 in playing games with others, so he began to cut classes. 5 , he didn't realize how dangerous it could be for a young antelope who learned nothing but games. Unfortunately, one day the young antelope stepped in a trap. Knowing Dick 6 , his mother was worried. She went to her brother and 7 him “My brother, how is my son? Have you taught him the tricks and strategies of survival? The teacher replied, “My dear sister, I tried my best to teach him, but your son did not want to learn the tricks and strategies of survival. He cut classes. How could I possibly teach him?” At this time, they heard that Dick 8 in a trap. They hurried to rescue him before it was too late. Dick was too scared 9 and regretted deeply. 10 the young antelope had kept learning carefully all the time, he wouldn't have been caught. ( )1.A. with B. for C. to D. by ( )2.A. how B. why C. that D. what ( )3.A. can B. must C. should D. need ( )4.A. interested B. more interested C. interesting D. more interesting ( )5.A. And B. So C. But D. However ( )6.A. miss B. was missing C. is missing D. has missed ( )7.A. ask B. asks C. asked D. asking ( )8.A. caught B. was caught C. is caught D. will catch ( )9.A. move B. moving C. to move D. moved ( )10.A. If B. Although C. Unless D. Until 训练三:CDABD BCBCA

