中考英语专项复习 代词

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中考英语专项复习 代词

‎(三)代词 ‎01 命题趋势 考标导向化 近几年全国各地中考对代词的考查主要集中在对不定代词的考查。对名词性物主代词与形容词性物主代词用法上的区别的考查也是近几年中考代词考查的热点之一。预计年中考对代词的考查重点仍然在对不定代词、物主代词的考查上。同时也要注意对反身代词、代词主格和宾格的考查。‎ ‎02 定义 概念清晰化 代词是一类用来替代名词或相当于名词的词,大多数代词都具有名词和形容词的功能。在初中阶段,我们所学的代词主要有8种:人称代词、物主代词、指示代词、不定代词、反身代词、疑问代词、关系代词和相互代词。人称代词是代替人或事物的代词,有人称、数、格的变化,在句中用作主语的人称代词叫主格;用作宾语的人称代词叫宾格。物主代词是表示所有关系的代词,分为形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词。指示代词是专门用来指出或标示人或物的代词,常用的指示代词有单数的this和that以及复数的these和those。不定代词是不指明替代任何特定的名词或形容词的代词,根据所表达的意义,不定代词可以分为两大类,即肯定性不定代词和否定性不定代词。肯定性不定代词有:both, all, many, much, one, other, each, another, a few, a little, either, some(someone, somebody, something), any(anyone, anybody, anything), every(everyone, everybody, everything)。否定性不定代词有:no, neither, none, nobody, nothing。反身代词又叫自身代词,或用来表示强调,或表示某个动作又反过来作用于施动者本身,有人称和数的变化。疑问代词表示对某人或某物提问,一般用在特殊疑问句的句首。在初中阶段,我们所学的疑问代词有who, whom, whose, what和which。关系代词是一种引述前面已经提过的名词或代词的一类词,它主要有who, whom, whose, which, that等,用来引导定语从句,在从句中做主语、宾语、表语、定语、状语等。相互代词是表示相互关系的代词,常用的相互代词只有each other和one another两个,在句子中用作宾语、状语,两者之间没有太大的差别。‎ ‎03 知识归类 知识网络化 ‎❶人称代词 分类图解 人称 单数 复数 主格 宾格 主格 宾格 第一人称 I me we us 第二人称 you you you you 第三人称 he,she,it him,her,it they them 特例清单 ‎1.人称代词的排列顺序分三种情况:‎ 复数人称按照we→you→they;单数人称按照you→he/she→I;第三人称男女并用时按照he→she。但承认过失、表示不吉祥的事或有不好的意思时,单数人称代词按照I→he/she→you排列,复数人称代词按照we→you→they排列。‎ ‎2.在包含双宾语的句子中,如果直接宾语是人称代词it或them,间接宾语要放在直接宾语的后面。如:‎ Please pass it to me.请把它递给我。(不能说Please pass me it.)‎ ‎3.let’s和let us用法不完全相同:‎ Let’s是let us的缩写形式,多用来表示劝告或建议,包括谈话的双方;而let us则不包括对方。另外,let’s的反意疑问句用shall we来反问,let us的反意疑问句则用will you来反问。‎ ‎4.代词it的用法 ‎(1)用来代替上文中提到的特定事物,可以是可数名词,也可以是不可数名词。如:‎ Your father has bought you a new computer. Do you like it?你父亲给你买了一台新电脑,你喜欢吗?‎ He offered us a piece of information. It’s very important.他给我们提供了一条信息,这条信息非常重要。‎ ‎(2)当说话人对所涉及的人的身份、姓名不清楚或看不出来、听不出来时,常用it来代替和当时某一事件、某动作有关的那个人。如:‎ There was a knock at the door.“Who is it?” mother came to the door and asked.有敲门声。母亲来到门口问:“谁呀?”‎ ‎—Who is the child in the picture?这张照片上的孩子是谁?‎ ‎—It’s me. Can’t you see?是我呀!难道你看不出来?‎ ‎(3)为了保持句子的平衡,可以用it来代替动词不定式,在句子中作形式主语或形式宾语。如:‎ It’s very interesting to swim in the river.在河中游泳非常有趣。‎ He found it not easy to learn English well.他发现学好英语是很难的。‎ ‎(4)用来代替天气、时间、距离等。如:‎ ‎—What’s the weather like today?今天天气怎么样?‎ ‎—It’s fine.今天天气晴朗。‎ It’s time to go to bed.到睡觉的时间了。‎ How far is it from here to the station?从这里到车站有多远?‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ ‎( )1.(2014·曲靖)I find _____ necessary to learn about the customs of a country before you go there.‎ A.that B.this C.it D.one ‎( )2.(2014·聊城)My friend showed _____ some old photos of his family.‎ A.my B.I C.me D.mine ‎( )3.(2014·南充)Look at the girl in the red skirt. _____ is my new classmate.‎ A.She B.It C.He D.This ‎( )4.(2014·黄冈)—Susan,go and join your sister in cleaning the yard.‎ ‎—Why______ ? John is sitting there doing nothing at all.‎ A.I B.me C.myself D.mine ‎( )5.(2014·绵阳)Jeff and I are going to Shanghai this weekend. My ‎ brother will drive ______ there.‎ A.it B.you C.us D .them ‎❷物主代词 分类图解 种类 单数 复数 第一 人称 第二 人称 第三 人称 第一 人称 第二 人称 第三 人称 形容 词性 my your his/her/its our your their 名词性 mine yours his/hers/its ours yours theirs 特例清单 ‎1.his和its既可以作形容词性物主代词,又可以作名词性物主代词。如:‎ My computer is new and his is old.我的计算机是新的,他的是旧的。‎ ‎2.名词性物主代词常与介词of连用,构成名词所有格。如:some friends of mine我的一些朋友。‎ ‎3.形容词性物主代词只能放在名词前作定语。如:‎ my pen pal我的笔友her name她的名字 ‎4.名词性物主代词常用来避免前面已经提及的名词,相当于“相容词性物主代词+名词”。如:‎ This book is mine. Yours is on your desk.这本书是我的。你的在你桌子上。‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ ‎( )6.(2014·南京)—Excuse me,may I use your bicycle? _____ is broken.‎ ‎—Certainly. But remember to return it before lunch.‎ A.I B.Me C.Myself D.Mine ‎( )7.(2014·湖州)—Excuse me,I’m looking for my umbrella.‎ ‎—Oh,sorry. I took ____ by mistake.‎ A.yours B.mine C.hers D.his ‎( )8.(2014·福州)—Here is a dictionary.Whose is it?‎ ‎—Oh,it’s ______.Thank you.‎ A.me B.my C.mine ‎( )9.(2014·黔西南)—Is this ____ ruler?‎ ‎—No._____ is over there.‎ A.her;Her B.her;Hers C.hers;Hers D.hers;Her ‎( )10.(2014·北京)I have a big brother. _____ name is Paul.‎ A.His B.Her C.He D.Your ‎❸反身代词的构成 分类图解 人称 单数 复数 第一人称 myself ourselves 第二人称 yourself yourselves 第三人称 himself/herself/itself themselves 反身代词的常用词组:‎ by oneself(亲自) for oneself(为自己)‎ call oneself(称自己) teach oneself(自学)‎ help oneself to sth.(随便吃)‎ speak to oneself(自言自语)‎ lose oneself(迷路) enjoy oneself(自得其乐)‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ ‎( )11.(2014·随州)—I’ll have a tennis game tomorrow. I’m a little bit nervous.‎ ‎—Believe in______. You’re the best in our club.‎ A.yourself B.myself C.herself D.himself ‎( )12.(2014·来宾)—Hi,boys. How was your party yesterday?‎ ‎—Wonderful! We had a big meal and enjoyed________ .‎ A.themselves B.myself C.yourselves D.ourselves ‎( )13.(2014·陕西)Don’t worry.We’re old enough to look after____.‎ A.myself B.me C.ourselves D.us ‎( )14.(2014·长沙)My sister is old enough to dress _____now.‎ A.himself B.herself C.myself ‎( )15.(2014·重庆)Help _____ to some fish,Jeff.‎ A.you B.your C.yours D.yourself ‎❹疑问代词的用法 分类图解 格 指人 指物 指人或物 主格 who谁 what 什么 which 哪个,哪些 宾格 whom 谁 所有格 whose 谁的 whose 谁的 whose 谁的 特例清单 ‎1.疑问代词who作主语时,即使被问者是复数,其谓语动词也通常用单数形式。如:‎ ‎—Who is coming to have dinner tonight?今晚谁要来吃饭?‎ ‎—Susan, Linda and Tom.苏珊、琳达和汤姆。‎ ‎2.疑问代词what作定语时,意为“什么”,不限制范围;which作定语时,意为“哪(几)个”,指在一定数目中进行选择,限制在一定范围内。如:‎ What girls do you like best? 你最喜欢什么样的女孩?‎ Which girls do you like best? 你最喜欢哪几个女孩?‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ ‎( )16.(2014·随州)— _______are you going to buy for your father for Father’s Day?‎ ‎—A T-shirt.‎ A.What B.When C.Where D.How ‎( )17.(2013·大连)—_____ is the boy with a pair of glasses?‎ ‎—My brother,John.‎ A.How B.Who C.Where D.What ‎( )18.(2013·徐州)— _____model plane is this?‎ ‎—I think it’s Jim’s. Look,his name is on it.‎ A.Who B.What C.Whose D.Where ‎( )19.(2013·南京)—_____ film do you prefer,Lost in Thailand or Life of Pi?‎ ‎—Lost in Thailand. I like comedies because they often make me laugh.‎ A.What B.Whatever C.Whose D.Which ‎( )20.(2013·济南)— ______does your new friend look like?‎ ‎—He is tall with short blonde hair and big blue eyes.‎ A.How B.Who C.What D.Where ‎❺指示代词的用法 分类图解 单数 this这,这个 that那,那个 复数 these这些 those那些 特例清单 ‎1.在打电话的语境中,常习惯用this和that代替I和you。如:‎ ‎—Hello! Is that Mrs.White? 喂!你是怀特夫人吗?‎ ‎—Sorry. Mrs. White isn’t here. This is Kate, her daughter.对不起,怀特夫人不在这儿,我是她的女儿凯特。‎ ‎2.指上文的事情,可以用this,也可以用that替代;指下文的事情,则要用this替代。如:‎ My bike broke down. This/That is why I was late.我的自行车坏了,因此我才迟到了。‎ This is my idea. We should start out at once.我的建议是我们应该马上出发。‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ ‎( )21.(2014·呼和浩特)—The cars made in Germany are more expensive than ____ made in Japan.‎ ‎—Yes,you are right. But they’re much better.‎ A.those B.that C.ones D.it ‎( )22.(2014·兰州)Bob,can you see the boys over there?_____ are my cousins. Let’s go and say hello to them.‎ A.This B.Those C.That D.These ‎( )23.(2014·广东)—Hello,Linda speaking. Who’s ______?‎ ‎—Hello,this is Martin.‎ A.he B.one C.that D.this ‎( )24.(2014·镇江)My star sign is Virgo and my characteristics are similar to______ described in that book.‎ A.them B.these C.ones D.those ‎( )25.(2014·绥化)The cars made in China are cheaper than ______ made in Japan.‎ A.those B.that C.them ‎❻不定代词的用法 分类图解 序号 不定 代词 用法 例句 ‎1‎ some 用于肯定句或表示请求的疑问句中。‎ Tom has some story books.‎ Would you like some milk? ‎ any 一般用于疑问句或否定句中。‎ Are there any apples on the tree? There aren’t any buses.‎ ‎2‎ both 表示“两者都”。‎ Tom’s parents are both doctors.‎ all 表示“三者或三者以上都”。‎ All of the books are very interesting.‎ either 表示“两者中的任何一个”,作主语时谓语动词用单数。‎ Either of the books is interesting.‎ neither 表示“两者都不”,作主语时谓语动词用单数。‎ Neither of his friends has come yet.‎ ‎3‎ no one 指人,不能接of 短语。‎ No one would like to go with her.‎ none 表示否定,可以指人或物,常接of短语。‎ None of them has been to Beijing.‎ ‎4‎ every 表整体概念,只能作定语。不能与of短语连用。表示“每一”。‎ Every time I go to see him,he is very busy.‎ each 强调个体,可作主语、宾语和定语等,可以指人或物。可以与of 短语连用。表示“每一个”。‎ Each of you can try twice.‎ ‎5‎ many 修饰可数名词复数。‎ There are many books on the desk.‎ much 修饰不可数名词。‎ I have much homework to do.‎ ‎6‎ few 表“否定”,是“几乎没有”的意思,修饰可数名词。‎ He has few friends here.‎ a few 表“肯定”,是“有一点”的意思,修饰可数名词。‎ There are a few apples in the basket.‎ little 表“否定”,是“几乎没有”的意思,修饰不可数名词。‎ There is little water in the bottle. ‎ a little 表“肯定”,是“有一点”的意思,修饰不可数名词。‎ Don’t worry. There is a little time left.‎ ‎7‎ other 泛指其他的,修饰复数名词。‎ Do you have any other ideas? ‎ the ‎ other 指“两者中的另一个”。‎ I have two books. One is Chinese, the other is English. ‎ another 指“三者或以上中的另一个”。‎ Would you like another cup of tea?‎ others 泛指其他的人或物。‎ Some went to the park,others visited the museum.‎ the others 特指其余的所有人或物。‎ Five students in our class are English,the others are Chinese.‎ 特例清单 ‎1.不定代词all和not连用时表示部分否定,要译成“不是全部”,不能译成“全部不”、“都不”;表示全部否定要用none。如:‎ Not all the balls are round.并不是所有的球都是圆形的。‎ None of the bread is fresh.这些面包都不新鲜。‎ ‎2.both与not连用也表示部分否定,译为“并非两者都”,不可译为“两者都不”;表示全部否定用neither。如:‎ Both of us are not doctors.我们俩并非都是医生。‎ Neither of us is a doctor.我们俩都不是医生。‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ ‎( )26.(2014·徐州)I asked two students the way to the post office,but ____of them knew.‎ A.both B.either C.none D.neither ‎( )27.(2014·常州)We should tell the truth.We can’t say one thing to one person and _____ thing to someone else.‎ A.other B.another C.the other D.one more ‎( )28.(2014·孝感)—Can I come this evening or tomorrow morning?‎ ‎— ______is OK. I’m free today and tomorrow.‎ A.Either B.Neither C.Both D.None ‎( )29.(2014·铜仁)In our school ____ students like English,but _____ of them can speak English smoothly.‎ A.a little,a few B.a few,few C.a few,little D.a little,few ‎( )30.(2014·天津)—Is there____ beef in the fridge?‎ ‎—No,there isn’t. There is _____ pork.‎ A.some;any B.any;any C.some;some D.any;some ‎❼复合不定代词 分类图解 somebody 某人 anybody 任何人 nobody 没有人 everybody 每个人 someone 某人 anyone 任何人 no one 没有人 everyone 每人 something 某事 anything 任何事 nothing 没有东西 everything 每件事 特例清单 ‎1.作主语时,谓语动词用单数。‎ ‎2.当主句的主语是指人的复合不定代词everybody, nobody, anyone等时,其反意疑问句主语通常用代词they;当主句中的主语是指物复合不定代词,如everything, anything, nothing, something等时,其反意疑问句的主语通常用it。如:‎ Everybody is here, aren’t they?大家都在这,是吗?‎ Everything is ready, isn’t it?一切都准备好了,是吗?‎ ‎3.当形容词或else(另外) 修饰复合不定代词something, everything, everyone等时,形容词或else必须放在复合不定代词的后面。如:‎ Xiao Ming, I have something important to tell you.肖明,我有重要的事情要告诉你。‎ We need one more helper. Can you find anyone else? 我们还需要一个助手。你能再给我们找一个吗?‎ ‎4.everyone = everybody, anyone = anybody,只指人,不能与of短语连用;every one, any one可指人也可指物,一定要与of连用才可以。如:‎ Is anybody here?有人吗?‎ You can take any one of these.你可以随便拿一个。‎ ‎【题组训练】‎ ‎( )31.(2014·咸宁)—Morning,class. Is ____ here today?‎ ‎—No,sir. Tom is absent. He is ill at home.‎ A.anybody B.everybody C.nobody D.somebody ‎( )32.(2014·随州)—Who helped you sweep the classroom yesterday?‎ ‎—________.I did it all by myself.‎ A.Somebody B.Anybody C.Nobody D.Everybody ‎( )33.(2014·北京)Look! The clock has stopped. Maybe there’s _____ wrong with it.‎ A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing ‎( )34.(2014·河南)At present,children mean ______ to most parents in China.‎ A.everything B.nothing C.anything D.something ‎( )35.(2014·宿迁)Eddie has_____ to do,and he sleeps all day long.‎ A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing ‎04 整合集训 反馈层级化 ‎( )1.—My answer to this question is different from____ .‎ ‎—Really? Let me see.‎ A.you B.yours C.your D.yourselves ‎( )2.Put out the cigarette, or ______ won’t be allowed to enter the museum.‎ ‎ A.I B.she C.you D.they ‎( )3.—Do you like _____ English teacher Miss Green?‎ ‎—Yes, I like _____ very much.‎ A.ours;him B.our;her C.ours;her D.our;him ‎( )4.—Who taught ____ maths last term? Was ______ Mr. Smith?‎ ‎—Yes.‎ A.you;it B.your;it C.you;he D.your;he ‎( )5.Leo has_____ friends except me, and sometimes he feels lonely.‎ A.a little B.little C.a few D.few ‎( )6.—Mum,I want to have some juice. I’m thirsty.‎ ‎—Sorry,but there isn’t ______ at home.‎ A.little B.many C.any D.some ‎( )7.The pears in this basket are smaller than ____ in that basket.‎ A.it B.that C.ones D.those ‎( )8.I have many such books. Tomorrow I’ll bring here ______ one.‎ A.other B.another C.the others D.the other ‎( )9.If you can’t decide which of the two books to borrow, why don’t you take _____?I have finished reading them.‎ A.all B.any C.either D.both ‎( )10.—Do you like eating apples or bananas?‎ ‎—_______.I usually eat oranges.‎ A.None B.Both C.Neither D.Either ‎( )11.—Is this ______ purse?‎ ‎—No,it isn’t. ________is in the bag.‎ A.yours;Mine B.yours;My C.your;Mine D.your;My ‎( )12.—How are you going to improve _____ this term?‎ ‎—Work harder than last term.‎ A.you B.me C.yourself D.myself ‎( )13.I’ll spend half of my holiday practicing English and ________ half learning drawing.‎ A.another B.the others C.others D.the other ‎( )14.—Is _________ here?‎ ‎—No. Tom and Jane have asked for leave.‎ A.everybody B.somebody C.anybody D.nobody ‎( )15.—What are you looking for,Sally?‎ ‎—I’m looking for my pen.I can’t find ____ anywhere.‎ A.it B.this C.them D.one ‎( )16.You have to hurry up if you want to buy something because there’s hardly _______ left.‎ A.something B.nothing C.anything D.everything ‎( )17.—Wow!You’ve got so many skirts.‎ ‎—But ________ of them are in fashion now.‎ A.all B.both C .neither D.none ‎( )18.We can’t change the world, but we can change _____.‎ A.our B.their C.them D.ourselves ‎( )19.—Who taught you to play badminton?‎ ‎—Nobody.I learnt it by_____ .‎ A.me B.my C.myself D.I ‎( )20.—Nick,look at the fridge.There’s ____ milk in it.‎ ‎—I see,Mom!I’ll get ________ right away.‎ A.a little;any B.little;some C.a few;any D.few;some ‎( )21.—What did you buy for yourself at the fair?‎ ‎—I bought_____, because I couldn’t find ______ I like.‎ A.something;anything B.anything;something C.nothing;anything D.something;nothing ‎( )22.—Why are you always cheerful and energetic?‎ ‎—Because I’ m sure _____ can be better than me.‎ A.somebody B.anybody else C.everybody D.nobody else ‎( )23.Things made by hand are usually more expensive than _______ produced in factories.‎ A.these B.this C.that D.those ‎( )24.—Do you know ______ the girl in red is?‎ ‎—I’m not sure. Maybe a teacher.‎ A.when B.how C.where D.what ‎( )25.—What do you think of those red shoes,Tina?‎ ‎—I like_____ ,but I prefer yellow____ .‎ A.ones;ones B.them;ones C.ones;them D.them;them 参考答案:‎ ‎(三)代词 题组训练 ‎1—5CCABC6—10DACBA11—15ADCBD ‎16—20ABCDC21—25ABCDA26—30DBABD31—35BCBAD 整合集训 ‎1—5BCBAD6—10CDBDC11—15CCDAA ‎16—20CDDCB21—25CDDDB

