Unit 11 综合水平测试1

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Unit 11 综合水平测试1

Unit 11 综合水平测试 听力部分(20分) 一、听句子,选择与所听内容相符的图片。(每小题 1分,共计 5分) ( )1.A. B. C. ( )2.A. B. C. ( )3.A. B. C. ( )4.A. B. C. ( )5.A. B. C. 二、听对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1分,共计 5分) ( )6.What color does Bill like? A.White. B.Green. C.Blue. ( )7.Where are they going? A.To a restaurant. B.To a library. C.To a cinema. ( )8.What did the woman do last night? A.She watched a match. B.She saw a movie. C.She took part in a party. ( )9.What kind of music does the man like? A.Rock music. B.Country music. C.Pop music. ( )10.What will Julie feel if she isn't invited to have the picnic? A.She will feel left out. B.She will feel amazed. C.She will feel lonely. 三、听较长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1分,共计 5分) 听第一段较长对话,回答第 11~12小题。 ( )11.How is the girl? A.She is sad. B.She is excited. C.She is nervous. ( )12.What does the girl's mother think of riding a mountain bike? A.It is safe,but the bike is easy to lose. B.It is dangerous,and the bike is easy to lose. C.It is dangerous,and the bike is too expensive. 听第二段较长对话,回答第 13~15小题。 ( )13.How is the weather today? A.It's sunny. B.It's windy. C.It's rainy. ( )14.How does the boy feel about this kind of weather? A.He feels happy. B.He feels relaxed. C.He feels unhappy. ( )15.What happened to the boy today? A.He broke the glass of the window. B.He broke the teacher's glasses. C.He broke his bowl while eating. 四、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1分,共计 5分) ( )16.What was Lin Hui's problem? A.He didn't sleep well. B.He made very little progress. C.He was in poor health. ( )17.Lin Hui solved his problem with his ________ help. A.teacher's B.classmate's C.parents' ( )18.What is the first piece of advice you hear? A.To communicate with others. B.To find out the best time to study. C.To have enough sleep at night. ( )19.Zhao Qiang's best study time is ________. A.in the morning B.at night C.in the day ( )20.We should communicate with others because it makes us ________. A.excited B.patient C.relaxed 笔试部分(100分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1分,共计 15分) ( )21.My uncle is ________ banker.His bank is the most popular in our city. A.the B.a C./ D.an ( )22.His parents are strict ________ him.He is also hard ________ himself. A.in;on B.in;with C.with;on D.with;with ( )23.She has lost a lot of ________ recently,so she looks much thinner now. A.weight B.fame C.height D.money ( )24.—I didn't enjoy myself at the party.I just felt ________. —Well,maybe there were too many people at the party. A.left out B.to leave out C.leaving out D.be left out ( )25.________ Jackie is very tall,________ he can't reach the apples on the tree. A./;but B.Although;but C.Because;so D./;although ( )26.Mr.Wang's boring class made me ________. A.want leaving B.to fall asleep C.to sleep D.sleepy ( )27.That farm was very far from here,so we didn't ________ visiting it. A.would like B.feel like C.look like D.would love ( )28.Dad is Back is such an interesting show that it can make people ________ fun. A.have B.to have C.having D.had ( )29.The boy doesn't want to ________ his parents ________,so he studies harder than before. A.turn;down B.take;down C.cut;down D.let;down ( )30.—What do you think of the movie,Jack? —I don't like it at all.It's ________ interesting ________ educational. A.either;or B.neither;nor C.both;and D.not only;but also ( )31.—Why does Mr. Black look so upset? —Because his boss ________ yesterday.He has to find a new job. A.took up him B.took him up C.kicked off him D.kicked him off ( )32.She would rather ________ at home than ________ shopping with her friends. A.stay;go B.stay;going C.staying;go D.staying;going ( )33. exercise you do,________ successful you will be in the exam. A.The more;the more B.The better;the better C.Most;most D.The most;the most ( )34.Bert will spend his holiday in London ________ in New York,because he just returned from New York last month. A.such as B.because of C.rather than D.more than ( )35.—I heard that you went to Chongqing for a holiday.Did you enjoy yourself? —Well,________.The food was delicious but the weather was awful. A.a piece of cake B.no problem C.of course D.yes and no 六、完形填空。(每小题 1分,共计 10分) Be happy to do anything even though it is very tiny.In fact,there's no single thing that is not worth doing or you are not able to do.So living a happy life with a light heart is the most important.A good mood decides your quality of life.Then __36__ can you live a happy life? Make each day meaningful (有意义的 ) by helping someone or just making someone smile.The feeling which makes you want to help others __37__ at the bottom of your heart.Happiness depends on your feelings in your heart.Helping others is helping yourself.By helping others,you __38__ more.Seeing their satisfied smiles will make you feel __39__ of what you have done. Face difficulties bravely in your life. __40__ may meet with difficulties.No one can avoid them.The difficulties can teach you a lot.They are your treasure.They will help you to be closer to __41__. Focus on the good experiences you __42__ in the past few years.Be grateful to life.Don't think too much about the negative things.They __43__ bad weather.Bad weather will pass sooner or later,so will the negative things.You may find many dead ends in your life,but you will __44__ find your way out of them.Everything will get better at last. Never worry about the things you can't change.Worrying isn't useful.Worrying can __45__ change the situation nor solve any problem.Perhaps,not every dream will be realized; not every effort will be completed.Never mind,and take it easy. Come on,everybody!Let's live a happy life with a light heart and enjoy the beautiful sunshine every day. ( )36.A.what B.how C.why D.when ( )37.A.stay B.staying C.stays D.to stay ( )38.A.are giving B.will give C.will be given D.gave ( )39.A.proud B.afraid C.tired D.sad ( )40.A.Somebody B.Nobody C.Everybody D.Anybody ( )41.A.ending B.success C.trouble D.suggestion ( )42.A.have had B.have C.has D.are having ( )43.A.are different from B.are fond of C.are similar to D.are worried about ( )44.A.always B.seldom C.never D.hardly ( )45.A.not only B.neither C.either D.not 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2分,共计 30分) A What will you do to make yourself feel better when you feel bad? Caroline,28 I look after the patie nts in hosp ital.I 'm sure you can gues s what I am.I usua lly writ e a blog whe n I meet som ethin g that mak es me feel bad. It's like keep ing a diar y, givi ng me a way to expr ess my feeli ngs. Besi des that, man y peop le ofte n writ e som e posit ive wor ds to me, whic h mak e me feel even bette r. John,40 I'm the fathe r of a beau tiful girl Lily. I'm a prog ram man ager and I'm very busy at wor k.So meti mes if I feel upse t,I'll put mys elf into mov ies.I' ll imag ine mys elf as the main char acter .It alwa ys give s me posit ive ener gy. Susan,21 I'm a colle ge stud ent.I have a spec ial way to chee r mys elf up whe n I feel bad —he lpin g othe r peop le.I ofte n call a local nursi ng hom e or chur ch and ask how I can help. Thos e few min utes on the phon e can chee r me up.K nowi ng that I'll soon help othe r peop le mak es me feel good abou t mys elf. ( )46.Caroline is most probably a ________ according to the material. A.teacher B.manager C.nurse D.student ( )47.Why does John imagine himself as the main character of a film? A.Because he wants to be an actor. B.Because he likes watching films. C.Because it's good for his work. D.Because it can cheer him up. ( )48.If Susan feels upset,she will probably ________. A.keep a diary B.see a movie C.go to help someone D.visit her friends ( )49.Which person is the oldest according to the material? A.Caroline. B.John. C.Lily. D.Susan. ( )50.What does the above material mainly talk about? A.Ways to cheer up. B.Ways to be healthy. C.How to help others. D.How to find a job. B There are many kinds of colors.They make the world colorful.Different people like different colors. What is your favorite color?Do you like yellow,orange or red?If you do,you must be an active person who enjoys life.Do you like blue?Then you are probably quiet,shy,and would rather follow than lead. Colors do influence our moods.A yellow room makes most people feel more cheerful and more relaxed than a dark green one;and a red dress brings warmth and cheer to the saddest winter day.On the other hand,black is depressing.There was a black bridge over the Thames River near London.The number of people who killed themselves on that bridge used to be larger than on any other bridge in the area—until it was repainted green. Light and bright colors make people not only happier but also more active.In the factory,the workers will work better,harder, and have fewer accidents when their machines are painted orange rather than black. ( )51.What colors may an active person like? A.Yellow,orange or red. B.Yellow,black or red. C.Orange,blue or black. D.White,green or purple. ( )52.Most people feel more ________ in a yellow room than in a dark green one. A.tired B.bored C.scared D.relaxed ( )53.Why did many people kill themselves on the black bridge? A.Because the bridge was too crowded. B.Because they didn't like the bridge. C.Because its color was depressing. D.Because the bridge was too high. ( )54.In the factory, when the machines are painted orange, the workers will work ________. A.worse B.harder C.more slowly D.more carelessly ( )55.What's the best title for this passage? A.Your Favorite Color B.The Secret of Colors C.The Color of a Bridge D.All Kinds of Colors C What makes people happier,money or having happy friends?Researchers from Harvard University have found the answer to this question in a study. The study found that people who have happy friends have a greater chance of being happy.And if the happy friends are closer to you,you will be happier.For example,a person's happiness rises by 20% if a happy friend lives within 1.5 kilometers.Having a happy neighbor makes the chance of being happy higher by 34%.The effects of friends' happiness last for up to a year. The researchers found that happiness is really contagious. Sadness also spreads among friends, but not as much as happiness.The study shows that having an extra (额外的 ) five thousand dollars increases a person's chances of becoming happier by about 2%.But the effect of a friend's happiness could in fact be greater than that. The study also shows that people are happier when having happy friends than having good colleagues (同事). ( )56.According to the study,what can make people happier? A.Living with friends. B.Having money. C.Having a happy friend. D.Marrying a happy person. ( )57.A person's happiness is increased by 20% if ________. A.he has a happy neighbor B.a happy friend lives within 1.5 kilometers C.his colleagues are also happy D.he gets extra money ( )58.The underlined word “contagious” means “________” in Chinese. A.传染的 B.流行的 C.加强的 D.交际的 ( )59.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A.You'll have more chances to be happy with a happy friend nearby. B.Sadness also spreads among friends. C.The effects of friends' happiness last longer than sadness. D.The more money you have,the happier you will be. ( )60.What's the best title for the passage? A.Money and Friends B.ANew Study about Friends C.Happy Friends Can Make You Happy D.How to Make Friends 八、根据句意及首字母提示填空。(每小题 2分,共计 10分) 61.Lang Ping is a famous c________ in China. 62.We are good friends.Our f________ started ten years ago. 63.N________ one's head means agreement in China. 64.There is no doubt that health is more important than w________. 65.Look at the g________ sky.I think it's going to rain. 九、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空词数不限。(每小题 2分,共计 10分) 66.珍在歌唱比赛中获得了一等奖,她没有让我们失望。 Jean won the first prize in the singing competition and she didn't ____________________. 67.汤姆没有被邀请参加尼克的聚会,他感到被冷落了。 Tom wasn't asked to Nick's party and felt ____________________. 68.昨晚维克托最喜欢的足球队输了决赛。这个消息让他发疯。 Victor's favorite soccer team lost the final last night.The news ____________. 69.当他看见那起事故时,他立即叫来了警察。 When he saw the accident,he ____________________ the police at once. 70.霍莉因为严重的错误而被开除了。 Holly ____________________because of her serious mistakes. 十、根据短文内容,在空缺处填入一个适当的单词,使短文完整、通顺。(每小题 1分, 共计 10分) Peter was the best table tennis player in his school and hardly ever lost a match.He hated losing anything.When he 71.________,he would feel really good.If he lost,he would feel terrible.It seemed to Peter that losing was the 72.________ thing in the world. A new kid,Albert,came to Peter's school.He was good at table tennis,too.Soon there would be a match 73.________ Peter and Albert.Peter worked hard to get ready for the match,but Albert didn't seem to think 74.________ of it.When the match began,Albert was a real player.There was always a 75.________ on his face,while Peter looked serious all the time.Peter thought it was so important to win the match 76.________ he even wanted to cheat (舞弊),but he lost in the end. “You played very well,Peter.I think we can play again sometime,”said Albert. But Peter didn't 77.________ happy and couldn't fall asleep that night. One day,Peter saw Albert playing basketball.78.________ he lost again and again,the happy smile never left his face.Peter found Albert was great at table tennis, but bad at basketball.However,he enjoyed 79.________ of them. Whether he won or lost the game,Albert enjoyed it.Peter came to realize that enjoying a game was much more important than 80.________ or losing it.He felt happier than ever before. 十一、书面表达。(共计 15分) 假如暑假你去朋友Mary家里住了一个星期。请根据以下提示,写一篇英语日记,说说 你对所住房间的感受。 提示:1.房间的墙是粉红色的,感觉很温暖; 2.椅子很硬,感觉不舒服; 3.床很软,感觉很舒适; 4.书桌上有一台电脑…… 要求:1.根据提示内容进行写作,可适当发挥; 2.恰当运用本单元所学语法:make的使役用法。 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

