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精锐1对1 杨浦五角场 英语试卷 ‎(满分150 考试时间100分钟)‎ Part 1 Listening(第一部分 听力)‎ I. Listening Comprehension(听力理解):(共30分)‎ A. Listen and choose the right picture(根据你听到的内容,选出相应的图片):(共6分)‎ ‎1.______ 2._______ 3.______ 4._______ 5._________‎ B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear (根据你听到的对话和问题,选出最恰当的答案):(共8分)‎ 7. A) White. B) Black. C) Blue. D) Orange.‎ 8. A)$700. B) $500. C) $300. D) $200.‎ 9. A) Xiao Ming and Fang Fang. B) Xiao Ming and his uncle. ‎ C) Fang Fang and her uncle. D) Fang Fang and her father.‎ 10. A) 9:20. B) 10:00. C) 9:40. D) 10:40.‎ 11. A)Worried. B) Thirsty. C) Tired. D)Hungry.‎ 12. A) Peter’s. B) Kitty’s. C) John’s. D) Jane’s.‎ 13. A) In the classroom. B) In a restaurant. C) At their office. D) In a bookshop.‎ 14. A) He wants to go to Hong Kong. B) He doesn’t want to go to Hong Kong.‎ ‎ C) He wants to buy an iPhone 6. D) He doesn’t want to buy an iPhone 7Plus.‎ C. Listen to a letter written by Sally and tell whether the following statements arc true or false (判断下列句子是否符合你听到的信的内容,符合的用“T”表示,不符合的用“F”表示) (共6分)‎ ‎( )15. Mr. Smith was the manager of a big company in London.‎ ‎( )16. Mr. Smith walked to his company when the weather was good.‎ ‎( )17. Mr. Smith had given the stranger some money some years before.‎ ‎( )18. Mr. Smith had been willing to take a chance because he wanted to help the man.‎ ‎( )19. Mr. Smith didn’t remember the stranger but he wanted to listen to the story of him.‎ 精锐1对1 杨浦五角场 ‎( )20. From the passage we know the stranger wanted to give the money back to Mr. Smith.‎ D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences (听短文,完成下列内容,每空格限填一词)(共10分)‎ ‎21. Mr. Brown is _______ _______of a small restaurant.‎ ‎22. Mr. Brown lived in a very ______ _______before he married.‎ ‎23. Then he had to _______ _______ for moving his furniture.‎ ‎24. Some people _______ _______ for month after month for the furniture’s arrival.‎ ‎25. At last ______ ______ the people had to give up.‎ Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar ‎ ‎(第二部分语音、词汇和语法)‎ II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)‎ ‎26. Which of the following words is pronounced as /’meθə d/?‎ A) medium B) memory C) method D)member ‎27.Have you found _____ detective book they talked about yesterday?‎ A)/ B)a C)an D)the ‎28The use of new technology adds excitement to ______ life and makes it wonderful.‎ A)our B)we C) us D)ours ‎29. The 2016 G20 Summit started ______ September, 2016 in the city of Hangzhou.‎ A)from B)on C) in D) at ‎30.Although their class teacher is very strict _____ them, they still love her very much.‎ A) up B)with C) to D)for ‎31. --______ is it from your office to the police head quarters?‎ ‎ --It’s about 15 minutes’ frive.‎ A) How often B) How soon C) How long D) How far ‎32. There is _______food for our cute dog. Let’s go to the pet shop and buy some.‎ A) few B) a little C)little D)a little ‎33. Zootopia(疯狂动物城)is one of_______films I have ever seen.‎ A) interesting B) more interesting ‎ C) the most interesting D) most interesting ‎34. Wearing the new pink skirt, my little sister Kitty looks so_______‎ A) softly B) lovely C) politely D) seriously ‎35. According to the new policy, each family in China _______ have a second child.‎ A) should B) must C) can D) would ‎36. Which one is heavier, the wooden ball _______the iron ball? ‎ A) should B) or C) so D) but ‎37. The Samsung company recalled his new products Galaxy Note 7 _______some of the phones exploded(爆炸)‎ A) while B) before C) though D)after ‎38. _______ useful advice the expert has given us! It’ll will help us a lot in our English study! ‎ A) How B) what C)what a D) what an ‎39. After many hard moments, Chinese women’s volleyball team_______the final at last.‎ A)win B)will win C)won D) would win 精锐1对1 杨浦五角场 ‎40. Millions of tourists _______ Shanghai Disneyland since it opened this summer.‎ A)will visit B) are visiting C) had visited D) have visited ‎41.On October 17, 2016, Shenzhou XI Disneyland_______into space successfully.‎ ‎ A)sent B)was sent C)sends D)is sent ‎42.People held many activities _______the 80th anniversary of Long March victory.‎ A)celebrate B) celebrating C) to cerebrate D) cerebrated ‎43. Practice_______ the piano regularly, and you’ll make progress.‎ A) playing B) play C)to play D) played ‎44. –Travelling by plane is faster than by train ‎ -_______ That’s why I like it!‎ A) That’s all right B) I agree C) I don’t agree D) sorry, it isn’t. ‎ ‎45.-Would you like me to give you a ride to the railway station tomorrow morning?‎ ‎ -_______‎ A) That’s very kind of you B) not at all ‎ C) never mind D)I hope so, but I don’t think so..‎ III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。每空格限填—词,每词只能填一次):(共8分) ‎ A)gain B) nice C) something D) nothing E)in other ways ‎ ‎ ‎ What is your favorite food? How do you feel when you are eating your favorite comfort food?‎ We all need comfort, maybe every day! I remember how my mum hugged me to give me comfort as a child. These days, I can find comfort__46_: talking with a close friend or doing a good deed can make me feel good. Another___47_way to find comfort is in food. Not all food items of course---that is an easy way to_48_weight! What I mean is, on a really bad day, I might ask my mum to cook__49_that makes me feel better. Everyone has their own favorite comfort food, and for me, it is rice pudding.‎ ‎46._____ 47._____ 48._____ 49._____ ‎ A) stay with B) memories C) never D) still E) added ‎ ‎ ‎ When I was small, and my mum travelled for work, my grandma came to__50_me. Grandma cheered me up by cooking rice pudding in the kitchen. I was small, but she let me help. I remember the smell of the rice cooking with the milk and sugar. Later, we__51_nuts. I spooned the pudding into bowls, and Grandma spread jam on top. I felt happy eating the rice pudding with Grandma. I can smell it—and taste it----even now! ‎ Although Grandma is gone now, the__52_of my special times with her give me comfort. I am glad I can__53_remember this recipe passed down from my great—great---grandma from Denmark.‎ ‎50._____ 51._____ 52._____ 53._____ ‎ IV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms (用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成下列句子,每空格限填—词分)‎ ‎54. The lawyer’s dealt with many _______of stealing children from their parents. (case)‎ ‎55. Year 2019 will be the _______birthday of China-our great motherland.(seventy)‎ ‎56. We will have to depend on_______ during the survival training in the wildrness.(we)‎ 精锐1对1 杨浦五角场 ‎57. He travels around the world and makes_______ for university students. (speak)‎ ‎58. The crime that happened_______ made each one of us shocked. (recent)‎ ‎59.He doesn’t _______about his clothes. He always wears T-shirts and bule jeans. (careful)‎ ‎60.My PE teacher asked me to_______ the coming basketball competition. (organization)‎ ‎61. The engineer said that the main_______of the project was the high cost. (advantage)‎ V. Complete the following sentence as required. (根据所给要求完成句子。62—67小题每空限填一次) (共14分)‎ ‎62. Mr. Jones showed his vase to only two of his friends.(改为一般疑问句)‎ ‎______ Mr. Jones__________ his vase to only two of his friends?‎ ‎63. Doris will move to Caoyang neighborhood next week.(对划线部分提问)‎ ‎__________ _________ Doris move to Caoyang neighborhood?‎ ‎64. Simon could hardly remember his mother’s telephone number.(改为反义疑问句)‎ Simon could hardly remember his mother’s telephone number,_____ __________?‎ ‎65. It took the students half an hour to clean the classroom after school.(保持句意基本不变)‎ The students _____ half an hour __________ the classroom after school.‎ ‎66. We must freeze the dough in the fridge for eight hours.(改为被动语态)‎ The dough must __________ ___________ in the fridge for eight hours. ‎ ‎67. ‘Do you always leave the office late?’ the policeman asked the lady.(合并成 宾语从句)‎ The policeman asked the lady __________ she always _________-the office late.‎ ‎68. we, when, Martin’s, to, visit, haven’t decided, new, house (连词成句)‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ Part 3 Reading and Writing(第三部分 阅读和写作)‎ VI. Reading comprehension (阅读理解): (共50分)‎ A. Choose the best answer(根据短文内容,选择最恰当的答案): ( 12分)‎ Joseph has written a letter to his cousins, James and Susan. Here is the letter.‎ Dear James and Susan,‎ I am writing to you because I have at home in bed. I have a cold recently and I am unable to go to school. I really have more than a cold, it’s the flu. I’ve got a fever and severe headache as well. I lose my appetite and I find food tasteless. In addition, I’m always thirsty, probably as a result of the fever. But, with a lot of effort, I’m writing a letter to you and another to Pauline.‎ The weather here in Toronto is horrible. I am sure the weather is much better in Hong Kong. Do you agree? The snow came a bit early this year and this year and it was freezing cold. There’s a foot of snow on the ground. It’s surprising to see kids cheerfully playing in the snow and building ‘castles’ and snowmen this morning. A few of them made snowballs by playing snow together and threw them at each other.‎ I am going to have my examination soon. I’m too sick to get out of bed and hold my text-books. What’s more, I haven’t attended lessons for nearly one week. I have to work hard to catch up with my classmates.‎ I have got a new mate recently. He’s on my bed. That’s Bobby, our cat. Uncle Tom gave him to me as my birthday present. He is rather disobedient and he runs here and there from time to time. He’s much more energetic than me. However, I’m glad to have him with me at the moment.‎ Well, I am quite tired from writing this letter (and there’s a football game on TV). I’ll finish here. Please write to me if you have time.‎ 精锐1对1 杨浦五角场 Give my regards to your Mom and Dad.‎ Best wished,‎ Joseph ‎( )69. From the letter we know that Joseph writes to __________people.‎ A. one B. two C. three D. four ‎( )70. From paragraph 2 of the letter, we know that___________.‎ A. Joseph dislikes the weather in Toronto.‎ B. Joseph dislikes the weather in Hong Kong.‎ C. Joseph finds the weather in Toronto suitable to him.‎ D. Joseph finds the weather in Hong Kong freezing cold.‎ ‎( )71. The underlined word “them” in line 12 refers to__________.‎ A. Kids B. snowman C. castles D. snowballs ‎( )72. Joseph thinks that Bobby is _____________.‎ A. A classmate B. a friend C. naughty D. gentle ‎( )73. The underlined word “disobedient”in line 17 refers to__________.‎ A. Angry B. cute C. naughty D. gentle ‎ ‎( )74. From the letter we can infer that Joseph___________.‎ A. Has a bad flu but doesn’t have a fever.‎ B. Has to work hard for his examination.‎ C. Likes playing with snow and making snowmen.‎ D. Hates Bobby because he always runs here and there.‎ B. Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.‎ ‎ Courtney Dressing was just 15 years old when she joined a team of space researchers.Those scientists landed NASA’s(美国宇航局) robot rover(机器人探测器),Spirit,on the planet Mars.But this was neither Courtney’s first nor her last adventure in space research.When she was in fifth grade,Courtney had 75 decided to spend her life exploring the universe.She checked out space books from her library,studied hard in math and science classes,and later,attended United States Space Camp in Alabama. ‎ ‎ Then Courtney 76 to become part of the the Student Astronaut program. After a lot of hard work,interviews,and months of waiting, Courtney won. She was the laboratory in California with NASA scientists when Spirit reached Mars.‎ ‎ “The most 77 part of the thing occurred late at night on January 3,2004,when we received signals showing that Spirit had landed successfully,”Courtney says.“I joined the rest of the scientists in jumping up and cheering.”‎ ‎ It took Courtney seven nights to work with and learn from the NASA scientists. They worked at night 78 that was daytime on Mars. They studied the photographs that Spirit was sending to Earth of Gusev Crater on Mars.They spoke to television reporters at NASA press conferences and attended meetings in which the NASA team named the rocks and hills that Spirit was finding.‎ When Courtney was 17 years old,she went to work for NASA as a student intern(实习生) at the Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland.With two NASA scientists,Courtney worked on a project that might one day help future astronauts find other plants 79 Earth, where human beings could live.‎ ‎ Courtney says her favorite part of these space adventures is working side by side with the 精锐1对1 杨浦五角场 ‎ best scientists and feeling like a part of the team. Courtney plans to study astrophysics or planetary science at Princeton University,then 80 to work at NASA She encourages other kids and teens to follow their dreams of getting involved with space research.‎ ‎( ) 75.A) just B) never C) already D) seldom ‎( ) 76.A)wrote a report B) entered a contest ‎ ‎ C) read a book D) gave a talk ‎( )77. A)exciting B)difficult C)powerful D)though ‎( )78.A)if B)because C)unless D)though ‎( )79.A)based on B)far form C)instead of D)similar to ‎( )80.A)arrange B)desire C)require D)return C. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words (在短文的空格内填入适当的词,使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给(14分)‎ The following are six film r 81 from the students.‎ The Girl in Black is a story about something that happened 400 years ago. Two young people meet and fall in love but the young man has to go away to fight in a w 82 .The story has a good beginning but then nothing really happens.‎ ‎ The Circle of Life is a film everyone should see if they want to go home feeling cheerful .I couldn’t stop l 83 .There is one sad part in the middle but everything is all right in the end Jules Verity ,the star ,normally sings and dances in films ,so this is change for him.‎ The clothes the actors wear in Cramer Place are lovely.It is a true story which takes place in the nineteenth century in an old house.It is actually difficult to believe this really happened and I found it i 84 to guess the ending --- you just have to wait and see. The acting is wonderful.‎ ‎ The Blue Country is an action film with a difference because it is also funny u 85 the end when everyone dies.Most of the action actually comes at the end and I did find the first half a little boring.‎ ‎ I hadn’t heard of any of the actors in the Lost Journey but I’m sure we’ll see them again.The film takes place on a small planet in the future .It is rather difficult to believe but it has a good story and is w 86 acted.I love the ending which I hadn’t expected. ‎ ‎ The Path to Nowhere is the latest in a series of film starring Des Riley and Tom Carver.It starts with a car chase,There is plenty of action in the middle and it finishes with a helicopter following the two men as they try to escape in a boat. I couldn't wait to d 87 what happened.‎ D. Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题)‎ I’m Aimswell, a boy, and I live on the island of Tobago in the West Indies .Like many people here ,my father is a fisherman and he taught me to fish when I was about five .I love it and have even won some prizes in fishing competitions .Local people here fish for themselves and some of them even supply fish to big hotels. Recently everyone has started to notice that there are not as 精锐1对1 杨浦五角场 ‎ many fish in the sea as they used to be and the fish that we are catching now are really small,still young. If everyone keeps catching all the fish when they are so young. we may soon run out.‎ I am working on a program at my school to find a way for people in Tobago to be able to continue eating fish without make the ones in the sea rare. My teacher, Mr. Peters, started it a little while ago. The project is teaching all the kids in my school about fishing sustainably. This means we can eat fish without running out the future. We are farming a freshwater fish called tilapia(罗非鱼) which people can grow in tanks in their homes and gardens instead of catching lots out of the seas.‎ ‎ We look after the fish during our agriculture agricultural science lessons. It’s my favorite lesson because we get to go outside and work in our school vegetable garden and look after the fish. I am in charge of the fish at the moment. I give them food- water plants which we grow here. Mr. Peters hopes that when all the kids at my school go home and show their parents how we have grown fish at school, they can do the same at home. He hopes that one day everyone in Tobago will be able to do it.‎ ‎ I love working on the project because it is fun. More importantly, it teaches us business skills and ways to help protect the environment.‎ ‎ Soon our fish will be big enough to eat and then we will learn some nice recipes so we can cook and enjoy them at last.‎ 88. Aimswell is good at fishing, isn’t he?‎ ‎ ___________________________________________________________________________‎ 89. Who do local people fish for?‎ ‎ ___________________________________________________________________________‎ 90. What does “fishing sustainably” in paragraph 2 mean?‎ ‎ ___________________________________________________________________________‎ 91. where can people grow tilapia?‎ ‎ ___________________________________________________________________________‎ 92. How can children help their parents grow the fish?‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ 93. what do you think of the program? Why? What else can they do to make the program better?‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ ___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ ___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ ___________________________________________________________________________‎ VII. Writing(作文) (共20分)‎ 94. Write passage of at least 60 words on the topic “ I want to say sorry to _______”. (根据提示, 以“我想对__________说对不起” 为题,写一篇不少于60个字的短文,写作前请讲题目补充完整,标点符号不占格。)‎ 提示:在学习和生活当中,每个人都难免会做错一些事,这些事会让人感到遗憾或后悔。请结合你的亲身经历,谈谈你的感触。‎ ‎ ‎ 精锐1对1 杨浦五角场 ‎(注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否则不予评分。)‎ 答案 ‎26. C 27.D 28. A 29. C 30.B 31.D 32.C 33.C 34.B 35.C 36. B 37.D 38.B 39.C 40.D 41. B 42.C 43.A 44.B 46.B ‎46.E 47.B 48.A 49.C 50.A 51.E 52.B 53.D ‎54.cases ‎55.seventieth ‎56.ourselves ‎57.speeches ‎58.recently ‎59.care ‎60.organize ‎61disadvantage ‎62. Did show ‎63. When will ‎64. could he ‎65. spent cleaning ‎66. be frozen ‎67. whether left ‎68. We haven’t decided when to visit Martin’s new house.‎ ‎69-74. CADCB 75-80. CBABDD ‎81. reviews 82. War 83. Laughing 84. Impossible 85.until 86. Well 87. Discover ‎88. Yes, he is.‎ ‎89.They fish for themselves.‎ ‎90.It means they can eat fish without running out the future.‎ ‎91.They can grow in tanks in their homes and gardens.‎ ‎92.By showing their parent how they have grown fish at school.‎ ‎93. 言之有理

