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初三英语完形填空专项练习 These days computer games have become more and more popular in many cities and towns. A lot of small shops along busy _1_ have changed into computer game houses in order to get more 2 . These places are always crowded with people. In the computer game houses, people   3   a lot of money matching on the machines, It‘s   4   for one to beat a computer, but one can do well after trying again and again. People want to   5   when they play computer games. The more they   6  , the more they want to win, and at last they even can‘t   7   without it. The result is that some people don‘ t want to  8   and they play in computer game houses for hours and hours. For school boys, things are   9  . They don‘t want to have  10   . When school is over, they rush to the computer game houses near their   11  . Some of them can get enough money from their  12  . Some of them are _13_enough to get the money. So they have to steal or rob others‘ and become   14  . Computer game addiction(上瘾) is a   15   problem in our life. Something has to be done to stop it. ( )1. A. streets   B. schools    C. towns       D. cities ( )2. A. boys    B. money     C. computers   D. houses ( )3. A. take    B. spend     C. cost     D. pay ( )4. A. possible   B. easy       C. good      D. hard ( )5. A. read    B. learn      C. win     D. download ( )6. A. lose    B. try      C. waste      D. watch ( )7. A. come    B. eat      C. study      D. live ( )8. A. watch TV   B. go out     C. stay there  D. work ( )9. A. better    B. exciting   C. even worse  D. interesting ( )10.A. lessons   B. games      C. families    D. sports ( )11.A. classes   B. rooms     C. schools    D. shops ( )12.A. classmates B. teachers   C. sisters     D. parents ( )13. A. lucky   B. unlucky    C. careful     D. polite ( )14. A. good    B. bad      C. rich      D. poor ( )15. A. important B. serious    C. unusual     D. wonderful       Miss Carter is a beautiful girl. Her father  1  two years ago and ‎ her mother made a terrible mistake and   2  .They began to live a hard life. When she   3   middle school, she couldn‘t go on studying. Her uncle found a  4  for her. Mr Baker, a rich shopkeeper, hired(雇) her. Her work was to clean the rooms and sweep the floors. She tried her   5  and worked hard. Mrs Baker liked her and paid her  6  than the other servants(佣人). It was Sunday, Mr Baker was reading and Mrs Baker was watching TV in the sitting room. The girl came in and said,“I‘m   7  ,Mrs Baker. I have to tell you I can‘t work for you any longer.” It   8  Mr. and Mrs Baker. The woman asked,“What makes you say that? Aren‘t we__9  to you?” “Yes, you are, Madam,”the girl said.“Have you found a piece of   10  work yet?”Mrs Baker asked. “No,I haven‘t,”Miss Carter said.“  11  I don‘t think you trust(信任) me.” “You are  12  ,Miss Carter,”said Mr Baker.“I always think you are a  13  girl. And I often leave my keys in my study.”“It was  14  that you often left the keys in your study,”said the girl.“But I could use none of them to  15  the safe(保险箱).” “Well,”said Mr. Baker.“You can go right now!” (   )1. A. died  B. dieded   C. dying  D. dead (   )2. A. hurried off   B. hurried to   C. sent away  D. stopped (   )3. A. finished  B. stopped   C. end  D. over (   )4. A. work  B. works   C. job  D. jobs (   )5. A. better   B. good   C. best  D. well (   )6. A. much   B. more   C. little   D. less (   )7. A. sorry  B. glad   C. angry   D. please (   )8. A. in surprise   B. surprise   C. surprised   D. surprises (   )9. A. friendly   B. friend   C. rich   D. cold (   )10.A. good    B. better   C. best   D. well (   )11.A. But  B. And   C. Though   D. What (   )12.A. wrong   B. right   C. foolish   D. bright (   )13 A. bad  B. good   C. well   D. happy (   )14. A. poor  B. true  C. bad   D. well (   )15..A. break  B. answer  C. find   D. open ‎ “A friend walks in when the rest of the world walks out.”Sometimes in 1ife,you find a special friend:    Someone who Changes your  1  just by being part of it;    Someone who makes you laugh Until you can‘t  2  ;    Someone who makes you believe that there really is  3   in the world;    Someone who convinces(使相信) you that there really is an   4  door just waiting for you to open it.    This is Forever Friendship.    When you’re  5  ,and the world seems dark and empty,your forever friend __6   you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and  7  .    You forever friend gets you   8  the hard times and the sad times.If you turn and walk away,your forever friend   9  . If you 1ose your way,your forever friend guides you,encourages you,holds your   10  and tells you that everything is going to be OK.    And if you   11  such a  friend, you fee1 happy,because you   12  not worry.You have a forever friend for life,and forever has no   13  .    A true friend is someone who gives you a hand and touches your heart.    Remember:  14   happens,happens for a reason(理由).    How many people have eight true friends in fact? Hardly  15  I know.But some of us have all right friends and good friends. (   )1. A.food      B.time      C.1ife      D.work (   )2. A.think    B.stop    C.harm    D.Offer (   )3. A.good    B.health   C.human    D. scenery (   )4. A.unpacked   B.unlocked   C.unfixed      D.unborn (   )5. A.high    B.above   C.across      D.down (   )6. A.1ifts    B.shuts    C.catches    D.stands (   )7. A.natural    B.full    C.funny    D.proud (   )8. A.around    B.below   C.through      D.beside (   )9. A.leaves    B.travels    C.moves     D.fo11ows (   )10. A.head    B.hand   C.heart      D.back (   )11.A.make    B.treat    C.find    D.warn (   )12.A.need    B.must    C.may     D.have (   )13.A.job     B.end    C.top    ‎ ‎ D.goa1 (   )14.A.however    B.whoever   C.whatever    D.wherever (   )15.A.someone    B.everyone   C.none     D.anyone ‎              4    Mike was a little boy. One day Mike went with his father to a small town to   1  his grandparents. __2  the train, Mike put his head out of the window every minute. His father said, Mike, be   3  ! Don‘t put your head out of the window! But Mike didn‘t   4  his father and went on putting his head out of the window. His father could do   5  . Then Mike‘s father wanted to  6   a joke on his son. He took Mike‘s cap quietly, hid it   7  his back and said, You see, your cap has  8  away. Mike touched his head and it was really gone. The boy looked   9  and then he began to cry. He wanted to get his cap back. Don‘t worry, son. said his father, I have a strange  10  to get your cap back. __11  can you get it back? asked Mike in surprise. His father said, Close your eyes and whistle(吹口哨) once, and maybe your cap will come back. Mike came  12  to the window, closed his eyes and whistled. Just at that   13  , his father quickly put the cap on the son‘s head. Oh! It was   14  ! Mike laughed. He was pleased, then he quickly took his father‘s cap and   15  it out of the window. Now it is your turn to whistle, Dad! he said happily. (   )1.A. look     B. see      C. watch       D. notice (   )2.A. At      B. Of       C. To      D. In (   )3.A. care     B. careful     C. carefully    D. careless (   )4.A. hear of     B. listen      C. hear      D. listen to (   )5.A. nothing     B. anything     C. some      D. any (   )6. A. do      B. work       C. play      D. take (   )7.A. before    B. behind       C. after     D. at (   )8. A. dropped    B. thrown       C. sent     D. flown (   )9.A. worried    B. glad       C. happy     D. proud (   )10. A. road     B. path       C. way     D. street (   )11.A. Why     B. How       C. What     D. ‎ Where (   )12. A. on      B. up        C. in        D. out (   )13.A. while    B. second       C. minute    D. moment (   )14.A. terrible    B. wonderful     C. had     D. lovely (   )15 A. threw    B. placed       C. brought    D. got ‎                5.‎ David received a parrot for his birthday. The parrot had a poor vocabulary (词汇量),   and many were not polite. David tried hard to  1  the bird‘s words and was often  2  polite words,  playing soft music,  trying anything he could   3  to set a good example. But nothing   4  . He shouted at the bird and the bird just got angry and became even   5  .Finally,without any hope, David put the   6  in the freezer. For a few moments he heard the bird kick(踢) and cry loudly in it. Then suddenly it was   7  —not a sound for half a minute. David was   8  that he might have hurt the bird and quickly  9  the freezer door. The parrot quietly   10  out onto David‘s arm and said,“‘I   11  that I may have made you angry  12  me about my impolite language and actions. I will try my best at once to be polite. I am   13  sorry and beg your pardon. David was surprised at the bird‘s change, and he was just  14  what had made such a surprising change when the parrot  15  saying, May I ask what the chicken in the freezer did? (   )1.A. change    B. teach    C. make     D. have (   )2. A. talking    B. speaking    C. saying     D. telling (   )3.A. look after    B. look over    C. think over    D. think of (   )4 A. happened    B. appeared   C. worked    D. did (   )5. A. polite    B. less polite   C. more polite    D. not polite (   )6.A. parrot     B. chicken    C. meat     D. food (   )7.A. noisy      B. painful    C  full     D. quiet (   )8.A. amazed     B. surprising   C. boring    D. frightened (   )9.A. locked     B. shut     C. opened    D. repaired (   )10A. ran      B. stepped    C. swam     D. escaped (   )11.A. believe     B hope    C. dream     D. celebrate (   )12. A.  in    B.  for    C.  to      D.  with (   )13. A. much    B.  really    C. a little    D.‎ ‎ just (   )14. A. to ask    B. asked    C.  to reply    D.  replied (   )15. A. went on to  B. went on     C. went over   D. went ‎               6. Stamp collecting is perhaps the most popular hobby in the world.  1  people have been collecting stamps from different countries, for different reasons and in different ways. I collect stamps from Singapore, Malaysia, Canada and the U. K. only. I  2   collect stamps from every country because there are too many. Some countries have hundreds of new stamps every   3   . My father and sister work in offices,   4  sometimes they bring foreign stamps home. If I don‘t want a stamp, I try to swap it with a friend. I don‘t  5  any stamps because they cost too much money. Most of my stamps are  6   ones, which are stuck on paper at first. I have to get the stamps off the paper   7  damaging( 毁坏)them.  8  wants to collect damaged stamps. I put the stamps into water in a bowl. After ten to twenty minutes, the water makes the paper   9  . Then it is   10   to peel off the stamps carefully and let them dry. After that, I put them in one of my stamp albums(集邮册) . I have   11  albums, one for each country. I can   12  many things from my stamps. They make my school subjects   13  . They show me what birds, animals and plants there are in a country. They let me   14 about the people and events in different countries. Some old stamps are very valuable. Perhaps one day some of my stamps will be  15   , too. (   )1. A. Many    B. Few     C. No      D. All (   )2.A. can      B. can‘t     C. like to    D. often (   )3.A. hour      B. week    C. month    D. year (   )4.A. because    B. when    C. so      D. after (   )5. A. want     B. sell     C. swap     D. buy (   )6. A. used    B. new     C. beautiful   D. interesting (   )7.A. after      B. until     C. without    D. with (   )8.A. Everybody   B. Nobody    C. Somebody   D. Anybody (   )9.A. wet      B. fresh     C. clean     D. beautiful (   )10A. difficult      B. good     C. hard     D. easy (   )11.A. one     B. four     C. five     D. many (   )12 A. have     B. buy     C. learn     D.‎ ‎ want (   )13 A. alive      B. boring    C. busy     D. difficult (   )14 A. talk     B. know     C. worry     D. complain (   )15A. new      B. old     C. cheap     D. valuable ‎               7 When you write a letter or make a telephone call,  your words   1  a message. People communicate with words. Do you think you can communicate   2  words?  A smile  3   your face shows you are happy and friendly. Tears in your eyes tell __4   that you are sad. When you   5  your hand in class,  the teacher knows you want to say something   6  ask questions. You shake your head,  and people know you are saying no. You nod and people know you are saying   7  . Other things can also give some information. For example,  a sign at the bus stop helps you to know which bus   8  . A sign on the wall of your school helps you to find the library. Signs on doors tell you   9   to go in or out.   10  you ever noticed that there are a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages   11  them all the time? People can communicate   12  many other ways.  13  artist can use his drawings to tell about beautiful mountains,  about the blue sea and many other things. Books   14  to tell you about all wonderful things in the world and also about people and their ideas. Books,  magazines,  TV and radio and films all help us to communicate with other people. They all help us to know  15  is going on in the world. (   )1.A. take     B. bring    C. carry     D. gives (   )2.A. by      B. with    C. use      D. without (   )3. A. in     B. on     C. at      D. over (   )4.A. others    B. the others  C. other     D. the other (   )5. A. put on    B. put out   C. put up     D. put down (   )6. A. when     B. or     C. but      D. if (   )7. A. no     B. hello     C. yes    D. nothing (   )8. A. to get     B. to choose   C. to have    D. to take (   )9. A. which    B. where    C. how      D. what (   )10. A. Do     B. Did     C. Had      D. Have (   )11.A. from     B. of     C. about    D. for (   )12. A. with     B. by     C. without    D. in (   )13. A. The     B. An     C. A     D.‎ ‎ Some (   )14. A. write    B. wrote  C. is written    D. are written (   )15.A. what    B. which    C. that      D. who ‎                8‎ Mr. White is a member of his office. He‘s   1  and can easily deal with(处理) all kinds of matters. So he‘s always  2  more than his workmates. Of course he‘s often  __3   and has no time to do the housework. His wife  4  him well and does all at home. __5  !  Their daughter was hurt in a traffic accident last month and had to be   6  . Now Mrs. White has to look after her there  7  she can‘t go home. Mr. White often eats something in the restaurant. As he   8  did some cleaning, the rooms were all disorderly (零乱不堪) . Yesterday morning, before Mr. White got up, the telephone  9  . He sat up to answer it. His friend told him to  10  an important telephone number down. But he could find   11  a piece of paper. He found there was much dust(灰尘) on the table and wrote the number on it. But soon he  12  it and went to work. Two hours later  13   came back and looked for a sweater for her daughter. Her husband came in while she was   14   the table. He couldn‘t   15   the number on the table and called out angrily , Who let you clean the table? (   )1. A. important    B. strong      C. good      D. able (   )2. A. helped     B. thought      C. paid      D. asked (   )3. A. busy      B. quiet      C. lazy      D. happy (   )4. A. sees     B. knows      C. misses     D. takes care of (   )5. A. Well     B. Once      C. What‘s more    D. Bad luck (   )6. A. in hospital   B. outside     C. in bed       D. in time (   )7.  A. but     B. or     C. while      D. and (   )8. A. not      B. never   C. almost     D. often (   )9.  A. shouted    B. spoke    C. rang      D. called (   )10.A. write    B. remember   C. understand   D. use (   )11. A. either a pen or   B. neither a pen nor     C. both a pen and   D. not only a pen but (   )12. A. forgot     B. read    C. took    D.‎ ‎ threw (   )13. A. he       B. his friend   C. his wife   D. his daughter (   )14. A. brushing     B. walking in   C. leaving   D. cleaning (   )15.A. find out     B. listen to   C. see     D. write ‎                  9.‎ Someone once wrote, All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Work is   __1  , but everyone needs leisure time too. Leisure time   2  free time to do whatever you want.  3  is a time for anything that  4  you. Some people like to play __5  for good health. Others like to go to interesting places,   6  museums or parks. Many people have   7  . They make things or collect things. Right now,  someone is   8  a hobby somewhere. People collect coins,  9   ,  rocks, or books. Everyone likes to make something.  10  could make a boat or a table, a sweater or a fishing net,  a bird cage or an apple pie. It does not  11  what you make, as long as it‘s something you do yourself. People  12  hobbies are not dull. They are interesting  13  they can talk about their leisure  14  , Some work and some play will make you interesting  15  . (   )1. A. difficult    B. easy  C. happy   D. important (   )2. A. has     B. takes     C. means    D. gives (   )3.A. There     B. It     C. That    D. This (   )4. A. interests    B. worries  C. helps    D. stops (   )5. A. computers    B. fires  C. cards    D. sports (   )6. A. not only    B. together with C. such as    D. as well as (   )7. A. friends    B. troubles  C. questions  D. hobbies (   )8. A. meeting   B. enjoying  C. finding    D. thinking (   )9. A,  stamps    B. sounds   C. scores    D. nature (   )10. A. All    B. We     C. You   D. They (   )11. A. matter    B. know     C. look    D. say (   )12. A. at    B. from    C. on    D. with (   )13, A. if     B. unless     C. because  D. though (   ) 14. A. education    B. activities  C. childhood  D. life (   )15. A. too    B. neither     C. either    D. also ‎             10 I have had thousands of classes since I started school nine years ago. But only one   1  was the most important. It happened last term just after I had got a   2  result in an exam. I was sad and had lost my confidence. I decided to go to a class which can tell me how to be  3  . The speaker walked into the room. But he did not start talking  4  a teacher. Instead, he held up a twenty yuan note(钞票) ! Who wants this? he asked. Unsurprisingly,   5  of us in the class held up our hands. The speaker smiled. Then he put up the note on the blackboard and asked the same question. Again, we all put up our hands. The speaker smiled again, but   6  nothing. Suddenly, he threw the note onto the floor!  Then he asked the same  7  a third time. I didn‘ t   8  what the speaker was doing. Why was he asking the same question again and again? I didn‘t know what to do. I wanted the note,   9  I put my hand up again. After a while, he  10  the note and started to laugh. You have all just told me how to become successful,   11  said to us with the note in his hand. The note is worth twenty yuan. It is   12  worth twenty yuan, even though I throw it on the floor. You are like the note. No matter  13  happens to you, you still have your worth. When I heard those words, I was deeply moved. Suddenly, I  14  I was worth a lot. I may have done in an exam, but it doesn‘t   15  I can‘ t do well in the future. If I believe in myself, I will be successful! (   )1. A. classroom    B. subject    C. class     D. school (   )2.  A. same    B. good     C. lucky    D. bad (   )3.  A. comfortable   B. successful   C. famous   D. rich (   )4.  A. like    B. for        C. about    D. by (   )5.  A. both    B. neither      C. all    D. none (   )6. A. said     B. bought     C. saw     D. wanted (   )7. A. student     B. teacher    C. question   D. way (   )8. A. remember    B. understand     C. notice     D. find (   )9.A. so      B. though      C. if      D. or (   )10. A. took out    B. threw away   C. picked up   D. put down (   )11. A. you     B. he       C. she      D.‎ ‎ they (   )12. A. never    B. sometimes   C. hardly    D. always (   )13. A. when    B. who      C. what     D. how (   )14.  A. realized   B. forgot    C. dreamed   D. decided (   )15.  A. know    B. mean     C. think     D. complain ‎                 11 Our dog Zip is always bringing things home for us to keep! Many of them were to bears,  lambs and ducks. We never could   1  the owners. One day Dad was   2  the paper, listen to this,  everyboby»he said. To the person who took a teddy bear from a child‘s wagon(推车) —please bring back the toy bear. Our two-year-old son is very  3   . Zip has been  4   again, said Anita. Yes, said Dad, Well, the paper gives the  5  . This time I can take back Zip‘s   __6   . Do you think it  7  to do that? Mom asked. If you tell about Zip, who will believe you? I will  8  until dark. Then I‘ll just put the Teddy bear at the front door and walk away.  9  will see me. Dad‘s idea  10  worded. He put Teddy at the gate. He turned to walk away — and knocked into a chair! Dad started to   11  . But he didn‘t get very far. The gate lights came on,  A man threw open the door.   12  is going on here? he called out. Dad didn‘t even try to  13  . He just wanted to get away. Then the man saw  14   He shouted after Dad. How   15  can you get! he said, Taking toys from babies! (   )1.  A,  pay   B. agree    C. find     D. choose (   )2. A. buying    B. reading   C. writing    D. sending (   )3. A. sad     B,  surprised  C. happy    D. afraid (   )4. A. busy     B. lazy     C. sorry     D. worried (   )5. A. picture    B. story    C. address     D. time (   )6. A. food     B. name    C. idea     D. present (   )7. A. wrong    B. clever     C. dangerous   D. free (   )8. A. speak    B. wait    C,  watch    D. think (   )9. A. Someone    B. Everyone    C. No one    D. Anyone (   )10. A. never    B. always     C. already    D. almost (   )11.A. speak    B. drive    C. run    D. cry (   )12. A. What    B.Who     C. How     D. Which ‎ (   )13. A. help    B. answer    C. listen      D. knock (   )14. A. the bear   B. Zip     C. nothing    D. the baby (   )15. A. angry    B. kind    C. bad    D. sorry ‎              12. It is very important to get lots of exercises. I like exercises and especially enjoy __1  very much. Last summer, I went to the beach every day. I plan to go there this summer, too, but I am not  2  to. I have a new job. Sometimes I have to work   3  late at night. I now work more hours than I  4  before ,  however,  I can receive a larger salary ( 薪水 ). To tell the truth, I like the new job, but it has really taken up so much of my spare (业余) time. I   5   doing more exercises to spending money. Riding a bike is a good exercise. Maybe I will save enough  6  to buy a new bike. My neighbour,  Mrs. Wilson, has a bike that she can   7  to me,  but I would rather use my own bike. If I use  8  ,I would worry about damaging(毁坏 )it. It is really a good   __9  to get a new bike. I think while I am riding  10 work, I will be getting exercises __11   . It is easier to get to the beach by bike,  too. I might be able to go swimming after all. This new job is great!   I am very   12  This will be a summer full of happiness. (   )1. A. running     B. boating    C. swimming    D. skating (   )2. A. willing     B. able    C. glad     D. pleased (   )3. A. until      B. after    C. through   D. to (   )4. A. decided to    B. planned to   C. did     D. got to (   )5. A. try      B. hope    C. like     D. prefer (   )6. A. time      B. jobs    C. things   D. money (   )7. A. lend      B. borrow      C. buy     D. use (   )8. A. mine      B. hers      C. a new one    D. the other‘s (   )9. A. hope       B. information C. idea     D. matter (   )0. A. to      B. from  C. to and from    D. without (   )11. A. once more    B. at the same time C. now and then   D. from now on  (   )12. A. excited     B. worried C. unhappy    D. moved ‎               13. I stood in the doorway, watching my older brother carefully putting clothes ‎ into his bag. I coughed uneasily. Finally  1  that I was there,  Rocky turned toward me with a sad smile. I‘m  2  tomorrow, he said. I know. My  3  was almost a whisper ( 低声). I was  4  at myself for being so weak,   but I wasn‘t about to cry. My  5  is early,  so there is still  6  time to come to the airport, he said. Seeing the  7  look on my face, he quickly added, I promise(答应)I won‘t leave without saying goodbye. I tried to say  8   ,  but didn‘t. It‘ s always  9  to keep quiet if you‘re about to cry. You promised you wouldn‘t cry, he said to me,  thinking that I was close to   10  . I remember the day he taught me how to ride a bike.  11  I thought he was always right behind me,  holding the seat to keep me from  12  I was happy with this, but he knew he couldn‘t hold me up all my life. He told me that one day he would have to let go. His coughing stopped my thinking. What was left to say? How could I say  13  to the person who taught me everything? The next morning I   14  ,  looked at my alarm clock,  and realized he had left  __15   ago. We never even said goodbye. Goodbye,  Rocky! Although  he  may  have  been many miles away,  I knew he heard me,  even if it was only an answer in his heart. (   )1. A. forgetting    B. realizing C. watching    D. learning (   )2,  A. arriving     B. living    C. coming   D. leaving (   )3. A. voice       B. sound    C. noise     D. word (   )4. A. glad      B. moved  C. angry     D. pleased (   )5. A. ship      B. flight    C. train     D. bus (   )6. A. enough     B. little    C. no     D. busy (   )7. A. surprised    B. excited  C. sad    D. happy (   ) 8. A. anything    B. everything C. something    D. nothing (   )9. A. stranger     B. better    C. worse     D. easier (   )10. A. tears      B. smiles   C. words     D. sadness (   ) 11. A. At last     B. From now on C. At first    D. So far (   )12. A. riding     B. running C. walking    D. falling (   )13. A. goodbye    B. hello   C. yes    D. sorry (   )14. A. gave up    B. stood up C. looked up    D. woke up (   )15. A. minutes     B.  hours    C. days     D. weeks ‎               14 Mr Clarke works in a middle school. He likes reading and often  1  some books from the library. He keeps  2  to the radio every morning and reading  3  after supper. So he knows much and teaches well. His  4  worship(崇拜)him very much. Mike, Mr Clarke’s little son,is only nine. He  5  likes reading books. And he often asks his father some questions. Mr Clarke always thinks he’s too  6  to understand him and chooses_ 7  ones to answer. Of course the boy is not satisfied with(对…满意)it.   One day Mike read  8  about the electric lights(电灯)and was  9    it.When his father told him to do some housework,he went on thinking of it.He asked him  10  questions,and his father answered all.Then his father said proudly,“Fathers always know  11  than sons!” The boy thought for a while and said,“  12  !”   “Oh? Why?”   Mike didn’t answer and asked,  13  ,“Who invented the electric lights?”   “  14  .”answered Mr Clarke.   “Why didn’t his father invent them,then?” Looking at his son,Mr Clarke didn’t know  15   to answer ! (   )1. A. finds   B. sells   C. buys   D. borrows (   )2. A. watching B. listening C. going   D. touching (   )3.A. newspapers B. letters   C. stories    D. messages (   )4.A. teachers   B. parents C. students D. classmates (   )5. A. also   B. never   C. even   D. only (   )6. A. old   B. young   C. clever   D. able (   )7. A. more ifficult B. the most difficult     C. easy  D. the easiest  (   )8. A. everything B. nothing C. something D. anything (   )9. A. worried about B. interested in    C. afraid of  D. angry with  (   )10.A. few   B. little   C. a few   D. a little (   )11.A. more   B. most   C. less   D. least (   )12.A. So do I B. Neither am I C. I agree D. I don’t think so (   )13. A. instead B. carefully C. quickly D.‎ ‎ brightly (   )14. A. Thomas Brown B. Allan Smith    C. Thomas Edison D. Ron Jenkins  (   )15. A. when   B. what   C. where   D. which ‎             15. Dear Sir, I am writing to you about my stay at your hotel. My wife and I  1  on Saturday,  15th .May and stayed   2  a week. Though we were treated  3  and found the service(服务) excellent,  we  4  there are one or two matters we   5  bring your attention. 1,  we had hoped for a nice  6  from our busy work lives, and your ad __7__   Comfortable and quiet. We want to have a chance to enjoy ourselves. However,  we were  8  to find that repairs are sometimes needed,  but is it  9  necessary to start early in the morning? 2,  we had hoped to  10  in your wonderful pool. To our disappointment (失望), we found that it was   11  for the whole time of our stay. I   12  you do not mind me writing to you   13  these things,  but I would be happy  14  you could give me some explanation(解释). As I  15  at the start, it is a pity,  and your service is so well in other fields. I hope to hear from you. Mr Hector Bradley (   )1. A. left     B. arrived  C. went    D. returned (   )2. A. for     B. in     C. during    D. since (   )3. A. bad     B. badly     C. good    D. well (   )4. A. learn    B. hear     C. think    D. need (   )5. A. should    B. can    C. may    D. will (   )6. A. stop     B. holiday   C. break    D. sleep (   )7. A. told      B. imagined  C. refused    D. said (   )8. A. surprised   B. happy     C. glad    D. sad (   )9. A. true     B. such     C. too     D. really (   )10. A. drop     B. swim     C. live    D. drink (   )11.A. open     B. closed     C. clean    D. gone (   )12. A. ask     B. want     C. need    D. hope (   )13. A. with     B. on     C. about    D. at ‎ (   )14. A. while    B. if      C. as     D. before (   )15. A. told     B. put     C. said    D. noticed ‎                   16 A little boy wanted to meet God,  so he started his trip with some cakes and orange juice. On his way he saw an old woman  1  in the park. The boy sat down next to her. The old lady looked   2  ,  so he offered her a cake. She  3   it thankfully and smiled at him. Her smile was  4  pretty that the boy wanted to see it again,  so he gave her a bottle of orange juice. Once again she smiled at him. The boy was very happy! They sat there all afternoon eating and smiling,  but they never say a word. As it grew dark,  the boy got up to leave.   5  he left,  he gave her a kiss. She gave him her  6  smile ever. When the boy   7  home,  his mother saw the look of joy   8  his face. She asked him,   9   made you so happy? He replied,  I had lunch with God. She‘s got the most beautiful smile I‘ ve ever seen! The old woman also returned to her home__10__. Her son asked,  Mother,  why are you so happy? She answered,  I ate cakes in the park with God. You know,  he‘s much younger than I expected . (   )1.A. sits      B. sitting     C. to sit      D. sat (   )2 .A. hungry    B. angry      C. thirsty     D. tired (   )3. A. received    B. gave      C. accepted     D. refused (   )4. A. very     B. too       C. so      D. quite (   )5. A. Before     B. After      C. Since      D. Until (   )6. A. big     B. bigger     C. the biggest    D. biggest (   )7. A. got to     B. got      C. reaches     D. arrived in (   )8. A. in      B. with      C. at       D. on (   )9. A. Which     B. Where      C. What      D. Why (   )10.A. happily    B. happy     C. happiness    D. happier ‎               17. Radio, telephone and television are widely used in the world. When you  1  the radio, you can listen. But when you use the telephone, not only you can listen to others __2  you can talk with them; however, you  3  see anything at all. Television is much better than   4  of them.  People can watch TV and listen to it.  But they can‘t take part in  5  they ‎ see. Today some people are using a kind of telephone called the picture phone or vision phone.   6  it two people who are talking can see each other. Picture phone can be very   7  when you have something to show the person you are calling. They may have other uses in the future. Some day you may be able to   8  a library and ask to read a book right over your picture phone. You may also be able to go shopping through it, too. When you  9  something in the newspaper that you think you want to buy, you may go to your picture phone and call the shop. The shop assistant will show you the thing that you‘re  10  in right over the phone. You‘ll be able to shop all over the town and never leave your home. (   )1. A. turn to    B. turn over    C. turn off    D. turn on (   )2. A. and    B. not     C. so     D. but also (   )3. A. can    B. can‘t    C. need    D. needn‘t (   )4. A. all    B. none    C. both     D. every (   )5. A. what    B. how    C. why    D. where (   )6. A. With    B. In     C. By     D. Without (   )7. A. use    B. uses    C. used    D. useful (   )8. A. go to    B. sit in    C. ring up    D. make phone calls (   )9. A. will see   B. see     C. won‘t see    D. doesn‘t see (   )10. A. interest   B. interested   C. interesting   D. interests ‎             18 Martin is an American boy. He is eight years old. His parents   1  five years ago and he is now living with his grandmother in New York. One morning,  Jimmy,  one of his classmates, came to his home with an exercises book in his hand. Jimmy lives in a house not far from Martin‘s. They often go to school together. Would you help me with this maths problem? Jimmy said as soon as he came into the room. It‘s too hard for me and I can‘t work it out. Let me try, Martin said. I   2  it isn‘t too hard for me. Martin tried his best but he couldn’t work it out,   3  . If we had a small computer,  all the problems would be  4   for us to do. Jimmy said. A small computer. . . , Martin thought for a minute,  then he said, I‘ve got an idea. We can   5  one in a shop. A computer is very   6  ,  and we don* t have enough money.‎ ‎ That‘s OK, said Martin. We can ask the new president (总统)   7  some money. He said he would help anyone in trouble. I‘ m sure he will help us. He is very rich, you know.   So they decided to write a letter to the new president. Soon the letter was finished and they hurried to the post office. In front of the post office stood a small box. They  8  the letter into the box carefully and went home happily. The next morning, they   9  the post office on their way to school. They found__10 _,  the box was not a post box but trash-box (果皮箱). (   )1.A. have died    B. had died     C. died    D. have been death (   )2. A. sure     B. think      C. hope   D. wish (   )3.A. neither     B. either      C. too    D. also (   )4.A. easy enough    B. enough easy   C. difficult enough  D. enough difficult (   )5. A. borrow    B. lend      C. bring    D. buy (   )6. A. expensive   B. cheap        C. important   D. useful (   )7. A. to      B. for      C. about    D. on (   )8. A. place     B. took      C. dropped   D. bring (   )9.  A. passed    B. past      C. pasted    D. passing (   )10. A. with their surprise    B. in their surprise C. to their surprise    D. of their surprise                19. My parents took me to Japan when I was little. I lived there for five years.__1__   I came back,my Japanese was very good. Can I do something useful with my Japanese? I asked myself. Then,one day last spring,I got a good opportunity(机会). Everyone was afraid of SARS,so I stayed at home with  2  to do. My father brought me a Japanese book. Why don‘t you translate(翻译)it into Chinese? It will be better than  3  computer games all day.” I promised(许诺)to do 2,000 words each day. But   4  I found it was hard to keep the promise. One day in May,the weather was beautiful. But I couldn’t go out. Those 2,000 words were still  5  me. After translating only three pages, I already lost interest in the book. I looked at it for a long time. But I couldn’t make myself turn the pages.‎ ‎ How I   6  I could just go outside and play football with my friends! I counted the words again and again. I just wanted to give up. I felt as if two people were fighting  7  my mind. One said,“Don’t give up!Keep working hard,and you’ll do well!”  But then the other one said,“Go and play!It will be more  8  than translating. Do your work tomorrow.” I stood up and would  9  the computer. But then I remembered  10  my parents had told me:“Whatever you do,don‘t stop half way”So I sat down and went on with it. (   )1.A. Because    B. Until     C. Since     D. When (   )2. A. nothing     B. something   C. everything   D. anything (   )3. A. be played    B. playing     C. played    D. plays (   )4. A. just then    B. right now    C. soon    D. suddenly (   )5. A. talking to    B. looking at    C. smiling at    D. waiting for (   )6. A. thought    B. felt     C. wished    D. decided (   )7. A. in     B. with     C. about     D. for (   )8. A. fun     B. important    C. useful    D. dangerous (   )9. A. turn on    B. turn off    C. open     D. close (   )10. A. how     B. where    C. which    D. what ‎               20 The population problem may be the      1    one of the world today. The world‘s population is growing     2   . Two thousand years ago, there were only 250 million people     3   the earth. Four hundred years ago, the number was     4    500 million. But at the beginning of the     5   century, the world‘s population was about 1,700 million.In 1970, this number was 3,600 million. In 1990, the number was five billion. A     6   report says that the world population will     7   six billion by the end of the 20th century. This is just ten     8   after it     9   five billion. People say that by the year 2010,   1 0   may be seven billion. (   )1.A.great   B.greater   C.greatest   D.greating (   )2.A.faster and faster    B.fast and fast C.fastest and fastest    D.faster and fast (   )3.A.in    B.on   C.at     D.for (   )4.A.nearly   B.more   C.almost  ‎ ‎ D.over (   )5.A.twenty   B.twelve   C.twentieth   D.twelfth (   )6.A.USA   B.UN   C.PRC   D.PLA (   )7.A.past   B.pass   C.passed   D.passes (   )8.A.weeks   B.months   C.seasons   D.years (   )9.A.get   B.gets   C.reached   D.reach (   )10.A.this   B.its   C.one    D.it ‎                21 Fire can help people in many ways. But it can also be very harmful (有害的). Fire can keep your house __1__, give light and cook food. But fire can burn things __2__. Big fire can burn, trees, houses, animals or people.     Nobody knows how people began to use fire. But there are __3__. interesting old stories about how a man or woman started a fire. One is __4__ a man. The man __5__ a very long time ago. He went up the sun and __6__ fire down.     Today people know how to make a fire with matches(火柴). Children sometimes __7__ to play with them. But matches can be very dangerous. One match can burn a piece of paper. and __8__ it could burn a house. A small fire can turn a big fire. very quickly. So you __9__ be careful with matches.     Be careful with fire, and it will __10__ you. But if you aren’t careful with fire. and it may hurt you.   (   )1. A. warm     B. warmer   C. cool      D. cooler (   )2. A. also      B. too     C. either      D. neither (   )3. A. many      B. much    C. little       D. no (   )4. A. over      B. about    C. a little       D. no (   )5. A. worked      B. studied    C. learned       D. lived (   )6. A. bring     B. take    C. brought      D. took (   )7. A. enjoy   B. like    C. don‘t like   D. become (   )8. A. after    B. late    C. yet       D. then (   )9. A. can       B. man     C. will      D. must (   )10. A. help    B. do      C. tell      D. hope ‎ ‎                22. English names and Chinese names are quite different in some 1 ways, but it‘s not hard for us to know.    Unlike Chinese, most English people have 2  names. One is their family ‎ name, both of the other names are given names. Their family name is  3  the given name. They use Mr, Mrs or Miss with the  4  name, but they never use  5  with the first name. For example, we can  6  a man named James Allan Green Mr Green,   _ 7  we can‘t call him Mr James or Mr Allan. People usually use Jim  8_  James. Jim is short for James because it‘s  9  to remember.    But Chinese names are the opposite. A girl with the name Han Limei  10  her family name Han first. Of course, she can be called Ah Mei for short in China if you wish. (   )1.A.another   B.other   C.others   D.the others (   )2.A.one    B.two   C.three   D.four (   )3.A.above   B.front  C.back   D.behind (   )4.A.last    B.given   C.middle   D.full (   )5.A.their   B.them   C.its    D.it (   )6.A.ask    B.say    C.call   D.write (   )7.A.so     B.or    C.and   D.but (   )8.A.instead of B.for long C.so far   D.next to (   )9.A.important  B.easy   C.difficult D.interesting (   )10.A.put    B.putting  C.puts   D.was put ‎               23 Miss Zhao is one of the most popular teachers in the school.Yesterday she came into the  1  with a big smile on her face.She said to her  2  that she was  3  to see they did well in the sports meeting.But  4  was not pleased to see the classroom last Saturday not as  5  as usual.She hoped they would clean the classroom every day.    Wei Hua was on  6  yesterday.She said everyone was at  7  except Lin Tao.Then she told Miss Zhao about their  8  to the Great Wall last Sunday.Luckily the weather was  9  . They played games and had a picnic there.After Wei Hua 10 her talk,Miss Zhao began her lesson. (   )1.A.shop   B.classroom    C.park   D.office (   )2.A.students  B.teachers     C.workers  D.doctors (   )3.A.angry   B.sorry     C.glad   D.sad (   )4.A.she   B.I       C.we    D.he (   )5.A.dark    B.old     C.large   D.clean (   )6.A.time   B.duty    C.foot   D.top ‎ (   )7.A.home    B.noon   C.night   D.school (   )8.A.visit   B.music    C.clock   D.football (   )9.A.bad    B.fine    C.rainy   D.windy (   )10.A.started    B.had    C.finished   D.gave                     24‎ Sam had a dog, Its name was Tod. it was very helpful, but it ate too much . So he didn‘t like it. he wanted to __1__ Tod. He __2__ Tod and put it in a small boat . he rowed(划)the boat to the __3__ of a big river. Just as he __4__ the poor animal into the river, the boat began to go down. __5__ the man and Tod __6__ into the river. Tod was able to swim, __7__ Sam couldn‘t. The dog bit(咬) the rope(绳子) and broke it . it tried its best to swim to __8__ Sam. The man was saved, so he was very thankful (感激的)to the dog, he didn‘t want to kill the dog __9__. From the on, he gave the dog as __10__ as it wanted.  (   )1. A. sell   B. buy    C. beat     D. kill  (   )2. A. tied   B. pulled   C. pushed    D. closed  (   )3. A. front   B. foot    C. side    D. middle  (   )4. A. threw   B. carried  C. sent    D. brought  (   )5. A. Neither  B. Nor    C. Each    D. Both  (   )6. A. fell   B. dropped   C. lost      D. jumped  (   )7. A. because  B. though  C. but   D. when  (   )8. A. kill    B. save   C. meet   D. hit  (   )9. A. no more  B. any more  C. no longer D. not more  (   )10. A. little    B. few   C. many    D. much                   25 There were no classes that afternoon, so Henry went to a __1__ shop near his home. The shop sold many jackets. He looked __2__ them and at last chose a very nice one. He __3__ it on and then told the shopkeeper to put it into a __4__. At that time his friend Bruce came into the shop. They hadn‘t seen each other for a long time. They were so __5__ to meet again that they forgot __6__ else. Soon they were busy talking on and on happily. It was nearly six o‘clock, __7__ they decided to go and have dinner together. Henry picked up the bag, and walked __8__ the door of the shop. The shopkeeper stopped them and asked Henry to pay for the __9__. Henry looked at him in ‎ surprise at first, but soon he remember that he hadn‘t paid for it. He said __10__ ,gave him the money and them left the shop with his friend. (   )1. A. fruit   B. book    C. food    D. clothing (   )2. A. up   B. for    C. after     D. at (   )3. A. put    B. tried    C. got      D. turned (   )4. A. bag    B. cup    C. car      D. pocket (   )5. A. worried  B. interested  C. pleased   D. anxious (   )6. A. nobody   B. anybody   C. something D. everything (   )7. A. though   B. so     C. because   D. but (   )8. A. towards  B. through   C. out of   D. round (   )9. A. dinner   B. bag    C. jacket   D. ticket (   )10. A. goodbye B. yes    C. hello   D. sorry                     26    Miss Zhao is one of the most popular teachers in the school. Yesterday she came into the   1     With  a big smile on her face. She said to her  2  that she was 3  to see they did well in the sports meeting. But  4 was not pleased to see the classroom last Saturday not as  5 as usual. She hoped they would clean the classroom every day.    Wei Hua was on  6 yesterday. She said everyone was at  7 except Lin Tao. Then she told Miss Zhao about their  8 to the Great Wall last Sunday. Luckily the weather was   9  . They played games and had a picnic there. After Wei Hua  10  her talk, Miss Zhao began her lesson. (   )1. A. shop    B. classroom   C. park    D. office (   )2. A. students   B. teachers   C. workers   D. doctors (   )3. A. angry   B. sorry    C. glad    D. sad (   )4. A. she    B. I     C. we     D. he (   )5.A.dark     B. old     C. large    D. clean (   )6. A. time    B. duty    C. foot    D. to (   )7. A. home    B. noon    C. night    D. school (   )8. A. visit   B. music    C. clock    D. football (   )9. A. bad    B. fine    C. rainy    D. windy (   )10. A. started   B. had     C. finished   D. gave                 27‎ ‎ Mr White works in an office. He liked reading in bed when he was at school. It was bad for his   1 and now he has near sight ( 近视 ). But he wouldn’t want  2  to know about it and he never wears a pair of glasses. It often  3  him some trouble.    One winter morning he was sent to a village school on business (出差 ). He  4  a bus at a stop in a small town. Then he had to walk there. The road to the village wasn’t smooth (平坦). He fell over some times and it  5  his clothes dirty.  6  he got to the village. Suddenly it began to blow and it got colder. He was looking for the school while his  7  was blown off. He began to run after it but he couldn’t get it. He couldn’t understand why his hat ran into a house as if (似乎 ) it had  8  . And he ran into the house,  9  .    A woman stopped him and shouted angrily, “  10  are you running after my hen (母鸡 )for?” (   )1. A. ears     B. nose     C. mouth   D. eyes (   )2. A. anybody else   B. nobody    C. woman   D. somebody (   )3. A. follows    B. takes    C. brings   D. carries (   )4. A. took off   B. got off   C. got on   D. came on (   )5. A. let     B. made     C. gave    D. felt (   )6. A. At first   B. At home   C. At times   D. At last (   )7. A. clothes    B. bag     C. hat    D. glasses (   )8. A. legs     B. hands    C. shoes   D. arms (   )9. A. always    B. also     C. either   D. too (   )10. A. What     B. Why     C. Which   D. Who                  28 Once there was an old man in a town. He always forgot  1  things. So his wife al-ways had to say to him, “Don’t forget this!”    One day he went on a long trip (旅行 )alone. Before he  2  home, his wife said, “Now you have all these  3  . They are what you need for your trip. Take care of your things during the trip.” He went to the station, bought a ticket and   4  the train with it.    About half  5  hour later, the conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and   6 , “Will you please show me your ticket?” The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets, but he could not find  7  . He was very worried. “I can’t find my ticket. I really bought ‎ a ticket  8   I got on the train,” said the old man.    “I believe (相信)you bought a ticket. All right, you don’t have to buy  9  one,” said the conductor kindly. “But how can I know where I’m going?  I can’t  10  my station!” the old man said sadly. (   )1. A. a lot of   B. a kind of   C. a piece of   D. a pair of (   )2. A. got     B. left   C. went     D. moved (   )3. A. money   B. clothes    C. tickets    D. things (   )4. A. had on   B. went on   C. got on   D. passed on (   )5. A. a   B. an      C. the      D. this (   )6. A. say   B. said     C. says     D. saying (   )7. A. it   B. this     C. that     D. ticket (   )8. A. when   B. till     C. before     D. after (   )9. A. other   B. the other   C. the others   D. another (   )10. A. forget   B. get     C. remember    D. see                    29 When I was in my first year of middle school,  my father died. And my mother was ill just after I started high school. I had to stop  1  school because my mother had no money to pay my school bills. We started working in people‘s gardens to save up e-nough money for me to go back to school  2  , I returned to school. Unluckily, my mother died the next year. Suddenly my world went dark. I asked my headmaster if I could work for the school so I could pay my bills. He was a nice man and let me  3  in the school garden during the __4  I had not been able to study well because of my mother‘ s  5  .At the end of my second year,  6  most of my exams and was told I would have to repeat the year. After another summer working in the school garden, I went back to lessons again. But suddenly I fell  7   . Because of my diseased was weak and couldn‘t work at school. I was hopeless(无望的). My headmaster told me not to  8  . And my teachers and classmates helped me a lot. Now,  I‘m feeling better and will finish my third year. My life is still not  9   . A few students  10  my poor clothes. They also call me farmer because I work in the school garden. But I know I have to deal with(面对) such problems. (   )1.A. to go to     B. going to C. living in    D. visiting ‎ the (   )2. A. Certainly   B. Probably  C. Finally      D. Usually (   )3. A. work      B. to work  C. working      D. study (   )4. A afternoon   B morning   C. night   D. holidays (   )5. A. disease     B. death   C. rest     D, work  (   )6.A. passed   B. went through   C. failed    D. had   . (   )7.  A. tired      B. ill   C. down    D. asleep   (   )8.A. give up     B give out  C. go on     D. give away (   )9. A. the same    B. hard   C. difficult      D. easy (   )10.A. laugh at     B. like    C. put on     D. laugh ‎            30 Mr. Hodge was a   1  farmer . He had hundreds of chickens , and sold eggs and the meat and got a lot of   2  them , but he lived in a very   3  part of the country , and he found  4  his hens (母鸡) laid  5  in the summer . So he decided to put air-conditionings (空调)into his chicken-house  6  they would lay well all through the year and he could get more eggs and in that way earn more money . The owner of the company which  7  the air-conditioning came to see him , and when he saw Mr . Hodge’s house , he thought that he might be able to persuade (说服)him to buy some air-conditionings   8  . “Your wife would be much happier and more comfortable then,” he said to Mr. Hodge . But Mr . Hodge was   9  “My wife doesn’t   10  ,” he said . (   )1.A.chicken   B.chicken’s   C.chickens’  D.chicken of (   )2. A.interesting from  B.interesting for  C.money for  D.money from (   )3. A.hot     B.cold     C.warm    D.cool (   )4. A.whether    B.which     C.if     D.that (   )5. A.hardly any eggs B.egg hard    C.any eggs hardlyD.More eggs (   )6. A.such that    B.that     C.because    D.so that (   )7. A.buy     B.sold     C.repair    D.found (   )8. A.of it too  B.for it too  C.also with it  D.for which (   )9. A.not very interested  B.not interested at all    C.very interested    D.very happy (   )10.A.lay eggs  B.feel hot   C.like cool  D.bear children ‎           参考答案 1.  1-5  ABBDC   6-10  ADDCA   11-15  CDABB 2.  1-5  ADACC   6-10  BACAB   11-15  AABBD 3.  1-5  CBABD   6-10  ABCDB   11-15  CABCD 4.  1-5  BDBDA   6-10  CBDAC   11-15  BBDBA 5.  1-5  ACDCB   6-10  ADDCB   11-15  ADBAB 6.  1-5  ABDCD   6-10  ACBAD   11-15  BCA BD 7.  1-5  CDBAC   6-10  BCDCD   11-15   ADBDA 8.  1-5  DCABD   6-10  ADBCA   11-15   BACDC 9.  1-5  DCBAD   6-10   CDBAC   11-15   ADCBA 10.  1-5 CDBAC   6-10   ACBAC   11-15   BDCAB 11.  1-5  CBAAC   6-10  DBBCD   11-15  CABAC 12.  1-5  CBACD   6-10  DABCC   11-12  BA 13.  1-5  BDACB   6-10  ACCBA   11-15  CDADB 14.  1-5  DBACA   6-10   BDCBC    11-15  ADACB 15.  1-5  BADCA   6-10   BDADB   11-15  BDCBC 16.  1-5  BACC A   6-10   DBDCA  17.  1-5  DDBCA   6-10   ADCBB 18.  1-5  CCBAD   6-10   ABCAC 19.  1-5  DABCD   6-10   CAABD 20   1-5  CABDC   6-10   BBDCD 21 .  1-5  CCDCA  6-10   BDABD 22.   1-5  BCDAB   6-10   CDABC 23.  1-5  BACAD   6-10   BDABC 24.  1-5  DADAD   6-10  ACBBD 25.  1-5  DBBAC   6-10  DBACD 26. 1-5  BABAD   6-10  BDABC 27.  1-5  DACBB   6-10   DCADA 28.  1-5.  ABDCB   6-10   BACDC 29.  1-5   BCADB   6-10  CBADA  30.  1-5  ACADA   6-10  DBBBA ‎

