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Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to. R·九年级下册 Section B 3a-Self Check Phrases review 跟着跳舞 跟着唱 不同种类的 既然那样;假使那样的话 思考 坚持;固守 dance to sing along with different kinds of in that case think about stick to 想要(做)…… 大量;充足 关闭;停止运转 使高兴起来;使振作起来 偶尔地;间或 及时 feel like (doing) ... plenty of shut off cheer up once in a while in time 总共;合计 由……所写 出生于 因……而出名 挣钱 in total be written by... be born in be known for... make money 结婚 用这种方式 到……结束时 在某人的一生中 get married in this way by the end of... during one’s lifetime Lead-in What is your favorite movie and why? What kind of music do you like? rock music pop music classical music 3a What kind of music or movie do you like best? What is your favorite song / movie? Make notes in the chart below. Favorite kind of music/movie Why I like this kind of music /movie Favorite song/movie Why I like this song /movie How this song/movie makes me feel Why I think others should listen to/watch this song/movie Use your notes to write an article for a newspaper or magazine to tell people about your favorite kind of music / movie and your favorite song / movie. 3b Use the following expressions to help you: • My favorite kind of music/movie is… • I like … because … • It was … by … • When I listen to/watch it, I feel … • I think you should listen to/ watch it too because … Task 1 Possible answers for reference —What kind of music do you like? —I like/love/prefer music_______ that/ which is exciting. is really loud. is quiet and gentle. that/ which isn’t too loud. I can dance to. I can sing along with. has great lyrics. —What kind of music do you like? —I like/love/prefer music_______ Task 2 Why do you like listening to music? cheer us up relax ourselves learn new words learn new knowledge bring us different feelings ... reasons 审题 审题 人称 时态 注意 第一人称 一般现在时 词数 适当运用定语从句 抓要点 Key points My favorite Music kinds of music (音乐类型) why (推荐的理由) importance of music (音乐的重要性) kinds: pop music, rock music, classical music, folk music, jazz, dance music, rap, hit-hop, quiet and gentle, loud, sing along with, dance to, has great lyrics 扩展成句 why: relax ourselves, learn some knowledge, bring different feelings, cheer me up... importance of music: Life without songs... 1. 词与词搭配,句与句相连。 2. 段落划分,层次分明。 3. 步骤: 开篇点题。 展开表述。 结尾综述。 连句成文 【妙笔成篇1】 My Favorite Song My favorite song changes depending on how I feel that day. Usually I like songs that have great lyrics or rhythm. When I’m down and tired, I prefer songs which can cheer me up, songs like Big Big World are my first choice because they are delightful and easy to follow. The lyrics may be simple, but very cheerful, and the rhythm, too. 开篇点题 展开表述 When I sing along with them, I feel refreshed and relaxed. If I’m stressed out or uneasy, I love to listen to songs that are gentle and quiet, Our Canon in D is my favorite, which is performed by two people, a guitarist and a singer. The guitar player is great, the lyrics are comforting and the singer sings perfectly. After listening to it, I’ll calm down and gain my strength again. Life without songs will be empty and meaningless. If you feel like listening to something, choose a song that you like best. 结尾综述 My Favorite Movie My favorite movie is Transformers. This film was made by a famous director who is named Michael Bay in America. I am shocked by the high-techs and computer special effects that it uses. I like it very much because it has plenty of huge scenes and famous movie stars. 【妙笔成篇2】 Besides, when I see it I feel very happy for its wonderful story, and it teaches me to respect anybody who protects us. This film tells us that we should be brave to fight the enemies and have the courage to live in the danger. It also has a lot of robot toys that I like. I think you should watch it because it not only can cheer you up but also gives you a strong heart and confidence. Self Check 1. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box. plenty of suppose war electronic actor spare 1. The comedy has ___________dialog which is very humorous. 2. Since you prefer music that is relaxing, I don’t ________ you would want to buy this _________ music CD. plenty of suppose electronic 3. Christmas is a time for spreading joy, so you should find some ______ time to spend with your loved ones. 4. Although he is an ______ who does not have much experience, he did an excellent job in the new _____ film. spare actor war plenty of suppose war electronic actor spare 2. Fill in the blanks with who, that or which. More than one answer may be possible. A: Hi, Cindy! Would you like to see Sky High in 2050 this weekend? B: Hmm…no, I don’t think movies __________ try to describe the future are very interesting. Could we see City Danger instead? that/which A: You mean, the new police story ___________ was filmed in five countries? B: Yes, that’s the one. The actor _________ plays the hero used to be a schoolteacher! A: OK, sure. It sounds like something __________ we both will enjoy! who/that that that/which 3. Complete the sentences about yourself. 1. I don’t like music ___________________________. 2. I enjoy spending time in places ________________ ________________. 3. I have friends ____________________________. 4. I like movie stars ___________________________. that is too loud that are quiet who really love watching movies who can act well and peaceful Summary 本单元以“音乐和电影”为话题,要求学生能 围绕这一话题谈论和表达喜好。 句型荟萃: My favorite… is… I like/love/prefer/don’t mind… that/which/who… I like… because… It makes me feel… It helps me… It teaches sb. to… 一、根据中文提示,写短语。 Exercise 3.(使)变得更高兴;振奋起来 2. 依靠;依赖;取决于 1. 提醒……;使……想起…… 4. 充满;装满 be full of/be filled with cheer up depend on remind... of.../make...recall... 二、根据中文提示,补全句子。 1. 她喜欢可以随之跳舞的音乐。 She likes music _________________________.that/which she can dance to 2. 听音乐时,我感觉完全放松了。 When I listen to music, I feel _________________.completely relaxed 3. 我喜欢歌词很棒的音乐。 I like music ________________________.that/which has great lyrics

