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初中英语:阅读理解 (73)‎ Ballpoint pens have made life easier for millions of people. At one time 1 did not like their students to 2 with pen. Perhaps it was because pens can leak(漏) and it is 3 to spill(溢出) the ink. And it is hard to write on thin or cheap paper with them.‎ ‎ Ladislao Biro 4 for a newspaper in Budapest. He spent all day 5 his desk. Day in and day out, he corrected 6 of thin, cheap paper with a pen and ink. He often had to stop to 7 his pen and it did not write 8 on the thin paper. He and his brother George 9 some experiments. They wanted a pen that did not leak, with ink that did not spill. Why not ‎10 a little ball at the end?‎ Two Englishmen, Henry Martin and Frederick Miles, like the 11 .It was the 12 of the Second World War. The Air Force ‎13 a non-leak, non-spill pen for the men to write with in 14 . Martin and Miles made and 15 many thousands of Biro “writing-sticks” to the Air Force.‎ ‎1. A. factories B. schools C. shops D. restaurants ‎2. A. play B. write C. come D. meet ‎3. A. easy B. hard C. free D. popular ‎4. A. left B. waited C. looked D. worked ‎5. A. on B. near C. at D. in ‎6. A. mistake B. books C. pages D. diaries ‎7. A. mend B. fill C. brush D. change ‎8. A. well B. down C. out D. up ‎9. A. kept B. finished C. began D. studied ‎10.A. find B. wear C . grow D. use ‎11.A. matter B. result C. meaning D. idea ‎12.A. day B. time C. break D. year ‎13.A. bought B. took C. needed D. preferred ‎14.A. planes B. ships C. trains D. buses ‎15.A. sold B. lent C. moved D. passed ‎ ‎ 名师点评 这是一篇关于圆珠笔怎样发明使用的文章。由于钢笔易漏水给工作带来了许多不方便,通读此文,你就会明白圆珠笔在什么情况下发明推广使用。结合圆珠笔使用的方便和有关历史知识,能顺利完成短文。‎ 答案简析 ‎1. B。从上下文判断应选B。‎ ‎2. B。用笔写可用“write with pens”来表达。‎ ‎3. A。钢笔里的墨水容易从笔管溢出来,所以选A。‎ ‎4. D。指他在为一家报社工作。‎ ‎5. C。at one’s desk意思是“坐在桌前”。‎ ‎6. C。批改文稿可用correct pages来表达。‎ ‎7. B。往笔里装墨水可用fill the pen with ink。这里省略了with ink.。‎ ‎8. A。用副词well修饰动词write。‎ ‎9. C。由于他发现用钢笔写有麻烦,所以他和朋友开始做实验,想更好的方法。‎ ‎10 .D。Why not +动词原形。‎ ‎11. D。他们喜欢他的设想。‎ ‎12. B。the time of 表示“……的时候”。‎ ‎13. C。指当时空军正需要这样的笔。‎ ‎14. A。句意理解和实际判断想结合。‎ ‎15. A。他们生产并销售圆珠笔供空军使用,故选sold。‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎

