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第 1页 共 16页 ◎ 第 2页 共 16页 2020 年湖南省娄底市中考英语试卷 二、完形填空(共 1 小题:每小题 10 分,计 10 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、 B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案. 1. I still remember the day when I reached my college.I met a special (1)_______, a little old lady with a warm smile. She said "Hi , young man! I'm Rose.I'm 87 years old.Can I give you a hug? " I said(2)_______, "of course!" "Why are you college at such an age? " I asked. She (3)_______, " I'm here to meet a rich husband, get married, have children, and then travel around the world." "No, take it seriously." I said. "I always dreamed of having a (4)_______education. Now I'm getting one!" she told me proudly. After a year, Rose became (5)_______.She could easily get on well with others wherever she went. She (6)_______ to dress up and she enjoyed the attention from others. At the end of the term we invited Rose to (7)_______at our party. I can still remember what she said. ″We do not stop(8)_______because we are old; we grow old because we stop playing.Here are the secrets of staying young. You have to laugh and find humor every day.″ "What's more, it's never too late to learn. (9)_______you have a dream, it's never too late to make it come true." Finally we graduated from the college with Rose. I'll never (10)_______what she taught us. (1) A.friend B.neighbor C.classmate (2) A.angrily B.happily C.sadly (3) A.joked B.cried C.shouted (4) A.college B.primary school C.middle school (5) A.tired B.unhappy C.popular (6) A.feared B.hated C.loved (7) A.dance B.speak C.sing (8) A.thinking B.learning C.playing (9) A.If B.Unless C.Though (10) A.believe B.forget C.remember 三、阅读理解(共三节, 25 小题:每小题 10 分.计 50 分)第一节阅读下面的短文, 判断下列句子是否 与短文内容相符,符合的写(A).不符合的写(B). All living things on the earth need other living things to live with. Nothing lives alone.Sometimes one living thing kills another to live,so they form a food chain. Plants make food from sunlight, water, air and so on while some animals feed on (以…为食)plants directly. For example, locusts(蝗虫) are small insects. Millions and millions of locusts in a group can eat anything that is green,including a lot of food that people need.In India,locusts have ever destroyed(破坏) many fields of crops. However, locusts can be feed for birds,chickens. ducks or other living things,even humans. Humans are at the top of the food chain, they eat not only locusts, but also birds, chickens , ducks or many other plants and animals. They are members of many food chains.but they often break up the food chains. Each form of life is linked(和…有联系)to all the others.Breaking the links puts all lives in danger.Humans should share the world with other living things in peace. 判断下列句子是否与短文内容相符,符合的写(A), 不符合的写(B). (1)No living things can live alone. ________ (2)Some animals eat plants directly to live. ________ (3)Locusts don't eat food that people need. ________ (4)Humans hardly ever break up the food chains. ________ (5)It's dangerous for humans to break up the food chains. ________ 第二节阅读下面 A、B、C 三篇材料并根据材料内容做后面的题目,从各题所给的 A、B、 C 三个选项中选出 一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案. We Can use new ways to fight the novel coronvirust(新冠病毒). Let's meet these high﹣tech helpers in 第 3页 共 16页 ◎ 第 4页 共 16页 China! Drones(无人机) In some countryside, the police use drones to find people in groups.When they are found by the drones, the police will warn them through the loudspeaker (扬声器) on the drone. Smart Robots Time to eat! In some hospitals, smart robots help to send food to patients. The robots can also help to hand out medicine and show the way to people. 3D "Hospitals" A company in Shanghai has produced 15 mobile rooms within 24 hours by 3D printing technology and sent them to Hubei for patients to live in.Each room is about the size of a bedroom. AI System(系统) At the Mudanyuan subway station in Beijing, an AI system can check people in crowds to see if they have fevers. About three hundred people can be checked by it in one minute. (1)What will the police do when a drone find people in groups?________ A.Warn the crowd. B.Call up the crowd. C.Send messages to the crowd.. (2)What can the smart robots do in the hospital according to the passage?________①Play with the patients. ②Hand out medicine. ③Give directions. A.①② B.①③ C.②③. (3)How long did it take the company to produce 15 mobile rooms?________ A.Within a day. B.More than 24 hours. C.Within 24 days.. (4)The AI system can check about________people every minute. A.3 B.300 C.3000. (5)What's the main idea of the passage?________ A.Smart robots help to send food to patients. B.Technologies help to fight the novel coronavirus. C.The AI system can tell people if they have fevers.. There are many foreign teachers in China today. Among them, Philip Hancock is certainly an unusual one.The young man always wanted to give back, even when he was close to death. His last wish was to donate his organs(器官)to save others. His act changed five Chinese lives for the better. Phillip came from Sydney, Australia.When he was a college student, he showed great interest in China and studied Chinese by himself in his free time. In 2012, the young man took part in the 11th Chinese Bridge Competition for foreign college students in China. This unforgettable experience helped Philip make up his mind to come to China. After finishing college, he came to Southwest University in Chongqing to teach English. During his five﹣year stay in China, Philip travelled around a lot.He loved the country deeply. Unluckily, Phillip had a health problem. He fought his diabetes (糖尿病) for many years.Though his condition used to be under control, it became worse in 2018. Phillip knew most of his organs were still working well. He hoped to donate them to Chinese people in need after his death. Phillip died on May 9th, 2018. Many Chinese people see him as a hero. Although his physical body is no longer here, he will always be with us. (1)What was Phillip's last wish?________ A.To meet his family. B.To go back to Australia. C.To donate his organs to save others.. (2)How long did Phillip live in China?________ A.Five years. B.Six years. C.Seven years.. (3)We can learn from the passage that________. A.Phillip studied Chinese from his teachers in college. B.Phillip seldom travelled around when he worked in China. C.Most of Phillip's organs were still in good condition when he was close to death.. (4)What can we infer(推断) from the passage?________ A.Phillip was from Australia. B.Phillip can speak Chinese well. C.Phillip taught English in Southwest University.. 第 5页 共 16页 ◎ 第 6页 共 16页 (5)What do you think of Phillip?________ A.Smart and humorous. B.Kind and helpful. C.Stupid and boring. Teens will finally grow up some day, leaving their parents and facing the challenges in life alone, so they should learn basic life skills and form good working habits. The government has been trying to pay attention to the importance of hardworking spirit education(劳动教 育).But this has been ________ in recent years. Many teens do not value the importance of working hard. There is a teenager girl named Nancy, she never helps out around the house. Once her mother was on vacation for a week, leaving her alone at home. When her mother came home from vacation , she could not find a clean dish or a clean shirt. Schools play an important role in teaching students about the value of working hard.Primary and middle schools should provide students with hardworking spirit courses every week. To our joy, some schools have provided each class with a piece of field to plant their favorite vegetables. For example, No.38 Middle School in Hefei, set up a 500﹣square﹣meter farm on an open platform (露天平台)of their teaching building. Each class are asked to grow and pick vegetables there. Parents should also encourage children to learn how to do chores at home. Teens should master one or two life skills every year.These skills can include cooking, washing their own clothes and tiding their rooms. The basic skills may help teens to solve the problems they will meet in the future. (1)What does the underlined word "overlooked "mean in Chinese?________ A.强调. B.忽视. C.珍惜.. (2)The writer gives the example of Nancy in the second paragraph to show________ A.Nancy is too busy to help out around the house. B.Mancy teens do not value the importance of working hard. C.Nancy's parents don't want her to help with chores at home.. (3)Which is not the life skill for students according to the passage?________ A.Playing computer games. B.Washing clothes. C.Cooking.. (4)Which of the following is NOT true?________ A.Schools should teach students the value of working hard. B.Parents should encourage their children to do chores at home. C.The government never pays attention to hardworking spirit education.. (5)What is the title of the passage?________ A.Family education. B.School education. C.Hardworking spirit education.. 第三节阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有一项为多余选 项. Some people say life is like crossing a river; (1)_______ I think our life is much like climbing a mountain. Each year we have a new mountain to climb.To reach our goals, we work hard to make progress day after day. (2)_______We can complain (抱怨) about how unfair it is to climb a new mountain every day. Or, we can just make ourselves busy. Sometimes, we fall over. Here we also have another choice. (3)_______Or, we can stand on our feet and begin climbing that mountain again. If we reach the goal for this year, we start from zero to reach the goal for next year. We shouldn't spend the rest of our lives looking at where we used to be. (4)_______ Many people will waste time worrying, "Can I reach my final goal?" or "Is it worth doing"?(5)_______The question is, "Can I take the next step in the right direction?" Take one step at a time, and pay attention to tomorrow's step today. A.Here we have a choice. B.That is not the question. C.Instead, we should look ahead. D.These questions are really important. E.Some say it is like climbing a mountain. F.We can stop and complain about what progress we have lost. 四、语法填空(共 1 小题: 每小题 10 分,计 10 分)阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入一个适当的词.或填 入括号内所给单词的正确形式(每空最多不超过三个单词). Dear Mom and Dad, I haven't seen you for a long time since I came to China as an exchange student.I(1)________(real) miss you now. This is the (2)________ (one) time you haven't been with me on my birthday. Thanks for your birthday gift (3)________England. I like it very much. Because of COVID﹣19(新冠肺炎),I can′t go home, but you don't need to worry about me.I am safe here. Yesterday I(4)________(have) a birthday party with Lihua's family. Lihua's mom made a big chocolate birthday cake for me, and she made much Chinese food that I loved best.We couldn't go out, (5) ________we enjoyed ourselves at home. Lihua and I have been busy with our studies since this Monday. We have been having online(6)________ (class) for several days. Sometimes, when I felt a little upset, Lihua always told some jokes (7) ________(make) me happy or taught me how to make Chinese dishes. Now people here are living a (8)________(peace) life. On one hand, they stay away from others,and on the other hand, they try to help those in trouble, including us foreigners.(9)________ kind Chinese people are! This is a country full of love. Dear Mom and Dad, please take good care of (10)________.I love you. Yours, Peter 五、补全对话(共 1 小题: 每小题 10 分,计 10 分)通读下列对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容. 第 7页 共 16页 ◎ 第 8页 共 16页 (A: Jack B: Xiaofen Place: In the library) A: Hi Xiaofen.(1)________? B: Hi, Jack. I'm reading a passage in China Daily. A: What does it talk about? B: (2)________.Confucian(孔子的) ideas are still useful and popular in China. A: It is said that he has many famous ideas. (3)________? B: Yes, I can.For example, one of his famous ideas in Chinese is"知之为知之,不知为不知." A: Sounds a little difficult. (4)________? B: It means to be honest about what we know. A: Oh, I see.Thank you. B: (5)________. 六、阅读表达(共 1 小题: 每小题 10 分,计 10 分)阅读下面的短文,按要求完成后面各个小题. There is an old Chinese saying, (7)____________________"________"That means if someone helps you a bit, you should thank him a lot. We thank our parents. They work hard all the time in order to give us a better life. They give us food and clothes, and they teach us what is right and what is wrong. We are taken after well by them. We thank our teachers who give us drams.(6)_____________.They teach us a lot of things, but they ask for nothing from us. We are well﹣ educated by them. Meanwhile(同时),We even thank people who hurt us ,because they teach us important things. We thank people who give us up, because we learn how to be independent. We thank people who are selfish(自私的), because we learn the importance of being kind. There are a lot of people that we should thank in our life. We should express our thanks with actions, not just words. Then what action will you take to thank them? 根据短文内容用简要答语回答下面三个问题. (7)_____________Why should we thank people who give us up? ________ (4)_______Can we express our thanks only with words in the writer's opinion? ________ (5)_______What action will you take to thank your parents? (Give an example) ________ 将短文中划线的两个句子翻译成中文或英文. (7)____________________________ (6)_____________ 七、书面表达(计 10 分) "生命在于运动.""运动兴,民族兴."全民运动在中国蔚然兴起.假如你是一名初三学生,你们学校的英 语杜团正在举办题为"Sports"的征文比赛.请根据以下要点,写一篇英语短文参赛. (1)你做过的运动 (2)你最喜欢的运动 (3)你喜欢的理由 (4)你的计划/建议 (1)文中不能出现真实的校名和姓名等; (2)语言要通顺,表达要正确; (3)要求包含所有要点提示,为了行文需要,可适当拓展和增加要点; (4)词数不少于 60 个英语单词,开头已给出,不计入总词数. Ⅲ、正文: Life lies in movement. Nowadays, doing sports is becoming more and more popular in China. ________. 第 9页 共 16页 ◎ 第 10页 共 16页 参考答案与试题解析 2020 年湖南省娄底市中考英语试卷 二、完形填空(共 1 小题:每小题 10 分,计 10 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的 A、 B、C 三个选项中,选出一个最佳答案. 1. 【答案】 C B A A C C B C A B 【考点】 固定搭配 日常生活类阅读 推理判断题 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了作者大学时一位特殊的同学﹣﹣87 岁的罗丝. 【解答】 (1)C 考查名词.A. friend 朋友;B. neighbor 邻居;C. classmate 同学.根据上文 I still remember the day when I reached my college 可知,那天是作者到大学的第一天,所以碰见的应该是同学.C 选项符合句意, 句意:我遇到了一位特别的同学,一位面带微笑的小老太太.故选 C. (2)B 考查副词.A. angrily 愤怒地;B. happily 高兴地;C. sadly 悲伤地.根据上文 a little old lady with a warm smile …Can I give you a hug 可知,罗丝在两人初见面时就表现得十分友善,故此处说的是作者很 高兴地回应了她的请求.B 选项符合句意,句意:我高兴地说."当然!"故选 B. (3)A 考查动词.A. joked 开玩笑;B. cried 哭;C. shouted 大叫.根据下文 No, take it seriously 可 知,作者让她严肃点,故此处说的是她在开玩笑.A 选项符合句意,句意:她开玩地笑说:"我来这里是为了 认识一个有钱的丈夫,与他结婚生子,然后环游世界."故选 A. (4)A 考查名词.A. college 大学;B. primary school 小学;C. middle school 中学.根据上文 I still remember the day when I reached my college 可知,此处说的是罗丝一直梦想着能上大学.A 选项符合句意, 句意:我一直梦想着能上大学.故选 A. (5)C 考查形容词.A. tired 疲惫的;B. unhappy 不开心的;C. popular 受欢迎的.根据下文 She could easily get on well with others wherever she went 可知,她走到哪都能与人友好相处,故此处说的是罗丝变得很 受欢迎.C 选项符合句意句意:一年后,罗丝变得很受欢迎.,故选 C. (6)C 考查动词.A. feared 害怕;B. hated 讨厌;C. loved 喜爱.根据下文 she enjoyed the attention from others 可知,她喜欢引起别人的注意,故此处说的是她喜欢穿衣打扮.C 选项符合句意,句意:她喜欢 穿衣打扮,喜欢引起别人的注意.故选 C. (7)B 考查动词.A. dance 跳舞;B. speak 说话;C. sing 唱歌.根据下文 I can still remember what she said 可知,我依然记得她在聚会上所说过的话,故此处是说我们邀请罗丝在聚会上讲话.B 选项符合句意, 句意:到了学期末,我们邀请罗丝在聚会上讲话.故选 B. (8)C 考查非谓语动词.A. thinking 思考;B. learning 学习;C. playing 玩乐.根据下文 Here are the secrets of staying young. You have to laugh and find humor every day 可知,笑和发现生活中的幽默要通过玩乐 才能实现,故此处说的是我们不是因为年老而停止玩乐,而是因为停止玩乐才会变老.C 选项符合句意,句 意:我们不是因为年老而停止玩乐,而是因为停止玩乐才会变老.故选 C. (9)A 考查连词.A. If 如果;B. Unless 除非;C. Though 尽管.根据下文 it's never too late to make it come true 可知,此处应填入连词 if 来引导条件状语从句,即"如果你有梦想,要去实现梦想永远不会嫌晚 ".A 选项符合句意,句意:如果你有梦想,要去实现梦想永远不会嫌晚.故选 A. (10)B 考查动词.A. believe 相信;B. forget 忘记;C. remember 记住.根据上文 At the end of the term we invited Rose to speak at our party. I can still remember what she said 可知,作者一直没忘记罗丝在聚 会上说过的话,故此处说的是我永远不会忘记她教会我们的(道理).B 选项符合句意,句意:我永远不会忘 记她教会我们的(道理).故选 B. 三、阅读理解(共三节, 25 小题:每小题 10 分.计 50 分)第一节阅读下面的短文, 判断下列句子是否 与短文内容相符,符合的写(A).不符合的写(B). 【答案】 A,A,B,B,A 【考点】 说明文阅读 日常生活类阅读 形容词基础知识 【解析】 短文讲了地球上所有的生物都需要其他生物来生活.没有什么是单独生存的.详细地介绍了一些食物链的关 系. 【解答】 细节判断题. (1)A.根据第一段句子"All living things on the earth need other living things to live with. Nothing lives alone."可知没有生物可以单独生存.故答案为 A. (2)A.根据第二段句子"while some animals feed on (以…为食)plants directly."可知有些动物直接吃植物 生存.故答案为 A. (3)B.根据第二段句子"Millions and millions of locusts in a group can eat anything that is green,including a lot of food that people need."可知蝗虫不吃人类需要的食物是错误的,应该是吃.故答案为 B. (4)B.根据第三段句子"They are members of many food chains.but they often break up the food chains."可 知人类几乎从不破坏食物链是错误的,经常破坏.故答案为 B. (5)A.根据最后一段句子"Breaking the links puts all lives in danger.Humans should share the world with other living things in peace."可知破坏食物链对人类来说是危险的.故答案为 A. 第 11页 共 16页 ◎ 第 12页 共 16页 第二节阅读下面 A、B、C 三篇材料并根据材料内容做后面的题目,从各题所给的 A、B、 C 三个选项中选出 一个能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案. 【答案】 A C A B B 【考点】 说明文阅读 科普知识类阅读 日常生活类阅读 【解析】 这是一篇科普知识类阅读,文章主要讲了四种帮助中国对抗新冠病毒的高科技帮手. 【解答】 (1)A.细节理解题,根据第一个表格中 When they are found by the drones,the police will warn them through the loudspeaker (扬声器) on the drone,可知警察会在无人机上通过扬声器警告人们.故选 A. (2)C.细节理解题,根据第二个表格中 smart robots help to send food to patients.The robots can also help to hand out medicine and show the way to people.可知这个智能机器人可以送食物给病人,发药以及带 路.即对应题目的是②③.故选 C. (3)A.细节理解题,根据第三个表格中 A company in Shanghai has produced 15 mobile rooms within 24 hours by 3D printing technology and sent them to Hubei for patients to live in.可知时间是 24 小时以内.故选 A. (4)B.细节理解题,根据第四个表格中 an AI system can check people in crowds to see if they have fevers.About three hundred people can be checked by it in one minute.可知一分钟之内可以检查 300 个 人.故选 B. (5)B.主旨大意题,根据第一段中 We Can use new ways to fight the novel coronvirust(新冠病毒). Let's meet these high﹣tech helpers in China!可知文章主要讲了帮助中国对抗新冠病毒的高科技帮手.与 B 吻 合.而 A,C 都只是片面的内容.故选 B. 【答案】 C A C B B 【考点】 人物故事类阅读 记叙文阅读 说明文阅读 【解析】 文章主要讲了在西南大学教英语的外国老师 Philip Hancock 身患重病,但他最后的愿望是捐赠他的器官来拯 救别人,他的善举改变了五个中国人的生活. 【解答】 (1)C 细节理解题.根据第一段 His last wish was to donate his organs(器官)to save others.可知他最后的 愿望是捐赠他的器官来拯救别人,故答案为:C. (2)A 细节理解题.根据第二段 During his five﹣year stay in China, Philip travelled around a lot.Philip 在中 国的五年期间,经常四处旅行.可知待了 5 年,故答案为:A. (3)C 归纳整理题.根据第三段 Phillip knew most of his organs were still working well.Philip 知道他的大部分 器官仍然运转良好,C 正确,故答案为:C. (4)B 推理判断题.根据第二段 Phillip came from Sydney, Australia.来自澳大利亚悉尼,A 不需要推断; After finishing college, he came to Southwest University in Chongqing to teach English.大学毕业后,他来到重 庆西南大学教英语.这个得推断,如果汉语不好,也不能教英语;所以 B 需要推断;第二段 After finishing college, he came to Southwest University in Chongqing to teach English.大学毕业后,他来到重庆西南大学教 英语.所以 C 也不需要推断,故答案为:B. (5)B 推理判断题.根据第一段 The young man always wanted to give back, even when he was close to death. His last wish was to donate his organs(器官)to save others. His act changed five Chinese lives for the better.这个年轻人总是想回报,即使在他快要死的时候,他最后的愿望是捐献器官来拯救别人,他的行为 改变了五个中国人的生活,使之变得更好,可知他又善良,又乐于助人,故答案为:B. 【答案】 B B A C C 【考点】 说明文阅读 日常生活类阅读 词义猜测题 【解析】 本文讲述了学生要学会生活基本技能和培养良好习惯的重要性,学校要多关注劳动教育的重要性,家长要鼓 励学生们在家做家务. 【解答】 (1)B.词义猜测题.but 表转折,根据 Many teens do not value the importance of working hard,可知,许多 青少年不重视努力工作的重要性,所以这个往往被忽略,故 overlooked 表四"忽略",故选 B. (2)B.细节理解题.根据 Many teens do not value the importance of working hard,可知,举例说明 Nancy 在家不做家务的例子,是为了说明现在青少年不重视努力工作的重要性,故选 B. (3)A.细节理解题.根据 These skills can include cooking, washing their own clothes and tiding their rooms, 可知,生活技能包括洗衣服,做饭,整理房间,结合所给选项,A 选项不属于生活技能,故选 A. (4)C.推理判断题.根据 Schools play an important role in teaching students about the value of working hard, 可知,学校应该教学学生们要重视努力工作的重要性,所以 A 选项正确.根据 Parents should also encourage children to learn how to do chores at home,可知,家长们应该鼓励学生们学习如何在家做家务,所以 B 选项 正确.根据 The government has been trying to pay attention to the importance of hardworking spirit education, 可知,政府应该尝试更加关注劳动教育的重要性,所以 C 选项错误,故选 C. 第 13页 共 16页 ◎ 第 14页 共 16页 (5)C.标题归纳题.根据 Teens will finally grow up some day, leaving their parents and facing the challenges in life alone, so they should learn basic life skills and form good working habits 及下文描述,可知,本文围绕"劳 动教育"展开描述,所以最适合本文的标题是"Hardworking spirit education".故选 C. 第三节阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项.选项中有一项为多余选 项. 【答案】 E,A,F,C,B 【考点】 说明文阅读 日常生活类阅读 形容词基础知识 【解析】 这篇短文主要是作 bai 者对生命的诠释.文章讲述,生命就像爬山,为了达到目的,我们每天努力进步.跌 倒了,站起来,继续前行;今年达到目的,明年从零开始,一步一个脚印,朝着正确的方向努力. 【解答】 细节推理题. (1)E.根据前句"Some people say life is like crossing a river; "可知说的是生活像什么,结合选项,应说有 人说这就像爬山.故选 E. (2)A.根据后句"We can complain (抱怨) about how unfair it is to climb a new mountain every day. Or, we can just make ourselves busy."可知说的是选择,结合选项,应说我们有选择.故选 A. (3)F.根据后句"Or, we can stand on our feet and begin climbing that mountain again."可知说的是重新开 始,结合选项,应说我们可以停下来抱怨我们失去了什么进步.故选 F. (4)C.根据前句"We shouldn't spend the rest of our lives looking at where we used to be."可知说的是不能看 过去,结合选项,应说相反,我们应该向前看.故选 C. (5)B.根据后句"The question is, "Can I take the next step in the right direction?"可知说的是问题,结合选 项,应说这不是问题所在.故选 B. 四、语法填空(共 1 小题: 每小题 10 分,计 10 分)阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入一个适当的词.或填 入括号内所给单词的正确形式(每空最多不超过三个单词). 【答案】 really,first,from,had,but,classes,to make,peaceful,How,yourselves 【考点】 固定搭配 日常生活类阅读 普通名词 【解析】 文章主要讲了一个英国的交换生 Peter 写给父母的一封信,大致介绍了新型冠状病毒下他们的生活和学习, 以及对中国的看法等. 【解答】 (1)really.考查副词,根据句意,我现在真的很想你们.结合空缺处,可知需要填入一个副词,表示"真正 地",用 really.故答案为 really. (2)first.考查序数词,根据句意,这是你们第一次没有和我过生日.结合空缺处,可知需要用序数词,表 示"第一",用 first.故答案为 first. (3)from.考查介词,根据句意,感谢你们来自英国的礼物.结合空缺处,可知需要填入一个介词,表示" 来自…",用 from.故答案为 from. (4)had.考查动词,根据句意,昨天我和李华的家人举行了一个生日聚会.结合空缺处,可知需要填入一 个动词,表示"举行",用 have,时间是 Yesterday,时态是一般过去时,所以动词用过去式,用 had.故答案 为 had. (5)but.考查连词,根据句意,我们不出去,__我们在家里玩得开心.结合空缺处,可知需要用一个连词, 表示转折,用 but,故答案为 but. (6)classes.考查名词,根据句意,我们一直好多天都在上网课.结合空缺处,课程不止一节课,可知需要 用名词复数,用 classes.故答案为 classes. (7)to make.考查动词,根据句意,有时候,当我感到有点悲伤,李华总是会给我讲笑话来让我开心或者 教我如何做中国菜.结合空缺处,可知需要一个动词,表示目的,所以用不定式 to make,故答案为 to make. (8)peaceful.考查形容词,根据句意,现在这里的人满过着一种__生活.结合空缺处,可知需要用一个形 容词,表示"和平的",用 peaceful.故答案为 peaceful. (9)How.考查特殊疑问词,根据句意,多么善良的中国人啊!结合空缺处,可知需要用感叹句,结构是 How+主语+谓语!所以填入 how,放句首首字母大写,用 How.故答案为 How. (10)yourselves.考查反身代词,根据句意,亲爱的妈妈和爸爸,请照顾好你们自己,我爱你们.结合空缺 处,可知需要填入一个反身代词,表示"你们自己",用 yourselves.故答案为 yourselves. 五、补全对话(共 1 小题: 每小题 10 分,计 10 分)通读下列对话,然后根据上下文补全对话内容. 【答案】 What are you doing,It says that,Canyouunderstandthem,What does it mean,You'rewelcome/That'sallright/Don'tmentionit/Notatall 【考点】 固定搭配 日常生活类阅读 动名词 【解析】 这是两位学生在图书馆,结合报纸文章谈论孔子思想的一段对话. 【解答】 (1)What are you doing 根据 I'm reading a passage in China Daily.推知上句是 Jack 询问 Xiaofen 在做什么, 故填 What are you doing. (2)It says that 根据 What does it talk about?它谈什么了?和 Confucian (孔子的) ideas are still useful and popular in China.推知空格处填 It says that ,这样和后面和句子合在一起表达:它谈论孔子的思想在中国一 直很有用、很受欢迎.以回答 What does it talk about?这个问题. (3)Can you understand them 根据 Yes, I can.推知上句是一个一般疑问句,根据 For example, one of his famous ideas in Chinese is"知之为知之,不知为不知."继续推知,空格处是询问,"你能理解它们吗?"故 填 Can you understand them.them 指的是孔子的著名思想. (4)What does it mean 根据 It means to be honest about what we know.知问句询问,它所表述的含义,故 填 What does it mean. (5)You're welcome./ That's all right./ Don't mention it. / Not at all. 根据 Thank you. 可知,答案填 You're welcome./ That's all right./ Don't mention it. / Not at all. 六、阅读表达(共 1 小题: 每小题 10 分,计 10 分)阅读下面的短文,按要求完成后面各个小题. 【答案】 If someone gives you a little drop of water, you should return a spring of water.,对于老师来说,教育我们是不 易的,Becausewelearnhowtobeindependent,No,we can't.,I'm going to help them with the housework.,受人滴 水之恩,当以涌泉相报.,It is not easy for teachers to educate us. 【考点】 说明文阅读 第 15页 共 16页 ◎ 第 16页 共 16页 回答问题型 日常生活类阅读 【解析】 本文主要是讲我们应该时刻心存感激,滴水之恩,当涌泉相报. 【解答】 (1)Because we learn how to be independent.细节理解题.根据第四段 We thank people who give us up, because we learn how to be independent.可知我们感谢那些放弃我们的人,因为我们学会了如何独立,故答 案为:Because we learn how to be independent. (2)No,we can't.细节理解题.根据最后一段 There are a lot of people that we should thank in our life. We should express our thanks with actions, not just words.在我们的生活中,我们应该感谢很多人,我们应该用 行动来表达我们的感谢,而不仅仅是言语.所以是否定的答案,故答案为:No,we can't. (3)I'm going to help them with the housework.细节理解题.根据题意,我将帮助他们做家务,故答案为: I'm going to help them with the housework. (4)受人滴水之恩,当以涌泉相报.句子翻译题.本句是由 if 引导的条件状语从句,句子直译是"如果别人 给你一滴水,那么你应该给别人一泉水作为回报",因为这是一句中国谚语,即可翻译为受人滴水之恩,当 以涌泉相报,故答案为:受人滴水之恩,当以涌泉相报. (5)It is not easy for teachers to educate us.句子翻译题.根据句意,某事怎么样,可以用固定句型:It is+adj+for sb to do sth,不易的译为:not easy,教育译为:educate,故答案为:It is not easy for teachers to educate us. 七、书面表达(计 10 分) 【答案】 Life lies in movement. Nowadays, doing sports is becoming more and more popular in China.(点题)Sports are an important part of my life. Not only do I like watching the sports games, but also like playing sports.【高 分句型一】I used to do a lot of sports, such as playing basketball, playing football, swimming and so on.(做过的运动)But my favorite sport is basketball.Firstly, it can help me to keep healthy and happy. Secondly, I can make a lot of friends through playing basketball and we can share our successes and failures. I can also learn a lot from playing basketball with others, and it makes me understand that there is no "I" in the team.【高分句型二】 And every player should cooperate with other players in the team. So, I insist on playing it with my friends and classmates every day.(最喜欢的运动及原因)I plan to do exercise for half an hour every morning in order to keep healthy. 【考点】 提纲作文 日常生活类阅读 图表作文 【解析】 【高分句型一】 Not only do I like watching the sports games, but also like playing sports.我不仅喜欢看运动会,而且喜欢运动. Not only 位于句首,句子 do I like watching the sports games 用部分倒装. 【高分句型二】 I can also learn a lot from playing basketball with others, and it makes me understand that there is no "I" in the team.我也可以从和别人打篮球中学到很多东西,这让我明白球队里没有"我". that 引导宾语从句 there is no "I" in the team. 【解答】 Life lies in movement. Nowadays, doing sports is becoming more and more popular in China.(点题) Sports are an important part of my life. Not only do I like watching the sports games, but also like playing sports.【高分句型一】I used to do a lot of sports, such as playing basketball, playing football, swimming and so on.(做过的运动)But my favorite sport is basketball.Firstly, it can help me to keep healthy and happy. Secondly, I can make a lot of friends through playing basketball and we can share our successes and failures. I can also learn a lot from playing basketball with others, and it makes me understand that there is no "I" in the team.【高分句型二】 And every player should cooperate with other players in the team. So, I insist on playing it with my friends and classmates every day.(最喜欢的运动及原因) I plan to do exercise for half an hour every morning in order to keep healthy.

