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第 1 课时 Starter Unit 1 — Unit 4 ( 七上 ) 第一篇 教材考点梳理 基础检测清单 词汇拓展 ·名词 1.friend →      ( adj. ) 友好的   →       ( 形容词的比较级 ) →      ( 形容词的最高级 ) →       ( n. ) 友谊   *make friends 交朋友 *be friendly to sb. 对某人友好 2.radio →      ( 复数 ) 3.photo →      ( 复数 ) *take photos/a photo ( of … ) ( 给…… ) 拍照 4.China →      ( n. ) 语文 ; 汉语 →      ( adj. ) 汉语的 ; 中国的 5.family →      ( 复数 ) 6.box →      ( 复数 ) →      ( n. ) 拳击手   7.dictionary →       ( 复数 ) friendly friendlier friendliest friendship radios photos Chinese Chinese families boxes boxer dictionaries 词 汇 拓 展 8.watch →      (复数)   9.library →      (复数)   →       ( n. )图书管理员 10.color →     ( adj. )五彩缤纷的   ·代词 11.they →      (宾格)   →      (形容词性物主代词) →      (名词性物主代词) →       (反身代词)   12.my →      (主格)   →      (宾格)   →      (名词性物主代词)   →      (反身代词)   13.you →      (宾格)   →      (形容词性物主代词) →      (名词性物主代词) →       (反身代词)   watches libraries librarian colorful them their theirs themselves I me mine myself you your yours yourself/yourselves 词 汇 拓 展 14.it →      (宾格)   →      (形容词性物主代词) →      (名词性物主代词) →      (反身代词)   15.this →      ( pron. )这些   16.that →      ( pron. )那些   17.who →      (宾格)   →      ( pron. )谁的   →       ( pron. )无论谁   ·动词 18.meet →       ( n. )会议   →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   →      ( v. )满足   *meet with 遭遇 ; 和某人会晤 *make ends meet 收支相抵 it its its itself these those whom whose whoever meeting met met meet 词 汇 拓 展 19.help →      ( adj. )有帮助的 →       (形容词的比较级)   →       (形容词的最高级)   →      ( adj. )无助的   →      ( n. )帮手 ; 助手   *help sb. out 帮某人摆脱困境 20.see →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   *see sb. do sth. 看见某人做某事 *see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事 *sb. be seen to do sth. 某人被看见做某事 *sb. be seen doing sth. 某人被看见正在做某事 helpful more helpful most helpful helpless helper saw seen 词 汇 拓 展 21.say →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   →      ( n. )格言 ; 警句 *as an old saying goes 俗话说得好 *It is said that …据说…… 22.find →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   →      ( n. )调研结果   23.lose →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   →      (现在分词)   →      ( n. )损失 ; 亏损 *get lost/lose one's way 迷路 *lose heart 丧失信心 24.come →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   →      (现在分词)   said said saying found found finding lost lost losing loss came come coming 词 汇 拓 展 25.think →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   →      ( n. )想法 ; 主意   →       ( adj. )深思的 ; 体贴的 *think about 思考 *think of 认为 ; 想起 *think back to 回想 ; 回忆 *think twice 三思 26.know →      (过去式)   →      (过去分词)   →       ( n . )知识   →       ( adj . )知识渊博的 27.thank →     ( adj. )感激的   ·数词 28.one →     (序数词)第一   →      ( adv. )一次   29.two →     (序数词)第二   →      ( adv. )两次   thought thought thought thoughtful knew known knowledge knowledgeable thankful first once second twice 词 汇 拓 展 30.three →      (序数词)第三   31.five →      (序数词)第五   32.eight →      (序数词)第八   33.nine →      (序数词)第九   third fifth eighth ninth 短语归纳 ·名词短语 1.          磁带播放机   2.         学生卡 ; 身份证   3.          我祖父母的房间   4.          电话号码   5.          名字   6.          姓   7.          中学 ; 初中   8.         飞机模型 ·动词短语 9.         请求 ; 恳求(给予)   10.         为……而感谢你(们)   11.        快点儿   ·介词短语 12.        在沙发上   13.         在椅子下   14.         在书包里   15.        用英语   ·其他短语 16.        一套 ; 一副 ; 一组   tape player ID card my grandparents' room telephone/phone number first/given name last/family name middle school model plane thank you for … come on on the sofa under the chair in the schoolbag in English a set of ask … for … 佳句诵读 ·家庭与朋友 1.That's my family. Those are my parents. 那是我的家人。那(两个人)是我的父母。 2.Here are two nice photos of my family. 这里有两张我家人的漂亮照片。 3.My grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo. 我的爷爷奶奶在第一张照片里。 ·事物介绍 4.I lost my school ID card. I must find it. 我丢了我的学生卡。我必须找到它。 佳句诵读 5.Gina's books are everywhere — on her bed, on the sofa and under the chair. 吉娜的书到处都是——她的床上、沙发上、椅子下面(都有)。 6.There is a set of keys on the desk. 桌子上有一串钥匙。 语法链接 1. 名词复数的构成规则。 [ 详见 P093, 专题(一) ] 2.be 动词的用法。 3. 人称代词和物主代词的区别及用法特点。 [ 详见 P100, 专题(三) ] 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❶ ask   v. 请求 ; 要求 ; 询问 【题 1 】 连词成句 ask, the price, did, him, you   ?  【题 2 】 Our teachers asked us not      in the river during the summer vacation.  A.swim B.to swim C.swimming D.to swimming 【题 3 】 根据句意 , 用适当的介词填空。 ( 1 ) You can ask me anything      the school.   ( 2 ) He often asks his classmates      help when he is in trouble.  Did you ask him the price B about for 【归纳拓展】 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❷ help   v.& n. 帮助 ; 援助 【题 4 】 根据句意 , 用适当的介词填空。 ( 1 )          the help of my teachers, I have made great progress in English learning.   ( 2 ) I often help my parents      the housework on weekends, such as doing some cleaning.  With with 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【题 5 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 ( 1 ) Judy, if you want another drink, just help      ( you ) .   ( 2 ) People sometimes can't help      ( buy ) something unnecessary when shopping.   【题 6 】 Bob is too busy and he can't help us      the party.  A.organizes B.organized C.organizing D.organize yourself buying D 【归纳拓展】 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❸ look for/find/find out   【题 7 】 根据句意 , 用适当的介词填空。 Jack's pen is missing. We help him look      it everywhere.  【题 8 】 ( 1 ) The workers are trying to      what's wrong with the machine.  A.put out B.find out C.look for D.ask for ( 2 ) The play Game of Thrones (《权力的游戏》) was finished, and the director      some fans weren't pleased with the ending.  A.found B.invented C.looked D.discussed for B A 【 词义辨析 】 词条 意义 用法 look for 寻找 强调“找”的动作 find 找到 ; 发现 强调“找”的结果 find out 找出 ; 发现 ; 查明 强调经过研究、调查而得知 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❹ say/speak/talk/tell   【题 9 】 ( 1 ) Do you often      with your friends on the phone?  A.Talk B.tell C.say D.speak ( 2 ) Don't forget to      “ Thank you ” when someone helps you.  A.Tell B.speak C.say D.talk 【题 10 】 连词成句 French, can, speak, you, very well   ?  【题 11 】 根据句意 , 用适当的介词填空。 — Please tell me something      Yang Liwei.  — He is a great astronaut of whom all the Chinese are proud. A C Can you speak French very well about 【 词义辨析 】 词条 词性 用法及搭配 speak 及物 / 不 及物动词 ( 1 ) speak+ 语言 说某种语言 ( 2 ) speak to sb. 对某人说话 tell 及物动词 ( 1 )接双宾语 :tell sb. sth. = tell sth. to sb. 告诉某人某事 ( 2 ) tell sb. ( not ) to do sth. 告诉某人(不)做某事 ( 3 )固定搭配 :tell a story 讲故事 ; tell a lie 说谎 ;tell the truth 说实话 tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人关于某事 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【 词义辨析 】 词条 词性 用法及搭配 talk 不及物 动词 ( 1 ) talk to/with sb. 和某人谈话 ( 2 ) talk about sth. 谈论某事 ( 3 ) talk of 谈到 say 及物动词 ( 1 ) say+ 说话内容( n./pron. / 从句) ( 2 ) say hello/goodbye to sb. 向某人问好 / 道别 ( 3 ) say to oneself 自言自语 ( 4 ) It's said that … 据说…… 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 (续表) 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❺ What about this dictionary? 这本词典(是谁的)呢 ? 【题 12 】 连词成句 ( 1 ) the food, what, at the party, about   ?  ( 2 ) you, join, why, us, don't   ?  What about the food at the party Why don't you join us 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 【题 13 】 ( 1 ) Let's      a noise. The students are taking a test.  A.not make B.not making C.not to make D.not to making ( 2 )— What a fine day! Shall we go boating in Beihai Park? —      .  A.My pleasure B.You're kidding C.Good idea D.You're welcome ( 3 ) It looks like rain. You'd better      an umbrella.  A.to take B.take C.took D.taking 【题 14 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 Why not      ( go ) to the Summer Palace this afternoon?  A C B go 【归纳拓展】 1. “ What/How about … ? ”意为“……怎么样 ? ”其后接名词、代词或 v. -ing 形式。常用在以下场合 : ( 1 )向对方询问情况或打听消息。 What about the weather in your hometown? 你家乡的天气如何 ? ( 2 )征询对方的看法、意见或向对方提出建议、请求。 What about her playing the violin? (你认为)她的小提琴拉得怎么样 ? What about going out for a walk? 出去散步怎么样 ? 常用的肯定答语 :OK!/All right!/Good idea!/Sounds great. 等。常用的否定答语 :Sorry, I … /I'm afraid not. 等。 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 2. “征求建议”的句型 : 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 ❻ Thank you for your help, Anna. 多谢你的帮助 , 安娜。 【题 15 】 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空。 Thank you for      ( send ) me such a nice gift.  【题 16 】 根据句意 , 用适当的介词填空。 Thanks      the smartphone, the child now can communicate with his parents in the big city.  【题 17 】 连词成句 your invitation, for, the party, thanks, to   .  sending to Thanks for your invitation to the party 【 词义辨析 】 词条 意义 用法 thank you for ( =thanks for ) 为 ……而 感 谢你 for 为介词 , 后接名词、代词或 v. -ing 形式。回答该句式可以用 :Not at all./You are welcome./That's all right./My pleasure./It's my pleasure. 等 thanks to 幸亏 ; 多亏 to 是介词 , 后接名词、代词或 v. -ing 形式 , 强调由于某人或某物的存在才有了某种好的结果 随堂达标小测 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 Ⅰ. 根据句意及所给提示 , 在横线上填写一个正确的单词。 1.Where is my mobile phone? I can't f      it.  2.The traditional Chinese culture will be h      for our future if we can learn more.  3.You can call Miss Green      8567-5214.  4.Jane thanked her friend      the money he lent to her.  5.The number of the       ( dictionary ) in the library is 20.  find helpful at 核心考点聚焦 for dictionaries 随堂达标小测 Ⅱ. 词语运用    The Internet makes it possible for us to have a foreign friend online. I have 6.      online friend called Jenny Green. Green is her 7.f      name. After chatting with her on the Internet, I know that 8.       ( America ) schools are quite different from 9.   ( our ) . Students in America also have many subjects like us, 10.      they don't have so many exams. There are fewer students in their class than in a Chinese one. They have more 11.       ( activity ) after school than we do. They have 12.      ( little ) homework, so they can an family American 核心考点聚焦 ours but activities less 随堂达标小测 finish their homework in a very short time. They often choose a book to read if they think it is useful. Jenny also 13.      ( have ) such a hobby. She is very interested in reading. When she 14.      ( meet ) new words during reading, she likes to look them up herself. Sometimes she asks me 15.f      help. We both like talking about something interesting together online. I'm happy to have such a great friend. How I wish she could come to China to meet me and my classmates one day!  has meets for 核心考点聚焦 随堂达标小测 Ⅲ. 连词成句 16.not, asks, Mary, him, to, smoke   .  17.picture, is, the, new, third   .  18.popular, a, is, singer, he   .  19.please, could, there, go, with, you, me   ?  20.mother, books, likes, my, reading   .  The third picture is new He is a popular singer 核心考点聚焦 Mary asks him not to smoke Could you please go there with me My mother likes reading books

