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速测(十二) 完形填空+阅读理解D+词语运用 Ⅰ.完形填空 One day a wounded eagle dropped in the field. A farmer found it. He was so 1 that he took it home and cleaned its wounds(伤口).After that he placed it outside in the yard, and he hoped that it  2 get well soon. ‎ Strangely enough, the eagle soon got used to the  3  of all the chickens in the yard. It learned to  4  from side to side like chickens, and eat happily from a trough(食槽). For several years, the eagle  5 his new life on the farm. ‎ Then one day, one of the farmer's friends pointed to the playing eagle and asked, “ 6  is that eagle acting like a chicken?” The farmer told him what had 7 ,and the friend felt quite 8 . ‎ ‎“What a pity!” said the friend. “It should fly in the sky instead of living here!” He picked up the eagle, and 9  it into the air. The eagle was 10 , and cried loudly. Then it just fell down on the ground. ‎ That night, the friend could hardly sleep as he remembered the chicken-like eagle. The next morning, he went back to the farm for another 11 . This time he carried the eagle to the  12  of a nearby mountain. ‎ When he stood at the highest place of the mountain, he looked into its eyes and shouted, “Don't you understand? You weren't made to live like a chicken!”‎ As he 13  the eagle up, he made sure it was facing into the bright 14  of the rising sun. ‎ Then he 15 tossed(扔) the bird into the sky. This time the eagle opened its wings, and disappeared into the clouds. ‎ ‎(  )1.A. brave B.kind C.polite D.proud ‎(  )2.A. would B.should C.must D.need ‎(  )3.A. food B.sounds C.water D.habits ‎(  )4.A. walk B.sleep C.talk D.drink ‎(  )5.A. disliked B.enjoyed C.forgot D.lost ‎(  )6.A. When B.Why C.How D.What ‎(  )7.A. made B.appeared C.happened D.found ‎(  )8.A. funny B.surprised C.worried D.pleased ‎ ‎(  )9.A. pulled B.moved C.took D.threw ‎(  )10.A. satisfied B.frightened C.excited D.angry ‎(  )11.A. drink B.meeting C.rest D.try 5‎ ‎(  )12.A. top B.foot C.center D.side ‎(  )13.A. tied B.put C.filled D.held ‎(  )14.A. energy B.light C.space D.shape ‎(  )15.A. powerfully B.softly C.hardly D.easily ‎ Ⅱ.阅读理解 A few years ago, I took my first trip to Thailand to visit my boyfriend's family. As soon as we got out of the airport, I started to complain about the hot weather. Quite suddenly, my boyfriend stopped me. “It is not acceptable to show your emotion like that,” he whispered. “You should try to smile.” I thought he was joking at first, but I soon realized he wasn't. In Thailand, people go out of their way to put on a happy face for reasons I didn't yet know.‎ Ever since the trip, I have been trying to learn about how people express emotions in different cultures. What I have learned is that negativity(消极性) is likely to be taboo(禁忌) in Thailand. The happiness of the group is more important than one person's feelings. For that reason, my public complaints were very impolite.‎ It's not just complaining which is taboo. In Thailand, people who publicly express anger are seen as impolite, too. In Europe or the USA, it is quite common for friends and partners to get angry with each other and then make up the next day. In Thailand, losing your cool is surely of no use.‎ This is not to say that you can't express negative emotions in Thailand. There are different ways that you can smile: there's the “I don't trust you” smile, the “that's a silly suggestion” smile, the smile of real warmth, and many other besides. I clearly remember the “please don't ever do that again” smile from my boyfriend's mother when I rested my feet on a chair. In Thailand, showing the bottom of your feet is very rude.‎ Emotions give further clues(线索,提示) to the differences. In the USA and Europe, people are likely to use the mouth to show an emotion, for example, [:)] means happy and [:(] means sad, while in Asia, and carry these meanings, showing that the emotion expressed by the eyes is much more important.‎ Personally speaking, I think of myself as quite an emotional person. I always get upset, angry or laugh loudly which might seem rude in Thailand. However, what seems overly emotional to one person can seem reserved(保守的) to another. So what's the truth? Is there a right way to behave, whichever culture you come from? Let me know your thoughts and experiences.‎ ‎1.Which of the following is considered to be taboo in Thailand? (  )‎ A. Expressing angry feelings at home.‎ B.Making up with friends.‎ C.Playing jokes on others.‎ 5‎ D.Complaining in public.‎ ‎2.When the writer rested her feet on a chair, why did her boyfriend's mother smile at her? (  )‎ A. Because the mother was very happy. ‎ B.Because the mother liked the writer very much.‎ C.Because the meaning of the smile was “please don't do that again”. ‎ D.Because showing the bottom of the feet is polite.‎ ‎3.What do people use to show an emotion in Europe? (  )‎ A. The face. B.Feet.‎ C.The mouth. D.Eyes.‎ ‎4.What could be the best title? (  )‎ A. Use Smiles to Show Your Emotions B.Express Emotions across the World C.Different Kinds of Taboo in Thailand D.Different Cultures in Europe and Asia Ⅲ.词语运用 第一节 用括号中所给单词的适当形式完成句子(每空仅限1个单词)。‎ ‎1.It is rather important for young guys to live a difficult but     life.(worth) ‎ ‎2.It has been arranged that you should teach     this term. (chemical) ‎ ‎3.On my way to the cinema, I met a number of     students. (Canada) ‎ ‎4.We should believe in     whatever difficulties we meet. (our) ‎ ‎5.The fifteen-year-old boy, Jack, is     enough to carry the heavy box. (strong) ‎ ‎6.The president said politely, “I am really sorry for my     you.” (disturb) ‎ ‎7.Please find out some     between the two pictures. (different) ‎ ‎8.Air pollution is one of the     problems in the modern world. (big)  ‎ ‎9.He plays an     part in the school sports meeting. (act) ‎ ‎10.It's nice of you to provide us with the     information. (value) ‎ 第二节 阅读短文,根据首字母、音标及语境的提示在每个空格内填入适当的单词(1个单词);或根据汉语意思的提示,在空白处填入适当的短语,使短文语意连贯,意思完整。‎ I was traveling in a city of Central America with a friend, and we were 1.    (寻找) a post office. We were standing on a street 2.     and did not know what the Spanish word for “post office” was. One kind man could see we were in 3.    [ˈdɪfɪkəlti] and he 4.    (走近,上来) us. We tried to explain where we wanted to go, and he said, “Oh, yes, yes.” He led us down all these little streets. It 5.     like we walked for miles. Finally, he pointed to a building 5‎ ‎ 6.     any name on it. But when we went in, we found it was not a post office. ‎ When we 7.    (走出去) and were again standing around looking lost. A woman soon came up and asked 8.     we needed help. Again we tried to explain where we were going. The woman said she knew where the post office was. Then we 9.f     her to another building which also had no name and we found it was not a post office, either. At this point we decided not to listen to 10.     else. ‎ But then another person came up and said, “I can help you.” We said, “No, thank you.” 11.     he didn't listen to us. He actually 12.     me by the hand and pulled me through the streets. Circling around, we 13.    ‎ ‎(返回到) the first corner we had been standing on when we began. He pointed across the street, and there was the post office. ‎ The first two persons were 14.k     enough. However, they couldn't lead us to the right place. When we returned to the beginning place, I realized that kindness is not always 15.    (一条直线) and a good gain takes long pain.  ‎ 5‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ Ⅰ.1—5 BADAB 6—10 BCBDB ‎ ‎11—15 DADBA Ⅱ.1—4 DCCB Ⅲ.第一节 1.worthy 2.chemistry ‎3.Canadian 4.ourselves 5.strong ‎ ‎6.disturbing 7.differences 8.biggest ‎ ‎9.active 10.valuable 第二节 [主旨大意]作者和一个朋友到中美的一个城市旅行,想找一个邮局,遇见了两个热心肠的人带着他们走了很远,都没有找到。后来又遇见一个人,带着他们回到了起点,邮局就在起点对面。最后作者意识到善良并不一直是一条直线。‎ ‎1.looking for 2.corner 3.difficulty ‎ ‎4.came up to 5.seemed 6.without ‎ ‎7.walked out 8.if/whether 9.followed ‎ ‎10.anybody/anyone 11.But 12.caught ‎ ‎13.went back to/came back to 14.kind ‎ ‎15.a straight line 5‎

