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Lo Pu No. 2 Middle School Teng Yuanyuan 24th,May,2018 13.健康(Health) 14.天气(Weather) 15.文娱与体育(Entertainment and sports) 16.旅游和交通(Travel and transport) 17.语言学习(Language learning) 18.自然(Nature) 19.世界与环境(The world and the environment) 20.科普知识与现代技术(Popular science end modern technology) 21.热点话题(Topical issues) 22.历史与地理(History and geography) 23.社会(Society) 24.文学与艺术(Literature and art) 二、评分档次: 一档文(25-21分))写出全部内容要点,层次清楚、语言流畅,语言基本无 误,表达清楚。 二档文(20-16分)基本写出基本内容要点,行文基本连贯,有少量语法错误。 三档文(15-11分)基本完成试题任务,语言有些错误,行文不够连贯。    四档文(10-6分)写出个别内容要点,语言不通,影响理解。 五档文(5-0分)言不达意,不知所云。  一、评分原则: 1.短语及句子结构不对,人称、时态、语态误用,均为大错。一处大 错扣1分。   2.通篇人称错误,统扣2分。   3.拼写、标点符号、冠词、介词等方面的 错误为小错。2个小错相当 于1个大错。 4.相同错误,只扣一次。字数不足,从总分中扣1分。 5.文中若出现自己及老师、学校等真实姓名扣3分。 6. 书写潦草,卷面不清,扣2分。 中考英语写作评分标准 1、规范书写,字母工整,格式正确。 2、不能在试卷上乱涂、乱划、或有用修正液覆盖的现 象。 3、一旦写错,规范修改:用一条斜线划掉重写即可。 eg: He can speker speak English very well. 隐藏的评分标准:书写! 1.审题不清,要点不全  2.单词拼写、标点符号、字体等低级错误多 3.句子结构、用词不地道,不准确 4.缺乏好的句式,词汇不丰富  5.卷面脏乱,字体不规范,书写太拥挤,勾画过多 6.开头罗嗦,不能直入主题。层次不分明,主体部分内容欠充 实,不生动,结尾草率 书面表达中学生常有的问题 满分作文标准: 第一档:(15~13分) • 完全符合题目要求,观点正确, 要点齐全,立意高。 • 句式多样,词汇丰富。语言准确,语意连贯,表达清楚,结构合 理,具有逻辑性。 • 卷面书写干净, 整洁,无涂抹,字迹大小适中,疏密合 适,书写美观。标 点,大小写正确。 • 最好能有一两个亮点句。 (主从,定从,表从,谚语) 3 写作技巧指导 审题 列点 成句 连接 修改 自从实施教育新政,中学生有了更多自主支配的时间,但有些同学 不知如何利用好这些时间,针对这种现象,你校广播室“校园英语 之声”栏目就“如何更好地利用课余时间”进行征文。请你用英语 给该栏目写一篇广播稿。内容要点包括: 不良现象和行为 (至少3点) 1. 花太多时间在兴趣爱好上 2. 迷恋网吧,上网打游戏 3. …… 看法 我认为…… 建议(至少3条) 1. 合理安排时间 2. 参加兴趣小组 3. …… 注意: 100词左右,广播的开头已给出,不计入总词数 主题 体裁 人称 结构 时态 字数 已知信息 未知信息 以一般现在 时为主 方法一:用以前所记忆的短语和结构造句。 他总是鼓励我们努力学习。 她的父母不允许她 晚上一个人出去。 方法二:多记同义句和同义词。 他还没到上学的年龄。 He is so young that he can’t go to school. He is such a young boy that he can’t go to school. He is too young to go to school. He isn’t old enough to go to school. He always encourages us to work hard. encourage sb to do sth so—that-- such-that- too—to-- enough-to do sth 训练句子的方法: Her parents don’t allow her to go out by herself at night. allow sb to do sth v例如英语九年级上有这样一句话: v I’m looking forward to this. (仿写1) 我正期望着收到你的来信。 I’m looking forward to hearing from you. (信尾使用) (仿写2)我正期望着你的答复。 I’m looking forward to your reply. (仿写3)我期望着暑假的到来。 I look forward to the summer holiday. 方法三:仿写 方法四:遇到难以表达的句子,可另辟蹊径, 化难为易,化繁为简。 1.我们应该守时 2.我们不应该闯红灯(traffic lights) 我们应该按时做每件事. 当交通灯是红灯时,我们不应该过马路. We should do everything on time We shouldn’t go across the road when the traffic lights are red. 连句和美化 方法一:善用词汇,特别是高级词汇。 1.他们在海滩上听音乐。 Which is better? A)They listened to the music on the beach.B)They enjoyed the music on the beach. 2.我希望你能帮助我。 A)I wish you can help me.B)I'm looking forward to your help. 3. 3.他们很早就到了 A)They arrived early. B)They arrived as early as they could. 4.最后,他的狗得救了,他感到很惊讶。 A)His dog was saved at last.He was very surprised. B)To his surprise,his dog was saved at last. 5.我认为学习英语很有 趣。A)I think learning English is interesting. B)I find it really fun to learn English. 6.我们应该保护环境。 A)We shoud protect the environment.B)It's our duty to protect the environment. Let’s … Do it now ! / Don’t do it again! As students, we should start from ourselves. Don’t wait. Join us now! Start to join us now! Don’t put it off! Become a volunteer today! How amazing! I can’t wait! Save animals! Save Ourselves! Save our planet! Don’t hesitate(犹豫). It will be great fun! 方法二:活用多种句型 •他还小,搬不动这么重的箱子。 1.He is very young,He can't carry the heavy box. 2.He is too young to carry the heary box. 3.He is so young that he can't carry the heary box. 4.He is not old enough to carry the heavy box. 闪光高分句子 •画龙点睛的高级句型和英语中常用的固定搭配短 语 • It is+adj +for sb. to do sth. • sb.is +adj +enough to do sth. • be worth doing ,be of importance ,come up with sb.,keep/find sb.+adj,learn from,make a decision to do something, • regard ...as... • remind sb. of sth.,stop sb. from doing sth. • ......... 方法三:妙用关联词 • My name is Tom.I am tall I wear glasses.As for my personalities,I am shy friendly.I have a happy family.I have a lot of hobbies .For example,I enjoy singing collecting stamps.Now,I study in class5,Grade 9.My favourite subject is math. I am intersted in English ,Chinese,Physics, .I live far away from school. I usually get up at 6:00. • ,I have a busy wonderful life. and but not only but also Besides, and so on S o In a word but 常用关联词 1.表示并列: and, as well as, 2.表示选择: or, either…or 3.表示转折: but, however 4.表示因果: because, so, as a result 5.表示条件: if , unless 6.表示举例: for example, such as, 7.表示顺序: first (of all), second, and then, finally, in the end, at last 8.表示强调: also, in fact 9.表示结论: in a word, generally speaking, after all 常用过渡词 • 先后顺序:first,second,finally,at last ,first of all, 转折:but,however,while ,although even though... 因果:because,be cause of,so that,so....that...,as a result,.... 并列:also ,either ...or...,both...and...,as well as... 补充递进:not only....but also...,what's more...,besides,at the same time,on the one hand ,....on the other hand... 举例:for example,such as..,as we all know...like,according to... 强调总结:in a word,that is to say,in my opinion,generally speaking 方法四:美化beautify 在文章的开头或结尾加上合适的谚语或名言。 一般在结尾加比较好。 As the saying goes:No pains,No gains.We shoud concerntrate on our studies. As the saying goes : practice makes perfect.So join the English club is a good way to learn English. 注意:妙用引文和例子 在家里我经常帮助父母干活。 • I often help my parents do housework, such as washing clothes,taking out the rubbish,sweeping the floor. 提示 1,书写规范,t/e,a/u,v/r,h/n区分开 来。注意标点符号。 2,卷面整洁不一定加分,但潦草,涂改 一定扣分。 Tips、检查 3,常用一般现在时,但要根据具体的情 境选择恰当的时态语态。语态、 4,单复数的使用 5,句子结构的完整性 6,单词的拼写 7、大小写、标点、时态、主谓一致、冠 词等 评分: 评分原则:Clear,Complete,Correct, Coherent;Concise. Alice is my a best friend, she come from Canada. she is very tall, hair is very long,he like sports. but I don‘t know if does she like swim? She likes chinese,and she do well in it,we all very like she. 去掉 comes She her she likes 去掉 likes swimming Chinese does 去掉 her very much For example • 1.句型、结构 --- 避免出现Chinglish 现象。 We all very like her. We all like her very much.√ He by bike to school. He goes to school by bike. √ •避免方法: 多记短语和句型 He walks to school. 2 注意语法项目 人称一致: Alice is my best friend, he likes sports. 时态: He has gone to Guilin yesterday. 主谓一致: This pair of shoes are mine. The shoes are new. 习惯用法: He helps me in my English. √ she 去掉 is with 4. 注意语序 (感叹句,疑问句,宾语从句,倒装句) I don‘t know if does she like swimming。 she likes swimming What a nice student is she! she is! She is a student, so I am. so am I 5、注意:重短轻长, 就易避难。 •以写正确、通顺为最基本要求。 2. Mr Tang is the teacher that I like best. 1.I have a friend is called Li Ming. 去掉 I have a friend,he is called Li Ming. Mr Tang is a teacher, I like him best. 模板作文 开头公式一:名人名言 1. A proberb says/As an old saying goes,“ You are only young once.” 2. As everyone knows/As is known to us, no one can deny that… 开头公式二:数字统计 1. According to a recent survey, about 78.9% of the college students wanted to further their study after their graduation. 2. A recent statistics shows that … 附 结尾公式一:结论 1. Obviously, we can draw the conclusion that good manners arise from politeness and respect for others. 2. to sum up/ in conclusion/ in brief/ on account of this/ thus… 结尾公式二:建议 1. Accordingly, I recommend that some measures be taken. 2. Consequently, to solve the problem, some measures should be taken. 十、作文万能句式 I will work hard to make my dream come true. I hope your dream will come true one day. It takes sb. +时间+to do… Sb. spend(某种人称时态)+时间/钱+on sth./ (in) doing sth. It’s important/necessary/useful/useless/common…(for sb.) to v… It’s nice/kind of sb. to v.. It’s time for sb. to do sth. It’s a waste of time to… It’s …years/days since sb. +ved It’s great fun to do=sb. have great fun doing It’s a pity that… It’s an honor to… 十、作文万能句式 I’m/We’re not allowed to … I’m afraid of making mistakes… There be …doing… Great changes have taken place in… sth is/are well worth v-ing. It seems/seemed that… It seems (im)possible to v… It is said that… As the saying goes, … …and …. are different in many ways. too + adj./adv. to do There are many differences between … and … 十、作文万能句式 I have made up my mind to … I am sure that… I am not sure whether/if… I would rather …. than … It doesn’t matter if… Thank you for v-ing. If everyone can make a contribution to the earth/ nature/ society, our life will be better and better. 十一、作文万能短语 have/look for a chance to do do outdoor activities be/get used to (doing) sth. learn…from… be proud of/ take pride in… play an important/active part/role in… agree with sb. to do sth. with the help of sb.=with one’s help (反义:without one’s help) be/get ready to do sth.= be/ get ready for sth. pay attention to… take good care of … make friends with… get on/along well with … 十一、作文万能短语 wish you successful/success as time goes by… graduate from… looking back to the past three years,…(用现在完成时态) pass the (final) exam stick to doing keep you mind on your goals make up one’s mind to do sth. (on sth.) make a decision to do work hard at English once in a while/ at times/ now and then from then on 十一、作文万能短语 in the future(将来)/ in future(从今以后) increase our knowledge/ enlarge our vocabulary in fact/as a matter of fact in the beginning/ at first feel like giving up have trouble/difficulty in (doing) sth. have (no) time to do have experience in (doing) sth. follow one’s advice/suggestions master some basic … skills be required to do ask sb. for help can’t wait to do 十一、作文万能短语 be supposed to do encourage sb. to do deal/do with … work out/solve the problems all sorts/kinds of… at home and abroad one of … be full of… learn sth. by oneself come up with good ideas be surprised at sth.(to do sth.) in order to keep healthy/fit a good way to v… 十一、作文万能短语 keep (on) trying worry about…/ be worried about… in one’s spare/free time be kind/friendly to be strict with help others say thank you to… have fun/enjoy oneself/have a good time plenty of +C/U worry about/be worried about ask sb. for help/ turn to sb. for help/call sb. for help be popular with… share sth. with sb. know little/much about … 十一、作文万能短语 do/try one’s best to v… be/feel sorry for… help sb. (to) do sth./ with sth. in/during class before/after class teach sb. to do sth. 提建议 • had better (not) do... 最好(不)做... • how about / what about doing …怎么样? • I think you should do... 我认为你应该… • I suggest / advice that you should do... 我建议你做… • If I were you, I would do...我要是你的话,我会做… • It’s best to do... 最好做… • Why not do / Why don’t you do…? 为什么不… 典型句型和美句积累 典型句型和美句积累 中考满分作文必背7类句型    1). It’s adj for sb to do 做…对某人来说…   2). … so … that … 如此… 以至于 … too … to do 太… 而不能…    such … that … 如此… 以至于…   3). not…until… 直到…才…      4). That is why + 句子 那是…的原因   5). That is because + 句子 那是因为…   6). It is said that + 句子 据说…    It is reported that + 句子 据报道…   7)as we all know, +句子 据我们所知 语言学习 • 1. My favorite subject is English。 • 2. More than three quarters of the information on the Internet is in English。 • 3. It is used by travelers and business people all over the world. 典型句型和美句积累    My Hobby • I am a 15-year-old student in junior Grade 3. Though I am always busy with my study,I would like to spend time on my hobbies, such as playing the piano, surfing the Internet. 兴趣爱好 典型句型和美句积累 • 1. His name is Jack. • 2. He was born in London in 1982. • 3. He is 1.68 meters tall and weighs 52kilos. 写人记事 典型句型和美句积累 旅游和介绍地方 • 1. Last Sunday(Saturday,…) ,it was sunny(rainy, windy, foggy,) • 2. I got up very early (late)。 After breakfast I went to …with my friends by bike, bus,... 典型句型和美句积累 新生事物评价 • 1.Computer is becoming more and more important • 2.we should make good use of it. • 3.It maybe get in the way of(妨碍) our study. • 4.We can do lots of things with it. 典型句型和美句积累 梦想与未来 • Recently we did a survey in our class in order to learn about students’ ideal jobs. Here’s a report about my group members’ ideas. •   Mary wants to be a fashion designer because she likes beautiful clothes and is good at drawing. Kate wants to be a gardener, she lives plants, and she wants to make the cities better. Mike would like to be a writer. He’d like to share his wonderful stories with others. Tom would like to be a cook. He’d like to cook delicious food for others. I would like to be a policeman. I want to protect the people safe. •   Hopefully everyone can realize their dreams in the future. 典型句型和美句积累 中考作文结尾得出结论的五种万能句 •  1、Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that…   把所有这些因素加以考虑,我们自然会得出结论……   2、Taking into account all these factors, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that …   考虑所有这些因素,我们可能会得出合理的结论……   3、Therefore, we’d better come to the conclusion that …   因此,我们最好得出这样的结论……   4、There is no doubt that …has its drawbacks as well as merits.   毫无疑问,…有优点也有缺点。   5、All in all, we cannot live without … But at the same time we must try to find out new ways to cope with the problems that would arise.   总之,我们没有…是无法生活的。但同时,我们必须寻求新的解决办法来对付可能出现 的新问题。 典型句型和美句积累 中考英语作文必备的10个谚语 1.Every coin has two sides. 每个硬币都有两面,比喻事物的两面性。 2.The winter is coming and the spring is not far. 冬天已经临近了,春天还会远吗? 3. Failure is the mother of success. 失败是成功之母。 4. Practice makes perfect. 熟能生巧。 5. Actions speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。 6. A fall into a pit, a gain in your wit. 吃一堑,长一智。 7. A good beginning is half done. 良好的开端是成功的一半。 8. Don't put off till tomorrow what should be done today. 今日事,今日 9 .Time and tide wait for no man. 时不我待。 10.How time flies.时光如梭。 典型句型和美句积累 2016热点话题 • 1.全民读书活动; • 2. 乐于助人、德育的话题; • 3. 学生们喜欢的明星以及电视节目等; • 4. “低头族”; • 5. 家庭、人口问题:中国实行二孩政策, • 6.安全自救问题(校园安全等); • 7.环保问题; • 8.家乡的变化; 春天来了,容易患感冒,为了保持健康,某英语网站正在征集有关保 持健康建议的稿件,请结合以下图表写一篇应征短文。 How to keep healthy eat others… … … … drink more vegetables and fruit do more exercise less junk food run and do morning exercise Play basketball and football more water How to keep healthy Spring is coming. It’s easy for us to get a cold during this time. Here is some advice about how to keep healthy. First, we should drink more water. We’d better drink hot tea with honey. Second, we must eat more vegetables and fruit. We’re supposed to eat less junk food. Third, we should do more exercise, such as running, doing morning exercises and so on. What’s more, we all should have enough sleep. Staying up late is bad for our health. Besides, we’d better go to bed early and get up early. Health is so important for everyone. I hope everyone will have a healthy lifestyle and stay healthy. We should/shouldn’t… We are supposed to… We’d better… We’d better not… It’s good to… Why not do… Doing sth. is… Water importance usage(用途) Situation(现状)Water protection What can we use it for? Less and less, polluted How can we save water? How can we stop water pollution?. Water is very important for humans, animals and plants. Importance: Do you think water is important for us? If there was no water, What would happen? Usage: What can we use water for ? Before writing • Situation(现状) Less and less clean water. Water pollution Water protection How can we save water? How can we stop water pollution?. Turn off the taps. Reuse and recycle. Call on people to save water We should/shouldn’t… We are supposed to… We’d better… We’d better not… It’s good to… Why not do… Doing sth. is… Water is very important for humans, animals and plants. Humans and animals drink water every day. Plants need water to grow. No living things can live without water. But there is less and less clean water on the earth.Some people waste water in their daily lives. They even throw rubbish everywhere. It pollutes water seriously. Some factories pour waste water into rivers or lakes. More and more water is polluted. So we should do something to protect water. We must save erery drop of water. We are supposed to turn off the taps after we use them. We’d better reuse and recycle the water we used. What’s more, we can call on more people to save water. Let’s take actions now. 5,美:满分作文之关键,润色丰富要点 • Recently we had a class meeting on the topic of My Chinese Dream. Everyone talked warmly about his understanding of the Chinese Dream. We all believe that this dream will come true in the future. •   I also talked about my own dream. I have always wanted to be a doctor. Not only can doctors save people’s lives but also they are doing a respectable job. Doctors can also help people to live a better life with their professional knowledge. •   To realize my dream, I must try to work hard from now on. I must learn as much as I can so that I can get into a good medical college, where I can learn a lot for the job of a doctor. Only in this way can I achieve my goal. • In my opnion,We are the hope of the motherland. Everyone should try to make make our country better and better together. 2018押题,Say thanks to sb. • I think there is a forever place for parents in every child’s heart. And I want to say thanks to my parents, too. They always care for me in every possible way. If I am upset, they will give me warm hugs and encouragement. Most of all, they treat me with respect. I know they are the priceless treasure which God gives me. So I will study harder in order to achieve good marks and make them proud. I think that’s the good way to show my thanks.(By Sun Yilin)  Li Hua spent too much time playing computer games and he fell behind others. As a good friend of his, I must do something to help him.   Firstly, I think it’s very important for him to learn lessons well. He should spend most of his time on his study instead of computer games. Secondly, I must tell him that playing computer games too much is bad for his health, especially for his eyes. So he must give it up. I can play more sports with him after school. Maybe he will become more interested in sports than computer games. And then I'll ask him to concentrate more on his study. Of course, I will try my best to help him with all his subjects. I think I can do it in many fun ways and let him find much fun in studying. At the same time, I'll ask both his parents and our teachers to help him, too. If I try these, I'm sure he will make great progress soon. Numbers 中考英语 专项复习 数词 一.基数词、序数词 二.数词的表示法 基数词          1. 基数词 表示数目的词称为基数词。 其形式如下: A.1——10 one,two,three,four,five,six seven,eight,nine,ten. B. 11——19 eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen, nineteen. C. 21——99    表示几十几时,在十位和个位之间添加 连字符“-” 21    32 43 54 65 76 87 98 twenty-one forty-three thirty-two fifty-four sixty-five seventy-six eighty-seven ninety-eight D.百位数 三位数以上的基数词,在百位和十位一般 要用 “and”连接。 101    320 648 E.千位数以上 从数字的右端向左端数起,每三位数加一个逗号 “,”。从右开始,第一个“,”为thousand, 第二 个“,”为million,第三个“,”为billion。 如:1,234,567,890 one / a hundred and one three hundred and twenty six hundred and forty-eight one billion two hundred and thirty-four million five hundred and sixty-seven thousand eight hundred and ninety “ 1509 ” 1. hundred thousand (表示具体数字) million billion 2. hundreds thousands (表示概数) millions billions 三.基数词的用法 数词 two (several)+ + of some / many hundreds of 1)基数词表示确切的数时,不用复数形式. 2) 表示不确切数,如成百、成千上万,则用复 数。 There are hundreds of people in the hall. 320 three hundred and twenty 3.人的不确切岁数或年代,用几十的复数形式。 He became a professor in his thirties. It was in the 1960s. 4.基数词的句法功能 可作主语、宾语、定语、表语、同位语。 The two happily opened the box.(作主语) They three tried to finish the task (作同位语) . 1. — If a = 3, b=4, what’s the answer to the problem, a+2ab+1=? — the answer is___. A. twenty eight B. twenty-eighth C. twenty-eight 2. In our school several __ students are able to search the Internet . A. hunderd of B. hunderds of C. hundred 3. Many __ sheep were killed in the accident. A. thousands of B. thousand C. thousands 4. There are over nine __ workers in the factory, but __ of young people hope to work in it. A. hundred; hundreds B. hundreds; hundreds C. hundreds; hundred ① 月日年 在2008年10月1日 四.数词的表示法 — 年月日 on Octorber the first, two thousand and eight 日 the + 序数词 月 (首字母大写) 月日与年之间 用 ,分开 年 (两位两位读) on August the ninth in May, two thousand and ten 有日用 on 无日用in on Oct. 1st , 2008 ② 月日 在8月9日 ③ 月年 在2010年5月 1. The accident happened on___. A. April 5, 2001 B. 2001, April 5 C. April 2001, 5 2. I was born ___. A. in March 8, 1993 B. on July 9, 1994 C. on May, 1995 20世纪90年代 in the 1990s 在他50多岁时 in his fifties 四.数词的表示法 — 年代世纪 in the in one’s + 整十基数词复数 在某人几十岁时 nineteen nineties 1. There will be more chances in __ century than in __ century. A. twenty-one, twenty B. twenty-first, twentieth C. the twenty-first, the twentieth 2. The city changed a lot ___. A. in 1980s B. in the 1980s C. in the 1980 3. He graduated in __ of __ century. A. the sixtieth; twenty B. sixty; the twentieth C. the sixties; the twentieth 4. He got the prize __. A. in his fifties B. in fifties C. in his fifty 时间和钟点 时间的表达方式 1.直接表达法。即先读小时,再读分钟 如:4:10 读成 8:36 读成 2.逆读法。即先读分钟,再读小时 ①分钟小于30的用“past”,中文译为“过”。 即分钟+past+时钟,中文译为“几点过几分” 如:5:10(5点过10分)读成 2:02 (2点过2分) 读成 four ten eight thirty-six ten past five two past two ②分钟超过30(不包括30分钟)用 “to”(中文译为“差”) 即“60-分钟数 +to+钟点数+1” (中文译为:几点差几分) 如:7:45 (八点差15分) 读成 1:58(两点差2分) 读成 3.半小时用“half”, 一刻钟用“quarter”。 注意:一刻钟 a quarter 三刻钟 three quarters 如: 4: 30 读成 9: 45 读成 a quarter to ten two to two half past four fifteen to eight 特别注意:一个半小时的表达方式: one / an hour and a half one and a half hours Can you read them? 1:30 2:15: 3:45 6:38 7:25 9:50 one thirty half past one two fifteen a quarter / fifteen past two three forty-five a quarter/ fifteen to four six thirty-eight twenty- two to seven twenty five past sevenseven twenty-five ten to tennine fifty 三年半的两种表达方式: three years and a half three and a half years 1.— It’s already 7:40 now. When will the film start? —___. We still have five minutes. A. A quarter to seven B. Seven past forty-five C. A quarter to eight 1 5 分子 基数词 分母 序数词 one fifth 2 7 分子 ﹥ 1 分母 + s two sevenths 1 4 分子 a 分母 quarter a quarter 3 4 three quarters 1 2 a half 1 3 three and one third3 基数词 + and + 分数 四.数词的表示法 — 分数百分数 分数、百分数、小数的表达方法 (以分数 考法较为常见) 1. 分数: 分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子 大于一,分母加s 1/2 读作 2/3 读作 1/13 读作 3/4 读作 2.小数,百分数的读法: 小数点读成point 3.6 读作 百分号% 读成 percent 50%读作 one second(a half) two thirds 或者 two- thirds one thirteenth three fourths或者three - quarters three point six fifty percent 80 % 基数词 + percent eighty percent half / (百)分数 + of + 可数名词复数 谓语动词用复数 half / (百)分数 + of + 不可数名词 谓语动词用单数 3.78 three point seven eight 1. __ of the students __ boys in Class A. Two three; are B. Two thirds; are C. Two thirds; is 2. __ of her money __ spent on clothes. A. Two three; are B. Two thirds; is C. Two third; is 3. __ the teachers in our school is about one hundred, and __ of them are women teachers. A. The number of; two third B. The number of ; two thirds C. A number of; two thirds 一个半小时 两个半小时 two and a half hours = two hours and a half one and a half hours = one hour and a half 四.数词的表示法 — 半的表示法 1. The boy always stays there for __. A. one and half hour B. one and a half hour C. one and a half hours 2. The old man drank__ beer. A. two bottles and a half B. two and a half bottle C. two bottle and a half 一倍 once,两倍 twice, 三倍 three times (三倍或以上 基数词+times) 四.数词的表示法 — 倍数 This box is five times as big as that one. =This box is four times bigger than that one. ① A + be + 倍数 + as +adj.原+ as +B. A是B的 …倍… ② C + be + 倍数 + adj.比+ than +D. C比D … …倍 1. This building is __ that building. A. three time as tall as B. twice taller than C. three times as taller as 2. 我的箱子比你的重六倍! My box is ____________________ yours. six times heavier than seven times as heavy as ① The winner is ___. He is an ___ boy . A. eight-year-old; eight years old B. eight years old; eight-year-old C. eight-years old; eight-year-old ② He came to China ____. A. at the age of 20 B. when he is 20 C. at age of 20 四.数词的表示法 — 年龄 ① The river is about ____. A. 6,000 meters long B. 6,000-meters-long C. 6,000-meter-long 四.数词的表示法 — 计量 be + 数词 + 量词 + 形容词 10. He went down to the village which was ___miles away from the city. A. three hundreds B. three hundred C. three hundreds of B. three hundred 6.The wall is____. A.four meters long B.four meter long C.four-meter long 7.What's the date today? It's___. A.March the eight B.March eighth C.eight,March 8.It happened in the 1040's. A. in the forties of the eleventh century. B. in the forties of the tenth century. C. in the forty 9.About_____________ of the earth's surface is covered with water. A. three-fours B. three-fourth C. three-fourths r i t i t f ti f t l t t . t r -f rt s 选择填空。 1.March is ____month of a year. A. a three B. the third C. a third 2.We will have a meeting at 8:05____. A.five to eight B.eight five C.eight o five 3.Eight plus eight is____. A.sixteen B.sixty-four C.one 4.He is an ____boy. A.eight years B.eight-year-old C.eight-years-old 5.We will have a___ walk. A.ten minutes B.ten minutes' C.ten-minutes i t fi sixteen B eight-year-old t i t ' 四、加减乘除表示法 1. “加”用plus,and或add表示 How much is two plus three? It is five. Two and three is equal to five. 2. “减”用 minus How much is ten minus six? 3. “乘”multiply 3X4=? How much is three times four? 4. “除”用divide的过去分词形式表示 16÷4=? How much is sixteen divided by four? 2.more还可与a little,a few,a lot,several等词 连用 (1)There are many more dictionaries on the desk.课桌上有许多词典。 (2)Would you like some more tea?再喝点茶好 吗? 4. 名词省略 如果前后意思清楚,another或more后面的名词可 以省去。如: 1.I climbed the stairs slowly,carrying a big suitcase,my father following with two more. 1Tony is going camping with _boys next Sunday. A.little two other B.two little other C.two other little D.little other two 3.Do you know where he found the other two photos?另外两张照片 3. more 1.more 1)She has got five more electric fans.她还有 五台电扇。 another, other, more修饰数词的用法 1. another A) another+名词单数 B)表“另外的、额外的、附加的时,+few或具 体数字的复数 1.—Have you finished your report yet? —No,I will finish it in 10 minutes. A.another B.Other C.more D.less 2.The strike may last another three days.罢 工可能还要持续三天。 2. other +复数名词,置于数词之后 B)但与定冠词the连用时,other要放在数词前。 序数词 1. 序数词一般由基数词后加th构成,前面 一般加定冠词the。 第18 第200 2. 以y结尾的基数词构成序数词时,先把y 改成i,再加eth。 第50 第20 3. 不规则的序数词有以下几个 first, second, third, fifth, eighth, ninth, twelfth(一定要记住) the eighteenth the two hundredth the fiftieth the twentieth first 1st second 2nd third 3rd fourth 4th fifth 5th sixth 6th seventh 7th eighth 8th ninth 9th twelfth 12th twentieth 20th thirtieth 30th fortieth 40th fiftieth 50th sixtieth 60th seventieth 70th eightieth 80th ninetieth 90th C.序数词的缩写形式:阿拉伯数字后加上th。 irst—lst second—2nd third—3rd fourth—4th twentieth—20th twenty-third—23rd D.序数词的句法功能 序数词在句中可作主语、宾语、定语和表语。 The second is what I really need.(作主语) He choose the second.(作宾语) We are to carry out the first plan.(作定语) She is the second in our class.(作表语) 4. 表示第几十几时,十位用基数词, 个位用序数词,十位和各位用连字符- 连接 第三十一 第六十五 第七十四 第九十九 第八十二 thirty-first sixty-fifth seventy-fourth ninety-ninth eighty-second 5. 编号的三种表示法 1)名词+基数词 Lesson Three 2)the+序数词+名词 the third lesson 3)名词+数字 Lesson 3 如:5班 Class Five = the fifth class = Class 5 一般编码用 名词 + 基数词 207房 三年级一班 第五部分 第一课 3 号汽车 第一中学 Room 207 Class one Grade three part five = the fifth part lesson one = the first lesson Bus No.3 = the No.3 bus No. 1 Middle School 四.数词的表示法 — 编号 1、This is Mr White’s ____ visit in Beijing. He has been there twice before. A. two B. second C. three D. third 2、There are ____ months in a year. October is the ____ month. A. twelve, ten B. twelfth , tenth C. twelve, tenth D. twelfth, ten 3、There are ____ people in Peter’s family. They live on the ____ floor in tall building. A. six, eighteen B. six, eighteenth C. sixth, eighteenth D. sixth, eighteen 4、 _____ is the easiest of all. A. Lesson one B. The Lesson one C. Lesson First D. The first lesson 5、 The foreign guests stayed in ____ last night. A. Room 608 B. the Room 608 C. the 608 room D. 608 the room 注:通常前面要加定冠词 the;但出现不定冠词a 或an时,则表示“再—”,“又—”。 We'll go over it a second time. 特别说明: 1、世纪、年代、年份、月份时,用介词in 2、某一天、星期前用介词on 3、某一天早晨、下午或晚上时,用介词on。 1、____ a cold morning,the old man died lonely in his house. 2、The girl was sent to hospital ____ the morning of March 20. 3、My son was born _____ October 2010. 4、People are very poor _____ the fifties.    On on in in 分数,小数, 百分比 热门考点一:hundred、 thousand、 million、 billion的考查方法 1.和“of”连用,前面不能有具体的数,而且这四个词的本身 必须用复数。如 hundreds of 数以百计的 thousands of 数以千计的 millions of 数以百万计的 billions of 数以十亿计的 many hundreds of students. 好几百个学生 2.当它们的前面有具体的数修饰时,其本身即不能用复数, 不能和“of”连用。 two thousand students 两千名学生 five hundred cars 五百辆车 1、By the end of last year, we had planted about five ____ trees. A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundred of D. hundreds of 2、____ books must be produced for the children. A. many thousands B. many thousands of C. many thousand of D. many thousand 热门考点二:其它重要表达方式的考法 1. 在某人多少岁 in + one’s + 几十的复数形式 eg: My parents are in their fifties. 2.a five-year-old boy an eight-year-old girl 3.100-meter-long bridge (100米长的桥) 10 meters deep (10米深) 4.ten-minute walk = ten minutes’ walk 5. two more hours= another two hours . ( )1、The has written a ___ composition. A.three-hundred-word  B.three- hundred- words C.three hundreds words D.three hundreds word ( )2、Every day the old woman sits here for ____. A. one and half hour    B. one and a half hour C. one hours and a half    D. one and a half hours ( )3、He became very rich ____. A. in his forty   B. in the forties C. in his forties   D. in the forty ( )4、Mary is ____ girl. A. an 8 –year- olds    B. an 8-year-old C. an 8 -years -old    D. a 8-year-old A D C B ( )5、Guangzhou Tower is almost _____. A.600 meter high  B.600 meters high C.600-meters-high  D.600-meter-high ( )6、—Have you got enough books? —No. I need ____. A. ten more    B. more ten C. ten another    D. other ten B A 选择填空。 1.March is ____month of a year. A. a three B. the third C. a third 2.We will have a meeting at 8:05____. A.five to eight B.eight five C.eight o five 3.Eight plus eight is____. A.sixteen B.sixty-four C.one 4.He is an ____boy. A.eight years B.eight-year-old C.eight-years-old 5.We will have a___ walk. A.ten minutes B.ten minutes' C.ten-minutes i t fi sixteen B eight-year-old t i t ' 一 、第一轮复习(四月底结束)  二、专项复习 (五月底结束) 三、能力提升 (六月底) 四、应试技巧和方法 中考复习的流程 一、第一节 听句子,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项 中选出与所听句子内容相关的图画。每个句子听两遍 。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 1. A B C 2. A B C 近3年中考试题回顾 3. A. B。。 C 4. A B C 5. A B C 2016年听力第一节  1. A B C  2.A B  3. A B C 2017听力第一节  4.A. B. C  5. A.  第二节 听句子,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中 选出与所听句子内容相符的正确答语。每个句子听 两遍。(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)  6. A. That’s right. B. It’s a pleasure.  C. The same to you.  7. A. Sure, go ahead B. Oh, I know.C. Sorry, I can’t.  8. A. I played soccer. B. I like basketball.  C. It was great.  9. A. You’re welcome. B. Thank you all the same.  C. It’s very kind of you.  10. A. Well done. B. Have a good time.  C. Best wishes. 2015年听力第二节 2016年第二节 听句子, 6. A. Nice to meet you. B. Your name, please. C. Help yourself. 7. A. Here you are. B. Yes, please. C. Yes, a hot dog, please. 8. A. Just so-so. B. Never mind. C. It’s nice of you to say so. 9. A. Next weekend. B. After school. C. Good idea. 10. A. Sorry, I won’t. B. OK, I will.C. I can’t speak.  6.A.Yes, he does. B.Yes, he did. C.Yes, he has.  7.A.That’s all right. B.It doesn’t matter. C.I stayed up late.  8.A.Congratulations. B.Thank you! C.Here you are.  9.A.He is working. B.He is friendly. C.He is a policeman.  10.A.I don’t like it. B.Help yourself. C.It’s very kind of you. 2017年听力第二节  11. Where did Jim go yesterday?  A. To a zoo. B. To a farm. C. To a village.  12. What did Jim do there?  A. He fed chickens. B. He milked a cow. C. He rode a horse. 听第二段对话,回答第13~15小题。  13. What exercise does Alice do?  A. Dancing. B. Playing badminton. C. Singing.  14. Why does the man become a little fat?  A. Because he does little exercise.  B. Because he eats too much.  C. Because he doesn’t think exercise is important.  15. What time will they meet in the afternoon?  A. At 4:00. B. At 4:30. C. At 5:00. 2015听力第三节 2016听力第三节 1. Is Mr. Smith busy or free at ten o’clock? A. He’s out. B.He’s free. C. He’s busy. 2. Who would like to see Mr. Smith? A. Jack. B. Miss Li. C. Mary. 听第二段对话,回答第13~15小题。 3. What day is it today? A.Saturday. B. Sunday. C. Monday. 4. What will Peter have for breakfast? A. Noodles. B. Eggsand milk. C. Bread and milk. 5. Where are they talking? A. At home. B.In a school. C.In a restaurant.  11.When do they meet?  A.In the morning. B.At noon. C.In the afternoon.  12.What are they going to do?  A.Play games B.Have a math class C.In the afternoon.  听第二段对话, 回答第13~15小题。  13.How did Nick come to Kelly’s office?  A.By taxi B.By bus C.On foot.  14.Why was it hard for Nick to catch a bus?  A.Because he was new to the city. B.Because there were a few buses at weekends.  C.Because a lot of people went out at weekends.  15.What would Nick like to drink?  A. A cup of coffee B.A cup of tea C. A cup of milk. 2017年听力第三节 2015年第四节(以学校活动为话题) Jenny’s School Activities Names Dates Contents A school trip 16 Going to mountains and 17 18 On May 10th Many games The art festival On October 5th Enjoying performances and 19 20 On December 2nd Parents come to school 16. A. On March 16th B. On April 16th C. On May 16th 17. A. playing basketball B. having picnics C. picking fruits 18. A. Football games B. Volleyball games C. Basketball games 19. A. pictures B. food C. games 20. A. A sports meeting B. A school meeting C. A school day 2016年第4节(以暑期活动为话题) The best time of the year is the summer vacation Reasons There is no school for two 16 `I’m as 17 as a bird. Last summer vacation I learned 18 ` This summer vacation I’ll 19 with my friends.I may take 20 in the KFC. 16. A. weeks B. months C. years 17. A. free B. busy C. happy 18. A. cooking B. washing C. swimming 19. A. play basketball B. hang out C. go out 20. A. a part-time job B. a good job C. a new job 2017年听力第4节(还是以户外活动为话题) Place to go ____16______ Things to bring ____17______,hats and umbrellas. Time to meet At ____18______. Activities Climb mountains,pick____19_____. We mustn’t ____20______. 16.A.A park B.A farm C. A village 17.A.Sunglasses B.Knives C.Drinks 18.A.8:00 B.9:00 C.10:00 19.A.pears B.apples C.oranges 20.A.go swimming B.go fishing C.go boating 冠词:  2015年试题:  26. I love singing and dancing. I want to be﹏﹏ actor in the future.  A. a B. an C. the D. /  37. ____useful robot! It can help with the housework like a human servant.  A. How B. What an  C. How a D. What a  2016、2017没有考查这一知识点 第二部分 笔试部分(第一节 选择填空) 第二部分 笔试部分(第一节 选择填空) 介词(2015) 30. The Third China-South Asia EXPO was held in Kunming ﹏﹏ June 12th to June 16th. A. onB. in C. at D. from (2016年未考查) 2017年考题: 21.Many people like watching Chinese Poetry Conference (诗词大会)____TV. A.in B.of C.at D.on  2015、2016、2017年考题(每年一题):  27. — do you study for a test?  — I study by working with my classmates.  A. How B. Why C. What D. Where  23. —____ do you visit your grandparents? —Once a month.  A.How often B.How long  C. How soon D.How far 3.特殊疑问句 25. — ____ will the 2016 Summer Olympic Games be held in Brazil? In August. A. When B. How C. Why D. Where  2015年考题:  29. — Can you speak Chinese, Steve?  — Yes, only . I have been in China for only one month.  A. few B. a few C. little D. a little  33. WeChat (微信) is very popular. the young the old are getting interested in it.  A. Neither…nor B. Either…or  C. Not only…but also D. Between…and 代词: 代词(2016年考题) 24. 24.Which city would you like to live in, Beijing or Shanghai? _____. I’d like to choose Kunming A. Either B.Both C.Neither D.None  25. —Jack,how was your summer vacation? —Just so-so,I decided to go ___ for my next vacation. A.something wonderful B.wonderful something  C.somewhere wonderful D.wonderful somewhere 2017年考题  常考点:  1宾语从句;  2时态:(2015一般将来时;2016现在进行时;2017现 在完成时);  3 形容词的比较等级的用法2015年和2016年考查the+ 比较级,the+比较级;2017年考查比较级+and+比较级  4、感叹句(2015、2016年考查);  5、特殊疑问句;  6动词或动词短语辨析;非谓语形式(2015、2016)  7连词(2016、2017年考查);  8.情态动词(三年均考);  9 交际用语(所占的比重最大;) 选择题分析 1、命题角度体现“突出语篇”的命题原则, 即“ 突出语意填空, 削减语法填空, 以考查理解能力为 主” 2. 在题材上将更加贴近学生、贴近生活、内容新颖, 富有时代气息。 3. 淡化语法的考查,主要考查的是学生联系上下文 的 能力,能否找到准确的信息词。能否通过上下 文的联系和理解推测出最恰当的选项,比如,近 几年都有5个小题就是答案就藏在前言后语之中, 需要瞻前顾后定选项。 完型填空题发展的趋势  完形填空试题的一般解题思路:    1. 跳过空格、通读短文、了解大意。解题时先 跳过空格,通读完形填空的短文,了解全篇的内容 和要旨。要重视首句,善于以首句的时态、语气为 立足点,理清文脉,推测全文主题及大意。    2. 利用上下文的语境,结合所学过的知识,先 确定空格处所需词语的意义,再根据空格在句子中 的位置,判断其在句中充当的成分,从而确定所填 词的词性,再依据词语搭配和语法规则,判断所填 的词的正确形式。    3. 三读短文、上下参照、验证答案。在短文的 每一空白处填上一个词后,将完成的短文再细读一 遍,连贯思考。把所填的答案放入短文中进行检验 ,可从上、下文内容是否协调一致、顺理成章,语 法结构是否正确无误等进行综合验证。 完型填空  1.速读。跳开选项了解信息,初步掌握 文章大意。  2.精读。自己阅读全文,抓住短文的每 段,每句作者的思想。  3.复读。再次阅读文章,检查答案,是 否符合文章逻辑推理。 做完形填空题的方法: 完形填空具体操作中应注意的问题:  1. 看清上下文,找准定位词   充分利用文章的上下文和前后句,找到 对选择有提示作用的词或句。这些词有时可 能是同义词或反义词。  2. 通顺逻辑,寻求搭配   注意固定的搭配,包括动词与介词的搭 配、动词与名词的搭配以及形容词与名词的 搭配等,同时要根据内容选择正确的短语。    完形填空应注意的问题:  3. 了解生活常识,确定相关知识语义完整、适用是 做好填词的前提,要从全文的内容出发,前后上下 联系起来考虑。  4、要善于从文中同样结构或类似结构中寻找线索, 从中得到提示和启发,帮助确定应填词的词性和词 形,这样可避免想当然地随意乱填。  5、填词时应注意词形,不可简单地都填原形词。若 空格内填的是名词,要考虑其单复数形式;若填的 是形容词或副词,则要考虑其是否属于比较等级; 如若填的是动词,则要特别注意考虑其时态和语态  6、有些空格需要填入介词、连词等结构词,除考虑 上下文的内容外,还要考虑和其他词的固定搭配及 其惯用法结构。 完形填空应注意的问题:  2015:剪纸艺术的说明文;父母对儿子 成功的教育故事;如何阅读(含小标题 的说明文)  2016:现代技术在课堂中的应用;生活 与压力的故事;如何善待父母;  2017:网上购物;健康;如何帮助别人 阅读理解  1. 阅读原文, 理解大意首先通读原文, 捕捉文中 所提供的信息, 抓住文章大意, 理清文章脉络 。2. 审读题目, 正确判断 读懂短文内容后再审读题目, 把握每个待判 定句子的含义, 通过寻读法在原文中找出与 每个问题相关的关键词, 然后寻找关键词在 文章中所在的句子及段落, 依据短文内容对 试题所给出的句子进行正误判断。 阅读理解  1. 保持良好的精神状态。良好的精神状态对于考场 上的考生来说非常重要。学生的自信心很重要。因 为只有在心理放松的情况下,考生的注意力才能够 集中,思维才会敏捷,从而才能将自己的真实水平 发挥出来。  2. 抓住中心句。阅读短文之前,先看文章的体裁。 短文是否有标题。若有,应给予高度重视。因为标 题是文章主题的高度凝聚,它能给我们启发和想象 ,有利于加深对短文的理解,从而提高做题效率。 另外,在没有标题的情况下,应充分重视短文的首 、尾段。  3. 克服不良习惯,提高阅读速度。 阅读理解   4. 判断要有依据,推理要顺乎作者的意图。对于 推理性或评价性之类的阅读理解题目,在材料中一 般是找不到现成答案的,必须通读全篇,对所获信 息加以筛选、提炼、推断,对作者的思想倾向,对 文中提及的人物或事件可能产生的结局等,加以综 合考虑才能得出正确结论。对这种题,不能以偏概 全,不能以个人的想法代替作者的意图。    5. 遇到生词时,一定要沉着、冷静。中考英语 试题中,一般是不会盲目地出现生词的,但不排除 出现影响答题的生词,同时也可能出现猜测生词的 题目,因为猜测词义也是阅读能力的体现,当然也 在考查范围之列。遇到这种题目,只要理解了全篇 材料的大部分内容,弄清了上、下文之间的内在联 系,判断出它在文中可能存在的含义是不难的。 阅读理解 7选5答题技巧 •1. 先读选项,预测各选项在文章中可能 出现的位置; •2、命题通常包括文章主旨;承上;启下; 段落大意归纳;全文总结。  1、考查主要以名词、代词、数词、形 容词、动词的词性变换为主;  2、出现的常见问题:名词的复数;动 词的第三人称单数或过去式;形容词的 比较级;形容词变副词和非谓语形式。  3.词组多以名词词组居多,注意是否要 用复数形式。  4.动词短语注意时态;  5、注意一些热点词汇,以时俱进。 写作第一、二节常见错误分析 书面表达 1. 析体裁 2. 定人称 3. 定时态 (时态错误扣分) 4. 要点全,字数够 5. 结构清 6. 书写美,要复查(一定要工整) 作文的常见问题  1 书写  2 段落  3 前后呼应  4 叙事不清  5 时态  6 人称  7 句子结构 二、后阶段复习的几点建议  1 鼓励为主,学生信心是考试成败的 关键;  2 避免与学生发生冲突;  3 尽力保持课堂的活力和效率;  4 循序渐进,稳步推进教学,注重实 效  5 以身作则,陪学生一起中考 一 既要通力合作,又要各司其责  教学内容统一;进度统一;阅卷服 从安排  有个人见解;有自己的思考;有教 学特色; 二 相互鼓励,互为榜样,相互支撑  勤奋、积极上进、传输正能量 三 相互学习;取长补短 初三备课组工作的几点建议 四 命运共同体意识 五 成功意识 六 永不放弃的精神 初三备课组工作的几点建议 一 成功是成功之母 二 提升个人魅力  想想中学生喜欢什么样的老师 三 提升个人的情商 四 提升个人能力 五 你需要努力工作来证明自己 教师个人的几点建议 (一) 研究《考试说明》和中考题。 (二) 研究中考复习课的复习模式。 (三) 提高复习课的课堂效率。 1.认真备课,精心设计课堂教学程序。 2.每节课目标明确,重点突出。 3.与学生互动,让学生动起来。 4.合理利用多媒体课件。 5.对学生进行复习方法和应试技巧的指导。 6.会自编练习,至少会选题。 (四) 研究练习的选择和作业的分层。 (五)坚持听力练习,加强阅读和写作训练。 总复习建议

