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阅读理解填词(二) 哲理故事+说明介绍+社会热点 A Look out for others before yourself ‎  Farmer John and his wife lived on a farm. They raised a pig, a cow and a chicken. One day, a mouse saw that John had set a mousetrap. He went around the farm and warned all of the 1.o     animals about the trap. ‎ ‎  “There is a 2.m     in the house!”the mouse said to the chicken. ‎ ‎  “That’s 3.b     news for you, but it doesn’t bother me,” the chicken said. ‎ ‎  Then, the mouse went to the pig and the cow. But the pig and the cow did not care, 4.e    . They said they didn’t have to worry about it and wished the mouse good luck. ‎ ‎  One night, a snake got 5.c     in the mousetrap. John’s wife thought the snake was dead and tried to 6.r     it. But the snake was still alive and bit her hand. ‎ ‎  She became very sick and had a bad fever. The farmer decided to make some 7.c     soup to treat her sickness—so he killed the chicken. ‎ ‎  As John’s wife continued to become 8.s    , many of her friends came to visit her. The farmer killed the pig and used it to make food for the visitors. ‎ ‎  Sadly, John’s wife died from her illness. The farmer killed the cow as a sacrifice(祭品) for her funeral.‎ ‎  The mouse watched all of this with great sorrow.‎ ‎  When we learn that someone is 9.f     difficulties or danger, all of us can be at risk. It is better to help and encourage one another instead of leaving others 10.a     with their problems. ‎ B Finding meaning in beans ‎  Q: Why do red beans represent love and fidelity(忠贞) in Chinese culture?‎ ‎  A: As you may know people in China give red beans to their partners to 1.s     their commitment(承诺) to the relationship. But why do they do this? As it turns out, there is an ancient story that can explain this.  ‎ ‎  2.T     of years ago, there were long-lasting wars between the Han people and the non-Han nomads(游牧民族) who lived in the 3.n    . During this time, a young man was forced to go to war. He had to 4.l     his wife and children. ‎ ‎  The wife spent every day 5.w     for her husband to return. At 6.s     and sunset, she would lean(倚靠) on a tall tree on a high mountain and look into the 7.d    . But her husband never returned. ‎ ‎  While she was watching and waiting, the woman would cry under the tree. As time passed, her 8.t     turned to blood. 9.A     the tears dropped to the ground, they became red beans. The red beans eventually grew into dozens of new trees. ‎ ‎  This story 10.s     far and wide, leading people to refer to red beans as “love beans”. ‎ ‎  Did you know?‎ ‎  Wang Wei(701—761), a Tang Dynasty poet, wrote a famous poem about red beans. Let’s see the poem and its translation by Xu Yuanchong:‎ ‎  Red beans grow in southern land.‎ ‎  How many load in spring the trees?‎ ‎  Gather them till full is your hand.‎ ‎  They would revive fond memories.‎ C ‎  People in different countries speak different languages. But is there a language that can be 1.u     by everyone in the world? Emojis might be the first truly universal(通用的) language. ‎ ‎  Emojis are a kind of special language. Pictures are used to put meaning across. A group 2.c     the Unicode Consortium is in charge of choosing official emojis. It has added new emojis every year ‎ since 2014.These new emojis do not come out of nowhere. They show 3.w     people think about, like and care about. ‎ ‎  Emojis can be used to 4.r     different groups of people. In 2015, emoji faces with different skin tones(肤色) were added. In 2016, different jobs were 5.a    , such as doctor, police officer and painter along with female versions of these jobs. This year,emojis of disabled(残疾的) people were added,including emojis of blind people and 6.p     in wheelchairs. ‎ ‎  But there is also more to emojis. They can also refer to pop culture and new cultural trends.‎ ‎  New emojis in 2019 have included several animals, such as sloths(树懒) and flamingos(火烈鸟). These animals are not very 7.c    , but are known to many people. For example, sloths have become 8.p     thanks to the 2016 film Zootopia(《疯狂动物城》). Many fashion designers have included flamingos in their 9.d     in recent years. This animal makes people feel like they’re on a tropical(热带的) vacation. ‎ ‎  It seems that emojis are a 10.m     of the world we live in. It will be interesting to see how they change and grow in the years to come. ‎ ‎【参考答案】‎ A [主旨大意]本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一个老鼠夹所引发的一系列事件。故事告诉我们:有人遇到困难时,我们要互相帮助,因为可能某些因素跟我们会有千丝万缕的关系而最终影响我们。‎ ‎1.other 2.mousetrap 3.bad 4.either ‎5.caught 6.remove 7.chicken 8.sicker ‎9.facing 10.alone B [主旨大意]本文通过提问和回答的方式讲述了在中国文化中红豆代表思念的起源,并展示了许渊冲翻译的王维的古诗,来体现红豆的意味。‎ ‎1.show 2.Thousands 3.north 4.leave ‎5.waiting 6.sunrise 7.distance 8.tears ‎9.As 10.spread C [主旨大意] 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍的是表情包的普及并受到广大人群的欢迎,也介绍了最新流行的表情包,例如树懒和火烈鸟。‎ ‎1.understood 由“can be u    by everyone”可判断此句是情态动词的被动语态结构can be done,由句意可知是可以被人们理解的语言。 ‎ ‎2.called 由the Unicode Consortium可知是一个名字,用called表示“被叫做……的”,过去分词作后置定语。‎ ‎3.what 句意:它们展示人们想的,喜欢的和关心的东西。此处是宾语从句,用what来作宾语从句的宾语。‎ ‎4.represent 句意:表情包被用来代表不同群体的人。represent意为“代表”。‎ ‎5.added 前文有“different skin tones were added”,此句为提示,复现词。‎ ‎6.people ‎7.common 因为是新表情包,所以还不是很普遍。‎ ‎8.popular 《疯狂动物城》这部电影使树懒这个形象变得流行,受欢迎。‎ ‎9.designs 前文提示“Many fashion designers”,所以在他们的设计中有火烈鸟的形象。此处的design是名词。‎ ‎10.mirror 句意:表情包是我们所生活的世界的一面镜子。‎

