I think that mooncakes are delicious单元精品课件

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I think that mooncakes are delicious单元精品课件

Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 人教版九年级英语上册 Section A 1a-1c Spring Festival first day of the Chinese lunar calendar ØGuessing Competition Guess what festival it is according to the picture you see as quickly as you can. Lantern Festival, the 15th day after the Spring Festival Dragon Boat Festival, 5th day of the 5th lunar month Mid-autumn Day, the 15th day of the 8th lunar month Easter around March 22— April 25 Halloween October 31 Halloween Parade(游行) Thanksgiving Day the last Thursday of November mooncake lantern /'mu:nkeik/ n. 月饼 /'læntə(r) n/ n. 灯笼 Words and expressions 1a Match the pictures with the descriptions. What a great day! What did you like best? I loved the races! But I guess it was a little too crowded. 1. _____ The Water Festival in Thailand 2. _____ The Dragon Boat Festival in Hong Kong 3. _____ Chinese Spring Festival in Beijing 4. _____ The Lantern Festival in Jiangxi a c b d 1b Listen and circle T for true or F for false. 1. Bill thinks that the races were not that interesting to watch. 2. Mary thinks that the teams were fantastic. 3. Bill wonders whether they’ll have zongzi again next year. 4. Bill and Mary believe that they’ll be back next year to watch the races. 1c Talk about the festivals in 1a. A: What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival? B: I love the races. I think that they’re fun to watch. Talk about the festival in 1a with your partner. What do you like best about the Dragon Boat Festival? I love the races. I think that they’re fun to watch. What do you like best about the Chinese Spring Festival? I love the food, I think that they are delicious. What do you like best about Water Festival? I don’t like Water Festival, I think that getting wet is terrible. What do you like best about …? I love... I think... Now let’s talk about the festival with your partner and make your own conversation. u –What a great day! 多么美好的一天! What a great day!是由what引导的感叹句。 What 意为“多么;真;太”,用作定语,修饰名词。 此处句式结构为:What+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数形式 (+主语+谓语)!, 口语中常可以省略主语和谓语。 ► What a new watch (it is)! 多么新的一块手表啊! uBill wonders whether they’ll have zongzi again next year. ① wonder作动此处意为“想知道;想弄明白”,相当于 want to know。 ► I wonder what the new teacher will be like. 我想知道新老师是什么样。 ② I wonder whether…意为“我想知道是否……”, 相当于I wonder if 是一个请求允许的交际用语, 询问对方是否允许自己做某事。 ► I wonder whether /if I could use your bike. 我想知道我是否能用一下你的自行车。 Whether:“是否”;是……(还是),表示迟疑或两个 可能性之间的选择或两种情况都真实,其后可与or (not) 连用。可引导主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、让步状 语从句等,引导主语从句时可置于句首。 If:“是否”,引导宾语从句。一般不与or (not)连用。 也可引导状语从句,意为“如果”。 I. Fill in the blanks. 1. I wonder ______ it is similar _____ the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province. 2. I think that we ate five meals a day! I’ve _______ five ________. 3._______ well you sing but _______ badly he dances! 4. —Listen! Someone is playing ______ piano. —Wow! ________beautiful music! I like it very much. if to put on pounds How how the What 1.Can you tell me ________they will come back? A. where B. when C. which D. who 2.—_______ weather! It’s raining! —Bad luck! We can’t go climbing today. A. What bad B. What a bad C. How bad D. How a bad 3.—I wonder ____ at 8:00 last night? —I was watching NBA. A. What were you doing B. What did you do C. What you were doing D. What are you doing II. Choose the best answer. Ⅲ. 从方框中选词并用其适当形式填空。 strange, watch, cold, put on 1. I don’t know the man. He is a____________ to me. 2. He has_________ several pounds these days, so he wants to lose weight. 3. They said that they enjoyed__________ the dragon boat races. 4. I think winter is the__________ season of the year in Harbin. strange r put on watchin gcoldest ü Make a conversation about the Chinese Festivals. ü Preview the new words we will use in the next lesson. Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 人教版九年级英语上册 Section A 2a-2d u To talk about the festivals you like best. u To learn to use objective clauses with that, if and whether (I know/wonder/believe…) Dragon Boat Festival The story of Quyuan Water Festival relative /'relətiv/n. 亲属;亲戚 put on 增加;增加(体重);发胖 pound /paund/n. 磅;英镑 Words and expressions 2a Listen to the conversation between Wu Ming and Harry and circle the correct words in the sentences. 1. Wu Ming and Harry are cousins / strangers / friends. 2. Wu Ming went to Singapore / Hong Kong / Macao for his vacation. 3. He visited his relatives / friends / classmates. 4. He liked eating out / shopping / the Dragon Boat Festival best. 2b Wu Ming did a lot of fun activities, but there were also downsides. Listen again and fill in the chart. Fun activities Downsides Eating out Shopping Dragon Boat Festival in June He put on five pounds. He spent so much money. It’s quite hot. A: What did you do on your vacation? B: I visited my cousins. I think that we ate five meals a day! I’ve put on five pounds! A: I guess the food was delicious, right? 2c Role-play conversations between Wu Ming and Harry. Use the information in 2a and 2b or make your own conversations. Clara: Guess what? I’m going to Chiang Mai in two weeks. Ben: Wow, sounds like fun! But I believe that April is the hottest month of the year there. Clara: Yes, that’s true. But there’s a water festival from April 13th to 15th. Ben: I wonder if it’s similar to the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province. 2d Role-play the conversation. Clara: Yes, I think so. This is the time of the Thai New Year. People go on the streets to throw water at each other. Ben: Cool! But why do they do that? Clara: Because the new year is a time for cleaning and washing away bad things. Then you’ll have good luck in the new year. 1. Ben is going to Chiang Mai in two weeks. ( ) 2 . Clara bel ieves that Apr i l is the hot test month of the year there. ( ) 3 . The water Fest iva l in Thai land is f rom Apr i l 13th to 15th. ( ) 4 . The Thai new year is a t ime for c leaning and washing bad th ings. ( ) F T T ØRead the conversation and tel l “True” or “False”. Clara: Guess what?... Ben: Wow, sounds like fun!... ... u Wu Ming and Harry are cousins / strangers / friends. 吴明和哈里是表兄弟/陌生人/朋友。 stranger作名词,意为“陌生人”,是由形容词 strange加 后缀-r构成的名词。 ► A stranger walked up to me and shook my hand. 有个陌生人向我走来跟我握手。 uI’ve put on five pounds! 我都胖了五镑了! put on意为“增加(体重);发胖”。 ► I can eat what I want but I never put on weight. 我能想吃什么就吃什么,但是从来不发胖。 put on的其他用法 意为“穿上;戴上” ► She put on her coat and went out. 意为“上演;举办” ► The band is hoping to put on a show before the end of the year. uI wonder if it’s similar to the water festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province. 我想知道它是否和云南傣族的泼水节相似。 similar 是形容词,意为“相似的;相像的”,无比较 级,常用短语“be similar to…”意为“与……相似”。 ► She is similar to her mother. 她长得像妈妈。 u People go on the streets to throw water at each other. throw at 抛向;泼向;洒向。动词throw后接所投掷的 物体,用介词at引入泼洒的对象。 ► On our way here, someone threw a stone at our car, but fortunately we were not hit. 在我们来的路上,有人向我们的车投掷石块,所幸的是我 们没被砸中。 ► It’s the first snow of the year, and the children are happily throwing snowballs at each other. 这是今年的第一场雪,孩子们高兴地拿雪球相互抛着。 Water Festival Dragon Boat Festival Spring Festival Lantern Festival watch the races a little like… best go…for one’s vacation enjoy doing sth. eat out 泼水节 龙舟节 春节 元宵节 看比赛 有点 最喜欢 去度假 喜欢做某事 在外面吃 five meals a day put on in two weeks sound like from…to… be similar to throw … at… wash away have good luck in the new year 每天5顿饭 增加体重 在两周之后 听起来像 从……到…… 与……相似 朝……扔…… 洗掉 有好运气 在新的一年里 1. I wonder ______ it is similar _____ the Water Festival of the Dai people in Yunnan Province. 2. I think that we ate five meals a day! I’ve _____five________. 3._______ well you sing but _______ badly he dances! 4. —Listen! Someone is playing ______ piano. —Wow! ________beautiful music! I like it very much. if to put on pounds How how the What a I. 在空格处填入适当的词。 II. 根据所给汉语填空。 1. Can you see the _________ (灯笼) over there? How beautiful they are! 2. Parents often tell their children not to speak to _______ (陌生人). 3. I got a lot of gifts from my _________ (亲戚) on my birthday. 4. Don’t eat too much, or you’ll _______ (增加) your weight. 5. The car cost him 2000 __________ (英镑). lanterns strangers relatives put on pounds ü Learn the new words and expressions by heart. ü Copy the sentences with the Objective Clause and learn them by heart. Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 人教版九年级英语上册 Section A 3a-3c Look at the picture. What festival do you think of? What do you know about the festival? Mid-Autumn Festival Mid-Autumn Day(中秋 节) Date: August 15th on lunar calendar Round baked cake with f i l l ings in i t . M oon c ak e (月饼 ) Enjoy the moon(赏月) Enjoy the moon is the most popular activity in the Mid-autumn Festival. Do you know Chinese Valentine’s Day? Double Seventh Festival Do you know the story of chang’e? folk /fəuk/ adj. 民间的;民俗的 goddess /'gɔdes/,/'ga:des/ n. 女神 whoever /hu:'evə(r)/ pron. 无论谁;不管什么人 steal /sti:l/ v. 偷;偷窃 stolen /'stəʊlən / v. 偷;窃取 Words and expressions lay /lei/ v. 放置;安放;产卵 lay out 摆开;放置 dessert /di'zə:(r) t/ n. (饭后)甜点;甜食 garden /'ga:(r)dn/ n. 花园;园子 tradition /trə'diʃn/ n. 传统 admire /əd'maiə(r)/ v. 欣赏;仰慕 Words and expressions 3a Read the passage about Mid-Autumn Festival and answer the questions. Chinese people have been celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries. Mooncakes are in the shape of a full moon on the Mid-Autumn night. They carry people’s wishes to the families they love and miss. Full Moon, Full Feelings There are many traditional folk stories about this festival. However, most people think that the story of Chang’e is the most touching. Chang’e was Hou Yi’s beautiful wife. After Hou Yi shot down the nine suns, a goddess gave him magic medicine to thank him. Whoever took this could live forever, and Hou Yi planned to take it with Chang’e. However, a bad man, Pang Meng, tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not home. Chang’e refused to give it to him and took it all. She became very light and flew up to the moon. Hou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night. One night, he found that the moon was so bright and round that he could see his wife there. He quickly laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. How he wished that Chang’e could come back! After this, people started the tradition of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families. By admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families. 1. How do people celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival? 2. What story is the reading about? The story of Chang’e. Ø Answer the questions. admire v. 欣赏,仰慕 uThey carry people’s wishes to the families the love and miss. 月饼寄托着人们对他们所爱与思念的家人的祝福。 ① wish此处用作名词,意为“祝福;愿望”。 ► Send you my best wishes. 送给你我最美好的祝愿。 ► My wish is to become a doctor. 我的愿望是当一名医生。 ② wish还可用作动词,意为“希望;想要”,后 接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语。 ► Do you wish a pen or a book? 你想要的是钢笔还是书? ► I wish you success. 我祝你成功。 ► We wish to see the film. 我们希望看那部电影。 wish to do sth. 希望做某事 wish+ that从句 希望……(不易实现的愿望) wish sb. to do sth. 希望某人做某事 wish sb.+n. 希望某人…… hope to do sth. 希望做某事 hope+ that从句 希望……(易实现的愿望) 辨析 wish 与 hope ► We wish you a happy new year! 我们祝你新年快乐! ② miss动词,意为“思念,想念”。 ► I m sure that everybody will miss him. 我相信每个人都会想念他的。 miss作动词,还可表示“错过”后接名词、 代词或动 词-ing形式作宾语。 ► Don t miss our bargain offer. 本店大减价,勿失良机! ► I missed taking part in the sports meeting. 我错过了参加这次运动会的机会。 uHowever, most people think that the story of Chang’e is the most touching. 然而,大多数人认为嫦娥的故事最动人。 ① however副词,意为“不过;然而”,有转折的 含义,相当于but,可位于句首、句中和句末。 位于句首时,其后用逗号隔开; 位于句中时,其前用分号或逗号,其后用逗号隔开; 位于句末时,其前用逗号隔开。但but只能置于句首或句中。 uWhoever took this could live forever, and Hou Yi planned to take it with Chang’e. 无论谁喝了此药都能长生不老。后羿打算和嫦娥一起服用。 ① whoever作代词,意为“无论谁;不管什么人”,相当于 no matter who,可引导让步状语从句或名词性从句。此处 whoever引导名性从句,作主语,表达让步之意。 ► Whoever did it, I didn’t. 不管这事是谁干的,反正不是我干的。 ► Whoever comes will be welcome. 谁来都欢迎。 ② Plan动词,意为“计划,规划”,其过去式及过 去分词均为 planned,现在分词为planning。 常用短语:plan to do sth. 意为“计划做某事”。 ► I plan to go shopping after work.我打算下班后去购物。 u…tried to steal the medicine when Hou Yi was not home… ……试图趁后羿不在家时偷仙药。 ① try to do sth. 意为“尽力做某事” try doing sth. 意为“尝试做某事” ► He shut his eyes and tried to sleep. 他闭上眼睛想睡觉。 ► He tried to find out the to question. 他努力寻找这个问题的答案。 ► You always go there by train. Why not try taking a bus? 你总是坐火车去那儿。为什么不试试坐公共汽车呢? ② steal动词,意为“偷;窃取”。其过去式、 过去分词分别为stole、stolen。 ► She used to steal money from her father’s drawer. 他过去常从父亲的抽屉里偷钱。 ► It’s wrong to steal. 偷窃是不对的。 uHou Yi was so sad that he called out her name to the moon every night. 后羿伤心不已 对月呼喊她的名字。 ② so…that... 意为“如此……以至于”引导结果 状语从句,so后接形容词或副词,常用以下结 构: so + 形容词/副词 + that从句; so + 形容词+ a/an + 单数可数名词 + that 从句; so + many/few + 复数可数名词 + that从句; so + much/little + 不可数名词 + that 从句。 ► It was so hot that we all went for a swim. 天气太热了,所以我们都去游泳了。 ► He had so many books to read that he had no time to watch TV. 他有这么多书要以至于没有时间看电视了。 ② call out one’s name 意为“大声呼喊某人的名字”。 ► I called out her name but she turned a deaf ear to my calling. 我大声叫她,但她不理我。 uAfter this, people started the tradition of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families. 此后, 人们便开始了同家人一起赏月品月饼的传统。 ① tradition名词,意为“传统”。其形容词形式是 traditional (传统的)。 the tradition of...意为“……的传统”。 ► It is simply a village tradition. 它仅仅是一个村庄的传统。 ① admire 动词,意为“欣赏;仰慕”。 常用结构: admire sb./sth. 欣赏某人/某物; admire sb. for sth. 为某事而欣赏某人; 因某事而佩服某人 ► We admired him very much. 我们很欣赏他。 ► I admire her for her bravery.我很钦佩她的勇气。 ___ Pang Meng tried to steal the medicine. ___ A goddess thanked Hou Yi by giving him magic medicine. ___ Chang’e refused to give Pang Meng the medicine and drank it all. ___ Hou Yi shot down the nine suns and saved the people on the earth. ___ Hou Yi was very sad and watched the moon at night, and wished his wife could come back. ___ As a result, Chang’e became light and flew up to the sky. ___ Hou Yi planned to drink the medicine with his wife. 3b Read the passage again. Put the events in the correct order. 4 2 5 1 n. 女神 v. 偷 7 6 3 3c Without looking at the passage, try to complete the sentences with the correct words. 1. People like to a______ the full moon on Mid-Autumn night. 2. The story of Chang’e is one of many t___________ folk stories. 3. Hou Yi got m_____ medicine for shooting down the nine suns. 4. Peng Meng wanted to s______ the medicine. 5. Hou Yi l____ out fruits and desserts in the garden. dmire raditional agic teal aid I. Fill in the blanks. There are many traditional ______________ (民间故事) about Mid-Autumn Festival. However, most people think _______ the story of Chang’e is the most touching. Chang’e refused _________(give) it to him and drank it all. _____ he wished that Chang’e could come back! folk stories that to give How II. Translation. 1. After this, people started ______________ _______________________________________________ ____________. (赏月的传统并和家人一起分享月饼) the tradition of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakes with their families They carry people’s wishes to the families they love and miss. 2. 月饼将人们的祝福带给他们热爱和想念的家人那里。 [2018·杭州中考]After a long day, Tom _______down on the bed and went to sleep.lay üDiscuss with your partner about your favorite festivals and give reasons. Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 人教版九年级英语上册 Section A 4a-4c 幻灯片上单词出现时,同学应迅速读出该单词并说出 意思,说出时,可有5秒钟的现场求救时(向其他同 学),每名同学接受求救不得超过3次。 mooncake lantern stranger relative put on pound steal lay out lay dessert garden admire whoever goddess folk tradition Words and expressions tie /tai/ n. 领带 v. 捆,束 I know that the Water Festival is really fun. What fun the Water Festival is. I wonder if they’ll have the races again next year. How fantastic the dragon boat teams were! I wonder whether June is a good time to visit Hong Kong. How pretty the dragon boats were. I believe that April is the hottest month in Thailand. How delicious the food is in Hong Kong! Grammar Focus 名词性从句 noun clause 主语从句 subject clause 宾语从句 object clause 表语从句 predicative clause 同位语从句 appositive clause 试比较: We know him. We know he likes English. 主s 主s 谓v 谓v 宾o 宾o 宾语从句就是用一个句子来构成主句的宾语 主s 谓v 宾o 简单句 复合句 l Do you know who is the first Chinese astronaut (宇航员)? l Our teacher told us that the earth goes around the sun. l Please tell me where she has gone. l I don’t know if he will come tonight. l Let’s find out what’s on tonight . Ø Find out the Object Clauses 注:that 在句中无词汇意义,在从句中不能充当成 分,在口语当中往往省略。 e.g. ► I hear (that) he will be back in an hour. ► He said (that) he missed us very much. 1.由从属连词that引导的宾语从句 a. 在主+谓+it(形式宾语)+宾补+that 从句(真正宾语) 的句 型中不省略。 ► We must make it clear that we mean what we say. b. 由连词and连接的两个由that引导的宾语从句中,第二个 that 不省略。 ► He told me( that)he would come and that he would come on time. that在宾语从句中的省略与保留 c.当that作介词 except, in等宾语时。 ► They believe in that she must still be single. ► I know nothing about him except that he is living in Beijing. 2.由从属连词 whether, if 引导的宾语从句。 ► I want to know if/whether she is right . ► They didn’t know whether Tom could come back or not . if/whether 引导宾语从句 表示“是否”。 if/whether可互换,但whether…or not为固定搭配。 1).whether和if都可以引导宾语从句 ► I don’t know whether or not he will come. 如果or not放在whether所引导的从句句尾,可用if 替换。 ► I don’t know whether/if he will come or not. ► I worry about whether I hurt her feeling. 注意whether和if的使用区别 a.当whether后紧跟or not时,不用if. b.介词后面的宾语从句不能用if. ► He asked me whether I wanted to go there by t ra in or by bus.他问我是想乘火车还是坐公共汽车去那里。 whether. . .or还有“不管”之意,引导让步状语从句。 ► Whether he dr ives or takes the t ra in, he wi l l be here on t ime. 不管开车来还是乘火车来,他都会准时到。 c.在强调任意选择时,用whether…or,此时不用 if 替换whether。 ► He asked me whether I ’d move to New York i f I got the job. d. 虽引导宾语从句,但为了强调宾语部分,也可把 从句放在句首,此时只用whether不用if。 ► Whether he will come I am not sure. e.句子中有if 引导的条件句,如再有表示“是否” 的宾语从句,用whether不用if。 ► Please let me know if you need help. 如果你需要帮助请告诉我。 或:请告诉我你是否需要帮助。对比: ► Please let me know whether you need help. 请告诉我你是否需要帮助。 f. 容易产生歧义时用whether不用if来表示“是否”。 ► I don’t know if it won't rain tomorrow. 我不知道明天是不是会下雨。 g. 如果宾语从句为否定句时,则只用if不用 whether。 2) .引导主语从句置于句首时,只能用whether。 ► Whether he comes or not makes no d i f ference. 3) . Whether可以引导表语从句和同位语从句, i f不可以。 4) .用在动词不定式之前时用whether不用 i f。 ► I don’ t know whether to go there at once. 我不知道是不是该立刻去那里。 3.由连接代词 Who, whom, whose, which, what 和 连接副词 where, how, why, when引导的宾语从句 ► Do you know whose book it is ? ► Please tell me when we’ll have a meeting . ► Could you tell me why the train is late? ► He asked who could answer the question. 当主句是一般现在时,宾语从句的时态不作限制, 我们可以根据句子的意思来使用需要的任何一种时态。 I hear (that) Jim went to work an hour ago. he is interested in English. she will come tomorrow. Tom has been to London twice. He will go to Hong Kong . He is sick. He is reading a book . He has finished his work. He said He had finished his work. He would go to Hong Kong . He was sick. He was reading a book . 当主句是一般过去时的时候,宾语从句必须运用相应的 过去的某一种时态,从而达到主句和从句的相互一致。 the sun is much bigger than the moon . Summer is after Spring . the earth moves around the sun. He told me (that) We kmew (that) The teacher told us (that) 当宾语从句说明的是客观存在的事实或者是客观存在 的真理时,就不用受到主句时态的限制,仍是用一般现 在时态。 主句时态 从句时态 一般现在时、一般 将来时、祈使句时 根据句意的需要用任意 一种时态 一般过去时 与原句相对应的过去的 时态 客观事实、真理、 自然现象、名言警 句、谚语等 一律用一般现在时 ► Danny says that he will learn English. ► Do you know where he came from? ► Please tell me how I can get to the bus station . 无论主句是陈述句还是疑问句,宾语从句都是运用陈 述句的语序,即是“主语在前,谓语在后”的顺序。 宾 语 从 句 三 要 素 引导 词 that+陈述句 if/whether+一般疑问句 特殊疑问词+特殊疑问句 时态 主句为一般现在时 主句为一般过去时 一般过去时 过去将来时 过去进行时 过去完成时 语序 宾语从句的语序都为陈述句语序 从句客观真理时态不变 从句可为任何时态 • 学习宾从三注意,时态语序和连词。 • 时态主从要呼应: • 主句若为现在时,从句时态随句意; • 主句若为过去时,从句时态变过去; • 宾从若是表真理,时态不变无质疑。 • 语序要用陈述序,切莫照搬疑问句。 • That 连接陈述句,省与不省要注意。 • 从句若表“是否”时,if/whether要慎记。 • 特殊问句作宾语,仍用原来疑问词。 • 三个问题需牢记,切莫丢东忘了西。 1. Tom said. He is reading a book. → 2. He asks me. Are they p lay ing a game? → 3. Where is the hospi ta l? He to ld me. → 4.Who bought the pen? He wondered. → Tom said that he was reading a book. He asks me if/whether they are playing agame. He told me Where the Hospital was. He wondered who bought the pen. 5. Who can answer the question? The teacher asked. → The teacher asked who could answer the question. 6. What’s wrong? What’s the matter? What’s happening? What happened? → I don’t know what’s the matter. I. 用正确的形式填空。 1. The radio says i t _______________cloudy tomorrow. (be) 2. The headmaster hopes everyth ing _______wel l . (go) 3. Tom says that they ____________ (p lay) basketbal l a t s ix o ’c lock yesterday evening. 4. I hear they _________________ ( return) i t a l ready. 5. He said that they __________ members of the Par ty s ince 1948. (be) 6. He asked what they ____________ at e ight last n ight . (do) 7. The teacher to ld h is c lass that l ight _________ faster than sound. ( t ravel ) 8. I th ink you _____________ about the re lay race now. ( ta lk) 9. I d idn ’ t know whom the le t ters ______from. (be) 1. I don’t know ___________ I’ll be free tomorrow. 2. I don’t know __________ or not I’ll be free tomorrow. 3. The question is __________ this book is worth writing. whether/if whether whether II. 用if 或whether 填空。 l所谓感叹句,就是用来表达喜怒哀乐等强烈情感的句子。近年来,感叹句的构成 及转换是中考常考的考点之一。 l感叹句一般由“what”和“how”来开头的句子 “what”修饰名词,“how” 修饰形容词和副词。 What 和 How引导的感叹句 ●A beautiful flower ●It is a very beautiful flower. ●What a beautiful flower it is! ● A lovely cat ● It is a lovely cat. ● What a lovely cat it is! v An interesting story book v It is an interesting story book. v What an interesting story book it is! ●Delicious cakes ●They are delicious cakes. ●What delicious cake they are!Beautiful flowers They are very beautiful flowers. What beautiful flowers they are! A pretty girl She is a very pretty girl. What a pretty girl she is ! Simple conclusion: What+ a/an+adj.+n.+ it is/ she is/ he is… v Exciting people v The people are exciting. v How exciting the people are! v Simple conclusion : How +adj. +the+n. +is/are! Wh at 引导的感叹 句 “what”意为“多么”用作定语,修饰名词(被强调部分),名词前可有其它定语成 份(即:形容词或冠词)。单数可数名词前要加不定冠词a/an,复数可数名词或不可数 名词前不用冠词。 一般有三种形式,此时what为形容词,作定语,用来 修饰它后面的名词或词组。 1 . what+a/an+形容词+可数名词单数+主语+谓 语! ► What an in terest ing s tory i t is ! 多么有趣的故事呀! ► What a good g i r l she is ! 她是个多么好的一个女孩啊! 2. what+形容词+不可数名词+主语+谓语! ► What heavy snow it is! 多么大的雪呀! ► What bad weather is it? 多么糟糕的天气! 3. what+形容词+可数名词复数+主语+谓语! ► What beautiful flowers they are! 多么漂亮的花啊! ► What good students they are! 他们是多么好的学生啊! “how”意为“多么”,用作状语,修饰形容词或副词(被强调部分)。如果修饰形容 词,则句中的谓语动词用系动词;如果how修饰副词,则句中的谓语动词用行为动词。 How 引导的感叹句 有三种结构形式。此时how是副词,用来修饰其的形容词 或副词,也可以修饰动词。 1. How+形容词+主语+谓语!例如: ► How cold it is today! 今天多么冷呀! ► How hot it is today!  今天多么热呀! 2. How+副词+主语+谓语! 例如: ► How happy they look! 他们显得多么高兴呀! ► How fast he runs! 他跑得多么快呀! 3. How+主语+谓语(陈述句)!例如: ► How he loves his son!他是多么的爱他的儿子! ► How time flies! 光阴似箭! 表示同一意义时,感叹既可用“w h at”引导, 也可用“h ow”引导。 ► What a hot day i t is ! How hot the day is ! 多么热的天气呀! ► What ta l l bu i ld ings they are! How ta l l the bui ld ings are! 多么高的楼房呀! ► What bad weather i t is ! How bad the weather is ! 多么糟糕的天气呀! ► What br ight sunshine i t is ! How br ight the sunshine is ! 多么明亮的阳光呀! 表示激动强烈的感情时,口语中常省略其后面 的主语和谓语 ► What a fine day(it is)! 多么晴朗的天呀! ► What an honest boy! 多么诚实的孩子呀! ► What red apples(they are)! 多么红的苹果呀! ► How cool! 好凉快呀! ► How wonderful! 精彩极了! 口语中常用:What a pity! 真遗憾! What a shame! 真遗憾!真可耻 ! what修饰名词 What +名词+陈述语序 What+a+形容词+名词+ 陈述语序 What+ 形容词+复数名词+ 陈述语序 What+ 形容词+不可数名词+ 陈述语序 how 修饰形容词,副词或动词: How +形容词+ a +名词+ 陈述语序 How+形容词或副词+ 陈述语序 How VS What A. How tall the man is! A. What a tall man (he is)! A. How lovely these pandas are! B. What lovely pandas (they are)! A. Wow, what a big pumpkin! B. How big this pumpkin is! 1. think / Lantern Festival / beautiful I think that the Lantern Festival is beautiful. 2. don’t know / whether / he / come home / for the festival _____________________________________ _____________________________________ 3. believe / Water Festival / most / fun ___________________________________________ 4a Write sentences using the words given. I don’t know whether he will come home for the festival. I believe that the Water Festival is the most fun. 4. wonder / if / mooncakes / delicious _____________________________________________ 5. how / exciting / races ____________________________________ 6. what / interesting / city ______________________________________ Jenny wonders if the mooncakes are delicious. How exciting the races are! What an interesting city ( it is)! 4b Read the passage below and underline the objective clauses. If possible write your own sentences about Mother’s Day and Father’s Day using objective clauses. Dear Xia Yu, Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America? One is Mother’s Day on the second Sunday of May, and the other is Father’s Day on the third Sunday of June. On these two days, American children often give gifts to their parents or take them out for lunch or dinner. Common gifts are flowers and cards for mothers and shirts or ties for fathers. I heard that it is becoming more and more popular to celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day in China. I wonder if children over there also give similar gifts to their parents. I believe that there are many ways to show our love. Actually, we don’t have to spend a lot of money. It is also a good idea to help parents to do something instead. June Objective clause: 1. Do you know that there are two special days for parents in America? 2. I heard that it is becoming more and more popular to celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day in China. 3. I wonder if children over there also give similar gifts to their parents. 4. I believe that there are many ways to show our love. u Actually, we don’t have to spend a lot of money. 事实上,我们不必花很多钱。 (1) have to 意为“必须;不得不”,强调由于客观因素主 语不得不做某事,有人称和时态的变化,其后跟动词原形。 ► Because he had no money, he had to drop out of school. 因为没有钱,他不得不辍学。 have to & must have to :“必须;不得不”,表示客观需要,有人称、数、 时态的变化。 don’t have to 表示“不必”。 must :“必须; 一定”表示说话人主观上的看法。 must只有一种形式。mustn’t 表示“禁止”。 ► You don’t have to tell him about it. 你不必把这件事告诉他。 ► You mustn't tell him about it. 你一定不要把这件事告诉他。 (2) spend 动词,意为“用,花”,常用句型为: spend some time/ money ( in ) doing sth. 花费时间/钱做某事。spend 后接动词的-ing。 ► I spent two hour (in) reading the novel. 我花了两小时读这篇小说。 ► I spent 100 yuan buying the sweater. 我花了100元买这件毛衣。 4c Which festival do you like best? Ask your group and report to the class. e.g. In our group, David’s favorite festival is ... He thinks that … In our group, David’s favorite festival is Halloween. He thinks that on that day children will wear special costumes with mask to take part in Halloween party. And play “trick or treat”. Sample: I. 典型例题 。 1. _____ food you've cooked! A. How a nice B. What a nice C. How nice D. What nice 2. _____terrible weather we've been having these days! A. What B. What a C. How D. How a 3. _____ food you've cooked! A. How a nice B. What a nice C. How nice D. What nice D A D 4._____beautiful day it is! Let's go and have apicnic in the park. A. How B. How a C. What D. What a 5._____wonderful news report he wrote! A. What a B. What C. Which D. Weather 6.—With the help of doctors, the boy can see again. —_____he is! A. What luckly B. What a luck C. How luck D. How a luck D B C II. What 与How 大转换。 1. What a pretty girl she is! _______ _______ the girl is! 2. How difficult the questions are! _______ ________ __________ they are. 3. How big the factory is! _______ ____ big factory _____ ____! How pretty What difficult questions What a it is 4.What a clever boy! _______ _______ the boy _______! 5. How tall the trees are! _______ tall trees ______ ______! 6. What interesting books they are! ______ _____________ the books ________! 7. How funny the girl is! ________ ___ funny girl ____ _____! How clever is What they are How interesting are What a she is 8. How old the man is! ______ _______ old man ____ _____! 9. What nice books they are! _____ ______ the books ________! 10. How amazing the building is! _____ _____amazing building ____ ____! What an he is How nice are What an it is III. 将下列句子改为感叹句。 1.The girl is very pretty. How pretty the girl is! What a pretty girl she is! 2. This is an old watch. How old this watch is! What an old watch it (this) is! 3. The food is so nice. How nice the food is! What nice food it is! 4. These questions are very easy. How easy these questions are! What easy questions these are! 5. She has long hair. How long her hair is! What a long hair she has! IV. 根据汉语提示,完成句子。 1. He says________________________________________. (他说他爸爸三天后回来) 2. Our teacher asks___________________________________. (昨天谁打碎了玻璃) 3. Please tell me_____________________________. (他们正在谈论什么) that his father will be back in three days who broke the window yesterday what they are talking about 【2018年·黑龙江龙东地区】 — Do you know when Mrs. White for dinner this evening? — No, but I think she when she is free. A. will come; will come B. will come; comes C. comes; will come A 【2018年·山东省青岛】 — I don’t know tomorrow. — You can ask our teacher right now. A. if we take the bus there B. when will we leave C. what will we do D. how we will go there D 【解析】句意:——我不知道明天我们怎么去那儿。——你 马上问问我们的老师。根据疑问词引导的宾语从句用陈述句 语序,排除B/C;根据tomorrow.可知用将来时态;故选D。 【2018年·江苏省连云港市】 — Do you know ? — On July 15th. So after the exam, you can enjoy most of the matches. A. when will the 2018 Football World Cup end B. when the 2018 Football World Cup will end C. where will the 2018 Football World Cup be held D. where the 2018 Football World Cup will be held B 【解析】句意:—你知道2018年足球世界杯什么时候结束吗? —在7月15号,考试以后,你可以欣赏大部分比赛。这是疑问词 引导的宾语从句,用陈述语序,排除A/C;根据On July 15th,可 知问什么时间;故选B ü Practice more exercise to master the grammar learnt in this part. Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 人教版九年级英语上册 Section B 1a-1d Spring Festival Chinese Festival Lantern Festival Dragon Boat Festival Mid-Autumn Festival National Day festivals Christmas Fool’s DayValentine’s Day Carnival Easter Thanksgiving Day Mother’s Day Father’s Day Halloween In foreign countries Ⅱ. 短语匹配 1. look scary A. 捉弄某人; 开某人玩笑 2. light candles B. 打扮; 穿上盛装 3. dress up C. 点燃蜡烛 4. play a trick on sb. D. 看起来很恐怖 make pumpkin lanterns dress up and wear masks have a special party paint the faces knock on the door Play a game called ‘trick or treat’ ask for candies and treats “If you do not give us a treat, we can play a trick on you.” haunted ghost trick treat spider /'hɔ:ntid/ adj. 闹鬼的; /gəust/ n. 鬼;鬼魂 /trik/ n. 花招;把戏 /tri:t/ n. 招待;款待 v. 招待;请客 /'spaidə(r)/ n. 蜘蛛 Words and expressions scary dress up haunted house black cat candy trick or treat ghost October spider 1a Look at the pictures and words related to Halloween. What do you think this festival is about? 1b Listen and answer the questions. 1. Where is Halloween popular? 2. When do people celebrate Halloween? 3. What does Wu Yu think of this festival? In north America. On October 31st. She thinks it is quite a scary but really fun festivals. 1. Many people make their _______look scary.They may ________ the lights and light candles. They sometimes also put things like spiders and ghosts around the doors and___________. 2. Little kids and even parents _________as ghosts or black cats. They can also dress up as fun things like________ characters. 1c Listen and fill in the blanks. houses turn off windows dress up cartoon 3. Parents take their children around the neighborhood to ask for________ and treats. 4. “Trick or treat” means kids will _______a trick on you if you don’t ________ them a treat. candies play give udress up 装扮;乔装打扮。 Dress up 常与 as,in 连用构成短语: dress up as… 意为“装扮/乔装打扮成……” dress up in… 意为“穿上……”后接表示衣服或颜色 的名词。 ► He likes to dress up as a soldier. 他喜欢装扮成军人。 ► On Christmas Day we always dress up in red. 在圣诞节我们总是穿上红衣服。 辨析:dress, wear, put on, have on 与 be in dress “给某人穿衣服”,其宾语是人或反身代词,不是 表示衣服等的名词。 wear“穿着;戴着”强调状态。 put on“穿上;戴着”强调动作。 have on“穿着;戴着”强调状态。不能用于被动语态。 be in“穿着;戴着”强调状态,通常接表示颜色的名词。 ► She dressed her son and then sent him to school. 她给儿子穿好衣服并送他去上学。 ► She wears red shoes. 她穿着红色的鞋子。 ► He put on his best clothes for the party. 为参加晚会他穿上了最好的衣服。 ► She had a beautiful new suit on. 她穿着一套漂亮的新衣服。 ► Who is the girl in red over there? 那边穿红衣服的那个女孩是谁? u“Trick or treat” means kids will play a trick on you if you don’t give them a treat. (1)play a trick on 意为“捉弄”。 ► These children love playing tricks on their teacher. 这些孩子喜欢捉弄他们的老师。 (2) if 意为“如果”,此处用于引导条件状语从句,主 句是一般将来时,从句则用一般现在时。 ► I will go home if it doesn’t rain tomorrow. 如果明天不下雨,我就回家。 1d Think about the Halloween activities that interest you most. Discuss what you have learnt with a partner. A: What have you learned about Halloween? B: Oh, I know it’s a popular festivals in North America and it’s on October 31st. A: What do you like most about this festival? B: I think it’s fun to dress up as cartoon characters! Christmas Fourth Thursday in November April Fool’s Day February 14th Halloween April 1st St. Valentine’s Day October 31st Thanksgiving December 25th Do you know when these special days are? Try to match each day with the correct date. Oh, I know it’s a popular festival in North America and it’s on October 31st. What have you learned about Halloween? Pairwork I think it’s fun to dress up as cartoon characters! What do you like most about this festival? Many people make their houses look scary. They turn off the lights and light candles. What do people do on that day? They dress up as ghosts or black cats. What do little kids dress up? Yes. Children ask their neighbours for candies and treats. If you don’t give them a treat, they will play a trick on you. Do you know a game called “trick or treat”? 1.The question is ____the film is worth seeing. A. if B. what C. whether D. how 2.One of the men held the view____ the book said was right. A. that what B. what that C. that D. whether C A 3.They received orders the work be done at once. A. which B. when C. / D. that 4.Dr. Black comes from either Oxford or Cambridge. I can't remember ____. A. where B. there C. which D. that D C 5.Energy is ____ makes things work. A. what B. everything C. something D. anything 6.The reason I have to go is my mother is ill in bed. A. why ; why B. why ; because C. why ; that D. that ; because A C 7. He doesn’t think the question of ____ they are men or women is important. A. whether B. if C. which D. why 8. He often thinks of he can do more for his country. A. what B. how C. that D. which A A 9. It was ordered that all the soldiers ____ to the front. A. should send B. must be sent C. should be sent D. must go 10. Air is to us ____ water is to fish. A. is that B. what C. which D. that B B ü preview the next part. ü Remember the new words and expressions. Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 人教版九年级英语上册 Section B 2a-2e What do you know about Christmas? 每年12月25日,这一天基督徒纪 念耶稣的诞生,为圣诞节而闻名。 Christmas tree Christmas carol 圣诞节赞美诗 Christmas Claus Christmas dinner Christmas lie eve dead punish warn end up present /'krisməs/ n. 圣诞节 /lai/v. 平躺;存在;位于 /i:v/n. 前夕;前夜 /ded/ adj. 死的;失去生命的 /'pʌniʃ/ v.处罚;惩罚 /wɔ:(r)n/ v.警告;告诫 最终成为;最后处于 /'preznt/n.现在;礼物 adj. 现在的 Words and expressions warmth spread Macao Chiang Mai Water Festival Mid-Autumn Festival Mother’s Day /wɔ:(r)mθ/ n. 温暖;暖和 /spred/v. (spread, spread) 传播;展开 n. 蔓延;传播 /mə'kau/ 澳门 /tʃi, æŋ'mai/ 清迈(泰国城市)泼水节 /'mid'ɔ:təm/ 中秋节 母亲节 Words and expressions 2a What do you know about Christmas? Discuss in groups and create a mind map. Christmas Activities Date Stories Symbols December 25th Christmas tress, Santa Claus, gifts, stockings sing Christmas songs, make Christmas trees, family gathering, get a lot of presents … Date: Symbols: Activities: Stories: 2b Read the passage about Christmas and answer the questions. INFERRING This means you have to “read between the lines” to get the meanings that are not clearly stated in a text. Many would agree that when we think of Christmas, we probably think of gifts, Christmas trees and Santa Claus. But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas: the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us. The story in A Christmas Carol is perhaps the best example of this. The Spirit of Christmas A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel written by Charles Dickens. It is about an old man named Scrooge who never laughs or smiles. He is mean and only thinks about himself. He doesn’t treat others nicely. He just cares about whether he can make more money and he hates Christmas. One Christmas Eve, Scrooge sees the ghost of Jacob Marley, his dead business partner. Marley used to be just like Scrooge, so he was punished after he died. He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn’t want to end up like him. He also tells Scrooge to expect three spirits to visit him. That night, three ghosts visit Scrooge. First, the Ghost of Christmas Past takes him back to his childhood and reminds Scrooge of his happier days as a child. Then the second spirit, the Ghost of Christmas Present, takes him to see how others are spending Christmas this year. Everyone is happy, even poor people. The last one, the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come, takes him to the future. Scrooge sees that he is dead, but nobody cares. He is so scared that he wakes up in his bed and finds out it is only the next morning — Christmas Day! He decides to change his life and promises to be a better person. He happily celebrates Christmas with his relatives. He also gives gifts to people in need. He now treats everyone with kindness and warmth, spreading love and joy everywhere he goes. And that is the true spirit of Christmas! Ø Answer the questions. 1. What are the common things that people think of for Christmas? 2. Who wrote A Christmas Carol? 3. What is the true meaning or spirit of Christmas? Gifts, Christmas trees and Santa Claus. Charles Dickens. The importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us. u But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas: the importance of sharing and giving love and joy to people around us. 但是在这一切背后存在着圣诞节的真谛: 分享与给予我们周 围的人爱与欢乐的重要性。 (1)lie v. 意为“存在;在于”,主要指思想、特征问题等。 ► The problem lies in their method. 问题在于他们的方式。 (2)share v. 意为“分享;分担”,常与with, among, between, in 连用。 ► I share my lunch with him. 我与他分享我的午餐。 ► We share a small room between us. 我们俩合用一个小房间。 ► They share (in) the joy and sorrows . 他们将同甘共苦。 u A Christmas Carol is a famous short novel written by Charles Dickens. 《圣诞颂歌》是查尔斯•狄更斯的著名短篇小说。 (1)famous形容词,意为“著名的;出名的”, 既 可以作表语,也可以作定语。其同义词是 well-known, 反义词为 unknown。 ► Thomas Edison is a famous scientist. 托马斯•爱迪生是一位著名的科学家。 ① be famous for…“因……而著名/出名”。 ► China is famous for the Great Wall. 中国因长城而闻名。 ② be famous as…“作为……而出名”。 ► Liu Huan is famous as a singer. 刘欢作为一名歌手而出名。 (2) written是write的过去分词,此处writte 是过去分 词作后置定语,修饰名词nove1。 ► I like the novels written by Mo Yan.我喜欢莫言写的小说。 u He is mean and only thinks about himself. 他吝啬,只考虑自己。 mean 作形容词,意为“吝啬的,刻薄的”。 ► Don’t be so mean to your little brother. 别对你弟弟那么刻薄。 mean作动词,意为“意味着;作……解释……” 的意思”。 其名词形式是meaning (意思;含义)常构成短语 the meaning of…,意为“……的意思”。 ► It means that your answer is right. 那意味着你的答案是正确的。 ► What does this word mean? =What’s the meaning of this word? 这个单词是什么意思? uHe just cares about whether he can make more money and he hates Christmas. 他只关心能否挣到更多的钱, 且厌恶圣诞节。 (1) care about意为“担心;关心;在乎;对……感兴趣”。 ► Don’t you care about losing your job? 你难道不担心失去工作吗? ► I really care about the students in my class. 我真的很关心我班的学生。 ► I don’t care about your opinion. 我对你的观点不感兴趣。 Ø care about & care for care about: 意为“关心;在乎;介意”,强调 出于责任感而“关心;在乎”。 care for: 意为“照料;照顾”,与take care of 同义;另一个意思为“喜欢”, 多用于疑问句和否定句,其同义短语 为 be fond of。 ► My parents care about my health. 我父母关心我的健康。 ► Would you care for a cup of tea? 你想喝杯茶吗? (2) hate作动词,意为“憎恨;讨厌;厌恶”,不能 用于进行时,其反义词是love。常用短短语: hate sb/ sth; hate to do sth 或 hate doing sth. ► I like swimming but I hate to swim today. ► I enjoy cooking but hate doing the dishes. uMarley used to be just like Scrooge, so she was punished after he died. 马利过去曾经就像斯克鲁奇一样,所以在死后受到了惩罚。 (1)used to意为“过去常常”,后接动词原形,表示过去 的动作或状态。 ► He used to play basketball at school. 他过去常在学校打篮球。 ► I used to be short. 我过去很矮。 (2) was punished意为“被惩罚”,此结构为一 般过去时的被动语态。一般过去时的被动 语态 的结构为“was/were+及物动词的过去分词” ► The house was built in 1969. 这座房子建于1969年。 ► These trees were planted last year. 这些树是去年种的。 uHe warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn’t want to end up like him. 他告诫斯克鲁奇,如果他不想走上自己的老路,就要 改变生活方式。 (1)warn作动词,意为“警告;告诚”,常用于以下 结构: ① warn sb. (not) to do sth,意为“告诚某人(不要)做 某事”。 ► He warned her to keep silent. 他告诫她保持沉默。 ②warn sb. about sth,意为“提醒某人注意某事”。 ► She warned us about the serious situatio. 她提醒我们注意形势的严峻性。 ③warn sb. of/against (doing) sth,意为“告诫某人当心/ 提防(做)某事”。 ► They warned me against swimming in that part of the river. 他们告诫我不要在河的那一带游泳。 (2)end up意为“最终成为; 最后处于;结束”, 其后可以跟with,in,doing等: ① end up with表示“以……结束”,其后可跟任何名词。 ► If you do that, you’ll end up with egg on your face. 你要是那样做,必将出洋相。 ② end up in 后面一般要接一个地点名词。 ► If you continue to steal, you’ll end up in prison. 你要是继续行窃,早晚得进监狱。 ③ end up doing表示“以做……结束”,此处词-ing形 式作宾语。 ► The party ended up singing an English song. 晚会以唱一首英文歌而结束。 2c Read the passage again and complete the chart. What does Scrooge see when he’s with ... the Ghost of Christmas Past? the Ghost of Christmas Present? the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come? His childhood. How others are spending Christmas this year. He is dead, but nobody cares. 2d Answer the questions. Some answers need to be inferred. 1.Why does Scrooge hate Christmas? 2. Does Scrooge have a lot of friends? Why or why not? Because he is mean and only thinks about himself. No, he doesn’t. because he doesn’t treat others nicely. 3. Why was Jacob Marley punished after he died? Because he used to be just like Scrooge. 4. Does Jacob Marley want to help Scrooge? How do you know? Yes, he does. He warns Scrooge to change his ways if he doesn’t want to end up like him. 5. How does Scrooge feel when he wakes up on Christmas Day? 6. What does Scrooge do after seeing the three spirits? He happily celebrates Christmas with his relatives and gives gifts to people in need. He is so scared. 2e What do you think the three ghosts say to Scrooge when they visit him? In groups of four, make a conversation between the three ghosts and Scrooge. Role-play the conversation in front of the class. l What do you know about Christmas? l Make a list of things that you know about this festival with your group. l Use the questions to help you. ØWhen is this festival? ØWhy do people celebrate it? ØWho do they celebrate it with? ØDo they eat or drink anything special? ØWhat other things do they do as part of the celebrations? ØDo you know any old stories about this festival? ØHow do people feel when they celebrate it? I. 根据首字母写单词。 ① The boy broke the window,, so his father p________ him. ② We w__________ Japan about that Diaoyu Islands must belong to China. ③ Today is my birthday and I have got a lot of p___________ from my parents. . ④ We must do something useful to stop the s______ of H7N9. ⑤ The sun gives us w__________ and light. unished warn resents pread armth II. 用所给词的适当形式填空。 ① We expect him _______________(come)back soon. ② He warns Tom _____________ (change)his lifestyle. ③ He is so _________(scary)that he wakes up in his bed. ④ The picture reminded me of my _________(child) in the countryside. . ⑤ I admire him because of his ___________(kind). to come to change scared children kindness 1.— Could you tell me how long __ the book? — Three days. A. I can keep B. Can I borrow C. I can borrow D. Can I keep 2. I want to know ___ yesterday? A. why did you come late B. why you came late C. why do you come late. D. why you come late III. Choose the right answers. 3. — Could you tell me __ tomorrow morning? — Well, it will start at 9:00. A. when the meeting will start B. where will the meeting start C. where the meeting start D. when will the meeting start 4. Can you tell me ? A. what will we do B. we will do what C. what we will do D. will we do what 5.— Do you know ___ for Shanghai last night? — At 9:00. A. what time he leaves B. What time does he leave C. What time he left D. What time did he leave 3.玛丽想知道你能否帮她? Mary wants to know if you can help her. 2.你能告诉我你住哪里吗? Can you tell me where you live? 1.我想知道你喜欢什么颜色。 I want to know what colour you like. IV.Translate. 4. Danny说他明天出发去上海。 Danny says that he will leave for Shanghai tomorrow. 5.我想汤姆已经完成作业了。 I think that Tom has finished his homework. ü Search more information about Christmas and other foreign festivals. ü Then play a game to speak them out. Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious! 人教版九年级英语上册 Section B 3a-3b 父亲节 /,hælau'i:n/万圣节前夕 /'kærəl/《圣诞欢歌》 (小说名) /' i:stə/复活节 Father’s Day Halloween A Christmas Carol Easter Words and expressions 克拉拉(女名) /sæntə/ /klauz/ 圣诞老人 查尔斯•狄更斯(英国作家) n.(非正式)吝啬鬼,斯克鲁奇 雅各布•马利 Clara Santa Claus Charles Dickens Scrooge Jacob Marley Words and expressions Chinese Festival Spring Festival Lantern Festival Pure and Brightness Festival Dragon Boat Festival National Day Youth Day … The Double Ninth Day Spring Festival The 1st day of the first lunar month Festival of lanterns yuanxiao Women’s Day-March 8 The 1st day of May Labour Day The 1st day of June Children’s Day Army Day-August 1st The 15th day of the 8th lunar month Mid-Autumn Festival The 10th day of September Teachers’ Day The 1st day of October National Day festivals Christmas Fool’s Day Valentine’s Day Carnival Easter Thanksgiving Day Mother’s Day Father’s Day Halloween Foreign festivals the Cherry Blossom Festival Every April when the country is covered with cherry flowers. Japanese go out with their friends or families, sit under the trees, sing and have a picnic. Valentine’s Day In February Carnival (狂欢节) Easter 复活节 The first Sunday after a full moon on or after March 21 Fool’s Day April 1st Mother’s Day The second Sunday in May Thanksgiving Day The fourth Thursday in November November 31st Halloween Christmas 3a Your English-speaking pen pal wants to know about your favorite Chinese festival. Make some notes about the festival. What is the name of the festival? When is it? What do people eat? What do people do? Why do you like it so much? 3b Write a letter to your pen pal and tell him/her about your favorite Chinese festival. Use your notes in 3a. In your letter: First, introduce the festival and when it is celebrated. Then talk about what people do and eat. Finally, explain why you like it best and how it makes you feel. Use the following expressions to help you: My favorite Chinese festival is ... It is celebrated in/on ... During this festival, people ... It is my favorite festival because ... It makes me feel ... Dear Tom, My favorite Chinese festival is Spring Festival. It is a traditional festival in china. It is celebrated on the 1st day of the first lunar(阴历) month. During this festival, people usually clean and decorate their house carefully before it comes. They eat Nian-gao, eight treasures rice (八宝饭)and family reunion dinner. It is my favorite festival because we kids can wear new clothes and get gift money. What's more, we can watch the dragon dance(舞狮). It makes me feel very happy and excited. The Middle-Autumn Festival is one of the traditional Chinese festivals, it is often celebrated in September or October. During the festival, family members get together and eat mooncakes. There are various kind of delicious mooncakes. On the evening of the Middle-Autumn Festival, people can enjoy the full moon in the dark sky. I like Mid-Autumn Festival because it makes me happy. Many Western countries celebrate Easter. This holiday is always on a Sunday ___________ March 22nd ______April 25th. It celebrates the beginning of new life. Hens ______ eggs, giving birth to life, so an egg is a symbol of new life. 1 Complete the passage with the words in the box. spread…around between…and give out business lay relatives between lay and A popular activity during Easter is to hide eggs around your home or garden for friends or _______ to find. These can be real eggs, but they are more often chocolate eggs. Not only do people _______ them _________in different hiding places for an egg hunt, but they also_________these treats as gifts. So just like Christmas, Easter creates good_________ for supermarkets and chocolate stores. relatives spread business around give out uNot only do people spread them around in different hiding places for an egg hunt, but they also give out these treats as gifts. 句中的not only ... but (also) ... 意为“不但……而且……”。 当not only位于句首时,其后的主谓要部分倒装。 ► Not only has he a first-class brain but also he is a tremendously hard worker. 他不仅有着头等聪明的脑子,而且工作很能吃苦。 ► Not only has the poor man lost his car,but (also) he has lost his house. 这个可怜的人不仅丢失了车,而且也丧失了他的房子。 此外,当not only ... but (also) ... 连接两个代词或名词 作主语时,谓语动词要与but (also)后的代词或名词在 数上保持一致。如: ► Not only he but also I am wrong. ► Not only books but also water is needed. 1. The mooncakes are delicious. ➠ ________________________________! 2. The festival will be fun. ➠ ________________________________! 2 Rewrite these sentences as exclamations. How delicious the mooncakes are What a fun festival it will be 3. This concert is boring. ➠ ___________________________________! 4. I’m really excited. ➠ ___________________________________ ! 5. The band played really loud music. ➠ ___________________________________! How boring the concert is How excited I am What loud music the band played I think ____________________________________. I know ____________________________________. I believe___________________________________. I wonder___________________________________. 3 Make sentences about a festival/festivals you like using these words + that/whether/if. that mooncakes with yolks are more delicious than the ones without that the shape of the mooncake symbolizes the full moon a mid-autumn. that a clean house for the Spring Festival will bring good fortune to my family whether we will have fireworks at the next Spring Festival 1. _____ good advice! It’s so helpful to us. A. How B. What C. What a 2. —____ excellent work you have done! — It’s very kind of you to say so. A. What an B. How C. What I. 单选题。 3. —____ interesting the storybook is! —Yes. I have read it twice. A. What B. What an C. How D. How an 4. ____ great picture! Who painted it? A. How B. What C. How a D. What a 5.—How long does it take to get to the airport? —Forty minutes. But it’s foggy today. I’m not sure ___ the highway will closes soon. Let’s set off earlier. A. whether B. when C. how D. why 6. Could you say it again? I can’t understand ____ you are talking about. A. how B. when C. what D. which 7. What a nice paper fish! Can you show us ________ you make it? A. whether B. how C. why D. what 8. When H7N9 bird flu first appeared, people didn’t know ________ doctors could cure it. A. if B. that C. what D. why II. 完成句子。 1. 对这件事不仅老师们有自己的看法,学生们也有 自己的想法。 _______ _______ _______ the teachers have their own ideas about it, _______ _______ the students have theirs too. Not only do but (also) 2.我知道圣诞节是西方国家的一个传统节日。 __ ________ ___ Christmas is a traditional festival in western countries. 3.我们相信中国梦一定会在不远的将来实现。 We_________ _______ the China Dream will come true in the near future. I know that believe that 4.我不知道吉米明天是否要来参加这次会议。 ______ ________ __________ Jimmy will attend the meeting tomorrow. 5.多么美味的生日蛋糕啊! ________ ________ the birthday cake is! 6.它是一只多么可爱的小兔子啊! _______ _______ lovely rabbit it is! I wonder if/whether How delicious What a ü Review what you have learnt in this unit and preview the next unit.

