中考英语 九全 Units 1112

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中考英语 九全 Units 1112

英语 第 20 讲 九年级 Units 11 ~ 12 ► make 【 典例在线 】 He often makes faces to make us laugh. 他经常做鬼脸使我们发笑。 The rainy days make me sad. 下雨天使我沮丧。 You helped to make it possible for me to have Lucky. 在你的帮助下 , 我才有可能拥有 “ 幸运儿 ” 。 【 拓展精析 】 make 动词 , 意为 “ 制作;使 ” 。 make sb. do sth. 使 / 让某人做某事; be made to do sth. 被迫做某事; make sb. + adj . 使某人 …… ; make it + adj . + to do sth. 使做某事 …… 相关短语: make it 及时抵达 , 约定; make a cake 做蛋糕; make a contribution to 致力于 …… ; make a decision = make up one's mind 作决定 , 下决心; make a difference 有影响;起作用; make an effort 作出努力; make (a) noise 制造噪音; make a mistake 犯错误; make a living 谋生; make a mess 弄得一团糟; make faces 做鬼脸; make...feel at home 使 ( 某人 ) 感到宾至如归; make one's way 前往 , 费力地前进; make room for 为 …… 腾空间; make sentences 造句; make sure 确信; make the bed 整理床铺; make up 由 …… 组成。 【 注意 】 make 与 do 的区别: make 指做东西或制作东西 ( 使东西从 “ 无 ” 到 “ 有 ” ) , 如 make a cake 做蛋糕; do 指做一件具体的事 , 如 do homework 做作业。 【 活学活用 】 1) 不要让这个小男孩做他不喜欢的事。 Don't _____ the little boy ___ what he doesn't like. 2) 因特网使我们更容易了解世界上正在发生的事。 Internet _____it much easier for us _______what's happening in the world. 3) 我喜欢跟性格外向的人交朋友。 I like to __________ with people who are outgoing. 4) 你将来可以靠做你喜欢的事来谋生。 You'll be able to __________ by doing something you love. 5) 她的新眼镜使她看起来不一样。 Her ne w glasses make her look different. make do makes to know make friends make a living 6)Though she often made his little brother ____ , she was made ________ by him this morning. (2016 , 龙东 ) A . cry ; to cry         B . cry ; cry C . to cry ; cry A ► let...down 【 典例在线 】 Don't let me down. 别让我失望。 My father let me go out last night. 我爸爸昨天晚上让我出去了。 【 拓展精析 】 let...down 意为 “ 让 …… 失望 ” , 无论宾语是名词还是代词都位于 let 和 down 之间 , let sb. down 的同义表达为 disappoint sb./make sb. disappointed 等。 let sb. do sth. 表示 “ 让某人做某事 ” , 注意 let 后跟不带 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语。 【 活学活用 】 7)Her grades __ __ her parents ________. A . make ; happiness B . make ; to be happy C . let ; down D . disappoint ; down C ► You would rather stay at home and read a good book than go to a party. 你宁愿待在家里读一本好书也不愿去参加聚会。 【 典例在线 】 I would rather have a cup of tea. 我宁愿喝一杯茶。 He would rather not tell his mother the truth. 他宁可不告诉他妈妈真相。 They would rather walk than ride bikes. = They would walk rather than ride bikes. 他们宁愿步行也不愿骑自行车。 【 拓展精析 】 would rather 意为 “ 宁愿 , 宁可 ” , 后接动词原形 , 常缩写为 'd rather ; would rather 的否定形式是 would rather not 。如果在两者中进行取舍 , 则用 would rather do A than do B 或 would do A rather than do B , 意为 “ 宁愿做 A 事而不愿做 B 事 ” , 相当于 prefer to do A rather than do B 。 【 活学活用 】 1)The old man would rather ______ (donate) money to charity than ____(buy) himself expensive things. 2) 为了保持健康 , 越来越多的人宁愿步行去上班而不愿开车去上班。 To keep healthy , more and more people would go to work on foot _________ by car. 3)She would rather ____ than ________ her children. A . dies ; lost B . die ; lose C . dying ; lose D . die ; losing donate rather than buy B ► forget 与 leave 【 典例在线 】 When we relax on the beach , we often forget the time. 当我们在沙滩上休闲时 , 我们经常忘记时间。 I left my watch in the library yesterday. 昨天我把手表忘在图书馆了。 【 拓展精析 】 【 活学活用 】 1)By the time I got to school , I realized I had ____( 忘记 ) my math book on the bus. 2)Sorry , I ______ ( 忘记 ) your e mail address , please tell me again. left forget ► above , over 与 on 【 典例在线 】 Look ! A plane is flying above your head. 看!一架飞机正在你的头顶上方飞行。 There is a bridge over the river. 河上有座桥。 There's a glass on the desk. 课桌上有一个玻璃杯。 The temperature will stay above zero. 气温将持续在零度以上。 It costs me over 100 yuan . 这花费了我 100 多元。 2000 feet above sea level 海拔 2000 英尺 【 拓展精析 】 【 注意 】 在表示 “ 超过 …… ;多于 ……” 时 , above 与最低限度或某固定点 ( 如温度 ) 连用 , over 与数目、数量、年龄、金钱和时间等连用。 【 活学活用 】 3 ) Mrs. King put a coat ____ the sleeping girl to keep her warm. A . over B . with C . behind D . beside 4)In cold winter , the temperature in Harbin often remain ____ zero all day. (2015 , 苏州 ) A . above B . below C . over D . under A B ► more and more 与 the more... , the more... 【 典例在线 】 Talent shows are getting more and more popular. 才艺秀越来越受欢迎。 The earlier kids learn to be independent , the better it is for their future. 孩子们越早学会独立 , 对他们的未来就越好。 【 拓展精析 】 【 活学活用 】 5 )____ you speak , ________ your English will be. (2016 , 陕西 ) A . The less ; the more B . The more ; the better C . The less ; the better D . The more ; the less 6) 习近平在上海的讲话使我们坚信祖国会越来越强大。 Xi Jinping's speech in Shanghai makes us believe China will be ___________________ . B stronger and stronger 一、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示补全下列单词。 1 . I think what he said is right. I am in __________ with him. 2 . I must get to the ______ early so that I won't miss the plane to the UK. 3 . Take care ! The fire would _____ ( 烧伤 ) your fingers. 4 . The sun __________( 消失 ) behind a mountain slowly. All was in dark. 5 . I think what that boy said is __________ ( 可相信的 ) . agreement airport burn disappeared believable 二、根据句意 , 选择方框中的词组并用其适当形式填空。 take off , by the time , lea v e out , rather than , be about to 6 . —Did you go to Linda's birthday party last night? —No , I wasn't invited. I felt ________ . 7 . Nancy prefers to sing _________ dance. 8 . _________ I got to the cinema , the movie had been on. 9 . —When did the plane to Canada________ ? —Ten minutes ago. 10 . They ___________ plant trees when the spring comes. left out rather than By the time take off are about to 三、单项选择。 11 . The girl was made ____ by her little cousin. A . cried B . crying C . to cry D . cry 12 . He preferred to drink tea rather than ____ water. A . drink B . drinking C . to drink D . drinks 13 . —Mei will represent our class in the English speech contest. —She is clever and can speak English really well. She will not ____ . A . knock into us B . care about us C . let us down D . help us out C A C 14 . —You shouldn't eat too much junk food. It's bad for your health. —You're right. ____ junk food I eat , ________ I will be. A . The less ; the healthier B . The less ; the healthy C . The more ; the healthier D . The more ; the healthy 15 . —May I ____ your English Chinese dictionary? —Sorry , I ________ it at home. A . lend ; left B . borrow ; left C . lend ; forgot D . borrow ; forget A B 环境保护 【 话题分析 】 随着 “ 环保 ” 观念深入人心 , 以 “ 环保从我做起 ” 为话题的书面表达也越来越受命题者的青睐。该类文章主要谈论节约资源、垃圾分类、循环利用。 如:由雾霾现象谈谈环境保护 (2015 , 克拉玛依 ) ;写出环保措施和美化环境的措施 (2015 , 呼和浩特 ) ;写出环境保护的具体措施 The Green City , the Healthy Life(2016 , 连云港 ) ;记叙你参加过的一次环保活动;召开环保班会 (2016 , 恩施 )(2016 , 衡阳 ) ;对 “ 毒地事件 ” 发表观点和看法 (2016 , 张掖 ) 等。 【 常用句式 】 开头句: It's everyone's duty to love and protect the environment. The environment is becoming worse and worse and we must do something to prevent people from polluting the environment. I'm writing to say something about the chemical factory near my house. There are many kinds of pollution around us , including air pollution , noise pollution and light pollution. The earth is our home.Some things we have done are good for the earth while some are bad. 中间句: You ought to turn off the lights when you leave a room. You'd better walk or ride a bike instead of taking a bus or a taxi if you travel a short distance. Take a cloth bag when you go shopping.Don't use plastic bags. We should plant more trees , reduce the waste we produce , recycle the waste paper and soft drink cans. The factory causes too many problems.First , it produces terrible gas , and it is hard for us to breathe.What's worse , the factory makes a lot of noise. 结尾句: I think people should care for these problems and I hope the government will solve them. We should do everything we can to protect the environment. Actions speak louder than words. After all , we have only one earth.We should do everything to protect it , or we will be punished and lose our home. 【 真题剖析 】 ( 2016 , 衡阳 ) 荣光学校九年级 (2) 班就 “ 环境问题 ” 召开了一次班会 , 并且以 “ Our Environment in Ten Years : for Better or Worse ? ” 为题进行了一次讨论。许多同学对未来表示乐观 , 但也有些同学对未来有些担心。请根据表格中的内容提示 , 用英语写一篇短文。 提示: 1. 短文中不得出现真实的人名和地名; 2 . 短文中应包含至少 4 个要点; 3 . 书写工整、语句通顺、连贯 , 词数不少于 80 。 注意:文章开头已给出 , 不计入总词数。 参考词汇: optimistic adj . 乐观的  government n . 政府 take measures 采取措施  private adj . 私有的 Our Environment in Ten Years : for Better or Worse? Many students are optimistic about our environment in ten years._________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ 【 审题指导 】 本篇书面表达是一篇话题作文 , 要求考生介绍一个以 “ 十年后我们的环境会更好还是更坏 ” 为主题的班会讨论 , 并要求考生在结尾给出自己的观点。描述同学的观点时使用第三人称 , 表达自己的观点时使用第一人称;时态采用一般现在时。写作时要确保文章的结构完整、语言流畅、思路清晰、逻辑性强。 【 写作导图 】 【 范文欣赏 】 Our Environment in Ten Years : for Better or Worse? Many _ students _ are _ optimistic _ about _ our _ environment _ in _ ten _ years. They think in the future more and more people will be greeners.They will try their best to protect the environment , for example , caring for wild animals and planting more trees.What's more , the government will take more measures to improve the environment.It will also do something useful to stop polluting the environment. However , some students are worried about our environment in ten years.In order to make more money , lots of trees will be cut down by the greedy people.Also , there will be more private cars than before.As a result , our environment will be destroyed. In my opinion , our environment in ten years will become better.Because many of us have the knowledge of protecting and improving our environment.I will reduce the waste I produce.As for going to school , I will walk more instead of taking a taxi or a bus.I hope our environment will become better and better in ten years. 【 名师点评 】 ① 开头直接引出话题。 ② more and more , try their best , caring for , take more measures 等短语运用 , 表明乐观者的观点和态度。 ③ However , in my opinion 的使用 , 使文章层次清晰 , 上下过渡自然。 ④ 表达自己的观点清楚明白 , 一语中的。 【 小试牛刀 】 节约资源 , 保护环境。从我们身边的小事做起 , 假设你是一个注重 “ 低碳 ” 生活的中学生 , 请以 “ My Low carbon Life ” 为题 , 写一篇短文 , 简单描述自己的 “ 低碳生活 ” 。 提示: 1. 每天步行上学; 2 . 离开教室时 , 关掉电灯、电扇、电视等; 3 . 不用水时 , 记住关水龙头 , 循环使用水; 4 . 充分使用纸张; 5 . 不使用塑料袋。 参考词汇: on foot , turn off , tap , reuse , make full use of , plastic bag 要求: 1. 词数: 80 个单词左右; 2 . 不得出现真实的考生姓名、学校等信息; 3 . 文章内容可涉及所给提示内容 , 并可适当发挥 , 但请不要逐条翻译。 My Low carbon Life It's our duty to protect the en v ironment.The en v ironment is becoming w orse and w orse.We must do something to pre v ent people from polluting the en v ironment.First , w e should go to school on foot and tell our parents to w alk to w ork instead of dri v ing cars.Second , w e should sa v e w ater and electricity by turning off the taps , fans , TV sets and lights in time w hen w e don't use them.What's more , w ater should be reused.Third , it is good to make full use of paper.We should use both sides of the paper.By doing this , w e can sa v e many trees.At last , remember to go shopping w ith a basket or a cloth bag rather than plastic bags.I belie v e our life w ill become better and better if w e can do these things. Lo w er carbon , happier life.Let's take action.

