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1 期末综合水平测试(一) 听力部分(20 分)) 一、听句子,选择正确的应答语。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.Have a good trip. 2.You are speaking too fast.I can't follow you. 3.What do you want to be when you grow up? 4.We are leaving school.Time to say goodbye. 5.Don't play soccer in the classroom,Peter. (A)1.A.Thank you. B.Good night. C.Just kidding. (C)2.A.Be active. B.Open your eyes. C.OK.I will speak slowly. (A)3.A.An engineer. B.I hope not. C.Nothing. (C)4.A.Nice idea. B.Here it is. C.I will miss you. (A)5.A.Sorry,I won't. B.I don't mind. C.It doesn't matter. 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 听力材料:6.W:Look at the sun!The hot day makes me feel terrible. M:But the radio says it will rain tomorrow. (A)6.What is the weather like today? A.Sunny. B.Cloudy. C.Rainy. 听力材料:7.M:I'd like some beef,please. W:Sorry,sir.We don't have any beef now.How about some chicken? (C)7.Where most probably are the two speakers? A.In their home. B.In a supermarket. C.In a restaurant. 听力材料:8.W:Do you often visit your grandparents in the countryside,Tom? M:Yes,I usually visit them twice every month. (B)8.How often does Tom visit his grandparents? A.Twice a week. B.Twice a month. C.Every month. 听力材料:9.M:Has the train to Shanghai left? W:Not yet.Don't worry!It's just ten o'clock.You still have thirty minutes. (C)9.When will the train to Shanghai leave? A.At 9:30. B.At 10:00. C.At 10:30. 听力材料:10.M:How beautiful your new schoolbag is,Lily! W:Thank you.My brother gave it to me as a Children's Day gift. M:You are lucky to have such a great brother. (B)10.Who sent Lily the schoolbag as a gift? A.Her mother. B.Her brother. C.Her grandfather. 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 听下面一段对话,回答第 11~12 小题。 听力材料:W:What a fine day today!Let's play in the park this afternoon. M:Good idea. W:What about flying kites there? M:All right.How can we go there? W:We can take Bus No. 6.Or we can take the subway. 2 M:En...can we ride a bike?It's a kind of exercise. W:Sure. (A)11.What are they going to do? A.Play in a park. B.Visit a museum. C.Climb a hill. (C)12.How will they go there? A.By subway. B.By bus. C.By bike. 听下面一段对话,回答第 13~15 小题。 听力材料:W:Hi,Herry.Are you free this Sunday? M:Hi,Sarah.Let me see.Mm...in the morning,I need to have a math class. W:You mean you are free in the afternoon? M:Yes.Any ideas for fun? W:There is a famous movie called Green Book.It's popular now.Would you like to go with me? M:Ah...well Sarah,I'd love to,but I have to talk to my mom first. W:OK.There are still two days for us to decide. M:If my mom agrees,I'll call you this evening. W:That's it!Bye! (C)13.What class will Herry have on Sunday? A.An English class. B.A physics class. C.A math class. (B)14.Where does Sarah plan to go? A.To the bookstore. B.To the cinema. C.To the school. (A)15.When will Herry probably call Sarah? A.This evening. B.Tomorrow morning. C.This Sunday. 四、听短文,完成下列表格。每空一词。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 听力材料: I'm leaving school.I'd like to share some ideas about how to deal with my used school things.First of all,I am going to give my textbooks to my younger sister.In this way,she can study at home during the summer vacation.Then,I want to sell my picture books at a low price.I will give the money to children in poor areas.Next,the used paper will be taken to the waste center.As for my notebooks, I decide to keep them for myself,because they are part of my middle school life. How to deal with my used 16.school things Textbooks Given to my younger 17.sister Picture books Sold at a 18.low price Used paper 19.Taken to the waste center Notebooks Kept for 20.myself 笔试部分(100 分) 五、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) (D)21.—I am hungry now.I came to school ________ breakfast this morning. —You should get up early. A.of B.to C.at D.without (D)22.—Is this model ship ________,Michael? —Yes.It belongs to ________. A.your;my B.your;mine C.yours;mine D.yours;me (D)23.There is more space in the highspeed train and the journey becomes more 3 ________. A.serious B.boring C.dangerous D.comfortable (B)24.—Hi,Jill.I'd like to share with you the latest news about the height of Qomolangma. —Really?Make sure the news is true before you ________ it. A.receive B.spread C.cancel D.hear (A)25.—Can you play volleyball or basketball? —________ of them.I'm good at ball games. A.Both B.Either C.Neither D.None (D)26.—Have scientists found life on Mars? —Not yet,but I think they ________ it some day. A.find B.found C.have found D.will find (A)27.Our English teacher is nice and patient ________ she is very strict with us. A.though B.as C.unless D.if (B)28.We are supposed to ________ smart phones and take more exercise instead. A.take up B.put away C.look into D.give out (C)29.—Clara,you have ________ Journey to the West for two weeks. —Sorry,I wanted to give it back but was made ________ Chengdu on business last week. A.borrowed;to leave B.kept;leave C.kept;to leave D.borrowed;leave (D)30.—Excuse me,could you tell me ________? —For five minutes. A.how long has the film been on B.how soon will the film begin C.how soon the film will begin D.how long the film has been on 六、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)(2020,河北) Whenever the exam season comes,stress (焦虑) may come along.Here are some __31__ that have helped me and my friends through this season. When the stress of exams is really hitting me,I stop and take a walk.I usually borrow my neighbor's dog and __32__ for about fifteen minutes.Many boys would simply choose to run for a while,or play ball games.Having some __33__ drives away your stress easily most of the time. And __34__ you find music helpful,give it a go.Listening to your favorite songs will surely make you __35__.The best thing about this is that you don't have to go __36__. But if you are a book lover just like me,__37__ a book you like for half an hour.Reading can take you to places you've __38__ been.Putting yourself into a new world helps you forget your stress in this world for a little bit. For sure,there's nothing better than laughing.Laughing is the best medicine.It can really keep __39__ off your mind!Very often I call my best friend and we __40__ our good times or something funny,and I'm feeling better before I know it. 4 Remember many others also face the problem of stress just like you,and it is not something that cannot be dealt with. (A)31.A.ways B.reasons C.habits D.results (A)32.A.walk B.jump C.stand D.sit (B)33.A.jokes B.sports C.tasks D.lessons (D)34.A.before B.until C.since D.if (C)35.A.lovely B.friendly C.happy D.sleepy (C)36.A.somewhere B.everywhere C.anywhere D.nowhere (D)37.A.copy B.write C.print D.read (B)38.A.ever B.never C.seldom D.always (A)39.A.worry B.pity C.surprise D.pain (B)40.A.think about B.talk about C.care about D.hear about 七、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共 30 分) A Tu Youyou,pharmacologist,born in December 1930 Tu,winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize for the discovery of artemisinin, a kind of medicine used to fight against malaria (疟疾) has solved the problem of fighting against malaria and done a lot for scientific and technological inventions in traditional Chinese medicine and human health. Zhang Fuqing,war hero,born in December 1924 Zhang served as a People's Liberation (解放) Army soldier in the Liberation War and was twice given the name of War Hero.He volunteered in 1955 to work in Laifeng County,Hubei Province's remotest county,so he could give his life to the poor in the mountainous region. Wang Youde,desert fighter,born in September 1953 Wang led his partners to build over 600,000 mu of sandfixation (固 定) forest and managed to control nearly 1 million mu of quicksand, helpfully preventing the development of the Maowusu Desert.His work offered valuable experience to sand prevention and control in China. Yuan Longping,agriculturalist,born in September 1930 Yuan,the Father of Hybrid Rice,was the first person in the world to develop a hybrid rice strain,and his research on higher rice yields (产量) helped provide a solution to worldwide hunger and starvation. (A)41.Which of the following is Tu Youyou's great achievement? A.Discovering artemisinin. B.Serving the people in the poor region. C.Preventing and controlling sand. D.Developing a hybrid rice strain. (B)42.Who used to be a soldier and then worked in the poor region? A.Tu Youyou. B.Zhang Fuqing. 5 C.Wang Youde. D.Yuan Longping. (B)43.What is Wang Youde doing for our country? A.He is doing a research on higher rice yields. B.He is protecting the environment. C.He is working on the inventions in human health. D.He is trying to help poor people to be rich. (D)44.Which is the right statement? A.Zhang Fuqing is a desert fighter. B.Tu Youyou is a war hero. C.Wang Youde is the winner of the Nobel Prize. D.Yuan Longping is the Father of Hybrid Rice. (C)45.The passage may come from ________. A.a storybook B.a novel C.a newspaper D.science fiction B(2020,襄阳) My husband Shane and I were hanging out on the street one evening.I was talking but he was looking over at someone. He walked over to a young girl who was crying.As he talked to her,I could see from his body language that he was trying to calm (使平静) her down.When I joined them,I realized that she had been homeless for some time.She told Shane that all she wanted was to go to her sister's house in another city. Some people would have handed her some money,wished her lunch or maybe allowed her to make a call.Shane did much more.He said,“Kelly,I can't leave her here like this.Sometimes people need someone not only to help them but to believe they're telling the truth.” It was a bit cold,so we had an idea to take her home.When I asked her if she'd like to go home with us,she thanked me about a million times with tears in her eyes. We went home and I gave her some clean clothes to wear and told her she could use the shower.We ate something.Finally,she told us her story. In the morning,she was finally able to get_a_hold_of her sister,so she had a place to go.Shane drove her to the bus station and bought her a ticket. Sometimes what people need is not just money,but people who will trust,listen to and understand them. (B)46.Kelly knew Shane was making the girl be quiet because she ________. A.heard what they said B.saw his body language C.asked Shane what he said D.was doing the same thing (D)47.Shane wanted to ________ when he knew her trouble on the street. A.give the girl some money B.let the girl use his phone C.have a lunch with the girl D.take the girl to their home (C)48.Choose the true sentence according to the fourth paragraph. A.The girl was so hungry that she began to cry. B.The girl didn't believe in Shane and Kelly at all. C.The girl agreed to go with Shane and Kelly soon. D.Kelly felt unhappy when she heard what Shane said. 6 (A)49.The phrase “get a hold of” in the sixth paragraph means “________” in Chinese. A.联系 B.抓住 C.看到 D.控制 (D)50.From this article we know ________. A.Shane drove the girl to her sister's home B.Shane and Kelly met the girl's sister at last C.the girl's sister and Shane lived in the same city D.the girl went to the city her sister lived in by bus C(2020,新疆) Beijing Opera is one of the Chinese traditional drama art forms and the largest Chinese opera form.Having a history of about 200 years,it is developed from many other drama forms,mostly from the local drama “Huiban”.It was especially popular in south China during the 18th century. Theatrical (戏剧的) art forms in many other countries do not have singing, dancing and spoken parts together in one single drama.An opera singer,for example, neither dances nor speaks on stage;there are no singing or dancing parts in a modern play;in a dance drama,the dancer doesn't speak or sing.Traditional Chinese drama, including Beijing Opera,is a kind of entertainment.It includes spoken parts,singing and dancing. Beijing Opera has spread to many other places.Mei Lanfang,one of the most famous performers of all,was the first to introduce Beijing Opera to foreigners and made highly successful tours to foreign countries. “You will doubt and sometimes be a little bored,but you will be interested gradually.You will be strongly attracted to Beijing Opera,even if you know nothing about the drama background.” This is how one traveler described his first experience in watching Beijing Opera. Beijing Opera is China's national opera and it is full of Chinese cultural traditions.Welcome to China and enjoy Beijing Opera! (D)51.Beijing Opera is ________. A.unpopular in north China B.only developed from the local drama “Huiban” C.a much larger Chinese opera form D.a Chinese traditional drama art form (C)52.After watching Beijing Opera for the first time,the traveler felt ______. A.busy B.nervous C.interested D.uneasy (A)53.The underlined word “it” in the last paragraph means ________. A.Beijing Opera B.local dramas C.an opera singer D.a modern play (C)54.According to the passage,which of the following statements is NOT true? A.Beijing Opera is a kind of entertainment. B.An opera singer neither dances nor speaks on stage usually. C.Only old people are interested in Beijing Opera. D.Mei Lanfang was the fist one to introduce Beijing Opera to foreigners. (B)55.The main purpose of writing the passage is to ________. 7 A.ask young people to learn Beijing Opera B.tell us something about Beijing Opera C.show why Beijing Opera is popular in Europe D.introduce everything about foreign Opera 八、根据汉语意思完成下列句子。每空一词。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 56.面对困难时如果你不放弃,你就应该为自己感到骄傲。 If you never give up when in trouble,you should be proud of yourself. 57.你如果喜欢这件外套,为什么不试穿一下呢? If you like the coat,why don't you try it on? 58.学好英语,以便我们能够与世界分享中国故事。 Learn English well so that we can share Chinese stories with the world. 59.中国在很多国家已经建立了 5G 基站。 China has set up 5G stations in many countries. 60.当我们走进社区的时候,志愿者们正在分发一些新鲜蔬菜。 When we came into the community,the volunteers were giving out some fresh vegetables. 九、从下面方框中选择适当的选项补全对话。(其中有两项为多余选项)(每小题 2 分, 共 10 分)(2020,重庆) A:Good morning.61.__E__ B:I'm looking for some books for my father.His birthday is coming. A:Well.What is he interested in? B:62.__G__ He goes fishing every week. A:It's a good hobby.Is he good at it? B:No,not really.He often comes back without any fish. A:I see.63.__A__ B:Let me have a look.Oh,it's for beginners. A:Yes.It's very helpful.I'm sure your father will like it. B:Hmm...Thanks.64.__F__ How much is it? A:65.__D__ B:Here you are. A:Thank you.A.What about this one? B.Can you help me? C.It's too expensive. D.25 yuan. E.What can I do for you? F.I will take it. G.He is interested in fishing. 十、任务型阅读。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)(2020,吉林) A new report from a university says 80% of the world's teens don't get enough exercise every day.The report was based on (基于) a research done with about 2 million students aged 11 to 17 around the world.According to the report,activity standards are different in different countries and they are also different between boys and girls.In China,for example,only 20% of the boys are active enough,compared to 11% of the girls. 8 Why don't teens go out for exercise?One main reason is that they always have technology products in their hands or around them.They spend too much time on smartphones,computers and TVs in their free time.Many teens find it very hard to pull themselves away from these devices (设备).The report says that young people need to do less in the digital world but more in the real world.It advises kids to get at least an hour of exercise every day.This could include running,biking, playing sports,or many other outdoor activities. More and more research shows that exercise not only helps the body,but also helps the brain.Besides,doing sports helps kids to make friends.Mark,a sports fan, started to play football when he was six years old.He used to be shy and weak, but now he has become taller and stronger.He gets to know the importance of communicating with his teammates and how to learn from mistakes and failure.And he has made lots of friends with the same interest.They often have football training on the playground.They have more to talk about and enjoy the happiness after training. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 66.How many students around the world took part in the research? About_2/two_million_(students)./About_2 , 000 , 000_(students)./About_2/two_million_students_took_part_in_the_research./About_2 , 000 , 000_students_took_part_in_the_research./About_2 , 000 , 000_students_(aged_11_to_17/around_the_world)_took_part_in_the_research. 67.Are activity standards the same between boys and girls according to the report? No,they_aren't./No. 68.What does the report advise kids to do? It_advises_them/kids_to_get_at_least_an_hour_of_exercise_every_day./To_get_ at_least_an_hour_of_exercise_every_day./The_report_advises_them/kids_to_get_at_ least_an_hour_of_exercise_every_day. 69.When did Mark start to play football? When_he_was_six/6_(years_old)./At_the_age_of_6/six./He_started_to_play_foot ball_when_he_was_six/6_(years_old)./He_started_to_play_football_at_the_age_of_6 /six. 70.Where do Mark and his teammates often have football training? On_the_playground./They_often_have_football_training_on_the_playground./The y_often_do_it_on_the_playground./Mark_and_his_teammates_often_have_football_tra ining_on_the_playground. 十一、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。(每小 题 1 分,共 10 分)(2020,河南) present,if,last,they,usual,other,interest,good,help,have Friendship and kindness go hand in hand.A friendship can 71.last forever when friends are kind to each other. People 72.usually become friends because they have something in common.They share many of the same 73.interests and like to be together.It is easy to be a friend when everything is going great,but a true friend is one who sticks around in both 9 the 74.good times and the bad.A good friend will cheer you up when you are 75.having a bad day.Show a friend you care.Ask the other person,“What can I do to help you?” and be willing to do it. Listen to your friends.Be honest.Tell 76.them what is wrong if they have hurt you.Send a card,give them a little 77.present,or call them on the phone just to say “I value our friendship”.78.Help whenever and wherever you can.Good friendships are not easy to develop,but a friendship can last forever 79.if you are loyal and sincere.If you are a friend to 80.others,they will usually be a friend to you.Friends make life better. 十二、书面表达。(共 15 分) 你的偶像是谁?你崇拜谁?下表是腾飞中学一些学生的回答,假如你是该校的一位学 生,请根据下表的文字提示,谈谈你校同学的偶像观,并适当发表自己的观点,写一篇英语 短文。 过去的偶像:歌星、影视明星 1.明星有酷的发型和服饰,他们很时尚; 2.他们有天赋,会表演有趣的节目; 3.他们的表演让人放松,让我们的生活丰富 多彩。 如今的偶像:科学家、医护人员等 1.科学家发明高科技产品来保卫国家安全, 提高人们的生活水平; 2.医生和护士拯救人们的生命,帮助人们摆 脱痛苦,恢复健康; 3.当国家和人民处于困境时,他们用智慧、 勇气、辛勤的工作来帮助人们。 你的观点 那些在危难中帮助我们的人们更值得我们尊 重和崇拜,作为学生的我们…… 要求:1.80~100 词。(开头的首句已给出,不计算在词数内); 2.文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称及其它相关信息,否则,不予评分。 参考词汇:idol 偶像 fashionable 时尚的 wisdom 智慧 respect 尊重 Last week,our school did a survey about “Who is your idol?” Here are our answers.In the past,we thought singers and movie stars were our idols.They always have cool hairs and clothes.They are fashionable.Also,they are talented and can put on funny shows.Their performances are so relaxing that it makes our life colorful.But now we think scientists and medical workers are our idols.Scientists invent hightech products to protect national security and improve people's living standard.Doctors and nurses save people's lives and help them get out of pain and back to health.When our country and people are in trouble,they help people with wisdom,courage and hard work. In my opinion,those who help us when we are in need deserve our respect and admiration.As students,we should learn from them and study hard to be a useful person to the country and society. 10 期末综合水平测试(二) 听力部分(20 分)) 一、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共计 5 分) 听力材料:1.M:What do you like doing in your free time,Betty? W:I like listening to music. (B)1.What does Betty like doing in her free time? A.Playing basketball. B.Listening to music. C.Playing the piano. 听力材料:2.M:Could you tell me where the cinema is? W:I'm sorry.I'm new here. (B)2.Where does the man want to go? A.The library. B.The cinema. C.The museum. 听力材料:3.W:How can I get to the train station? M:You can take the taxi. W:OK!Thank you! (C)3.How will the woman get to the train station? A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By taxi. 听力材料:4.M:Which subject do you like best,Helen? W:I like history best because it's interesting.What about you,Daming? M:My favorite subject is maths and I'm good at it. (A)4.Which is Daming's favorite subject? A.Maths. B.History. C.Physics. 听力材料:5.W:Do you play football every day,Bruce? M:Yes,I start at five in the afternoon and finish at six. (A)5.How long does Bruce play football every day? A.An hour. B.Two hours. C.Three hours. 二、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) 听下面一段长对话,回答第 6~7 小题。 听力材料:M:Julie,do you have any rules in your family? W:Yes.For example,I must do housework on weekends. M:What else? W:Oh,I have to finish my homework by 9:00 p.m. and go to bed at 9:30 p.m. (B)6.What does Julie have to do on weekends? A.Play the piano. B.Do housework. C.Finish homework. (C)7.When does Julie go to bed? A.At 9:00 p.m. B.At 9:20 p.m. C.At 9:30 p.m. 听下面一段长对话,回答第 8~9 小题。 听力材料:M:Can I book a double room for next week? W:Sure,what about the one facing south? M:In fact,I prefer one facing the lake. W:How lucky you are!Such a room is available for you. M:How much would it be? W:$60 a day. M:Great!I want to stay for three days. 11 (C)8.What does the man want to book? A.A room facing south. B.A room facing north. C.A room facing the lake. (A)9.How much will the man pay in all? A.$180. B.$60. C.$16. 听下面一段长对话,回答第 10~12 小题。 听力材料:M:Hello,House of Noodles!What can I do for you? W:Hello!I want to order some noodles,please. M:Sure.What kind of noodles would you like? W:Egg and tomato noodles,please. M:OK.Anything else? W:And 20 dumplings. M:Well.May I have your name? W:Tina Brown. M:What's your address and telephone number? W:Sixty Center Street,8592647. M:Hmm...,that'll be 35 dollars. W:All right.Thank you. (C)10.What kind of noodles would Tina like? A.Egg and beef noodles. B.Tomato and beef noodles. C.Egg and tomato noodles. (A)11.What is Tina's phone number? A.8592647. B.8392617. C.8562634. (B)12.What's the relationship of the two speakers? A.Doctor and patient. B.Waiter and customer. C.Guide and visitor. 听下面一段长对话,回答第 13~15 小题。 听力材料:M:Hi,Mary.You seem excited,don't you? W:Yes,Bill.I've just watched an English movie in the library. M:Really?Do you learn English by watching English movies? W:That's right.I often watch English movies on the Internet. M:How many English movies have you watched so far? W:One hundred and fortysix.Now I can use English to communicate with people, although sometimes I still make mistakes in grammar. M:I also want to watch English movies,but my English is poor.Sometimes I can't understand spoken English. W:Don't worry.Watch them more and you are sure to improve your English. (B)13.Where did Mary watch an English movie just now? A.At her home. B.In the library. C.At the cinema. (C)14.How many English movies has Mary watched so far? A.64. B.46. C.146. (A)15.What problem does Mary have while communicating with people in English? A.Sometimes she can't use grammar in the right way. B.Sometimes she can't understand spoken English. 12 C.Sometimes she can't pronounce the words clearly. 三、听短文,选择正确的答案。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 听力材料: Most English people eat four meals a day.They have breakfast at any time from seven to nine in the morning.They usually eat eggs or bread and drink tea or coffee for breakfast.Lunch usually comes at about one o'clock.Some of them eat in the restaurant,and some of them eat at home.Afternoon tea is from four to five.Supper is at about half past seven. In some families,they like eating well in the evening,because they are usually very busy in the day.First they usually have soup,and then they have meat or fish with vegetables for the big meal.After that,they eat some other things like bananas, apples or icecream. (B)16.How many meals do most English people eat a day? A.Three. B.Four. C.Five. (A)17.What do English people usually have for breakfast? A.Eggs or bread. B.Meat or fish. C.Fruit or vegetables. (C)18.When is afternoon tea? A.From 2:00 to 3:00. B.From 3:00 to 4:00. C.From 4:00 to 5:00. (A)19.Why do some families like eating well in the evening? A.Because they are usually busy in the day. B.Because they are hungry in the evening. C.Because restaurants are open in the evening. (B)20.What is the speaker mainly talking about? A.English learning. B.Eating habits. C.Keeping healthy. 笔试部分(100 分) 四、单项选择。(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) (C)21.Laura is ________ 11yearold girl.She is good at playing ________ guitar. A./;a B.an;/ C.an;the D.a;an (A)22.I don't want to be ________ else.I just want to be ________. A.anybody;myself B.somebody;myself C.everybody;me D.anybody;me (D)23.—This is my English book.Why is it in your schoolbag? —I'm sorry.I took it away ________ mistake. A.in B.with C.for D.by (C)24.—Did you stay up late yesterday evening? —Yeah.I am so ________ that I would like to have a rest. A.relaxed B.upset C.sleepy D.down (D)25.—Alice has a swimming lesson,a violin lesson and a handwriting lesson on Saturday. —No wonder she ________ goes out with us on Saturdays. A.always B.often C.usually D.seldom (D)26.—Linda,Dad has finished his work and we ________ to the gym to pick you up. 13 —Thank you,Mum. A.drive B.drove C.have driven D.are driving (C)27.—I regret ________ back to my mother.I couldn't control myself at that moment. —You should ________ sorry to her right now. A.to talk;say B.to talk;saying C.talking;say D.talking;saying (D)28.—Have you heard about Helen ________ father is a famous scientist? —Oh,she is my deskmate and I know her well. A.which B.whom C.who D.whose (A)29.—Harry,I wonder ________. —Oh,I'm afraid not,Jim.I'm going to the airport to pick up my mother. A.if you can give me a lift B.can you give me a lift C.why you can't give me a lift D.why can't you give me a lift (B)30.—I've made little progress in math during this term. —Don't worry.________. A.It's never too old to learn B.Rome was not built in a day C.Well begun is half done D.The early bird catches the worm 五、完形填空。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分) Our junior high school life is coming to an end.So my classmates and I decided to make a special __31__ for our own favorite teacher in the ceramics (陶艺) class. After being dried for a long time in the fire,our gifts for teachers were __32__.Chen Hui took them out of the kiln (窑).CRASH (碎裂声)!His cup,Xiao Yao's __33__,and my heart broke into pieces all over the floor. “My elephant lost her trunk (象鼻)!” Xiao Yao shouted.“My heart is broken!” I __34__ almost at the same time. “I'm so sorry!” Chen Hui said. “Bring __35__ to the repair station,” said Xiao Yao,“Let's see what we can do with some magic glue.” We tried many times,__36__ the magic glue worked only on Chen Hui's cup.The trunk and the heart were in too many broken bits to put back together. “Now my elephant has a short nose instead of a trunk,” said Xiao Yao,“It __37__ like a little dog with big ears.And it's __38__ lovely!Let's call it doglephant!” “A cute doglephant!Cool!You just turned the accident into a happy one!” I said.And right then,I knew __39__ to do.Maybe I could make a mosaic (镶嵌画) by using the pieces of my broken heart. When it was all done,everyone thought it was pretty cool.Yes,my present didn't turn out the way I'd planned,but it turned out even __40__! (A)31.A.gift B.hat C.bag D.coat (C)32.A.safe B.broken C.ready D.wet (B)33.A.dog B.elephant C.cat D.panda (D)34.A.smiled B.read C.wrote D.cried 14 (C)35.A.something B.nothing C.everything D.anything (B)36.A.as B.but C.so D.though (A)37.A.looks B.sounds C.smells D.tastes (A)38.A.still B.even C.almost D.hardly (D)39.A.when B.how C.which D.what (B)40.A.worse B.better C.heavier D.cheaper 六、阅读理解。(每小题 2 分,共 40 分) A(2020,甘肃) What a Kid! Tad is a very special boy.He is confined to a wheelchair.He was born with an illness that made him unable to walk.Some boys would be sad or angry about that, but not Tad.Instead,he looks for ways to make people happy.He called the Green Oaks School for the blind and asked if he could volunteer.They said,“Sure!” Tad went to the school and quickly made friends.Every day,he reads books to the children.He plays games with them.Sometimes he helps them do their schoolwork.The children at the school nicknamed him Lucky because they feel so lucky to have him as a friend.That makes Tad happy! 根据短文内容,判断正误。(正确的选 A,错误的选 B) (A)41.Tad has been unable to walk since he was born. (B)42.The Green Oaks School called Tad to make him a volunteer. (B)43.Tad reads books to the children at the Green Oaks School once a week. (A)44.Children at the school love Tad. (A)45.Lucky is the nickname of Tad at the school. B(2020,天津) Dear Nicole, How are you?Do you enjoy your summer holiday?I'm sure you do. It's been two weeks since I returned to New Zealand,but I'm still thinking of the exciting city life in Hong Kong.In New Zealand,life is totally different.I miss the delicious sweet soup so much. The weather has been bad these days.Yesterday I got a cold and didn't go to school today.I hate taking medicine but I have to take it.I must get well soon because I will have tests on science and geography next week.I must prepare for the tests this time so that I won't fail again. I remember that you like our local hand cream (护手霜),but it is quite expensive in Hong Kong.I bought you some last weekend and I am sending it to you.It's much cheaper here than in Hong Kong. It's almost the end of August.It's time to pack (收拾) your school bag and get ready for the new school term.Take good care. With love, Judy (B)46.Judy thinks that life in Hong Kong is ________. A.boring B.exciting C.useful D.powerful (C)47.What does Judy miss about Hong Kong? 15 A.The stadium. B.The zoo. C.The sweet soup. D.The school. (D)48.What will Judy do next week? A.She will go to hospital. B.She will go shopping. C.She will have a picnic. D.She will have tests on science and geography. (A)49.If the hand cream costs $45 in New Zealand,it might cost ________ in Hong Kong. A.$70 B.$45 C.$40 D.$30 (D)50.When does Judy write the letter? A.In May. B.In June. C.In July. D.In August. C(2020,天津) Summer Fun at Happy Kids' Learning Centre Are you looking for something that can add colour to your summer holiday?If yes,here are the summer courses that you cannot miss! Children Can Cook The course is to improve children's knowledge in the kitchen.They will learn basic cooking skills,kitchen safety,and how to buy proper ingredients (原料) and follow steps in recipes (食谱).Children can sit comfortably and eat what they have cooked at the end of each lesson. Little Writers The course is divided into two parts.In the first part,children are introduced to famous stories and their writers.In the second part,they are taught to write their own stories.Children also get the chance to write other text types,such as poems and plays. Acting for Fun This is a course that lets children enjoy the fun of acting.Through acting and speaking in front of people,children will be more confident.Parents are welcome to watch the performance (演出) given by the children at the end of the course. Watercolour Painting This course teaches children the basic skills of painting people and animals.We encourage children to watch,imagine and create their own works. (C)51.What can children do in the cooking course? A.Sell the food. B.Buy the bowls. C.Learn how to cook. D.Eat what teachers have cooked. (B)52.How many parts are there in the writing course? A.One part. B.Two parts. C.Three parts. D.Four parts. (A)53.Which course should children join if they want to be more confident? A.Acting for Fun. B.Watercolour Painting. C.Little Writers. D.Children Can Cook. (D)54.What does the painting course teach? 16 A.The importance of acting. B.How to buy proper ingredients. C.Famous stories and their writers. D.The basic skills of painting people and animals. (C)55.The purpose of this passage is to encourage children to ________. A.cook a meal for their parents B.act with their parents in public C.join the summer courses at the learning centre D.read more books during the holiday D(2020,黄冈) Threetwoone,fire! At the moment of 9:43 am,on Tuesday,June 23rd,2020,at the Xichang Satellite Launch Center (卫星发射中心) in Sichuan Province,the last satellite of the third generation network (第三代导航系统) was sent into space.It is the 55th member in the family of BeiDou.It belongs to China's Beidou Navigation Satellite System (BDS 北斗卫星导航系统).So far,59 satellites,including the first four test ones,have been launched from Xichang.With the development of China,we have already owned three other famous satellite launch centers—Jiuquan,Taiyuan and Wenchang. After a period of tests in space,this new satellite has started to work with other Beidou satellites together.It is designed to work for at least 12 years.So far,China has completed the thirdgeneration network of China's BDS.It was a new milestone in the nation's space research work.The launch showed our country has completed our largest spacebased system.It's one of four global (全球的) navigation networks,including the United States' GPS,Russia's GLONASS and the European Union's Galileo. BDS has been widely used as public resources (资源) in our daily life.It has been shared by the whole world.It will provide more services around the world.BDS is the common wealth of the development of human beings. (A)56.Where did China launch the last satellite of the thirdgeneration network? A.Xichang. B.Jiuquan. C.Wenchang. D.Taiyuan. (B)57.How many members are there in the family of Beidou? A.4. B.55. C.59. D.114. (C)58.What does the underlined word “milestone” mean in Chinese? A.记录 B.事业 C.里程碑 D.起点 (C)59.GLONASS belongs to ________. A.China B.the United States C.Russia D.the European Union (D)60.According to the passage,we can know that ________. A.the last satellite of BDS was launched at 9:43 pm,June 23rd,2020 B.the new satellite is designed to work for at most 12 years C.BDS is shared only by China as public resources D.so far, China has completed the thirdgeneration network of China's BDS 七、根据对话情景,在空白处填入一个适当的句子,使对话意思连贯、完整。(每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 17 A:You look pale.What's the matter? B:61.I_have_a_sore_chest. A:I'm sorry to hear that,but what makes your chest (胸膛) hurt? B:I think it may be the terrible gas from the chemical factory. A:That's too bad.62.How_long_have_you_been_like_this? B:I've been like this since last week. A:63.Have_you_taken_some_medicine? B:Yes,I have.The doctor gave me some medicine. A:64.Why_don't_you_stay_at_home_today? B:I don't want to stay at home because I'm afraid I'll miss the lessons. A:Take good care of yourself.Don't worry.65.I'll_help_you_with_your_lessons. B:Really?It's very kind of you. 八、任务型阅读。(每小题 2 分,共 10 分)(2020,云南) Our earth is in trouble.Our drinking water is becoming dirtier and the air is not as clean as before.People and factories are polluting the air,rivers,lakes and seas.You may think there is nothing you can do to help.That's not true.66.__F__ Cars burn oil.67.__C__ Some people believe that too much CO2 is making the earth warmer than ever.68.__D__ This can save some oil and produce less CO2. 69.__G__ So turn off the air conditioner (空调) when you don't need to use it.Use lights that save energy.Use fewer things that cannot be used again.When you buy something,consider those made from things that can be used again first. A lot of water is needed for a shower.So take shorter showers.70.__A__ Every small action can make a big difference to our earth.Let's take action to protect it. 根据材料内容,从下面选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项,使文章意思通顺、内 容完整。选项中有两项为多余选项。 A.This can cut the use of water. B.Air pollution is very serious. C.This will make a lot of CO2 into the air. D.So try to walk,ride a bike or take a bus. E.Nobody can play a role in protecting the earth. F.There are many things you can do to save the earth. G.The biggest energy use at home is for keeping warm or cool. 九、用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。每词限用一次。(每小题 1 分,共 10 分)(2020,泰安) everything,trouble,sick,because,quiet,come,about,allow,eye,run In January 2020,a virus we now call COVID19 broke out.This virus was highly infectious (易传染的).It made lots of people terribly 71.sick and sometimes even killed them.At that moment,72.everything was put into lockdown (封锁) in Wuhan as if the stop button (按钮) was pressed across the city. Before the lockdown,my family went to my parents' hometown in Caidian,a suburb (郊区) of Wuhan.Life went on 73.quietly.All the villagers closed their doors and didn't go out.Soon,I began to worry 74.about my study.Our government and several companies made it possible for students to study at home.Through livestreaming (直 18 播课),we were able to learn all the subjects online.At first,I was afraid I couldn't keep up my studies 75.because the Internet was very slow in the countryside.Sometimes I had 76.trouble connecting to my online classes.This made me feel a little nervous.My parents often encouraged me and helped me a lot. Without my textbooks,I had to read and do exercises on a computers screen, which hurt my 77.eyes.Luckily,our teachers taught us to do eye exercises.They provided us with psychological guidance (心理辅导) as well. Gradually,life fell into a new routine (惯例).I studied online,went to bed and got up early.Every afternoon,I 78.ran around the backyard for a while to keep healthy and strong.I wanted to be prepared for the 79.coming entrance examination for high school. It was my birthday when Wuhan was 80.allowed to reopen.I was very happy to see stores selling hot dry noodles again.I think I'll remember this birthday forever. 十、书面表达。(共 15 分) 你准备写一份倡议书,鼓励同学们积极参与“光盘行动”(clear your plate)。 要求:1.内容主要包括三个方面: 现在我们部分 同学的不良习惯 1.买很多零食;2.不饿时也吃很多零食;3.不喜欢吃的、吃不掉的就扔 掉。 害处 1.浪费了很多食物;2.不利于身体健康。 你的倡议 1.吃饭时,不点过量的食物;2.尽量“光盘”,吃不掉的打包带回家; 3.不吃或少吃零食;4.其他倡议…(不少于两点) 2.词数 100 左右。文章的开头、结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。 3.文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。 Dear friends, Please join in “Clear your plate” campaign. Now,some of us students like buying a lot of snacks. They eat a lot even if they were not hungry.If they don't like the food,or they can't eat up the food,they will throw it away. It is really a bad thing.We have wasted lots of food.And at the same time, it is bad for the students' health. So boys and girls,let's change our habit.When we have dinners in restaurants, don't order too much food.And try to eat up all the food we ordered.If we can't eat up all of them,just pack them and bring them back home to eat.Please give up the snacks between meals.Encourage your classmates and parents to join us.If you find somebody is throwing away food,just stop them. Come on,dear friends.Let's start from ourselves.

