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1 人教版九年级英语语法 一般现在时的被动语态 【教材典句】 1. —Are your shirts made of cotton? —Yes,they are. And they were made in the US. 2. —What’s the model plane made of? —It’s made of used wood and glass. 第一组句子是被动语态的一般疑问句及其回答;第二组句子是被动语态的特殊疑问句及其回答。 【语法全解】 1. 被动语态的含义 在英语中有两种语态,即主动语态(The Active Voice)和被动语态(The Passive Voice)。 主动语态 被动语态 含义 主语是动作的执行者 主语是动作的承受者,即行为动作的对象 例句 Many people speak English. English is spoken by many people. 说明 谓语speak这一动作是由主语many people 来执行的 主语 English 是 speak 这一动作的承受者 2. 被动语态的构成 被动语态由“助动词 be+及物动词的过去分词”构成。助动词 be 有人称、时态和数的变化。 3. 被动语态的用法:当说话者不知道动作的执行者或没有必要指出动作的执行者时,只需要强调动作 的承受者,可以使用被动语态。如果需要在被动语态中指出动作的执行者时由介词 by 引导。 eg Chinese is spoken by the largest number of people in the world. 4. 一般现在时的被动语态 ①一般现在时的被动语态的构成:在一般现在时态的句子中,被动语态由“be(am,is,are)+及物 动词的过去分词”构成。助动词 be 随人称、数的变化而变化。 This knife is made of wood and metal. Bananas are produced in Hainan. I am taken care of by my uncle. ②主动语态改写成被动语态的方法:将主动句的宾语变成主语,将主动句的谓语变成“be+及物动词 的过去分词”,主动句的主语变成被动句中 by 的宾语(或省略)。 主动句:主语 + 谓语 + 宾语 被动句:主语 + be +及物动词的过去分词+ by + 宾语 eg Most middle school students play football. 主语 谓语 宾语 Football is played by most middle school students.大部分中学生踢足球。 注意:如果主动句中有两个宾语(直接宾语和间接宾语),可以 把其中任意一个变成被动句的主语。 My teacher gives me a lot of books.(被动语态) 主语 谓语 间宾 直宾 被动语态:I am given a lot of books by my teacher. 被动语态:A lot of books are given to me by my teacher. ③一般现在时的被动语态的句式变化。 结构 例句 肯定句 主语+am / is / are+及物动词的过去分词+其 他 The kite is made by Mary. 2 一 般 疑 问 句 及其答语 Am/ Is / Are+主语+及物动词的过去分词+其 他? Is the kite made by Mary? 肯定回答:Yes,主语+am / is / are. Yes, it is. 否定回答:No,主语+am / is / are not. No, it isn’t. 否定句 主语+am / is / are+not+及物动词的过去分词+ 其他. The kite isn’t made by Mary. 助记:一般现在时的被动语态 一般现在时,被动用 be done,be 有 am,is,are。 否定 be 后加 not,疑问 be 放主语前。 Q.English B widely all over the world. A.speaks B.is spoken C.are spoken 根据所给的汉语内容,用英语完成下列句子。(每空限填一词)在中国到处都有人打羽毛球。 In China,badminton is played everywhere. 【语法专练】 单项填空 1. The bike A in Suzhou. A.is made B.makes C.is making D.made 2. D tea plants grown in Hangzhou? A.Do B.Did C.Is D.Are 3. —Is it used for cutting things? — A . A.Yes, it is B.No, it is C.Yes, it isn’t D.No, it used 4. English is used C most people in the world. A.for B.as C.by D.to 5. New computers C all over the world. A.is used B.are using C.are used D.have used that 和 if/ whether 引导的宾语从句 【教材典句】 I know that the Water Festival is really fun. P12 GF I wonder if they’ll have the races again next year. P12 GF I wonder whether June is a good time to visit Hong Kong. I believe that April is the hottest month in Thailand. I heard that it is becoming more and more popular to celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day in China. P12 4b line 5 【语法全解】 在复合句中,如果由一个句子充当宾语,这个句子叫做宾语从句。引导宾语从句的常见关联词有 that, if / whether, what, who, where, why 和 how 等,本单元主要学习 that 和 if / whether 引导的宾语从句。 that 引导的宾语从句 关联词 当宾语从句是陈述句时,用 that 引导,that 在口语或非正式文体中常省略。 eg I think (that) he’ll return in an hour. The teacher said (that) I was right. 拓:关联词 that 在下列情况下不可省略: 当宾语从句的主语是 that 时。 3 eg He says that that is a map of the city. 他说那是一幅城市地图。 当宾语从句前有插入语时。 eg He says,in his letter, that he misses us very much.在他的信中,他说他非常想念我们。 当宾语从句是双宾语中的直接宾语时。 eg I can’t tell him that his father died.我不能告诉他他父亲去世了。 时态 如果主句为一般现在时,从句可选择任意适当的时态。 eg I’m sorry to hear that you were ill last week.听说你上周病了,我很难过。 如果主句是一般过去时,从句一般要用过去的某种时态。 eg She didn’t know that Tom had left for Shanghai. 当宾语从句是表达客观事实或客观规律的句子时,即使主句用过去时态,宾语从句用一般现在时。 eg The teacher told us that light travels faster than sound. If/ whether 引导的宾语从句 当从句部分是一般疑问句或选择疑问句时,常用 if 或 whether 引导宾语从句,if/whether 意为“是否”。 eg I wonder if/whether he is a driver. Alice wants to know if/whether she has passed the exam. 拓:一般情况下,if 和 whether 可互换,在口语中多用 if,而在以下几种情况下,只能用 whether: 当 or not 直接跟在关联词后时,只能用 whether。 eg I don’t know whether or not they will come. 在动词不定式之前只能用 whether。 eg He doesn’t know whether to go or not. 在介词后通常用 whether。 eg It depends on whether I have enough time. 他取决于我是否有足够的时间。 宾语从句的用法 宾语从句引导词,不同句子各相宜。 陈述句子用 that,一般疑问“是否(if/whether)”替。 主句若为现在时,从句时态可随意。 主句若为过去时,从句时态多过去。 句子语序要记清,从句永保陈述序。 二 感叹句 【教材典句】 What a great day! What fun the Water Festival is! How fantastic the dragon boat teams were! How pretty the dragon boats were! How delicious the food is in Hong Kong! 【语法全解】 定义:感叹句是表示赞美、惊叹、喜悦等感情的句子。 种类:感叹句通常由 what 或 how 引导, 结构: what 引导的感叹句: What +a / an +形容词+可数名词单数形式(+主语+谓语+其他)! eg What a beautiful birthday present! What +a / an +形容词+可数名词复数形式(+主语+谓语+其他)! eg What interesting stories they are! 4 What +形容词+不可数名词(+主语+谓语+其他)! eg What fine weather! how 引导的感叹句: How +形容词/副词(+主语+谓语+其他)! eg How tall the tree is! Look!How happily the children are playing over there! How 形容词+a /an+可数名词单数形式(+主语+谓语)! eg How beautiful a flower! 拓:what 引导的感叹句通常可与 how 引导的感叹句进行转换。 eg What a lovely girl she is!=How lovely the girl is! 感叹句的用法 感叹句,表情感,what 或 how 放句前。 名词短语跟 what,how 与形、副紧相连。 为了句子更简洁,主谓部分常不见。 1.The robot can help me sweep the floor. B smart invention(cn 单) it is! What B.What a C.What an D.How 2. — B brave Zhang Hua is! —Yes. He helped his neighbour,Mrs Sun,out of the fire. What a B.How C.How a D.What 【语法专练】 单项填空 I’ve decided to go to London next weekend. I was wondering A you could go with me. A.if B.when C.that D.where 2.Out teacher told us that the earth D around the sun. A.is going B.will go C.went D.goes 3.My mother asked me if D with her. A.will I go shopping B.I will go shopping C.would I go shopping D.I would go shopping 4. D amazing picture! Who painted it? A.How B.What C.How an D.What an 5. C nervous the girl was! She could not fall asleep all night. A.What B.What a C.How 宾语从句 在谓语动词、介词、动词不定式、分词、动名词之后都可以带有宾语从句。某些形容词(如:sure,happy, glad,certain,pleased 等)之后也可以带有宾语从句。 1. 由 that 引导的宾语从句。例如: 1)I think that it is necessary for the inhabitants’ health to get rid of the pollution of noise.我认为消除噪音污 染对居民的健康是必要的。 2)Hearing that his son was badly wounded, he hurried to the hospital to see him.他听说儿子受了重伤,急忙 赶到了医院去看望他。 3)The mother likes saying that she has a good daughter. 母亲喜欢说他有一个好女儿。 4)I am sure(that)she still like this book.我确信他会喜欢这本书的。 5)We are glad(that)so many old friends will attend our tea party. 我们非常高兴,这么多老朋友要来出席 我们的茶话会。 6)The headmaster said that the school reports had been sent off.校长说成绩通知单已发出了。 7)Our teacher of physics suggested that we (should) try to make some electronic toys ourselves. 我们的物理 5 老师建议我们自己应试做一些电动玩具。 注:在 suggest,demand,order,insist 等动词之后的宾语从句中,谓语用“动词原形或 should+动词原形”。 2. 由 whether,if 引导的宾语从句。例如: 1)I want to know whether (if) you can repair the recorder or not.不知道你能否修录音机。 2)She asked whether (if) there are any chemist’s shops in this street.她问这条街上有没有药房。 3. 由 who,what,how,which,whose,where,when,why,等引导的宾语从句。例如: 1)Please tell me who was the first to invent the television set.请告诉我电视机在、是谁发明的。 2)The reporter will talk to us about what he saw and heard in Japan. 这个记者要给我们谈谈他在日本的见 闻。 3)The listeners were much interested in how the girl had become an expert at raising rabbits.听众对这位姑娘 如何成为养兔能手很感兴趣。 4)Please show me which bus I should take to get to the Friendship Hotel.请您指点一下,我到友谊宾馆去乘 哪路公共汽车。 5)I want to know whose notebook is left on the table in the reading room. 我想知道谁的笔记本落在阅览室 的桌子上了。 6)Do you know where the Great Pyramid is? 你知道大金字塔在什么地方吗? 7)Please answer me when Einstein won the Nobel Prize for physics.请回答我爱因斯坦什么时候获得诺贝尔 物理学奖金。 8)Would you tell me how the workers in your factory make the waste water clean?请您给我讲讲你们厂的工 人怎样净化废水的,好吗? 9)The salesman asked them how many television sets they were going to buy.售货员问他们打算买多少台电 视机。 10)I don’t know how old the two chess players are.我不知道两位旗手的年龄。 11)Please explain to me why heavy objects and light objects fall at the same speed.请给我解释一下,为什么 重的物体和轻的物体下落速度是一样的。 宾语从句讲解 1.语序 无论主句是陈述句还是疑问句,宾语从句都必须使用陈述语序,即“主句+连词+宾语从句(主语+谓语 +……)”句式。根据连接词在从句中所担任的不同成分,可分为以下四种: 1)连接词+谓语。连接词在从句中作主语。常见的连接词有:who,what,which 等。如: eg Could you tell me who knows the answer,please? 你能告诉我谁知道答案吗? eg The small children don't know what is in their stockings. 这些小孩子不知道袜子里有什么东西? 2)连接词+名词+谓语。连接词在从句中作主语的定语。常见的连接词有:whose,what,which,how many,how much 等。如: eg He asked whose handwriting was the best in our class. 他问我们班上谁的书法最好。 eg The teacher asked us how many people there were in the room. 老师问我们房间里有多少人。 连接词+主语+谓语。连接词在从句中作宾语、状语或表语。 常见的连接词有:who(m),what,which,how many,how much, when,why,how,where,if / whether(在句中不充当任何成分)等。如: eg He hasn't decided if he'll go on a trip to Wuxi. 他还没决定是否去无锡旅行。 eg Could you tell me what I should do with the money? 6 你能告诉我我如何处理这笔钱吗? 4)连接词+名词+主语+谓语。连接词在从句中作宾语或表语的定语。常见的连接词有:what,which, how many,how much,how 等。如: eg Do you know which class he is in ?你知道他在哪个班吗? eg She asked me if I knew whose pen it was. 她问我是否知道这是谁的钢笔。 2.连接词 1)当由陈述句充当宾语从句时,用 that 引导,that 无词义,在口语或非正式文体中常省略。如: eg He said that he could finish his work before supper. 他说他会在晚饭前完成工作。 2)当由一般疑问句充当宾语从句时,用 if 或 whether 引导,意为“是否”。如: eg I don't know if /whether he still lives here after so many years. 我不知道这么多年后他是否还住在这儿。 但在下列情况下只能用 whether: ①在具有选择意义,又有 or 或 or not 时,尤其是直接与 or not 连用时,往往用 whether(if…or not 也可 以使用)。如: eg Let me know whether /if he will come or not. (=Let me know whether or not he will come)让我知道他是否能来。 eg I don't know whether /if he does any washing or not. (=I don't know whether or not he does any washing.) 我不知道他洗不洗衣服。 eg I wonder whether we stay or whether we go. 我不知道我们是去还是留。 ②在介词之后用 whether。如: eg I'm interested in whether he likes English. 我关心的是他是否喜欢英语。 eg We're thinking about whether we can finish the work on time. 我们正在考虑是否能按时完成这项工作。 eg I worry about whether I hurt her feelings. 我担心是否伤了她的感情。 ③在不定式前用 whether。如: eg He hasn't decided whether to visit the old man. 他尚未决定是否拜访那位老人。 eg I don't know whether to go.我不知去否。 eg He hasn't decided whether to go by bus or by train. 他还未决定是乘公共汽车去还是坐火车去。 ④whether 置于句首时,不能换用 if。如: eg Whether this is true or not,I can't say.这是否真的我说不上来。 ⑤引导主语从句和表语从句时宜用 whether。如: eg Whether she will come or not is still a question. 她是否能来还是个问题。 eg The question is whether we can catch the bus. 问题是我们能否赶上公共汽车。 ⑥若用 if 会引起歧义时,则用 whether。如: eg Please let me know if you like the book.可理解为: Please let me know whether you like the book. 7 请告诉我你是否喜欢这本书。 b.If you like the book,please let me know. 你如果喜欢这本书,请告诉我。 3)如果宾语从句原来是特殊疑问句,只需用原来的特殊疑问词引导。如: eg Could you tell me why you were late for the meeting this morning? 你能告诉我今天早上你为什么开会迟到吗? 3.时态 含宾语从句的复合句,主、从句谓语动词的时态呼应应包括以下三点内容: 1)如果主句的谓语动词是一般现在时,从句的谓语动词可根据需要,选用相应的任何时态。如: eg I don't know when he will come back.我不知道他将何时回来。 eg He tells me that his sister came back yesterday. 他告诉我他姐姐昨天回来了。 2)如果主句的谓语动词是过去时,宾语从句的谓语动词只可根据需要,选用过去时态即一般过去时、 过去进行时、过去将来时或过去完成时的某一种形式。如: ①The children didn't know who he was.孩子们不知道他是谁。 ②He asked his father how it happened.他问他父亲这件事是如何发生的。 3)如果宾语从句所表示的是客观事实、普遍真理、自然现象或习惯性动作等,不管主句用什么时态, 从句时态都用一般现在时。如: eg The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun. 老师说地球绕着太阳转。 4.注意: if 和 when 既可以引导宾语从句,也可以引导状语从句,应注意它们在两种从句中的意思和用法的不同。 if 和 when 引导宾语从句时,分别意为“是否”和“何时”,其时态应和主句时态相呼应;它们引导状语从句 时,意思分别为“如果,假如”和“当……时候”,当主句时态是一般将来时时,其时态用一般现在时。它们 常常放在含有状语从句和宾语从句的题干中进行综合考查。如: —Do you know when he will come back tomorrow ? 你知道他明天什么时候回来吗? —Sorry,I don't know.When he comes back,I'll tell you. 对不起,不知道。当他回来了,我将告诉你。 —I don't know if he will come.我不知道他是否会来。 —He will come if it doesn't rain.如果不下雨,他会来的。 Unit four used to 的用法 【教材典句】 —Mario, you used to be short, didn’t you?马里奥,你过去很矮,是吗? —Yes,I did. P25 1a Paula used to be really quiet. P25 2b She didn’t use to like tests. P28 GF —Did he used to wear glasses? —Yes,he did. /No, he didn’t. 以上均为关于 used to 用法的句子。句 1 为关于 used to 的反意疑问句;句 2 为关于 used to 的陈述句; 句 3 为关于 used to 的否定句;句 4 为关于 used to 的一般疑问句及其答语。 【语法全解】 构成 used to+动词原形 He used to play basketball after school. 用法 表示过去的习惯动作或状态,现已不再发生或不存在。 其中 to 为不定式符号,后接动词原形 He used to be a very poor man. 8 句型用法 否定句 used not to, usedn’t to 或 didn’t use to She didn’t use to have long hair.(=She usedn’t to have long hair) 一般疑问句 Did sb. use to…?/Used sb. to…? Did you use to play the piano?=Used you to play the piano? 反意疑问句 附加疑问部分可用 didn’t 或 usedn’t He didn’t use to drink, did he? He used to drink, usedn’t he? 相似短语 be/ get /became used to doing sth.“习惯于做某事” My grandfather is used to going for a walk after dinner. be used to do sth.“被用于做某事” Wood can be used to make paper. She used to D a bus to school, but now she is used to to school. taking; walk B.take; walk C.taking; walking D.take; walking 【语法专练】 单项填空 He used to school late, but now he doesn’t. A.go B.going C.went D.goes He like English, but now he likes it very much. didn’t used to B.didn’t use to C.not used to D.doesn’t use to Lucy used to go to bed late, she? A.didn’t B.doesn’t C.hadn’t D.isn’t — new buildings! I can’t believe it. It a poor village. —Yes. Everything has changed here these years. So many; used to be B.So much; is used to being C.Too many; used to D.Too much; used to Her son Coke, but now he milk. used to drink; is used to drinking used to drinking; drinks is used to drinking; used to drink is used to drink, is drinking 完形填空题解答技巧(二) 主谓一致判断法,大致可归纳为三个原则:语法一致、逻辑意义一致和就近原则。 范文: 【写作实例】 学校最近开展了一次“文明活动月”的实践活动。通过这次活动,同学们的变化很大,尤其是郭浩同学。 根据表格内容写一篇有关郭浩同学的变化的作文。 In the past Now be late for school never late fight with sb. get on well with sb. talk in class listen to the teacher play computer games do homework [思路点拨] 步骤 构思 列纲 1 有活动月引出郭浩的变化 It seems that… has changed a lot in the past few days. 2 展开叙述郭浩的前后变化 used to, be late for school, fight with sb., talk in class, play computer games, now, never late, get on well with, listen 9 to the teacher, do homework 3 对郭浩变化的感受 be glad, make great progress It seems that Guo Hao has changed a lot in the past few days. He used to be late for school, but now he is never late for school. In class, he used to talk with other students, but now he listens to the teacher careful. After class, he does his homework carefully, but in the past he used to play computer games. Another thing is that he gets on well with his classmates now, but he used to fight with them. We are glad that Guo Hao has made great progress. 一般过去时被动语态 【教材典句】 1. —When was the telephone invented? 电话是在什么时候被发明的? —I think it was invented in 1876. 我认为它是在 1876 年被发明的。 2. —Who was it invented by? 它是有谁发明的? —It was invented by Whitcomb Judson. 它是由惠特科姆•贾德森 发明的。 以上为一把过去式的被动语态句子。动词的时态体现在助动词 be 上。 【语法全解】 1. 一般过去时的被动语态: ①一般过去时的被动语态的构成:was/ were +及物动词的过去分词。 The desk was made by my father. 这张桌子是由我的父亲。 They were invented by Julie Thompson. 它们是由朱莉•汤普森发明 的。 ②句式变化:肯定句:主语+was / were+ 及物动词的过去分词+其他. 否定句:主语+wasn’t / weren’t +及物动词的过去分词+ 其他. 一般疑问句:Was /Were +主语+ 及物动词的过去分词+其 他? 10 回答:Yes, 主语+ was / were. No,主语+ wasn’t / weren’t. 2. 各种时态的被动语态形式归纳(以动词 give 为例) 一般时态 进行时态 完成时态 现在 am is given are am is being given are has been given have 过去 was given were was being given were had been given 将来 shall be given will shall have been given will 过去将来 should be given would should have been given would 含有情态动词 can / should / must / could / may be given 3. 被动语态主要在下面几种情况中使用: ①不知道或没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁时。 Such books are written for children.这些书是为儿童写的。 We haven’t been told about it. 没有人通知我们这件事。 ②强调动作的承受者(这时可由 by 引起的短语)。 The book was written by Mo Yan. 这本书是由莫言写的。 Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries.许 多国家已向太空发射了人造卫星。 ③出于礼貌等方面的考虑不愿说出动作的执行者是谁。 He was asked to give a talk about how to learn English well. 他被要求 作关于怎样学好英语的报告。 被动语态的用法 谁的动作不知道,说出谁做没必要;承受之人需强调,被动语态莫忘了。 The car was stolen yesterday. 那辆汽车昨天被盗了。 11 Football is played in most middle schools.在大多数中学里都踢足球。 4. 被动语态的注意事项: 1 “主语+连系动词+表语”的句子没有被动语态。 2 there be 结构没有被动语态。 3 主动句中宾语是反身代词的没有被动语态。 4 句子是主谓结构时,没有被动语态。就是说,不及物动词没 有被动语态。 5 有些不及物动词加介词构成及物动词短语,如果变被动语态, 不能把动词后的介词丢掉。 He looks after his younger sister. His younger sister is looked after by him. 6 在主动语态中,在 make,hear,see,watch,notice 等词后跟 省略 to 的动词不定式,但是在被动语态中,to 不可省略。 We saw a stranger enter the hall. A stranger was seen to enter the hall by us. (1) I heard that Line 1 of Ningbo Subway A last month. A. was tested B.is tested C.tests D.tested 解:采用“语态判断法”及“时态判断法”。宾语从句中主语 Line 1 of Ningbo Subway 是谓语动 词 test 动作的承受者,故用被动语态,可排除C、D 两项;有时间状语 last month 可知用一般过去时,故 选 A。 (2) When Tim A why he was late for school, he just kept silent. A. was asked B.asked C.was asking D.is asked 解:我们可采用“语态判断法”及“时态判断法”解答本题。由语境可知,蒂姆应该是被询问迟 到的原因,股用被动语态,排除 B、C 两项;又因主句用了一般过去时,从句也应用过去的某种时态, 排除 D 项,故选 A。 【语法专练】 单项填空 1. ( B ) Looked at our new school. It _____ last year. A.built B.was built C.is built D.will be built 2. ( A )Last March,many trees _____ along the streets to make our city more beautiful. A.were planted B.were planting C.had planted D.planted 12 3. ( D )—Tom! I looked for you everywhere at the party last night. —Oh, I _____ to the party. A.am invited B.was invited C.am not invited D.wasn’t invited 4. ( A )Do you know when the first train _____ in China? A.was produced B.is produced C.produced 5. ( B )—Have you heard about that car accident near the school? —Yes,luckily no one ____ . A.hurt B.was hurt C.has hurt D.were hurt 【语法专练】 单项填空 1.( ) Looked at our new school. It _____ last year. A.built B.was built C.is built D.will be built 2.( )Last March,many trees _____ along the streets to make our city more beautiful. A.were planted B.were planting C.had planted D.planted 3.( )—Tom! I looked for you everywhere at the party last night. —Oh, I _____ to the party. A.am invited B.was invited C.am not invited D.wasn’t invited 4.( )Do you know when the first train _____ in China? A.was produced B.is produced C.produced 5.( )—Have you heard about that car accident near the school? —Yes,luckily no one ____ . A.hurt B.was hurt C.has hurt D.were hurt 含有情态动词的被动语态 【教材典句】 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.应该允许青少年选择它们自己的衣服。 Do you think teenagers should be encouraged to make their own decisions?你认为应该鼓励青少年自己做决 定吗? Teenagers should not be allowed to have part-time jobs.不应该允许青少年做兼职工作。 【语法全解】 含有情态动词的被动语态结构 情态动词(should/ can/ must/ may/ could 等)+be+及物动词的过去分词 eg Many trees should be planted on the mountains.应该在山上种许多树。 eg Tables can be made of stone.桌子可由石头做成。 含有情态动词的被动语态基本句式 肯定句式:主语+情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词+其他. eg Children should be allowed to go to the movies with friends on Friday nights.孩子们应当被允许星期五晚 上和朋友们一起去看电影。 否定句式:主语+情态动词+not be+及物动词的过去分词+其他. eg Waste paper should not be thrown here.废纸不应该被扔在这里。 一般疑问句式:情态动词+主语 be+及物动词的过去分词+其他? —Should it be done by Li Ming?这件事应该是李明做吗? —Yes,it should. / No,it shouldn’t. 含有情态动词的主动句与被动句之间转换 含有情态动词的主动句变为被动句式,要把主动句中的宾语变为被动句中的主语;主动句中的谓语变 为“情态动词+be+及物动词的过去分词”;主动句中的主语变为介词 by 的宾语(如果不强调动作的执行 13 者,by 短语常可省略)。 1) Food safety is very important. More rules should C in China. make B.be making C.be made Teenagers A allowed to drive. should not be B.should be not C.not should be 【语法专练】 Ⅰ.单项填空 —It’s difficult to get to the other side of the river. —I think a bridge A over the river. should be built B.should build C.will build D.has build Ⅱ.根据要求完成句子 Teenagers should be allowed to play with friends at night.(改为否定句) Teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to play with friends at night. —Should the classroom be cleaned every day?(作肯定回答) —Yes,it should. Parents should allow children to choose their clothes.(改为被动语态) Children should be allowed to choose their clothes. Unit 8 情态动词表推测 【教材典句】 —Whose volleyball is this? —It must be Carla’s. She loves volleyball. It could be Mei’s hair band. Or it might belong to Linda. So it can’t be stolen. 以上句子中的情态动词 must,could,might 及 can’t 都表推测。 【语法全解】 情态动词表推测时,不同的形式表不同的时态。 结构形式 用法 例句 情态动词+动词原形 表对“现在的事情”的推测 Something must be wrong with my bike. 情 态 动 词 +be+ 动 词 的 -ing 形式 表对“正在发生的事情”的推测 He might be having breakfast at home. 情态动词+have+动词的 过去分词 表对“过去或已完成的事情”的推 测 I must have put my keys somewhere in the bedroom. 情态动词表推测的意思和用法 句式 情态动词 用法 意义 例句 肯定句 must 表有把握的肯定推测 一定;肯定 He must be very tired after a long journey. could/ may/might 其肯定程度逐渐减弱,表把 握性不大的推测 可能 It might rain this afternoon. 否定句 can’t 表有把握的否定推测 不可能 She can’t be at school. It’s Sunday today. 疑问句 can / could 表推测 可能 Could Mike an Indian boy? 注意:①could 用于否定句时,语气较 can’t 缓和,意为“不可能”。 He said the news couldn’t be true. ②may/ might 用于否定句是,表不太有把握的否定推测,“可能不”。 14 This word might not mean“表扬”.这个单词可能不是“表扬”的意思。 1)—Is that Kate’s car? —It A be hers. She has just gone for a meeting. can’t B.should C.mustn’t D.may —Where are you going this month? —We C go to Xiamen, but we’re not sure. needn’t B.must C.might D.mustn’t 【语法专练】 Ⅰ.单项填空 —Someone will come to our music club tomorrow. I guess it’s Mary. —It C be Mary. She left for England yesterday and will stay there for a week. mustn’t B.needn’t C.can’t D.must —Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation. —Not yet. We A go to Qingdao. It’s a good place for vacation. may B.need C.must —Difficulties always go with me! —Cheer up! If God closes a door in front of you, there B be a window opened for you. would B.must C.could D.can “Whose T-shirt is this?”“It B be John’s. It’s much too small for him.” might B.can’t C.needn’t —Whose book is this? —It D our geography teacher’s. You see, his name is on it. can’t be B.can be C.mustn’t be D.must be Ⅱ.用所给单词的适当形式填空。 He could be studying (study)for the coming English exam. I couldn’t find my watch anywhere and realized that I must have lost (lose)it on my way home. Unit 9 定语从句 【教材典句】 I prefer music that has great lyrics. Carmen likes musicians who play different kinds of music. Today, Abing’s Erquan Yingyue is a piece which all the great erhu masters play and praise.如今,阿炳的《二泉 映月》是一首被所有的二胡大师演奏并高度评价的乐曲。 【语法全解】 定语从句的概念 在复合句中,修饰某一名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词。定语从句一般 放在先行词的后面。 引导定语从句的关系词 引导定语从句的关系词有关系代词(that,which,who,whom,whose 等)和关系副词(where,why, when 等)。关系代词或关系副词位于先行词与定语从句中间,即起连接作用,又充当从句中的一个成分。 关系代词(that,which,who,whom,whose)在定语从句中的语法功能及其正确使用关系代词在定语 从句中可作主语、宾语、定语等。党关系代词在从句中做宾语时,常可省略,而关系代词在从句中做主 语或定语时则不能省略。其具体用法为: 指代对象 关系代词 语法功能 例句 15 人 who / that 做主语 He is a man who/that often helps others. who /whom/that 作宾语 Here is the man (whom/that/who) you would like to see.这就是你相见的那个人。 The boy to whom I spoke is my younger brother.刚才和我说话的那个男孩儿是我弟 弟。 whose 作定语 Is there anyone in our class whose father is a doctor?我们班有谁的父亲是当医生的吗? 事物 that / which 做主语 It’s a computer that/which costs six thousand yuan.这是一台价值六千元的电脑。 作宾语 I like the skirt (that/which) my mother bought me yesterday.我喜欢我妈妈昨天给我买的裙 子。 注意: 关系代词 that 即可指人,又可指物。指人时可与 who 互换,指物时可与 which 互换。 只能用 that 作关系代词的情况: 当先行词是 all, much, little, few, something, anything, everything, nothing, none 等不定代词时 I’m interested in everything that is about basketball.对 于篮球的一切我都感兴趣。 当先行词被 the only,the last,the very 等词修饰时 Chatting was the only thing that interested her.聊天是 他唯一感兴趣的事。 当先行词是序数词或被序数词修饰时 He was the first person that passed the exam.他是第 一个通过考试的人。 当先行词被最高级修饰时 The oldest man that sits in the middle is my grandfather.坐在中间最老的人是我的祖父。 当先行词前面有 all,no,little,few,any 等词修饰 时 I want to read all the works that were written by Lu Xun. 我想把鲁迅的著作全读完。 当先行词即有人又有物时 She took photos of the things and people that she was interested in.她把感兴趣的人和物全拍摄了下来。 当主句是以 who 或 which 开头的特殊疑问句时 Who is the person that is standing at the gate? 站在门口的那个人是谁? 只能用 which 作关系代词的情况: 关系代词前有介词时 This is the house in which they lived last year.这是他们 去年住过的房子。 先行词本身为 that,those 时 What’s that which was put in the box?放在盒子里的 那个东西是什么呀? 注意:当关系代词在从句中做主语时,从句的谓语动词要与先行词的单复数形式保持一致。 I love musicians who play different kinds of music. He is a musician who plays different kinds of music. 助记:that/ which 引导定语从句时的用法区别 that/which 可互换,下列情况须照办; that 情况比较多,先来对你说一说, 不定代词这一伙,全用 that 准没错, 先行词前有修饰,千万不要用 which; 要用 which 别着急,介词提前记心里。 The man C is talking to out teacher is Betty’s father. 16 A.which B.whom C.who D.what Most of classmates prefer loud music A they can dance to. that B.who C.whose D.where 【语法专练】 单项填空 I still remember the college and the teachers C I visited in London years ago. A.what B.who C.that D.which —What are you looking for? —I’m looking for the watch A bought yesterday. which B.who C.whose The Palace Museum is the best place A I’ve ever visited. A.that B.which C.where D.what Most students like the teachers B understand them well. A.which B.who C.where D.when I like cartoons that A me laugh. make B.makes C.making D.to make Unit 11 make 的用法 【教材典句】 The loud music makes me nervous.高亢的音乐使我精神紧张。 Money and fame don’t always make people happy.金钱和声誉不会总是使人们快乐。 She said that the sad movie made her cry.她说悲伤的电影使她哭泣。 以上三个句子在都含有动词 make,其都表“使,让”的意思。 第 1、2 句中是 make sb.+adj.结构,形容词做宾语补足语; 第 3 句是 make sb. do sth.结构,表“使/让某人做某事”,后跟不带 to 的动词不定式作宾语补足语。 【语法全解】 “make+名词/代词+形容词或形容词短语”意为“使某人/某事……”。 eg The good news made us happy.这个消息使我们高兴。 “make+名词/代词+省略 to 的动词不定式”意为“让某人做某事”。 eg My parents often make me do some house work.我父母让我做一些家务。 eg They made us laugh.他们让我们大笑起来。 注意:此结构在被动语态中,原不带 to 的动词不定式要变成带 to 的动词不定式。The workers were made to work twelve hours a day.这些工人每天被迫工作 12 个小时。 “make+名词/代词+介词短语或名词短语”意为“使某人/某事(成为)……”。 eg We made him our monitor.我们让他当我们的班长。 “make+名词/代词+过去分词短语”意为“使某人/某事被……”。 eg Can you make yourself understood in English.你能用英语把自己的意思表达清楚吗? “make it+时间”意为“时间约定在……”。 eg Let’s make it half past two.让我们把时间约定在 2:30 吧。 At last the boy was made C and began to laugh. A.stop crying B.to stop to cry C.to stop crying D.stop to cry 【语法专练】 单项填空 the peaceful music in the CD made the students A relaxed. A.feel B.feels C.felt D.to feel 17 —How do you like rock music? —I don’t like it at all. It often B me crazy. A.lets B.makes C.asks D.orders —Why didn’t Tom go out and play with us yesterday? —Because he was made C his own clothes by his mother. A.wash B.washed C.to wash D.washing 4.The loud music may make people B fast. A.to eat B.eat C.ate D.eats 5.Sad movies make me B leave. A.to want B.want to C.to want to D.want Unit Twelve 过去完成时 【教材典句】 1. When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home.当我到学校时,我意识到我把背包忘在家 里了。 2. By the time I got back to school, the bell had rung.当我回到学校时,铃已经响了。 3. But before I got to the bus stop, the bus had already left.但是在我到车站之前,公共汽车已经离开了。 【语法全解】 1. 过去完成时的意义: 过去完成时表在过去某个时间或某个动作之前发生的动作,他表示动作发生的时间是“过去的过去”, 它是一种相对于一般过去时的时态,没有一般过去时就没有过去完成时。 (先发生) (后发生) 过去的过去 过去某时 现在 将来 过去完成时 从过去之前的某个时间点 到过去的某个时间点为止 2. 过去完成时的构成 过去完成时的谓语由“助动词 had+过去分词”构成。否定式为“had not+动词过去分词”,had not 缩 写为 hadn’t。 3. 过去完成时的用法: (1) 表示一个动作或状态在过去某一时间或动作之前已经完成,即发生在“过去的过去”。这个过去的 时间可以用 by,before 等介词短语或者一个时间状语从句来表示。 When I woke up, it had stopped raining.我醒来时,雨已经停了。 (2) 表某一动作或状态在过去某时之前已经开始,一直延续到这一过去的时间。常用表延续的时间状语 如 by the end of+过去的时间点,by the time+从句等。 By the end of last year, she had worked in the factory for twenty years.到去年年底,她已经在这家工厂工作 20 年了。 4. 过去完成时的判断依据 (1) 由时间状语来判定 一般说来,各种时态都有特定的时间状语。与过去完成时连用的时间状语有: 1 by+过去的时间点 She had finished reading the book by 9 o’clock yesterday.到昨天 9 点钟时,她已经读完了这本书。 2 by the end of+过去的时间点 We had learned over two thousand English words by the end of last term.到上学期末我们已学了两 千多个英语单词了。 (2) 由“过去的过去”来判定 过去完成时表“过去的过去”,指过去某一动作之前已经发生或完成的动作,即动作有先后关系,动 18 作在前的用过去完成时,在后的用一般过去时。这种用法常出现在: 1 含有宾语从句的复合句中:当主句为一般过去时,且从句的动作先于主句的动作发生时,从句 要用过去完成时。像在 told,said,knew,heard,thought 等动词后的宾语从句中。 She said that she had seen the film before. 2 含有状语从句的复合句中:含有时间、条件、原因、方式等状语从句的复合句中,主、从句的 动作发生有先后关系,动作在前的要用过去完成时,动作在后的要用一般过去时。 When I got to the station, the train had already left. 拓:在含有 before,after 引导的时间状语从句的复合句中,由于 before 和 after 本身已表达了动 作的先后关系,若主、从句表示的动作紧密相连,则主、从句都可用一般过去时。 After he closed the door, he left the classroom. 3 表意向的动词,如 hope,wish,expect,think,intend,mean,suppose 等,用过去完成时表“原 本……,但未能”。 We had hoped that you would come, but you didn’t. (3) 根据上下文来判定 I met Jim in the street yesterday. We hadn’t seen each other since he went to Beijing.我昨天在街上碰见了吉 姆。自从他去北京后,我们还没有见过面。 —We all went to the cinema except you last night. Why didn’t you come? —Because I B that movie twice. A.have watched B.had watched C.was watching D.would watch The meeting C by the time I got there yesterday. A.was on B.has been on C.had begun D.has begun 【语法专练】 单项填空 1. By the time I got to the cinema, the movie B for ten minutes. A.had begun B.had been on C.has started D.has been on 2. By the time you received this letter, I C this city for my hometown. A.have left B.will have left C.had left D.will leave 3.By the time school B over, the rain .So I didn’t use my raincoat. A.was; has stopped B.was; had stopped C.had been; stopped D.had been; had stopped 4.He told me that he C back the book to Tom. A.gives B.gave C.had given D.has given 5.The plane A when we got to the airport. A.had taken off B.was taken off C.will take off D.is taking off Unit Thirteen 一 现在进行时/完成时 被动语态 一 现在进行时 【教材典句】 We’re trying to save the earth!我们正在极力拯救地球! People are throwing letter into the river.人们正在把垃圾扔进河里。 The air pollution is getting worse and worse.空气污染变得越来越糟。 【语法全解】 现在进行时的构成: 助动词 be+动词-ing 形式。 现在进行时的用法: 19 表现在正在进行或发生的动作,也表现阶段或当前一段时间内正在进行的动作,常与 now,look,listen, these day 等时间状语连用。 They are playing basketball now. Listen! She is singing an English song. We are making model planes these days. Look! The children are flying kites in the park. 现在进行时的句式: 肯定式:主语 + be(am,is,are)+ 动词-ing 形式+ 其他。 She is singing in the room. 否定句:主语 + be(am,is,are)+ not +动词-ing 形式+ 其他。 She is not singing in the room. 一般疑问句:Be(am,is,are)+ 主语 +动词-ing 形式+其他? Is she singing in the room? 特殊疑问句:疑问词+ be(am,is,are)+ 主语+动词-ing 形式+ 其他? What is she doing in the room? —Tony, could you give me a hand? —Wait a minute. I C . lock the door B.will lock the door am looking the door D.was looking the door —You’re in a hurry. Where are you going? —To the cinema. Sue C for me outside. 二.现在完成时 【教材典句】 No scientific studies have shown that shark fins are good for health. Have you ever thought about how these things can actually be put to good use?你曾经考虑过怎样将这些东 西好好利用吗? You have probably never heard of Amy Hayes, but she is a most unusual woman.你可能从未听说过埃米·海 斯,但她是一个很不寻常的女人。 【语法全解】 现在完成时定义: 表过去发生的某一动作对现在造成的影响或结果。 —It’s so dark. —Someone has turned off the light.(有人把灯关了,对现在造成的结果是;现在很黑) 表过去已经开始,持续到现在的动作或状态,常与“since+过去的时间点”,“for+一段时间”,so far 等 时间状语连用。 I have lived here for three years.我已经住在这儿 3 年了。(从 3 年前开始,持续到现在还住这儿) I have lived here since 2011.自从 2011 年我就住在这儿。(自从 2011 年开始,持续到现在还住这儿) 现在完成时的构成及句式: 基本结构:主语 + have/has + 动词的过去分词 肯定句:主语 + have/has + 动词的过去分词 + 其他。 否定式:主语 + haven’t /hasn’t + 动词的过去分词 + 其他。 一般疑问句:Have/Has + 主语 +动词的过去分词 + 其他? 简略答语:Yes, 主语+ have/has. No, 主语+haven’t /hasn’t. 3.动词过去式、过去分词的变化规则: 规则动词:规则动词的过去分词的构成规则与规则动词的过去式的构成规则相同。 一般动词,在词尾直接加“ed”。 20 work worked worked, visit visited visited 以“e”结尾的动词,只在词尾加“d”。 live lived lived 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的动词,将“y”变为“i”,在加“ed”。 study studied studied,cry cried cried 重读闭音节结尾,末尾只有一个辅音字母,先双写该辅音字母,再加“ed”。 stop stopped stopped,drop dropped dropped 4.现在完成时的标志词: 常与 just,already,yet,ever,never,before,so far 等连用,强调动作的完成,不强调动作的持续。 Have you ever been to Japan? I have just finished my homework. for+时间段;since+过去时间点。 They have known each other for five years. Since he was five, he has lived in England. Miss Lin C a lot of work for the poor area since 2010. A.does B.did C.has done D.will do Monica, you B the exam! Congratulations! pass B.have passed C.will pass D.are passing 被动语态 【教材典句】 The air is badly polluted… 空气被严重污染…… But in fact, around 70 million sharks are caught and traded in this industry.但事实上,每年大约七千万的鲨鱼 被捕捉并在这个行业交易。 And the gate in front of her house is made of rocks and old glass bottles.他的房前的大门是由石头和旧玻璃 瓶做成的。 【语法全解】 动词的语态表主语语谓语之间的关系。英语中的语态分为主动语态与被动语态两种。主动语态表主语为 谓语动词动作的执行者;被动语态表主语为谓语动词动作的承受者。被动语态的基本构成为“主语+be+ 及物动词的过去分词”,时态通过 be 的变化体现。各个时态大致可归纳如下(以动词 give 为例): 一般时态 进行时态 完成时态 现在 am is given are am is being given are has been given have 过去 was given were was being given were had been given 将来 shall be given will —— shall have been given will 过去 将来 should be given would —— should have been given would 含 有 情 态 动词 can / should / must / could be given 21 被动语态主要在下面几种情况中使用: 不知道货没有必要说明动作的执行者是谁(这时不带由 by 引起的短语)。 Such books are written for children.这些书是为儿童写的。 We haven’t been told about it.没有人通知我们这件事。 动作的承受者是谈话的中心(这时可带由 by 引起的短语)。 The book was written by Lu Xun. Man-made satellites have been sent up into space by many countries.许多国家已向太空发射了人造卫星。 出于礼貌等方面的考虑不愿说出动作的执行者是谁。 He was asked to give a talk about how to learn English well. 被动语态的用法: 谁的动作不知道,说出谁做没必要;承受之人需强调,被动语态莫忘了。 The car was stolen yesterday. Football is played in most middle schools. 被动语态的注意事项: “主语+连系动词+表语”的句子没有被动语态。 there be 结构没有被动语态。 主动句中宾语是反身代词的没有被动语态。 句子是主谓结构时,没有被动语态。也就是说不及物动词没有被动语态。 有些不及物动词加介词构成及物动词短语,如果变被动语态,注意不能把动词后的介词丢掉。 He looks after his sister. 变 His sister is looked after by him. 主动语态中,在 make,let,hear,see,watch,notice 等词后跟省略 to 的动词不定式,但在被动语态中, to 不可省略。 We saw a stranger enter the hall.变 A stranger was seen to enter the hall. To my great surprise, the famous athlete’s story A differently in the newspapers. was reported B.reported C.was reporting D.reports Driving after drinking wine A in Chian. is not allowed B.are not allowed C.is not allowing 【语法专练】 单项填空 —Alice, would you mind not playing the guitar? I D on the phone. —Oh, sorry, mom. talked B.talk C.was talking D.am talking —Hey, Tom. Let’s go swimming. —Just a moment. I C a message. send B.sent C.am sending D.have sent 3.Since 2000, Jingmen has become a new city. Everything D . A.is changed B.was changed C.had changed D.has changed 4.My sister has learned English B . A.for twelve years ago B.since she was four C.twelve years ago D.at the age of four 5.Teenagers A allowed to drive. A.should not be B.should be not C.not should be D.be not should 6.—A new park B in our hometown next year. —Really? Our hometown must be more beautiful. A.will B.will be built C.is built D.will built be 22 Unit Fourteen 特殊疑问句的用法 一. 特殊疑问句的用法 【教材典句】 1. Who wants to study medicine? 2. What kind of writing is this? 3. How have you changed since you started junior high school? 【语法全解】 1. 概念:用疑问代词或疑问副词引导的疑问句叫特殊疑问句。朗读时通常用降调。疑问代词有:who, whom,whose,which,what 等;疑问副词 when,where,why,how 等。特殊疑问句不能用 yes 或 no 回答。 (疑问词简记为:8 个 W,1 个 H) 2. (1)倒装结构:疑问词+一般疑问句(语序)? Where did you go yesterday? (2) 陈述语序:疑问词+谓语+宾语/状语? Who wants to help me? 3. 就画线部分提问(画线部分是主语的除外)简记为: 一选二改三调:一选指根据画线部分选择合适的疑问词;二改指去掉画线部分把剩下部分改为一般疑 问句;三调指调整句子语序,即“疑问词+一般疑问句(语序)”。 — A are you going to buy for your father for Father’s Day? — A T-shirt. A. What B. When C.Where D.How 二.一般现在时、一般过去时和一般将来时 【教材典句】 1. Junior high school days are over.初中生活结束了。 2. She encouraged me in English class.在英语课上她鼓励我。 3. Next year,I will be in senior high school.明年我将上高中。 句 1.为一般现在时、句 2 为一般过去时,句 3 为一般将来时 【语法全解】 1. 一般现在时的用法: 含义 表经常性或习惯性的动作或当前存在的状态 句式结构 肯定句 be 型 主语+am / is / are +其他. 实义动词 主语+动原或动词单三+其他. 否定句 be 型 主语+am / is / are +not+其他. 实义动词 主语+don’t/doesn’t 动原或动词单三+其他. 一 般 疑 问 句 be 型 Am / Is / Are +主语+其他? 实义动词 Do/Does +主语+动原+其他? 标志词语 sometimes,often,usually,always,every day/week/year, once a week 等 动词单三变化 ①一般加-s,②以 o,s,x,sh,ch 结尾的动词加-es,③以“辅+y”,y 变 i 再加-es I’m a teacher. Is your school beautiful? I usually get up at 5:00 in the morning. What do you usually do at the weekend? I don’t go with you now. 2. 一般过去时的用法: 23 含义 表过去发生的动作或存在的状态 句式结构 肯定句 be 型 主语 + was/ were + 其他. 实义动词 主语+动词过去式+其他. 否定句 be 型 主语 + was/ were + not + 其他. 实义动词 主语 + didn’t + 动原 + 其他. 一 般 疑 问 句 be 型 Was/ Were +主语 +其他? 实义动词 Did + 主语 + 动原 + 其他? 标志词语 Yesterday,last week,two months ago,the day before yesterday,in 1990 等 规则动词过去 式 ①一般加-ed,②以不发音的 e 结尾的动词,加-d,③以“辅+y”y 变 i 加-ed,④重读闭 音节尾一双写加-ed I was very short at the age of 10. Tom finished his homework yesterday. What did you do last week? 3. 一般将来时的用法: 含义 表将来发生的动作或存在的状态 句式结构 肯定句 will / shall 主语+will/shall+动原+其他. be going to 主语 + am/is/are + going to+动原…. 否定句 will / shall 主语+will/shall+not+动原+其他. be going to 主语+am/is/are+not going to+动原…. 一般疑问句 will / shall Will / Shall+主语+动原+其他? be going to Am/Is/Are+主语+be going to+动原…? 标志词语 Tomorrow,the day after tomorrow,next week,in the future,in three days We’re going to have a picnic next week. I’ll go to Beijing in 3 days. Will Tom come here tomorrow? What are you going to be in the future? 1.My grandmother B in Yangzhou. She was born there and has never lived anywhere else. A. lived B.lives C.was living D.will live 2. Mr. Wang has left for Guangzhou. He C a speech there in two days. A.gives B.gave C.will give D.has given 【语法专练】 单项填空 1. —Hi, Tina. B are you going for your vacation? —Hmm I think I’m going to Shanghai. A. How B.Where C.When D.Why 2. Mike is from America. He C English. A.spoke B.will speak C.speaks D.had spoken 3. I B a mistake. Please don’t be angry with me. A.make B.made C.will make D.had made 4. This term D over. The summer vacation is coming in two weeks. A.is B.was C.has been D.will be 5. My parents D me a new iPad for my birthday next month. A.bought B.buy C.buys D.will buy 倒装句 英语中语序通常主语在前,谓语在后 24 把谓语放在主语之前就叫做倒装句 把全部谓语放在主语之前,叫全部倒装 只把部分谓语即情态动词/助动词/be 动词放在主语之前,叫部分倒装 副词 here/there/now/then/in /out /up /down /off /away /over /back 等置于句首,需全部倒装(副词+谓语+ 主语) Down fell the man. {副词 down,谓语动词 fell,主语 the man} Here comes the bus.公共汽车来了。 There goes the bell.铃响了。 Now comes our turn.现在轮到我们了。 There be 句型是典型的完全倒装 介词短语作为时间地点状语置于句首,且后面有 lie live,sit,stand,come,go 等动词时,句子需全部倒装 On the floor lies a dog. In the sofa sits an old man. 如果以上全部倒装的结构的主语是代词,则不能全部倒装 Down he fell. 主语是代词 he,当主语是【代词】的时候,无需倒装 Away he went.他走了。 Here you are.给你。 含有否定意义的副词或连词(eg;never,hardly,not,seldom 等)放在句首时,需部分倒装(情态动词/助动 词/be 动词+主语+谓语) Never shall I forget the day. I won the first prize in the competition. 在比赛中赢得奖品/奖金 Seldom in my life have I met so lovely a man. 我一生中很少遇到这么可爱的男人。 Hardly had he arrived when she started complaining.他刚到,她就开始抱怨。 4,only+状语 放在句首,部分倒装 Only then did I realize the importance.直到那时我才意识到它的重要性。 【only+状语 then 直到那时,did I realize 部分倒装】 Only in this way can you fool him.只有用这种方式你才能愚弄他。 【only+状语 in this way,can you fool 部分倒装】 Only when the class is over,can I see her.只有在下课的时候,我才能看到她。 【only+when 只有当...才能,引导的状语从句放句首,从句不倒装,主句要到装】 5,not until 放句首 Not until midnight did it stop raining.直到半夜雨才停。 6,not only...but also...前倒后不倒 Not only did he learn from books but also (he learned from) practice. [因为累赘,可将括号内容省略] 7,Neither...nor...前后均倒装 Neither was the price satisfactory,nor did the colour agree with me. 虚拟语气 虚拟语气在主从复合句中的用法 (一)在状语从句中的用法 A.在条件从句中的用法 eg If she invites me tomorrow, I shall go to the party.如果她明天邀请我参加聚会,我就去。(说话人认为题 的可能性较大。) 在这种直陈语气的带条件从句的主从复合句中,主句谓语动词用将来式,从句谓语动词用现在式代替将 来式,表示能实现的动作。 此句的条件是“只要她邀请我”,“去”这一动作就能实现。试与下面虚 25 拟语气的带条件从句的主从复合句相比较: 1) If she invited me, I should go to the party.假如她请我参加聚会,我就去。(说话人认为邀请的可能性较小 或不可能,视上下文而定。) 主句谓语动词用过去将来式,从句谓语动词用过去式,其含义是: eg She will probably not invite me, so I shan't go to the party.她多半不会邀请我参加聚会,所以我不会去。 2)If she had invited me yesterday, I should have gone to the Party.假如她昨天邀请我参加聚会,我就去了。 主句谓语动词用过去将来完成式,从句谓语动词用过去完成式,其含义是: eg She didn't invite me yesterday, so I didn't go to the party. 她昨天没有邀请我参加聚会,因此我没有去。(表示与过去事实相反的情况。) If she should invite me tomorrow, I should go to the party.如果她明天邀请我参加聚会,我会去的。 主句谓语动词用过去将来式,从句谓语动词也用过去将来式,表示的意思是:“邀请我”可能性较小, 对将来要发生的情况表示怀疑。其含义是 eg It is not likely that she will invite me, so I shall not go to the party. 她不见得会邀请我,因此我不会去。 从以上例句可以看出:虚拟语气的条件句是用谓语动词的特殊形式来表示与现在、过去事实相反的情况 或对将来发生的情况表示怀疑,和直陈语气条件句的谓语动词形式以及所表达的含义完全不同。 虚拟语气条件句中所用的谓语动词过去式、过去完成式、过去将来式等只表示不同的虚拟语气,与直陈 语气句子的过去时,过去完成时等毫无关系,在学习时应注意加以区别,不要混淆。现将虚拟语气的各 种具体形式和用法分述如下: 1.表示与现在事实相反的情况 a.形式 条件从句的动词形式 主句的动词形式 If I (we, you, he, she, it, they)+行为动词的过去式(be 的过去式一般用 were。在 I,he,it,she 或 it 等后,也 可用 was) I(we)should you(he,she, +动词原形 it,they)would 或:所有人称+ might( could)+动词原形 注:在 if I were you 这个句子里要用 were,不用 was b.用法 l) If I had more time, I should study German.假如我有更多的时间,我就学习德语了。 (fact: I have no more time, so I shall not study German) (事实是:我现在没有更多的时间,因此我无法学德语。) 2) If she were (was) not so busy, she would attend the meeting this afternoon.要不是她这么忙,她就会出席 今天下午的会议了。 ( fact: She is very busy, so she will not attend the meeting this afternoon.)(事实是:她很忙,无法出席令天下 午的会议。) 3)If they didn't take physical exercises every day, they wouldn’t be so healthy.假如他们不是每天进行体育锻 炼,他们不会这样健康。 (fact: They take exercises every day, so they are very healthy.) (事实是:他们每天进行体育锻炼,因此他们的身体很健康。) 4) If you went to bed earlier, you would not be so sleepy in the morning.假如你早点儿睡觉,早晨就不会这么 困了. (fact: You often go to bed late, so you are always sleepy in the morning.)(事实是:你经常晚睡,所以早上总 觉得困。) 2.表示与过去事实相反的情况 a.形式 26 条件从句的动词形式 主句的动词形式 If I (we,you, he, she, it, they) +had+过去分词 I(we)should/would you (he, she, it, +have+ they) would 过去分词 或:所有人称+ could(might) +have+过去分词 b.用法 1)I would have checked my paper again if I had had more time at yesterdays examination.如果我在昨天考试 时有更多的时间,我就会把考卷再检查一遍了。 (fact: I had no more time st yesterday's exam, so I didn' t check my paper again.)(事实是:昨天考试时我没有 更多的时间,所以来不及把考卷再检查一遍。) 2) If you had taken the old experienced worker's advice,you wouldn’t have failed in the experiment.假如你早 接受了那个有经验的老工人的意见,你的试验就不会失败了 (fact: You didn't take the old experienced worker advice, so you failed in the experiment.)(事实是:你不听那个 有经验的老工人的意见,因此试验失败了。) 3)He would have already recovered from his illness if hehad seen the doctor in good time.如果他及时去找大 夫看病,那么他就会已经恢复健康了。 (fact; He didn't see the doctor in good time so he hasn’ t recovered from his illness.)(事实是他没及时看病,所 以还没恢复健康。) 4) If we had known that she was to arrive yesterday, we could have met her at the station.如果我们知道她账 天到,就可以到车站接她了 (fact: We didn’t know that she was to arrive yesterday so we couldn't meet her at the station.(事实是:我们不 知道她昨天到,所以我们没能到车站去接她。) 3.表示与将来事实相反的情况 a.形式 条件从句的动词形式 主句的动词形式 If I (we, you, he, she, it,they)+行为动词过去式(be 的 过去式一般用 were) 通常要与一个表示将来的时间 状语连用 If I(we, you, he, she, it,they)+ should+动词原形 (3) If I(we, you, he, she, it they)+ were to+动词原形 I(we)should You would He(she,it)+动词原形 would They would I (we, you, he, she, it, they)+could( might)+动词原形 b.用法 1) If it rains tomorrow, our picnic will be put off.(The weather has been very changeable these days)如果明天 下雨,我们的郊游就推迟。(最近天气变化无常。)(条件从句中的谓语动词用现在式,表示说话人认为“下 雨”的可能性很大。) 2)If it rained tomorrow, our picnic would be put off. (The weather has been very good these days)假如明天下 雨,我们的郊游就推迟。(最近天气很好。)(条件从句中的谓语动词用过去式,表示说话人认为“下雨”的 可能性不大。) 3)If it should rain tomorrow, our picnic would be put off. ( That would be out of our expectation)万一明天下雨,我们的郊游就推迟。(那是出乎我们意料之外的。)(条 件从句中的谓语动词用过去将来式表示“下雨”的可能性不大或没有可能:加上 should 表示“出乎意料之 27 外 2。) If it were to rain tomorrow, our picnic would be put off.万一明天下雨,我们的郊游就推迟。(条件从句中的 谓语动词用 were to+动词原形”表示“下雨”的可能性很小。 were to rain 与 should rain 都兼表“出乎意料 之外”,但 were to rain 有“当初没想到”之义。) 5)If I saw him tomorrow, I would pass your note to him 如果我明天见到他,就把你的便条给他。(明天见到 他的可能性不大。) 6) She might come back and start off again the day after tomorrow if she were to miss the train tomorrow.万 一她明天赶不上火车,她可能会回来,后天再动身。(她赶不上火车的可能性很小。) 注:用虚拟语气表示条件的条件从句,可以放在主句之前,也可以放在主句之后,但所表达的意义侧重 点不同。如主句在前,强调“结果”;如从句在前,强调“条件”。按汉语习惯,通常条件从句在前,主 句在后,如说:“如果…,…。”而不说“…,如果…。”上列例句 6) 可 改 为 If she were to miss the train tomorrow, she would come back and start off again the day after tomorrow 以强调“条件’但汉语译法不变。

