仁爱版英语九上Unit 3 Topic 1(SectionC)练习

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仁爱版英语九上Unit 3 Topic 1(SectionC)练习

SectionC 基础知识训练 一. 根据首字母或括号中所给词的提示写出单词。 1. Many places of interest in Beijing attract a lot of t from all over the world. 2. England is an E country with a population of 180 million. 3. In China, English is spoken as a f language. 4. The film is (base) on the novel Frog. 5. There are more than 5 000 million native English s . 二. 单项选择。 ( ) 1. all the people,he is the most helpful. He thinks that to help others is just like to help himself. A. Of B. With C. As D. In ( ) 2. His methods are regarded as the of working by his leaders and workmates. A. base B. based C. basic D. basing ( ) 3. They to know some English if they want to set foot in the field of IT. A. need B. like C. must D. stick ( ) 4. Cellphones in our lives. Almost everyone has one. A. play a part B. play an important part C. have a part D. is important ( ) 5. The news that he won a gold medal in Sochi Winter Olympics ______ rapidly. A. spreads B. is spread C. spreading D. was spread 三. 阅读理解。 Do you remember the first word that you spoke? If you can, you are unusual. Suppose what your life was like during the first few months. I’m sure that it took your most time to eat,sleep and cry. As you grew older you slept less. Your parents would spend more time playing with you and talking to you. You watched and listened. You got to know that people make some sounds to go with some things. Then you began to cry and to make sounds you heard. And little by little you could make right sound for one thing. Then you got to understand the secret of the language. It is that a certain sound means a certain thing. One sound could be as good as another. But it is not so good as a word if everybody doesn’t agree on its meaning. Only when a group of people make and use the same set of sounds of things they can understand each other. Their own language comes into being. After you knew the “secret” you learned words. Some of the words meant things such as cars, books, birds and stores. Some of the words meant movements such as come, fly and swim. And other words express things such as “I would like to make friends with you.” This is language that people can communicate by the way of language. That is to say, languages mean communication. ( ) 1. can remember the day when we spoke out first word. A. Few of us B. Many people C. Most people D. Someone ( ) 2. When you were a little baby you . A. made sound to let people know that you want to eat B. spent most of your time eating, crying and sleeping C. could not hear any sound around you D. spent most of your time playing with your parents ( ) 3. The secret of language is that . A. one sound might be as good as another B. a certain sound is for a certain thing C. people can understand each other D. there is a special sound for each other ( ) 4. The phrase “make sounds” mean . A.制造声音 B.发音 C.哭闹 D.表达 ( ) 5. The best title of this passage is . A. The Language B. Learn Language C. Make Sounds D. The Secret of Language 参考答案: 一. 1.tourists 2.European 3.foreign 4.based 5.speakers 二. l.A 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.A 三.1. A 2.B 3.B 4.B 5.D

