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Is it OK to tell white lies Last week our class had a discussion on whether it is OK to tell white lies. The students have many opinions. Some students support the opinion. They hold the view that telling white lies doesn’t matter much as long as it is out of kindness, especially when a friend is facing failure. Sometimes, white lies can encourage people to stick to what they are doing. However, every coin has two sides. Other students oppose the opinion. They believe white lies are always lies. They also convey the meaning of cheating. To make things worse, white lies hurt people’s feelings, so they do harm to friendship. Meanwhile, lies never go far. In my opinion, although white lies are lies, they are necessary in our daily life. After all, not everyone dares to face reality bravely.‎ My feelings to the school life 学校生活有时让你开心,有时让你烦恼,作为学生的你一定有不少感想吧。请你以“My feelings to the school life”为题写一篇短文,简要谈谈你自己的感受。词数:80左右。 温馨提示:1. 短文中请勿使用真实姓名、地点或所在学校名称。 2. 这些词汇也许对你有帮助:change, homework, bored, strict, relax My feelings to the school life My feelings to the school life are changeable.‎ When I do well in the exams, I feel excited and happy. But I often feel sad when I do badly in exams. If I spend lots of time doing my homework, I will feel bored and unhappy. My parents are always strict with me. But if they don’t understand me, I will be very disappointed. I like playing with my friends and it makes me relax.‎ In short, my feelings to the school life are a very important part of my life. I love my colorful and interesting school life.‎ 解决问题 假设你叫刘京,你在回复笔友Helen的e-mail。请你回答她的问题,针对她的问题谈谈你的看法,给她提几点建议。‎ ‎ Hi, Jing, My problem is my parents. All of my classmates have mobile phones. They phone each other, surf the Internet and play games. I’m always asking my parents for it. But they refuse again and again. None of my friends have got such terrible parents. For this reason, I can’t study hard. Do you think I’m right? What shall I do?‎ 解析 ‎ ‎ 这是一篇建议如何与他人相处的书面表达。如何建立良好的人际关系已日渐成为困扰中学生的重要问题,因此此类话题具有鲜明的时代感,贴近中学生学习生活的实际。同时此考题也是属于新课标24个话题中“人际交往”的范畴,是需要学生掌握的重点内容。 一、题目要点: 根据中文和表格提示,可以看出这篇书面表达的要点包括两个:1.小组讨论出来的有关“与人相处”的建议;2.“我”对“与人相处”的建议。 二、写作提纲: 时态:一般现在时 人称:第一人称 内容:第一部分:开篇点题,作为中学生应该学习如何与人相处; 第二部分:小组讨论的建议; 第三部分:“我”的建议。 三、语言组织: 重点词组: learn to share; respect others; communicate with each other; in my opinion; be kind to sb 重点句型: should do sth; It’s important to do sth; We’d better do sth; It’s a good idea to do sth; Try to do sth 四、过渡衔接:‎ ‎ 在列举与人相处的建议时,我们需要借助一些表示并列或者递进关系的连词,例如:first of all,also,besides,what’s more,so, above all等,用上这些词可以加强行文的流畅性和逻辑性。 【一类文】 As we know, good relationship can make us happy and comfortable. But how do we get on well with others? First of all, we should respect others. Everybody has their own way to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it is important for us to communicate with each other. We can share happiness and sadness with our friends. What’s more, we should be kind to others and try to offer necessary help to those who are in trouble. In my opinion, treating others in an honest way is also a good way to get on well with others. I am sure these suggestions will help us to get along well with others.‎ 帮助别人的乐趣 在学习与生活中你一定帮助过他人。你校校报正在开展以“我助人,我快乐”为主题的征文活动,请根据提示用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你助人的故事,让大家与你一起分享助人的快乐。 1. 写作要点提示: 1) 帮助的对象、时间、地点、原因; 2) 助人的具体过程(你是如何帮助他人的); 3) 被助人的反应及你助人后的感受。 2. 写作要求: 短文的内容包含所提示的要点,语言要流畅,可围绕提示要点适当增加情节,以使短文的意思连贯;短文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名及地名;短文的字数在90词左右。 解析 ‎ ‎ 这是一篇叙事性文章,结构可以用总–分–总的形式,内容重点在于叙述和描写,要重点把who,when,where,why,what,how写清楚,即:谁在哪 里何时做了何事,为什么要做,及最后的感受。 一、题目要点 1.帮助的对象、时间、地点、原因; 2.助人的具体过程(你是如何帮助他人的); 3.被助人的反应及你助人后的感受。 二、写作提纲 时态:一般过去时、一般现在时 人称:第一人称、第三人称 内容:助人的故事及帮助人和被助人双方的感受 三、语言组织 重点词组:be good at; help with; ask sb for sth; give up; learn from; make great progress 重点句型:not only…but also... 四、过渡衔接 为了使文章句子之间上下连贯,有逻辑性,可以在写作过程中穿插一些时间状语和连词。 【一类文】 Everyone needs help and I’ve learned a lot from helping Mike. I was not good at math in the beginning. Months ago, my teacher asked me to help my classmate Mike with his math because he wanted to give it up after he failed some exams. Before helping him I felt a little nervous, so I went over the textbook again and again, and did lots of exercises. To my surprise, I could even work out some difficult problems that I couldn’t ‎ understand before. Every day I helped Mike go over what he had learnt, I also helped him with his homework. During the weekends we did exercises together. With my help, Mike made great progress in math. Later he even enjoyed learning it. From this experience, not only did I help him out of his trouble, but I also improved my own math. I have realized that it does everyone good to help others. Helping others is helping ourselves.‎ How to get on well with others 一、题目要点: 根据中文和表格提示,可以看出这篇书面表达的要点包括两个:1.小组讨论出来的有关“与人相处”的建议;2.“我”对“与人相处”的建议。 二、写作提纲: 时态:一般现在时 人称:第一人称 内容:第一部分:开篇点题,作为中学生应该学习如何与人相处; 第二部分:小组讨论的建议; 第三部分:“我”的建议。 三、语言组织: 重点词组: learn to share; respect others; communicate with each other; in my opinion; be kind to sb 重点句型: should do sth; It’s important to do sth; We’d better do sth; It’s a good idea to do sth; Try to do sth 四、过渡衔接: 在列举与人相处的建议时,我们需要借助一些表示并列或者递进关系的连词,例如:first of all,also,besides,what’s more,so, above all等,用上这些词可以加强行文的流畅性和逻辑性。 【一类文】‎ ‎ As we know, good relationship can make us happy and comfortable. But how do we get on well with others? First of all, we should respect others. Everybody has their own way to do things, so we should understand each other. Besides, it is important for us to communicate with each other. We can share happiness and sadness with our friends. What’s more, we should be kind to others and try to offer necessary help to those who are in trouble. In my opinion, treating others in an honest way is also a good way to get on well with others. I am sure these suggestions will help us to get along well with others.‎ 学校生活 学校作业多,学生嫌负担重;学校作业少,家长又担心得不得了。参考表格中所提供的信息,用英语写一篇70-90词的短文,谈谈你对这一现象的看法或态度,并明确阐述你的观点。 ‎ ‎ 解析 ‎ ‎ 这是一篇图表议论文。 一、题目要点: 1. 本文的中心论题是:学校作业多,学生嫌负担重;学校作业少,家长又担心。所以首先要提出中心论题并点题。 2. 从两方面来讨论这个问题,可以分成两段,先分析家长/老师的观点及理由。然后过渡到学生的观点及理由。 3. 讲述自己的选择,要有鲜明的观点及支持观点的论据。 二、语言组织: 在组织语言的过程中,先用地道的英语句式将所列要点表达清楚,例如:do more work…review what they have learned… improve grades… spend time in playing… not enough time to do sports… poor health… get bored with study… have no time to develop interests… 三、过渡衔接: 为使书面表达上下连贯,行文紧凑,考生在写作时,可以在文中穿插使用一些连词、副词、短语和句型等,例如so, but, as a result, besides… 【范文一】 Many people think the more time you spend, the more work you’ll do. So it is common to see students struggling in a sea of schoolwork, both at school and at home. Modern students usually have many interests. They love music, sports, reading and watching TV. But they have no time to enjoy themselves. Students are really tired of their weekend homework. They usually don’t do it until Sunday night. Sometimes there is not enough time and students have to finish it carelessly. Too much homework makes students lose their interest in learning. It’s also bad for their health. A horse runs faster after a rest. But for students rest alone is not enough. Such a situation should be changed to give students both pleasure and knowledge. Please give students less homework but leave them more free time.‎

