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外研版九年级英语上册 期末测试卷 一、听小对话,选择正确的图片。(每小题1分,共计5分)‎ 听力材料:W:Can I help you,sir?‎ M:I'd like a skirt for my daughter's birthday.‎ ‎( A )1.A.    B.    C.‎ 听力材料:W:What will the weather be like tomorrow?‎ M:It's sunny.‎ ‎( C )2.A. B. C.‎ 听力材料:W:What's your favourite fruit,Mike?‎ M:I like grapes best.‎ ‎( C )3.A. B. C.‎ 听力材料:M:What were you doing at the ten last night,Alice?‎ W:I was reading a book.‎ ‎( B )4.A. B. C.‎ 听力材料:W:Look,dad.Don't drive after drinking.‎ M:Don't worry.I won't.‎ ‎( C )5.A. B. C.‎ 二、听小对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)‎ 听力材料:W:Hurry up,Mike.The film will begin at 10:00.‎ M:OK.I'm coming.‎ ‎( C )6.When will the film begin?‎ A.At 9:00. B.At 9:30. C.At 10:00.‎ 听力材料:W:Tom,could you please help me repair the bike?‎ M:Sorry,I'm busy now.But Jim can help you.‎ ‎( B )7.Who can repair the bike?‎ A.Tom. B.Jim. C.Jack.‎ 听力材料:W:Hi,Jim!What would you like for breakfast?‎ M:Bread and milk.‎ ‎( A )8.What does Jim want for breakfast?‎ A.Bread and milk. B.Rice and vegetables. C.Cakes and juice.‎ 听力材料:W:Can I change the red scarf that I bought a week ago for a brown one?‎ M:OK.The red one is only 86 yuan,and the brown one is 108 yuan.‎ ‎( A )9.How much should the woman pay the man now?‎ A.¥22. B.¥108. C.¥194.‎ 听力材料:W:How do you like the invention,Mike?‎ M:It's useful.I like it very much.‎ ‎( B )10.What does Mike think of the invention?‎ A.He doesn't like it at all.      B.He likes it very much.‎ C.He likes it a little.‎ 三、听长对话,选择正确的答案。(每小题1分,共计5分)‎ 听第一段较长对话,回答第11~12小题。‎ 听力材料:W:The bus is late,isn't it?‎ M:No,today is Saturday.The buses only run twice an hour on Saturday.‎ W:Oh,I didn't know that.I usually take the bus on the weekdays.‎ M:Do you take the bus to school?‎ W:Yes,I do.‎ M:Is your school far from here?‎ W:Yes.It's about 25 miles.‎ ‎( B )11.How often does the bus run on Saturday?‎ A.Once an hour.      B.Twice an hour.‎ C.Three times an hour.‎ ‎( C )12.How far is the school from here?‎ A.About 5 miles. B.About 15 miles. C.About 25 miles.‎ 听第二段较长对话,回答第13~15小题。‎ 听力材料:M:Hello!‎ W:Hi,Robert.It's Susan.I've got your message.‎ M:Thanks for calling me back.What were you doing when I called you last ‎ night?‎ W:Oh,I was seeing a film in the cinema.So,what's up?‎ M:Well,would you like to climb the Yuelu Mountain tomorrow morning?‎ W:Tomorrow morning?I am afraid I can't.I'll have to stay at home and study.‎ M:Oh,it's a pity.How about Sunday morning?‎ W:Sure,I'd love to.How shall we get there,by bike or by bus?‎ M:What about taking a bus?‎ W:OK.‎ ‎( A )13.What was Susan doing when Robert called her last night?‎ A.She was seeing a film.      B.She was singing.‎ C.She was reading.‎ ‎( C )14.Why can't Susan climb the Yuelu Mountain tomorrow morning?‎ A.Because she'll call up Robert.‎ B.Because she'll see a film in the cinema.‎ C.Because she'll have to stay at home and study.‎ ‎( B )15.How will they get there?‎ A.By bike. B.By bus. C.By taxi.‎ 四、听短文,选择正确的答案,完成下列表格。(每小题1分,共计5分)‎ 听力材料:Hi,everyone.May I have your attention,please?‎ We are going to have a field trip to the People's Park this Saturday.It's on September 7th.We'll go there by bus at 7:00 in the morning.Let's get there at ‎ ‎8:30.In the morning we will go boating and swimming.Then we are going to have lunch in a snack bar at noon.In the afternoon,we will have an English party.It's time for us to return at 4:30 pm.I hope we will have a wonderful time there.‎ ‎__16__‎ The time of leaving.‎ At 8:30‎ We will go there __17__.‎ In the afternoon We will __18__.‎ At 4:30 in the afternoon We will __19__.‎ We will __20__.‎ ‎( B )16.A.7:30. B.7:00. C.8:30.‎ ‎( B )17.A.on foot B.by bus C.by bike ‎( C )18.A.have lunch in a snack bar      B.go boating and swimming C.have an English party ‎( A )19.A.return home      B.leave for People's Park C.play a game ‎( C )20.A.have a tiring time      B.have a hard time C.have a nice time 笔试部分(100分)‎ 五、单项选择。(每小题1分,共计15分)‎ ‎( A )21.Reading is ________ good habit.Read as much as you can,and you'll make ________ great progress.‎ A.a;/     B.a;a     C.the;a    D./;a ‎( C )22.________ a child,I used to collect stamps,but now I have none left.‎ A.With B.For C.As D.To ‎( A )23.—What's your ________,Madam?‎ ‎—1416 East Maple Road.‎ A.address B.passage C.website D.standard ‎( D )24.Reading is good for us and we should read as ________ good books as possible.‎ A.little B.much C.few D.many ‎( A )25.Look!A number of sheep ________ grass in the fields.‎ A.are eating B.is eating C.eat D.eats ‎( B )26.—Patrick has passed all the examinations!‎ ‎—Really?________ good news to his parents!‎ A.What a B.What C.How a D.How ‎( C )27.She will have a relaxing holiday ________ she finishes the work next week.‎ A.before B.until C.as soon as D.while ‎( B )28.It was a difficult time,but we never ________ hope.‎ A.set up B.gave up C.picked up D.put up ‎( C )29.—How much did you ________ the blouse?‎ ‎—500 yuan.‎ A.cost B.spend C.pay for D.pay ‎( C )30.Chinese ________ by more and more people from all over the world today.‎ A.learn B.learned C.is learned D.was learned ‎( A )31.To live a green life,we should try to save ________ energy and produce ________ pollution.‎ A.more;less B.less;more C.more;fewer D.most;least ‎( B )32.—I wonder if it ________ tomorrow.‎ ‎—Well,if it ________,we will stay at home.‎ A.rains;rains B.will rain;rains C.rains;will rain D.will rain;will rain ‎( B )33.The first thing ________ my brother is going to do this afternoon is to write a letter.‎ A.which B.that C.why D.who ‎( B )34.—I have changed my job.‎ ‎—________.‎ A.So do I B.So have I C.So I do D.So I have ‎( A )35.—I can't go with you today.There will be a test tomorrow.‎ ‎—________.Maybe next time.‎ A.It doesn't matter B.My pleasure C.I don't think so D.Sorry to hear that 六、完形填空。(每小题1分,共计10分)‎ There are many ways for us to reduce (减少) waste.For __36__,we can reuse ‎ paper and plastic bags.We can also recycle newspapers,glass and cans (易拉罐) to make new things.Here are some useful ways to __37__ waste.‎ Write on __38__ sides of paper.‎ Many people write on only one side of their paper.Why not stop wasting the other side?Some students only use half the pages of their __39__ before getting new ones.Try to use up all the paper.People often give cards on birthdays or festivals.How about trying to __40__ ecards instead?‎ Don't throw away your old batteries.‎ Maybe you do not know that old batteries make the earth __41__.This is because they have poisonous parts in them.So,don't throw away batteries.__42__ them together.Try to use rechargeable (充电的) batteries for your games and CD players.‎ Give off all your unwanted clothes.‎ There are many poor families in China.You may ask your mother to __43__ your unwanted clothes.Then you can pass them on to those poor children.You will feel __44__ that you are helping someone else.Also,you should know __45__ your friends or relatives (亲戚) want them before throwing them away.‎ ‎( B )36.A.reason B.example C.use D.people ‎( C )37.A.produce B.protect C.reduce D.pollute ‎( B )38.A.every B.both C.all D.one ‎( C )39.A.exercises B.schoolbags C.notebooks D.newspapers ‎( A )40.A.send B.buy C.receive D.waste ‎( D )41.A.dry B.rich C.clean D.dirty ‎( B )42.A.Throw B.Keep C.Try D.Lose ‎( D )43.A.like B.sell C.throw D.collect ‎( D )44.A.angry B.tired C.moved D.happy ‎( B )45.A.that B.if C.though D.what 七、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共计30分)‎ A My grandfather Jack is 96 years old,and he has had an interesting life.He has travelled a lot in his life in the Far East.He visited the Taj Mahal in India and the Pyramids in Egypt.He hunted (狩猎) lions in Africa,and rode a camel in the Sahara Desert.He says the most beautiful place he has travelled to is Kathmandu in Nepal.‎ Jack has married twice.His first wife died when she was 32.He met his second wife Maria while he was cycling round France.They have been married for 50 years,and they have lived happily in a small village since they got married.‎ Jack says that he has never been ill in his life.The secret of good health,according to my grandfather,is exercise.He goes swimming every morning.He has done this since he was a boy.He also has a glass of wine every night!Perhaps that is his secret!‎ ‎( B )46.What kind of life has Jack lived?‎ A.A short life. B.An interesting life.‎ C.A lonely life. D.A poor life.‎ ‎( A )47.Which of the following does Jack think is the most beautiful place?‎ A.Kathmandu. B.The Pyramids.‎ C.The Sahara Desert. D.Taj Mahal.‎ ‎( B )48.How many times has Jack married?‎ A.Once. B.Twice. C.Three times. D.Four times.‎ ‎( C )49.Where did Jack meet Maria?‎ A.In India. B.In Nepal. C.In France. D.In Egypt.‎ ‎( A )50.What does Jack do every night?‎ A.He has a glass of wine. B.He goes swimming.‎ C.He hunts lions. D.He rides a camel.‎ B Donald was not very good at math.He couldn't understand the teacher's explanations.Even when the teacher explained something a second time,Donald still couldn't understand it.‎ ‎“Never mind.”Donald told himself,“I'm quite good at other subjects.I'll cheat in the math exam to get a good grade,then I won't be in trouble.”‎ ‎“I'll sit next to the boy who does best in math,”he thought,“and copy down his answers.”‎ The day of the exam came,and Donald sat next to Tommy,who was always at the top of the class in math.Donald carefully copied Tommy's answers onto his own exam paper.At the end the exam,the teacher collected the papers and graded them in time.‎ Then she said,“well,boys and girls,I've decided to give a prize to the student who got the highest grade.It's difficult for me to decide who I'll give the prize to,however,because two students,Donald and Tommy,got the same grade.”‎ ‎“Let them share it,”one of the other students said.‎ ‎“I've thought about that,”the teacher said,“but I've decided to give the prize to one of them.”‎ The students were surprised when they heard this.They said,“That's not fair.They got the same grade.”‎ ‎“That's true.”the teacher said,“However,Tommy's answer to Question 18 was ‘I don't know’while Donald's was ‘Neither do I’.”‎ ‎( C )51.Donald wanted to cheat because ________.‎ A.he didn't do well in any subjects B.his teacher didn't explain things well C.he wanted to get a good grade in math ‎( B )52.Donald ________ during the exam.‎ A.sat behind Tommy B.copied from Tommy C.asked the teacher for help ‎( A )53.The students were surprised because ________.‎ A.they thought the teacher unfair B.Donald did as well as Tommy C.the teachers would give them a prize ‎( A )54.The teacher decided to give the prize to ________.‎ A.Tommy B.Donald C.Both Tommy and Donald ‎( B )55.We can infer (推断) ________.‎ A.Donald may study hard at math B.the teacher may criticize Donald C.Tommy may share the prize with other students C A scientist once said that the Internet was the world's largest library,but that all the books were on the floor!In other words,it's full of information but it can be difficult to find just what you're looking for.The Internet has another drawback,too.Anyone can create a website,which means you can find websites about every subject imaginable.Unluckily,it also means that a lot of what is written on them isn't true!‎ The Internet provides more than just information.There are sites where you can download (下载) music and films either for free or for a small charge (收费).Other sites allow you to get in touch with people from all over the world and there are some great online shops.On eBay (易趣网),for example,people sell used clothes,CDs and even cars very cheaply.‎ The Internet has changed the way we work and communicate,but we shouldn't depend on it too much.Because of its size,it's very difficult to control and a lot of the information isn't worth reading.Some people also fear that surfing the net (上网) has taken the place of other healthier activities,especially ‎ for young people.Whether you like it or hate it,you'd better get used to it because it's here to stay!‎ Here's a survey (调查) about how people of my age use the Internet.80% of them said they used it to help them with their homework.70% said they used it to keep in touch with their friends.40% said that they downloaded music from the Internet.And 30% said they bought something online.Only 10% said they couldn't use the Internet very often because they didn't have a computer at home.‎ ‎( B )56.What does the scientist say about the Internet?‎ A.Most of the information it has is from books.‎ B.You can't easily find what you want on it.‎ C.Most of the information is from libraries.‎ D.The books from the Internet are put on the floor.‎ ‎( C )57.According to (根据) the survey,most people of the writer's age ________.‎ A.prefer reading online B.buy something online C.use the Internet for their homework D.download music from the Internet ‎( A )58.Which is true about getting music from the Internet?‎ A.It isn't always free.‎ B.New CDs are very cheap.‎ C.The used CDs are a little expensive.‎ D.It is always free.‎ ‎( D )59.The underlined (画线) word “drawback” in the first paragraph means “________”.‎ A.advantage B.difficulty C.strong point D.disadvantage ‎( A )60.What does the writer think of the Internet?‎ A.It has some weaknesses.‎ B.All the information on it is true.‎ C.It is perfect for young people to use.‎ D.Young people should stay away from it.‎ 八、词汇运用。(每小题1分,共计10分)‎ A)根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。‎ ‎61.We students can borrow (借) only two books from the school library each time.‎ ‎62.Please don't waste (浪费) water.Can't you see the sign “Save Water”?‎ ‎63.Tom could look after himself (他自己) when he was six years old.‎ ‎64.My uncle and my aunt are both engineers (工程师).‎ ‎65.We'd better get ready for the dinner now because the Greens are coming to visit us tonight (今晚).‎ B)根据句意,选择方框中的单词或短语,并用其适当形式填空。‎ decide,take care of,though,develop,turn off ‎66.My English teacher is very kind though he looks very serious.‎ ‎67.I'm going on business.Please take_care_of yourself well.‎ ‎68.Many foreigners are surprised at the rapid development of China.‎ ‎69.I have made a decision to travel to Taiwan in the Summer holiday.‎ ‎70.Would you mind turning_off the radio?‎ 九、情景交际:从方框中选择合适的选项补全对话。(每小题2分,共计10分)‎ A:What's the matter?‎ B:I have a sore throat (喉咙疼).‎ A:71.___C___‎ B:Mm,since the weather got worse.‎ A:I see.72.___A___‎ B:I think so.The hazy,smoggy weather makes me feel uncomfortable.‎ A:73.___B___ You know,when the air particles (颗粒) reach the level of PM2.5,it can lead to heart,brain and respirator (呼吸道) diseases.‎ B:It sounds terrible.74.___F___‎ A:You'd better not go out unless you have to.Take some medicine,and drink plenty of water.You'll be okay.‎ B:I will.75.___D___‎ A.Your problem is probably caused by the bad weather.‎ B.Yes,the weather has been heavily polluted for days.‎ C.How long have you been like this?‎ D.Thanks for your advice.‎ E.Do you have a cold?‎ F.What can I do then?‎ G.Something must be done to protect the environment.‎ 十、任务型阅读。(每小题2分,共计10分)‎ The U.S.Masters Golf Tournament (美国高尔夫大师赛) is one of the big four games in professional golf.This year,Guan Tianlang,a 14yearold Chinese,has become wellknown as the youngest player in the 77year history of the game.And he won the bestperforming amateur (业余选手).He had a hard time in the game,but he said it was a wonderful experience for him.‎ At the age of 4,he started learning golf from his father.Many people think he is a smart golfer.Even Ben Crenshaw,a twotime Masters winner,praised Guan's performance after playing with the boy.“He's very confident (自信的) and very patient.He never played in a hurry,”he said to USA Today.‎ Guan makes the world know him not only with his game,but with his English as well.He answered the reporters' questions with his perfect English.In fact,English is just one of his favourite subjects.He also likes math and history very much.At school,Guan is just like any other boy of his age.He goes to regular classes.He enjoys basketball and Kobe Bryrant is his favourite basketball player.He is always trying to get good grades and find time to practice golfing.He wants to win a major one day,but he said,“There's still a lot of things to learn to improve.So nothing to rush.”‎ ‎76.Who is Guan Tianlang?‎ He is a 14yearold golf player from China.‎ ‎77.What does Crenshaw think of Guan?‎ He thinks Guan is a confident_and_patient boy.‎ ‎78.How long is the history of the U.S.Masters Golf Tournament?‎ It is 77/seventyseven_years.‎ ‎79.How did Guan feel about the time he had in the game this year?‎ Though hard,he felt it a wonderful_(good/great)_experience for him.‎ ‎80.What can we learn about Guan from the last paragraph?‎ He thinks it's important/necessary to keep studying hard,although he is successful in some way.‎ 十一、书面表达。(共计15分)‎ 假设你是张林,即将初中毕业,你的美国笔友鲍勃(Bob)来信询问你的暑假计划,现在请你写一封回信,告诉他你将在爷爷奶奶家度过这个假期。‎ 注意:1.至少写出你将要做的三件事;2.回信不少于80词,信的开头、结尾已给出,不计入总数词;3.所给英语提示词语仅供参考。‎ 参考词语:summer vacation;grandparents;relax oneself;housework;visit;old friends and relatives Hi Bob,‎ The summer vacation is coming soon.We will have a twomonth holiday.‎ After a tiring school year,I'm going to relax myself.I will spend my vacation with my grandparents.I will stay with them for about three weeks.Of course,I am going to help them do some housework.Perhaps we will take some short ‎ trips.Besides,I am going to visit some of my friends and relatives.I think we will have a happy time together.What's more,I will be a senior student in the new term,so I am going to make some preparations.How will you spend your holiday?‎ Best wishes.‎ Yours,‎ Zhang Lin

