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Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Section A 3a~3c Teaching A ims 1 . used to 结构第一人称转换为第三人称 ; 2 . 完成 3a , 3b 任务 ; 3 . 进行阅读强化训练; 4 . 阅读内容复述训练。 Please find the changes of the girl. 安妮·海瑟薇 Anne Hathaway The Princess Diaries 1. She used to ___________ . 2. She used to ___________ . She is from a normal girl to a princess. Now, she has straight hair,and doesn't wear glasses anymore. have curly hair. wear glasses 米娅是一个极普通的地道的美国高中生,在一群张扬、活力四射的同学中,她显得很不自信,普通得会被老师忘记名字。直到那神奇的一天到来。在米娅16岁生日到来前,她忽然被告知要与她的奶奶见面。当米娅终于见到这位气质非凡,谈吐高贵女士时,她才发现,她的奶奶是欧洲小国吉诺维亚的女王。而她,正是这个国度的公主。米娅的世界一下子改变了!为了可以顺利继承这一身份,女王对米娅开始了全方位的改变。米娅的不拘小节和王室的繁杂规矩冲突中,笑料百出……终于,米娅的形象被改变得像个美丽的公主了。就在她的内心不能接受这一突然的角色改变时,她的身份被曝光了。媒体对米娅开始了狂轰滥炸,她宁静的生活被打破了。因为嫉妒,米娅同学更使她陷入很尴尬的境地…… 米娅因为胆怯想放弃 但在父亲日记的鼓励下 她小小的肩膀扛起许多责任 她答应去捷诺维亚继承王位 Can you guess what she was like in the past? Do you know the beautiful and outgoing girl? She used to be a shy girl. Yeah. She’s the famous singer Candy Wang. She took up singing to deal with her shyness. As she got better, she was not shy anymore and loved singing in front of crowds. Now she’s the Asian pop star. Do you want to know her story? ____ how Candy’s life has changed ____ Candy’s advice to young people ____ Candy’s background 1 1. Read the article and identify the paragraphs in which the following information appears. Number the information [1-3]. 2 3a 3 What style of the passage? A. Poem B. Argumentation(议论文) C. Narration(记叙文) D. Biograhy(传记) 1. Read the first paragraph and answer the questions. (1) How old is Candy Wang? (2) What was she like? She used to be really shy. She’s 19 years old. 3a (3) Why did she take up singing? To deal with her shyness. (4) What’s she like now? She’s not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds. 3. Read the second paragraph and fill in the chart. Good things Bad things 1. Being able to travel and meet new people all the time. 2. Get tons of attention everywhere she goes. 1. Always have to worry about how she appears to others. 2. Have to be careful about what she says or does. 3. Don’t have much private time anymore. 4. There are always guards around her. 4. Read the third paragraph and fill in the blanks. Candy’s advice to young people who want to become famous: 1. People have to be _________ to ____ ____ your ______ life. 2. You can never _______ how difficult the road to _______ is. up give prepared normal success imagine 3. You really require a lot of ______ and __________ to succeed. 4. Only a very small _______ of people make it to the _____. number hard work talent top Read the article again and complete the sentences about Candy. She used to be shy, but now she’s not shy ________. She didn’t use to be _______ in school, but now she gets lots of attention. She used to ________ with friends, but it is almost impossible now. She didn’t use to ___________ how she appears to others, but now she does. popular anymore 3b be careful hang out 1. Candy told me that she used to be really shy and took up singing to deal with her shyness. The table takes up too much room. 这桌子太占地方了。 They have taken up golf. 他们开始学起打高尔夫球了。 take up 开始;从事;接纳;占据;继续做 =do with 对付;处理 take up doing sth. 开始干某事 拓展: take 词组 take off 脱下; 起飞; take down 记下;取下 take place 发生 take part in 参加 take a walk 散步 take away 带走,拿走 take care of 照顾( = look after ) take charge 掌管,负责 dare to do sth. 敢于做某事 e.g. He doesn’t dare to jump from the top of the wall. 他不敢从墙上跳下来。 2. As she got better, she dared to sing in front of her class, and then for the whole school. 3.Now she’s not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds . ( 1 ) no longer = no more = not ... any longer =not ... anymore He no longer comes late. = He no more comes late. = He does n't come late any longer. = He does n't come late anymore. 4. Now she’s not shy anymore and loves singing in front of crowds. not … anymore 不再 …… e.g. People are not interested in movies anymore . 人们不再对电影感兴趣了。 4. … but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go. tons of sth. 大量的,许多的; e.g. They have tons of work every day. 5. I always have to worry about how I appear to others and I have to be very careful about what I say or do. 受到极大关注 为 ... 担心 6. “Well,” she begins slowly, “you have to be prepared to give up your normal life. prepare to do sth. 准备做某事 be prepared to do sth. 准备好做某事 prepare for sth. 为……做准备 be prepared for sth 为……做 好 准备 7. Many times I thought about giving up , but I fought on . fight (fought, fought) 努力去做,尝试 战斗,搏斗;争取 e.g. We must fight on until the end of the battle. 我们必须坚持到战斗结束。 fight on 奋力坚持 give up 放弃 require sb. to do sth 要求某人做某事 e.g. Fishing requires a lot of patience. 钓鱼需要很大的耐心。 They required us to help them. 他们要求我们帮助他们。 8. You really require a lot of talent and hard work to succeed. 1.The plane will ____ from Beijing Capital Airport and land in London. A. take up B. take out C. take away D. take off D Exercises: 2 .— _______ did you _____ your pocket money? — I sent it to the children in Sichuan. A. What; deal with B. How; do to C. What; deal to D. How; deal with 3.(2010· 广东 ) You should really _____ smoking. It's a terrible habit.   A. grow up B. pick up C. give up D. set up D Summary If you want to write a biography, how many parts you will write, and what are these parts about? Suppose you are the interviewer and your partner is Candy. Ask and answer questions. You can begin like this: A: Hi, Candy ,glad to see you! May I ask you some questions. B:...... Show yourself! Every coin has two sides. Hold your dream, and fight on. Homework Try to write a short biography about your favorite star. Thank you for listening!

