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人教版九年级英语上册期中检测题 ‎(时间“90分钟 分值:100分)‎ 第一部分 听力技能(共两节,计20分)‎ 第一节 听力选择(15小题,计15分)‎ 根据你所听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。‎ 听下面5段对话,每听完一个对话后,做一个小题。‎ ‎( )1. What do Chinese people usually do at the Spring Festival?【 : 】‎ ‎ ‎ A. B. C. ‎ ‎( )2. What are they talking about?‎ A. B. C. ‎ ‎( )3. What does the girl think of making word cards?【 :21· · · 】‎ ‎ A. It’s boring B. It’s interesting. C. It’s difficult.‎ ‎( )4. How often did the boy play tennis in the past ?‎ ‎ A. Once a week B. Twice a week. C. Twice a month. ‎ ‎( )5. When does the bookstore normally close?‎ ‎ A. At 6:30 p.m. B. At 7:30 p.m. C. At 8:30 p.m. ‎ 听第六段对话,做第6-7小题。‎ ‎( )6. Where does the man want to go?‎ ‎ A. A bank. B. A restaurant. C. A park. ‎ ‎( )7. For whom does the man buy a dictionary?‎ ‎ A. His son. B. His daughter. C. His friend.‎ 听第七段对话,做第8-9小题。‎ ‎( )8. What does the man want to buy?‎ ‎ A. A blouse. B. A dress. C. A T-shirt. ‎ ‎( )9. What does it made of?‎ ‎ A. Silk. B. Fiber. C. Cotton. ‎ 听第八段对话,做第10-12小题。‎ ‎( )10. What’s the relationship between the two speakers?3‎ ‎ A. Cousins. B. Classmates. C. Sister and brother.‎ ‎( )11. What did Ann use to be like? ‎ ‎ A. Short and outgoing. B. Short and quiet. C. Tall and quiet.‎ ‎( )12. Where will Jack go ? ‎ ‎ A.Paris. B. London. C. Ottawa. ‎ 听第九段对话,做第13-15小题。‎ ‎( )13. Who has been to Hawaii before?‎ ‎ A. Julia. B. Julia’s mother. C. Mike.‎ ‎( )14. How will Julia go to Hawaii?‎ ‎ A. By air. B. By subway. C. By train. ‎ ‎( )15. How long is Mike staying with his grandparents? ‎ ‎ A. One week. B. Two weeks. C. One month. ‎ 第二节 笔录要点(5小题,计5分)‎ 根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过3个单词。‎ ‎ Information about Paper Cutting2‎ When and where Stared in 16. 2000 years ago. ‎ Meaning It’s a symbol of strong 17. and local features.‎ History It was quiet popular in Qing Dynasty and many 18. were developed at that time.‎ Others ‎◆People usually used 19. to cut animals, flowers and figures with a pair of scissors or knives. ‎ ‎◆We can 20. from it, such as the comfortable environment and good harvests.‎ 第二部分 知识运用(两节,共20个小题,计20分)‎ 第一节 语法填空(15小题,计1分)‎ 从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的答案填空。‎ ‎( ) 21. ----- Shall we go for a picnic tomorrow?【 :21 】‎ ‎-----Well, it all ________ the weather.‎ A. puts on B. depends on C. gets on ‎( ) 22. Mary’s uncle made ________ possible for her to have a mobile phone.‎ A. it B. that C. this ‎ ‎( ) 23. I don’t know if it________ tomorrow. If it _______, I won’t go shopping.‎ A. rains; will rain B. will rain; will rain C. will rain; rains ‎( ) 24. The things on show are all made ________ China.21 01‎ A. in B. of C. from ‎( ) 25. Tom, you can’t pass the exams ________ you study hard..6‎ A. if B. until C. unless ‎( ) 26. -----Is that our math teacher?‎ ‎-----It ________be him. He is much taller. ‎ A. can’t B. shouldn’t C. might ‎( ) 27. -----________ fine weather today!‎ ‎ -----Yes, we can enjoy the sunshine.‎ A. What a B. What C. How ‎( ) 28. She used to ________ long hair, but now she is used to ________ short hair.‎ A. has; have B. having; having C. have; having ‎( ) 29. -----The boy is afraid of giving a speech in front of people.21· * ‎ ‎----- I think he should believe in _______.‎ A. him B. himself C. yourself ‎( ) 30. What languages _________ in that country?‎ A. are spoken B. is spoken C. are speaking ‎( ) 31. I learn math by ________ lots of exercises.‎ A. to do B. do C. doing ‎ ‎( ) 32. -----Where is Mr. Green? ‎ ‎ ----- Oh, he ________ the library.‎ A. has been in B. has gone to C. has been to ‎( ) 33. My teacher warned us ________ in the streets.‎ A. not to play B. don’t play C. to not play ‎ ‎( ) 34. I think today is even ________ than yesterday.‎ A. cold B. colder C. coldest ‎( ) 35. -----Excuse me, do you know _________?‎ ‎----Go along this street and then turn right.‎ A. where I can get to the bank B. how can I get to the bank ‎ C. how I can get to the bank 第二节 词语填空(10小题,计10分)‎ 通读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳答案。 ‎ China was the first country in the world to produce silk. Several centuries, Chinese 36 was the most popular product which was taken to the West.‎ Zhang Qian, a famous traveler, first “ 37 ” the Silk Road. From then on, the Silk Road ran 38 different countries. The Silk Road was 39 as China’s “national road”. It was the most 40 connection between the East and the West.‎ Many businessmen traveled in large caravans(车队)in the past. They 41 a lot of products along the Silk Road. The caravans took silk to the 42 . From the West, the caravans brought back gold, colored glass and European food.‎ ‎ Central Asia was in the middle part of the Silk Road. The caravans 43 silk and other products and traveled from China through Central Asia to the West. There were 44 main routes—the northern route, the central route and the southern route.‎ The Silk Road was not only very 45 for businessmen to trade their products, but also very important routes which spread different cultures. ‎ ‎( ) 36. A. tea B. wine C. silk ‎ ‎( ) 37. A. fix up B. set up C. clean up ‎ ‎( ) 38. A. with B. against C. through ‎ ‎( ) 39. A. regarded B. announced C. translated ‎( ) 40. A. important B. convincing C. peaceful ‎ ‎( ) 41. A. advertised B. produced C. exchanged ‎ ‎( ) 42. A. West B. North C. South ‎ ‎( ) 43. A. covered B. carried C. wasted ‎( ) 44. A. two B. three C. four ‎ ‎( ) 45. A. necessary B. adjustable C. comfortable ‎ 第三部分 阅读技能(共三节,计35分)‎ 第一节 阅读选择A、B、C三个选项中,选出最佳选项回答问题或完成句子。‎ A ‎ Street art is very popular all over the world. You can find it on buildings, street signs and dustbins from Tokyo to Paris, from Moscow to Cape Town. Street art has become a globe culture and even art museums are collecting works of street artists.‎ People have different opinions about street art. Some think it is bad, but others think it is a very beautiful new culture.‎ Street art began in New York in the 1960s. This style of drawing and writing became known as graffiti(涂鸦). Graffiti art showed that young people wanted to rebel against the rules. They traveled around cities to make paintings that everyone could see.‎ ‎ One well-known street artist is Swoon. She cuts out paper images of people and puts them on walls. Swoon didn’t start her career as a street artist. She studied art but, as time went on, got bored with the works she saw in museums. Then she fell in love with graffiti. The people in New York enjoy Swoon’s strong and interesting style. Some museums have already bought some of her works.‎ Street artists do their work for some reasons. A number of them choose street art because it is closer to the everyday life.‎ Nowadays, the Internet has a big influence on street art. Artists can show their pictures to the people all over the world. Many people, however, however, say that seeing a picture on the Internet is never as good as seeing it live.‎ ‎(  )46. Where did the street art begin?‎ ‎ A. In New York               B. In Cape Town C. In Tokyo            ‎ ‎(  )47. What does the underlined word “global” mean in Chinese? ‎ ‎ A. 全部的  B. 全国的 C. 全球的 ‎ (  )48. In the 1960s, in New York, young people ____________.‎ A. hated graffiti art B. liked to paint for museums ‎ C. wanted to say no to the rules through graffiti art ‎(  )49. Swoon studied ____________ in the past?‎ ‎ A. art B. science C. history ‎(  )50. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?‎ ‎ A. Young people all think street art is very beautiful new culture.‎ B. The people in New York like Swoon’s works.‎ C. The Internet has little influence on street art.‎ B 阅读下面的图表,做51~53小题。‎ ENGLISH LESSONS An experienced teacher is offering English lessons Please e-mail Mrs. Daniel at daniel_m@mail.com and tell her:‎ ‎● Your age ‎● Reasons for learning English ‎● Your level of English ‎● Areas that you are weak in ‎□grammar □listening □speaking ‎□reading □writing ‎( )51. If you are interested in the lessons you can ___________.   4‎ A. send an e-mail to Mrs. Daniel. B. write a letter to Mrs. Daniel. ‎ C. call Mrs. Daniel.‎ ‎( )52. You do Not have to tell Mrs. Daniel __________.【 :21 0】‎ A. how old you are. ‎ B. how you learn English. ‎ C. why you want to learn English. ‎ ‎( )53. How many areas does the poster offer? ‎ A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. ‎ 阅读下面的图表,做54~55小题。‎ Beijing 2-day Tour Departure date: daily Departure time: 8:00 a.m.‎ Return time: 6:00 p.m.‎ Price (per person in US dollar)‎ Group size ‎ Five- star service ‎ ‎★★★★★‎ Three-star service ‎★★★ ‎ ‎1 person ‎$ 230‎ ‎$ 150‎ ‎2-6 people ‎$ 135‎ ‎$ 95‎ ‎7 people or over ‎$ 115‎ ‎$ 80‎ ‎( )54. How often is the Beijing 2-day Tour offered?4‎ A. Every day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a week.‎ ‎( )52. If Mike, together with his parents, chooses five-star service Beijing2-day Tour, they will pay __________.‎ A. $ 230 B. $ 345 C. $ 405‎ 第二节 摘录要点(5小题,计5分)‎ 阅读下面的材料,然后在表格中完成内容摘要,每空不超过三个单词。‎ Exam stress is a hard part of life for many students. Why do they often feel stressed when ‎ getting ready for exams?‎ Many students feel stressed because of the expectations(期望)of their teachers and parents.‎ They want to make their teachers and parents pleased. This high aim can make the problem of exam stress get worse.‎ Some of the exams may come from the students themselves. Some students are afraid of failure. They are afraid that they can’t pass the exam, so they think about the exam’s difficulty and worry about their grades. This will certainly make them stressed. ‎ If students feel that they haven’t got ready for the exam, they will have a foreboding(有不祥预感的)feeling on test day. This will also make them stressed.‎ A poor night’s sleep influences students, too. If students do not get enough sleep the night before, they will feel stressed.5‎ Feeling nervous before an exam may always be part of school life. But if students know why they have exam stress, they can do something to stop it.‎ Reasons for exam stress The expectations of teachers and parents Students want to make their teachers and parents 56.____________.‎ Being afraid of failure They are worried about the difficulty of exams and their 57.____________.‎ Having a foreboding feeling They feel they haven’t 58._________the exam.‎ A (n) 59.___________‎ They don’t get enough sleep before exams.‎ Conclusion Students can do something to 60._______exam stress after they know the reason for it.‎ 第三节 回答问题(5小题,计10分)‎ 阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答问题。‎ When using the New York(NY)subway, tourists may get confused(困惑的)In fact, it’s quite simple if you’ve known how to use it. Each NY subway station has a subway map. It shows all the NY subway routes and schedules(时刻表)Also. NY subway stations are easy to find. Here’s some advice for you.21 ‎ Get familiar with(熟悉) the NY subway map:we suggest you use our simple NY subway map online to know the different NY subway routes. Also, there are some smart phones that can help you learn about the NY subway.‎ Buy a subway card:There are a few different types of subway cards. The first is a Single Ride Card. It is good for just one subway ride and costs $2.25. The second is a Pay-Per-Ride Card. NY subway passengers(乘客)can get anywhere from $4.50 to $100on one card of this type.‎ ‎ Finally, there’s a card which is good for one month. It is only suggested for tourists who stay in New York City for a long time. The subway card can also be used on NY buses.‎ ‎61. What does a subway map of New York show?‎ ‎62. Are NY subway stations easy to find?‎ ‎63. How can we get familiar with the NY subway map?21 ‎ ‎64. How much is a Single Ride Card?‎ ‎65. How many types of subway cards are mentioned in the passage?‎ 第四部分 写作技能(共三节,计20分)‎ 第一节 翻译语篇(5小题,计5分)‎ 阅读下面的短文,然后将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语。‎ June 2nd of 2014 was the Dragon Boat Festival. 66.它是中国的传统节日之一. But do you know how people celebrate it? Now, let’s have a look.‎ ‎67. This festival is in memory of Qu Yuan, who is a greatest Chinese poet. He killed himself by jumping into the Miluo River May 5th of the lunar calendar(阴历) , 278 BC. 68. Every year on this day, people enjoy eating zongzi. Zongzi is rice dumplings. There are usually different things inside zongzi. In the north, zongzi with jujube(枣子) or mashed red bean(红豆沙) is the most popular. While in the south , people like zongzi with meat or yolk(蛋黄)best. That’s traditional zongzi. 69.如今, 粽子已经发生了很大的变化. They are filled with things like fruits, nuts and so on. Also, zongzi comes in different shapes.‎ ‎70. The dragon boat races are, of course, an important part of this festival. Several teams row their dragon-shaped boats as fast as they can. The first team to reach the finish line wins. And a drummer often stands at the front of the boat to play the drum.‎ 第一节 完成对话(5小题,计5分)‎ 通读下面的对话,根据上下文补全对话内容。‎ A: Hi, Tim! You’re reading the novel again. 71 ? ‎ B: Three times. Every time I read it, I can learn something new. ‎ A: Really? 72 ? ‎ B: Mo Yan. I think he is a great Chinese writer.‎ A: 73 . He is also my favorite writer. Please let me have a look at it.‎ B: OK. Here you are.‎ A: Mike, 74 ?‎ B: It’s exciting. I haven’t seen such a novel for long.‎ A: 75 ? ‎ B: In the Xinhua Bookstore.‎ A: Oh, I see. I’m going there to get one, too.‎ 第二节 情景作文(计10分)‎ 假如你是李华, David 听说你现在与过去相比有很大的变化, 他特地来信询问有关情况。请根据下面提供的信息,写一封回信告诉他的变化。‎ 提示:1. 过去性格内向且腼腆,现在个子高了并且活泼;‎ ‎   2. 过去喜欢打篮球,踢足球,现在对电脑科学感兴趣;‎ ‎   3. 以前想当医生,现在想当电脑程序员,可以挣许多钱,并使家人过上幸福生活。‎ 注意:1. 60字左右;‎ ‎2. 文中不能出现可能透露考生真实身份的任何信息。‎ Dear David,‎ I have changed a lot in the past few years._________________________________________ ‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_______________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎ Yours,‎ ‎ Li Hua ‎ 期中测试题听力材料 一、根据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。‎ 据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。‎ 听下面5段对话,每听完一段对话后,做1个小题。‎ ‎1. W: What do Chinese people usually do at the Spring Festival?‎ M: We usually have Lion Dances.‎ ‎2. M: Hey, Lisa. You dress is so beautiful.‎ W: Thank you. My mother made it for my fifteenth birthday.‎ ‎3. M: Why don’t you make some word cards? It’s helpful.‎ W: But it’s boring. Don’t you have any other interesting way?‎ ‎4. W: You used to be interested in sports, didn’t you?‎ M: Yes, I used to go swimming once a week and play tennis twice a month.‎ ‎5. M: I am wondering if the bookstore is still open.‎ W: Well, it normally opens at 8:30 a.m. and closes at 7:30 p.m.‎ 听第六段对话,做第6-7小题。‎ M: Excuse me, could you tell me where I can find a restaurant?‎ W: Sure. Just go straight ahead and turn right at the second crossing. There is a neighborhood there. You can find lots of restaurants in it.‎ M: By the way, is there a bookstore around here? I want to get my son a dictionary.‎ W: No.‎ M: I see. Thank you very much.‎ 听第七段对话,做第8-9小题。‎ W: Good morning, can I help you?‎ M: Yes, I’d like to buy a blouse for my daughter.‎ W: May I ask how old your daughter is?‎ M: Yes, she is 12. She prefers comfortable clothes.‎ W: How about this blue one? It’s made of cotton and it’s in style.‎ M: That’s nice. I’ll take it.‎ W: OK. Please drink some water. I will pack it for you.‎ 听第八段对话,做第10-12小题。‎ W: Hi, Jack. Don’t you remember me?‎ M: Wow, you’re Ann.‎ W: That’s right.‎ M: You used to be short and quiet when we in the middle school. ‎ W: I used to be a little shy when I talked to others.‎ M: But now you are different.‎ W: Yes, I like talking with people and making new friends now. I remember you used to be interested in baseball and on our school baseball team.‎ M: But now I don’t play it a lot, because I’m busy learning French. You know I’ll go to Paris.‎ W: That’s great.‎ 听第九段对话,做第13—15小题。‎ M: Hi, Julia. What are you doing?‎ W: Hi, Mike. I’m looking for some information about Hawaii on the Internet. I’m going there for my summer holiday.‎ M: Have you ever been there before?‎ W: No, never. But my mother has been there once. She said there are many places of interest there.‎ M: When are you leaving?‎ W: I’m leaving at 8:30 a.m. on Thursday July 10th.‎ M: How are you going there, by plane?‎ W: Yes. Do you have any plans for the holiday, Mike?‎ M: Yes, I’ll visit my grandparents with my cousin Sam. I haven’t seen them for 3 years. I’ll stay with them for 2 weeks.‎ 第二节 笔录要点 根据你所听到的内容,填写下面的表格,每空不超过3个单词。‎ Paper cutting is kind of folk arts that remain popular all the time. Started in China over 2000 years ago, paper cutting has spread around the world. And different countries and different cultures have changed it according to their traditions. Paper cutting in China is a symbol of strong national style and local features. It was quiet popular in Qing Dynasty and many skills were developed at that time. People usually used red paper to cut animals, flowers and figures with a pair of scissors or knives. We can learn something from it, such as the comfortable environment and good harvests. ‎

