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外研版英语九(上)M7 U1单元同步测试 一、根据首字母和汉语提示填写单词。‎ ‎1. Jackie Chan is a w actor.‎ ‎2. The word has several different s .‎ ‎3. By the w , have you seen John lately?‎ ‎4. The students are d the problem in groups.‎ ‎5. I s Jim can’t finish her task in only two days.‎ ‎6. Confucius was a great teacher and (思想家).‎ ‎7. People are easily (影响) by their friends. ‎ ‎8. It’s (明智的) of Linda to ask Maria to help her with physics.‎ ‎9. Mr Wang asked me to hand in the book (评论) on Monday morning.‎ ‎10. ---- Can you (描述) her to me? ---- Sure. She is not only tall but also thin.‎ 二、单项选择。‎ ‎( ) 1. ---- Hi, Tom. ______? Why are you crying? ---- I hurt my left leg. ‎ A. What are you doing B. What are you up to C. How are you D. What’s up ‎( ) 2. I don’t want to ________ this problem with Jim on the phone. ‎ A. provide        B. satisfy  C. discuss            D. show ‎( ) 3. We must hold a about whether the plan is good or not. ‎ A. introduction B. instruction C. discussion D. speaking ‎( ) 4. I’m afraid I a little late for the class.‎ A. maybe B. may be C. may D. can be ‎( ) 5. She has ________ his invitation, but she will not ________ it.‎ A. received; accept B. received; receive C. accepted; accept D. accepted; receive ‎( ) 6. Han Han’s books are popular. They ________ by many teenagers. ‎ A. are reading B. are read C. were read D. are readed ‎( ) 7. Our city is very clean and beautiful because the streets ____ every day. ‎ A. clean B. are cleaned C. are cleaning D. is cleaned ‎( ) 8. ---- He failed the exam again! What should I do, Miss Wang? ---- In my opinion, your son is than stupid. ‎ A. quite lazier B. much lazier C. more lazy D. very lazier ‎( ) 9. The singer and writer from Guangdong. ‎ A. comes B. are C. come D. coming ‎( ) 10. ---- Do you like reading books? ---- Yes. Each of us to do more reading in and after class.‎ A. are encouraged B. encourage C. is encouraging D. is encouraged ‎( ) 11. Ms Wang said, “You should write a book ______ after you finish reading The Arabian Nights.”‎ A. shop B. title C. club D. review ‎( ) 12. His books are very popular and have ________ lots of people. ‎ A. influenced   B. hug  C. hurt          D. fed ‎( ) 13. It doesn’t make to memorize lots of words if you don’t know how to use them in daily life.‎ A. effort B. difference C. sense D. choice ‎( ) 14. ---- Look! It’s raining heavily. take a raincoat with you? ---- Well, I’ll take one right now.‎ A. On the way B. By the way C. In this way D. At the way ‎( ) 15. I ________ the prices of the eggs will go up again. Do you think so?‎ A. hope           B. decide    C. remember       D. suppose ‎ ‎( ) 16. Animals are our close friends. We are supposed them.‎ A. to protect B. protecting C. protect D. to protecting 3‎ ‎( ) 17. Yao Ming is well-known a great basketball player. ‎ A. with B. for C. as D. to ‎( ) 18. Sanya is well-known its beautiful beaches.‎ A. of B. for C. as D. to ‎( ) 19. ---- English isn’t as as Chinese. ---- Maybe, it’s just because Chinese is your native language.‎ A. easy B. easily C. easier D. easiest ‎( ) 20. ---- What can I do this weekend? ---- Why don’t you at home?‎ A. having a good rest B. to have a good rest C. has a good rest D. have a good rest 三、用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。‎ ‎1. All the students joined the (discuss) of great book.‎ ‎2. My grandpa often sees (play) instead of operas when he is free.‎ ‎3. Toby bought some flowers for Lily, but she didn’t (accept) them.‎ ‎4. Lily is good at dancing. I think he is (much) a dancer than a teacher.‎ ‎5. The Mona Lisa is one of the most famous (work) of art in the world.‎ 四、根据汉语意思完成句子(每空一词)。‎ ‎1. 你为什么不买这条红色的裙子呢? ‎ ‎ Buy the red dress? ‎ ‎2. 与其说她是位歌唱家,倒不如说她是位音乐家。‎ She is a musician a singer.‎ ‎3. 我们受到孔子思想的影响。‎ We by Confucius’s thoughts.‎ ‎4. 你参加过龙舟赛吗? ‎ Have you ever a dragon boat race?‎ ‎5. 顺便问一下,你认为这个队的水平如何?‎ ‎ , what do you think about this team?‎ ‎6. 路先生认为马克说的话没道理。‎ In Mr Lu’s opinion, what Mark said . ‎ ‎7. ---- 怎么了?你看起来很伤心。---- 我在校吉他赛中得了第四名。‎ ‎---- ? You look very sad. ---- I came fourth in the school guitar com-petition.‎ 五、根据对话内容,从方框内的选项中选出能填人空白处的最佳选项,其中有两个项是多余的。‎ A. I like Shakespeare very much. B. Have you read his plays? C. I want to write an essay about him. ‎ D. I will introduce another way to you to find the information quickly. E. I’ve no idea.‎ F. I am looking for some information about the writer—Shakespeare. G. I refer to Romeo and Juliet.‎ Julia:What are you doing in the library? ‎ Jack:1 ‎ Julia:Shakespeare? He is a famous English writer, poet and play writer. ‎ Jack:Yes, I am interested in his plays. 2 ‎ Julia:He wrote many plays in his life. 3 ‎ Jack:Which one do you refer to? ‎ Julia:4 It is a wonderful play. ‎ Jack:No, I haven’t read it. I am looking for the information. ‎ Julia:5 ‎ Jack:Really? Please tell me. ‎ Julia:You can visit the website http: //absolute-shakespeare. com/plays/plays. htm. ‎ Jack:Thank you. ‎ Julia:You are welcome. ‎ 3‎ 外研版英语九(上)M7 U1单元同步测试(答案)‎ 一、1. well-known 2. senses 3. way 4. discussing 5. supposes 6. thinker 7. influenced 8.wise 9. review 10. describe 二、1—5 DCCBA 6—10 BBCAD 11—15 DACBD 16—20 ACBAD 三、1. discussion 2. plays 3. accept 4. more 5. works 四、1. Why don’t you 2. more; than 3. are influenced 4. joined in 5. By the way 6. makes no sense/doesn’t make sense 7. What’s up 五、1—5 FCBGD 3‎

