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杭州市建兰中学2017学年第一学期10月月考九年级英语 阅读理解 A Everyone knows it is very easy to cook instant noodles by putting them into the boiling water and add in those MSG(味精) packets(小包), together with other food like eggs or vegetables. However, have you ever wondered whether this is the correct way of cooking them? In order to make the noodles joined together nicely side by side, it needs some form of wax coating(石蜡涂层) in order to show an attractive instant noodles in front of us. However, researches have shown that the layer(层) of wax coating on the noodles is quite harmful to our body and we should not eat in too frequently. We should have a break of 2-3 days before we start to eat another packet of instant noodles as our body needs about 3 days to clear that layer of was coating away from our body system. Do you know the danger of having too much wax coating stored in our stomach? It will lead to CANCER if it is stored in our body system for a long time. ‎ There are 2 key points to pay attention while preparing instant noodles:‎ ‎1) Wash the instant noodles with warm water first, stir(搅和) it and pour away the water with the wax coating.‎ ‎2) Repeat Step 1 and try to stir the noodles again to wash away the wax coating on the noodles before cooking it in a new pot of water.‎ If you have eaten other types of noodles, you will notice that the store seller will wash the noodles in warm water first to keep the noodles from sticking(粘) together and for the case of instant noodles, the wax coating on the noodles is keeping the noodles from sticking together. It is very important to wash away the wax coating while preparing a meal as we don’t want our body to be in danger.‎ Hope this article will let more people have self-awareness of the hidden danger of instant noodles and eat safely and stay healthy.‎ ‎1. The purpose of the writer is to tell us ____.‎ A. how the instant noodles are made ‎ B. how to cook instant noodles ‎ C. something about the layer of wax coating on the noodles ‎ D. how to eat instant noodles safely and healthily ‎2. Many people don’t care about too much of the wax coating on the instant noodles because ____.‎ A. they enjoy the taste of the wax coating ‎ B. they can keep instant noodles fresh ‎ C. they don’t know the hidden danger at all ‎ D. their body clear it faster than other people ‎3. The function(功能) of the wax coating in the instant noodles is to ____.‎ A. make the noodles more delicious and tasty ‎ B. make it easier to cook for the eaters ‎ C. make the instant noodles healthier and more attractive to the eaters ‎ D. make the noodles joined in a piece and avoid them sticking together ‎【参考答案】DCD B When George Dennehy was a young boy, he never dreamed he would serve others as a motivational(励志) speaker and musician. But the armless teenager has spent the last couple of years sharing his story and encouraging others.‎ Born with no arms in Romania, Dennehy’s condition was terrible, so his parents sent him to an orphanage(孤儿院), and finally, Dennehy was brought up by a family in America.‎ Early on, he says his American parents noticed his musical abilities. “When I was 8 years old, my mom wanted me to take cello(大提琴) lessons and I started playing,” he says, adding that he “didn’t really enjoy it”. His first teacher, Shalley, helped him play with his feet.‎ ‎“She actually learned to play the cello with her feet. She wanted to see if it was possible to do it. She made up foot exercises to do. I am really grateful for what she has done for me.” He says.‎ At the beginning of high school, when the cello became not so cool to play, Dennehy took up playing the guitar and picked it up pretty fast.‎ ‎“It was necessary, though, to learn the cello first, because it’s the hardest of all to play,” he says. “The only ‎ difference in the guitar is that I’m playing the cords(弦).” Dennehy uses a guitar. “I play in the same tune as everyone else does,” he notes.‎ Learning to play music hasn’t been an easy road. He was shy at first. But every time he got on stage to perform or play music, he could see how the audience(观众) admired him for his abilities and that gave him confidence to chase his dream.‎ No matter what situation we’re in, anything is possible. It is so east to give up sometimes. But we shouldn’t do that. That’s more important for us.‎ ‎1. What can we learn about George Dennehy from the first two paragraphs?‎ A. He doesn’t think he can serve others. ‎ B. He has spent a year sharing his story.‎ C. His parents gave him to an American couple. ‎ D. He grew up in a Romanian orphanage. ‎ ‎2. When did George Dennehy get confidence in running after his dream according to the passage?‎ A. After the audience admired his abilities. ‎ B. When Shalley taught him to play the cello.‎ C. After he played the cello well. ‎ D. When he shared his story and encouraged others.‎ ‎3. In the last paragraph, the author most wants to tell us ____.‎ A. No pain, no gain. B. Little by little, one goes far.‎ C. Nothing is impossible. D. The first step is always the hardest.‎ ‎【参考答案】AAC C If you stay in space for a long time, will your body change? Mark Kelly and Scott Kelly from the United States will show you the answer. Mark and Scott are twins. They are both retired NASA(美国国家航天航空局) astronauts. From 2015 to 2016, Scott spent 340 days at the international space station, while Mark stayed on the earth. People took measures of both men before, during and after the flight. They were helping with a NASA ‎ project which studies how long-term space travel influences the human body. The full results of the study will come out in a year or two. But scientists are sharing some findings in the journal Nature.‎ A change in appearance was easy to see. Scott, when he returned to the Earth, was 5cm taller before. Another change was that Scott’s eyesight declined after he came back. He found he couldn’t see clearly. He also found that he couldn’t move his legs so easily like before. Scientist found that after coming back to the earth, he took a little longer to understand things and make decisions.‎ There were also changes that were much harder to see. As someone ages, his telomeres(端粒) get shorter and become less effective to stop DNA from getting damaged. But during Scott’s stay in space, his telomeres got longer while Mark’s kept getting shorter.‎ Further tests on the twins are still going on. NASA plans to send people to Mars in the 2030s, and the twins’ research could help them prepare for those space trips.‎ ‎1. Which of the following is NOT true about Scott? ‎ A. He is from the United States. B. He has a twin brother. ‎ C. He was once a NASA astronaut. D. He has never been to space before.‎ ‎2. We can know that scientists did the research between the twins in order to ____.‎ A. study how twin brothers act differently in life ‎ B. learn more about the twins’ daily life ‎ C. study how long-term space travel influences the human body ‎ D. decide if Mars is suitable for humans to live on ‎3. What does the underlined word “declined” mean in Chinese?‎ A. 控制 B. 漂浮 C. 提高 D. 下降 ‎4. What didn’t Scott experience while he returned to the earth?‎ A. He could walk faster than before. ‎ B. He grew taller than before.‎ C. He couldn’t understand others as well as before. ‎ D. His telomeres became longer.‎ ‎5. The last paragraph mainly tells us ____.‎ A. the full results of the twins’ research ‎ B. the purpose of the twins’ research C. the fun of space travel ‎ D. the success of the twins’ research ‎【参考答案】DCDAB D Umbrellas are certainly one of life’s necessary helpers. But as anyone ever caught in a heavy rain will tell you, they’re far from perfect. So, many creative designers made efforts to challenge. Here are four clever designs that can solve the rainy day problems.‎ Senz Common umbrellas love to invert(翻转) when it’s windy. The Senz umbrella changes the round shape into the one that’s long in the back and short in the front. The design is much stronger against even strong winds, and according to their tests, the Senz works well.‎ Nubrella An American named Alan Kaufman and his company spend 6 years inventing this hand-free umbrella. The hand-free umbrella is called Nubrella. The umbrella can rest on the user’s shoulders. So the user needn’t hold the umbrella any more. And it’s convenient to make a phone call or ride a bike without an umbrella in the hand.‎ Kazbrella There is no doubt that this kind of umbrella is the shining star in the umbrella market this year. Common umbrella drip(滴水) everywhere when they are closed. Kazbrella tries to solve this problems in a special way. Though it looks like common umbrellas, the design allows the wet side of the umbrella to be inside once you fold it. As a result, getting in and out of your car is not a problem.‎ Rain Shield In the face of a heavy rainstorm, rain can hit you from all directions. Rain Shield gives the protection from the sideway rain and its bendy(弯曲) design means it won’t invert. It can handle strong wind. When not in use, it folds ‎ into a small piece.‎ 1. According to the first paragraph, we know that the common umbrellas ____.‎ A. are useful but not perfect enough ‎ B. can only be used in a heavy rain ‎ C. can protect us very well in a heavy rain ‎ D. are challenges for creative designers 2. The umbrella in the following picture is called ____.‎ A. Senz B. Nubrella C. Kazbrella D. Rain Shield 3. If you use Rain Shield in a heavy rainstorm, ____.‎ A. it’s not convenient enough to take ‎ B. it can protect you from sideway rain C. it will prevent neither rain nor wind ‎ D. it’s easier to get in and out of the car 4. Which sentence is WRONG according to the passage?‎ A. Senz is easy to hold because of its special shape even in windy weather. ‎ B. Nubrella is a great idea of those who want to play sports on rainy days,‎ C. Kazbrella opens from the inside out and keeps dry when you carry around. ‎ D. Rain Shield sells best with the special shape and it folds into a small piece.‎ ‎【参考答案】ACBD 任务型阅读 下面文章中有五处(第31-35题)需要添加小标题,请从以下选项(A、B、C、D、E和F)中选出符 合各段意思的小标题。选项中有一项是多余的。‎ A. Encourage yourself.‎ B. Pick up a hobby.‎ C. Speak louder.‎ D. Become more confident E. Play sports.‎ F. Get rid of (消除) fear.‎ Confidence is very important in daily life. It can help you develop a healthy attitude. A study shows that people who are more confident are much happier. They may have more chances to become successful. But how can we be more confident? Here are some suggestions:‎ ‎1. ____ When you are not confident, it’s hard to do what you want to do well. You speak in a voice so low that other people can hardly hear you. Try to speak loud enough so people can hear you clearly. You voice can help you become more confident.‎ ‎2. ____ Write down a list of things you did during the day to see how many things you did well. Did you finish your homework? Did you tell a joke that made everybody laugh? Give yourself praise for the good things you’ve done.‎ ‎3. ____ Fear goes along with failure. But it’s easy to overcome if you understand that failure is part of life. Don’t hide in your head just because you said something stupid once. Try to start again and believe you can do better.‎ ‎4. ____ If you like singing, sing as much as you can. In some ways, a hobby can make you excellent. And it will make you happy and confident.‎ ‎【参考答案】DEAFB 完形填空 Rob Howes wanted to spend a day at the beach. He __1__ his daughter Nicky and her two friends, Helen Slade and Karina Cooper. They all went to Ocean Beach in New Zealand, where Howes was a lifeguard.‎ The group swam and bodysurfed(徒手冲浪). Then they saw something __2__. “Suddenly, there are these fins(鳍),” said Howes.‎ The __3__ saw seven dolphins moving towards them. The dolphins seemed __4__. They hit the water with their tails. They kept __5__ in a circle around the swimmers. __6__, one large dolphin swam towards Howes and Helen. Next, it dived down under water. That’s when Howes saw something grey moving in the __7__.‎ A great white shark __8__ underwater. It wasn’t far from the people. The shark headed straight towards Nicky and Karina. Now the shark was not slow. It moved __9__! So the dolphins used their tails to swim even faster. Each one splashed its tail even more. Then Howes knew __10__ the dolphins did so. The dolphins didn’t want the shark to __11__ him and the girls. These sea mammals wanted to keep them safe.‎ The dolphins stayed close to the group __12__ the shark left. When Howes and the kids were safe, the dolphins __13__.‎ ‎“You want to say __14__ and shake their fins,” Howes said, “This isn’t a fishy tale! These dolphins are __15__.”‎ ‎1. A. brought B. missed C. returned D. searched ‎2. A. broken B. common C. strange D. polluted ‎3. A. trainers B. coaches C. fishermen D. swimmers ‎4. A. happy B. excited C. worried D. angry ‎5. A. walking B. moving C. running D. jumping ‎6. A. Finally B. Then C. First D. Second ‎7. A. pool B. air C. island D. water ‎8. A. waited B. lay C. slept D. danced ‎9. A. beautifully B. fast C. heavily D. away ‎10. A. where B. what C. why D. whether ‎11. A. touch B. kick C. hurt D. protect ‎12. A. until B. after C. if D. since ‎13. A. swam away B. jumped down C. dropped by D. blew out ‎14. A. thank you B. sorry C. yes D. no ‎15. A. partners B. heroes C. god D. stars ‎【参考答案】DCDAB DDABC CAAAB 语法填空 Brittany Amano wants to make sure every child in the US has enough to eat.‎ Brittany Amano, now 18, knew how it 1 ________(feel) to go hungry. Her mother tried to find a job in Honolulu, Hawaii to support the family. Her grandmother helped out as much 2 ________ she could. But the family still had to depend on a local food bank 3 ________(live) on, and for that she was 4 ________(thank).‎ When they lost their home, Amano’s family had to live in 5 ________ friend’s basement(地下室). Amano told a 6 ________(report) from TFK. “The experience made me want to give hope to others in the same situation.”‎ In the 7 ________(four) grade, she and some of her friends started a food project. They raised $700 and collected 800 pounds of food. At twelve, Amano set up the nonprofit (非营利的) group Hawaii’s Future Isn’t Hungry. She hoped to raise $10,000 when she finished high school. She ended up 8 ________(raise) more than $500,000 in four years.‎ With the money, the nonprofit group, now 9 ________(call) The Future Isn’t Hungry, can offer fresh fruits, vegetables, and other healthy foods to school kids on Friday. This is to make sure that the kids and their families have enough food to get them 10 ________ the weekend. So far, the effort has helped more than 750,000 people.‎ ‎【参考答案】felt as to live thankful a reporter fourth raising called on 单词拼写 ‎1. Lisa said “hello” to her friend’s parent p ________ when she met them in the street.‎ ‎2. Don’t give up working hard, and I believe you’ll m ________ it to the top one day.‎ ‎3. I wonder w ________ June is a good time to visit Hong Kong or not.‎ ‎4. The reason why he was a ________ from the class was that he was feeling unwell.‎ ‎5. She learns English by r ________ the lessons after class every day, so she can always get good grades in the exams.‎ ‎6. Kong Yiji is one of the famous n ________ written by Lu Xun.‎ ‎7. It is known that anyone who breaks the laws will be p ________.‎ ‎8. Now I’m p ________ of Jianlan and in the future Jianlan will take pride in my success.‎ ‎9. When Jenny came back home from school, her father was planting a tree in their g ________.‎ ‎10. His hen has l ________ several eggs since last week.‎ ‎【参考答案】politely make whether absent reviewing novels punished proud garden ‎ ‎ laid 书面表达 假设你是李华,你的美国笔友Jack正在为即将来到的考试焦虑不已,严重影响了生活和学习,为此写信向你求助。请根据以下要点并添加你的建议,用英语给他回一封信。‎ ‎1. make a plan ‎2. exercise very often ‎3……‎ ‎4……‎ 注意:词数80词左右。开头已给出,可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。‎ Dear Jack,‎ I am sorry to hear that you feel extremely nervous before an important exam. I’d like to give you some advice. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ Yours,‎ Li Hua

