人教版九年级英语上册单元测试题Unit 8

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人教版九年级英语上册单元测试题Unit 8

人教版九年级英语上册单元测试题Unit 8‎ 第二卷 笔试部分(95分)‎ 六、单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分)‎ ‎26. —I found a blue hat ____ the picnic. ‎ ‎—Oh, it may belong ____ David. He likes wearing hats very much. ‎ A. for; in B. at; to ‎ C. at; for D. to; at ‎27. —What beautiful handwriting! I wonder____ notebook this is. ‎ ‎—It must be Gina's. ‎ A. which B. whose C. what D. whom ‎28. —Dear, you ____ be hungry after that long walking. ‎ ‎—Yes, Mom. I can't wait to pig out(大吃) on my favorite hamburgers. ‎ A. must B. could C. can D. might ‎29. —Paul, when do you plan to start for the meeting tomorrow?‎ ‎—Alex, didn't ____ tell you that the meeting had been put off?‎ A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody ‎30. —It could be a girl's room. ‎ ‎—I guess so. ____ the room is very tidy. ‎ A. Unless B. Although C. When D. Because ‎31. —Linda seems very sad. ‎ ‎—Of course. She lost her mobile phone and it is ____ to her. ‎ A. enjoyable B. available C. valuable D. comfortable ‎32. —Why did Ruth's mother ____ her going out to play?‎ ‎—Because she hasn't finished her homework. ‎ A. advise B. prevent C. promise D. keep ‎33. —You are always full of ____. Can you tell me the secret?‎ ‎—Taking plenty of exercise every day. ‎ A. attention B. force C. energy D. support ‎34. Tina comes to China in order to experience Chinese culture and find out which university is ‎ 12‎ ‎ ‎ the best for her to____. ‎ A. attend B. honor C. avoid D. refuse ‎35. —It was said that the moon had been eaten by the heavenly hound(天狗). ‎ ‎—____ It is nothing but a madeup story. ‎ A. Oh, what a pity! B. I'm really worried. ‎ C. Wow, that's great! D. It can't be true. ‎ 七、完形填空。(每小题1分,共15分)‎ A video showing a 12yearold boy from Moche, Peru, doing his homework on the sidewalk, under a streetlight, has been watched several million times on Facebook after being__36__by the local police. ‎ Staff at the Moche police station first__37__Victor Martin late last month, while checking security cameras(监控摄像). They found a young boy sitting on the sidewalk by__38__at night. At first, they thought he was doing something bad, but later they realized he was__39__writing something in his notebook, taking advantage of the streetlight overhead. Moved by the boy's__40__, the police shared the video on Facebook. ‎ At the time of this writing, Victor's heartwarming and__41__heartbreaking story has spread all over the world. The local TV station__42__ to find the boy and sat down with his mother to learn why he was doing his homework on the street instead of at home. ‎ It turns out that the 12yearold's family was so__43__that they couldn't pay for electricity(电), so they just depended on a__44__during the night. Unluckily, Victor Martin could__45__ finish his homework before the sun went down, and recently he couldn't __46__ the weak candlelight any more.   “One day, my son said‘__47__I continue with the candle, I will be crazy! I'd better go outside to finish my homework,'” Rosa Angulo Cordoba told Panamericana TV. She__48__ that Victor's neck would often become hard to move because of tilting(倾斜) his head to let the candlelight through. ‎ Although Victor__49__housework and takes care of the family sheep every day, the sixth grader takes__50__very seriously and gets good grades. ‎ ‎36. A. shared B. taken C. discussed D. praised ‎37. A. met B. interviewed C. noticed D. caught ‎38. A. itself B. yourself C. myself D. himself 12‎ ‎ ‎ ‎39. A. shyly B. actually C. carelessly D. certainly ‎40. A. wish B. plan C. spirit D. hobby ‎41. A. by the way B. at least C. at the same time D. in the end ‎42. A. managed B. stopped C. promised D. refused ‎43. A. traditional B. popular C. special D. poor ‎44. A. flash B. candle C. camera D. fire ‎45. A. seldom B. even C. only D. still ‎46. A. change B. stand C. enjoy D. protect ‎47. A. Although B. Because C. If D. Until ‎48. A. added B. warned C. hoped D. lied ‎49. A. puts off B. worries about C. gives up D. helps with ‎50. A. health B. school C. friendship D. safety 八、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)‎ A There are many unsolved mysteries in life even though science, technology, and research have come a very long way. Let's enjoy the following unsolved mysteries. ‎ The Bermuda Triangle ‎ (百慕大三角)‎ Located in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean, the Bermuda Triangle is a looselydefined(宽松定义的)area. There a number of planes and ships are said to have disappeared. Pilots say their instruments can't work there. With explanations from gas bubbles(气泡)to aliens, no one is sure what is behind the strange thing. ‎ The Loch Ness Monster For ages, people have been hearing about the Loch Ness Monster. Over the years photos and videos of actual footprints have been checked and watched over and over again to find out if it could be a sea ‎ 12‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ (尼斯湖水怪)‎ snake or a dinosaur(恐龙). Even today, it may still exist and swim under the waters. ‎ Nazca Lines ‎ ‎(纳斯卡线条)‎ Nazca Lines are located in southern Peru and cover about 170 square miles. There are numbers of things from the natural world to the human imagination such as spiders, monkeys, sharks, flowers and so on. But the exact meanings of many of the geoglyphs remain unknown. ‎ ‎51. The Bermuda Triangle is ____ the North Atlantic Ocean. ‎ A. in the east of B. in the west of C. to the west of D. to the east of ‎52. People check the photos and videos of the Loch Ness Monster repeatedly because ____. ‎ A. the monster is very beautiful B. they are interested in the living thing C. they want to know what it is actually D. the monster will disappear soon ‎53. Nazca Lines have an area of about ____ square miles. ‎ A. 150 B. 1,500 C. 1,700 D. 170‎ ‎54. What can we learn about Nazca Lines?‎ A. Ships get lost there from time to time. ‎ B. There used to be large numbers of aliens. ‎ C. The instruments of the planes can't work there. ‎ D. People don't know the true meanings of some geoglyphs. ‎ ‎55. Which is TRUE according to the reading?‎ A. The Loch Ness Monster must be a special dinosaur. ‎ B. Nazca Lines include pictures of some animals. ‎ C. There will be more and more unsolved mysteries in the future. ‎ D. People have found a reasonable explanation of the lost ships. ‎ 12‎ ‎ ‎ B Each week at The NorthWest Weekly, we choose one of our readers' best stories about something real but amazing that happened to him or her. Here Jennifer Dos Santos told us about the mysterious story. ‎ I'll never forget that journey. It was a cold November day and I was flying from Portland to Seattle to visit my family. I was busy reading an interesting novel on the plane, so I didn't speak to the businessman next to me. But I remember him very clearly. He was wearing a smart suit and dark sunglasses, and he wasn't acting strangely or doing anything unusual. ‎ After an hour, he called the flight attendant(乘务员). He talked quietly to her and showed his briefcase to her. Then he stood up and followed the flight attendant to the front of the plane. He didn't return to his seat for the rest of the trip. Finally we arrived safely in Seattle, and all the passengers got off the plane. ‎ The next day I learned the truth from the newspaper. The plane didn't stay in Seattle. __▲__The man in the suit was a hijacker(劫机者). He told the flight attendant he had a bomb(炸弹) in his briefcase, and that he requested $200,000 and four parachutes(降落伞). When the plane landed in Seattle, the man received what he wanted and forced the plane to fly to Mexico. During the trip, he put on his parachute, opened the door of the plane and jumped with all the money in his briefcase!‎ What happened next? Nobody knows. The man just disappeared into thin air! ‎ ‎56. What did Jennifer do when she was on the plane?‎ A. She listened to some music. ‎ B. She talked with the flight attendant. ‎ C. She read something interesting. ‎ D. She talked with the man nearby. ‎ ‎57. Which is the RIGHT picture for “briefcase”?‎ A. B. C. D. ‎ ‎58. Which of the following sentences can be put in __▲__?‎ A. Instead it flew back to Portland. ‎ 12‎ ‎ ‎ B. Instead it flew down to Mexico. ‎ C. There was something wrong with it. ‎ D. The flight attendant called the police at once. ‎ ‎59. When did the hijacker jump off the plane?‎ A. Before the plane landed in Seattle. ‎ B. When the plane took off in Portland. ‎ C. As soon as he received the parachutes. ‎ D. During the trip from Seattle to Mexico. ‎ ‎60. What can we learn from the passage?‎ A. The story took place on a cold November day. ‎ B. Jennifer arrived in Seattle with her family safely. ‎ C. The hijacker looked very strange and did something unusual. ‎ D. The plane arrived in Mexico and all the passengers got off safely. ‎ C As one of the oldest castles in Ireland, Blarney Castle(布拉尼城堡)was built in 1446. It's so fantastic that more than 450,000 visitors come to visit it every year. ‎ When we talk about Blarney Castle, we must mention the magic Blarney Stone. It was built into the wall at the top of Blarney Castle. The tradition of kissing the Blarney Stone dates back more than 200 years. It's said that if you kiss the stone, you will get the gift of great speaking skills. So, it's not only an excellent place for a visit but a true window into the Irish culture. ‎ However, it's never easy to get that gift. To kiss the Blarney Stone, one must lie on his back and hang upside down while holding onto the metal bars(棒). For visitors' safety, a worker from Blarney Castle is there to help those kissing the stone. ‎ Though there is no recorded history about the origins(来源)of the stone, there is an interesting story. Some people believe that the stone was brought over from the Holy Land. After the owner of the castle saved a witch(女巫)from a nearby lake, she was so thankful that she gave the stone to him as a gift. She told him that if he kissed it, he would become good at speaking. ‎ We'll never know for sure whether the story is true or not, but it does add to the mystery ‎ 12‎ ‎ ‎ and excite the interest of tourists from around the world. ‎ ‎61. It's said that one can ____ by kissing the Blarney Stone. ‎ A. improve his speaking skills B. get a better view of Blarney Castle C. get the ticket to Blarney Castle for free D. communicate with lrish people more easily ‎62. In the writer's opinion, it's____ to kiss the Blarney Stone. ‎ A. dangerous B. necessary C. impossible D. difficult ‎63. Why did the witch give the stone to the owner of the castle?‎ A. To play a joke on him. ‎ B. To show her thanks to him. ‎ C. To make Blarney Castle more beautiful. ‎ D. To help him save more people from water. ‎ ‎64. What can we learn from the passage?‎ A. Blarney Castle is older than any other castle in lreland. ‎ B. The tradition of kissing the Blarney Stone started not long ago. ‎ C. The Blarney Stone plays an important role in Blarney Castle. ‎ D. The writer thinks the story about the origins of the stone is unbelievable. ‎ ‎65. What's the writer's purpose in writing this passage?‎ A. To encourage us to kiss the Blarney Stone. ‎ B. To tell us something about the Blarney Stone. ‎ C. To warn us not to get too close to the Blarney Stone. ‎ D. To show us how the Blarney Stone was built into the wall. ‎ 九、阅读还原。(每小题2分,共10分) ‎ Tanya Smith saw something very strange when she was walking to school last Thursday. 66. ________ Tanya decided to walk through the fields to school. She opened the gate at the back of her garden and followed the small path(小路) into the fields. 67. ________ She noticed that the cows in this field were all running away from something. ‎ 12‎ ‎ ‎ Then she opened the gate and walked into the apple orchard(果园). The birds in the trees were singing and Tanya was thinking about her first lesson at school that day. 68. ________ “I didn't know what it was,” said Tanya. “At first I thought it was a cat but later I realized that the sound was different. ” After a few minutes, the sound stopped, but Tanya felt quite scared. 69. ________ She looked back at the trees and saw a strange dark animal in the corner of the orchard. ‎ She took a photo of the animal with her mobile phone and then ran into her school. 70. ________ The teacher called the police at once. ‎ A. Then she suddenly heard a different noise. ‎ B. She walked through the first field and into the second field. ‎ C. She ran through the orchard and stopped at the fence(栅栏) between the orchard and her school. ‎ D. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful autumn day. ‎ E. As soon as she got to school, Tanya showed the photo to a teacher.‎ ‎ ‎ 十、词汇运用。(每小题1分,共5分)‎ 根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。‎ ‎71. Michael often ________ (表达) his love for nature in poems. ‎ ‎72. Last night Tom watched the soccer game until midnight; now he is feeling ________(困倦的). ‎ ‎73. The ________ (目的) of this activity is to help the poor girl in our class. ‎ ‎74. We will choose Ruby as the ________(领导) of the club. ‎ ‎75. The scientist spends most of his time in the ________ (实验室). ‎ 十一、根据汉语意思完成句子。(每小题1分,共5分)‎ ‎76. 听!有人在音乐室里弹钢琴。‎ Listen! __________________________ the piano in the music room. ‎ ‎77. 我发现我的书包不在图书馆了,我想一定有人已经捡了。‎ I find my schoolbag isn't in the library. I think somebody __________________________. ‎ ‎78. 那名警察一直追着小偷,直到抓住他。‎ 12‎ ‎ ‎ The policeman kept ____________ the thief until he caught him. ‎ ‎79. 老师提问时,我和李雷同时站了起来。‎ When the teacher asked the question, Li Lei and I stood up ________________________. ‎ ‎80. 他指出了晚上单独驾车的危险。‎ He ______________________________________________________ the danger of driving alone at night. ‎ 十二、从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空。每空限填一词,每词限用一次(有两个词多余)。(每小题1分,共10分) ‎ allow, use, you, fail, thank, express, what, prevent, victory, die, alive, decide Dear Mom,‎ I'm writing this letter, but it looks strange because you haven't received my letters for many years. I 81. ________ to write you letters all the time when I was a little boy. When I did something wrong or when I had problems that I was not able to solve, I would always write 82. ________ a letter. ‎ Today is your birthday. I think I should write to you again to 83. ________ how I'm feeling. I want to express my 84. ________ for the love you have given me. ‎ I want to thank you for 85. ________ me to be who I wanted to be. When I 86. ____________ not to go to college, you supported me. No matter 87. ________ decisions I made, you supported me. I'm grateful for that. ‎ When I chose to become a songwriter, you didn't 88. ________ me. You didn't tell me it had little chance of 89. ________, and you didn't question my abilities. Instead, you told me you were certain that one day, I would be successful. ‎ People say one should always express his love to his parents when they are still 90. ________, because he never knows when they will be gone. I think they are right. Mom, I love you!‎ Yours,‎ Martin 十三、书面表达。 (10分)‎ 12‎ ‎ ‎ John每天需要承担的家务是浇花。但是最近他发现自家花园经常被人浇灌。是家里的其他人帮的忙吗?还是有其他的好心人?请你根据以下提示,以“Who Is the Helper?”为题,写一篇英语推理短文。‎ 提示:‎ 爸爸 在出差 妈妈 生病 姐姐(Lucy)‎ 最近很忙 外星人 ‎……‎ 要求:1. 必须包含全部提示信息,可适当添加细节;2. 80词左右。‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ ‎___________________________________________________________________________‎ 参考答案 第二卷 笔试部分 六、26. B 解析:at the picnic在野餐时;belong to属于。‎ ‎27. B 解析:根据答句句意“它一定是吉娜的。”可知表示所属关系,故选whose。‎ ‎28. A ‎29. B ‎30. D ‎31. C ‎ ‎32. B 解析:由答句句意“因为她还没做完作业。”可知“妈妈不让她外出玩”。而这四个词的常用结构是: advise sb. to do sth. “建议某人做某事”; promise to do sth. “答应做某事”; keep sb. doing sth. 意为“使某人一直做某事”;prevent sb. (from) doing sth. “阻止某人做某事”。故选B。‎ ‎33. C 12‎ ‎ ‎ ‎34. A ‎35. D 七、36~40:ACDBC ‎41~45:CADBA ‎46~50:BCADB 八、51~55:BCDDB ‎56~60:CABDA ‎ ‎61~65:ADBCB ‎ 九、66~70:DBACE 十、71. expresses ‎72. sleepy ‎73. purpose ‎74. leader ‎75. laboratory 十一、76. There is someone playing ‎ ‎77. must have picked it up ‎78. running after ‎79. at the same time ‎80. pointed out 十二、81. used ‎82. you ‎83. express ‎84. thanks ‎85. allowing ‎86. decided ‎87. what ‎88. prevent ‎89. victory ‎90. alive 12‎ ‎ ‎ 十三、One possible version:‎ Who Is the Helper?‎ It is John's duty to water the flowers in the garden every day. But recently, he found that the garden was always watered by somebody. He wondered who helped him. ‎ At first, he thought it could be one of the family members. But, it couldn't be Dad who was on business. Mom was ill in bed. So it didn't seem to be Mom. His sister Lucy was too busy recently. Is that a UFO? Can you find out the truth for me?‎ 12‎ ‎ ‎

