仁爱版英语九年级上册Unit 3单元测试

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仁爱版英语九年级上册Unit 3单元测试

Unit3 单元测试 (满分 120 分,时间 100 分钟) 第一部分 听力 (25 分) Ⅰ.听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) ( )1.A.Me, too. B.Thank you. C.Not at all. ( )2.A.Not bad. B.Yes, of course. C.No, you’re wrong. ( )3.A.Bye-bye. B.Hello. C.Have a good trip. ( )4.A.Yes, I agree. B.Not really. C.I’m afraid, too. ( )5.A.OK. B.Don’t be shy. C.I hope so. Ⅱ.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5 分) ( )6.Jack study for a test . A.by working with a group B.by himself C.by working with his friends ( )7.Linda remember some of the words. A.can B.can’t C.couldn’t ( )8.Mike used to be . A.thin B.fat C.strong ( )9. of them some trouble in spelling English. A.Both, have B.Either, has C.Neither, has ( )10.Students are allowed to use dictionaries. A.English-Chinese B.English-English C.Chinese-English Ⅲ.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。(5 分) ( )11.A.He can go out on school nights. B.He can play with his friends for a while after school. C.He can go to the movies with his friends. ( )12.A.By 10:00 a.m. B.By 10:30 p.m. C.By 10:00 p.m. ( )13.A.Yes, he is often late.B.Yes, but sometimes he is late. C.He is never late for class. ( )14.A.Yes, they are. B.No, it isn’t. C.No, they aren’t. ( )15.A.Yes, she will. B.Yes, she does. C.No, she won’t. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5 分) ( )16.Why did the speaker go to a language school? A.To ask some strange questions. B.To learn English. C.To see his friends from America. ( )17.How many days a week did the speaker go to the language school? A.Six days. B.Five days. C.Seven days. ( )18.What did the speaker do one day during the break? A.Asked for something to eat. B.Thanked Alice for the help. C.Asked Alice a question. ( )19.What did the speaker think after Alice answered the question? A.Alice was really helpful. B.Alice wanted to sell cakes. C.America was really a “money country”. ( )20.Why did Alice look at the speaker with a big smile? A.The speaker was very funny. B.The speaker didn’t understand her. C.Alice was very friendly to the speaker. Ⅴ.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5 分) ( )21.What kind of passage is it? A.A story. B.An ad. C.A play. ( )22.What kind of people can become a member of that group? A.People from 12 to 18. B.All young people. C.People from 12 to 80. ( )23.What can those people do? A.Help patients in hospitals. B.Help children in schools. C.Help people in many ways. ( )24.Who does Susan look after? A.Children. B.Old people. C.Patients. ( )25.What will you do if you want to join the group? A.Call them or visit them.B.Call them or visit their website. C.Visit their website or write to them. 第二部分 基础知识运用 (65 分) Ⅰ.单项选择。(15 分) 从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。 ( )1.—Can I borrow the second science book from you? —Sure, you return the first one to me next week. A.as soon as B.as long as C.as well as D.as for as ( )2.—Do you know where Tom is? —Yes. He _____ his hometown. A.went to B.goes to C.has gone to D.has been to ( )3.There are many kinds of bikes here. She can’t decide _____. A.where to buy B.which to buy C.how to go there D.when to go there ( )4._____ you do, I will be on your side. A.Whenever B.Whatever C.However D.Wherever ( )5.Mike will go abroad tomorrow. I am going to _____ at the airport. A.sent him off B.saw him off C.see off D.see him off ( )6.Zhang Lili is very brave and she “The most beautiful teacher”. A.is called B.calls C.are called D.is calling ( )7.Although we have learned English for 3 years, we still have trouble _____ the new words. A.learn B.to learn C.learning D.of learning ( )8.A cellphone _____ a camera by most young people in China. A.is used by B.used for C.is used as D.is used to ( )9.In the past, the child laborers _____ do a lot of hard work. A.forced B.forced to C.was forced to D.were forced to ( )10.—Hi, Jane, tell you a piece of good news. I _____ America tomorrow. —Wow, have a good trip! A.will leave to B.leaves for C.am leaving for D.going leaving for ( )11.There are many differences between American English and British English in spelling and pronunciation, especially in _____ English. A.written B.oral C.official D.business ( )12.—Excuse me, Miss Smith, could you tell me how to improve my spoken English? —OK. The best way is to practice . A.as soon as possible B.as quickly as possible C.as much as possible D.as clearly as possible ( )13.—I don’t know _____ remember the new English words. —Don’t worry! Try thinking about their pronunciations. A.what to B.how to C.where to D.when to ( )14.—I have worked hard at English, but it seems that I haven’t made any progress. —Keep on _____ at it, and you will be successful. A.work B.working C.to work D.works ( )15.—Our school is beautiful! —It will be more beautiful if more trees and grass _____ by us. A.plant B.plants C.is planted D.are planted Ⅱ.情景交际。(10 分) (A)从方框中选择 5 个句子,补全对话。 A: What’s wrong, Jim? You look unhappy. B: Not good. I feel a little worried about my English. A: 16 B: I’m not getting along well with it. A: 17 B: Well, I seldom have chances to meet English people. A: 18 B: Where should I go? A: 19 B: But ... it seems English people never speak to me. A: Ah! You should speak first. B: 20 A: The weather! English people are always interested in weather. A.You should go to English Corner. B.What can I talk about? C.You should learn English well. D.What’s the problem? E.Why so? F.What can I do for you? G.You should go out more. 16._____ 17._____ 18._____ 19._____ 20._____ (B)在横线上填入适当的单词或短语,补全对话。 A: What are you doing now? B: I’m learning English. A: What do you do that for? You are a taxi driver, not a student. Is it 21 for you to learn English? B: Yes, as we know, 22 was held in Beijing in 2008. After that, many foreigners will come, if I know much English, I will help the 23 all over the world. A: And what’s more, China has been a member of WTO. So English will become 24 important than ever before. From now on, let’s 25 to learn English well. B: Good idea! 21.______ 22.______ 23.______ 24.______ 25.______ Ⅲ.完形填空。(10 分) 根据短文内容从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答 案。 A good memory is a great help in learning a language. Everybody 26 his own language by remembering what he 27 when he is a small child. Some boys and girls who live in foreign countries 28 their parents seem to learn two languages almost as 29 as one. At school it is not easy to learn 30 second language because the pupils have 31 time for it, and they are busy with other subjects, too. A man’s mind is rather 32 a camera. It takes photos not only of what we see, but of what we feel, hear, smell and taste. 33 we take a real photo with a camera, we have much to do before the photo is finished and ready to 34 it to our friends. In the same 35 , there is much work to be done before we can take a picture forever in our mind. ( )26.A.study B.learns C.watches D.learn from ( )27.A.hears B.listens C.hear of D.listen to ( )28.A.in B.on C.together D.with ( )29.A.easy B.easier C.easily D.much easily ( )30.A.an B.a C.the D.one ( )31. A.such little B.so little C.so few D.such few ( )32.A.same B.as C.like D.unlike ( )33.A.Where B.Who C.Why D.When ( )34.A.show B.on show C.gave D.lend ( )35.A.idea B.way C.time D.street Ⅳ.阅读理解。(30 分)(A、B 两篇每小题 1 分,C、D 两篇每小题 2 分) (A) We provide summer English courses and you will enjoy learning about American culture and improve your English. The courses last for 4 weeks. They start at the beginning of July and August. Our teachers are very experienced. They teach English classes for 4 hours a day. You can choose between small groups of 2 or 3, or larger groups of up to 15. We provide weekly tests to see the progress you're making with your language skills. We also provide books and other materials. As well as learning English, we want you to experience life in the USA. You live with an American family and take part in American life. You have meals with them and do some activities with them, too. This is the most interesting part of the course. Many families create friendships with the students. Of course, if you prefer, we can arrange hotel accommodation. Of course, you can do many things in Los Angeles. Every day we have activities after class. You can choose to take trips to Hollywood, Disneyland or the famous beaches around LA. You can also go to various shopping centres, sports centres, movies and concerts. There are also weekend visits organized to San Francisco and other places of interest in California. Well, if you're interested, please fill in our application form where you will also find our list of prices. The course must be paid for one month before it begins. 根据短文内容,判断正(T)误(F)。 ( )36.The English courses last 4 weeks. ( )37.The organizers( 组 织 者 ) advise students to live with American families because students can experience life in the USA. ( )38.The title of Paragraph 3 is Sightseeing and Other Activities. ( )39.The passage is about a description of life in Los Angeles. ( )40.The course must be paid for two months before it begins. (B) Being shy keeps many Chinese people from getting to know westerners. You may feel nervous about making language mistakes in front of a native English speaker. But remember, westerners living in Asia know how it feels to try to communicate in a foreign language. They have made many mistakes when speaking Chinese! So don’t worry about speaking imperfect English. The important thing is just to communicate. Start talking, and make some foreign friends! Many westerners value(注重) their privacy(隐私). Don’t be surprised if your new friend doesn’t want to include you in everything he does. This may seem strange to Chinese who worry about that their friends will get lonely. Chinese people often expect their good friends to give advice and take care of them in many ways. If you expect this kind of care from westerners, you may be disappointed. Why? Because most westerners value independence. They feel insulted( 侮 辱 的 ) if others think they can’t take care of themselves. They will assume(假设) you feel the same way. Of course, these tips(小提示) are just rules of thumb(经验之谈) and may not apply(适用) to all westerners. Each person you meet will have his or her own ideas about friendship. When you get confused(不明白), don’t be shy and worry to ask questions. Your new western friends may also have many questions about Chinese culture, and they may be hesitant(犹豫) to ask. So encourage them to ask questions, too. Be honest and open to your friends. Respect each other’s differences. The friendships you make can be lifelong treasure both for you and your new friends. ( )41.Why do many Chinese people feel worried to speak to the foreigners? A.Being shy. B.Making a lot of language mistakes. C.Nothing to say. D.Can’t speak a foreign language. ( )42.What is the important thing to speak perfect English? A.Starting talking. B.Meeting foreigners. C.Communicating. D.Studying English. ( )43.What do you think the foreigners may not be insulted with? A.Giving advice. B.Taking care of themselves. C.Getting care from good friends. D.Getting help. ( )44.What does the underlined word “independence” mean? A.独立自主 B.依靠 C.失落感 D.伤心 ( )45.What may help you to make lifelong friends? A.Be honest. B.Open to your friends. C.Respect each other. D.All of the above. (C) Different gestures(手势) mean different things in different countries. Sometimes a gesture that is polite in one country is not polite in another and should not be used. 46 A gesture that many people do not understand is one that uses the thumb. Most westerners will sometimes show that they like something by holding out a closed hand with the thumb lifting in the air. This is called give someone or something “the thumb up”. Often, only one thumb is used, so it should be “the thumb up”. The usual explanation(解释) for the origin of this gesture is not really correct. It says that in ancient Roman times, when people were pleased with the way a gladiator(角斗士) had fought, 47 . When they were not pleased, they gave the thumbs down. When a gladiator was given the thumbs up, the emperor allowed him to live. 48 , the emperor ordered him to be killed. The truth is, however, it was translated into a wrong meaning by mistake. If people wanted to save the gladiator, 49 . If they wanted the gladiator to die, they pointed their thumbs straight at him. 阅读上面短文,把 A-D 四个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整、正确, 然后完成第 50 小题。 A.When a gladiator was given the thumbs down B.they put out their hands and hid their thumbs in their hands C.Different meanings of gestures can also cause problems in understanding what another person is trying to say. D.they showed their thumbs up 46. 47. 48. 49. ( )50. The main idea of this article is about____________. A. gestures around the world B. closed thumbs C. gestures in ancient Rome D. the thumbs-up gesture (D) There is one language that people use in every country in the world. People who use it are young and old, short and tall, thin and fat. It’s almost everybody’s second language. It’s easy to understand, but you can’t hear it. It’s sign language. Babies who can’t talk can point at things. They’re using sign language. Sign language can be useful in places that are very noisy and in places that are very quiet. You can talk to the people who are behind windows. And when you go swimming with your friends, you can have a“talk”under water! Many years ago, a Frenchman wanted to help deaf people. He opened the first school for deaf people in Paris in 1760. And they learned sign language there. Teachers and doctors who wanted to help deaf people also went to Paris and had lessons. Then they taught sign language to their students. Soon there were schools for deaf people in other countries. Today, in the United States, there are special TV news programs for deaf people. The news broadcaster tells the news in sign language and the words appear on TV, too. 根据短文内容,回答下列问题。 51.Who can use sign language in the world? ___________________________________________________________________ 52.Is it easy or hard to understand sign language? ___________________________________________________________________ 53.In which places can sign language be useful? ___________________________________________________________________ 54.Why did the Frenchman open the first school for deaf people? ___________________________________________________________________ 55.How can the deaf learn TV news in the U.S.A. today? ___________________________________________________________________ 第三部分 语言知识运用 (30 分) Ⅰ.词汇。(10 分) (A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1.Can you t_____ this Chinese sentence into English? 2.Tom is an English boy, he comes from B . 3.Please read a_____ so that I can hear you. 4.You should take your c to do what you are afraid of. 5.She copied the phone number into her address n . (B)根据句意,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 6.Nobody (mention) anything to me about it. 7.My teacher told me many good methods (review) my lessons. 8.Speech is the fastest method of _________ (communicate) between people. 9.The place of interest is visited by millions of ________(tourist). 10.The children quickly got (bore) with staying indoors. Ⅱ.综合填空。(5 分) 根据短文内容,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 practice, difficult, correct, write, learn, think, easy I fell in love with English at a very young age, because I 11 it was a wonderful language. Full of strong wishes of 12 English, I began to learn it. But soon I found it 13 than expected. There were too many words, expressions and many other things to memorize (记忆). And even if you know how 14 them, you can’t use them 15 . And I did rather badly in my first English test. While I was in trouble, my English teacher gave me much help. I wish to practice speaking English with foreigners every day! 11._______ 12._______ 13._______ 14._______ 15._______ Ⅲ.书面表达(15 分) 请根据提示,写一篇阐述英语重要性的文章。(80 词左右) 1.英语是世界上使用最广泛的语言; 2.全球有 4 亿多人把英语作为第一语言来使用; 3.世界上有许多国家把英语作为一门外语来学习和使用; 4.中国的改革开放政策(reform and opening-up policy)、加入“世贸”组织(entry into WTO)和北京 2008 年成功举办奥运会激励越来越多的人学习英语。 听 力 材 料 Unit 3 单元测试 Ⅰ.听句子,选择正确答案。每个句子读一遍。 1.I hope I can go to Disneyland one day. 2.Are you ready for your trip? 3.I’m going to Beijing on business tomorrow. 4.I think we should work harder at English. 5.I dare not answer questions in class because of being afraid of making mistakes. Ⅱ.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 6.W: Jack, how do you study for a test? M: I study for a test by working with a group. 7.M: Linda, what’s your problem in learning English? W: Well, I can’t remember some of the words. 8.W: Is that Mike? M: Yes, he has changed a lot. He used to be strong, but now he is thin. 9.M: Not only you but also she has some trouble in spelling English. W: Well, I can’t again. We are poor in English. You are right. 10.W: Should students be allowed to use dictionaries in class? M: Yes, but they are only allowed to use English-English dictionaries. Ⅲ.听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及问题读两遍。 11.W: Mike, can you go out on school nights? M: No, I can’t. But I can play with my friends for a while after school. Q: What can Mike do? 12.W: What time do you go home? M: I have to be at home by 10:00 p.m. Q: By what time does the boy have to be at home? 13.W: Frank, do you get to class early? M: Yes, but sometimes I get to school late. Q: Is Frank often early for class? 14.W: America and Britain are English-speaking countries, so their pronunciations are the same. M: Not exactly, sometimes they are different from each other. Q: Are American English and British English the same? 15.W: I think English is too hard. I feel like giving up. M: You’d better not. It’s very important in the future. You must try your best to study it well. W: OK, I will. Q: Will the woman give up English? Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 I knew little about English when I first came to America.So I went to a language school every day except Sunday to learn English.One day, during the break,I asked Alice, one of my classmates a question about something that I didn’t understand.When I thanked her for it,she said,"You are welcome. It's a piece of cake." I thought to myself,“America is really a money country in which everything is done for pay.”So I said to her,“I don’t have a piece of cake with me today. What about something else? ” She looked at me with a big smile and said “What I mean is, ‘no problem, it is just a small matter’.” From then on, I came to learn that "a piece of cake" is not only a piece of cake but also means something that is very easy. Ⅴ.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。 Are you looking for something fun and would you like to help other people in your free time? Then join us. We have jobs for people of all ages. Anyone, from twelve-year-old children to eighty-year-old people, can become one of us. You can help people in many ways. Schools need help with taking care of children while parents are working. Hospitals need us to look after children while their parents are seeing a doctor. Animal lovers can help take care of those homeless dogs and cats. There is something to do for everyone. “As a member of this group, I don’t want to get anything. Seeing the children’s happy faces, I am happy, too.”said Susan, an old woman of 62. “I often play computer games in my free time before. Now I help elder people to learn how to use computers.”said another one at the age of 18. If everyone helps out a bit, we’ll have a better world to live in. Interested? Call 384-7613 or visit our website: http: // www.action.com. 参 考 答 案 及 解 析 Unit 3 单元测试 第一部分 听力 Ⅰ.1.A 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.B Ⅱ.6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.B Ⅲ.11.B 12.C 13.B 14.C 15.C Ⅳ.16.B 17.A 18.C 19.C 20.B Ⅴ.21.B 22.C 23.C 24.A 25.B 第二部分 基础知识运用 Ⅰ.1.B as soon as 意为“一……就……”;as well as 意为“和……一样好,也”;as far as 意为“和……一样远”;as long as 意为“只要……”。句意是“当然可 以,只要你下周归还第一本。”故选 B。 2.C 考查 have/has gone to 表示“已经去了某地还没回来”和 have/has been to 表 示“已经去过某地现在已经回来了”的区别。句意是“他到乡下去了。”故选 C。 3.B 考查疑问词+不定式结构。根据题意“这有许多种自行车,她不能决定该 买哪一辆。”故选 B。 4.B 根据句意“无论你做什么,我都站在你一边。”故选 B。 5.D be going to +动词原形,see sb. off“为某人送行”,代词宾格放中间。故选 D。 6.A 考查一般现在时的被动语态,根据句意“张莉莉被叫做最美教师”,主语 是第三人称单数。故选 A。 7.C have trouble(in)doing sth.意为“做某事有困难”。故选 C。 8.C 考查被动语态。is used by 后接使用者;is used as 表示“被用作为”;is used to do sth. 表示“被用来做某事”;used for 不是完整的被动语态。故选 C。 9.D be forced to do sth. 为固定短语,表示“被迫做某事”。主语 the child laborers 为复数名词。故选 D。 10.C 位移动词用现在进行时表示将来。故选 C。 11.B 据我们所知,英、美英语主要区别在于口语方面,但并不影响交流。 故选 B。 12.C as…as possible 意为“尽可能……”A 项意为“尽可能快(时间上)”;B 项意为“尽可能快(速度上)”;D 项意为“尽可能清楚”;C 项意为“尽 可能多”。句意是“最好的办法是尽可能多多练习。”故选 C。 13.B 疑问词+不定式。根据题意“怎样记忆单词”。故选 B。 14.B keep on+n./v.-ing 继续做某事。故选 B。 15.D 考查被动语态。more trees and grass 作主语,是复数形式。故选 D。 Ⅱ.(A)16.D 17.E 18.G 19.A 20.B (B)21.useful 22.the (29th) Olympic Games 23.foreign friends/foreigners/visitors 24.more 25.do our best/try our best Ⅲ. 26.B learn sth. 意为“学习……”;learn sth. from sb. 意为“向某人学习……”。 27.A hear 的意思是“听见”;hear of 的意思是“听人说,听他人转达”;listen to 强调听的动作。 28.D live with sb. 表示“与某人住在一起”。 29.C 修饰动词用副词,as … as 句型中用形容词或副词原级,但据题意应用 副词原级。 30.B a second 表示“又……”,泛指;the second 表示“第二”,特指。 31.B 根据 not easy 可以知道学生在学校学习外语时间有限。从下文 other subjects 同样可选出答案。 32.C be like 的意思是“像……一样”,like 作介词。 33.D 这是一个时间状语从句。 34.A show sth. to sb. 意为“出示给某人看”。 35.B in the same way 意为“用同样的方法,同样地”。 Ⅳ.(A) 36.T 根据第一段第二句:The courses last for 4 weeks 可知。 37.T 根据第二段第一句:As well as……in American life 可知。 38.T 第三段主要介绍了观光旅游、购物等。 39.F 本文对英语学习的过程进行了描述。 40.F 由最后一段最后一句可知。 (B) 41.A 从文章的第一句可知由于害羞使得许多中国人不能进一步了解西方 人。B 项犯许多语言错误是担心的具体内容,而不是原因。 42.C 从文章第三段得知要想讲一口流利、标准的英语,最重要的就是交流。 43.B 从下文可知他们会因为受到别人照顾而感到被侮辱。 44.A 由上下文推断得知。 45.D 由文章的最后一段可知 A、B、C 三项答案都是有助于交到永久朋友 的因素,故选 D,即以上三项都正确。 (C) 46.C 47. D 48. A 49. B 50.D 综合全文,其主要介绍的是“竖起拇指”这种手势,故选 D。 (D) 51.Nearly everybody in the world uses sign language. 从全文可知手势语可以 被世界上每个国家中几乎所有的人使用。 52.It is easy.在第一段中可直接找到该问题的答案。 53.It can be useful in places that are very noisy and in places that are very quiet. 在第二段中可直接找到该问题的答案。 54.Because he wanted to help them. 从第三段可知那位法国人于 1760 年在巴黎 创办了第一所聋人学校的目的是要帮助那些聋人。 55.There are special TV news programs for deaf people./The news broadcaster tells the news in sign language and the words appear on TV, too. 从文章的最 后一段可看出今天在美国有专供聋人收看的电视新闻节目。播音员用手 势语播报新闻,新闻内容也会在屏幕上呈现。 第三部分 语言知识运用 Ⅰ.(A)1.translate 2.Britain 3.aloud 4.courage 5.notebook (B)6.mentioned 7.to review 8.communication 9.tourists 10.bored Ⅱ. 11.thought 12.learning 13.more difficult 14.to write 15.correctly Ⅲ.参考范文: It’s very important for us to learn English well. English is the most widely used language in the world. It is also used as an international language. It’s spoken by more than 400 million people as their first language. Many countries use English as a foreign language. English is widely used for international business. Chinese use English as a second language. China’s reform and opening-up policy, China’s entry into WTO and the 2008 Olympic Games encourage more and more Chinese to learn English. So we must try our best to learn English well and make a contribution(作贡 献) to building our country better.

