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课题 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes Period 2‎ 教学目标 1. Knowledge Objects ‎ (1) Key Vocabulary:earring, instead of ‎ (2) Target Language ‎2. Ability Objects ‎ (1)Train students’ listening skill.‎ ‎ (2)Train students’ communicative competence.‎ ‎3. Moral Object ‎ You should have the courage of your opinions.‎ 教材分析 1. Teaching Key Point Target language ‎2. Teaching Difficult Point Agreement and disagreement 实施教学过程设计 Step Ⅰ Revision Play a game to review the structure be used to do.‎ Write sentence starters on separate pieces of paper as follows:‎ I’m allowed to……;My brother isn’t allowed to…;Students should not allowed to…;Put the papers in a paper bag. Put students into teams. Each team chooses a slip from the bag. Set a time limit of five minutes. Each team writes as many sentences and reasons as they can. When time is up, collect their answers. Each team gets one point for each correct sentence and one point for each correct reason. The team which gets the most points wins the game.‎ Step Ⅱ 2a This activity provides practice understanding the target language in spoken conversation.‎ Point to the picture and ask students what is happening. Elicit answers from students.‎ T: What’s the boy doing?‎ Ss: He is working part-time.‎ T: What are the girls doing?‎ Ss: They are talking.‎ Point to the statements in the chart. ‎ Have students look them through. Answer any questions students raise to make sure they comprehend each sentence.‎ ‎ ‎ Point to the lists of responses. Say, You are to hear Kathy and Molly having a conversation. Kathy will make some statements. Listen and check what Kathy thinks and circle Agrees, Disagrees or Doesn’t know to show what Molly thinks. Point out the sample answers,‎ Play the recording for the first time. Students only listen.‎ Play the recording again. This time students listen and check what Kathy ‎ thinks and circle if Molly Agrees, Disagrees or Doesn’t know.‎ Check the answers.‎ Answers Kathy The following sentences should be checked:‎ ‎1,2,3,4,5‎ Molly 1. Disagrees 2. Agrees ‎ 3. Doesn’t know 4. Disagrees ‎ 5. Doesn’t know Step Ⅲ 2b This activity provides practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.‎ Point to the list of reasons in the box. Invite a student to read them to the class.‎ Say, You are to hear the same conversation again. This time number their reasons in the correct order as you hear on the recording. Point out the sample answers.‎ Play the recording again. Students listen and number the reasons.‎ Check the answers.‎ Answers The correct order should be:‎ ‎4,1,5,2,3‎ Step Ⅳ 2c This activity provides oral practice using the target language.‎ Read the instructions to the class. Ask students for suggestions that teenagers should and should not be allowed to do.‎ Remind them to look back at Activities 1a and 2a. For example, students might say,‎ Teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions. Teenagers above seventeen should be allowed to join the army. Teenagers shouldn’t be allowed to stay up…‎ point to the sample conversation. Invite a pair of students to say it to the class,‎ completing the sentences. ‎ SA: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to work part-time?‎ SB: Yes, I think they should learn to be independence.‎ Ask another pair to demonstrate a new conversation.‎ SA: Do you think teenagers should be allowed to drive?‎ SB: No, I don’t think they are old enough to drive.‎ Have students work in pairs. Move around the room listening in on various pairs and offering any help they may need.‎ Check the answers by asking different pairs to say their conversations to the class. Note: Answers will vary.‎ Step Ⅴ Grammar Focus Ask different pairs of students to say the statements and questions. Write ‎ them on the blackboard. Check how well students understand each sentence by asking a student to repeat it in his/her own words. Point out I disagree, I agree and Do you think …? If necessary, give students more practice.‎ Grammar note Don’t explain the structure “be allowed to” to students. It’s too complex for students to understand at this point. So it can be studied almost as if it were a vocabulary item at this level.‎ Step Ⅵ Summary and Homework Say, In this class, we’ve done a lot of listening and speaking practice using the target language. And we’ve also talk about agreement and disagreement. Review the grammar box to get a further understanding of the target language.‎

