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1 人教版九年级英语上册期末测试题及答案 第二卷 笔试部分(95分) 六、单项选择。(每小题1分,共 10分) 26.—Howcan I read theEnglish passage faster? —You can read faster ____ readingword groups. A.with B. at C. on D. by 27.—Mysister likes red verymuch. —Then this red skirtmust belong to ____. A. hers B. her C. yours D. you 28.—Doyouknow____ therewill be a concert in the theater next Saturday? —Really? I'm looking forward to it. A. that B.why C.whether D. how 29.—I can't findmyphone anywhere. —You____have lost it while shopping. A.may B. can C. should D.would 30.Themovie____I have seen twice isTheWanderingEarth. A.who B.which C.where D.when 31.—Mike, you're crazy aboutmusic.Aconcert ____ in the gym tomorrow.Would you like to go? —That's great! But have you got the tickets? A. is holding B. is held C.will be held D. has held 32.—Whydid she avoid ____me? —I think she's sorry for hermistake, so she had to go off. A.meeting B. tomeet C. notmeeting D. not tomeet 33.—What do you usually have for breakfast? —I used to ____ dumplings. But these days I get used to ____ bread andmilk. A. eat; have B. eating; having 2 C. eating; have D. eat; having 34.—Whydomanypeople buy things online on the 11th ofNovember every year? —Because there aremany sales.The prices are ____. A.much cheaper B.much lower C.more expensive D.much higher 35.—Dear friends, do you still remember ____ three years ago? —To realize our dreams! A.whyyou camehere B.why did you come here C. howyou camehere D. howdid you comehere 七、完形填空。(每小题1分,共 15分) I'm Bob fromAmerica. I like __36__ very much. I began playing the violin __37__ I was in Grade 3 in my primary school and I __38__ in love with it at once. And then I __39__ tomajor in violin performances at university and be a violinist after graduation(毕业). I later did go to learn __40__ performances at a university in NewYork. During the first year at university, I __41__ teaching violin classes at a music center in my spare time. I quickly realized that I loved __42__ verymuch. I used several __43__ books while teaching my students the violin. I thought __44__ was very important to use different books for different students, so I spent a lot of time __45__ different books for my students. During the classes, I not only taught my students __46__ to play the violin, but also sharedmy love of the violin __47__ my students. I believe that being good at __48__ a musical instrument isn't enough for a music teacher. __49__ youwant to be an excellentmusic teacher, you shouldmake themusic classes interesting and you should also __50__ the students to feel good aboutwhat they can do. 36.A. toys B. books C.music D. sports 37.A. for B.when C.what D. since 38.A. fell B. stuck C. kept D. took 39.A. refused B. stopped C. prevented D. decided 40.A. violin B. piano C. guitar D. drum 3 41.A. stopped B. liked C. began D.wanted 42.A. reading B. teaching C. learning D.writing 43.A. important B. similar C. different D. same 44.A.which B.what C. this D. it 45.A. looking for B. giving up C. thinking up D. handing in 46.A.what B.which C. how D.who 47.A. at B.with C. of D. on 48.A. taking B. doing C.making D. playing 49.A.Though B.Until C. If D.Unless 50.A.make B. force C. let D. encourage 八、阅读理解。(每小题2分,共 30分) A Wolf Warrior is an action and war movie which was made by Wu Jing. He also acted in the movie with the actress named Yu Nan. Wolf Warrior is the first 3D action and war movie in China. It was first shown on April 2nd, 2015. Emperor's Holidays is a movie in which the members ofWhere Are We Going , Dad?acted. It was made by Wang Yuelun. The movie in which the little stars acted is very funny. It was first shown on February 19th, 2015. The movie directed by Chen Kaige Me and My Motherland was first shown on September 30th, 2019. It is about seven historical stories of the bond between the common people and our country, which have taken place since the founding of New China. Super China is a documentary which was made in South Korea. It has seven parts which introduce different fields (领域) of China to the world. 51.What doesYuNando? 4 A.An actress. B.Asinger. C.Awriter. D.Adirector. 52.ThemovieEmperor'sHolidays is very ____. A. scary B. serious C.moving D. funny 53.Whichmoviewas directed byChenKaige? A. WolfWarrior B. Emperor'sHolidays C.MeandMyMotherland D. SuperChina 54.Wherewas SuperChinamade? A. InChina. B. In SouthKorea. C. InNewZealand. D. InAmerica. 55.Which of the following isTRUEaccording to thematerial? A.WolfWarriorwasmadebyWangYuelun. B.Emperor'sHolidays is the first action and historicalmovie inChina. C.MeandMyMotherland records the historical events ofNewChina in the past 70 years. D. If youwant to knowaboutChina, you'd better seeEmperor'sHolidays. B I left my hometown in London last year and now I have enjoyedworking in this small city in China. Learning a foreign language opens your eyes to the culture and history of a country. So in order to knowmore aboutChina, l started to learnChinese. But at times, I found myself in funny situations. When I greeted strangers in China, they began to talk a lot and very fast. They asked me questions about everything. But all I could do was to look at them with a blank face. I had no idea what they were talking about. Were they just being kind, funny or impolite? Many people want to make friends with me. But I am a bit upset when I find out the reason why they need a foreign friend. They say they want to practice their English. I don't need friends like this. I like friends to sharemy feelings and ideaswith. However, the more Chinese I learn, the more similarities I find it has with English. In English,“thickskinned”is to describe a personwho doesn't care about criticism (批评). I was surprised to find that“houlianpi” in Chinesemeans the same.And both languages share some common idioms ( 习 语 ). For example, “ look on with folded arms ” means 5 “xiushoupangguan”, and “burn the boats” is similar to “pofuchenzhou”. I'm still onmy journey toChinese learning. I believe that sometimes you have themost fun on a journey. 56.Thewriter comes from____. A. theUK B. theUSA C.Australia D.Canada 57.ManyChinesewant tomake friendswith thewriter because ____. A. they are interested inWestern culture B. theywant a partner to practice Englishwith C. they arewilling to share feelings and ideaswith him D. theywant to help the foreignerwith hisChinese 58.The underlinedword“similarities”means“____”inChinese. A. 相似点 B. 不同点 C. 规律性 D. 重要性 59.Athickskinned personmay____. A. be very strong and seldom fall ill B. like to criticize others for theirmistakes C. talk a lot and speak fast D. feelOKwhen he's criticized 60. If therewould be a paragraph before the last paragraph of the text, itmost probablywould be about ____. A. the reasonswhyhewants to learnChinese B. the similaritiesChinese andEnglish share C. the differences betweenChinese andEnglish D. the importance of learningChinese andEnglish C Once upon a time, a wealthy old man lived alone in a big house. He was growing weaker day by day and was unable to take care of himself, so he decided to hire(雇佣)a nurse to help with housework and take care of him. One day, the old man interviewed two nurses—Anthony and Peter. Anthony happened to 6 be a handsome young man, while Peter looked quite ordinary(普通的). The old man asked Anthony to make tea for him. After Anthony left, the old man turned to Peter and said, “Anthony has given me a very bad account(描述)of you. He said you are rude(粗鲁的)and untrustworthy(不可信赖的). Is this correct?” Peter thought for a minute and said,“IfAnthony has a bad opinion of me, there must be somethingwrongwithme. I should take some time to change these things. ” The oldmanwas very impressed by Peter's character.Meanwhile,Anthony returned with a cup of tea for the oldman. The oldman sent Peter to make breakfast for him. He then turned to Anthony and told him, “Peter spoke very poorly of you while you were gone. What do you think about this?” After hearing this,Anthony became angry and started cursing(咒骂). In the end, the old man hired Peter. Although Peter looked quite ordinary, he had impressive inner(内在的)beauty. 61.What did the oldmanwant a nurse to do? A.Livewith him. B.Helpwith housework and look after hiswife. C.Work as a doctor. D.Helpwith housework and look after him. 62.What didAnthony look like? A.Handsome. B.Ordinary. C.Old. D.Ugly. 63.The oldman told Peter thatAnthony____. A. had had somebadwords of him B. had praised him C. did not trust him D. considered him to be not important 64.HowdidPeter react(反应) when he heard the oldman'swords? A.Hewas angry. B.He took it seriously. C.Hedidn't believe him. 7 D.He blamed(责备)Anthony. 65.What canwe learn from the passage? A.Ordinary people aremore trustworthy. B.Handsomemenmust be goodmen. C. Inner beauty ismore important than appearance. D.Others' opinions are always correct. 九、任务型阅读。(每小题 2分,共 10分) Tea culture is an important part of traditional Chinese culture.With social development and progress, tea not only plays an important role in pushing the development of the economy (经济 的发展), but also becomes a necessity in people's lives. If you are a tea lover, there are four basic steps you should take in choosing suitable tea. 1. Watch. Good or fresh tea is bright green in color and in a close shape, but poor tea is loose and dull.The leaves should also be dry. 2. Smell.Good tea, especially fresh tea,has a pleasant smellwhile poor tea smells sour. 3. Taste. You can taste the leaves by chewing them carefully. Good tea leaves have a fresh mellowness with a little bitterness and a lasting sweet after taste. Bad tea doesn't taste good and has a dark color. 4. See the infused (冲泡过的) tea leaves. If the tea is good, the infused tea leaves should be evenwithout impurities (杂质). After you buy good tea, keep it in a dry, cool place and avoid direct sunlight. It's best to put it in a dry can. 根据短文内容完成表格中所缺的信息。 Important Functions(功能) 66. ____________________________ Becoming a necessity in people's lives How to keep tea In a dry, cool place and 67. ________________ How to choose good tea Watch: Bright green in color and in a close shape Smell: 68. ____________________ Taste: Having a fresh mellowness with a little bitterness and 69. __________________after taste See the infused tea 8 leaves: 70. ____________________ 十、根据句意及汉语提示完成单词。(每小题1分,共 5分) 71. I believe that I have the ________(能力) to do the job. 72.We should say “hello” to the teachers ________(礼貌地). 73.Mr.Green regretted not ________(出席) the importantmeeting lastweek. 74. Sally is a ________________(充满活力的) girl. 75.My smartphone isn't working. I have to get it ________(修理) at once. 十一、根据汉语提示完成句子。(每小题 1分,共 5分) 76. 我们应该珍爱生命,远离网络游戏。 Weshould value our life and __________________ the network games. 77. 毫无疑问,如果你吃如此多的甜点,你就会长胖 5磅。 Without doubt, if you eat somuch dessert, you ______________________ five pounds. 78. 中国政府正在采取措施来处理房价问题。 TheChinese government is doing something ______________________ the problemof the housing price. 79. 尊敬老人是中华民族的优良传统。我们应该保持发扬。 ________________________ the old is the fine tradition of theChinese nation.We should keep and develop it. 80. 最近几年里我们对乡村留守儿童的教育问题已经给予了高度的关注。 We________________________ the education problems of leftbehind children in villages in recent years. 十二、综合填空。(每小题 1分,共 10分) 根据短文内容或用括号中所给词的适当形式填空,使短文完整、正确。 Chinese people have been celebrating the MidAutumn Festival and enjoying mooncakes for centuries. There are many traditional folk stories 81. ________ this festival. However, most people think that the story ofChang'e is themost 82. ________ (touch).AfterHouYi shot down the nine suns, a goddess gave himmagicmedicine to thank him. HouYi planned 83. ________ (take) it with his wife, Chang'e. But a bad man, Pang Meng, tried to steal the medicine 84. 9 ________ Hou Yi was out. Chang'e refused to give it to him and then took it all. She became very light and 85. ________ (fly) up to themoon.HouYiwas so sad andmissed her verymuch. One night, he found that the moon was so 86. ____________ and round that he could see his wife there. He 87. ________ (quick) laid out her favorite fruits and desserts in the garden. 88. ________ hewished that she could come back! After this, people started the 89. ________ (traditional) of admiring the moon and sharing mooncakeswith 90. ________ families. 十三、书面表达。 (10分) 紧张的九年级学习生活已经开始了一段时间,你周围的同学遇到了各种各样的问 题,你有什么样的建议呢?假如你校英文报“学生园地”栏目正在向全校学生征文。请 你根据下面的图表提示,写一篇短文向校报投稿。 要求: 词数90左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 I have been aGrade 9 student for nearly threemonths.My classmates havemet all kinds of problems. ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 第二卷 笔试部分 10 六、26. D 解析:根据 how可知回答方式,故用 by。 27. B 解析:belong to后接宾格代词或名词。 28. A 29. A 30. B 31. C 解析:由语境推断“一场音乐会在体育馆举行”是被动语态。从选 项中可知只有 B,C是被动结构,再由句中的 tomorrow可知只有将来时 符合语境。故选 C。 32. A 解析:根据答句意思可知问句意思为“为什么她避开见我?”而 avoid 后接“doing sth. ”。 33. D 解析:表示“过去常做……”,用 used to do;表示“习惯做……”, 用 get used to doing。 34. B 解析:根据答句中“因为有很多特价销售”,可知“价钱更低”。故 选 B。 35. A 七、36~40:CBADA 41~45:CBCDA 46~50:CBDCD 八、51~55:ADCBC 56~60:ABADC 61~65:DAABC 九、66. Pushing the development of the economy 67. avoid direct sunlight 68. A pleasant smell 69. a lasting sweet 70. Even without impurities 十、71. ability 72. politely 73. attending 74. lively 75. repaired 解析:考查 get sth. done的用法。 十一、76. keep/stay/be away from 77. will put on 78. to deal with 79. Looking up to 11 80. have paid much attention to 十二、81. about 82. touching 83. to take 84. when 85. flew 86. bright 87. quickly 88. How 89. tradition 90. their 十三、One possible version: I have been a Grade 9 student for nearly three months. My classmates have met all kinds of problems. Some say they have too much homework every day and that they cannot finish it. Some say they have no time to relax and do something they like. And some also say they cannot get on well with their parents. I have some suggestions for them. First, as Grade 9 students, we should manage our time wisely. Second, taking up a hobby like reading books is a good choice. It is also good for our study. Third, we should try to understand our parents because they are the closest people to us in the world. Last but not least, study comes first. We should spend most of our time on our schoolwork.

