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福州文博中学初三上英语期中试卷(2017-2018)‎ ‎(完卷时间:120分钟 总分:150分)‎ 第一部分 听力 Ⅰ.听力(共三节,20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)‎ 第一节 听句子 听下面五个句子,从每小题所给的三幅图画中选出与句子内容相符的选项。(每个句子读两遍)‎ ‎1.‎ ‎2.‎ ‎3.‎ ‎4.‎ ‎5.‎ 第二节 听对话 听下面七段对话,从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案。(每段对话读两遍)‎ 听第1段对话,回答第6小题。‎ ‎6. What are they going to do?‎ A.They are going to watch a movie about life in space.‎ B.They are going to play computer games this afternoon.‎ C.They are going to watch a football match this afternoon.‎ 听第2段对话,回答第7小题。‎ ‎7. What will take part in the space flight?‎ A.More than five astronauts from China.‎ B.More than four astronauts from China.‎ C.More than three astronauts from China.‎ 听第3段对话,回答第8小题。‎ ‎8. What are they talking about?‎ A.Mars. B.Human beings. C.Robots.‎ 听第4段对话,回答第9小题。‎ ‎9. What was the man interested in?‎ A.The aliens. B.The actors. C.The astronauts.‎ 听第5段对话,回答第10、11小题。‎ ‎10. What does Kate think of life on Mars?‎ A.Exciting. B.Interesting. C.Boring.‎ ‎11. What could they do on Mars according to the boy?‎ A.Work outside. B.Change ice into water. C.Go outside.‎ 听第6段对话,回答第12、13小题。‎ ‎12. What does Mars look like?‎ A.It looks like a red ball. ‎ B.It looks like an orange ball.‎ C.It looks like a red and orange ball.‎ ‎13. How far is it from Mars to the sun?‎ A.218 million kilometers. B.228 million kilometers. C.238 million kilometers.‎ 听第7段对话,回答第14、15小题。‎ ‎14. What did the man do yesterday?‎ A.He saw a movie about aliens.‎ B.He read the stories about aliens.‎ C.He watched a TV programs about aliens.‎ ‎15. Why does the man believe there are aliens?‎ A.Because he saw the science fiction movie.‎ B.Because he saw them with his own eyes.‎ C.Because some scientists believe they exist and some one has seen them.‎ 第三节 听短文 根据所听到的短文内容,完成下面表格,每空填一词。(短文读三遍)‎ Information Sheet The boy was 16.____ years old.‎ The boy want to be a train 17.____.‎ The boy couldn't go to school because he had no 18.____.‎ The boy drove the train first to a 19.____ station, then back to the town.‎ The worker was so 20.____ because he found the boy drove the train with his feet.‎ 第二部分 语言知识运用 Ⅰ.单项选择(15分)‎ ‎21. --Do you like ____ movie Dangal? --Yes. It's ____ educational movie.‎ A.the; an B.a; an C.a; the ‎22. We will have to set off ____ to avoid the heavy traffic tomorrow morning.‎ A.early B.quietly C.slowly ‎23. --Where's your brother? --Oh, he ____ the library and ____.‎ A.has been to; so Lucy is B.has gone to; so Lucy has C.has gone to; so has Lucy ‎24. Jack, you can't play football unless your homework ____.‎ A.finish B.will finish C.is finished ‎25. --____ fine weather it is! --Yes. But you ____ to go swimming alone.‎ A.How; aren't allowed B.How; are allowed C.What; allowed ‎26. It's dark, and the wind is blowing strongly outside, so she ____ out alone.‎ A.doesn't dare to go B.dares not go C.dares not to go ‎27. Human beings can make good use of renewable sources on the earth. They will never ____.‎ A.run out B.die out C.take out ‎28. Thanks of giving me ____ many presents. I have never seen ____ beautiful presents in my life.‎ A.so; such B.such; so C.such; such ‎29. --When are you going to Kunming for your holiday?‎ ‎ --I haven't decide. ____ this Sunday ____ next Sunday is OK.‎ A.Both; and B.Either; or C.Neither; nor ‎30. --How do you like the fish I cooked for you?‎ ‎ --I haven't had it yet. However, it ____ good.‎ A.tastes B.feels C.smells ‎31. The film ____ for fifteen minutes.‎ A.begun B.has begun C.has been on ‎32. How will you ____ your dream?‎ A.realize B.accept C.come true ‎33. --Have you finished your work yet? ‎ ‎ --No, not yet. I think it will take ____ ten minutes.‎ A.another B.other C.more ‎34. --I wonder ____. --It's about an unusual experience of a little girl.‎ A.Who wrote the book B.What the book is about C.how I can get the book ‎35. --We failed in the dancing competition. ‎ ‎ --____. Better times are waiting for you.‎ A. Good luck. B.Cheer up. C.Good idea.‎ II.完形填空:(15分)‎ One day,my grandfather went fishing,and let me go with him.He handed the rod(钓竿)to me,held my __36__ and taught me how to throw my line into the water.Our bobbers floated(浮标漂浮着)together __37__ we sat there,hoping for a bite. The sun warmed us. We sat and talked. “I remember when I could sit here and watch the fish __38__ in the water,” he said. “Sometimes,they’d jump out and __39__ beside me. I didn’t need a rod and bait(饵) at that moment.” “We have to be __40__.” he continued, “The fish may come or they may not.It doesn’t matter.We’re out in the __41__. It’s a beautiful day.We’re lucky to have the warmth of the sun. If it had rained,we wouldn’t be here.” He sat against a tree. “Yes,it's a __42__ day,” he said.‎ I watched our bobbers. __43__ fish pulled them under that day. It didn’t matter. I was with Grandpa. I felt grown up. Just being with him was special. He was well loved by everyone and I wanted to __44__ him when I grew up. He’d worked hard all his life for what little he had,but he could still find time to laugh.He was a relaxing man.In the short time we had together,he ___45__ me many things:how to hold a rod, the value of a good time,the value of a good friend,respect for my elders,and the importance of working hard and living harder.The list is long.‎ 36. A.feet B.legs C.arms 37. A.as B.if C.because 38. A.running B.going C.swimming 39. A.stand B.sleep C.land 40. A.excited B.patient C.worried 41. A.day B.sun C.water 42. A.funny B.great C.big 43. A.No B.Enough C.Some 44. A.look after B.be like C.learn to 45. A.taught B.gave C.ask III.阅读理解。(45分)‎ ‎(A)‎ Who hasn’t heard of Peanuts(《花生》)? Peanuts is one of the most famous comic strips(连环漫画)in the world, created, by Charles M. Schulz. There are four main characters in the strips : Charlie Brown, Snoopy, Linus and Lucy.‎ Born in Minneapolis, Minnesota(美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯市), Schulz developed a great love for drawing as a child. He always had a pen in his hand and liked to draw things that he saw around him like dogs, trees and houses. He often read newspaper comic strips with his dad. At the age of 15, the young boy published(出版) his first drawing, a picture of a dog that eats pins, tacks(大头钉)and razor blades(刀片).‎ Before starting Peanuts, Schulz had drawn a comic strips called Li’l Folks(《小家伙》). He tried to sell his work to large newspapers, but no one was interested in it. Schulz received “nothing but rejection slips(退稿附条),” as he later noted. However, Schulz didn’t give up and reworked Li’l Folks into Peanuts. Soon the strip was published, and later appeared in newspapers all around the country and even the world.‎ Though he was successful, Schulz was devoted to(献身于)the Peanuts strip, hardly taking a day off in his long career. He took only one vacation, a five-week break in late 1997, to celebrate his 75th birthday.‎ Today, with his devotion and hard work, Charles M. Schulz is widely considered as one of the most influential cartoonists of all time. Peanuts became one of the most popular comic strips ever.‎ 36. Peanuts ________‎ ①Was created by Charles M. Schulz ②was published when Charles M. Schulz was 15‎ ③is one of the world’s most popular comic strips ④ features a dog that eats pins, tacks and razor blades A.①② B.① ③ C.②③ D.③④‎ 36. According to the passage, Charles M. Schulz loved to __ when he was young.‎ A.draw things that he saw around him B.read newspaper comic strips with Charlie Brown C.sing with his father D.play with Linus and Lucy 37. LI’I Folks was published _____‎ A.by a large newspaper B.before Charles M. Schulz started to draw Peanuts C.after Charles M. Schulz reworked it and named it Peanuts D.on Charles M. Schulz’s 75th birthday 38. The vacation Charles M. Schulz took to celebrate his 75th birthday lasted for ____‎ A.five days B.fifteen days C.five weeks D.seventy-five days 39. Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage?‎ A.Charles M. Schulz was a very famous cartoonist B.Charles M. Schulz developed a great love for drawing as a child.‎ C.Charles M. Schulz devoted his life to drawing the Peanuts strip.‎ D.LI’l Folks was welcomed by large newspapers ‎(B)‎ Indian film Dangal(《摔跤吧!爸爸》) has earned more than 450 million yuan in 11 days, becoming the highest grossing(创票房纪录最高的)Indian movie in China.‎ The film is based on the true story of an Indian father, played by Aamir Khan, who challenged gender discrimination(性别歧视)and taught his daughters to wrestle(摔跤).The girls went on to become two of the world’s best female wrestlers, winning medals for their country at the world events.‎ The film grossed nearly 100 million yuan in a single day on May 13. It is rated 9.2 out of 10 on Douban, a good film review website in China.‎ As well as the well-written storyline and excellent acting, the ideas of breaking gender roles and reforming(改革)education have stuck a chord(共鸣)with many Chinese parents. The film has also changed many viewers’ impression of India’s films and even the country. Chinese filmmakers could learn from the film’s storyline to improve the quality of Chinese films.‎ Attending the 2017 Beijing International Film Festival last month, Khan said the wants to co-produce a film in China. He said he is studying the Chinese culture and how Chinese films tell stories, and wants to experience different aspects of culture in China for closer cooperation.‎ In recent years, China and India, two large developing countries, have strengthened cooperation(合作)in the film industry, signing agreements to encourage co-production.‎ 36. We can probably read this passage in ____‎ A.a musical magazine B.a detective story C.a science magazine D.the newspaper ‎52.What is the film based on?‎ A.a true story B.a book C.a TV serious D.a film festival ‎53.From the passage we know that Douban is ___‎ A. website B.a film review C.a film maker D.a film festival ‎54.Which of the following is true according to the passage?‎ A.The Indian father loved girls more than boys.‎ B.The film becomes the highest grossing movie in China.‎ C.Amair Khan acted as the Indian father in the film D.The girls won swimming medals for India at the world events.‎ ‎55.We can know from the passage that ____‎ A.the film is so famous because of the famous actors and actresses B.Khan will make a film together with a Chinese film company C.girls are better at wrestling than boys D.the film attracted many parents because they also want to teach their kids how to wrestle.‎ ‎(C)‎ Have you ever seen a train that is hung in the air? Such a train has appeared in Chengdu already.‎ The train is powered by lithium batteries(锂电池) instead of electricity. It is not only energy-saving but also environmentally friendly compared to other trains. Each coach(车厢)will be able to carry up to 120 passengers.‎ The train has done its test without any problem a short time ago. But further tests will be done to check the train's ability to run and climb up the tracks before it can be opened to the public.‎ Chengdu is the first city in our country to build such a train system, and Shanghai will also open one this year. Shanghai started plans for its "Skytrain(空中列车)" in 2015.‎ The "Skytrain" in Shanghai will run above the ground at a height of around six meters. The columns which will support the railway will be just 80 cm wide. The columns are so narrow that they could even be built in the green belt in the middle of the road. The train is usually made up of six coaches. However, the train Shanghai plans to use will have just four coaches, and each will hold 70 passengers. The train will run at around 30 kilometers per hour. It will be a little slower than the city's subway trains, which run between 30 and 40 kilometers per hour.‎ ‎"Skytrain" would cost about 120 to 150 yuan to build. Developers siad the trian system will carry 15,000 passengers every hour. The space-saving train system would run silently through the city.‎ ‎56. What tests will be done?‎ A.The train's largest speed.‎ B.The train's ability to carry passengers.‎ C.The distance the train can run without stopping.‎ D.The train's ability to turn and climb up the tracks.‎ ‎57. What does the underlined word "column" in Para 5 mean in Chinese?‎ A.车厢 B.轨道 C.柱子 D.钢索 ‎58. How many passengers can such a train in Shanghai carry?‎ A.420 B.280 C.120 D.70‎ ‎59. Which of the following isn't the advantage of this new kind of train?‎ A.Running very fast. B.Saving energy.‎ C.Saving space. D.Little noise.‎ ‎60. What does the passage mainly tells us?‎ A.The advantage of a new kind of train.‎ B.The cost of building a new kind of train.‎ C.The number of passengers the train can carry.‎ D.A new kind of train and its development in China.‎ ‎(D)‎ Anvitha Vijay, nine, has created many educational apps. The young girl from Melbourne, Australia, learned to code(编程)at the age of seven. Soon, she was trying her hand at making apps.‎ ‎  “When I first got my iPad, I was interested in all the apps on it,”she said, “It wasn't long before I wanted to create my own.” ‎ She built her first two apps with her younger sister. Smartkins Animals helps children identify(识别) animals. Smartkins Rainbow Colors teaches kids colors. Each app has been downloaded thousands of times.‎ ‎  Anvitha's skills gave her an opportunity to attend a big meeting hosted by Apple in San Francisco, California. There, she got tips from experts. She went to workshops where she learned about the latest software such as Sketch for app building.‎ ‎  All that training led to an idea for a third app. This one, called GoalsHi, helps kids to practice good habits. Users are rewarded(鼓励) for achieving goals, such as eating their vegetables or practicing the piano. Anvitha says the rewards are like getting a sticker(贴纸)for a job that they do well.‎ ‎“Kids can set goals with this app and get starts when they achieve them,” she says. “The idea is to encourage kids to achieve one little step a day.”‎ ‎  Anvitha's goal is to continue creating apps that help kids learn while having fun. But even more important to her is that the world sees the power of technology in kids' hands. “The more training we get in technology at an early age,” she says, “the better chance we have of becoming a person who will one day change the world.”‎ ‎61. Which of the following is TRUE about Anvitha Vijay?‎ ‎  A. She started to learn to code when she was nine.‎ ‎  B. She has created three educational apps.‎ ‎  C. Her brother helped her create some apps.‎ ‎  D. She is from San Francisco, California.‎ ‎62. Which app can help children identify colors?‎ ‎  A. Sketch. B. GoalsHi.‎ ‎  C. Smartkins Animals. D. Smartkin Rainbow Colors.‎ ‎63. What did Anvitha do during the meet?‎ ‎  ①She got some tips from app experts.‎ ‎  ②She visited some famous universities.‎ ‎  ③She was rewarded by the host of the meeting.‎ ‎  ④She learned about the latest software for app building.‎ ‎ A.①② B.②③ C.①④ D.③④‎ ‎64. Anvitha hopes to create apps that ________.‎ ‎  A. help children to learn happily ‎  B. help parents to teach their children ‎  C. help teachers to teach their students D. help kids to communicate with each other  ‎ ‎65. What is probably the best title for the passage?‎ ‎  A. A Child's Goal B. Children and Apps ‎  C. She's an App Maker D. A New Educational App ‎(E)‎ Simon is a 17-year-old young man, but he was a famous champion(冠军). Everybody in New York University liked this tall, quiet boy. ___66___ People all over the country talked about Simon and often asked, “will he never jump again?” Simon’s mother went to the hospital to see her son. She looked at his broken leg. Then she looked into his eyes. She knew what her son would. “You’re going to jump again, Simon, I know it,”she said. “Everything will be all right.” ___67___ He began at once. Even in his hospital bed. Simon started to exercise. He used a wheel(轮子) and other metal things. Soon his bed looked like a machine shop! It was May when Simon left the hospital. ___68___ he asked the doctors. “Yes” the doctors said. “But take it easy on that foot”. Simon took only short walks at first. He was taking it easy on his foot, but not on anything else. ___69___ He exercised until his body cried for a rest. Some days later, he exercised a little more. In late summer Simon went back to school. He asked if he could practice with the football team. ___70___ He worked hard. “No one pushed him As hard as he pushed himself, said one of his friends. “To see a champion fighting back is a wonderful thing to watch".‎ A. Is it all right if go camping this summer?‎ B. He went swimming and did other kinds of exercises.‎ C. If Simon hoped to jump again, he would have a lot to do.‎ D. Once he was hurt, everybody in New York University was sorry.‎ E. Football wasn't his favorite, but he had to get that leg strong again.‎ Ⅳ.情景交际(10分)‎ ‎71.你已经成功通过考试了,你可以这样告诉你的父母:‎ ‎____________________________________________ passing the exam.‎ ‎72.你告诉上海的朋友福州天气比上海热的多:‎ The weather ___________________________________________________.‎ ‎73.你想倡议我们不应当乱扔垃圾,你可以这样说:‎ We shouldn't ___________________________________________________.‎ ‎74.你想确定英语是否在世界各地最广泛运用,你可以这样问:‎ Is English ______________________________________________________?‎ ‎75.你想请教同学自己该怎样复习和预习功课,你可以这样问:‎ ‎______________________________________________________________?‎ Ⅴ.看图写话(共5题,每题2分,共10分)‎ 76. ‎ 77.‎ ‎78. 79. 80.‎ ‎76.flag, symbol ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎77.There, be, communicate, foreigner ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎78.lay, on the table, by ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎79.so, that, water ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ ‎80.if, not, meaning, look up ‎__________________________________________________________________‎ Ⅵ.短文填词 阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)‎ 综合填空 China is a great country with the largest population in the world. In order to solve the population problem, our 81.____ [ˈgʌvənmənt] carried out one-child policy(政策) before. When it is carried out for some time, many people not 82.____ see its advantages but also disadvantages.‎ From 2016, two-child policy is put into effect. In 83.____(I) opinion, two-child policy is good. First of all, two-child policy is the gift for home only child. For some families, 84.____ ['meibi] the parents are only one child and they also can have only child. Besides the loneliness of their child, when their child 85.____ up and they grow older, their child marry an only child girl, the burden(负担) on their child and his wife is too 86.____. Their child and his wife have to take care of two couples. Usually, a young people looking after an old couple is a little difficult. But if their parents have two 87.____(child), they can share the burden of taking care of their parents. It would be much 88.____(good). Secondly, two-child policy can guarantee(保证) the 89.____['nʌmbə(r)] of Chinese population.‎ All in all, one-child policy had been out of date. And two-child policy is 90.____(need) and necessary. It can solve the nowadays(现在) and the future.‎ Ⅷ.书面表达(15分)‎ ‎91.假定你是张华,你在外地学习的好朋友王伟发电子邮件向你请教如何学好英语。请你根据以下要点用英语给他回封电子邮件。‎ 内容包括:1.看英语电影、听英语歌曲,猜测生词意思。‎ ‎2.与外教交谈。‎ ‎3.把单词写在纸条上,利用纸条记忆单词。‎ 注意:1.词数:80左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数);‎ ‎2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。‎ Dear Wang Wei,‎ I received your email yesterday. In the email, you asked me how to improve your English. Now I'd like to give you some advice.‎ ‎______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________‎ These are my suggestions. I hope they are useful to you.‎

