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Unit 5 Feeling Happy Topic 2 Section A 课程目标导航 教学目标: 1.进一步学习并掌握个人情感及个性的词汇。 2.能用有关情感的形容词准确表达个人情感。 3.在 be + adj.结构基础上掌握 linking verb + adj. + prep.结构。 教学重点 1Learn more words of feelings: bored, anxious 2Learn some words of describing a person: shy, strict, patient 3Learn grammar pattern “linking verb + adj. +prep.”. be strict with,be patient with,be bored with, be anxious about,be mad at,be tired of 教学难点 Learn grammar pattern “linking verb + adj. + prep.”. 教学情景导入 T: Good morning,boys and girls. Ss: Good morning,Miss Wang. T: Are you ready to share your “Opera” with others? Ss: Yeah. Group A: We find eight groups of operas. They are… We choose one section from Huangmeixi Opera. Let’s listen. Group B: … (老师依次对上述学生的报告做点评。) T: Beijing opera and other kinds of operas are national operas of China. They highly express Chinese couture. They bring us happiness and laughter. But there are many things in our daily life bringing us sadness and worries(焦虑). Now, let’s make a competition. (在此呈现生词:bored, anxious) Group A: sad/unhappy Group B: bored/tired Group C: mad/angry Group D: anxious/worried Please list as many things that happened last week as you can. Group A list things making you sad and unhappy. Group B… Now this lesson we will learn Topic 2 I feel better now. look at your book. 教学过程设计 教学过程: Step 1 Presentation T:Now , let’s listen to the tape and find what’s wrong with Beth! (老师放听力并设置听力任务,并写在黑板上做第二次听力任务。) (老师给出关键词句,帮助学生理解听力内容。) T: What’s wrong with Beth? Ss: She seems so depressed and unhappy. She is crying in the washroom. T: Let’s listen again. And the key words and sentence here may help you. (老师核对听力答案。) Step 3 Consolidation 1T: Follow the tape. (让学生跟读磁带。) 2(学生自读,然后跟录音机核对。) T: Now,read and then check your pronunciation sentence by sentence. Go! 3T: Role play the conversation. Boys are Miss Wang. Girls are Helen. Go! (学生分角色朗读。) T: Now,boys are Helen. Girls are Miss Wang. Go! 4(根据关键词,表演对话。) T: Work in pairs. Close your book,look at the blackboard and act the dialog out. The best group will get 5 points. T: Group A has a wonderful pronunciation. They can use the words freely. They don’t read books,so they get 5 points… Step3 Practice 1T: All of you are very good at performance. But I also hope you can be very helpful like the girl in this picture. Now,work in pairs and practice the “Example” in our textbook. (老师在此期间标出生词。) strict 严格的 explain 解释 over and over again 多次,反复地 be strict with… 对……严格 be patient with… 对……耐心 understand 理解,领会 patient 有耐心的,能忍耐的 T: Look at the two other pictures. T: What’s the clown (小丑) like? Ss: He is very fun ny. He usually do funny things on TV. T: Is he popular all over the world? Ss: Yes,he is popular all over the world. Does Helen seem depressed and unhappy? What’s Beth like? Why is Beth crying? Who will have a talk with Beth later? Be strict with 对….要求严格 I’m sorry to hear that. 听到这真让人难过。 have a talk with her 和她谈谈话 be worried about 担心 (老师引导学生说出下一个图片的内容。) T: Which group can do the last picture like the examples. Group A: What is the girls like? … 2(让学生以组为单位竞答第三题,答对一题加三分,答错一题扣两分。) T: Look at the pictures carefully, and then make sentences according to the example (老师给学生两分钟的准备时间,并列出生词。) bored 疲倦的,烦闷的 use 使用,利用 anxious 焦虑的,担心 result 结果,效果 T: If you give a right answer,you will get 3 points. But if you give a wrong answer,you will lose 2 points. Picture 2,go! Group A: … Group B: … T: Both right. Both 3 points. Picture 3,go! … ( 在此活动中,如果学生答错,老师一定要给出正确答案以利于比较记忆。) 3(让学生以组为单位表演,并评出优劣。) T: Now. Choose one student in each group,and then make a gesture for us to guess. You have one minute to prepare for that. S1: (facial expression and gesture) S2: Are you angry? … S1: I’m just a little worried about the mi stake. … Step 5 Project T: Let’s listen to the tape and choose the right answer. (如果学生不能答对,可以听两遍。) T: Let’s check the answers now. A—4, B—3, C—3, D—4. T : Class , we have learned many sentences to show feelings like “ happiness ”, “satisfaction”, “surprise”,“worries”and “fears”. so today’s project is to find all such sentences you’ve learned. Please work in groups. Group A: … Group B: … Group C: … Group D: … T: Now report your list to our class! … 课堂板书设计 Be strict with 对….要求严格 I’m sorry to hear that. 听到这真让人难过。 have a talk with her 和她谈谈话 be worried about 担心 She looks so lonely because she has no friends.她看奇拉很孤独是因为她没有 朋友。 ] 作业: 翻译句子 1.由于她对她自己要求严格,她很不开心。 2.我认为我应该和她谈谈。 3.听到这件事情我很难过。 4.我很为她担心。 参考答案:1.Since she is very strict with herself, she is unhappy. 2.I think I should have a talk with her. 3.I am sorry to hear that. 4.I am worried about her. Section B 课程目标导航 教学目标: 1.能用简单的语言描述自己或他人的情感。 2.能根据具体的情景给出恰当的建议。 3.能在教师的指导下参与角色扮演活动。 教学重点 1Learn the following words: especially, stranger, b e used to , accept, advice 2Learn some sentences of expressing feelings: 1. You ‘d better…. 2. Why not…? 3. Why don’t you …? 4. Please…. 3Learn how to express their own feelings and reassure others. 4 Get students to know how to be in a good mood and how to live and study happily. 教学难点 Learn how to express their own feelings and reassure others. 教学情景导入 T: Boys and girls! Are you happy all the time? S1: No,not always. S2: Sometimes I am unhappy. S3: … T: Oh, I really understand. Many people in their teens like you have such experiences as Beth. Is that right? Ss: Yes. Beth is depressed and unhappy. T: Why? Ss: Because she has no friends there. (老师在此呈现生词:teen, experience,并为下一步作铺垫、过渡。) 教学过程设计 教学过程: Step 1 Presentation T: Ok, let’s listen to the tape. What will Miss Wang do for her? (听录音 1,回答问题,并用幻灯片或单词卡片呈现关键词句。) Step 2 Consolidation 1(学生跟读磁带。) T: Follow the tape, pay more attention to the pronunciation and intonation. 2(学生自读,然后核对语音语调。) T: Now, read and check your pronunciation sentence by sentence. Go! 3(人机对话。) T: You’re Miss Wang. Listen to Beth and make a dialog with her. Go! 4(呈现关键词,学生串演 Section A 1 and Section B 1。) T: Work in pairs. Practice for a little while. Close your books. Look at the key sentences here and act the dialog out. Group A: … (将前后知识有机地整合起来,可以用学生真实的姓名,创设贴近学生实际的情景。) Step 3 Practice 1. Read the interview alone and learn the new words by yourself. 2(在阅读的基础上,让学生带着问题听录音。) 3(学生再一次回答问题。) T : This part is a little difficult. So let’s listen once more and then check the answers to the questions. Book closed! T: OK. Let’s check t he answers together. —He has many problems. You can read “first…, what’s more…..” —Take part in activities or do something fun. 4T: What can we learn from this interview? Is everything Ok at Beth’s home? How does Miss Wang give Beth a hand? Does Beth like to make a friend? Who does she want to be her friend? Everyone feels unhappy sometimes,especially when living in a new place. It’s important to talk to someone. Everyone gets these feelings at your age. There,there. It will be Ok. What is Beth’s question? Do you think how to solve it? Now discuss in pairs and then report to the class. (老师在最后做总结与补充。) T: Well done! So we must take it easy when unhappy things happen to us. Try our best to live happily. OK?! Ss: OK! T: Are you sure? Ss: Sure. 5(分三人一组串演 1、3a,可以改编,可以用真实姓名,实景真 情。) T: Now make your own short play and act 1、2a out. You can use your own names. Example: Student 1: Beth, are you OK? Student 2: I… Step 4 Project 1(呈现准备的五张图。) T: Have a look at the five pictures on the blackboard. What problems do they have? How to solve them in the best way? Now, think it over and over again in groups and then report to the class. Group A: … … 2(学生在上面活动的基础上听录音 Section B 2,让两个同学到台上标出答案。) T: Now let’s listen to the problems and number the advice given. S1、S2. Would you like to number the advice on the blackboard? … 3(活动总结。) T: Boys and girls, now we know there will be many problems in our lives. How do we solve it? S1: We should calm down and relax. It’ll be OK. T: Good boy. You are so brave! But you may feel lonely. S2: Listen to some songs,watch TV and soon. Go out and do some exercise. … (师生互动过程中引导学生自我发现问题,自我探究解决方法,顺利实现情感目标。) 课堂板书设计 作业: 1. 设计一个情景:你的朋友很伤心,你很担心她/他。与你的同桌一同探讨问题所在并找出 最好的解决办法。写下你们的建议。 2. 小作文 Our Problems and Our Ways. 1. I don’t know how to get other students to talk with me. 2. I’m sure she would like to be your friend. 3. I’m not used to everything here. 4. The food is not as delicious as our Sichuan food, either. Section C 课程目标导航 教学目标: 1.掌握形容词比较等级用法规则,特别是同级比较。 2.能就信的内容,表达自己的观点和意见,参与讨论。 1. 教学重点 1Learn some new words and expre ssions: deal with, sadness, fail, relative, kill, refuse, argue, unfair, hit, though, finally, ever, 2Review: (1)Adjective + preposition (2)Equal comparison 3Learn to solve the problems around us. 教学难点 Learn to solve the problems around us. 教学情景导入 T: Boys and girls,would you like to see a part of a film? Ss: Yes, we’d love to. T: OK! It’s about Tang Seng and Sun Wukong,do you know them? Ss: Wow,great,of course we know. T: You should try to find out the answers to the questions when you are watching. Understand? (展示问题如下:应课前准备。) Ss: Sure. (播放课件后问。) T: Who can answer Question 1? S1: No, he didn’t. T: What about Question 2? S2: He didn’t care and he could forget it easily. (学生可能会给出多种不同答案,教师要鼓励和引导学生给出多种不同的解决方式。) T: Question 3? S3: Yes, he did. T: Are you happy all the time? If you feel sad, how do you deal with your sadness? (组织几分钟的自由讨论,然后过渡到下一步。) 教学过程设计 1.Did Tang Seng understand Sun Wukong? 1. 2. How did Sun deal with the problems when Tang didn’t understand him? 3. Did Sun finish his work well at last? 教学过程: Step 1 Presentation 1(老师让学生阅读短文,同时找出 4 个问题的答案。) T: Class, please read the passage and find ou t the answer to the following question. 2(让学生阅读后先讨论问题的答案,最后全班核对。) T: Let’s check the answers one by one. 3(核对答案后,让学生提出问题,划出重点词、句,解决学生的问题,并将关键词板书到 黑板上。) Step 2 Consolidation 1(老师让学生大声朗读黑板上的关键词,使学生较熟悉。) T: Please read the key words on the blackboard loudly. Ss: … 2(让学生再次阅读,同时播放录音 1,注意模仿语音语调。) T: Boys and girls, read the passage again. 3(让学生四人小组活动,看关键词,复述课文,因本课较长,具体操作时可根据学生程度 选择全文复述或各小组分段复述。) T : Please work in group of four. Try to retell the passage with the key words on the blackboard, then report in class. Step 3 Practice 1(学生听句子,根据句子画图,如:) T: The girl is as tall as the boy. T: Bill is not so tall as Tom. 2(老师应根据学生情况描述,使学生理解、明白形容词同级用法。让一些学生把它们画在 黑板上,并指着画描述。) T: Who wants to show your pictures on the blackboard? S1: I will. … 3(让学生朗读同级比较的例句 2a。) T: Read the sentences about equal comparison in 2a. S3: … 4(完成 3。) T: Please finish 3 by yourselves. (待学生完成后集体核对答案。) 5(让学生大声朗读句子。) T: Read the sentences together. Ss: … Step4 Project 1活动目标:(1)操练:形容词同级比较。 (2)操练:Adjective(emotion)+preposition 2活动方式:以大组为单位,依次让两个体貌特征较明显的学生到讲台前表演表情,其它 学生用活动目标内容描述。 deal with, fail to pass an exam, refused to..., argue with..., even though, instead/instead of 3评比原则:各组每说出一个正确句子得一分。(注意不得重复句子。) 4图表如下: Group A[来 Group B Group C Group D 5教师用语: T: Now let’s have a competition. S1 and S2, come to the front, please. OK! Others, please say something about them by using “linking verb+ adj. +preposition, as +adj. +as , not so/as+ adj.+ as ” . Your group will get one point if you speak out the sentence quickly and correctly. Example: Group A: S1 is not as happy as S2. : S2 is not as humorous as S1. 课堂板书设计 作业: 1. 举出 5 个“as… as…, not as/so…as…”的句型 2. 完成课后作业。 Section D 课程目标导航 教学目标: 1.归纳总结 Topic 2 所学句型及交际用语。 2.能读懂教材给出的阅读材料,并从中树立正确的人生价值观。 教学重点 1 Learn some new words and expressions: asleep, give sb. a hand, suggestion, in one’s teens, experience, soft 2. Sentences: 1. I want to give then a hand. 2. It is normal to feel sad when something bad happens to us. 3. Would you please say something about that and give your suggestions? 教学难点 Learn to solve students’ problems in their daily life. 教学情景导入 1.写出下列形容词的比较级、最高级形式: lovely— patient— funny— 5. How does Jeff deal with his sadness? 6. It’s normal to have these feelings. 7. He was quite angry with the driver. 8. He doesn’t hate the driver any longer. active— helpful— humorous— quiet— shy— smart— brave— fat— little— 2 检查形容词的同级比较的例句 教学过程设计 教学过程: 第一步:复习 1.让学生展示上节课写给 Beth 的信,师生共同修改。 2.教师把其中给 Beth 的建议写在黑板上,让学生读两遍。 第二步:呈现 1.教师导入: Nobody can be happy all the time, sometimes we will feel unhappy, even sad. How can we deal with our sadness? Let’s read the text. 2.让学生打开课文 1,浏览 1,根据上下文猜测生词。 3.教学生词,讲解重难点: deal with, sadness, all the time, fail, relative, kill, refuse, argue, unfair, hit, though, finally, ever, money, game 4.学生自读 1,思考下列问题: ① How do you feel if you fail to pass an exam? ② How do you feel if one of the people in your family has died? ③ What did Jeff do to feel better? ④ What makes you unhappy? How can you feel happy again? 5.四人一组互相讨论上述问题,达成共识,得出结论。 6.小组选举报告员向全班汇报自己组的结论,教师同时教育学生要自信,知足常乐,树立正确的价值观。 第三步:巩固 1.口头讨论课本 3 的答案。 2.听录音 3,检查答案。找个别学生朗读句子。 第四步:练习 1.让学生用比赛的方式给下列短语造句: ① all the time ② fail to do sth. ③ deal with ④ refuse to do sth. ⑤ argue with sb. ⑥ be important to sb. ⑦decide to do sth.2.听录音 3 巩固“be+ adj.”结构。 课堂板书设计I want to give then a hand. 2. It is normal to feel sad when something bad happens to us. 3. Would you please say something about that and give your suggestions? 4 anything wrong? 5 She seems to like me. 6 How time flies! 7 Please give my best wishes to your parents. I want give them a hand. 作业: 四人一组,进行自主学习,每人负责归纳整理一个 Section 的重点句型与词组,最后四人将总结的结果合并 到一起,向全班同学汇报,与全班共享 Topic 2 的重点句型与词组,并与课本 2a、2b 进行对照。

