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Unit 7 Food Festival Topic 1 Section A 课程目标导航 教学目标: 1. Talk about ways to make money: wash dishes,sell old storybooks,sell newspapers,wash cars 2. Learn the object clauses: (1)What do you think the children should prepare for the food festival? (2)What do you think you can do to make money? (3)I think (that) I can sell newspapers. 教学重点 1. Cultivate the students to have the noble character of willing to help others. 2. Talk about how to make money. 3. Talk about how to prepare for the food festival. 教学难点 Learn the object clauses: (1)What do you think the children should prepare for the food festival? (2)What do you think you can do to make money? (3)I think (that) I can sell newspapers. 教学情景导入 1.(呈现丹尼尔的图片在黑板上,向学生介绍他的基本情况。) T:Look at the picture. Can you tell me something about him? (学生说出一些他们知道的情况。) T:Is he from China? Ss:No. he isn’t. He is from… (老师将 Nigeria 写到黑板上,然后帮助学生完成这个句子,并说出它的大概 位置。) T:Is he a student? Ss:Yes, he is. T:He is a university student. (将 university 写在黑板上。) (解释 He isn’t a middle school student.让学生猜出 university 的意思。) T:He took part in the 2000 Sydney Games. He won the gold medal. He is an Olympic wrestling champion. (将划线部分写在黑板上,并用肢体语言向学生解释。) T:Does he have much money? Ss:No,he doesn’t. T:He is a very kind man. He wants to help his poor village in Nigeria. He wants to build a school for the children. (将 village 写在黑板上。Village is a place. It isn’t a city. It’s a small place in the country-side. 也可用图片将城 市与乡村对比。) T:What should he do? Can you help him? (让学生说出自己的观点,如果有预习的同学,可能会说出举办一个美食节,如果有,将 have a food festival 写在黑板上。) T:Shall we organize a food festival for him? Ss:Good idea. T:Let’s try our best to make it successful! (解释 successful,由 success 转变而来,并列出 use→useful, care→careful。) 教学过程设计 教学过程: Step 1 Presentation) 1.T:There are some students in the picture. They also want to help him. What will they do? Please listen to the tape. (将课文中的插图呈现出来,然后放录音 1a,并回答问题。) T:What will Jane do? S1:Organize the food festival. T:What will Maria do? S2:Turn to teachers for help. T:What will Kangkang do? S3:Try to get more information about Daniel. T:What will Michael do? S4:Make a poster. (将关键词写在黑板上。) 2.T:Read the conversation by yourselves and find out something difficult for you and then discuss in pairs. (给时间提出问题,老师在同学讨论时给予帮助。) Step 2 Consolidation 1.T:Follow the tape and draw “up” or “down” with your pencil] (老师放录音 1a,学生跟读,用铅笔标语音语调。) 2.T:Read the conversation in four groups and finish 1b Work alone. (将学生分成四组分别充当不同的四个角色。) 3.T:Practice the conversation in groups and act it out without books. (学生可用黑板上提供的关键词。) Step 3 Practice 1.T:What do you think the children should prepare for the food festival? Pleas e discuss in groups. Do 2 Group work. (让学生分组讨论,并做好记录,由一个学生来问本组的其它同学。) T:Ask one of students from each group to ask the other students like this: A:Do you think (that) the children need to write a song? B:No,I don’t think so. (教师在各小组中帮助需要帮助的同学,特别是一些生词的发音与汉语意思,可用实物的图 片或肢体语言。) 2.T:How can you make money to help Daniel? Please Discuss in groups and write down your idea. Then report to your class. T:What do you think you can do to make money? S1:I think (that) I can sell newspapers.(老师可以提供帮助。) T:What do you think? S2:I think (that) I can wash dishes. T:What about you?(老师指向下一位同学。) 3.T:Work in groups. The students discuss the ways of making money. And then report to the class. Step 4 Project T:Make a survey. How can the students make money to help their studying? Then fill in the table. Ask and answer the question one by one. Name Activities sell newspapers Example: T:How can you make money? S1:I think I can sell newspapers. What about you? S2:I think I can clean the classroom. How can you make money? (链条式提问,每组由一个同学做记录。) 课堂板书设计 Nigeria university Olympic wrestling champion village organize successfu key words and expressions organize the food festival turn to…for help get more information make a poster I think(that) I can babysit. I think (that) I can wash △ dishes△ What do you think the children should prepare for the food festival? △ What do you think you can do to make money? 作业 (1)Act o ut 1a in groups. (2)Rewrite 1a into a passage about 60 words. (3)Preview Section B. Section B 课程目标导航 教学目标: 1.Talk about the names of the food in different countries: American chocolate cookie, Creek cheese pie, Indian curries, Italian pizza, Chinese fried rice, Japanese sushi, South African beef curry, Russian black bread 2.Learn the object clauses: But please tell me whether I should serve South African beef curry or Russian black bread. I think beef curry is OK. 3.Review the invitation and learn how to refuse the invitation politely. 教学重点 1. Learn some typical food of foreign countries. 2. Review the invitation and learn how to refuse the invitation politely. 教学难点 1. Learn some typical food of foreign countries. 2. Review the invitation and learn how to refuse the invitation politely. 教学情景导入 1.(复习 Section A 1a。) T:We have learnt that some students wanted to prepare for the food festival. What will they do? Let’s ask some students to act out the dialog in Section A 1a in front. Four students come to the front. They act Jane,Kangkang,Michacl and Maira. Who will come,please put up your hands. (鼓励学生上台表演,老师可以将适当的提示词写在黑板上。) T:Well done!/Pretty good! (老师给予适当的评价。) 2.(复习宾语从句,链锁操练,老师开个头,学生接下去,一个接一个提问并回答问题。) T:Ask and answer one by one.(任选一列操练。) T:What do you think the children should prepare for the food festival? S1:I think that I should learn to cook dishes. What about you, S2? S2:I think that… And you S3? S 3:… (S1 回答完问题,转身问后面的 S2,S2 以此类推。) (老师将 I think (that)… 写在黑板上复习 that 引导的宾语从句。) (老师解释了 that 引导的宾语从句) 教学过程设计 教学过程: Step 1 Review 1. Review the names of some Chinese food. The teacher and students ask and answer like this: Teacher: What’s your favorite food? Student 1: My favorite food is dumplings. Student 2: My favorite food is noodles. Student 3: ... Let the students answer the question one by one, then the teacher asks the next question. turn to teachers for help try to get more information about Daniel make a poster organize the food festival I think (that)... Teacher: Do you know any foreign food? Student 1: Yes, hamburgers. Student 2: Chips. Student 3: ... Step 2 Presentation 1.The teacher shows some pictures of foreign food to teach the new words, and then wri te the new words on the blackboard. cookie, pizza, curry, sushi Next, learn the flags of some foreign counties in 1b in the same way. 2. Practice: students discuss. For example: A: What’s this? B: It’s a pizza. A: Which country is it from? B: It’s from Italy. 3. Finish 1a and master the following sentences: I have a sweet tooth. I think Chinese fried rice and Japanese sushi are easy to cook. But please tell me whether I should serve the South African beef curry or Russian black bread. Practice the dialog in 1a in pairs. Pay attention to the new words. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Read the conversation in 1a again and complete 1b. 2. Ask the students to remember the typical food and their countries. 3. Work alone in 1c. Pay attention to the words of food. Step 4 Practice 1. Learn 2. Listen to 2 and answer the following questions: How many people are there in 2? Who are they? What are Kangkang’s classmates going to do for Daniel gali? Is Daniel coming to their food festival? After the teacher asks the students to read 2,he/she will correct their answers, and write the important sentences on the blackboard. A. Thank you very muc h. B. It’s a pleasure. A. May I invite you to our food festival? B. I’d love to, but I’m afraid I have no time. cookie pizza curry sushi flag PRC Flag America flag India flag Italy flag Russia flag Japan flag South Africa flag Greek 2. Read the conversation after the tape. 3. Practice the conversation in pairs. Step 5 Project 1. Pair work .One student says the name of a kind of food, the other gives the name of its country. Then fill in the following chart. Food Countries Food Countries Chocolate cookies Japan Greece Beef curry Curries Russia Pizza Dumplings 2. Choose one of your favorite food, and describe it in your own words. You can begin like this: I like pizza. It comes from Italy. It looks like a pancake, but it’s made of eggs, flour and other... 课堂板书设计 食物名称:American chocolate cookie, Creek cheese pie, Indian curries, Italian pizza, Chinese fried rice, Japanese sushi, South African beef curry, Russian black bread 作业 1.Make a survey: How many flags do you know? Draw the flag,and then write out the English name. Flag Country 2. (1)Recite the names of the food. (2)Remember the flags. (3)Preview Section C. Make an invitation card and write some words on it. Section C 课程目标导航 教学目标: 1.Make a phone call: (1)Extension six zero zero six,please. (2)Hold the line,please. 2.Learn to express hope and wish: (1)Hope to see you then! (2)Please give my best wishes to your friend. 3.Learn to express emotion: I’m proud of you. 4.Write invitations. 教学重点 1. Continue to learn the useful expressions on telephone. 2. Learn how to write the invitation. 3. Summarize the personal information. 教学难点 Learn to express hope and wish 教学情景导入 1.(复习 Section B 的食物名和国旗。) T:I’ll show out the pictures and flags. Please stand up and speak out the names as quickly as possible without books. If you can’t, you can look at the books. (分层次要求学生快速说出单词,来个热身。) 2.(复习 Section B 1a 的对话。) T:Now,let’s act out the dialog we learned last class. Let me choose four Ss from each group to act out the dialog. Let’s find out which group will do best. (分组表演对话,引进竞争机制。) T:Well done!/Pretty good!/Wonderful! (在每组表演完之后,给予评价。) T:Which group did best? (让学生自评。) T:Congratulations,group . I’m proud of you. (将此句呈现在黑板上,英汉对照。) 3.(呈现邀请对话。) T:Kangkang has invited Daniel to the food festival. If you are Kangkang,would you like to invite me? Who will try? (请学生来表演对话。) S1:Would you like to come to the food festival? T:Yes. I’d like to. When will you have it? S1:We’ll have it on Sunday,June 15th. T:Where will you have it? S1:On the playground of our school. T:I’m pleased to hear that. Keep trying. (将划线部分,写在黑板上。) T:If you want to invite your friends to the food festival, you should tell them time and place. T:I would like to invite you to the food festival in our school on Sunday, June 15th. I’m proud of you. On Sunday, June 15th On the playground of our school. I’m pleased to hear that. Keep trying. (呈现在黑板上,英汉对话。) (老师邀请学生任意选一个学生对话。) T:Would you like to come to the food festival? S1:Yes,I’d like to. T:Would you like to come with your friend? S1:Of course. T:Can you write an invitation to your friend? S1:Sorry,I can’t. (学生有困难写请柬。) T:You can write it like this. Look at the blackboard, and listen carefully. (老师出示已经写好的简单请柬,并在黑板上呈现格式。) (老师将请柬上的内容口述两遍,让学生对内容有个完整的印象。) Dear Xiao Ming, I’d like to invite you to the food festival in our school on Sunday , June 15th. We cook the foods by ourselves. Hope to see you then! Best wishes. Xiao Li 教学过程设计 教学过程: Step 1 Review Let the students say the useful expressions on telephone that they’ve learned, then ask them to write them on the notebooks. For example: Hello! May I speak to Tom? Is that Liu Ying speaking? Can I leave a message? He/She isn’t here right now. Can I take a message? Sorry, I’m afraid you have the wrong number. Step 2 Presentation 1. Read 1a. Find out the new words and useful expressions on telephone, then the teacher writes them on the blackboard and asks the students to master them. extension—Hello! Extension six zero zero six, please. second—OK. Hold the line, please.(A few seconds later.) What’s up? 2. Listen to 1a again. Do remember the main idea of the conversation. Then retell it to the class. I would like to invite you to the food festival in our school on Sunday, June 15th. Dear friend, I’ like to invite you…. … Hope to see you then! For example: Kangkang is inviting Uncle Yang to their food festival on telephone. They will cook and sell delicious international food on the playground of their school on June 15.Uncle Yang promises to come that day. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Practice the conversation in 1a. 2. Read 1b and learn how to write an invitation. Pay attention to the pattern and sentences in the invitation. Step 4 Practice 1. Learn the e-mail in 2a to know something about Daniel Igali. First read it and listen to the tape, then answer the following questions: Who did Daniel write to? When did Daniel Igali win a gold medal? What is his favorite food? 2. Read the e-mail in 2a again and fill in the form in 2b. Step 5 Project Write down something about a person you like according to the form below. Chinese name Birthday Weight Favorite color English name Birthplace Height Favorite food Stage name Nationality Masterpiece Hobbies 2. Chain story: (Imagine an activity) The teacher may give the beginning. Let the students continue the story one by one. 课堂板书设计 (1)Extension six zero zero six,please. (2)Hold the line,please. (3)Hope to see you then! (4)Please gi ve my best wishes to your friend. 作业 (1)Write a new invitation. (2)Recite the dialog 1a. (3)Preview the Section D. Section D 课程目标导航 教学目标: 1.Learn to express invitations: (1)May I invite you to organize the food festival with me? (2)What about buying a sandwich for him? (3)Would you like to have green tea with me this Sunday afternoon? (4)How about eating hot dogs? 2.Review the object clause: (1)I think (that) I can babysit. (2)I know (that) he is a Canadian athlete. (3)I think (that) they need to cook some soup. 3.Review useful expressions: (1)What do you think the children should prepare for the food festival? (2)I think curry beef is OK. (3)Extension six zero zero six,please. (4)Please give my best wishes to your friends. (5)I’m proud of you. 4.Learn to make a poster. 教学重点 1. Review the main sentences and useful expressions about invitation in this topic. 2. Review how to write an invitation. 3. Learn to make a poster. Teaching procedure: 教学难点 Learn to express invitations: (1)May I invite you to organize the food festival with me? (2)What about buying a sandwich for him? (3)Would you like to have green tea with me this Sunday afternoon? (4)How about eating hot dogs? 教学情景导入 1.(检查作业,复习 Section C 中的邀请对话和邀请函。) T:Now act out the dialog in Section C 1 in pairs. Who will try? (两个人分别扮演 Kangkang 和 Uncle Yang,请两对学生表演。) T:Pretty good. Thank you. (老师给予鼓励,评价。) T:How did Kangkang write to Uncle Yang? Can you tell me? (任意挑选学生口述邀请函,请两个人口述。) T:Good! Thank you./Well done! (检查自制的邀请函。) T:Take out your own invitation. Can you show the invitation out? (请学生将自制的邀请函放在桌上老师任选几张来读。) T:How beautiful the invitation is! (老师找到好的可以给予表扬。) T:Good job! Thank you. (可能会发现学生用了不同的表达方式,将呈现在黑板上。) 2.(呈现自制海报。) T:I made a simple poster for our weekend party. Is it beautiful? (将自制海报贴在黑板上。) T:Let’s ask and answer. (根据海报内容提出问题。) For example: (1)When shall we go to the party? (2)Where shall we go to the party? 教学过程设计 教学过程: Step 1 Review Brainstorming: How to invite others? Let the students say the sentences and useful expressions that they know about invitation, then ask them to give the answers. Finally ,write them on the blackboard. A: Would you like to go for a walk? What/How about having a swim? B: Thank you./I’d like to, thanks./That would be very nice. It’s very nice of you, but my mother is ill. I’d love to, but I’m afraid I have no time. Step 2 Presentation 1. Present the new word “sandwich” with the picture and write it on the blackboard. 2. Read the poster in 1. Learn how to make a poster, then make a poster for your school basketball match. Step 3 Consolidation 1. Work alone in 2. Ask the students to listen to the tape carefully and fill in the blanks. 2. Practice the sentences in 2. First read in pairs, then act it out. 3. Work alone in 3a, review object clause. Ask the students to make similar sentences. 4. Work alone in 3b. Review the useful expressions on telephone and the useful expressions of invitation . Ask the students to make up their own conversation with the key sentences in 3b. 5. Work alone in 4. 6. Let the students report their conversation to the class. Correct their mistakes and encourage them to make progress. Step 4 Practice Let the students summarize how to write an invitation. Then finish 5. 1.May I invite you to…? 2.What about…? 3.Would you like…? 4.How about…? Welcome to weekend party! Time:7:00 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Saturday, May 20 Place:in the school hall Enjoy yourselves. Step 5 Project Ask the students to write down the typical food of some foreign countries they know. They will write down the names as many as they can. The teacher will choose the one who writes the most and read it in the class. 课堂板书设计 日常用语 (1)May I invite you to organize the food festival with me? (2)What about buying a sandwich for him? (3)Would you like to have green tea with me this Sunday afternoon? (4)How about eating hot dogs? 宾语从句 (1)I think (that) I can babysit. (2)I know (that) he is a Canadian athlete. (3)I think (that) they need to cook some soup. 作业 1.听写(教师朗读,学生记录,然后集体讨论) Everyone knows that Daniel Igali is a Canadian champion. He wants to build a school, but he doesn’t have enough money. Kangkang’s classmates think they should make money to help him, so they decide to organize a food festival to sell biscuits, hot dogs, green tea, strawberries, pancakes, cheese and so on. When they told Daniel Igali they were preparing for the food festival to make money for him, Daniel Igali was very thankful and pleased. 2.Make a new poster for the International Food F estival. 3.Write an invitation to your teacher. Section A 一 读 1a ,做 1b。 二.在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语。 1.第一个加拿大奥运会摔跤冠军 _______________________________________ 2.了解_______________ 3.出生_____________ 4.建造一所新学校_______________________ 5.举办美食节_____________________________ 6.筹钱___________ 7.向老师求助_____________ 8.制作海报____________________ 9.和…取得联系___________________________ 10.在网上___________ 11.认真考虑______________ 12.得到更多的信息___________________________ 13.尽某人最大的努力做某事___________________ 14.使…成功____________________ 15.为…做准备___________ 16.摆放餐具__________ 17.汶川地震_________________________________ 18.写信给…_________ 19.沏茶______________ 20.学做饭________________ 三.在文中划出下面的句子并翻译。 1.Do you know about Daniel Igali? 译:___________________________________________________ 区别:know about---___________ / know---_____________ 练习: (1) I know her, she is our monitor. 译:_________________________________________________ (2) He wants to know more about Chinese culture. 译:_____________________________________________ 2.But he was born in Nigeria. 译:_________________________________ 点拨:be born---出生(多用______时态) 练习: (1)He was born ___ 1:00___ April 1st . (2)They were born ___ Austria. (3)Tom was born ___ winter. (填介词) 提高:a.I am not born yesterday. 译:_________________________________ b.He was born a singer. 译:_________________________________ 3.Shall we have a food festival to raise money for his school? 译:_______________________________ 思考:have 的意思是__________,可以用__________替换。 不定式 to raise money 在句中作_______ 语 模仿:为了庆祝第 25 个教师节,我们学校将在下周举办一场音乐会。 a.Our school______ _______ ___ ________ to celebrate the ________ ___________ __________next week. 为增强体质,他们每周进行一次篮球比赛。 b.To ______ ______ _______, they _____ ____ _________ ________ each week. 4.He is very kind. But I think money must be a problem for him. 译:________________________________________ 点拨:kind---善良,友好 对…很友好---_______________ 总结:must be 表示非常有把握的猜测---一定是;如果表示“一定不是,不可能是”则是---__________ 5.I will turn to our teachers. 译:_________________________________ 点拨:turn to sb. = ask sb. for help ________________ 拓展:turn 还有转弯,变得,依次,轮流等含义 短语:take turns to do sth. = do sth. in turn---轮流做某事 It is one’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事 练习: a.“No Left Turn” means “Don’t ________ _________ here”. 译:______________________________ b. In spring, many trees are _______ ________. 译:_______________________________________________ c. It’s our duty ___ _______ ________ ____clean the classroom. 译:_________________________________ d.They gave their suggestions ______ ________ at the meeting. 译:_________________________________ e. ____ ______ _______ ______ give a speech, Tom. 译:__________________________________ f. My English is very poor, I need to _____ ____ our teacher. 译:_____________________________ g. The temperature is so high that the food is easy ____ ______bad. 译:________________________________ h. The boss asks us ___ ______ ______ ____ clean the office. 译:____________________________________ 6.I will think about how to organize the food festival. 译:_________________________________________ 点拨:think about… 考虑 链接:think …over__________ think of…__________ 练习:a. ---Dad, will you buy me a new bile? ---I don’t know. I am going to _______ ________ it. b.The question is so difficult for me. I’d like more time to _______ it ________. c. What do you ______ ______ your new neighbor? 思考: how to organize the food festival 在句子中作_____语,将省略部分补充完整是:how__ ____ organize the… 7.Let’s try our best to make it successful. 译:________________________________________________ 点拨:try one’s best= do one’s best 后接动词不定式---尽某人最大的努力。拓展:try doing sth.---尝试着做某事 四.语法重点(that 引导的宾语从句) 1. I think beef curry is OK. 2. I think we can have a food festival on our playground on Sunday. 译:________________________ 译:_______________________________________________________ 3. I can imagine that a lot of people will come to the food festival. 译:________________________________________________________________ 总结:在口语或非正式文体中引导宾语从句的 that 常省略。 练习:a. 1 句的否定句:_________________________________ 总结:I/We think, believe 后面从句否定前移 b. 对 2 句的划线部分提问:_______________________________________________________________ c. 3 句的一般疑问句:____________________________________________________________________ Section B 一.读 1a,做 1b 二.在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语。 1.喜欢吃甜食______________________________ 6.决定帮助你_______________________________________ 2.西方食物________________________________ 7.为美食节作准备___________________________________ 3.中国炒米饭______________________________ 8.没有时间 _______________9.很遗憾_________________ 4.而且____________________________________ 10.没关系_______________ 11.喝清茶__________________ 5.筹到很多钱______________________________ 12.稍后给你发邮件__________________________________ 三.在文中划出下面的句子并翻译。 1. What’s more, I’m sure that fried rice and dumplings will be popular. 译:____________________________________ 分析:be sure + (that) + _______从句。 注意:否定结构为 be not sure + whether/if (是否)+ 从句 体会:a. They are not sure if there will be a rain this evening. 译:____________________________________________ b. I’m not sure whether I can get along well with her or not. 译:_______________________________________ 总结:be sure to do sth.---_____________ be sure of sb./ sh.---_______________ make sure (that)---________________ 练习: a. 他对自己很有信心。He ______ __________ _______ himself. b. 我们肯定会打败他们。We ______ ________ ________ _______ them. c. 确保安全的情况下才能过马路。_________ __________it’s ________ before__________ the road. d. 我确定明天有雨。I’m________ _______ it _______ ________ tomorrow. 2. That’s good enough. 译: ________________________________ 点拨:enough---副词,后置修饰形容词或副词---足够地,十分地;enough--形容词,前置修饰名词---足够的 练习:a. 这本书对我们十分有帮助。This book is ________ _________ for us. b. 这项任务对学生们来说够难的。The task is ___________ _______________ for the students. c. 我没有足够的钱买摩托车。I ________have _________ _________to buy the motorcycle. 3. Will you please tell me something about yourself ? 译:___________________________________________________ 点拨: Will you please…?---“请你做……好吗?” 链接: Would you like…?---“你愿意……吗?” 区别: Will you please…后面动词是________,而 Would you like…后面动词是__________ 练习:a.你能和我一起去钓鱼吗?______________________________________________________________________ b.愿意和我们一起去徒步旅行吗?_______________________________________________________________ 四. 在空格里面填入对应的单词 国家 形容词/公民 语言 国家 形容词/公民 语言 国家 形容词/公民 语言 China Canada French/Englis h Thailand Japan India Hindi/English Germany Britain Englishman Korea France Frenchman Russia Asia America English Italy Africa Australia English Nigeria English Austria German Greece Section C 一. 读 1a,完成 1b 二. 阅读 2a 后,完成 2b 的表格。 三. 在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语 1.邀请他参加美食节____________________________ 2.在电话中_______________________________ 3.第 37 中学______________________________ 4.稍等(电话用语)__________________________ 5.几秒钟后_______________________________ 6.怎么啦?什么事?_______________________ 7.太意外了!_____________________________ 8.继续好好干_____________________________ 9.一封康康写给杨叔叔的邀请函 ___________________________________________ 10.为了…_____________11.出售,待售__________ 12.极大的成功_____________________________ 13.赢得一块金牌___________________________ 14.炸鸡_______________________ 15.其它所有地方的孩子们_______________________ 16.努力地学习_____________17.淋湿_____________ 18.更糟糕的是。________________________ 19.我最诚挚的祝福__________________________ 四.在文中划出下面的句子并翻译。 1.Kangkang is inviting him to the food festival over the phone. 译:_________________________________ 点拨:invite sb. to sp. 邀请某人去某地; 链接:邀请某人做某事__________________ 邀请函___________ 练习:a. 怎么不邀请她参加你的生日派对呢?______ ____ __________ her ______ ________birthday party? b. 他邀请我们参加美食俱乐部。He __________ _____ _____ _______ the Food Club. 2.We students will cook many delicious international foods for sale in order to raise money for a village school in Nigeria. 译:__________________________________________________________________________ 思考:句中 students 是 we 的_______语 --- We Chinese are proud of our motherland. 译:_______________________ 点拨一:for sale ---“出售,待售” 区别: on sale ---“出售,降价销售” foods --- 各种食物 点拨二:in order to do sth. --- 为了… = so that + 从句 ≠ so … that + 从句 (如此…以至于…) 区别: a. He gets up early every day in order to catch the early bus. 译:_____________________________________ b. He gets up early every day so that he can catch the early bus. 译:___________________________________ c. He gets up so late every day that he can’t catch the early bus. 译:___________________________________ 巩固: a.为了避开卡车,他减慢了速度。(1) He ________ _________ _____ ________ ______ avoid the truck. (2) He ________ ________ _____ ________he _________avoid the truck. 链接:a. May I take your order?译:____________________ b. May I order a pizza?译:____________________ 3. It only has a few school supplies. 译:____________________________________ 点拨:supply---可数名词---“日常用品”; supply---动词---“提供,供应” 词组:supply sth. to/for sb. 或 supply sb. with sth. ---“提供某人某物” 练习:a. 家里的日常用品不够了。There aren’t _________ ____________ at home. b.学校给学生们提供书籍。(1) The school ________ ______ ____/____ the students. (2) The school _________ the students ________ books. 4. I’m very pleased with what you are doing. 译:_____________________________________________ 点拨: be pleased with sth.---对…感到满意 思考:what you are doing 在句中作_____语,是个______从句 总结词性和词义:please 动词 / 使…高兴 pleased_____/_________ pleasant_____/________ pleasure_____/________ 练习:a. His achievement ____________ his parents. b. His parents are ___________with his achievement. c. I hope you will have a _____________ weekend. d.---Thanks for your help. ---It’s my ____________. Section D 一.在文中找到,划出并背诵下面的短语。 1.再制作一个___________________________ 2.欢迎到…_____________________________ 3.让他实现梦想_______________________________ 4.奥运会摔跤冠军_____________________ 5.听说了他的计划_______________________ 6.家长会_______________________________ 7.写邀请函_____________________________ 8.由…主办_____________________________ 9.制作一份购物清单____________________________ 10.包括他们最喜爱的食品和饮料_________________ 二.在文中划出下面的句子并翻译。 1. Let’s make his dream come true. 译:______________________________________________________ 点拨一:come true ---实现 true ---形容词---真实的---名词形式---truth---to tell you the truth---给你说实话吧 点拨二:let sb. do sth.---让某人做某事 对比:make sb. do sth.---___________ ask sb. to do sth.---___________ 复习:a. Let’s play the guitar after class, _________ _______? (反意疑问句) b. Let us run on the playground, _________ _______?(反意疑问句) 2. Michael and his friends heard about his plan. 译:________________________________________________ 点拨:hear about …(= hear of… )--- 听说… 对比:hear from---_______________=_________________________ 总结:作为感官动词,hear 的用法有:听到某人在做某事__________________听到某人做了某事_________________ 练习:(a) I heard him ________ the piano loudly last night. (play)(b) He hears his parents _____ with each other. (quarrel) 总结:hear + that 从句 --- 听说… I heard that our teacher will lead us to have a trip. 译:________________________ 对比:listen 强调有意识地或注意听,但不一定听到,表示听的“过程”,是不及物动词。 He listened carefully, but heard nothing. 译:_______________________________________________________ 3.There is going to be a parents’ meeting in your class next Sunday._________________________________________ 点拨:a parents’ meeting---家长会 链接:运动会_________________ 奥运会______________________________ 拓展:儿童节_____________________ 教师节________________________ 妇女节____________________________ 春节_______________________ 端午节________________________ 中秋节___________________________ 练习:翻译下面的句子,体会 There be 句型的各种时态和结构 a.There was a heavy snow in the north of China yesterday. 译:_______________________________________________ b.There will be a heavy in the south of India tomorrow. 译:_________________________________________________ c.There is strong fog in the west of Britain. 译:___________________________________________________________ d.There used to be strong winds in the east of America. 译:_________________________________________________ 巩固练习:用 There be 句型翻译下面的句子 a.上周一班和二班进行了一场排球赛 。________ _______ a volleyball________Class1 and Class2_______ _________. b.明天将在操场上举办一场运动会。_______ _______ ______ a sports meeting_____ ______ ____________ tomorrow. c.北京的交通总是很拥挤。________ ______ a lot of ____________ on the road in Beijing. d.过去在街道两边有很多大树。________ _________ ____ ______ strong trees _____ _______ _________ of the roads Ⅰ. 单项选择。(10 分) ( )1. My uncle’s family is very poor, so he ____ work hard to make more money. A. need to B. needs C. needs to D. needed to ( )2. I often chat with my classmates ____ the Internet in my spare time. A. on B. through C. across D. by ( )3. —____ lovely day! Let’s go for a picnic, shall we? —Good idea! A. What B. How C. What a D. How a ( )4. —Do you think Brazil will beat Japan in the next match? —Yes. They have better players. And I ____ to watch the match next Sunday. A. hopeB. prefer C. wish D. think ( )5. She didn’t sing the song ____ at the party last night. A. enough good B. well enough C. enough well D. good enough ( )6. When you have some difficult math problems, you can ____ your math teacher. A. turn to B. to ask C. turn D. ask for ( )7. Our English teacher is often pleased ____ what we do in class. A. as B. that C. to D. with ( )8. —I lost my MP3 on my way to school this morning. —____ You must be careful next time. A. Take care! B. Excuse me! C. It’s a great pity! D. You’re welcome! ( )9. Jenny’s teeth are not good, because she ____. A. has a sweet tooth B. has sweet tooth C. have a sweet tooth D. have sweet teeth ( )10. —Shall we invite our English teacher to the food festival? —That’s a good idea! But I ____ think she ____ come. A. don’t; will B. /; won’t C. won’t; will D. do; won’t Unit 7 Topic 1 New Words 名词 俄国人;俄国语 意大利(人)的; 意大利语的 摔跤运动 遗憾;怜悯;同情 非洲的;非洲人的 尼日利亚 尼日利亚人 俄国的;俄国人的; 俄国语的 招贴; 广告(画) 出售;销售 尼日利亚的 汤 摔跤运动员 更差;更糟 奶酪 日常用品;活动用品; 供给供应 词组 饼干 动词 与------取得联系 薄煎饼 筹备;组织 尽最大努力 小甜饼 想象;设想 等一等 (别挂电话) 希腊人; 希腊语 供给;供应 (使)继续 印度人; 印第安人 形容词 待售;出售 咖喱食品 西方的;西部的 为了 寿司 希腊的;希腊语的; 希腊人的 变成现实; 成为现实 比萨饼; 意大利薄饼 印度人的; (美洲)印第安人的 后面动词用 to do 后面动词用 doing 后面动词用 do want, would like, hope, wish, need, plan, manage, help, used, afford, refuse, learn, decide, start, like, love, hate, continue ask sb. / tell sb. / encourage sb. / invite sb. teach sb. / advise sb. / lead sb. / warn sb. trouble sb. / be + 形容词 to do… be the first time, enjoy, mind, practice, spend, prefer, keep, bear, finish, avoid, start, like, love, hate, continue be busy, have fun, have difficulty, give up, prevent sb. from, look forward to, can’t help, feel like, be/get used to, go 短语中 about, at, in, for 等所有介词后 let sb. make sb. help, . had better can, may, must, should, could, would, will,shall 等情态动词后 don’t, doesn’t, didn’t, won’t 等助动词后 forget, remember, stop, go on, try (努力) forget, remember stop, go on, try (尝试) see sb. watch sb. hear sb. find sb. see sb. watch sb. hear sb. find sb. 非洲人 油煎的

