外研版八年级下册英语教学课件-Module 8 Unit 2 was moving about

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外研版八年级下册英语教学课件-Module 8 Unit 2 was moving about

8 Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about. Have you ever been to Zhangjiajie? How much do you know about Zhangjiajie? Reading and vocabulary 1. Look at the photo and write down words that can best describe it. 2. Work in pairs.What do you know about Zhangjiajie?Can you answer the questions? 1 Where is it? 2 How large is it? 3 Where can you stay? 4 What animals can you see? 5 What is the most famous thing to see? It's in Hunan Province. It's about 480 square kilometres. We can camp by a small lake. Monkeys. The mountains, forests, lakes and rivers. 3. Read the email and check your answers to Activity 2. FROM:Betty TO:Mum and Dad SUBJECT:Wonderful time in Zhangjiajie Dear Mum and Dad, I promised to write, so ... We're staying with Lingling's uncle in Hunan Province, and I'm having a wonderful time here in Zhangjiajie.It's a magic land of mountains, forests and rivers.It's very large, about 480 square kilometres.It's famous for the strange shape of its tall rocks.Some of them look like humans while others look like wild animals. Last night we camped by a small lake.During the night, we heard a noise! It woke❶ everybody up.We thought somebody❷was moving about.Lingling's uncle said it was an animal.We came out without making any noise, and found it was just a hungry monkey looking for❸food. This morning, we climbed Mount Tianzi! From the top we hoped to see the lakes and forests.But it was a pity that it was cloudy.We could only see the mountain tops above the clouds.Then we walked down the path,along a river, past trees and other plants and back to the camp.I pulled a leaf off a plant, but Lingling's uncle said that it was wrong to pull leaves off plants and that we should protect everything here.I was very sorry. Learning to learn   Read and find out how Betty starts and finishes her email to her mum and dad. Next time when you write your email, you can start and finish the email in the same way. Tomorrow we're going to Dongting Lake, the secondlargest freshwater lake in China. We'll be back home next week! Wish you were here! Love, Betty 知识点 1 wake/weɪk/v.叫醒,醒来 wake的过去式与过去分词分别为woke,woken,常用 短语:wake up意为“醒来,唤醒,弄醒”,当名词 作宾语时,名词可放在wake与up之间,也可放在 wake up之后;当代词作宾语时,要放在wake与up之 间。 eg:This morning, my mum woke me up very early. 今天早上,妈妈很早就叫醒了我。 eg:I wake up at seven every morning. 我每天早晨七点醒来。 用词的适当形式填空。 He ________(wake) up to find himself outside the house yesterday morning. 典例 1 woke 【点拨】由yesterday morning可知时态为一般过去时, wake的过去式为woke。 ________ , Bill! It's time to go to school. A.Wake up B.Look up  D.Make up 典例 2 A 【点拨】wake up“醒,醒来”;look up“查阅;向上 看”;make up“编造”,由语境可知答案。 2 somebody/'sʌmbədi/pron.某人;有人 辨析somebody,anybody,everybody与nobody eg:Look!Somebody is dancing under the tree. 看!有人在树下跳舞。 词语 意义 用法 somebody= someone 某人 用于肯定句,强调“某一个人”。 anybody= anyone 任何人 常用于否定句、疑问句。用于肯定 句时,强调“任何一个人”。 everybody= everyone 每个人 常用于肯定句,强调所有人。 nobody 没有人 常用来表示否定含义。 Our teacher was very happy because ______ failed the examination. A.somebody    B.nobody C.anybody    D.everybody 典例 B 【点拨】此题用词义辨析法。somebody“某人”;nobody “没有人”;anybody“任何人”;everybody“每个人”, 由句中的happy可推知“没有人在考试中不及格”。 3 look for寻找 辨析look for,find与find out eg:—What are you looking for?你在找什么? —I'm looking for my bike.我在找我的自行车。 look for “寻找”,是有目的地找,强调“寻找” 这一动作。 find “找到”,强调的是找的结果。 find out “找出、发现、查明”,多指通过调查、 打听、研究之后“搞清楚、弄明白”。 eg:I'm looking for my pen everywhere. 我正到处找我的钢笔。 Can you find my bag? 你能找到我的包吗? Please find out when the train leaves. 请查一下火车什么时候离开。 魔法 记忆—Steven, could you help me ________ when the plane will take off on the Internet? —I'm sorry.My computer doesn't work. A.get on      B.find out C.look for D.look after 典例 B 【点拨】本题用词义辨析法解答。get on上车;find out查明; look for寻找,表动作;look after 照顾。根据句意,可知应 选B。 4. Number the sentences in the correct order. a) Betty pulled a leaf off a plant. □ b) The noise woke everybody up. □ c) They climbed Mount Tianzi. □ d) A monkey made some noise. □ e) They camped by a small lake. □ f) Lingling's uncle said that people should protect everything in Zhangjiajie. □ 5 3 4 2 1 6 5. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box. human kilometre path shape wish 1 Are there rocks in ________or animal ________ in your home town? 2 How many _________ is Zhangjiajie from your home town? 3 Is it safer to walk along a ________ or climb over rocks? 4 Where do you ________ you were right now? human kilometres path wish shapes 6. Work in pairs.Ask and answer the questions in Activity 5. 1. Yes, there are./ No, there aren't. 4.Paris. 3.It is safer to walk along a path. 2.About 900 kilometres. Writing 7. Read the information about Zhangjiajie. How large is it? about 480 square kilometres Where is it? about 400 kilometres from Changsha What can you see? mountains, rivers, forests, many kinds of plants and animals What is special? strange shape of tall rocks, beautiful sights Where can you sleep? hotels or camps Now decide which is more personal, Betty's email or the information in this table. Betty's email. 8. Choose the most important or interesting facts about Zhangjiajie and write a passage about it. Zhangjiajie is about 480 square kilometres. It is about 400 kilometres from ... my home town. We can see the mountains, rivers, forests and many kinds of plants and animals.The strange shapes of tall rocks and beautiful sights are very special.We can stay in hotels or camps.That must be very interesting. Homework Write a passage about a place of interest you know or you have been to. Search for some information about Zhangjiajie.

