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Unit3 Could you please clean your room ? 3 Could you please clean your room? Period 1 Section A 1a-2d Let’s see some pictures! Let’s see some pictures! Let’s see some pictures! 4 1 2 3 6 Learn some new phrases 5 do the dishes fold the clothes clean the living room take out the rubbish sweep the floor make the bed 1a Example: A: I often do the dishes. B: I hardly ever fold the clothes. C: … Discuss these chore with your partners and use these words: often, very often, less often, hardly ever, never. 1a Listen for the general idea of 1b.1b Listen. Who will do these chores? Check Peter’s mother or Peter 1b Chores Peter’s mother Peter Do the dishes Sweep the floor Take out the rubbish make the bed fold the clothes clean the living room √ √ √ √ √ √ Listen and fill in the blanks. Make a conversation using about the chores in 1a.1c Listen for the main idea.2a Listen. Peter asks his father if he can do four things. What does his father say? Check yes or no. 2a Peter wants to… Peter’s father says… His father’s reasons go out for dinner. Yes no I have to do some work go to the movies. Yes no You have to clean your room. stay out late. Yes no I need to eat breakfast. get a ride. Yes no You have a basketball game. √ √ √ √ Listen again. Why does Peter’s father say “no”? Draw lines to the reasons in the chart below. 2b Peter wants to… Peter’s father says… His father’s reasons go out for dinner. Yes no I have to do some work go to the movies. Yes no You have to clean your room. stay out late. Yes no I need to eat breakfast. get a ride. Yes no You have a basketball game. √ √ √ √ Listen and fill in the blanks Read the conversation in 2c and make conversations about the chart in 2a. 2c Example: Read the conversation and answer the questions. 1. What does Tony’s sister want him to do? 2. Did their mother go to a movie? 3. If they don’t clean the house, how will their mother will be like? She wants him to take out the rubbish, fold the clothes and do the dishes. No, she didn’t. She went shopping. Their mother will be angry if they don’t clean the house. 2d Listen to the tape and repeat. Read the conversation. Come to the front and act out the conversation. New words and expressions so the dishes, sweep the floor, take out the rubbish, make the bed, fold the clothes, clean the room rubbish take out the rubbish fold sweep floor n. 垃圾;废弃物 倒垃圾 v. 折叠;对折 v. 扫;打扫 n. 地板 Words mess throw all the time neither shirt as soon as n. 杂乱;不整洁 v. 扔;掷 频繁;反复 adv. 也不 n. 衬衫 一……就……;尽快 Words --Could you please,,,? -- Yes, please,/ Sorry, I can’t. -- Could I ,,,? -- Yes, you can./ No, you can’t. Sentences

