牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 6《Sunshine for all》单元综合

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牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 6《Sunshine for all》单元综合

《Unit 6 Sunshine for all》单元综合卷 一、单词拼写(10%) A)根据句意和汉语注释,写出单词的正确形式 1.My sister with her six friends walked across_______(西南方)France last summer. 2. People will ask about your education_______(背景)when you are in a job interview. 3. Because she was_______(聋的), it was hard to talk with her. 4.I do_______(期望)to have some time for myself in the evening. 5. My brother wants to be a tennis_______(教练)in the future. 6. My teaching style is_______(相像的)to that of most other teachers. 7. The government will set up an international science_______(项目)to treat the disease. B)根据对话内容,写出句中所缺单词 8. What do you think of the Volunteer Day in the community? -It's great. We felt_______ we are part of a big family. 9. -What's new in today's newspaper? -Oh, the government hopes that everyone can give a_______ hand to help build our society. 10. -Why do those people live under the bridge? -They are_______ people. They don't have their own places to live. 二、单项填空(20%) ( )1.It's_______excellent chance for people to learn the importance of team work. A.the B./ C.a D.an ( )2.-How do you learn English? - _______ learning English songs and watching English films. A. To B. By C. For D. With ( )3. Kitty is training hard _______ this year's sports meeting. A.for B.to be C.as D.join ( )4. Martha didn't have any pretty dress, and _______ she didn't come to our party last night. A. because B. that's why C. however D. that's because ( ) 5. As a volunteer, he tried to find ways______ people in his neighbourhood _______ life. A. help; enjoy B.to help; enjoying C. help; enjoying D. to help; enjoy ( )6. We are going to have a meeting this afternoon I'll call Wendy to make sure _______. A. why to start B. when to start C. what to start D. which to start ( )7.-How long have you _______ Kitty? -For five days.I received it last Sunday. A. heard from B. received the letter from C. heard of D. had the letter from ( )8. It was very _______ him to give his seat to an old person. A. polite for B. polite of C. polite to D. polite in ( ) 9.That man was _______, but he could know what something was by feeling it. A. blind B. poor C. old D. disabled ( )10. It is necessary _______ the government to provide support _______ the poor. A. for; with B. of; for C. of; with D. for; for ( )11.It's not friendly _______ you_______ to the old impolitely. A. for; speaking B. of; speaking C. of; to speak D. for; to speak ( )12. The old man is ill and he doesn't feel like _______. A. eating anything B. to eat anything C. eating something D. to eat something ( )13. -I'm having trouble_______ up with the rest of the class. -Please don't _______. A. to catch; give up B. catching; give up C. to catch; look up D. catching; look up ( )14.I don't know if it _______ tomorrow. If it _______, I won't go. A. will rain; will rain B. rains; rains C. rains; will rain D. will rain; rains ( )15. The work is too difficult, so he needs _______ weeks to finish it. A. more two B. two more C. another two more D. two another ( )16. You can work out the problems _______. A. in the way B. in this way C. on the way D. by the way ( )17. It's very useful to_______ money and clothes _______ poor children. A. give; for B. send; for C. raise; to D. donate; to ( )18. It's easy to find the supermarket. It's _______ to a post office and a hospital. A. close B. closely C. closing D. closed ( )19. People are _______ our support and help. We must do something at once. A. in need of B. in need C. in need with D. in need for ( )20. -Give my best wishes to your parents. - _______! A.It's OK B.It's great C. That's all right D. That's nice of you 三、动词填空(10%) 1. Kate often has a good time_______ (chat) with her net-friends, but her parents are really worried about that. 2. It's necessary_______(not make) any noise in the reading room. 3. The police_______ (tr y) their best to find those bad guys who broke into my neighbour's flat now. 4. I don't believe he_______ (own) the car for ten years. It looks as good as new. 5. He_______ (record) the players' scores when I went for him. 6. I am used to_______ (listen) to music on my MP4 player, but the teacher tells me not to turn the MP4 on at a high volume 7. He finally_______ (achieve) his dream before he went abroad. 8. I believe she can do everything if she_______ (try) her best. 9. We have decided not to go. It is a difficult decision(决定), but we_______(not change) our mind. 10. You've bought a new dictionary. How much you_______ (pay) for it? 四、完形填空(10%) A soldier was finally coming home after the war in Vietnam(越南). He 1 his parents from San Francisco. "Mom and Dad, I am coming home, but I have a friend that I'd like to bring home 2 me." "Sure," his parents answered. "We'd love 3 him." "But there's something you should know." The son said, "He was hurt badly in the fighting. He lost an arm and a leg. He has 4 place to go, and I want him to come and live with us." "I'm sorry to hear that, son. Maybe we can help him find a place to live." "No, Mom and Dad, I want him to live with us." "Son, " his father said, "you don't know 5 you're asking. Living with 6 person would make it very difficult for us. We have our own life to live, and we can't let 7 like this enter our lives. I think you should just come home and forget about this man. He'll find a way to live 8 his own." At that moment, the son hung up the phone. The parents heard nothing more from him. A few days later, they received a call from San Francisco police. Their son died after 9 from a building. The police believed it was suicide(自杀). The sad parents flew to San Francisco and saw the body of their son. They found him, but to their 10 , they also learned something else. Their son had only one arm and one leg. ( ) 1. A. met B. phoned C. saw D. said ( ) 2. A. for B. without C. at D. with ( ) 3. A. to meet B. meeting C. to chat D. chatting ( ) 4. A. not any B. no C. not D. none ( ) 5. A. what B. that C. who D. where ( ) 6. A. so B. so a C. such D. such a ( ) 7. A. nothing B. anyone C. nobody D. no one ( ) 8. A. by B. for C. in D. on ( ) 9. A. falling B. fell C. fall D. dropped ( )10. A. joy B. interest C. surprise D. excite 五、阅读理解(20%) (A) Do you know when and how the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) started? In 1859, during the war time, a Swiss man named Henry Dunant passed a town in Italy where many soldiers(战士) had been wounded (受伤). Dunant thought they should be cared for. A Swiss organization used his idea in 1863. When the organization became international, it was named the International Committee of the Red Cross. ICRC's emblem is a red cross on a white ground. People use it as a sign for army (陆军, 军队) doctors. There are ICRC offices in many countries around the world now. 12, 000 ICRC workers are helping people in more than 80 countries. In China, there is an organization named the China Red Cross Society (CRCS). It is part of ICRC. It started in 1904. Most of the people in CRCS are full-time workers or volunteers. CRCS also has organizations in many schools. Student members learn to look after the elderly and to help the weak. They are also taught to give medical care to people who are in danger. ( ) 1. When did the International Committee of the Red Cross start? A. In 1559. B. In 1904. C. In 1859. D. In 1863. ( ) 2. How many ICRC workers are helping people around the world now? A. 12, 000. B. 21, 000. C. 90. D. 60. ( ) 3. What is the full name of CRCS? A. The International Committee of the Red Cross. B. The Chinese Committee Society. C. The Chinese Red Cross Society. D. The China Red Cross Society. ( ) 4. What does the word "emblem" mean in Chinese? A.号码 B.图片 C.颜色 D.标志 ( ) 5. Why are there student members in CRCS? A. Because they learn to look after the elderly. B. Because they help the weak. C. Because they give medical care to people who are in danger. D. Because CRCS has organizations in many schools. (B) Mr Smith was in trouble those days. He drove a car for Mr Black, a rich businessman. He worked hard and the shopkeeper liked him. But he couldn't work when he drank too much. And once he almost fell into the river when he drove along the bridge. Mr Black became angry and was going to send him away. He had a big family and was afraid of it and promised(允诺)he would stop drinking at once. The man told him to wait to be dealt with(安排). One Monday morning Mr Smith came into the office with two badly burned ears. "What happened to your ears?" asked Mr Black. "Well," said the man, "I went to watch a football match yesterday while my wife was ironing(熨烫)clothes. She had put the iron(熨斗)near the telephone before she went to cook supper. Our team lost the game and I felt sorry for it. As soon as I went in the sitting room, the phone rang and I answered the iron!” “And what happened to the other ear?” “When I put the iron down on the table, the telephone rang again!” ( )6. _______, so he almost drove the car into the river. A. Mr Smith was not careful B. Mr Smith drank too much C. Mr Smith forgot they were on the bridge D. Mr Smith couldn't work in the evening ( )7.Mr Smith went to watch the football match on________. A. Monday B. Tuesday C. Saturday D. Sunday ( )8. We can guess_______. A. Mr Smith drank much after the match B. Mr Smith was angry with his team C. Mr Smith didn't drink those days D. Mr Smith watched the match at the office ( )9.The_______ badly burned Mr Smith's ears. A. telephone B. drinking C. iron D. irons ( )10.What would happen to Mr Smith? A. He would go on driving for Mr Black. B. He would join his football team. C. He would never watch any matches. D. He would be sent away by Mr Black. 六、句子翻译(15%) 1.与这些运动员密切合作对我们来说真是太棒了。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 2.他取得了第二名,赢得了一块银牌。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 3.你们在中国西北工作真是太伟大了。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 4.我们的任务是担当志愿者并和他们交朋友。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 5.他们放弃了自己的闲暇时间来提供支持。 _____________________________________________________________________________ 七、书面表达(15%) 本周末学校团委将组织一些志愿者开展爱心活动。假如你是 Simon,根据下列要点写封 80 词左右的信谈谈自己的设想。文章开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。要点如下: 1.想要帮助的对象:邻居李大爷; 2.原因:75 岁,残疾,眼睛看不见,独居,散步和阅读对他来说很困难; 3.准备活动:散步,聊天,读新闻…… 4.为老人做一些事情对我们来说很有必要,也能帮助我们更多地了解他们的生活。 Dear Sir. I think it wonderful to help others, so I would like to take part in the activity this weekend. _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ Yours Sincerely, Simon 参考答案 一. 1. South-west 2. background 3. deaf 4. expect 5. coach 6. similar 7. project 8. like 9. helping 10. homeless 二. 1-5 DBABD 6-10 BDBAD 11-15 CABDB 16-20 BDAAD 三. 1. chatting 2. not to make 3. are trying 4. has owned 5. was recording 6. listening 7. achieved 8. tries 9. won't change 10. did, pay 四. 1-5 BDABA 6-10 DBDAC 五. 1-5 DADDD 6-10 BDACD 六. 1. It's fantastic for us to work closely with these athletes. 2. He finished second and won a silver. 3. It's great of you to work in North-west China 4. Our tasks are to work as volunteers and make friends with them 5. They gave up their spare time to provide support. 七. Dear Sir, I think it wonderful to help others, so I would like to take part in the activity this weekend. My neighbour Mr Li needs our help. He is 75 years old now and he is disabled. What's worse, he is blind Since he lives alone, it's really difficult for him to take a walk and do some reading. So I plan to take him for a walk. I will chat with him and read newspapers for him. I also plan to help clean his flat. It is necessary for us to do some thing for the elderly. And we can also learn more about their lives. Simon

