外研版八年级下册英语课件-Module 4 Seeing the doctor-Unit 2

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外研版八年级下册英语课件-Module 4 Seeing the doctor-Unit 2

What are they doing while they are watching TV? They are eating some food. No, it isn’t. Is eating food while watching TV healthy? Yes, it is. Playing volleyball often is healthy, isn’t it? How does he go to work every day? He goes to work by bike every day. Yes, it is. Is going to work by bike every day healthy? What do you do to keep healthy? well adj. 健康的 heart n. 心脏 active adj. 积极的 pet n. 宠物 member n. 成员 sleepy adj. 困的 then adv. 当时 daily adj. 每天的 weak adj. 弱的 illness n. 病 exercise n. 运动 awful adj. 讨厌的 1. Did the doctor check Anna’s heart? 2. How does Thomas go to work now? Yes, he did. He rides to work. Listen and answer the questions. Read the passage and match the people with the pictures in Activity 1. There is one extra picture. 1. How does Anna get exercise every day? 2. Who was the first number of the girls’ football team? She gets exercise by taking the dog for a walk every day. Wang Wei. Read the passage and answer the questions. 3. When did Thomas buy a bike? 4. Was Richard weak after a long illness? In January. Yes, he was. Anna 1 She was not feeling very _______. 2 She needed more _________. 3 She got a pet ______ from her parents and she takes him for a _____ every day. Complete the notes. well exercise dog walk Wang Wei 4 She was the _____ member of the football team. 5 She has played football with the team for a ______ and all the members feel very _______. first year fit Thomas 6 He went to work on the ___________ for several years. 7 He bought a ______ in January. 8 He arrives at work with a _______ on his face. underground bike smile Richard 9 He started running a ______ ago. 10 He does not ________ running. 11 He thinks he is perhaps too _______ to go for a run. week enjoy weak 1. Tom runs six miles every morning, so he is in very good _________. 2. Jill is a very ________ girl and plays lots of sports. 3. I had a very bad headache yesterday, and I felt _______. condition active awful Complete the passage with the words in the box. active awful condition daily member Perhaps 4. Ben is a(n) _________ of the school football team. 5. You do not look very well._________ you should see a doctor. 6. I saw your grandfather taking his _______ walk this morning. member Perhaps daily active awful condition daily member Perhaps You can often tell when a passage is asking for advice because it uses I rather than he/she to describe the problem. When you write your advice, you can use you …, you should/should not…and sentences like do …or do not … 1. I was not feeling very well. well表示“健康的”,是形容词。 e.g. The girl feels well after taking medicine. 吃了药女孩感觉好了。 well表示“好地”,是副词。 e.g. Do you eat well at school? 你在学校吃得好吗? 2. Now I get exercise by taking him for a walk every day. by doing sth. 表示“通过某种方式做 某事”。 e.g. He learns English by taking notes. 他通过记笔记学习英语。 3. And she also takes part in the training with us. take part in表示“参加”,侧重于参加 活动。 e.g. Would you like to take part in the party tonight? 你愿意参加今晚的聚会吗? join也表示“参加”,侧重于参加组织、 党派、团体或某人之中。 e.g. He is too young to join the army. 他太年轻了, 还不能参军。 John joined a football club a few days ago. 约翰几天前加入了一个足球俱乐部。 4. She is in excellent condition too. in excellent condition或in condition表 示“健康状况良好”。 out of condition表示“健康状况不佳”。 e.g. Do exercise every day and you will be back in excellent condition soon. 每天做运动,你不久就能恢复健康。 Do more exercises or you will be out of condition. 多做锻炼否则你会身体不好的。 5. Since then, it has become part of my life. since then表示“自从那时”。 e.g. I haven't seen him since then. 从那时候起我就再没见过他。 6. I feel awful. feel awful,表示“感到不舒服”。 7. My legs hurt and I am hot all over. all over表示“浑身,到处”。 e.g. The boy is black all over because he fell into the mud. 男孩浑身都是黑,因为他摔到泥里 了。 现在完成时 1. 动词分为延续性动词(表示延续性的 动作或状态)和瞬间动词(表示动作 在瞬间完成)。 e.g. 延续性动词:run sit sleep play 瞬间动词:see die decide buy 2. 延续性动词常和表示时间段的短语连 用。例如for短语和since短语。 瞬间动词不能和for短语和since短语连 用。 e.g. His father has died for two years.(×) His father has been dead for two years. (√) •what the problem was •what suggestions the doctor gave him •what happened next •how Colin feels now Work in pairs. Look at the pictures of Colin. Write notes and explain: Now write four sentences to describe what happened. •what the problem was •what suggestions the doctor gave him •what happened next •how Colin feels now •what the problem was •what suggestions the doctor gave him •what happened next •how Colin feels now ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ ________________ Write a passage about healthy living. Use the sentences you wrote in Activity 5 to help you. § 瞬间动词和延续性动词 § 重点短语 take part in in excellent condition since then feel awful all over by doing sth. 1. Wang Hai usually learns English by _______. A. taking notes B. listening carefully in class C. recite poems D. do homework 2. The man is old, but he is ___ excellent condition. A. in B. at C. for D. of 3. -Would you like to _____ the English party? -I’d like to. A. take part in B. join C. take part 4. -What’s wrong? -I have got a headache. I feel ______. A. good B. well C. awful D. active 1. —How long has Robert ________? —Since 2004. 【2013山东济南】 A. been to Beijing B. become a policeman C. joined the art club D. studied in this school D 2. —Dave, we will leave in 10 minutes. Are you ready? —No, I ______ our guide book and towels yet. 【2013广西玉林】 A. don't pack B. didn't pack C. have packed D. haven't packed D 3. —Is Jim in the office? —No, he ______ the dinning hall. 【2013湖北武汉】 A. goes B. would go C. has gone D. had gone C 4. —Your shoes are so old. Why don’t you buy a new pair? —Because I ______ all my money on an MP5. 【2013广东】 A. spend B. have spent C. am spending D. was spending B Make a poster about healthy living.

