人教PEP版八年级下册英语新课课件-Unit 2 第2课时( 3a-4c)

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人教PEP版八年级下册英语新课课件-Unit 2 第2课时( 3a-4c)

Section A 第二课时 (3a-4c) Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. several pron. / adj. 几个;数个 feeling n. 感觉;感触;感情 satisfaction n. 满足;满意 joy n. 高兴;愉快 owner n. 物主;主人 journey n. 旅行;旅程 Reading 3a Read the article . What do Mario and Mary volunteer to do? Mario volunteers at an animal hospital and Mary helps kids learn to read. 3b Read the article again and answer the questions. 1.Why do Mario and Mary volunteer to help others? Mario volunteers at the animal hospital because he loves animals and wants to be an animal doctor. He believes that his volunteer work can help him to get his future dream job. Mary volunteers because she loves books and enjoys helping kids learn to read. 2. What do they say about volunteering? Mario says it is hard work, but he gets a strong feeling of satisfaction when he sees the animals get better and the look of joy on their owners’ faces. Mary says it is a dream come true for her, and she can do what she loves to do and help others at the same time. 3b Read the article again and answer the questions. 3c Use infinitives to complete the sentences below. 1. Mario would like _____ an animal doctor. 2. Mario works for an animal hospital because he wants _______ about how _______ for animals. to be to know to care 3c Use infinitives to complete the sentences below. 3. Mary decided ________ for a job at an after-school reading program last year. She still works there now _______ kids learn to read. 4. Mary has a dream job because she can do what she loves ____________. to try out to help to help others Grammar Focus I'd like to help homeless people. She decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. You could ask hospitals to let you visit the kids and cheer them up. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. She volunteers there once a week to help kids learn to read. I'm making some signs to put up around the school. 4a Fill in the blanks with the phrasal verbs in the box. put up, hand out, call up, cheer up, come up with, give out, put off 1. I want to _______ my plan to work in an animal hospital until next summer. I’m too busy with my studies this year. put off 4a Fill in the blanks with the phrasal verbs in the box. 2. She hopes to ______ at least five primary schools to ask if they need volunteers for their after-school programs. 3. Our class is trying to ____________ some ideas to ________ sick children because they are often sad. 4. We decided to ______ signs around the school and ________ notices to tell students about the book sale. We will _______ the money from the sale to homeless people. call up come up with cheer up put up hand out give out 4b Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. help move do make visit spend Most people today are only worried about getting good jobs 1.________ lots of money. In their free time, they think about what 2. _______ for fun. However, few people think about what they can do 3. _______ others. to make to do to help There are many people who are less lucky than us. Volunteering our time to help these people is a good way 4. _________ our free time. For example, we can make plans 5.________ sick children in the hospital or raise money for homeless people. Some people even stop doing their jobs for a few months to a year 6. ________ to another place, like one of the countries in Africa, and help people there. to spend to visit to move 4b Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. 4c Complete the sentences with your own ideas. Use infinitives. 1. I’d like to volunteer _____________________ _____________________________________ 2. At 12: a.m., I called my friend ____________ _____________________________________ 3. I’m very busy but I could help ____________ _____________________________________ 4. Summer vacation is coming, and I want _________________________________ 5. I want to travel alone. My parents told me (not) __________________________ to help kids with their homework. to play soccer together in the afternoon. take the trash out after dinner. to go camping with my friends. not to do that. Language points 1. Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School give up several hours each week to help others. from River High School 为介词短语作 后置修饰语,翻译时应提前。 to help others作目的状语。是“每周拿 出几个小时”的目的。 2. Mario believes it can help him to get his future dream job. 马里奥相信这会帮 助他获得他的梦想职业。 help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事; help后的不定式符号to,可以省略。 如: Mike called on his sister to help him look for his lost keys. 迈克叫上他妹妹帮助他找钥匙。 3. …but I want to learn more about how to care for animals. 但是我想学习更多 关于如何照顾动物的事。 want to do sth. 想要做某事, to不定式做 want的宾语。 如:Grandpa wanted to lend us some money to buy a new car. 爷爷想借给我们钱去买一辆新车。 how to care for animals是复合不定式结构, 作介词about宾语。相当于:特殊疑问词+ to不定式,构成复合不定式结构。(how he could care for animals). 如:They don’t know where to build the new house. =They don’t know where they can build the new house. 他们不知道在哪里可以建新房。 4. Last year, she decided to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program. 去年,她决定参加一个志愿者课外阅读的活动。 decide to do sth. 决定去做某事, to不定式做宾语。 如:He decided to get married. 他决定结婚。 5. She still works there once a week to help kids learn to read. 她仍旧在那里一周工作一次帮助孩子们阅读。 to help kids learn to read 不定式短语作目的状语 learn to read是help的宾语 Fill in the blanks according to the text. 1. 我想去帮助无家可归的人。 I’d ____ __ _____ homeless people. 2. 你可以请求医院允许你探访儿童并让他们变得 更高兴。 You could ___ hospitals ___ ___ you visit the kids and cheer them up. 3. 她自愿一周去那里一次帮助孩子们学习读书。 She _________ there once a week ___ ____ kids learn to read. 4. 她决定参加一个志愿者课后阅读节目的活动。 She _______ ___ try out for a volunteer after- school reading program. like to help ask to let to helpvolunteers decided to 同学们,这一课学习的单词你 们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一 下,开始听写吧!

