外研版八年级下册英语习题课件Module 2-模块语法提升

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外研版八年级下册英语习题课件Module 2-模块语法提升

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Yan Jiashuo, a ____ girl, won the prize of International Master of Memory. A. ten-year-old B. ten-years-old C. ten year old D. ten years old ( )2. At times, parents find it difficult ____ with their teenage children. A. talk B. talked C. talkingD. to talk ( )3. Lucy is shy. She would not invite her classmates ____ dancing with her. A. practise B. practises C. practising D. to practise ( )4. Julie's father ____ to London last month. He ____ there three times. A. went; had gone B. has gone; has been C. went; has been D. has been; had gone A D D C ( )5. It's a good idea to send the old books ____ the children who need them. A. at B. of C. to D. by ( )6. The house is so expensive that they can not ____ to buy it. A. offer B. pay C. order D. afford ( )7. Thanks a lot for ____ me to join you. A. invite B. invited C. inviting D. invites ( )8. My host family tried to cook ____ for me when I studied in New Zealand. A. something different B. different anything C. different something D. nothing different C C D A ( )9. I ____ Mr Lin since he went abroad. A. didn't hear from B. don't hear from C. haven't heard from D. won't hear from ( )10. Everyone ____ to listen to the teacher carefully in class. A. need B. don't need C. needs D. needn't C C 二、语法选择 A few years ago, I had a wonderful Christmas experience that changed the way 11 I celebrate the festival. I wrote down that experience and I shared it with my family and friends each year. Before that Christmas, I had been running around like a crazy person trying to get 12 ready for Christmas. One day I took my three little kids to Wal-Mart for last things for the next day. I was very tired and I kept thinking to 13 , “What is the true meaning of Christmas in all of this?” 14 I finished shopping and walked towards the exit (出口) of the supermarket, I noticed an old man sitting on the bench (长凳) 15 an envelope (信封) in his hand. He reached out and handed something to a young, well-dressed man who was walking by him, saying, “Merry Christmas!” It was a $20 bill. The young man got a big 16 and said,“Are you serious?” The older man replied.“Yes, Merry Christmas!”The young man thanked him and walked on happily. I was surprised as I watched him 17 more bills to some other shoppers. Just then he stood up from the bench and walked over to me. He pulled a $50 bill out of his envelope and handed it to me, saying, “Merry Christmas!”My face 18 red and said in a thankful tone,“Sir, I don't need 50 dollars.” He said, “Well then, find someone who does need it. Merry Christmas!” He left smiling as I thanked him. Walking to my car, I thought to myself, “ 19 kind man he is! How many people has he helped that day?” As I thought about it, I realized that he had possibly helped me more than he helped anyone else that day, because that was 20 time I had felt the Christmas spirit(精神). ( )11. A. how B. what C. why D. when ( )12. A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing ( )13. A. me B. mine C. myself D. I ( )14. A. Because B. When C. If D. Though ( )15. A. has B. with C. held D. of ( )16. A. surprise B. surprised C. surprising D. surprises ( )17. A. gave B. gives C. give D. giving ( )18. A. turned B. turns C. turning D. have turned ( )19. A. How B. How an C. What D. What a ( )20. A. the first B. first C. once D. one A A A A A C B B D D

