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疫情期间“停课不停学”人教新版八年级下册《Unit,1,Whats,the,matter》练习(含答案) ‎ ‎ 疫情期间“停课不停学”人教新版八年级下册《Unit 1 What's the matter?》练习(含答案) 一、 根据句意及汉语提示,填入恰当的单词. 1.Mary planned to see a dentist because she had a  (牙痛). 2.I saw a big dog  (躺) on the side of the road. 3.How many  (乘客) are there on your bus? 4.We're having  (苦恼) with our new house. 5.My sister is too young to look after  (她自己). 二、选用方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空. 6. sore, cough, rest, back, matter (1)Nancy  all night, so she looked tired this morning. (2)Miss Yang has a  throat, so she can't talk more. (3)Sit down and  your legs. (4)I saw many reporters walking around your house. What's the  ? (5)A small boy rode on the elephant's  ‎ ‎ . 三、根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词. 7.You  (胃疼) so you shouldn't eat too much for a meal. 8.You may have a fever. You should  (量体温). 9.Put on your warm clothes, or you may  (感冒). 10.  (令我吃惊的是), the little girl can draw so well. 11.My sister  (摔倒) and hurt her knees. 四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词. 12.你怎么了?   ‎ with you? 13.他们都同意这个周末去野餐. They all  have a picnic this weekend. 14.我喜欢从工作之中抽出时间来休息,出去散步. I like to  from work and go out for a walk. 15.那位老人昨天在医院拍了个X光照片. The old man  in the hospital yesterday. 16.妈妈看起来很着急,她可能遇到麻烦了. Mother looks very worried. She may  . 17.在去美国之前,你需要三思. You need to  before you go to the US. 18.就躺下休息一会儿吧. Just  and have a rest. 19.我们下错了火车站. We  ‎ ‎ the train at the wrong station. 20.你今天上午去看医生了吗? Did you  this morning? 21.我好像发烧了. It seems that I  . 人教新版八年级下册《Unit 1 What#39;s the matter》20XX年单元测试卷(江西省吉安市吉水县) 参考答案与试题解析 一、 根据句意及汉语提示,填入恰当的单词. 1.Mary planned to see a dentist because she had a toothache (牙痛). 【解答】toothache 2.I saw a big dog lying (躺) on the side of the road. 【解答】lying 3.How many Passengers (乘客) are there on your bus? 【解答】Passengers 4.We're having trouble (苦恼) with our new house. 【解答】trouble 5.My sister is too young to look after herself (她自己). 【解答】herself 二、选用方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空. 6. sore, cough, rest, back, matter (1)Nancy coughed  all night, so she looked tired this morning. (2)Miss Yang has a sore  throat, so she can't talk more. (3‎ ‎)Sit down and rest  your legs. (4)I saw many reporters walking around your house. What's the matter ? (5)A small boy rode on the elephant's back . 【解答】=Ⅱ. 1. coughed 2. sore 3. rest 4. matter 5. back 三、根据句意及汉语提示完成下列句子,每空一词. 7.You have  a  stomachache (胃疼) so you shouldn't eat too much for a meal. 【解答】have a stomachache 8.You may have a fever. You should take  your  temperature (量体温). 【解答】take your temperature 9.Put on your warm clothes, or you may catch  a  cold (感冒). 【解答】catch a cold 10. To  my  surprise (令我吃惊的是), the little girl can draw so well. 【解答】To my surprise 11.My sister fell  down (摔倒) and hurt her knees. 【解答】fell down 四、根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词. 12.你怎么了?  What's  the  matter  with you? 【解答】What's the matter 13.他们都同意这个周末去野餐. They all agreed  to have a picnic this weekend. 【解答】agreed to 14.我喜欢从工作之中抽出时间来休息,出去散步. I like to take  breaks  from work and go out for a walk. 【解 答】take breaks 15.那位老人昨天在医院拍了个X光照片. The old man got  an  X﹣ray in the hospital yesterday. 【解答】got an X﹣ray 16.妈妈看起来很着急,她可能遇到麻烦了. Mother looks very worried. She may get  into  trouble . 【解答】get into trouble 17.在去美国之前,你需要三思. You need to think  twice  before you go to the US. 【解答】think twice 18.就躺下休息一会儿吧. Just lie  down and have a rest. 【解答】lie down 19.我们下错了火车站. We got  off the train at the wrong station. 【解答】got off 20.你今天上午去看医生了吗? Did you go  to  a  doctor this morning? 【解答】go to a doctor 21.我好像发烧了. It seems that I have  a  fever . 【解答】have a fever 声明:试题解析著作权属菁优网所有,未经书面同意,不得复制发布 日期:2020/3/5 22:24:11;用户:邵东三中;邮箱:8sdsz@xyh.com;学号:26000603 ‎

