八年级下英语课件《Have you ever been to a museum 》 (20)_人教新课标

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八年级下英语课件《Have you ever been to a museum 》 (20)_人教新课标

Section B (2a-2e) http://v.ku6.com/show/wK0A-PrIKdjUceUlqxBCPg...html fox foxes [sə'fɑːrɪ] Lion City Singapore– A Place You Will Never Forget! What is the passage about? Singapore Never Forget Food in Singapore A brief introduction to Singapore Temperature in Singapore Zoo in Singapore Fast reading Para 1 Para 2 Para3 Para 4 Match each part with the main ideas. three quarters Careful reading Para 1 A brief introduction to Singapore Location Population Language in Southeast Asia more than _______________(3/4) of the population are Chinese Chinese and English Singapore is a wonderful and safe place to take a holiday for a lot of Chinese tourists. not dangerous thousands of Careful reading Para 2 Food in Singapore You will find it all in Singapore. Chinese food rice noodles dumplings New food Indian food Western food Japanese food 1. Singapore has a special zoo called __________________. 2. A lot of animals _________ at night, so this is _____________ to watch them. 3. At the zoo, you can watch lions, tigers, and foxes in a _______________________than in a normal zoo. the “Night Safari” wake up more natural environment the best time Careful reading Para 3 Zoo in Singapore 4. What is the best time to watch animals ? Why? At night. Because a lot of animals only wake up at night. Careful reading Para 4 Temperature in Singapore 2、Why? 1、What is the temperature like in Singapore? Because the island is so close to the equator. It’s almost the same all year round. the whole year 1. Most people in Singapore only speak English. 2. It is not easy to get many different kinds of good food in Singapore. The statements below are false. Use information from the article to correct them. 2c both English and Chinese very 3. It’s better to see lions and tigers during the daytime because they will probably be awake. 4. It’s best to visit Singapore in the autumn. at night whenever you like Listening Listen and underline some difficult sentences that you may not understand.听录音,划出难理解的句子。 Para 1: Para 2: just On the one hand, more than three quarters of the population are Chinese, so you can simply speak Putonghua a lot of the time. Whether you like Indian food, Western food or Japanese food, you’ll find it all in Singapore! Maybe you fear that you won’t be able to find anything good to eat when you travel. worry Listening Listen and underline some difficult sentences that you may not understand.听录音,划出难理解的句子。 Para 3: Para 4: It might seem strange to go to a zoo when it’s dark. So you can choose to go whenever you like — spring, summer, autumn or winter. You might feel any time Fill in the conversation about Singapore using the information form the article. A: I am going to Singapore next week. _____ you ever ____ there before? B: Yes, I’ve ____ to Singapore many times. It’s my favorite country in ________ Asia. A: What languages do people _____ there? B: Mostly Chinese and _______. Have been been Southeast speak English 2d A: What about the food? Is it good? B: It’s excellent! _____ you ever tried Indian food? Indian food is really good in Singapore. A: I see. Have you ____ heard of the Night Safari? Someone told me to go there. B: Yes! I ____ been to the Night Safari. It was really exciting to ___ the animals in the dark. A: And it is always _____ in Singapore? B: All ____ round! It’s always summer there! Have ever have see warm year Make notes about Singapore. Write down anything that you remember. Do not look at the article ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________ ———————————————————————— language: food: places to visit: temperature: people: location: we should take time to reflect to remember things better. 1. Oral homework: Recite some beautiful sentences. 2. Written homework: A. Finish the exercise book 4. B. Search the Internet and know more about Singapore. Southeast Asia equator /ɪ'kweɪtər/ [əu]

