四川省岳池县第一中学七下学案: Module 1《Whose bag is this》(外研版)

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四川省岳池县第一中学七下学案: Module 1《Whose bag is this》(外研版)

Module 1 Lost and found Unit 1 Whose bag is this? 第一课时 一、学习目标 1、能熟知跟学校生活有关的词汇。 2、能听懂对话,掌握大意并听取细节信息。 二、学习重点 寻找丢失物品;描述性形容词,名词所有格的用法;掌握词汇和句型。 三、学习难点 能为自己或别人丢失的物品写一份寻物启事。 课前预习 一、使用说明与学法指导 1、试读单词表中本单元的单词,不会读的在单词下用红笔划上横线 2、仔细看课文 92 页中名词性物主动词的用法 二、预习自测 Ⅰ、读一读,填一填,辨一辨,用正确的物主代词填空并归纳: 1. This is ______ eraser. This eraser is _________.(我的) 2. These are not _______ gloves. These gloves are not _________.(她的) 3. This is ________ classroom. This classroom is __________. (我们的) 4. Is this _______ wallet? Is this wallet __________? (你的) 5. ______ football is under the desk. The football under the desk is ______ (他 的). 6. _______ eyes are blue (它的)。 7. These are __________ bags. These bags are ________________. (他们的) 8. These are ___________crayons. These crayons are ____________. (Betty 的) Ⅱ、匹配:Match the words from Box A with the words from Box B. A: her his your our my its their B: his hers its mine theirs ours yours 三、我的疑惑:________________________________________________________ 课内探究 Step 1. Free talk Have some students to talk something about colors. Step 2. Pre-task. Tell the students to place their school bags on their desks. Tell them to look inside their bags. Get some of the students to describe to the class the things they have in their bags. Step 3. Write Ask students to look at the picture and tell you what they can see, then ask students to read the Los Property form. Tell them to use the words around the picture to complete Hu Shan’s Lost Property form. Then write the Lost Property Form on the board and ask students to come up and fill in the blanks. Step 4. Activities 1. Ask students imagine that they have lost their pencil case /school bag. Look at the table, to write down at least 5 things that are in their bags on page 64.Tell students to write their own Lost Property form, using accrual facts about their own pencil case/school bag. 2. Tell students that Paul has lost his dog. Help him to write a ‘Lost Dog’ note. Tell some words about Paul’s dog.(Work in groups.) Step 5. Show time, Get students to read their Lost Property in the class. 当堂检测 Ⅰ、根据汉语意思,完成句子 1. 欢迎回到学校。 ________ back ________ school. 2. 这些蜡笔是你的吗。 Are ________ crayons ________? 3. 这是谁的手表? ________ watch is this? 我认为是它是 Tom 的。 I ________ it’s ________. 4. 请小心看好自己的物品。 Please ________ ________ ________ your things. 5. 让我看一看你的护照。 ______ ______ ______ your passport. 6. 从今以后我们必须好好学习。 We must study hard _____ ______ ______ 7. 这有一些很好的手套。 _______ _______ some nice gloves. Ⅱ、 用所给单词的正确形式填空 1. Your ruler is longer than________(my) 2. —What are they doing? —They ________(play) basketball. 3. There are many things in the________(lose) and________(find) box. 4. —________(who) bag is this? —It’s ________(she). 5. Lingling likes_______(do) housework. 教学反思:___________________________________________________________ 课后训练 Write a Lost/Found Property Unit 1 Whose bag is this? 第二课时 一、学习目标 1、能熟知跟学校生活有关的词汇。 2、能听懂对话,掌握大意并听取细节信息。 二、学习重点 寻找丢失物品;描述性形容词,名词所有格的用法;掌握词汇和句型。 三、学习难点 能为自己或别人丢失的物品写一份寻物启事。 课前预习 一、学法指导 1、通过对话表演方式大胆开口,能用英语进行交际 2、通过观察总结名词性物主代词的用法 二、预习指导与检测 Ⅰ、重点词汇 1. 钱包________ 2. 橡皮擦________ 3. 谁的________ 4. 发现;找到_______ 5. 失物招领箱_____ _____ ______ ______ 6. 我的(东西)________ 7. 你(们)的(东西)_____________ 8. 她的(东西)________ 9. 从现在开始_______ _______ _______ 10.移动电话________ ________ Ⅱ、根据句意及首字母提示写单词 1. Dad gives me a new baseball g________ 2. I lose my w________ so I don’t have any money now. 3. Be c________! The car is coming. 4. Tony takes some photos with a new c______ 5. —Thank you! —You are. w________ 6. —W_____ do you like apples?—Because they are delicious. 7.Tom goes to school in a h______. 三、我的疑惑:________________________________________________________ 课内探究 质疑探究语言知识点 探究一 “ welcome (back) to +__________”表示“欢迎回到某地来”。 everyone 不定代词,意为“____________”,常见的不定代词还有:somebody,someone, anyone, anybody, nobody, no one, something, anything,nothing,everything。 形容词修饰不定代词时,要放在不定代词之___________。 whose 代词,意为“谁的”,一般用于提问物品的___________。 Whose flowers are these? 这些是谁的花? be careful with 小心…… be careful to do sth.小心做某事 from now on 从现在起 语法知识点拨 主格 宾格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 I me my mine he him his his she her her hers you you your yours it it its its we us our ours they them their theirs 物主代词用法歌诀。 物主代词两类型,形容词与名词性。 形容词性作定语,后面定把名词用。 名词性要独立用,主宾表语它都充。 当堂检测 Ⅰ、单项选择 ( ) 1. Do you know _____ wallet it is? A. who’s B. whom C. whose ( ) 2. This computer is not _____. It is my dad’s. A. my B. mine C. me ( ) 3. We must be careful ____ these new computers. A. with B. on C. off ( ) 4. Are these tapes ________ ? A. your B. yours C. her ( ) 5. Here _____ some nice gloves. A. is B. am C. are Ⅱ、选词填空 This is__________(your, yours)pencil. These are_________(my, mine)ducks. The apples are_______(her, hers) The books are__________(their, theirs) 教学反思:___________________________________________________________ 课后训练 Ⅰ.根据句意从括号内选择合适的词填空。 1. That is not ________ box. That box is very small, but _______ is very big. ( I ) 2. The dress on the chair is _________. Give it to _________. ( she ) 3. This is a dog. _________ black. ________ colour is black. ( it ) 4. Is this pencil ________, Sam? _______ must look after ______ things well. ( you ) 5. That is not _________ English book. _________is at home. ( he ) Ⅱ.根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子,每空一词(含缩略形式)。 1. 首先,让我告诉你这个消息。______ ______ ______, let me tell you the news. 2. 买一套房子要花一大笔钱。It takes ______ ______ ______ money to buy a house 3. 这小男孩正面带微笑地看着我。The little boy______ ______ ______ me with a big smile. 4. 从现在开始我们要尽量做得更好。______ ______ ______, we will try to do better. 5. 让我想想,哦,是我的。______ ______ ______. Oh, they’re _______. 6. —这台电脑是 Kate 的。The computer is________________?

