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‎ Unit 6 Enjoying Cycling ‎ Topic 3 ‎ ‎ Section A ‎ 课程目标导航 教学目标:‎ ‎1.Learn some names of food and drinks:‎ beer,wine,curry ‎2.Learn to order and offer food and drinks:‎ ‎(1)Here’s the menu.‎ ‎(2)May I take your order?‎ ‎(3)I’d like to try Beijing roast duck.‎ ‎(4)Anything else?‎ ‎(5)May I have the bill?‎ ‎(6)Thank you for coming.‎ ‎3.Learn some expressions about the food festival:‎ ‎(1)Ladies and gentlemen,happy weekend!‎ ‎(2)Let’s wish the food festival a big success!‎ ‎(3)Welcome to our food festival.‎ ‎(4)Enjoy yourselves!‎ 教学重点 ‎1. Review the vocabulary of food.‎ ‎2. Learn to order and offer different foods and drinks.‎ 教学难点 Learn some expressions about the food festival:‎ ‎(1)Ladies and gentlemen,happy weekend!‎ ‎(2)Let’s wish the food festival a big success!‎ ‎(3)Welcome to our food festival.‎ ‎(4)Enjoy yourselves!‎ 教学情景导入 ‎1.(师生互动复习旧的食物、饮料及就餐表达法。)‎ ‎(1)T:What did you have/eat this morning?‎ ‎(随机问几个学生。)‎ S1:I had porridge.‎ S2:I ate some noodles.‎ S3:I had an egg and a glass of milk.‎ ‎(2)T:Let’s make a small menu,OK? Work in groups.‎ ‎(请同学们分组讨论学过的食物和饮料的单词,引导归纳。)‎ Menu food:egg, rice, noodles, hamburger, dumpling, beef, pizza, porridge, cake,‎ ‎ chicken, fish,pie,cookie, drink, coffee,water,apple juice,milk,tea ‎(3)T:Very good!/Perfect!/Great!/Well done, everyone!‎ ‎(教师检查各组菜单作品,及时给予肯定,鼓励,调动积极性。)‎ Now we have some menus here. Maybe some of you want to make an order. Who wants to have a try?‎ ‎(找准备比较充分的两个小组来表演短对话“Eating out”, 复习:)‎ ‎“May I take your order?”‎ ‎“What would you like to eat?”‎ ‎“Welcome.”‎ ‎“Help yourself.”‎ ‎“Any more?”‎ ‎(4)(老师加入后一组。)‎ S1:Welcome. May I take your order?‎ S2:Let me see. I’d like some dumplings.‎ T:I’d like Beijing roast duck,vegetable soup. And I’d like some drinks, a bottle of Tsingtao beer, and a glass of wine.‎ S1:OK.‎ ‎(画线词在图片下注汉语,英语呈现。)‎ ‎(待学生送上食物后,老师呈现新句型。)‎ T:May I have the bill?‎ ‎(老师掏钱。)‎ Here you are.‎ ‎(学生也许会不知所措。)‎ T:You may say,“Thank you for coming!”‎ ‎(表演结束,老师将菜单及上新呈现句词巩固一下。)‎ ‎2.T:Look at the poster for the festival on Page 59.‎ ‎(用Michael设计的广告引出美食节开幕式,即1。)‎ Answer my questions:‎ ‎(请个别或全班回答。)‎ T:What are Michael and his friends going to do to raise money?‎ Ss:They are going to organize a food festival.‎ T:When and where are they going to have it?‎ Ss:2:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. on Sunday, June 15, on the playground of Ren-ai International School.‎ T:What do they do that for?‎ Ss:They want to help Daniel raise money to build a village school in Nigeria.‎ T:What is Daniel?‎ Ss:An Olympic champion wrestler.‎ T:What’s his favorite food?‎ Ss:Fried chicken.‎ T:Let’s wish the food festival a big success.‎ ‎(引导学生重复几遍。上句写卡片上,下注汉语。)‎ T:But you know how the food festival goes?‎ Let’s listen to the tape,and answer these questions.‎ 教学过程设计 教学过程:‎ Step 1 Review ‎1. Review the words about foods.‎ ‎①Talk about your favorite food.‎ I like...best.‎ My favorite food is...‎ ‎②Write down the names of food as many as you can.‎ ‎2. Review: How to start a formal western dinner?‎ Unfold a napkin first . And then you should keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left...‎ Step 2 Presentation ‎1.Listen to 2a. Underline the new words.‎ menu beer wine smell bill ‎ ‎2.Let the students read the dialog and learn how to order and offer different food.‎ Target language: ‎ ‎— May I take your order?‎ ‎— Sure. I’d like to try...‎ ‎— Which kind of drink do you prefer, beer, wine or tea?‎ ‎— I’d like...‎ ‎— May I have the bill ? ‎ ‎— Let me see. ¥71.50.‎ Step 3 Consolidation ‎1.Work alone. Finish 2b.‎ ‎2. Group work.‎ Let the students practice the conversation in 2a in pairs. Finish 2c.‎ The teacher should prepare some foods and drinks first for the students to perform. ‎ Step 4 Practice ‎1. Show a big picture of International Food Festival or let students look at 1. Answer the following questions:‎ ‎①What food are on sale?‎ ‎②What are the people doing?‎ ‎③What are the girl and the boy saying?‎ ‎2. Play the tape and the students follow it.‎ ‎3. Suppose you are also having a food festival. What will you do and what will you say?‎ Let students act it out. Some students are servers. Some students are customers. Some students are selling food. A boy and a girl are hosting it.‎ 课堂板书设计 ‎ 日常用语 ‎(1)Here’s the menu .(2)May I take your order?‎ ‎(3)I’d like to try Beijing roast duck. (4)Anything else?‎ ‎(5)May I have the bill? (6)Thank you for coming.‎ ‎(7)Ladies and gentlemen,happy weekend! (8)Let’s wish the food festival a big success!‎ ‎(9)Welcome to our food festival. (10)Enjoy yourselves!‎ 作业 ‎ ‎1.Let the students collect the words of food as many as possible.‎ ‎2.Have a food festival in class and then write an article about it after school.‎ ‎ Section B 课程目标导航 教学目标:‎ ‎1.Learn the names of foods and drinks:‎ ‎ bean,mushroom,steak,salad,pancake, soft drinks,lemonade,main course,dessert ‎ 2.Learn to order and offer foods and drinks:‎ ‎ (1)What would you like for dessert/the main course?‎ ‎ (2)Sure. I’d like to try…/I think I’ll have…‎ ‎ (3)Let’s go Dutch/go halves/go fifty-fifty.‎ ‎ (4)How much do you want?‎ ‎ (5)Just a little.‎ 教学重点 ‎1.Review the vocabulary of food.‎ ‎2.Learn some new vocabulary of food and drinks.‎ ‎3.Practice ordering dishes with a menu.‎ 教学难点 Learn to order and offer foods and drinks 教学情景导入 Please read the words.‎ ‎(评价作品。学生朗读后,导入新知识。)‎ T:“ice cream, cheese pie, apple pie, pancake… These sweet dishes eaten at the end of a meal are called dessert or pudding. Read after me, please, “dessert, pudding”‎ Ss:“dessert, pudding”‎ ‎(跟读若干遍。板书。)‎ dessert: fruit salad, pear pancake Greek cheese pie T:Fruit salad and pear pancake are desserts.‎ Salad, fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, cheese (cut into small pieces) are served with salad cream.‎ ‎(边介绍边出示图片或汉语解析。)‎ T:For example:a chicken/beef salad,bean/carrot/potato salad,‎ ‎ fruit salad ‎(出示bean图片和green bean图片,学习bean和green bean。)‎ T:Food, such as peanuts, popcorn, meat pie, hot dog cookies ‎ T:Egg soup, vegetable soup, mushroom soup are soups.‎ ‎(学习mushroom,出示mushroom图片,让学生跟说)‎ T:Mushroom —Mushroom soup—Beef and mushroom. ‎ Roast duck/chicken, pizza, beef and mushroom, kungpao chicken, Indian curries and so on.‎ They are main dishes/courses. ‎ Steak—main dish, too.‎ ‎(出示steak图片,学习steak 和main dishes/course)‎ T:Soft drink—a cold drink that doesn’t contain alcohol, such as cola.‎ And this is “lemon”, that is “lemonade”.‎ ‎(出示柠檬和柠檬汁图片。)‎ ‎3.(做游戏练习巩固新词。)‎ T:Let’s play “I like/have… Who likes/has…” game.‎ ‎(将上面所学单词图片分发给各角落同学,图片有2个格式,你可以选用其中一种。不善画又找不到图的,可用格式2。)‎ ‎(开始“谁有下一个”接龙游戏。)‎ ‎(学生A问:我有(主图),谁有(右下角单词)?依此类推。)‎ T: I like/have lemon,who likes/has lemonade?‎ S1:I like/have lemonade,who likes/has steak?‎ S2:I like/have steak,who likes/has…‎ Sn:I like/have mushroom,who likes/has lemon?‎ T: I like/have lemon.‎ 教学过程设计 教学过程:‎ Step 1 Review ‎1.Review the words: lady, gentleman, on sale, kind-hearted, menu, beer, wine, Tsingtao beer, smell, bill ‎ ‎2.Talk about:‎ What words of food and drinks have we learnt?‎ What other words of food and drinks do you know? ‎ Step 2 Presentation ‎1. Present the new words. Ask students to listen to 1a. Pay attention to the new words.‎ ‎①Circle the new words in the menu: bean, mushroom, main course, steak, dessert, salad, ice cream, soft drink, lemonade ‎②Follow the tape and learn the new words.‎ ‎③Teacher shows cards of words to help students remember the new words.‎ ‎2. Teacher points out that there are four parts besides drinks in the menu. They are soups, snacks, main dishes and desserts. In the western countries, people always start with a soup when they are ‎ having dinner.‎ Step 3 Consolidation ‎1.Teacher:Read 1a. You can know a lot of food. Please work in three. One is the server and the others are having dinner. Look at the menu in 1a,give your order to the server.‎ You may practice it like this:‎ ‎① A: What would you like for soup?‎ B: I’d like green bean soup / egg soup...‎ ‎② A: Would you like to try fruit salad for dessert?‎ B: Sure, I’d like to. ‎ ‎2. Read the menu in 1a and finish 1b according to it.‎ ‎3. Act it out in pairs.‎ ‎4. Do 2. Listen to the tape carefully and check the food or drink you hear.‎ Play the tape at least twice.‎ Step 4 Practice ‎1. Read the sentences in 3.‎ ‎2. Practice in pairs to order dishes.‎ First make up a dialog just like 1b. And then act it out before the class. Show who is the best actor or actress. ‎ Step 5 Project Let students work in groups to practice ordering and offering foods. Reward the most excellent groups.‎ 课堂板书设计 ‎ 日常用语 ‎(1)What would you like for dessert/the main course?‎ ‎(2)Sure. I’d like to try…/I think I’ll have…‎ ‎(3)Let’s go Dutch/go halves/go fifty-fifty. (4)How much do you want?‎ ‎(5)Just a little.‎ 作业 ‎ Suppose you were the boss of a restaurant. Please make a menu for your restaurant.‎ Section C 课程目标导航 教学目标:‎ ‎1.Learn comparative and superlative forms of adverbs:‎ Maria cooked carefully.‎ Jane cooked more carefully.‎ I cooked the most carefully.‎ ‎2.Learn some useful words and expressions:‎ You can use a spoon or a fork to eat the curry.‎ worth,effort,neatly,scoop ‎3.Summarize the results of the food festival.‎ ‎4.Learn the correct ways to eat different food.‎ 教学重点 ‎1. Summarize the results of the food festival.‎ ‎2. Learn the correct ways to eat different foods.‎ ‎3. Master comparative and superlative forms of adverbs.‎ 教学难点 Learn the correct ways to eat different food.‎ 教学情景导入 T: S1/S2, would you like to tell the food festival to our class?/would you please…/can you try…? S1/S2…‎ T:OK,excellent. And who can try?/Anyone else?‎ T: I’m curious/I wonder how people eat steak/fruit salad/fried chicken.‎ What do people use to have fish curry/fried noodles/spaghetti/pizza/fried rice…?‎ Can you tell me? Who can try?‎ S1: They use … to eat…‎ S2: …‎ T:What do people use to eat fish curry and bread?‎ ‎(着重再问一次,因学生没有见过这种食品,让他们展开想象的翅膀,允许乱想、乱讲,发散思维,培养能力。)‎ T:You can use a spoon or a fork to eat the curry. People often use the bread to scoop the curry, but I don’t think people can eat that neatly.‎ ‎(scoop做动作来表示。neat tidy, neatlytidily,对比理解。)‎ ‎(将呈现目标语言重复若干遍。)‎ T:Read after me,please.‎ 教学过程设计 教学过程:‎ Step 1 Review ‎1. Ask and answer to review the names of foods.‎ Teacher: What did you make for the food festival?‎ Student: I cooked... / I made... ‎ ‎2. Talk about different kinds of foods in a menu. Teacher can show a menu with a lot of dishes. ‎ Teacher: Do you like fish curry and bread? ‎ Student: Yes, I do.‎ Teacher: Now, what do we use to eat them?‎ Students: Sorry, I don’t know.‎ Step 2 Presentation 1. Teacher: We all want to know the results of the food festival. Here is an e-mail from Kangkang to Daniel. Let’s listen to 1a and then fill in the chart below . (Show a form)‎ Name Quantity of sold-out food Attitude Maria ‎35 beef curry dishes very carefully Jane Michael Mina Kangkang ‎2. Play the tape again, and let the students follow it.‎ ‎3. Work in groups. Finish 1b.‎ Try to retell the e-mail to your partners. Then retell it to the class.‎ The teach rewards the best reteller.‎ Step 3 Consolidation ‎1. Play the tape and let students listen to 2a.‎ Ask the question again: What do we use to have fish curry and bread? ‎ After listening, some students will get the answer: Use the bread to scoop the curry or use a spoon or a fork to eat the curry. ‎ ‎2.The teacher writes “How to eat” and “Food” on the blackboard, the students match.‎ How to eat Food fingers steak knife and fork fruit salad chopsticks ice cream ‎ spoon black bean soup ‎…‎ Let students know different food has different way to eat. ‎ First match the food with the correct way to eat. Then make up a conversation about eating ways.‎ For example: A: Do we use a spoon to eat steak?‎ B: No, we don’t. We eat steak with a knife and a fork.‎ A: What do we use to eat ice cream?‎ B: I think we use a spoon.‎ Finish 2b.Step 4 Practice ‎1.Fill in the chart in 3.‎ ‎2.Practice. Make sentences after the model, using comparative and superlative forms of adverbs.‎ For example: Maria cuts the meat finely. Michael cuts more finely than she.‎ Kangkang cuts(the)most finely.‎ 课堂板书设计 单词:worth,effort,neatly,scoop 语法:副词的比较级和最高级 Maria cooked carefully.‎ Jane cooked more carefully.‎ I cooked the most carefully.‎ 作业 ‎ ‎1. Work in groups to finish 3. Practice the comparative form of adverbs.‎ For example: ‎ One student says: I can eat them very neatly. ‎ Another student says: I can eat them more neatly. ‎ The third one says: I can eat them the most neatly. ‎ ‎2. Enjoy an English song.‎ Section D 课程目标导航 教学目标:‎ ‎1.Learn to have healthy eating habits:‎ ‎(1)Have enough food and the food must be cleaned and cooked properly.‎ ‎(2)Keep a balanced diet.‎ ‎(3)Eat regularly.‎ ‎(4)We shouldn’t just eat our favorite food.‎ ‎2.Review comparative and superlative forms of adverbs:‎ ‎(1)Maria worked carefully. Michael worked more carefully. I worked the most carefully.‎ ‎(2)The more regularly we eat, the healthier we are.‎ ‎3.Review useful expressions in this topic:‎ ‎(1)Let’s wish the students success!‎ ‎(2)I’d like a drink.‎ ‎(3)Just a little.‎ ‎(4)Let’s go Dutch.‎ ‎4.Understand]‎ We eat to live,not live to eat.‎ 教学重点 ‎1. Learn the ways and importance of healthy eating.‎ ‎2. Consolidate comparative and superlative forms of adverbs. ‎ ‎3. Practice writing.‎ 教学难点 Review comparative and superlative forms of adverbs.‎ 教学情景导入 T:We all know that people around the world have different eating habits. Would you please tell me something about eating habits in different parts around the world? Who can try?‎ T:And we should pay attention to the table manners. Would you mind telling me how to eat politely in different countries?‎ ‎(从第2话题Eating customs入手,展开讨论。学生既可以说说所学,还可以说说他们课余探究学习所了解到的其他内容,互帮互学,开拓视野,又复习知识,激发兴趣。)‎ ‎(除课本内容和学生发言中包含内容,老师还可以进一步提供几个常见的table manners。)‎ T: Do not put much food in your mouth at a time. Drink only when there is no food in your mouth. Do not make any noise when you eat.‎ Do not clean your teeth at the table or anywhere in public, not even with your tongue.‎ ‎(以上为一些常见西餐或中餐礼仪知识。学生通常会对西餐中一排刀叉感到迷惑,如有学生提到,可以稍加讲解,这也是学生非常感兴趣的问题。)‎ T: Dinner usually begins with soup. The largest spoon is the soup spoon. A fish course probably follows the soup. A fork for the fish is similar to the meat fork and it’s smaller. A salad is eaten with a fork only held in the right hand with points turned up. It’s a little smaller than the others.‎ T: It’s impolite for a quest to leave the table during a meal.‎ ‎2.(转入讨论健康饮食问题,呈现目标语言。)‎ T: Different places, different foods and drinks. Different countries, different eating customs. But everyone wants to be healthy. Do remember we eat to live,not live to eat.‎ Please learn it by heart, boys and girls. So, I wonder what and how we should eat. Discuss in groups for 2 minutes and give me some advice, please.‎ ‎(让学生分组讨论1分钟,然后请各组派一个人汇报讨论结果。通常学生只会给出有限的几个回答,如下:)‎ Group 1: We should eat more vegetables, and drink more water.‎ Group 2: We should eat all kinds of foods, and we shouldn’t just eat our favorite food.‎ Group 3: We should eat a good breakfast, a good lunch and a smaller supper.‎ Group 4: We should eat more fruit and drink more milk.‎ Group 5: We need more fish and eggs.‎ ‎…‎ 教学过程设计 教学过程:‎ Step 1 Review ‎1. Review the different ways to eat foods. ‎ Teacher: How do you eat fruit salad?/What do we use to eat fruit salad?‎ Student: We use a fork to eat it.‎ ‎2. Review the comparative and superlative forms of adverbs.‎ The teacher shows some pictures. There are three men drinking soup. ‎ The first man is drinking noisily. ‎ The second man is drinking more noisily. ‎ The third man is drinking the most noisily of the three. ‎ Follow the example, let the students describe the things using comparative and superlative ‎ forms of adverbs. ‎ ‎3. Show the form below, ask the students to make sentences with object clause and “to do” as logical subject, or make and practice conversation.‎ Ken It’s polite to eat noisily in Japan.‎ Tom The most popular food in his restaurant is hot dogs.‎ Ms Jones It is not polite to speak loudly at the table.‎ For example: Ken thinks it’s polite to eat noisily in Japan.‎ For example: A: What does Ken think?‎ B: He thinks it’s polite to eat noisily in Japan.‎ Step 2 Presentation ‎1.Review eating habits in Section D, Topic 2.‎ ‎2.Everyone wants to be healthy. What and how should we eat? Listen to the tape of 1 and find out the answers to these questions:‎ What do we need to make our bones and skin more healthy?‎ What’s another best way?‎ Can a good breakfast help students not to overeat later in the day?‎ Should we just eat our favorite food?‎ ‎3.Read the passage and mark T or F.‎ Step 3 Consolidation ‎1.Read “Grammar focus” and “Useful expressions” in 2.‎ ‎2.Try to find out these sentences in the text. And let the students read them loudly one by one.‎ Step 4 Practice ‎1.Ask the students:‎ What’s your favorite food? Can you cook it properly? ‎ 1. Let the students describe one kind of food they like and write down the process of cooking it. Finish writing practice.‎ Step 5 Project Organize a mini food festival in class.‎ Work in groups:‎ ‎1.Make a poster.‎ ‎2.Prepare food and drinks for your food festival.‎ ‎3.Make a menu.‎ ‎4.Invite your teachers and friends to your food festival.‎ ‎5.Hold your food festival.‎ 课堂板书设计 句子和习惯用语 ‎(1)Have enough food and the food must be cleaned and cooked properly.‎ ‎(2)Keep a balanced diet. (3)Eat regularly.‎ ‎(4)We shouldn’t just eat our favorite food. (1)Let’s wish the students success!‎ ‎(2)I’d like a drink. (3)Just a little. (4)Let’s go Dutch.‎ 作业 ‎ ‎1. 听写(教师朗读,学生记录,然后集体讨论)‎ Kangkang and his classmates organized the first food festival. They got a big success. They sold a lot of steak, cheese pies, fried rice and so on. Fruit salad for dessert is the most popular. They also sold much soft drink, beer, wine and lemonade. The results were worth the effort. They sent over ¥1000 to Daniel Igali. He should be the happiest of all.‎ How kind-hearted!‎ ‎ 2.Review words and expressions in this topic.‎

