2019年春八年级英语下册Module4Seeingthedoctor直击中考课件 (1)

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2019年春八年级英语下册Module4Seeingthedoctor直击中考课件 (1)

Ⅰ.单项填空 ( A )1.( 安徽中考 )My deskmate is really    .She likes to attend different activities after school.  A.activeB.quiet C.lazy D.honest ( B )2.( 上海中考 )Nowadays people wish to have    food than before as their life improves.  A.healthy B.healthier C.healthiest D.the healthier ( C )3.( 盐城中考 )I felt much    after I told the problems to my close friend.  A.good B.well C.better D.best ( B )4.( 广安中考 )—She    to anyone for 2 days.  —What happened to her? A.didn’t speak B.hasn’t spoken C.doesn’t speak D.haven’t spoken ( C )5.( 江西中考 )Some old people need a    because they feel lonely.  A.gift B.stick C.pet D.watch ( B )6.( 沈阳中考 )—You were amazing today!Well done! —    .  A.All right B.Thank you C.Not yet D.Of course ( A )7.( 雅安中考 )I have been in China    1997.  A.since B.for C.in D.until ( D )8.( 大庆中考 )Daming hasn’t done much exercise    he got his computer.  A.when B.if C.though D.since ( B )9.( 绥化中考改编 )Jim sits behind me,so I sit    him.  A.at the end of B.in front of C.in the middle of D.on the left of ( D )10.( 青岛中考 )Nancy took her temperature and found she had a    .  A.cough B.toothache C.cold D.fever ( B )11.( 鄂州中考 )—Did John get Number 1 in the maths exam? —Yes,no one did so    as him.  A.good B.well C.better D.best ( C )12.( 威海中考改编 )—Is that a new coat? —No,I    it for a long time.  A.bought B.have bought C.have had D.has had ( A )13.( 襄阳中考 )—I think you should stop    him in English.  —I see.He can’t understand English at all.Let me try in French. A.talking to B.to talk to C.talk to D.to talking to ( A )14.( 江西中考 )Last night,the shop was closed,    she didn’t buy any chocolate.  A.so B.if C.or D.when ( C )15.( 齐齐哈尔中考改编 )She is    poor    afford the expensive suit.  A.so;that B.enough;to C.too;to D.such;that Ⅱ.补全对话( 重庆中考B卷 ) A:Hello!This is 911.Who is that speaking? B:1. C  Help!Help!Please help me!  A:Yes,sir.2. E  B:My wife is seriously ill.She’s having a heart problem. A:Now relax,sir.3. B  B:I’m on Lincoln Highway,about 15 miles from Washington Tunnel. A:OK.I’ll send an ambulance( 救护车 ) as soon as possible. B:4. G  A:For about ten minutes. B:All right.What should I do while waiting? A:5. F  B:OK.Thank you and please hurry. A.I’m a doctor. B.Where are you now? C.This is Scott Smith. D.How will you come? E.What’s happening? F.Stay with her and don’t move her. G.How long will I have to wait?

