人教新目标英语八下Unit Would you mind turning down the music

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人教新目标英语八下Unit Would you mind turning down the music

八年级英语下Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ?‎ Section A ‎1a‎-2c 第1课时 ‎ 学习目标:‎ 1. 知识目标 ‎⑴会写本课单词和短语:not at all turn down yard right away.‎ ‎⑵学习Would you mind doing(not) sth ?这一句型,学会恳请对方对于某事如何表达歉意。‎ ‎2.能力目标:围绕“歉意、恳请”这一话题,培养学生的交际能力。‎ ‎3.情感价值观目标: 学会如何恳请对方对于某事来表达歉意,培养学生礼貌行为。‎ 预习重点:句型Would you mind(not) doing sth ?的理解和运用。‎ 预习难点: Would you mind (not) doing sth ?的灵活运用。‎ 学习任务:‎ Task 1、 通过自学熟练写出下列单词和短语:‎ 一点也不 把…...调低,关小 院子 立刻,马上 ‎ Task 2、 学习‎1a‎-1c: ‎ 谈论日常表述歉意的行为活动 ‎1、看图画,把‎1a中的请求句子序号填入上面的图画.‎ ‎2、结合图片对话练习Would you mind doing sth ?句型.‎ Task 3、 学习‎2a‎-2c:‎ 学习Would you mind doing sth ?句型,利用Would you mind doing sth ?‎ 句型谈论歉意。‎ ‎1、熟读‎2a,2b中的相关句子,正确理解其含义。‎ ‎2、结对活动,两人一组练习‎2a,2b中的对话。‎ ‎3、结合现实生活,运用Would you mind doing sth ?句型做新对话。‎ 预习诊断 ‎1、 翻译下列短语 ‎1、介意 _________ 2、一点也不 _________3、把(收音机等)音量调小_______ ‎ ‎4、把(收音机音等)量调大_______ 5、打开(开关)______ 6、关上(开关)______‎ ‎7、院子_____ 8、立刻;马上____ ‎ ‎2、翻译句子 ‎-你介意把音乐调小吗?___________________________‎ ‎-不,一点也不。___________________________‎ ‎--你介意把庭院打扫干净吗? ___________________________‎ ‎--对不起,我马上去做. ___________________________‎ 预习质疑: ‎ 限时作业 完成下列句子(每题2分)‎ 1. ‎--Would you mind ________________________(不在这儿打棒球)?‎ ‎--We’re sorry. We’ll go and _____________________ (公园里打) .‎ 2. ‎--Would you mind _________________(起床)? You have to__________(打扫庭院).--OK .‎ 3. ‎--Would you mind_____________________ (不要穿那件旧牛仔裤) ?They look terrible .‎ ‎--OK .I’ll__________(穿上)another pair .‎ 4. ‎- Would you mind ___________ (从卫生间出来) ?I need ______________(洗澡) .‎ ‎ ---Sorry .I Won’t__________(时间长).‎ 5. ‎--Would you mind _____________ (洗餐具)? --OK. I’ll do them____________(一会后) .‎ 八年级下册Unit7 Would you mind turning down the mus ‎ SectionA ‎3a-4 第 2 课时 ‎ 预习目标 : 1、会写本节课2个生词:task, poster ‎ 2、掌握would you mind(not)doing……?句型结构 ‎ 3、掌握Could you please……?句型结构 预习重难点 : 熟练的掌握和运用would you mind(not)doing……?‎ ‎ Could you please……? have to…… ‎ Would you mind doing sth ?与Could you please do sth ?的比较运用。‎ 预习任务:‎ Task 1.学习‎3a 。‎ ‎ 1、个人自主学习‎3a,理解文章意思。 2、朗读和尝试背诵‎3a中的句子。‎ Task 2. 学习3b。‎ ‎1、熟悉3b表格中涉及的指令短语,并试着列举更多的类似短语。‎ ‎2、结合列举的短语,运用would you mind(not)doing…? Could you please…? ‎ have to…… 等句型做对话练习。‎ Task 3.完成第4部分的调查工作,然后填写表格。 ‎ ‎1、列举同学们在学校开放日需要做的一些事情。‎ ‎2、决定谁来做这些事情,并运用所学知识恳请他们去做。‎ 预习诊断 ‎ 一 . 翻译:‎ ‎1 . 任务;工作 2 .海报 3. 在开会 4.去购物 5. 洗餐具 ‎ ‎6.喂狗 7.做晚饭 8去图书馆 9把书还给图书馆 ‎ ‎10. 完成这些任务 11.去看电影 12.临时照顾你的小表弟 ‎ ‎13.制作海报 14.没问题 ‎ 二 .完成对话:‎ A: Would you mind _________(起床)?You have to help me ____________(在厨房里) .‎ B: OK,, I’ll get up _________(立刻).Do___________(我必须洗餐具吗)?‎ A: ____,and you have to ______________________________(帮我做晚饭).‎ B: OK. When I finish, could you ________________________(帮我做作业)? A: Sure .‎ 预习质疑: ‎ 限时作业 一、据句意及首字母完成单词:每题1分 1. Would you mind w______ the dishes now ?‎ 2. Could you make some p________ for the school open day?‎ 二、单选. 每题1分 ‎1. ---Would you mind my using your pen ? ---__________, please .‎ A. Thank you B. Of course not C. Yes . D. Sorry, I don’t ‎2.Could you please ___________loudly ?‎ A don’t speak B. not speak C. not to speak D. to not speak ‎3.--- Would you like to go with me ?---________________________ .‎ A. OK B. I’d like C. I’d love to D. I’d like it 三、出相应的应答语。每题1分 ‎( )1. Can I ask you some questions ? A. No, not at all .‎ ‎( )2.Would you mind my opening the door ? B. Sure ‎( )3.How far is it from school ? C . Ten minutes by bus.‎ ‎ (   ) 4. How long can I keep the book ?  D. Three months.‎ ‎( )5.How does your mother go to work ? E. By bus.‎ 八年级英语下Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ?‎ ‎ SectionB 1‎-2c self-check 第 3 课时 ‎ 学习目标 :‎ ‎1、掌握单词与短语:waitress, brought, solution, hasn’t ‎2、掌握would you mind(not)doing……?的句型结构 预习重点 : 熟练掌握和运用would you mind(not)doing……?‎ 学习任务:‎ Task 1、 熟练掌握下列单词和短语:‎ 女服务生 bring(过去式) 解答,解决办法 has not(缩写) ‎ Task2、学习‎1a,1b 1、 结合‎1a图片看自己是否曾经抱怨过图中所列举的事情。‎ 2、 小组交流结果。‎ 3、 列举你曾抱怨的其他事情,对你所列举的事情按照抱怨最多到最少进行排序。‎ Task3、学习‎2a‎-2c:进一步学习Would you mind doing sth ?句型。‎ 1、 讨论你在某地遇到的麻烦和最终的解决办法。‎ 2、 结合讨论情况运用Would you mind(not) doing sth ?句型进行对话练习。‎ Task4、学习self-check ‎ 1、 完成part1,填入正确单词或短语,并用所给的单词或短语造句。‎ 2、 完成part2,结合图片内容,给新邻居写一封,礼貌地抱怨图片中的三件事。‎ 预习诊断:‎ ‎ 一 、 翻译:‎ 解答;解决办法 一个糟糕的发型 商店店员 ‎ ‎ 你买的钢笔 服装店 太大 抱怨 ‎ 二、 选词填空,完成对话。‎ finish, rest ,help , tired , play ,water , watch, homework , spend ,trees ‎ A:---John , please _________me in the garden。B:--OK 。 Do I have to ______those flowers ?‎ A:- -Yes ,and you have to plant some young _____ B:.--OK .When I ______,Could I______TV .‎ A:- Sure .But you mustn’t ______too much time watching it.‎ B:--No, I won’t . I have got a lot of _______to do.‎ A:- -You should have a ______ after finishing doing those things .‎ B:---May I ______the game of bowling then A:---You’d better not . It’s too _______for you . B:---Yes ,mom .‎ 预习质疑: ‎ 限时作业一、选择 每题一分 ‎ ‎1.-- - Could you ___________the dishes for me ? ---Sure.‎ ‎ A. make B. do C. put D. mind ‎ ‎2.- -the radio is too loud .Could you ___________a little? --Sorry ,I’ll do it right away .‎ ‎ A. turn it off B. turn down it C. turn it down D. close it ‎ 3. Jack _________the door ,____________the TV ,and then went to bed .‎ A. closed , closed B. turned off; turned off C. turned off; closed. D. closed, turned off ‎ 4. Internet bars mustn’t let anybody ________bad things .‎ A. watch B. watching C. to watch D. watches 5. ‎---Would you like an orange or pear ? --__________ . I’d like an apple .‎ A. Both B. Yes C. Neither D. No ‎ 二、想生活中你所遇到的别人给你制造三件烦心事,你是怎样去礼貌地去抱怨他们的?(5分)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 八年级英语下Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ?‎ SectionB ‎3a-4 第 4 课时 ‎ 预习目标 : 1、掌握单词与短语:line, wait in line, annoy, annoyed, polite, perhaps, door, cut in line ‎ 2、阅读‎3a,并理解其大意。 3、掌握stand以及would you mind……?句型结构 ‎ 4、ifwhen引导的从句。‎ 能力目标:通过学习如何抱怨以及礼貌地阻止他人不礼貌的日常行为,学会提出请求和表达歉意。培养学生的社会公德意识和人际交往能力。‎ 预习重点 :1、would you mind……?结构2、 ifwhen引导的从句。 ‎ 不礼貌的日常行为,学会提出请求和表达歉意。培养学生的社会公德意识和人际交往能力。‎ 预习任务:‎ Task1熟记下列单词和短语:‎ 排,队,列 排队等候 使恼怒,使生气 恼怒的,生气的 ‎ 有礼貌的,客气的 或许,大概 门 插队 ‎ Task2学习‎3a。‎ 1、 通读短文,理解其大意。2.依据短文完成下列各题。‎ ‎1)when does she hate waiting in line? ‎ ‎2) what does she do when it happens to her? ‎ ‎3)what does she say when the assistant follow her ? ‎ ‎4) when does he get annoyed ? ‎ ‎5)what does he do when it happens to him? ‎ Task3学习‎3a,3b,找出含有if、when 和.could you please……?和would you mind……?‎ 的句子: ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ 预习诊断: 一 .翻译 ‎ 排队等候 使 某人恼怒 恼怒的 ‎ 插队 归还;返回 有礼貌的 ‎ 不能忍受 跟在我旁边 变的生气 ‎ go back all the time 试图(不)干谋事 想要有礼貌 ‎ 二.根据汉语提示完成句子。‎ ‎1.乘客排队等候上车。 The passengers ______ ______ _____ _______ to get on the bus .‎ ‎2. 插队是不礼貌的。 It’s not polite ____ _______ ______ _________ .‎ ‎3. 他们正在通电话。 They are having a _____________ _________________ .‎ ‎4. 当别人对他不礼貌时他就会恼怒。 When someone is impolite ,he’ll ___ ____‎ ‎5. 她昨天发生了什么? What ______ _______her yesterday ? ‎ 预习质疑: ‎ 限时作业 一、句型转换: ‎ 1. Please don’t forget to give the books back to the library. (同义句) ‎ Please _______ to ____the books back to the library .‎ 2. ‎“Don’t talk to so loudly.” He asked me .((同义句) He asked me_____ ______ ____ so loudly . ‎ 二、依据首字母及短文内容提示完成单词 每空一分 I get annoyed when someone talks to me while I’m r____. This happens to me all the time in the school l______. When it h_____, I usually talk to the person because I want to be p_____. But because I’m polite, people don’t k_____ I’m annoyed. So they do the same things a____. Perhaps in the f_____ I should try n__ to be polite.‎ 八年级英语下Unit 7 Would you mind turning down the music ?‎ ‎ Reading of Unit7 第 5 课时 预习目标 :‎ ‎1、掌握单词与短语 ‎ 2、掌握Would you mind的句型结构 预习重点 : 1、读熟短文Would you mind keeping your voice down?‎ ‎ 2 、掌握课文内的重点词组与短语 预习任务: ‎ Task1:熟记本节课相关的生词和短语。‎ Task2:学习短文“Would you mind keeping your voice down?”‎ ‎1、熟读“Would you mind keeping your voice down?”,理解其大意。‎ ‎ 2、依据短文大意完成‎3a。 3、整理重点的词组或句子: ‎ Task3: 讨论中西礼仪还存在哪些差异。‎ 预习诊断: ‎ 一、 汉译英:‎ ‎1.压低声音;使缓和 2.声音 3.术语 4.首先 ‎ ‎5.亚洲(人)的 6.无理的 7.欧洲 ‎ ‎8.允许某人干某事 9.当众 10当心 ‎ ‎11.违反规则 12.熄灭 13.捡起垃圾 ‎ 二、选词填空 (understand decide rent improve show )‎ 1. My English wring is good , but I need to ______my listening skills .‎ 2. I don’t ___________ .Could you explain that again ,please ?‎ 3. That’s a special cinema . It only _______foreign films .‎ 1. Have you _______what you want to do after school ?‎ 2. You can _______bikes at the amusement park . ‎ 四、完形填空 I don’t like w___1_ in line when a shop assistant has a long telephone c___2__ .When that h__3___ , I usually say , “Would you mind h_4___me ?” And I don’t like it when shop a___5___ follow me a___6__. Then I say , “Could you please n__7_ follow me around ?I’ll ask you i__8_ I need some help.” Usually the shop assistants say they are s__9__, but sometimes they get m_10___ . If that happens, I w__11__ go back to that s__12___ again. ‎ 预习质疑: ‎ 限时作业:‎ 一、用所给单词的正确形式填空 每题一分 1. I didn’t finish ______(write) my paper because I ran out of time .‎ 2. We should also take care not to cough or sneeze_____(loud) in public if possible .‎ 3. ‎_________(drop ) litter is almost never allowed around the world .‎ 4. People don’t usually like to be criticized, so we have to be _______(care) how we do this .‎ 5. I’m ______(interest) in this job.‎ 6. It’s better (keep) your voice down in public places.‎ 二、同义句改写 每题一分 1. Would you mind putting out that cigarette ? ______ you _____ put out that cigarette?‎ 2. Why did you go to that city ? ______ did you go to that city _____?‎ 3. I think math is an interesting subject . I am very ______ ________math .‎ 4. I can speak several foreign languages. I _____ _____ _____ speak several foreign languages.‎

