牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 8《A green world》单元综合测试卷

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牛津译林版八年级下册Unit 8《A green world》单元综合测试卷

《Unit 8 A green world》 一、单项选择从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 ( ) 1. I learnt about ______ organization for recycling old clothes, and my family often send our old jeans and T-shirts to ______ organization. A. a; the B. an; an C, the; an D. an; the ( ) 2. When a disaster happens, there are always thousands of volunteers. Some are helping the victims,. ____ are heading out the relief materials (救济物 品). A. the other B. the others C. others D. other ( ) 3. We should try our best to develop new types of new energy because they will never ___________. A. run out B. run out of C. be run out D. be run out of ( ) 4. The factory ______ its waste into the river, but now it recycles the waste in a new way. A. used to put B. is used to put C. used to putting D. is used to putting ( ) 5. — _______ happy life we are having today! —Yes. Our society is developing more and more quickly and our life is improving greatly. A. What B. How C. What a D. How a ( ) 6. —______ English, we should read Chinese to improve our Chinese. —Exactly. Now some people are doing _______ than before. A. Like; better B. As well as ; worse C. Except; better D. Also; worse ( ) 7. If we do not take action to improve the environment, more _____ animals will be killed by pollution. A. alive B. living C. live D. lively ( ) 8. —In fact, everyone can do something to __________ to our environment. —Yes? I don’t think we should throw away the waste ________. A. make difference; carefully B. make differences; careful C. make a difference; carelessly D. make a few differences; careless ( ) 9. Don’t ______ others too much. You should do things by yourself. A. depend on B. agree with C. think about D. look on ( ) 10. To protect the environment, supermarkets don’t ______ free plastic bags for shoppers. A. take B. show C. provide D. give ( ) 11. We should turn off lights when we leave a room _______ save power. A. so that B. in order to D. for D. so that ( ) 12.. -Many trees _______ last year. -Yes, we must do something to stop people from doing that. A. are cut down B. have cut down C. were cutting down D. were cut down ( ) 13. It is said that an Asian Culture Village ______ inside the AYG Village in Nanjing in the coming Youth Games A. builds B. is building C. will be built D. have been built ( ) 14.. The heavy rain ______many traffic accidents on the highway last Monday. A. made B. allowed C. caused D. let ( ) 15. —Everyone should start to act to go green. Then which of the following actions is not part of green life? A. do more exercise and watch less TV B. drive to work or school as much as possible C. reusing water if possible D. take shorter showers ( ) 16. If drivers are careful enough, most accidents _______ . A. can prevent B. can be prevented C. need prevent D. will prevent ( ) 17. — ______ do you know so muc h about “going green”? — I usually get thee information by surfing the Internet. A. How B. What C. Why D. Where ( ) 18. —I think there will be _____ air pollution when there are _____ people driving. A. less; less B. less; fewer C. fewer; less D. fewer; fewer ( )19 The car needs checking. It may cause accidents if it _______ soon A won’t check B won’t be checked C doesn’t check D isn’t checked ( )20 Without enough trees, soil won’t be kept____. And then sandstorms may happen. A in the place B on place C in place D on the place ( )21Will the patient______ when the doctor_______? A operate; reaches B operated; arrives C be operated on; arrives D be operated; gets to ( )22Waste_______ different groups in some countries. A is separated into B are separated into C is separated to D are separated to ( )23The poor girl needs an operation. But it will ________ a lot of money. A. pay B. cost C. spend D. have ( )24. -You'd better not eat too much salt. It's bad for your health. - _______. A. Not at all B. You're welcome C. It doesn't matter D. Thanks for your advice ( )25. A new bike _______ me by my father. A is buying B was bought to C is bought for D was bought for 二、完型填空(每小题 1 分,共计 10 分) A large gathering of music, dance and Chinese arts, performances(表演), and many other exciting activities will be shown in Shanghai. It will last for a 26 month from October 18th to November 18th. It is 27 by the Shanghai People's Government every year. The art festival has been on 28 1999 and there will be 55 performances on stage this year, including 28 from abroad and 27 from China. "We are trying to make this one of the best 29 in the world." said the leader of the festival, Chen Shenglai. With ambitions (志向) set 30 , the performances are colorful, too. Many great persons will 31 du ring the festival. The performances can be 32 for everyone. People interested in performances may be interested in 33 part in the opening ceremony(仪式) of the 6th Shanghai International Magic Festival on November 5th or the 1st Shanghai International Puppet Festival, also opening on the same 34 . These activities may be of great interest to our friends, 35 over ten magic actors(演员)are from all over the world. Anyone with a true interest in the arts has no real excuse(借口) for not taking part in at least one performance, especially since it runs for a month until November 18th. ( ) 26. A. all B. whole C. every D. near ( ) 27. A. organized B. set C. put D. led ( ) 28. A. for B. during C. since D. in ( ) 29. A. performances B. festivals C. areas D. buildings ( ) 30. A. high B. bad C. low D. boring ( ) 31. A. write B. speak C. read D. act ( ) 32. A. match B. fit C. hold D. reach ( ) 33. A. talking B. touching C. taking D. joining ( ) 34. A. week B. date C. year D. month ( ) 35. A. so B. but C. or D. because 三、阅读理解 Thailand is famous for its exciting festivals. They often last several days and attract (吸引) many people from all over the world. Thousands of people help to decorate the towns and cities colorful, set up stages and competitions, create parade floats (游行花车) and so on. The Chiang Thai National Elephant Festival is held in March and is perhaps the most exciting Thai festival of all. Elephants are very important to Thailand in many different aspects (方面), including transportation, farming and even wars. So Thais like and admire these big animals. Some Thais even believe that the map of Thailand looks like an elephant’s head. The festival is held outside of Chiang Mi in the Maesa Elephant Camp and provides an exciting travel experience for visitors to the country. Locals set the camp up for retired (退休的) working elephants so that they can live their final days in comfort and calm. It is free to enter the park, and while visiting, tourists can ride the elephants through the forests, enjoying the exciting beauty of the land. The Chiang Thai National Elephant Festival is one of the great festivals held in Thailand each year. Some other exciting festivals that travelers will not want to miss include the Sunflower Festival, the Monkey Buffet Festival and Songkran Thailand’s Water Festival. All of these festivals are held between October and March, providing visitors with a Thailand travel experience that will be remembered for many years. ( ) 36. How often is the Chiang Thai National Elephant Festival held? A. Every four years. B. Each four months. C. Each March. D. Twice a year. ( ) 37. Why do Thais like and admire elephants? A. Because elephants are very important to Thailand, such as transportation, farming and even wars. B. Because retired elephants can live in comfort and calm. C. Because many travelers go to Thailand to ride elephants. D. Because elephants are important to elephant festivals. ( ) 38. Where is the Chiang Thai National Elephant Camp? A. In Songkran. B. Outside of Chiang Mai. C. Everywhere in Thailand. D. On the beaches. ( ) 39. What can visitors do in the Maesa Elephant Camp? A. Ride the elephants through the forest. B. Enjoy the exciting beauty of the sea. C. Enjoy the Water Festival. D. Set the camp up for retired working elephants. ( ) 40. Which of the following sentences is TRUE? A. If you visit Thailand in December, you can experience the Songkran Thailand’s Water Festival. B. If visitors miss the Monkey Buffet Festival, they won’t feel regretful (遗憾的). C. The Sunflower Festival is held every two year. D. Thais never use elephants in the war. 四、阅读表达(共 5 分,每小题 1 分)阅读下面短文,并根据所读短文内容在文章后的空格 里填入一个最恰当的单词。 It seems that everyone tells lies (谎话)—well, not big lies, but “white lies”. Telling white lies is not really that bad. Most of the time, people do it because they want to protect friendship or they don’t want to do something. For example, someone invites you to a party, you think it will be boring, so you say you’re busy. Lying to make someone feel good Often we don’t tell the truth to make someone feel good. For example, your friend cooks dinner for you, but it ta stes terrible. Do you say so? No! You probably say, “ this delicious!” Lying to hide bad news Sometimes, wee don’t want to tell someone bad news. For example, you have just has a terrible day at work, but you don’t want to your family to worry about you. So if your parents ask you about your day, you just say everything was fine. Some ways people tell white lies Ways Examples Giving wrong excuses When you want to ____41____ a boring party, you may say you’re not (42) ________. Lying to make someone feel good When your friend cooks dinner for you, you probably say that’s delicious though it tastes (43) _________. Lying to (44) _________ You have a terrible day, but you don’t want to bad news your family to worry about you. you may say everything went (45) ________ if you parents ask you about your day. 41. ________; 42. ________; 43. ________; 44. ________; 45. ________ 五、词汇(共 10 分,每小题 1 分)。 A)根据句子意思,用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空填一词。 46. They will be punished because cutting down trees ____________(not allow). 47. Few students turn off the tap when ___________(brush). 48. These waste can ___________(recycle) by charity shops. 49. You will be (fine) if you are found breaking the traffic rules. 50. It’s important for us to protect the environment ________(wise). 51. To drink too much cola will be _________ (harm) to our health. 52. She made up her mind _________(train) as a nurse. 53. Our school is _______ (full) with bad smell because of the pollution from the factory. 54. If no paper is used in business, at least one million tons of paper_______________ (save). 55. Where ________ the show ________(take) place this evening? 56. If we use natural resources _________(care), finally they will run out. B)根据句意及汉语提示,写出各单词的正确形式,每空填一词。 57. Students in our class are ___________(分成) different groups. 58. These new types of___________(能源)cost very little. 59. I used to be afraid of staying in an_______ (空的) room alone. 60. Have they made up their mine what to _______ (生产) in their factory next year? 61.Much rubbish has caused ___________(严重的) pollution. 62. I didn’t go to his party because I wasn’t__________ (邀请). 六、根据所给中文完成句子(共 11 分)。 63. 在瑞士,像玻璃、塑料和纸张的物品被分类并回收。 In Switzerland, things like glass, plastic and paper _______ __________ _______ different groups and ____________. 64. 我们依赖其丰富的资源生存,所以要理智保护它,这一点很重要。 We ________ _______ rich _________ to live., so it is important to _________ it wisely. 65. 这些新能源不仅成本低廉而且用之不竭。 These new types of energy _______ ________ and will never _______ ______. 66. 污染不仅对人而且对动物经常造成伤害。 As well as people, animals _______ often___________ by _________ 67. 我们的环境变得越来越糟糕,所以是我们行动起来保护环境的时候了。 Our environment is ________ for the _________, so it’s time for us to protect it. 68. 我认为我们学校周围有更多的树会看上去更美的。 I think our school will look _________ _______ more trees ________. 69. 我们应该通过多植树来减少空气污染。 We should ________ air pollution by _________ more trees. 70. 遵循这些小步骤,你就能对地球产生巨大的作用. _______ these small ______, and you can make a ______ _________ to the earth. 七、缺词填空(共 10 空;每空 1 分,计 10 分) Do you know Sweden(瑞典)?It is in the n 71 of Europe.It is the fourth l____72___ country in Europe with an area of 450, 000 square kilometers and the number of people is about 8.5 million. Over one third(三分之一) of them live in the three largest cities c 73 Stockholm, Goteborg and Malmo. More than half of Sweden is covered with trees. It is one of the richest countries in the world. About 100 years ago Sweden became industrialized(工业化). Most farmers g___74___ up their farms and went into the cities. But now great c 75 have taken place. Sweden is the country where the famous Nobel Prize(诺贝尔)are awarded. Many people who have visited Stockholm, the c 76 of Sweden, must have b 77 to the places where Nobel Prizes are awarded. The first language of Sweden is Swedish. English is the first foreign language in schools. Many middle-school students can speak two to three l____78____. Most of the Swedish people, men and women, children and a___79___, can speak English. So there is no t 80 speaking with them in English. 八、书面表达(共一题,计 15 分)。 从 2008 年 6 月 1 日起,国家禁止商家免费提供塑料袋。假如你是李华,准备以“What Can We Do for the Environment”为题,写一篇保护环境的 80 词左右的英语演讲稿。 1.在购物时使用布袋子(cloth bag)代替塑料袋; 2.尽可能地再利用使用过的书本; 3.离开教室应关灯; 4.最好走路或骑自行车上学; 5.简述理由:保护环境,减少污染,节约能源等。 Our environment is becoming worse and worse. What can we do for the environment? I think each of us can do a little bit to help with the problem.____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ Unit 8 英语试题答题纸 一、单项选择。(25 分) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 二、完形填空。(10 分) 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 三、阅读理解 36. __________ 37. _________ 38. _________ 39. ________ 40__________ 四、阅读表达 41. _________ 42. ________ 43. ________ 44 ________ 45. ________ 五、词汇运用(15 分) 46.__________ 47.__________ 48.__________ 49.___________ 50___________ 51.___________ 52._________ 53._________ 54.________ 55._________ 56.__________ 57 ________ 58 _________ 59 _________ 60 __________ 61 __________ 62__________ 六、根据汉语意思完成句子(满分 13 分) 63. ___________ _______________ __________ _______________ 64. _________ ___________ __________ ________________ 65 __________ __________ __________ ___________ 66 ____________ ___________ __________ 67 _________ ____________ 68 _____________ __________ __________ 69 __________ ___________ 70 ________ ___________ __________ ___________ 七、首字母填空 71 __________ 72 _________ 73 _______ 74 _________75 ___________ 76 __________ 77 _________ 78 ________ 79 ________ 80 _________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________ _________________________ 参考答案: 1—6:DCAACB 7—12:BCACDD 13—18 : CCBBAB 19-25 DCCABDD 完形填空 26—35: BACBA DBCBD 阅读理解 36—40:CABAA 任务型阅读 41—45: refuse; free; terrible; hide; well 词汇填空 46 aren’t allowed 47 brushing 48 be recycled 49 fined 50 wisely 51 harmful 52 to train 53 filled 54 will be saved 55 will take 56 carelessly 57 separated 58 energy 59 empty 60 produce 61 serious 62 invited 翻译 63:.are separated into, recycled 64 depend on ,resources , protect 65 cost little, run out 66 are harmed, pollution 67 changing, worse 68. nicer, with , around. 69 reduce, planting 70 Follow, steps, big difference 首字母填空 71 north 72 largest 73 called 74 gave 75 changes 76 capital 77 been 78 languages 79 adults 80 trouble

