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Unit1‎ 短语:休息take a break=take breaks 量体温take one’s temperature 切伤自己cut oneself 躺下 lie down 以同样的方式in the same way 看牙医see a dentist 照X光get an X-ray 热茶加蜂蜜hot tea with honey 看医生go to the doctor 整个周末the whole weekend 所有的水all the water 下车get off 令某人惊讶的是to one’s surprise 吃惊地in surprise 认真思考think twice 同意做某事agree to do sth 多亏了thanks to 及时in time 准时on time 陷入麻烦get into trouble 摔倒fall down 晒伤get burned ‎(过去常常)做某事used to do sth习惯做某事be(get)used to doing sth用来做be used to do ‎ 冒险take a risk=take risks 用尽run out of(人做主语) run out=use up(物做主语)‎ 切除cut off 掌控be in control of 坚持做某事keep on doing sth 做决定make a decision 放弃give up without+doing 期待(某人)做某事expect sb to do sth 现在right now 立刻马上right away 把头往后仰put your head back 用绷带包扎put a bandage on it用清水洗一下run it under water 感冒have a cold 背疼have a sore back ‎ 头疼have a headache 呼吸困难have problems breathing ‎ 做某事有困难have problems doing sth ‎ 某人怎么啦what’s the matter with sb? What’s wrong with sb? What’s the problem with sb?‎ Unit2‎ 短语:使某人振作cheer sb up 把......打扫干净clean up 分发give out=hand out ‎ 志愿做某事volunteer to do sth 想出come up with=think up推迟做某事put off doing sth ‎ 张贴put up 放置好put away 打电话call up 扑灭put out 查阅look up ‎ 捡起pick up 熬夜stay up 建立set up 调高turn up 寻找look for ‎ ‎ 照顾look after 检查(身体)look over 向四周看look around 刚刚just now ‎ 太...而不能too+形容词+to+动词 为什么不...?why don’t you+v原形=why not+v原形 ‎ 告诉某人(不)做某事tell sb(not) to do sth 赠送give away 因...感谢某人thank sb for..‎ ‎ 对......有影响make a difference to sth 帮助某人脱离困境help sb out ‎ ‎ 接电话answer the phone 对...感到兴奋be excited about 归还return=give back ‎ 生病住院be ill in hospital 病人sick person 恶人ill person 生病be ill=be sick ‎ 情不自禁做某事can’t help doing sth在...的帮助下with the help of.‎ 自用(食物)help oneself to... 在某方面帮助某人help sb with sth...‎ 孤独lonely 独自alone=by oneself A lonely man lives alone.‎ 某人四岁时at the age of 4=when sb was 4 years old 梦想成真a dream come true 关爱...关心(精神)care for 照顾take care of=look after 使(某人)做某事成为可能make it possible(for sb) to do sth Unit3‎ 短语:洗碟子do the dishes 整理床铺make the bed 没问题no problem ‎ ‎ 一直,反复all the time 扔下throw down 至少at least 生某人的气be angry with sb ‎ 对某事生气be angry at sth 急急忙忙in a hurry 邀请某人做某事invite sb to do sth ‎ 为了,目的是in order to+动词=so that+句子 花时间(做)...spend time doing sth ‎ 取决于depend on 因此as a result 浪费时间a waste of time ‎ 患病fall ill 自我照顾look after oneself 向某人借某物borrow sth from sb ‎ 借给某人某物lend sb sth=lend sth to sb keep保存,后接一段时间 enough的用法:名前形副后 ‎ 动词ing做主语动词用单数,两个或两个以上动词ing做主语动词用复数。反之做主语时动词用ing Doing chores is a waste of time. 倒垃圾take out the rubbish(trash) 向某人提供某物provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb ‎ 叠衣服fold the clothes 扫地sweep the floor 给某人搭便车give sb a ride ‎ ‎ Could you please+动词原形?表示委婉请求 肯定回答Yes,sure.Certainly. That’s OK.All right.否定回答I’m sorry,you can’t. No,you can’t. 注意用can’t.‎ ‎ 时间距离金钱做主语动词用单数 2 dollars is enough ‎ any minute(second,moment,time)随时,马上 遛狗take the dog for a walk ‎ ‎ the minute=the moment=as soon as 一…就… 讨厌做某事hate doing sth/to do sth ‎ fair(adj) 反义词unfair 名词fairness 对…感到吃惊be surprised at sth ‎ 某人也是 肯定句+so+助/情态动词/be+另外一个人 He is fat,so am I.‎ ‎ 某人也不是 否定句+neither+助/情态动词/be+另外一个人He isn’t fat,neither am I. ‎ ‎ 两者都both 三者或三者以上都all 两者都不neither 三者或三者以上都不none Unit4 ‎ 短语:允许(做)某事allow(doing) sth 允许某人做某事allow sb to do sth 和某人闲逛hang out with sb 跟某人打架have/get into a fight with sb. fight with sb 我才是这样I guess so. 我猜不是这样I guess not. 笼罩hang over 挂电话hang up 希望事情得以解决Hope things work out. 与某人交流communicate with sb 为某事(与某人)争论argue(with sb) about/over sth 向某人解释某事explain sth to sb 介意某人做某事mind sb doing sth/mind one’s doing sth ‎ elder只用人,兄弟姐妹中年龄较大的 older指人时年龄较大的,指物时较旧的,可与than 连用 与某人和睦相处get on/along well with sb 某事进展顺利get on/along with sth ‎(主动)提供某人某物offer sb sth=offer sth to sb (主动)提出做某事offer to do sth 归还某人某物return sb sth=return sth to sb(return=give back)‎ 不再not any more=no more I don’t have any more friend.=I have no more friends.‎ 忘记 leave(后有地点) forget(后无地点) 处于压力下under pressure 害怕做某事be afraid of doing sth=be afraid to do sth ‎ 与...竞争compete with sb 为...竞争compete for ...一家人the+姓氏复数 继续做原来的事continue doing sth 继续做另一件事continue to do sth 和...进行比较compare...with.... 把...比作compare....to... 坚持做某事keep on doing sth 大件事a big deal 课外辅导课after-school classes 把...压紧push...hard 浏览look through 在将来in the future 删除cut out ‎ Unit5‎ 短语:(闹钟)响go off 感觉像feel like 在附近in the neighbourhood 入睡fall asleep ‎ 确保make sure 醒来wake up 在电视上on TV 雨下的大rain hard=rain heavily ‎ 一场大雨a heavy rain 等待某人wait for sb. when+过去时 while+进行时 ‎ Because不能与so连用,althouth不能与but连用 想要做某事would like to do sth ‎ 你在开玩笑You’re kidding 朝学校走make one’s way to school ‎ 朝家走make one’s way home 吃完剩下的晚餐finish the rest of the dinner ‎ 对大多数美国人有意义have meaning to most Americans 朝窗户看look out the window ‎ 在历史上in history 经过walk by 当...的时候at the time of 乱糟糟in a mess ‎ against(表示方位)紧挨着;(表示态度)反对 反对be against 支持be for 拆卸take down ‎ 车祸car accident 某人碰巧做某事sb happen to do sth 某人发生了某事sth happen to sb ‎ 某地/某时发生某事 sth happens+地点/时间 平时at other times Unit6‎ 短语:earth 世界,地球,泥土 从事于,致力于work on doing sth 有一点a little bit ‎ 提醒某人做某事remind sb to do sth 提醒某人某事remind sb of/about sth ‎ ‎ 变成turn into 结婚get married 引导,带领lead to 迷路的be lost ‎ 找到出去的路find the way out 从前once=once upon a time 在月光下in the moonlight ‎ 在地上on the ground 请一天假ask one day off 人做主语ed,物做主语ing ‎ instead of+名词,代词,动词ing和介词短语 ‎ instead副词,代替,而不是 放于句首或句末 ‎ a little bit=a little加上形容词副词的原级或者比较级 计划做某事make a plan to do sth=plan to do sth ‎ we thought我们原想,原以为 unless如果不... 除非 if...not Unit7‎ 短语:其他任何一个any other+名词单数 feel free to do sth随意做某事 ‎ 最...之一是 one of+形容词最高级+可数名词复数+动词单数 ‎ 世界上最...是什么?What’s the+形容词最高级+in the world?‎ ‎ ...有多高?How high is...? 保护...使不受....protect...from/against ‎ 成功做某事succeed in doing sth succeed with sth ‎ 花费...做某事spend...doing sth 有某人/物正在做某事there be sb/sth doing...‎ ‎ 吸入take in 面对(问题,困难等)in the face of 出生时at birth ‎ ‎ 正如你所看到的as you can see 登山mountain climbing 直到up to ‎ ‎ 撞到walk into 砍到cut down 据我所知as far as I know ‎ ‎ 为...准备...prepare...for... 摔倒fall over 死于die from.... 大约or so ‎ 形容词副词最高级前要加the,以下情况除外:‎ 1. 最高级有物主代词修饰时my best friend 2. 最高级有序数词修饰时the second longest river 3. 修饰动词的副词最高级前不加the run fastest ‎...的人口the population of... 人口多large population 人口少small population population常与the连用动词用单数 population前有百分数时动词用复数 对人口进行提问What’s the population ...?How large is the population of...?‎ ‎1.include动词(包含,包括) 2.included adj.包含在内的 放在名词,代词后 ‎3.including介词(包含)放在名词代词前All went to Shenzhen including me./me included.‎ weigh 1.称...重量 sb. weigh sth 2.重(多少)sb/sth weighs ...kilos. ‎ ‎ 3.多重how much does it weigh?‎ awake adj.醒着饿 wake up叫醒 every two years每两年 ‎ A比B大(长,高)多少倍 A+倍数+形容词/副词的比较级+than+B A hall is 5 times bigger than our classroom.‎ A+倍数+as +形容词/副词的原级+as +B A正好是B的多少倍 A hall is 5 times as big as B.‎

