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Unit 2 I’ll help to clean up the city parks. Section A Warming up A guessing game help help stop hunger They are hungry and homeless. There are many other ways you could help people. help clean up the city parks cheer up the old people give out( 分发 , 派发 ) food at the food bank If I had lots of money, I would … set up a Hope School help poor kids 建立、建造 = build volunteer in an after-school study program Do you often help others? What other ways we could help people? I could help to clean the classroom. I could help my parents with the housework. I__________________________________________________. I___________________________________________________. I_______________________________________________________. could help the old people cross the street. could send books to the poor students could volunteer in the old people's home I’d like to work outside. You could help clean up the city parks n. 饥饿 2d Read the conversation and answer the questions. Reading 1. Where’s Helen going to work this summer? _________________________________ _________________________________ 2. What did Tom do to help the old people? _________________________________ _________________________________ Helen: Hi, Tom. I’m making some plans to work in an old people’s home this summer. Tom: Really? I did that last summer! Helen: Oh, what did they ask you to help out with ? Tom: Mmm… things like reading the newspaper to the old people,or just talking to them. They told me stories about the past and how things used to be. Helen: That sounds interesting. Tom: Yeah, a lot of old people are lonely . We should listen to them and care for them. Helen: You’re right. I mean, we’re all going to be old one day, too. 1. They told me stories about the past and how things used to be. used to do sth. 过去常常做某事; 表示过去习惯性、经常性的动作或状态,暗指现在已经不存在。 used 无人称和时态的变化。 Language points e.g. I used to go to the Youth Center. But I have no time now. 我过去经常去青少年中心,但现在我没有时间了。 Grandparents used to tell us stories when we were very young. 在我们小时候祖父母常给我们讲故事 听。 2. Yeah, a lot of old people are lonely . lonely adj. 孤独的;寂寞的。指精 神上感觉孤独、寂寞。 e.g. The old man feels lonely , so he raises a dog. 那名老人觉得很孤独,因此他 养了一只狗。 Exercises Ⅰ. Fill in the blanks. He helps ____ the classroom. A. cleans up B. cleaning up C. clean up 2. I took her to the concert to ____. A. cheer up her B. cheer her up C. cheer she up 3. Let’s help ___ food at the food bank. A. to give out B. give up C. giving out C B A 1. You’d better _____ ___ ____ ( 想出 ) a better plan. 2. Who will ________ ___ ______ ( 自愿回 答 ) this question? 3. You could put up a ______ ( 布告 ) here. Ⅱ. Complete the sentences. come up with volunteer to answer notice 4. With no one to talk to. He _____ very ______ ( 感觉很孤独 ). 5. The life _____ ___ ___ ( 曾经是 ) very interesting in my school days. lonely fe els used to be to be to learn to care to try out to help to do put off call up come up with cheer up put up hand out give out to make to do to help to spend to visit to move Section B Match the sentences with similar meanings. I’ve run out of it. I take after my mother. I fix ed it up . I gave it away. I repaired it. I don’t have any more of it. I am similar to her. I didn’t sell it. b c a d 1 a Reading 1. make it possible for sb. to do sth . “ 使得某人有可能 ……” Your help makes it possible for him to succeed . ( 1 ) make +it +adj.+ for sb. + to do, “ 做某事对某人来说变得怎样 ” The computer makes it easy for people to study at home. (2) make +sb.+v.原,“让某人做 ” He made me work ten hours a day. 2. make a difference 起重要作用 What you did make a difference to my life. 5. be excited about 对...感到兴奋 He seem s to  be   excited   about  something . 3. difficulties 困难,难题 difficulty n. 可数名词。 have difficulty/problem (in)doing sth. 做某事有困难 Does he have any difficulties in learning English? 4. a friend of mine 我的一个朋友 The group of kids are playing happily. We should help disabled people . There are some differences between us. Imagine you are a bird, what will you do? Though there are difficulties ,we still work hard. He needs much training to be a good player. Thanks for your kindness. It is normal to feel like this. SUBJECT VERB OBJECT Miss Li Ben Smith Lucky “Animal Helpers” can get trains sent is unable to move well. money to “Animal Helpers”. animals like Lucky. things for disabled people . 2d 动词短语 Phrasal verb 1. 定义 : 动词之后加介词或副词构成短语 , 表达一种特定的含义 ; 如果被拆开则不能表达这种特定的含义 . Grammar (2) 代词作宾语时 , 对于”动词 + 副词” 的短语 , 代词放在短语动词的中间 , 对于”动词 + 介词” 的短语 , 代词放在介词之后 . 本课出现的 动词短语 : clean up set up give out cheer up come up with put off put up han d out call up run out of take after fix up give…away 打扫 建立 , 建成 发放 , 派发 高兴 , 振作 提出 推迟 , 延后 分发 打电话 用尽 长得象 修理 赠送 张贴 Nouns: money, animal, helpers, people lucky, organization… Pronouns: I ,you, it, my, who, that… Verbs: like, thank, send, set (up), fill… Adjectives: disabled, blind, deaf, normal… Adverbs: easily, well, last year, at once… Prepositions: for, with, of… Conjunctions: but, and, because, or… Exclamations: You see, Lucky! 1.In what other ways do you think dogs are able to help people? 2.What other animals can we train to help people? 2e Discuss the questions with a partner. Look after the house. / Take care of sheep. / Help police find criminals. / Guide the blind to walk. etc. Elephants. / Monkeys. / Horses. / Dolphins. • W orking in an old people ' s home •Helping kids in an after-school program •Being a guide at a museum 3a Look at these kinds of volunteer work.Can you add more?What would you like to do? Discuss it with a partner. Write a letter or e-mail to the place you want to volunteer at. 3b Which volunteer job do you want to do? I'd like to.../ I' m interested in .../ I want to volunteer as... What are your interests and hobbies ? I' m good at .../I' m strong in ... How can these help you to do the job? In my free time, I like to... so I think I'd be good at this job. Why do you want to the volunteer job? I want to helo out as a volunteer in your old people's home/school/museum/group because... When are you free to do the job? I'm free to help in/on... Dear Sir or Madam, I'd like to be a volunteer in your after-school program on weekends. I' m strong in English and Chinese.Maybe I can help kids with these two subjects there. In my free time, I enjoy reading books and like to play with kids, so I think I'd be good at this job. I really want to help out as a volunteer in your after-school program because I think it will be very interesting. How great it is to be a volunteer! I' m looking forward to your reply. Yours truly, Mario Self Check cheer,wake, put, look , fix take , put, give look , take put, take run , get come ,put ran out to buy to cheer put up called up to tell handed out set up came up to fix gave away Exercises He helps ____ the classroom. A. cleans up B. cleaning up C . clean up 2. I took her to the concert to ____. A. cheer up her B. cheer her up C. cheer she up 3.The boss put off ___ the workers’ wages. A . to give out B . give up C. giving out C B C 1.The man established a factory in our village last year. = The man ____ ____ a factory in our village last year. 2. We need to think up some ideas . = We need to _____ ____ ____ some ideas 3.He phoned me and asked me to go there. = He _____ ____ ___ and asked me to go there set up come up with called/ rang me up 5 . 人们不应该在路上分发广告 . People _________________________ notices on the road . They want _______________ next year. 4 . 他们想明年开一家商店 . to set up a shop shouldn't hand out 1. 我准备领他去看电影 , 以便他会高兴起来。 I am going to _____ him _____the cinema _____ _____ _____ _____. 2. 这些词都很重要,请把它们记下来。 These words are all very important. ______ ______ ______, please! 3. 你知道谁在校门口分发通知单了吗? Do you know who _______ _____ ______________at the school gate? 根据汉语完成句子。 to cheer him up Write them down take to handed out no t ice s 4. 他们的老师不但会讲英语,而且还会讲日语。 Their teacher can speak ______ ______ English ______ ______Japanese. 5. 没人想买这些大衣,甚至白送也不要。 No one wants to buy these coats. You can’t even ______ _____ _______. 6. 他想尽力通过这次考试,因此他学习更加努力。 He ______ ___ ______ _____ _____, so he works harder. not only but also give them away tries to pass the exam Hands up !/ Put up your hand. put off till tomorrow Never ___________________ what you can do today. 7.请举手 !__________________________ 8 . 今日事 , 今日毕。 GoodBye!

