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Ⅰ.单项填空 ( D )1.( 安徽中考 )I am surprised at the new look of my home town,for it    a lot over the years.  A.changed B.changes C.will change D.has changed ( B )2.( 毕节中考 )It’s nice to see you again.We    each other since 2016.  A.won’t see B.haven’t seen C.don’t see D.didn’t see ( D )3.( 黔东南中考 )—How long    you    in Liping,Mr Green?  —Since last month. A.did;come B.do;come C.have;come D.have;been ( C )4.( 攀枝花中考 )—Hi,Lily!Why don’t you go swimming with them? —Because I    my homework yet.  A.didn’t finish B.won’t finish C.haven’t finished D.don’t finish ( A )5.( 哈尔滨中考改编 )—How much juice is there in the fridge? —    .Let’s go to the supermarket and buy some after supper.  A.None B.Nothing C.Nobody D.No one ( C )6.( 鄂州中考 )—I’ll be away for a long time. —Don’t worry.She can look after your pet    .  A.careful enough B.enough careful C.carefully enough D.enough carefully ( B )7.( 巴中中考改编 )—Has your sister finished reading    ?  —Yes.She has    finished it.  A.yet;yet B.yet;already C.already;yet D.already;already ( A )8.( 盐城中考 )    April 1 China announced that it would build the Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province.  A.On B.In C.At D.To ( C )9.( 齐齐哈尔中考改编 )The weather in Qiqihar is colder than    in Shanghai.  A.those B.it C.that D.these ( B )10.( 临沂中考 )—Could you please take out the rubbish? —    .But I want to drink a cup of water first.  A.Thank you B.Sure,no problem C.You’re welcome D.No,I can’t Ⅱ.阅读理解( 黔东南中考 ) Stephen Hawking died at the age of 76 on March 14,2018.Hawking is known as the most famous physicist( 物理学家 ) after Einstein. Hawking was born in Oxford,England,on January 8,1942.During his life,he married twice,and had three children.When he was a kid,Hawking went to school in St.Albans—a small city near London.Although he did well,he was never top of his class.After leaving high school,Hawking went first to Oxford University to study physics,and then he went to Cambridge University to study the universe. At the age of twenty,Hawking started noticing that something was wrong with him.Later,he went to the hospital and doctors said that he would die before he was 23.But Hawking didn’t give up.In 1988,Hawking completed his book A Brief History of Time.In the book,he talked about many things,like the universe,the big bang( 宇宙大爆炸 ) and the black hole. ( A )1.At which university did Hawking study physics? A.Oxford University. B.St.Albans University. C.Cambridge University. D.London University. ( D )2.Hawking first felt there was something wrong with his body when he was      .  A.25 B.23 C.21 D.20 ( D )3.Hawking’s book A Brief History of Time talks about the following EXCEPT      .  A.the universe B.the big bang C.the black hole D.the history of science ( A )4.The passage is mainly about     .  A.Hawking’s life B.Hawking’s study C.why Hawking got ill D.how Hawking became famous

