人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题Unit 8

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人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题Unit 8

1 人教版八年级英语上册单元测试题 Unit 8 第二卷 笔试部分(100 分) 五、单项填空(共10 小题,每小题 1 分,共10 分) 21.Could you please put some____ in my cup?I'd like sweet coffee. A.sugar B. salt C. ice D. pepper 22.____,Chinese peoplecelebratethe MidAutumn Festival by enjoying the full moonand eating mooncakes. A.Quickly B. Suddenly C. Secretly D.Traditionally 23.The newrestaurant ____ people many kinds of delicious foods.Why not go there? A.eats B. serves C. shares D. orders 24.The school had an activity to ____ Mother's Day—each child drew a picture of his orher own mother. A.describe B. celebrate C. question D.discuss 25.—____ honey do youneed? —Letme think…Weneed two spoons. A.Howmuch B. How many C. How long D.Howoften 26.Though living in a silent world, Beethoven created many____ of beautiful music. A.songs B. parts C. percents D. pieces 27.Please ____ thelight, Lisa. I can't see anything in theroom. A.turn up B. turn down C. turn on D.turn off 28.—When will we get our resultsof the exam? —You'llhave to wait ____ twoweeks. A.else B. more C. other D. another 29.____ salad, you need fruit, vegetables, yogurt and sugar. A.Make B. Made C.To make D. Making 2 30.—Would you likea cup of yogurt? —____. A.That's OK B. Did a good job C.Yes, I could D.No, thanks 六、完形填空(共20 小题,每小题 1 分,共20 分) A This is a great recipe(食谱). It is fun and easy. I madethese cookies( 饼干) when I was a littlegirl.The cookies __31__ great.They are called Eskimo Cookies becauseyoudon't cook them. Instead, you keep them in therefrigerator,so they will be__32__ when youeat them. The first thing you need todo is __33__ your hands. Second, gather up all the things that youwill need. Get a mixing bowl, a wooden spoon, and a plate to put the cookies on.__34__, gatherthe ingredients you willneed: a cup of sugar, three spoons of cocoa, one spoon of water, twocups of oats(燕麦). Next, pour somesugar into the plate__35__it will be ready to use later. Nowhere is where the __36__ begins! Put the butterand all the sugar into the mixing bowl, then mix it with thewooden spoon.Afterit is mixed,add the cocoaand the water and then mix that again. Finally, you will add the oats. When it is mixed well, make themixture into little __37__. It should makeabout 36 balls. Roll __38__ in the sugar and thenset them on theplate.You can eat them now __39__ youcan storethem in therefrigerator.They will be good for two weeks,but I doubt ifthey will __40__ that long. 31.A.sound B. taste C. look D. smell 32.A.warmer B. hotter C. cooler D. colder 33.A.to washing B. washes C. to wash D. washed 34.A.First B. Second C.Third D. Finally 35.A.so B. but C. while D. although 36.A.joke B. fun C. blender D. gravy 37.A.balls B. pieces C. halves D. bowls 38.A.it B. they C. them D. those 39.A.after B. when C. and D. or 40.A.put B. keep C. eat D. wait 3 B Many people think cooking is a lot of fun. However, I am __41__ cooking, because I had a scary cooking experience(经历). It was a Sunday afternoon. My __42__ werenot at home. I invited(邀请) someof myfriends to myhome.We watchedTV, played games, sang and danced __43__.And weall had a good __44__. Later weall felt __45__. But we didn't haveenough money to buy pizza or hamburgers. Sowe __46__ to cook some food at home. I never cooked before, and I didn't know __47__ to cook. I just watched mymom cooking before. I wanted to makesomesoup in one of my mom's glass bowls. __48__ it seemed to be a badidea. I poured some waterinto thebowl, put it on thestove(炉子) and__49__the stove. I waited and then it boomed(轰响)!The glass bowl broke into pieces and thewaterwas hereand there! It was __50__! AndI learned a lesson: Neveruse glass bowls to cook! 41.A.friendly to B. angry with C. afraid of D.sure about 42.A.parents B. teachers C. classmates D.cooks 43.A.quietly B. quickly C.probably D. happily 44.A.time B. day C.room D. seat 45.A.tired B. interested C. hungry D.bored 46.A.decided B. disagreed C. believed D.sent 47.A.what B. when C.how D. where 48.A.So B.Though C.Because D. But 49.A.turned on B. blew out C. looked for D.cared about 50.A.exciting B. terrible C. fantastic D.creative 4 七、补全对话(有两项多余)(共5 小题,每小题 1 分,共5 分) A:What's yourfavorite food, Sue? B: Fruit salad. A:51. ________ B:Yes, ofcourse. A:52. ________ B: First, we needsomefruit. Next, cut up thefruit and put it ina bowl. 53.________ Finally, mix them up. A:Oh, I see. 54.________ B:That's right. It is not difficult.Why not try it rightnow? A:55. ________ I will go andbuy some fruit. A.That's a good idea. B.You must likeit. C. Canyou make it? D.What do we need? E.How doyou makeit? F.It should be easy to makeit. G.Then, poursomeyogurt into thebowl. 八、阅读理解(共20 小题,每小题 2 分,共40 分) A Many people inWestern countries likedrinking tea.Some tea can make peoplehealthy andhelp peoplebecome thin.There areall kinds of tea in the world. Of all the kinds, black tea, green tea and oolong tea arethe most popular inWestern countries. Blacktea: It's famous for its taste, andit's able to go well with manyWestern foods, usually sweets and creamy (含乳脂的) foods. Green tea: Some peopleloveit because it is good for theirhealth. Green teais good for digestion, andit canhelp peoplemake thefood into smaller pieces. Oolong tea: Oolong tea is able to help people becomea little thin, so many peopleloveit. In recent years,Western people start enjoying white tea and pu'er tea. 5 56.How many kinds of tea are mentioned (被提到) in thepassage? A.Three. B. Four. C. Five. D. Six. 57.What does theunderlined word “digestion” meanin Chinese? A. 分泌 B. 消化 C. 养生 D. 美容 58.What can welearn from thepassage? A.Tea isn't good for health. B.Western people don't like pu'ertea. C. Green tea isn't good for digestion. D.Drinking oolong tea can help people becomethin. 59.The writer writes thepassage to ____. A.showus howto drink tea B. tell us to drink sometea every day C. tell us somepopulartea inWestern countries D.tell us the history of differentkinds oftea B 6 Dreamworld Would you like to have dinner with SpongeBob SquarePants or watch cute animal shows? Welcome to Dreamworld, a great place for your vacation. We have animal shows, delicious food and wonderful shops. Dreamworld is Australia's largest theme park with many exciting activities. You can interact (互动) with over 800 Australian native animals, like koalas, kangaroos and crocodiles. You can also enjoy the great movies in front of our IMAX theater screen. Opening Hours: 10 am—6 pm on weekdays; 9 am—8 pm on weekends Tickets: $60/Adult(成人);$12/Child (free for children under 5 years old) By Bus: Take the Red Line bus. Buses run every 15 minutes. By Car: Take Freeway 101. Turn right on Park Street and follow the signs (路标) there. By Train: Get off at Water Station and take the free Dreamworld bus. 60.Why is Dreamworld a great place for vacation? A.It is open for eight hours on weekdays. B. People can take the train to getthere. C.There area lot of exciting activities. D.Parents don't need to pay fortheir kids. 61.How canpeoplego toDreamworld fromWater Station? A.They cantakethe freebus. B.They can take theRed Linebus. C.They can take theship. D.They canfollow thesigns andwalk there. 62.Mikewill pay ____ if hetakes his 7yearold son and 4yearold daughter there. A.$60 B. $72 C.$104 D. $132 63.Which of thefollowing isTRUE? A.Dreamworld isAmerica's largest themepark. 7 B. Students can't go to Dreamworld on weekdays. C. Children can't watch movies atDreamworld. D.People caneat delicious food at Dreamworld. C Hot Pot(火锅) and Hotpot I'm learning English intheUK where I meet a lot of new friends and eat something delicious. Hot pot is many Chinese people's favoritefood, including(包括) me.Afterhaving three days of hamburgers, sandwiches and potatoes intheUK, how excited I was to know that there was going to bea freemealof hotpot towelcomethe newstudents. On the way to the canteen, I seemed tosmellthe hot pot in theair. Tomy surprise, when I stepped into the room, in front of me were still potatoes and bread. Wherewas thehot pot? With manyquestions inmy head, I sat down tohave thefree meal.Aftertalking with a French girl, I got to knowthat hot pot is completely different from hotpot. Chinese hot pot is written in twowords and hotpot, oneword, is a traditional English dish. Hotpotis madefrom mutton and onion. On the top there aresliced potatoes. People put it intheoven all day in a heavy pot and on a low heat.You can often see it at parties in the UK becauseit's easy to preparefor a large numberof people and is not expensive. Hotpotdoesn't taste bad.However, I still miss hot pot, two words! 64.The writer felt excited whenshe thought that she would ____. A.meet some Chinesefriends B. have a chance to try some new food C. have herfavorite food D.learnmore about English culture 65.A“canteen” may be a place ____. A.selling food and drinks B. for students to have sports C. just like a library D.for students to study 66.Hotpot is often prepared for parties because it is ____. 8 A.delicious B. healthy C. easy to prepare D. expensive 67.After reading thepassage, weknow thewriter is ____. A.an English teacher B. a French girl C. a Japanese cook D. a Chinese student D Myinterest in cooking started whenI was 11,partly thanks tomy mother. She didn't really likecooking and when she did cook,I didn't like her food. OnceI was watching something about cooking onTVandI thought I could do this,soI went to thebookstore andlooked for the biggestcookbook I could find. Duringa year,I hadproduced most ofits recipes(食谱)and wasready for a bigger challenge(挑战). I wanted to create my own dishes and I started cooking formore peoplethan justmy family.To my joy,myparents allowed me to build a test kitchen. I did much cooking to test mydishes in it and myskill improved quickly. Later,my mom andI set up a dinnerclub that organized monthly events inside my home.Now as a teenchef(主厨),I have also cooked intopclass restaurants around the country. I am not doing it for themoney,but becauseI love cooking. Now I knowthat when you stop caring whether you'll be famous or do well, yourdream will cometo you. 68.The writer is now ____. A.aTVstar B. a news reporter C. a wellknown bookseller D.a good chef 69.What made thewriter begin to cook? A.His parents' wish. B.The customers' advice. C. His mother's delicious food. D.The information about cooking onTV. 70.After producing most of therecipes in the cookbook, thewriter wanted to ____. 9 A.take cooking lessons B. write his cookbook C. make new dishes of his own D.open a restaurant 71.The underlined word“it” in Paragraph 2 refers to(指代) ____. A.thebookstore B. a test kitchen C. a dinner club D. thecountry 72.What is important for the writer? A.Finding a good job. B. Making lots of money. C. Doing what he loves. D.Becoming famous. 阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题后面的词数要求)。 E Akangaroo was good atrunning andjumping. But heusually made fun of others, especially (尤其) the duck. “Look at you. How slowly andfunnily you walk,” the kangaroo said. Once,a monkey said tothe kangaroo, “I think the duck is thebest player here. ” His words made thekangaroo very angry. “No way!I will win,” thekangaroo shouted. “Really?”themonkey laughed.Then he took the kangaroo and theduck to a mountain. Whenthey reached thetop, they found thetop of the mountain turned out to bea crater (火山 口).The craterwas filled with water, making it into a lake.Atthis point, the monkey said, “The first to the othersidewins. ” The duck was happy. He walked into the lake slowly. Oncehe was in thewater, he swam so fast. Before long, he reached theother side and won the race. But thekangaroo was still standing by thelake. “We all have special ability (能力) and we should knowthe best way to useit,” the monkey said. 73.What didthe kangaroo usually do?(不超过 10 个词) ________________________________________________________________________ 10 74.How did themonkey's words makethe kangaroo feel in Paragraph 2?(不超过 10 个词) ________________________________________________________________________ 75.What can welearn from thestory?(不超过 15 个词) ________________________________________________________________________ 九、单词拼写(共5 小题,每小题 1 分,共 5 分) 76.Agood hobby a________(增加) a lot offun to our spare time. 77.In a________(秋天) the weather becomes cooler and cooler. 78.More and morepeople have realized the importance of spreading(传播) ourt________(传 统的)culture. 79.The t________ (温度) of thewateris just right for taking a shower. 80.She often c________ (遮盖) thetable with a tablecloth (桌布) to keep it clean. 十、书面表达(共20 分) 蛋炒饭是妈妈经常给我们做的一道美食。请你根据表格内容,写一篇题为“How to makeeggfried rice”的短文,介绍蛋炒饭的制作过程。 材料 步骤 一碗米饭 一匙油(oil) 两颗鸡蛋 一个胡萝卜 少许食盐 把鸡蛋打碎放入碗中 把胡萝卜洗净、切碎,放在碗中备用 在锅里放入少许油;油热后放入鸡蛋,炒 1 分钟 加入米饭和胡萝卜,翻炒 3 分钟 最后加入食盐 要求: 1. 包含表格中的所有信息,可适当发挥; 2. 词数: 80 词左右。 How to make egg fried rice ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 11 ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ 参考答案 第二卷 笔试部分 五、21. A 解析:句意:你能在我的杯子里放一些____吗?我想要甜的咖啡。 根据句意可以判断,要加一些“糖”。故选 A。 22. D 解析:根据句意“____,中国人通过赏满月和吃月饼的方式来庆祝中 秋节。”可以判断,这是传统的庆祝方式。quickly 快速地;suddenly 突 然;secretly 秘密地;traditionally 传统地。故选 D。 23. B 24. B 25. A 26~30:DCDCD 六、A)31~35:BDCCA 36~40:BACDB B)41~45:CADAC 46~50:ACDAB 七、51~55:CEGFA 八、A)56~59:CBDC B)60~63:CABD C)64~67:CACD D)68~72:DDCBC E)73. He usually made fun of others, especially the duck. 74. The words made the kangaroo feel very angry. 75. We all have special ability and we should know the best way to use it. 九、76. adds 77. autumn 78. traditional 79. temperature 80. covers 十、One possible version: How to make egg fried rice Hey, friends! Do you know how to make egg fried rice? Here's one way to make it. First, break two eggs and put them into a bowl. Next, get a carrot and wash it. After that, cut up the carrot and put it into a bowl. Then, put a spoon of oil into the pot. When the oil is hot, put the eggs into it and cook. After one minute, put the rice and the carrot into the pot and cook for 12 three minutes. Finally, add a little salt. Now your egg fried rice is OK. Put it on a plate and enjoy it.

