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‎2010-2011学年新目标八年级第一次月考试题(Units1-3)‎ 提示:请将选择题答案填写在答案栏内!‎ I、单项选择 (每小题1分,共20分)‎ ‎1. They watch TV__________. ‎ A. one a week B. once a week C. one the week D. once week ‎ ‎2. Although it is far , _______I walk to school.‎ A. but B. or C. / D. so ‎3. ______books in bed is bad for your eyes.‎ A. Read B. Reads C. Not read D. Reading ‎4. What's Gina doing _______vacation?‎ A. for B. in C. to D. of ‎5. I just finish ________my last movie yesterday.‎ A. make B. makes C. to make D. making ‎6. You should try _______down and take a rest.‎ A. lie B. to lie C. lies D. lay ‎7. Morgan's parents aren't at home. He has to ______his younger brother.‎ A. look at B. look for C. look after D. take away ‎8. It's very important ______healthy food.‎ A. eat B. eating C. eats D. to eat ‎9. He always eats _____meat for meals.‎ A. too many B. too C. too much D. much too ‎10. He thought about ______Greece or Spain for vacation.‎ A. go to B. to go to C. going to D. going ‎11. She is ______Hong Kong next week.‎ A. leaving to B. leaving off C. leaving for D. leave ‎12. This time I want to do_________.‎ A. different something B. different anything ‎ C. anything different D. something different ‎13. ______homework, some students do homework every day.‎ A. As for B. As C. About D. To ‎14. His mother wants him _____ at home today.‎ A. stays B. stayed C. to stay D. staying ‎15.-______do you go to the city park? ‎ ‎-Usually by bike.‎ A. How's B. How C. What's D. What ‎16. What is ________ you,young man?‎ A.matter with B.the matter with  C.the matters with D.the matter to ‎17. Is her lifestyle the same ______ yours or different?   A. as      B. in       C. at      D. to ‎18. Can you call me when you________home? ‎ A. get back to B. get to back C. get back D. get to ‎ ‎19. ________ she ________ a headache? I think she should see a doctor.‎ A.Does,have B.Does,has C.Does,got D.Has,have ‎20.— How are you?‎ ‎— I’m not ________.‎ A.feel well B.feel good C.feeling well D.feeling good II、完形填空 (每小题1分,共10分)‎ Food is very important. Everyone needs to __21__ well if he or she wants to have a strong body. Our brains (大脑) also need a kind of food. This kind of food is __22__. We begin to get knowledge (知识) When we are very young. Small children are interested in everything around them. They learn __23__ while (当) they are watching and __24__. When they are getting older, they begin to __25__ storybooks, anything they like. When they find something new, they like to ask questions and __26__ to find out the answer.‎ What is the best __27__ to get knowledge? If we __28__ by ourselves, we’ll get the most knowledge. If we’re __29__ getting answers from others and do not ask why, we will never learn well. When we study in a right way, we will learn __30__ and understand (理解) better.‎ ‎21. A. read B. see C. drink D. eat ‎22. A. knowledge B. sport C. playing D. fruit ‎23. A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything ‎ ‎24. A. finding B. listening to C. listening D. looking at ‎25. A. learn B. buy C. write D. read ‎26. A. try B. have C. like D. should ‎27. A place B. school C. way D. road ‎28. A. work B. learn C. help D. do ‎29. A. often B. always C. usually D. sometimes ‎30. A. more B. much C. little D. some III、阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)‎ A It's different between western countries and eastern countries about how to keep healthy. Traditional Chinese doctors believe we need a balance of cool yin and hot yang to be healthy. In China, herbs are the main medicine but in western countries they use tables (药片).‎ ‎ In China, if you are quiet and always tired, Chinese doctors might think you have too much yin. You should eat more hot yang food. It can give you some energy (能量). But in western countries , doctors will check (检查) your body. They might give you some tables to cure (治愈) your disease. People who are easily stressed out and angry might have too much yang in there bodies. Chinese doctors believe they should eat more yin food.‎ Now, people all over the world like herbs, because they think those herbs are healthy and they can help them eat a balanced diet.‎ 根据文章内容,判断下列句子正(A)误(B).‎ ‎31. If you are quiet and always tired, you should eat much yin food. ‎ ‎32. In western countries, doctors will check your heart if you always feel tired.‎ ‎33. People around the world use different ways to stay healthy.‎ ‎34. You should eat less yin food if you are easily stressed out and angry.‎ ‎35. People believe herbs can help them eat a balanced diet and stay healthy.‎ B This summer , Mary , Tom, Alan are going to have an ideal vacation. The followings are their plans for the coming vacation.‎ Mary Tom Alan Where The Great Wall Spain Canada When The first week in June The last day of May July, Monday 18th Who His parents His best friends His cousin What Going hiking Going sightseeing Visiting some famous places in Beijing Going shopping Going sightseeing Going shopping going camping Watching bull-fight spending time on the farm rending videos at night going fishing going hiking sleeping a lot How long About one month Only two weeks Until September Transportation By plane and bus By boat and plane By plane and train ‎36. Who is going hiking this summer?‎ A.Mary B. Tom C. Alan D. A and C ‎37. What isn’t Tom doing for vacation?‎ A. Watching bull-fight B. Going shopping ‎ C. Going fishing D. Going sightseeing ‎38. Who can visit the s Palace Museum(故宫) this vacation?‎ A. Alan B. Tom C. Mary D. Nobody ‎39. Whose vacation is the longest (最长)?‎ A.Mary B. Tom C. Alan D. We don’t know ‎40. What’s the same transportation are they going to take?‎ A.Train B. Bus C. Boat D. Plane ‎ ‎ ‎ 选择题答案栏 ‎1‎ ‎2‎ ‎3‎ ‎4‎ ‎5‎ ‎6‎ ‎7‎ ‎8‎ ‎9‎ ‎10‎ ‎11‎ ‎12‎ ‎13‎ ‎14‎ ‎15‎ 题号 答案 题号 ‎16‎ ‎17‎ ‎18‎ ‎19‎ ‎20‎ ‎21‎ ‎22‎ ‎23‎ ‎24‎ ‎25‎ ‎26‎ ‎27‎ ‎28‎ ‎29‎ ‎30‎ 答案 题号 ‎31‎ ‎32‎ ‎33‎ ‎34‎ ‎35‎ ‎36‎ ‎37‎ ‎38‎ ‎39‎ ‎40‎ 答案 IV.交际英语(10分)完成对话.请注意有一项是多余的。‎ A. Do you sleep well? B. Do you do exercise?‎ C. Do you often have breakfast? D. What’s the matter, madam? ‎ E. You are not ill. F. When did you start?‎ A: __________41__________ ‎ B: I feel weak. I can hardly do any work, doctor.‎ A: __________42__________‎ B: A month ago.‎ A: Do you have a headache?‎ B: No, I don’t.‎ A: __________43__________‎ B: Yes, I sleep very well.‎ A: __________44__________‎ B: No, I don’t. And I have little food for lunch because I want to keep thin.‎ A: Oh, I see. ________45__________ You don’t need to take medicine. You need to eat more food and do some exercise every day. Then you can be better soon.‎ V.词汇填空(15分)‎ A、根据句意及汉语提示写出单词,并用起适当的形式填空.(10分)‎ ‎46. Please show me your (计划)of new term.‎ ‎47. Don’t be ____ __(生气) , he is a child only.‎ ‎48. They are talking about his ___ ___(病). ‎ ‎49. He ____ __(相信)he will be better soon.‎ ‎50. They are ___________________( 动身去) Paris next Sunday.‎ ‎51. What would you like to (喝)?‎ ‎52. Lily is very      (活跃) and she exercises every afternoon.‎ ‎53. I think going ___ __(远足) in the mountains is a good activity.‎ ‎54. I hope I can ____ _ (忘记) all my problem after I come back from my trip.‎ ‎55. There are some (区别)between the two girls. Do you think so?‎ B、根据所给单词的适当形式填空. (5分)‎ ‎56. My brother’s __ ___(write) habits are not good.‎ ‎57. Some boys play football two or three (time) a week.‎ ‎58. I (not think) so.‎ ‎59. My mother (have) a healthy lifestyle. She eats (little) junk food but more vegetables.‎ ‎60.You should (help) each other.‎ VI、任务型阅读(10分)‎ Tom is a little boy, and he is only seven years old. Once he goes to a cinema. It is the first time for him to do that. He buys a ticket and goes in. But after two or three minutes he comes out, and buys the second ticket and goes in again. After a few minutes he comes out again and buys the third ticket. Two or three minutes after that he comes out and asks for another ticket. But a girl asks him,“Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet?” “No, I have no friends here, but a big woman always stops me at the door and cuts up my ticket.”‎ 根据短文内容回答下列问题:‎ ‎61. How old is Tom?‎ ‎___________________________________.‎ ‎62. Is it the first time for him to go to the cinema?‎ ‎___________________________________.‎ ‎63. How many tickets does Tom buy before the girl asks him?‎ ‎___________________________________.‎ ‎64. Does Tom meet a few good friends of his that day?‎ ‎___________________________________.‎ ‎65. Is the big woman right (正确的)?‎ ‎___________________________________.‎ VII、书面表达(15分)‎ 阅读下列表格,假如你是Tom,说说你的日常活动情况,写一篇短文,并发表你的看法。‎ Activities How often do homework ‎2 hours a day watch TV only on the weekends Play sports Three times a week Practice English Every morning and every night Go shopping Once a month sleep ‎9-10 hours ‎                   ‎ ‎                                         ‎ ‎                                         ‎ ‎                                         ‎ ‎                                          ‎ ‎                                          ‎ ‎                                          ‎ 第一次月考参考答案 I、单项选择(20分)‎ ‎1-5:BCDAD   6-10:BCDCC  11-15:CDACB  16-20: BACAC II、完形填空(10分)‎ ‎21-25:DAACD 26-30:ACDBA III、阅读理解(20分)‎ ‎31-35 FFTFT   36-40 ACCCD IV、交际英语(10分)‎ ‎41-45DFACE V、词汇填空(15分)‎ A 46. plan 47. angry 48. illness 49. believes 50. leaving for 51. drink 52. active 53. hiking 54. forget 55. differences B 56. writing 57. times 58. don’t think 59. has less 60. help VI、任务型阅读(10分)‎ ‎61. He is seven years old.‎ ‎62. Yes, it is.‎ ‎63. Three tickets ‎64. No, he doesn’t.‎ ‎65. Yes, she is.‎ VII、书面表达(15分)‎ 答案(略):‎

