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八上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smokingSection A教学设计 The main activities are ‎1a and ‎3a. 本课重点活动是‎1a和‎3a。‎ Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 ‎1. Learn some useful words:‎ ‎ health, tonight, sleepy, meal, without ‎2. Learn some knowledge of healthy habits and unhealthy habits:‎ ‎ (1)Staying up late is bad for your health.‎ ‎ (2)—Is playing sports right after meals good or bad?‎ ‎—It’s bad.‎ ‎3. Get to know that it’s necessary for us to have healthy habits.‎ Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/幻灯片/多媒体课件/小黑板 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)‎ ‎1. (采用由浅入深的方式,复习Topic 1所学的关于表达疾病及建议方式。首先以师生问答的形式帮助学生回忆。)‎ T: Boys and girls, today I’m not feeling well. If I have a toothache, what should I do?‎ S1: You should go to see a dentist.‎ T: If I have a headache, what should I do?‎ S2: You’d better stay in bed and have a good rest.‎ T: If I have a cold, what should I do?‎ S3: You’d better go to see a doctor.‎ ‎…‎ T: You are very clever!‎ ‎(板书刚才学生说的建议。)‎ If I have a ‎ ‎, what should I do?‎ toothache headache cold ‎ ‎…‎ You should/shouldn’t … /You’d better (not) … /Why not …?‎ ‎(通过问题的进一步深入,引导学生说出更多的建议方式,最后由学生以对话形式表演出以上疾病和建议内容。)‎ ‎2. (由疾病话题,谈及如何保持健康,再过渡到生活习惯。通过调查几个学生的生活习惯,导入本话题。)‎ ‎ T: When we are ill, we feel terrible. So health is very important. If we have good living ‎ habits, we will be in good health. Do you think so?[‎ ‎ Ss: Yeah!‎ ‎ T: Now I will make a survey about your living habits. Would you mind answering?‎ ‎ Ss: Of course not.‎ T: What do you usually do before going to bed, S1?‎ ‎ S1: I usually watch TV.‎ T: Do you usually watch TV late?‎ S1: No, I don’t.‎ T: Very good. It’s good for your health. (重复health这个词。)‎ ‎(板书)‎ It’s good for your health.‎ be good for ‎ T: S2, what do you usually do before going to bed?‎ S2: I usually play computer games.‎ T: Do you always do that very late?‎ S2: Yes, I do. I like it very much.‎ T: Oh, It’s too bad. Staying up late is bad for your health.‎ ‎(解释并强化staying up late这个词组。)‎ ‎(板书)‎ Staying up late is bad for your health.‎ T: When are you going to bed tonight, S2? (重复tonight这个词。)‎ ‎(板书并用英文解释tonight。)‎ tonight S2: I’m going to bed at nine tonight.‎ T: Good. It’s good for your health.‎ ‎3. (通过图画展示一些生活习惯。然后教师让学生判断图画上表示的习惯是否有益健康。)‎ ‎ (教师可利用多媒体出示(1)一个学生晨跑的画面。(2)一个运动员不洗手就吃饭的画面。(3)一男孩吃饭囫囵吞枣的画面。(4)一男孩抽烟的画面。(5)一个学生早上做早操的画面。如果没有多媒体,教师可以直接表演动作或用出示图片的方式来导入。)‎ Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3 Picture 4 Picture 5‎ T: Let’s look at the screen. (Show pictures)‎ T: Is it good for your health?‎ Ss: Yes, it is./No, it isn’t.‎ T: (Show pictures) Is it good or bad for your health?‎ Ss: It’s good./It’s bad.‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:7分钟)‎ ‎1. (由生活习惯切入到主人公Kangkang的问题上来,设置听力任务。听‎1a录音。)‎ T: OK. This class let’s talk about healthy habits and unhealthy habits. Unhealthy habits are bad for our health, and they’ll make us ill or tired.‎ ‎(必要时,可解释unhealthy habit。)‎ T: Today, our friend, Kangkang, looks tired. What’s wrong with him? Now, please listen to the tape and find out the answers.‎ ‎(教师用多媒体或小黑板出示课前准备好的问题。)‎ ‎(1)What’s wrong with Kangkang today? Why?‎ ‎(2)What advice does Jane give Kangkang?‎ ‎(核对答案。)‎ ‎2. (让学生跟读‎1a,并找出关键词。)‎ T: Now open your books. Read ‎1a after the tape and find out the key words in the dialog.‎ ‎(收集信息时,可采用学生自愿举手发言的形式,也可抢答。教师板书关键词,为学生下一步自由表演做准备。)‎ ‎(板书)‎ look tired, headache, soccer game, stay up, late, be bad for …, feel better, tonight Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)‎ ‎1. (让学生根据板书的关键词,用自己的语言表演‎1a对话。巩固‎1a中呈现的重要短语。)[‎ ‎ T: Now please practice and act the dialog out in pairs, using the key words on the blackboard.‎ ‎ (教师走到学生中间指导。几分钟后,找一对同学到讲台前来表演。)‎ ‎ T: Well done!‎ ‎2. (在表演的基础上,通过教师对‎1a中主人公Kangkang的问题提问,学生回答,进一步强化对‎1a的理解。)‎ T: Now let’s talk about the story together. What causes Kangkang’s problem? What’s up? S2, please.‎ ‎(必要时,可用汉语解释本句。)‎ S2: He watched a soccer game on TV last night. He went to bed very late.‎ T: So he didn’t get enough sleep. What’s Kangkang’s feeling?‎ Ss: Kangkang is tired and has a headache.‎ T: Yes. Because Kangkang didn’t get enough sleep, he is tired and has a headache. Then what’s Jane’s advice for Kangkang, S3?‎ S3: Jane thinks staying up late is bad for his health. She asks Kangkang to go to bed early tonight.‎ T: You are very clever. Is Kangkang going to bed early tonight?‎ Ss: Yes, he is.‎ T: Very good. ‎ ‎(让学生自编对话,巩固‎1a对话中所呈现内容。)‎ T: Next, make a dialog according to ‎1a and the example of 1b.‎ ‎3. (可让学生看1b示范,两人一组完成1b。)‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)‎ ‎1. (看本节另一主人公王俊峰的生活事例,进一步练习关于生活习惯的一些短语,放2录音,完成2。)‎ T: Next, we’ll learn something about Wang Junfeng. Please open your books. Listen and check (√)your answers. How did Wang Junfeng get a headache?‎ ‎(核对答案。)‎ ‎2. (‎3a内容为我们进一步扩展了关于生活习惯的词汇及短语,让学生通过判断其中习惯的好坏,来学习和应用它们。)‎ T: Please look at ‎3a. Are these habits good or bad? If they are bad, write the good ones on the lines.‎ ‎ (一分钟后核对答案。)‎ ‎ (列出‎3a中出现的生词。板书并解释。)‎ fingernails, meals, without ‎ T: Let’s check the answers together. S1, please.‎ ‎ S1: Going to bed early. Good!‎ ‎ T: The next one, S2.‎ S2: Getting up late. Bad!‎ S3: Doing morning exercises. Good!‎ ‎…‎ S8: Brushing teeth twice a day. Good!‎ ‎(加大难度,由两人一组把以上习惯以选择疑问句的问答形式表现出来。)‎ T: Is getting up late good or bad for our health?‎ Ss: …‎ ‎3. (教师将全班分成四组,通过小组活动完成3b。)‎ ‎ T: Next, work in groups and list some other living habits. Then discuss whether these living habits are good or bad for our health. After the discussion, one of your group members needs to give a report in the front.‎ ‎4. (通过活动4,使大家在欢快的氛围中获得知识。)‎ ‎ (1)T: Class activities! Look at the screen again. Let’s chant following the tape.‎ ‎(放课件时,设计成连续播放四遍的效果。第一遍慢节奏的,每放一句chant,就展示一个小卡通画面,帮助学生理解句子。第二遍和第三遍按录音磁带的节奏播放,让学生跟读。第四遍只放伴奏,让学生们自己来chant,也可以击掌伴奏。)‎ ‎(2)T: Then let’s play an interesting game.‎ ‎(教师解释Musical Chair,并说明游戏规则:将五个凳子放在教室前面,摆成圆形。找六名自愿参加游戏的同学到前面来,围绕凳子站着,当教师播放chant时,六名学生顺时针围绕凳子慢跑;教师停止播放时,六名同学抢五把凳子,不许用手推人。没有抢到凳子的同学退出,并撤掉一把凳子。游戏继续,直到决出优胜者。)‎ ‎(教师要把握好时间。)‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)‎ ‎1. (教师提出问题,让学生以采访的形式收集答案。每次请4-6名学生帮助老师收集答案。)‎ T: You can walk around our classroom and help me find the answers. What is good for your health?‎ ‎(板书)‎ What’s good for your health?‎ T: Let me see who can get the most answers. Go!‎ S1: What’s good for your health?‎ S2: Doing morning exercises.‎ S1: What’s good for your health?‎ S3: Washing hands before meals.‎ S1: …‎ Sn: …‎ ‎(教师须限定时间,答案收集完成后,请收集答案的学生依次上讲台作汇报。对于收集答 案较多的同学,给予表扬。)‎ ‎(以同样方式完成问题What’s bad for your health?)‎ T: Well done! Thank you! Now let’s make another survey. The question is: What is bad for your health? begin!‎ S7: What’s bad for your health?‎ S8: Staying up late.‎ S7: What’s bad for your health?‎ S9: Going to school without having breakfast.‎ ‎…‎ ‎(必要时教师给予学生指点。)‎ ‎2. (学习生活常识,深化健康活动。)‎ ‎ T: You all did well today, boys and girls. So I will give you a gift now.‎ Ss: What?‎ T: An English song “Keeping Fit”.‎ ‎(教师可放幻灯片,也可写在黑板上。)‎ Keeping Fit Eat well for your breakfast,‎ Eat right for your lunch,‎ Eat a little for your supper,‎ You can always keep fit.‎ ‎(这首歌仍然可以采用大家熟悉的生日快乐歌的曲调。学生学起来容易。)‎ T: Let me sing this song for you, OK?‎ Ss: Yeah!‎ ‎… ‎ T: Do you like it?‎ Ss: Yes.‎ T: OK, this time follow me.‎ ‎(教师教唱两遍后,学生可以自己唱。)‎ ‎3. Homework: ‎ ‎(讨论你周围人们的生活习惯,判断他们的生活习惯是有益健康还是有害健康。)‎ 板书设计:‎ I must ask him to give up smoking.‎ Section A be good for It’s good for your health.‎ stay up late Staying up late is bad for your health]‎ give up I must ask him to give up smoking.‎ look tired I’m sorry to hear that.‎ ‎ You should go to bed early tonight.‎ 八上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking Section B教学设计 The main activities are ‎1a, 1b and 2. 本课重点活动是‎1a、1b和2。‎ Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 ‎1. Learn some useful words and expressions:‎ article, smoke, cause, cancer, give up, litter, energy, necessary, enough ‎2. Learn the modals for necessity: must, must not ‎3. Form good living habits.‎ Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 卡片/录音机/磁带/小黑板或幻灯片/挂图/多媒体 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:7分钟)‎ ‎1. (老师出示教学卡片或多媒体课件,复习学过的良好生活习惯及不良生活习惯。顺序混乱,让学生分出两类。)‎ ‎2. (以问候学生的方式,复习前面所学知识。通过师生问答的形式导入其他不良习惯,学习新知识。)‎ ‎ T: How are you feeling today?‎ ‎ Ss: Very well, thanks.‎ ‎ T: I’m glad to hear that. I think health is very important. Do you think so, class?‎ ‎ Ss: Yes.‎ ‎ T: What is good for your health, S1?‎ ‎ S1: Washing hands before meals.‎ ‎ Going to bed early.‎ ‎ Doing morning exercises.‎ ‎ S2: Brushing teeth twice a day.‎ ‎ S3: Keeping short fingernails.‎ ‎ T: What’s bad for your health? S4: Staying up late.‎ ‎ Keeping long fingernails.‎ ‎ S5: Going to school without breakfast.‎ ‎ Eating too many candies.‎ ‎ S6: Working too long.‎ T: Well done!‎ ‎(教师带头鼓掌,并竖起拇指给予赞扬。)‎ ‎2. (教师出示此课中新的不良习惯的图片。)‎ ‎ ‎ ‎(前两幅略讲,出示第三幅图导入新课。)‎ T: Is smoking good or bad?‎ Ss: Bad!‎ T: Oh, smoking is bad for our health. Why is it bad? Today we will learn a dialog, then we can get the answer from it. ‎ ‎(朗读对话‎1a,让学生快速找出生词,并猜测词义。教师要给予解释并领读。)‎ ‎(板书)‎ article, smoke, cause, cancer, give up ‎3. (学生熟悉单词后,让学生快速造句。特别强调give up后接名词或动名词的用法。)‎ ‎ T: Now, please look at this card, (卡片上写着词组) and make sentences.‎ ‎ …‎ ‎ give up ‎ ‎ S1: Don’t give up studying English.‎ ‎ S2: Give up smoking.‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)‎ ‎1. (设置听力任务,播放‎1a录音,完成听力任务。)‎ T: Listen to ‎1a and answer the following questions.‎ ‎(可用幻灯片或小黑板出示。)‎ ‎(1)Is smoking good or bad for his health?‎ ‎(2)What may smoking cause?‎ ‎(核对答案。)‎ ‎2. (再次播放‎1a录音,回答下列问题。)‎ T: Please listen to ‎1a again, and find out the answers.‎ ‎(1)Does Maria’s father smoke?‎ ‎(2)What does her father think of smoking?‎ ‎(3)Which part of our body is smoking bad for?‎ ‎(核对答案。)‎ ‎3. (跟读‎1a,让学生写出对话中的关键词及关键短语,复述对话‎1a。)‎ T: Now, please read it again. Then find out the key words or phrases in this dialog.‎ ‎(板书)‎ read in the sun, article, smoking, relax, be bad for health, teeth, yellow, cough, say, lung, cancer, terrible, ask, give up ‎ T: Close your books, and look at the key words on the blackboard and try to retell the dialog.‎ ‎4. (再读‎1a,让学生找出关键句型。)‎ ‎ T: Well done! Please find out the main points in ‎1a.‎ ‎(板书)‎ ask sb. to do sth.‎ ask sb. not to do sth.‎ must do sth.‎ give up doing sth.‎ Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)‎ ‎1. (巩固词组,灵活应用。)‎ ‎ T: Please make new sentences with “ask sb. to do sth./must do sth./give up doing sth.”.‎ ‎(个别提问即可。)‎ ‎2. (完成1b,教育学生养成良好的生活习惯。)‎ ‎ (让学生观看图片,进行正确连线,找几名学生读出连线后的完整句子。)‎ ‎3. (老师出示‎1c图片,让学生仔细观察图片,完成‎1c。)‎ ‎ T: OK. Next, look at the picture in ‎1c. Discuss with your partner and write some school regulations. ‎ ‎ (句子中有生词lawn,可适时讲解,该词只需了解,不需掌握。)‎ ‎ Example:‎ ‎ T: You must not climb trees. S1.‎ ‎ S1: Don’t climb trees!‎ ‎ T: You must not park. S2.‎ ‎ S2: Don’t park!‎ ‎…‎ ‎(然后,结合must, must not/don’t句式同学之间操练。)‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)‎ ‎1. (通过复述1b中的好习惯,出示2中图片,导入2。)‎ T: From 1b, we know some good habits, such as doing morning exercises, brushing your teeth twice a day, washing your hands before meals. What about other healthy habits? Now let’s look at the pictures.‎ ‎(在图片分析过程中,讲授新单词。)‎ T: What’s the boy doing?‎ Ss: He’s having breakfast.‎ T: Right. Breakfast gives us energy for the morning.‎ ‎(板书)‎ energy ‎…‎ ‎(用类似的方法教授necessary, enough。)‎ ‎2. (播放2录音,先跟读模仿,后让学生独立阅读。)‎ ‎3. (看图,复述2。分组进行,评出优胜组。)‎ ‎4. (根据所学内容,完成3。)‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:10分钟)‎ ‎1. (让学生写班级行为规范,进一步强化日常用语。)‎ T: Now, please take out a piece of paper. Write down the regulations in our class.‎ ‎(教师巡回指导,5分钟后找学生读所写内容。)‎ ‎(附:)Don’t talk loudly in the classroom.‎ You must not throw litter about.‎ You must not talk in class.‎ You must not eat in the classroom.‎ Don’t play in the classroom.‎ T: Very good! If you obey the rules you write, our class will be better.‎ ‎2. (将学生分成几大组,每两人一小组。分别表演一些行为举止和生活习惯,并且用英文表述,由另外的学生加以肯定或劝阻并说明理由。准备三分钟,然后请几组学生到讲台前面表演。对话中应用到be good for …, be bad for …, You mustn’t …/Don’t … 等结构。然后选出最佳表演奖,最佳口语奖。发几块糖果给以奖励,并幽默地说,Well done! The candies are the prizes for the winners. Eating too many candies are bad for your teeth, so I can’t give you too many.)‎ ‎3. Homework:‎ ‎ (根据你所积累的个人卫生习惯的相关知识,结合本节课所学的must, must not/don’t的用法,分别写出至少五条健康的和不健康的生活习惯,并运用到实际生活中。)‎ 板书设计:‎ I must ask him to give up smoking.‎ Section B give up doing sth. Smoking is bad for your health.‎ throw about It may cause cancer.‎ ‎ to do sth. I must ask him to give up smoking.‎ ask sb. You mustn’t read in the sun.‎ ‎ not to do sth. Don’t stay up late at night.‎ ‎ do sth. Breakfast gives us energy for the morning.‎ must ‎ not do sth.[‎ 八上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking Section C教学设计 The main activities are ‎1a, ‎2a and 2b. 本课重点活动是‎1a, ‎2a和2b。‎ Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 ‎1. Learn some useful words and expressions:‎ disease, itself, might, empty, stomach, get into, human, body, through, illness, air, sour, tidy, sweep, in public ‎2. Go on learning modals for giving advice and modals for necessity:‎ ‎ (1)We should keep the air fresh.‎ ‎ (2)We shouldn’t drink sour milk.‎ ‎ (3)We must keep our bodies clean.‎ ‎3. Talk about personal hygiene:‎ ‎ (1)We should keep our bodies clean.‎ ‎ (2)We shouldn’t keep long fingernails.‎ ‎ (3)We must wash our hands before meals.‎ Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 录音机/磁带/图片/多媒体课件/小黑板/挂图 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)‎ ‎1. (由师生问候,过渡到询问学生的早餐状况。关注学生健康,自然而然地进入生活习惯的复习。)‎ T: How are you today?‎ Ss: Fine, thanks. And you?‎ T: Me, too. Did you have breakfast, S1?‎ S1: Yes.‎ T: I’m glad to hear that. Going to school without breakfast is bad for your health. Health is ‎ ‎ important for us.‎ ‎2. (老师出示教学卡片或多媒体课件,复习上节课所学有利健康和不利于健康的生活习惯。让学生分出两类,分组汇报。)‎ T: Let’s look at the living habits in the pictures. Tell healthy habits from unhealthy ones and say them out in English. First, healthy ones. Group 1, please.‎ G1: Wash your hands before meals.‎ ‎ Brush your teeth twice a day.‎ ‎ Do morning exercises.‎ ‎ Drink enough water every day.‎ ‎ Go to bed early and get up early.‎ T: Well done! Then unhealthy habits. Group 2, please.‎ G2: Read in the sun.‎ ‎ Stay up late at night.‎ ‎ Throw litter about.‎ ‎ Go to school without breakfast.‎ ‎ Watch TV too late.‎ ‎ Keep long fingernails.‎ ‎3. (复习must, mustn’t。再次出示图片,用must, mustn’t陈述图片内容。)‎ ‎ T: If we want to keep healthy, what must we do and what mustn’t we do?‎ ‎ (依次出示图片,让学生回答。)‎ S1: We must wash hands before meals.‎ S2: We must brush teeth twice a day.‎ S3: We mustn’t read in the sun.‎ S4: We mustn’t throw litter about.‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:10分钟)‎ ‎1. (由不健康的习惯过渡到疾病——头疼,进行一项关于此项疾病的调查,以此完成‎1a中 导读问题并完成生词的呈现。)‎ T: Unhealthy habits cause diseases. A headache is one kind of diseases.‎ ‎(板书disease,学生根据上下文猜测词义。)‎ disease T: Do you often get headaches, S1?‎ S1: Sometimes.‎ T: Do you know what causes headaches?]‎ S2: I don’t know.‎ T: Never mind. I think the reasons are a lot, such as working too hard, a fever and so on. How do you feel when you don’t get enough sleep?‎ S3: I feel sleepy and have a headache.‎ T: You might get a headache if you don’t get enough sleep.‎ ‎(重复might并板书,用may解释。)‎ might ‎(将‎1a中其余生词以此启发问答形式呈现出来。)‎ ‎2. (播放‎1a录音,让学生为文章确定标题。学生汇报结果并说明理由,可复述‎1a中重点语句以此佐证。教师可将一些重点短语板书在黑板上。)‎ a pain in your head, don’t get enough sleep, on an empty stomach Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:8分钟)‎ ‎1. (听‎1a录音并跟读,提示学生注意语音语调。)‎ ‎ T: Listen to ‎1a and repeat. Pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation.‎ ‎2. (把握关键词,掌握复述技巧。)‎ T: Please try to talk about the passage in your own words. You can look at the key words on the blackboard.‎ Example:‎ I know a headache isn’t a disease. There is something wrong with our health …‎ ‎(及时鼓励学生,增强学生信心。)‎ ‎3. (完成1b,巩固‎1a中重点短语。并核对答案。)‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:10分钟)‎ ‎1. (阅读‎2a,呈现不健康的原因。)‎ ‎ T: Look at the pictures in ‎2a and read these sentences. Please find out the new words, then look them up in the word list.‎ ‎ (几分钟后,提问个别同学。)‎ ‎ (板书)‎ germ, get into, human, body, through, skin, illness T: These pictures show how germs make us sick. Now please listen to the tape and repeat.‎ ‎ (放‎2a录音,对学生有难度的句子可以多次播放并讲解。) ‎ ‎2. (让学生读‎2a,画出关键词。)‎ ‎ T: Please find out the key words.‎ ‎ (找学生板书出关键词。教师核对。)‎ germs, get into, cause, diseases,‎ through, the nose/the mouth/the skin,‎ have an illness ‎ T: Now close your book. Let’s talk about these pictures. You can use the key words on the blackboard.‎ ‎(可用幻灯片或课件或挂图展示‎2a。)‎ ‎3. (总结‎2a,引出生病的几种途径。)‎ ‎ T: Let’s find out the ways of becoming sick, please.‎ ‎ (板书)‎ ‎(1)through the nose ‎(2)through the mouth ‎(3)through the skin ‎4. (展示2b图片,了解预防疾病的措施。)‎ ‎ T: Look at the pictures. Please talk about what we should do to fight germs. Make sure to use “We should/should not …” and “We must/must not …”‎ ‎ T: What should we do to fight germs?‎ ‎ S1: We should keep the air fresh.‎ ‎ S2: We shouldn’t eat bad food.‎ ‎ S3: We shouldn’t drink sour milk.‎ ‎ S4: We should keep our bodies clean.‎ ‎ S5: We must wash our hands before meals.‎ ‎ S6: We mustn’t keep long fingernails.‎ ‎ S7: We must tidy our rooms and sweep the floor often.‎ ‎ S8: We mustn’t spit in public.‎ ‎(个别图片中含有生词,需要及时讲解并板书。)‎ air, sour, tidy, sweep, spit, in public Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:7分钟)‎ ‎1. (展开想象,扩大知识面。鼓励学生自由发挥,将本节所学有关建议的及表示必要性的情态动词,个人卫生习惯等知识点,按教师所提供话题进行综合运用。)‎ ‎ T: Let’s discuss what else we should do to fight germs.‎ ‎ (尽量脱离课本,最好不要与课文内容重复。)‎ ‎ Example:‎ ‎ We should do morning exercises every day.‎ ‎ We should not throw litter about.‎ ‎ We must eat more fruit and vegetables.‎ ‎ We must not go to bed too late.‎ ‎ (教师巡视并指导,看谁发挥得较好。挑出几名同学编出思路清晰、逻辑性强的短剧,即兴表演出来。教师给以鼓励、肯定,使学生在运用语言的过程中增强自信,继续保持学习英语的兴趣。)‎ ‎2. Homework:‎ T: Now let’s discuss what we should do to fight headaches.‎ ‎ Example:‎ We shouldn’t work too hard.‎ We must get enough sleep.‎ We must not exercise on an empty stomach.‎ ‎(要求学生用讨论的结果完成表格,作为家庭作业。)‎ How to fight headaches Should Shouldn’t Must Must not 板书设计 I must ask him to give up smoking.‎ You can also get a headache when you exercise on an empty stomach.‎ We can get into the human body and cause diseases.‎ We should often tidy our rooms and sweep the floor.‎ Section C on an empty stomach ‎ get into cause diseases nose mouth skin through the 八上仁爱版英语Unit 2 Topic 2 I must ask him to give up smoking Section D教学设计 The main activities are 1, 2 and 4. 本课重点活动是1, 2和4。‎ Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands 教学目标 ‎1. Learn some names of food and some other useful words:‎ than, wealth, less, meat, choose, all kinds of, sausage, strawberry, beef, cabbage, tomato, watermelon, sandwich ‎2. Go on learning what are healthy eating habits:‎ ‎(1)Good health is more important than wealth.‎ ‎(2)Food gives us energy.‎ ‎(3)We must have enough food to keep healthy.‎ ‎(4)We must have the right kinds of food.‎ ‎(5)Different foods help us in different ways.‎ ‎(6)It’s necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.‎ ‎3. Improve the students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.‎ ‎4. Summarise the grammar focus and useful expressions in the topic.‎ Ⅱ. Teaching aids 教具 小黑板/图片(食物类)/录音机/磁带/多媒体课件 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan 五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复习(时间:10分钟)‎ ‎1. (以陈述班规形式复习must, mustn’t, should, shouldn’t的用法。)‎ T: What must we do in class?‎ S1: We must listen to the teacher carefully in class.‎ S2: We must study hard and think hard.‎ ‎…‎ T: What should we do in our class?‎ S1: We should help each other S2: We should keep our classroom clean and tidy.‎ ‎…‎ ‎(鼓励学生两人一组互动问答,复习mustn’t/ shouldn’t …。)‎ ‎2. (由班规联想到生活中一些习惯,与疾病关联起来。引导学生以how to keep healthy为话题自由讨论,内容包括本话题所涉及的重要词汇、短语、语句,提高学生对语言的综合运用能力。)‎ T: These rules are very good. If we all obey the class rules, we will study better. As the same reason, if we have good habits, we’ll keep healthy and live better. Do you think so?‎ Ss: Yes.‎ T: Next, let’s talk about“How to keep healthy”with the language points we learned in this topic.‎ ‎(给学生准备时间,挑选几组学生到前面示范。)‎ ‎3. (由上述健康话题,过渡到健康的饮食习惯。)‎ T: Did you have breakfast this morning? Going to school without breakfast is bad for our health. What did you have for breakfast? What kind of food do you like?‎ Ss: …‎ ‎(根据学生的回答,出示相应的食物图片。学生边回答,教师边板书,学习新单词。)‎ sausage, strawberry, cabbage, sandwich, beef, tomato, potato chips, watermelon, all kinds of, eggplant T: There are so many kinds of foods, vegetables and fruits. What should we eat?(导入1。)‎ Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现(时间:8分钟)‎ ‎1. (阅读1,找出主题句。掌握阅读技巧,提高阅读能力。)‎ T: Now read 1, then answer the question:“What’s the topic sentence of the passage?”‎ ‎(由健康的重要,导入正确饮食的重要。教师出示小黑板上的问题,让学生带着问题阅读1。)‎ ‎(1)What must we have to keep healthy?‎ ‎(2)What should we eat?‎ ‎(3)What can help make us strong?‎ ‎(4)What can make us sick?‎ ‎(5)What’s necessary for us to do?‎ ‎ (核对答案。)‎ ‎2. (让学生听1录音,跟读,并找出新单词。教师教授新单词。)‎ T: Now please listen to 1 again and repeat. Then find out the new words.‎ ‎(板书)‎ than, wealth, less, meat, choose ‎3. (让学生听1录音并认真阅读,提炼关键词。)‎ T: Now read 1 again and find out the key words and phrases.‎ ‎(板书)‎ food——energy——enough food——keep healthy——have the right kinds of food——eat more——eat less——wrong food——sick——necessary Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固(时间:10分钟)‎ ‎1. (阅读1,判断习题正(T)误(F)。)‎ T: Please read 1 carefully and finish the exercise in it.‎ ‎ (核对答案:1. F 2. F 3. T 4. F)‎ ‎2. (根据关键词,让学生复述短文。)‎ T: Please look at the key points on the blackboard and then retell the text.‎ ‎3. (出示小黑板上的填空题,训练学生的听力。)‎ T: Listen to the tape again, and then complete the passage on the small blackboard according to the listening.‎ ‎ As we know, good health is ________ ________than wealth. Food gives us ________, so we must have _______ ________ to keep healthy. Of course, we must also have the _______ ________ of food. We should eat more ________ and ________ and meat. A glass of _______and an ________ a day can help make us ________. Different foods help us in different ways. But if we eat ________ ________ or ________ ________ , or if we ________ the wrong food, we may become sick. It’s ________ for us to have heathy eating habits.‎ ‎(核对答案。)‎ ‎ T: Open your books and check the answers by yourselves.‎ Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习(时间:12钟)‎ ‎1. (展示2中的食物图片,将其分类加强单词记忆。)‎ T: Look at these pictures in 2. Divide the foods into different kinds.‎ ‎(多媒体课件呈现。)‎ Meat Vegetables Fruit ‎2. (根据生活常识,判断刚才所学的食品哪些是健康食品,哪些是不健康食品。)‎ T: Now can you tell me which are healthy foods and which are unhealthy foods? Please complete the table below.‎ ‎(可再次挂出食品图片。)‎ Healthy food Unhealthy food ‎3. (将所学食品按照可数与不可数名词进行分类。)‎ countable nouns uncountable nouns ‎4. (听2录音,让学生完成练习,核对答案。)‎ ‎5. (四人一组,进行自主学习,每人负责归纳整理一个Section的重点句型与词组,最后四人将结果合并在一起,向全班汇报。汇报完后,教师将学生的结果与‎3a、3b进行对照,然后放‎3a、3b录音,让学生跟读。)‎ Step 5 Project 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:5分钟)‎ ‎1. (完成4,深化本课内容。)‎ ‎ T: Please do 4 by yourself, then give a report to our class!‎ ‎ (让学生根据选项对自己进行评价,教师可适当解释。)‎ ‎2. Homework:‎ ‎ (1)根据4的内容,写一篇如何保持健康的短文。‎ ‎(2)为自己和自己家人列一份一周均衡的营养食谱。‎ Day Meal Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Breakfast Lunch[‎ Supper 板书设计:‎ I must ask him to give up smoking.‎ Section D What’s up? You must …/You mustn’t …‎ on the lawn You should …/You shouldn’t …‎ keep healthy Good health is more important than wealth.‎ ‎ We must have enough food to keep healthy.‎ ‎ It’s necessary for us to have healthy eating habits.‎

